CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Dec 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COINTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. XI-No. 10. My fail anîd winter sampleis are in and a fluer line you will not flnd. Cali and examne thein hefore placing youir order. I wilI guarantee satimfaction ini style, fit and îîîality. lrices are right, too. FRED CROKER LIBERTYVILLES TAILOR. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, 'yPfVIO* over trigge & Taylore.. iW msIto leL16.'a te 4 and i. to SP. nm e On lBroadway, Oppomite Park. ,W".rtyvi lie -Illinois. Dr. E. H. S MIT H. Office over Lake Cou nty Bank »Mm: e to12a. m. and 1tol8i. nm. DAIL! ,,Uberyville - Illnois. r.C. R. GALLOWAY OWftio.ov*r LovsUs' Drus Store. 1OV 5-f om 3 âni L ô t-1@ap nm. ,4JbervyviIle - llinois. Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, Of Chiaso ha@ oP.ned a DEIMTAL OFFICE eaa eytBo*. r f BillIà 1)6«3' store ~5 ato fed regularly on Wednoo- ems& . t10&:-lup M. 1,11cyvIler - Illinois. yuPhlolan and Surgeon, ertyvlle - Illinois. 0. O. . BTTRFIELD AssandStts oerlrerlen kjetyvlle - Illinois. LAKE COUNTY adLISERTYVILLE RE-AL ESTATE liaving a nuuiber of inquirlea for reni e tai. bereaboute 1 de,ire t10 lIaI prop- ortY Of M1boee wantug to seil. Have nome mpl1endid bargatus for I'n vers D. C. LORIMER, Libertle - Illinis cake ao fa mk, WRIGHT DYMO)NO & Co.., Libertyvlle. Illinois. ISBUes Interel Bearing Certifi- cates Payable on Demand. Indlviduai responslbillty, $ 100,000. C-arrnages furnlshed on onde r. Lady assiâtant If dosred. EDW. F. STUENKEL, Funorai Director. Everett -- Mlinois. 'l.oJan i P. Hardware and Furniture A Complete and Up- to-date line al- ways on hand. PIIOTOGRAPIIER .. Work noaîly and proinptly done, and fully warranted M. W. HUGHES, GEORGE VOGEL, Wauconda - I-llinois. AUCIONEER. a do Auctions et any place Northem Illnois. %ation Guananteedi Monoy Refunded. W. H. APPLEY, AIJCTIONEER. Libertyvilie - Illinois. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTt ai My Exponse ta Solon Mills, for Dates. ÇOLN'LUSK, AUCTIONEER. 0»»a. Rockefeller, Illinois. mear Swan, Schooihouse. *olMpbtgmuking a sale [i orsIdre. su i yl gsuer P~Mê Opli 36-Smo p M I WA" ?AuN 'URER 0F Marbie Granite MONUMEN rS t'EMETEhIY WOIII OF DESICRIPTION. Correipuundenae luseose ut. Libertyville, Lake County, IllinQi,..Friday, December 12, 1902. BITTER STREET RAIL WÀY FIliDT. Weukegan Counclîmen T ura Roue on street Grabbera. There la wax lan1the municipallîy of Wsnkegau, bitter and ebcitlng. 19la thoecltizons sud Waukegaa Foi Lake Elcigrle rallroad compan> vs. 1the C. à 16. Electrlo road. Th1e couneil te. cently granted the Foi Lake fine a franchise over Washlagtoa trel. Flse C. & Ml. eocclrc alread>' have a sîngle track on 11*1 trMent as faras Wes1 streel, aSd caIm Ibîr original franchte permîtath 1e ereclloa or anotber truck parailel vlth 111t1i preseat Ilu ne, the laylng of vbich s econd track vould effeclual> block tle Fei Laie electrla froni enteriug th1e cit>' over Washington stract. Saturday t11e C. & id. electrlo peuple endeavorefi 10 la> the second Irack la qnealloa, preclpitatlag a lîvel>' 11<11 und onl>' deaialed vlien connclîmen preseat ordered a lie plag opened sud th1e bons lurned on vorkmen la th1e icI of îeaîlng up tbe streol pro- paratory 10 laylng lies and rails. Th1e fail force of th1e clty flice preneurs vas on anSd1the vorkmen voe. scattered, tumbling over before th1e torent. Engîneer <larrlty, la &"ago of 1the vonk endeavored tu argue the malter. Oace 1be got la front ofthe1enouf ath1e bons T1en hoe vas drenched. Hla bat vent ulying acros the clreol, but ho vasg gnie. Hie made a rush ai 111e lire plng and snatcbod sa.