CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Dec 1902, p. 2

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'iEINDEPEN DENT TE PuBLISfED WEL.FOI = "MeTISNU ATtS ON APPLICATIO. *TIANTA. IN FLAMES. PLOCK OF BUILDINGS BURNS IN CITV'8 HEART. E trigh 3p&» OriatustiiinleFamntueirStore fo »at aPiroerty Vaieed et liait a th_______________fai CoÈ I»atb ofHl3[.lefc0d Thîee Ohe BOAT WERECKED, CI<icV SAFt. Osing tuoa nilli crack lua cwoatt. Build- CLIVZLANI) FIRIMAN KILLED. lt r .~ ing Inspector Preston condeooned the Op1e of the wort tires iu the bjtory oft cb@nler Je,,.Drnmnmo.tdG(ors to building nuid undered it yccatei. The FallinS Wla U rbes Englue Company are( Iktata, Ga., laid nte nearly aocirrk Pi«es i Lake Untenla. guets nle rved imb mhat vas considereid *"Ce ru.thaOt Lite. chiq -id building ia tIre ert of thec ity. At Theaschiooner .IeceeDrunimorird ~asatir rrportiohîofairte bulding. At oid- Whie lla mbeloreQf tire Cleveland lire trel à 'clock persrane irna8irîs on the item,-wrecked by sata on Lake Ontario. lier iight tire grestn.scoantiiy clad, songht departunet were stilil iglting tire dines carr elladnct tirer tht ailroad truckseuwonancrewof neveu p1ersottcs wsrie roeid rY tier sleepig quartiersi. luithe ruina ofutIre ILkiy & tocket faic- Thr *uh of dame front the' turniture slore the, Uleavig rew outcoalut, Onrt.. oye ai lHmitnsres atR pf ii.Snok &Aucn Cnrpny.ouwhicb mad tovo trips through the eaeY LONG TUNNEL 18 PINISHltD. of the . laUfel1 on englue compîîity 14, Whitehcil treet. A trong nothove a Bein brtngiag tire alilpwrîolred itarin - Lrying tâi te, nteder.Toacse viln!aidai thre ire sud sent nitoer af rs Into the. harbar. The Drriratr.rtrrl. ase, Bore Under LakteBEie WitGIVO e re thus canglît vere Captaili Daniel (Oe @Parka ia every direction. The fdams o l lth à Bcargo aiofhtuon o . a co1 iot On Cevelainii Pure Wter. n, FiiiuCAli'Jtmtea 1. Ocbeger nuiArthuirgr., au=n ,prend ta the Noerons building, a et tO SctUrday, but ovea treti t o leti Tire last c1adeful (it eartb tînt rpti- Garuer. vha store nurkiig irnt ouride wag Xaiet ad echree8tees ad cuhelter ut Charlotte. She left tir r li-te mt-n tire twIn rgsofutworknien dilitigthe Wall; Ieut. IRobert ?oletir nd seul th lre drcndougeaoftre aett, m taWednesday canr r ralfr Cbang. lrr tie ire toso setions of the big oater strkois aceman Samuiel Jrrtsm. Chrarles Niediio tht the arg drg Ltin utlit Jeabs(as blinding gale a motlke overuade ltritireturnetroturier LatseErie nt Clevelandtivesin'iPatrick Il Joyce.' wr non Othlie the pliy. on Marileatract- thetiqur atout barbon ligLi4,andcuthe0rvee] trnttd,.rl in rinitt -l thre tîirday. Atten six. yent'0 locie. Ambulancoe stre otlitol aui îhe 6. et the P. M. IRoe Companly oitseandvtpe heca. h rrtrthe etituuî L h iîît alineti- firtoacl»oca rvst-netro nit tire nuinstil l ýç?ilIiaai, Hotel. There os rcgreot ex- thefulber ceepbofaihe gens. Tebutinte '0rly Us,1ntbte. tet rrt ia aîrpny it l