>th1e vrencb. 1711e man at th1e plug vent aller hlm aud a rough and tamble flght toat place, lu vbieb the eaglaeer bant the vronch anS the valet vas agala tuineS on. A large ctovd b.d gatbered and excilemeut vas Intense. Finally aller the voninien bad, been drîven off, 1the crovd 0f onlooiers soîzed bolS of the nevl>' laid Iracka anS hoitol i11em off 10 one aide. Tbon 1thetles ver. Iota up and 111ey llloved the rails. A laugbable Incident ccre durlag 111e liglit betveen Engineer GaJui1>'and 1the gsuardlan ofrthe.lire plag. Attorney' Cha". Whitney vas paslng a& 1the lime. se ezolaimed -'I iîmaud 1the peai" ad started tu seperato 1the men. HBeipped on 1the eaov and fell fiat on bis bocS or ia cake of ici Ivo meu vers carring Itb Bollsoas 'ading alors. lir. Whitney got up, laughed and reenmed bis va>' homevard, couvincod ho b.d uavil. ingîF assuincd au undigulllsi a Imdlerous n S au judge. Botb itreet car companien kept a nuaiber of reprceuetalives congiuually on th1e "Oe of contention ail Sitar. day Digbî, Suuday sud Suada>' night. Th1e cIl>' couacil bolS meetings at mldnlghît itarday, *gain Sanda>', Moaday mornlng and Monda>' nigbt la an ondeavor 10 devise moto@ of block- lag th1e C. & M. electrie'n endeavÔr tu la>' another tracS on Wasbiugto;n sîtreel, finali> b>' unanimons voie adopting a resolation declaulag aU rights grantod 1the compan>' la 1896, vith rolerenoe 10 aonstmnctlng a second track oa Wasbington treet, farfelled. A Waukegau piper Monda>' sized up1 tie sîtnalon thug:1 Th" Chicago aud Mlwaukee Elcotrlc rail- vit. never i popular courera las b tsîtî Iii', artione ln attempled ntreet gallîng ,iade Itsesî alOi more uspopular. il la lthe genenil opinion of ths people o! Wautegsn tht vlalver riaIts ths raid baal to litsa second Inc ln cat Washinu li)n assI v ers long ago lbat tIroughlalpes.. Nult untîl anoher roiS vished the une of the airees diS 1the Mlvaukee lins bgin tu asert icnrIIt 10 lit anot ier traci. jto gay ve annot lay 1111r. Il "Thatla VIIM FIOTL IRRR about it" replled Tyrreil. Muk~spoie1 IT O TE RO. a word en fis forman and the #lievon &t i ogged It la place vau arro~dt suad Chc o IeT . aIm3ait ath1e Éaime Imitant Au. me. Ciao-ieTa) Deîmottîand otlerasaluait the, Un ad tfirev l0auto the car Wmcka dspîle T. N",locumof Lake Coaaty. vasaone th1e efforts of a street ralwsày emploe. Of 1the victie of th1e Lincola Boltltire W preveattebnt la Chicago Thuraday of lutI veek. The vorkman arrachawuI V ai 1151 rlday Chas. Bulkley Ftilocumg faîer- Joyce. He vas bleiele t justce s lali, of l.lberlyville, aad tU dertaker Weiss' d(leviiere as'Warrant; vas Heathb ve, nt ChOicago and brougut tasuied ad 1te trial vu. lmîlately 1the remains ta Mr. Hlkley's homne, hald. Chas. Whitney, atlomacy for later Saktog thent tb Wauoonda vhers th1e rallroad company. app>erod for On Suaday fanerai servicesver. held Joyce. lau1he Baptlat chnrcb, vhich voe Chief of Police Grecnge ficd $0 attended by à large gathsring of Joyce diggiag la the eslnd vîi plitfriendsansd acqnalntaaces of deoeased. and eaboveai and Éemptjug 60 juy a 1The eiLact patîcalara of Mr.,Slocumlo rallroad Le. Thils snd IWO.le, C11ap. death are of course largely conjecture, 32 of 1the ievîsed Ordlm i ro In fctlslu 1the case belng onobtaînable. City of Wankegan, anduste l» rovis- NlOcuni Occopled a room on 1the 101111 O!fvIjli le arent vas mfade, fourth loor of 1the hotel, but bhé, body vas th1e oaiy 'vldeno oferel, Do vas fouadnunder a bod la rooni 313 on Leslimoay being preseulcd for 1the the tblrd floot. l la pregumed tat defena. auPOn avakealng and disoovering 1the Justice Weiss asiemescd t mini- building ta bc on tie h e asued Co muni fdne 0ff$5t00ad ioMl. An op. leave bis rooni. DenseSmoke Irn. peul vas ai once taklea te thc CircuIt pelled hlm 10o grasp a abeet and wrMp Conrt, 8nperlnteadont Mauk et tbh eabout big face en preveat suffocation. railroad oompany belagg Sogplel as Be made bis vay &long th1e bsllvay snrety on Joyce'@ bond. 1 and dowva s liigb orfÉtendre. Seelng a This ended 1the laclsut, lute 1111111lu Ithe bonimeallonel 1he preseal, ai least, for IMm*distaîy barrIeS ln, vbere te vas gronplug aller 1the trilith1e voiS carsand men about aIn tueadeavor go locale a returned 10 Hlgbvood. vlndov, vhen overoomae. When fon 19 la eviden1 1the treet car oompeay hoe vas pon bis ibandeanld Iue«, lhe accoaiplilsbcd vhat tbey desired, 1Lashoet stlil vrapped about bis face, liel th1e motter beloretetcourts. whiie but a fev foel mvay vas the Thelir vbili action vas but a abrevd wiadow Le vas aîrlving 10 îesch ad plece of aparrinfi for loes)pIition. hîd he dome go, coald have alepped ilqju lqcle sEvou. Ont0 au adjoinlug roof aud bean sared. Tunday allernoon a tenpoearytla- He vas overcome mast se1the moment jonction vas aerved on &" o. & M. escape seemed possible. etecîrle oompany uel by Jndge Deceased vau for jeatrs an Implemeul Donaelly sud asked by #hom iz Lake dealer, mantainiag boaiquarters at coupany. Th1e poîlite jatmared Wauoonda ad Lîbertyville, anS Ibal 1the iaylng 011the MMP4track havlag an extensive acquasntano., vonld ho a gre&t obstele'.a ibulr iFox througboul 1the couuly. 0f laIe Ihs laiehUe aldIl vs. on Sibalt1the .d bcen lnlereated lu111e nasin 01 Jndge ,used 1the papers. lande acar Calsle, AnS., and ovuel Thun 1the culiro mattic,now reste Ivwo ranches ncar Lttle Bock. Be bal vl eh1the courts, ana spotaîOsuton qnatera ant1the fat stock ahov la of the trouble assured. OlilOagO lent vieS vhere ho vas advertîlng sud oxhilblg11te pioduol SUER VISOR MASO, YI*ICÂTEI> of Aikansas lands. Amoug his effocis vote fouad contracta amounllng ta Sapervîsore Vote te *PUblieh several housand dollars. Lttlec Nain.of 1 . . ~ money vas Ou hie pinson sud Ibis ceiv. CounyW 4., s*eeme tage a 1e feaerally Ouriied a oousidrable Mfontt. Wednesday morming tWb lise m emntbuuml lu tlos aseson a04 a a lm u of pour vbo reocîvo ad re hc usonss ohd s aoutY alippOar i h B Bd' e lmmedlalely replled 8slg bila- proceediaga as publabed lun1the L.4tEself ',Uasystemallc locum," and COI'NTY 1NDEPENORr<T, officiai paper therealler ail bis slationery and sd- of 1the coant>'. vertlslng vas so algued, bis self styled This .malter lias beeu discusedeltille ln lime belug uted largely 11>'bia repealedl>', andS tipervîsortia0on, Of frleudeansd busnss aisaccltaleanS Vernon, vbo lad 1the forces fsvorlng alvaya b>' hlmself. He vas of 1the publication vattsubjectedto aaceurilong sîreauoos type, progresstive, incessant- attack by 1the Waukegan à'scteily active and wlLhmi uneystematte. Il short t'ue mince, vhon Ibal P&POr vaslas-len beeu trul>' saIa of tIr. induer the Whtney reginie, becauge 0f lloconi Ibat had 11e ombiaed dis- lis positioa la elle malter. Mr. Mason olplue aud »saem vîlli Lis onergy anS briS 111a1 1the Boards@ PnOOcedigs tact bc vonîd have accummulaîed a aboula la ever>' detait 1bemade public large fortune. As Il lin11e leavesaa Shrough the publication 0f oMfciai coniforlable osl. proceedînga, and 1the boards ain l. lie vas a man generoni lu a faut, hie. vladlcatlou. hi@ peculiar lmpetionalîy predomînalos Bereaflerthie aimes vili appear lu by s hindi>', lovlng disposition, and th1e INOS'.EPfllENT i l couecîloa v1111hose wvbo lmevhlm besl bore hlm 1the th1e Officiai proceediago. grealest affection. Hfie chldlike nry Fir Dep i Deb. corduIliîYvas slriklng and bespokc Mcliery Fur Dee lu D hie remarkable confidence lu bis feliov Th1e Harvard Herala lait veok la min.lie vonîd oei machinai>' 10 spekInlg of th1e annual meeting of th1e fumers elmply on Ibeir promise go agnicullural soolel>' of Ibal county paY vhen tbey could and lu mauy sala: ca~se@tome , on , nat. -fo H&YInz therelore no mors nîortîs bthe "Th1e Baltement 0f Secteat>'Arnold Atreet. and ths rouneîl. bellevina as niorh. revealed a Rad condition o! affaira, livinsloe a naîht to the Fox Lais 'ompabYto ferlaieItsrack thns the Mi)- Dammel>' "bat the Society' in Over- waukffllllia vs lt1he vroog in mima 1,0evbelmlugly ln debt: 1t1.1 deble sggre- lui, a trani of a sudden. gating $-5000 are onlatanding and vith The People sver aient te hir ruilhsand11eoce>ru doaIl nlig fnvorlna the Fox Laie rompant as an aIS h oit u onf aiiyhn t01the li trieS frtInte10@top the track-larins but a promising oatbook.' lî peaceeul foiral moane. This faing and 000. A. Hunt vas elected iqecretar>' as lime vas flyleg and tir traci vas sons lu place of tMr. Arnod. Fred Baicb dovu thsy di naît vhat wvasloft Io de and vas re-eleefl president, Fremoul Boy stoppeS the tracn latieg b>' main tone Th1e people o e rs Ia ndS sI taen . ressorer and C. F. Lîie general lkethîs, taSytoe0iginbheIn mîght snd superlalendeal. rOdais Imposition Waukeuan le sale. If the Mlvaukee road thînie il stilî bae a Two Reuidenices Destnoyed by rilcht to lir aaother trank on Easst Wa8tila. Fic ai Lake Bluff. ton treet île rourte ansopen fon a pes- fui seutlement Offlt; point. The homes o! A. N. Gnanda N. zTEOTHR S S0E 0F TT. BroderikaetLaie Bluff voie burucd In an Interview, *fler lue tracas 10 the ground Tuesday aiteraoon Mrt. Front, of the C. J. M. electril rosI abovt 4 o'clock. lit. Gnonnauslael sali:-I c onsulteS Mayor Fluer rela- s total leuslir. BroderieS aireS ilIr e 10startlng vork lauiagthie second aoarly aIl hie furulînne. Iraci and Mayor Fluer Informel 1The lire 4tarted lu the1e nadence a! me tît fil vas mlot necesaary t0 secare Mi. Ounuu Who keope a store lan1the a permitl ta go abiS dand So IbsI vork village. No one vas lan1the honne aI a% buch companlea as the Oas Comi- 111e ime and th1e tire la supposeS 10 pactes, Eleutrlo Lght Compautes and have been tarlel by t1he bouse 50< othoersdo not secure permîls 10ts ar tipping over au oh]alovs up shtst. Acting on tis, vo St5rbed W1eu dîscovered t11e filmnes lied vaiS. We ve advtaed I>' oui Chil- gine snoab beadvmy thalt ail Ihî cgoatatorneys sud I.y Whitney & could bce doue van te save adjolning Upton tatve have th1e righlta la>' bonses, but the. resideuce af Mr. that track under thelorglnai ordlcaace liroderick, uho la a loreman on 1the advili bave 1i; for elauin ears. Chicagoad Milwaukee Electrlo, tacà Accordingl>', laving thstl nigbt vo 100 close and vas dIstroyed though abali ceîlaloly la>' the tracis as ve mont 0f 1the contents were savoîl. No tarled tea" one vas hurt. MA'tTUele ov île COUS?. Th1e honi@ets loabotit a blocS OacI Tuenday moainng th1e C. & M. elscîrlc of the C. & N. W. depot and the flie vas people agaiu attempteil 10 lay rails loi plaints seen b>' p.opleo onth1e passîng the Second tracS on Washington @troc&. trains. Aldermen, police and sa1big crovd of The Pridseof Haro.. clîlsens gaîlisiel &bout Ibm vorkmmu. Mauy> soldiera in th1e lent var vraie %'DoU'g attempt ID197lagilat lie," tu &&y thjat forscratchbes, briass, cus &&Id AmI. Oief T7rrall lin Supt. vouaIs, corna, soue test, and sUf tiaîok sas thelatter gave Instructions Joints, Bacil@ns Aulns Salve la the to etsa tc l atrech repedfor besS lu the vorld. Bis ofor burus, ta pt aîlela truobpiosr 1 sule, bolls, uoes, skia cruptions il on 1the uortb aide cf thé eionsll amplies. Iî cur"s orno pay. OJY M, tra*. * 'lee«sa at , oe ateryii Mir, M*k riaflU '1o ymmM 1 0* nff keeplng Ibeir obligations was univer. aliy couceded as 115. lHe lrusted evenybod>' asudllarge imounta o! moue>' lu consequeuce. Yet ail boy lu reverence 1le1the memory of titis large boulteS, îrnating, coufidlng man. Were ail men as GoS ileuded Mr. Biocnm'aI mplicit fluth vould ual have beau mispîscedsosuoften and 10 bis finaucslas .. A vile. iesidiog wltb ber parents, lin. anSdlira. Chas. Sule>'at Liberty'- ville, and a moîlier aud &Jeter, living il Waaconda survive deceasod. DIES FROM WIISKEY AND COLO Michael Foley, of Highland P'ark, Succumba to Coin- blacd Influences.. Coroner 'iaylor helS an Inquesl il Highand Park Wedaesdsy evenlng over 1the romaine of Milchael Foie>', s famillat characler about lbat place. FoIe>' vas founud '1useS.> la rooma occupled 11V hlm ovîr Hallsa black- amîtb sbhop. He vas a voodvorket ln th1e enîplo> o! Mr. liail. Beosumor 0 bis uncertaîn babits uotling vu. Ibougîit o! it shen 11e talleS 10 appear tIondayimornlng, bal vben ou Tuesda>' monlag hoetalbidldiS;otreport for vonk, Mir. Hall lnstitutedaàsearoh, find- iag t11e boS>'. Itlai prnmed Folsy dleS Sunda>' and froi n dicasions alcohollaumaS the ezîreme colS yere th1e canes s of dcatb. Deoesoed va. about 50 yeiui o!fge voîl kuowu sbout Highland Park. Court Adjourus. Circuit Court sdjouned Ibis vccS TieBosnd of supervisais la ln *WIaon tbis "Ob. SI.50àa YAirlis AlUvnç. -va lPut On Your Trnrt&gCap, The time is at hand for you to be about and doing if yon waîit your pick of the ehoice things for Xrna:::::::::::::::::.::: M ERES A FEW SUCtgGKSTON4S. Bring The Chiidren In DOLIS that open end shut 511fr cyes imd s»Y Mam». MECIIANICAL TOYS--ha moo s»d bot lii. the0rad1 lng. DOLL FURNITURE--0f a&l Slnd. spd lu pest vsrloty. SLBDS. WAGONS, GOOCARTS. T OOL GNESTS, CtiAiRS- and aà1boat or other naluli hings for ohlidrm. FURS-lueter Scains, Bous, Slorma Collais, uMs for Womsn an atasor otChlldren ................1$7.OO 10 $3.30 (ILOVIES AND IIITTENS--of aIl klnda--leatlisi or Ivool- 10 lit anyone. KNIT OOODS-Shawla, Fsscinatora and garmonts for blidron. SIPPERS-fancy stîpper. for Xma-is e for _eOyont. Cloig out frimmed hate at HallPvrce la MlliIary DWt' Te4ehone No. 109. Vaukegn. DIL FU RCOAT AT KAISERPS A littie early, but aà they 're *jut ln the aaaortment to select from is large. Now's the time to buy. Goatt Skîn Imitation Buffalo Goat Ski n Wombat Cnie _D'or Libe rtyvi lie' Would be a Carvlng Sets or Silver Knives or Forks. Pocket Knives for the boys always please. We have a good assortment from which to select. The 2Oth Century Cash Store ...Ch ristmas Uoods..... CONSISTING 0F THE FOLLOWING: Mensà Faney Neckties inanai Styles Mens 51k Scaif Menas Woisted Ways Mufflu 25e md 50e Cwhdens Toques ail Cohaisoc0 Mens sand Boys Sweater s LOO$LSO S2.50 Gloves sudM ttea o -cO10cte $S5O Mens Cul! Buttons and Scif Plas Menasund BoesCaps liom 25e to SLS Cbnltna Cgml (Dàaonod Caowm) boze Of 25 for $LOO Ve have a lUl sock ef MWas Viats, PMow ai om*ldog d Ge'man Soi, MotormndeSb=esand dm% brSaquIotms69Uts sw up Skia Sox--the warmest baby la the bumé E. W. PARK1IVRST, if to Ing. best the Une our nTde mnd Il b. Page T las. - i 001-ffl $1.50 a Year in Advinrob- Illinîié, ii 1

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