inwoa ayin ntruoet ritemeut aming the gtietn oftht K h fbro-wbem eiosbtte f ýl1ytriýtedRt ups a o8pfybtJycwoebd axntrýoce >11 Hanse. ait naiblock eway. ne the aer. reched tht e erre laturne tuntaroire trty nc11litrre n 0er tram oi i:tlkittteo'e mDo. lie hîdl tit rtnired olo e aprsadlatswr lw nt a Il the men. The coutl cargo watt oti> Y h i nîjîonaî aLk rt ut et et l îioy toitsatfrick cutid dieciondbu ireiontce inows wl tet lusured,' bat the vseael n'csn<t. Site the w rrk begantiitly litrsibayer Lot-to]lut mrtar and ieuLo irs v trinerv. The -brr eloecdiand ulth us ferrti w tlnaw'ne" orth ouat $4,00.and won os îed lirerogir evitîtairituand ther accîirenits. ireinea ccugbî initieir the on ru siliire- lai elotiaudth guet auleeollitîttabon y HerL Mimne of Onkville, Ont. Ti,reitn itrlL (0to eo îeitrîîrsr lath ii ngc . Theond < o auof tte7tr1i-th ireo. It ilaniire teet 1n dirrit-etcr WILL BR-MARK CANADIAN LINE. leor <Lete a liion, Te inpldrrc tith tn INJAIL FOR GIVI.NG A DRINK. orl26,0W<jfeet il, loncir. whltt lly zâz mPter. sil wîîg, coneditlthe eatan - crree outHod a- iiirîrîit-d it, oapactty willl be 20,tMtl00.X)Domiin ctIu l i Washingtonl clxsoith aa. vee iuretihytIr hictMinectaBupeie Cnr HodcPri a lonrriirraf vrier oatlay. Thet ontîliae-i tegoTabocP l'atiiu . ey. tand other dosage wae dune ta thtestruc- aer on Que..r Charge. tirrîr tir untrnel cent $1.250.000. W. F. Kinîg t Otawa. Canarrda. R Dru- ture. Tht Norcracc Lbuilding waex tilei A mon who gives a drink t rîi n is nulrrna<airrrr aotigl Ti ýwih tht offices ut prafeioiici nennui vloating tht iaw uileca heasooIs licer-tr. rroBOTai DVRE iiobat ornter ro i htcin o 0 th e- ~he atI. sxîhflor n-, ocd n ar-a This la tire substance ut a dertirr i--d-t avy i h rrra ion ioing étarant. Th loge le entmmated t $5WJ,-deri Ly Jiietlce Lovely ot tire Nîtitue-Mer.rid it th. Soute Time and Rhot t lin frvethtorth e 1r-irtrpeioft uirrrg -c cta Stîrese Ctn btureortie f the De.,îi-ethy wive.. Pltne for treinn rc-[raririiin t i tire State tn tiremilitler of HtirrîIKrebs. re- Ao<rt ttiAfri .Lîirin i tr tefMotyiii riara fii tirelirrc ot. FOtUR MINERS IILLED. . latur, egolîrat Frank Jolie@,sviriage unir- cri. i nd -ir ii ire arrt tif i.orth-icoct aiti o titis-ýt airtiret rnrrîiti trast. aba ut PerLant. Mina. Kreblsa irgentt riei n rrtirri. Ol)Iirîr.ftrndivorrces. TicyrrY rgged mouotrrîru e rc riereune lait Irais Gilert, ulurad, Three Fut.iiy, by of c St.Partiliquar ftrio. grr il r,-r c rorin riet rrh, rr tunliarrdiro)ti bta previouîy itial t-cl orng itits-roitin. Four smar, ocre kilied and lton ii-lr. Pesanîpleudrtîka ofniqther.iliteosetr orvivr cnîarrrlierîtit n tot-nrrrao n' y' teurTieminçitrsà lw lfoacu- the rbbyftly ytht xoiorri rampedri cnsef ire adoircrie-- -e. drîivapiIowv8ril l ateir titiotns visiblielitre. An eciiiilii aio t a boxrof il ate in i neoy1I.. tty as lebâin lcueadbo;tg îrîîrriîd rrrîy tisin eare sadti ttieln aws îrrrreioaî or agit endatiere c Le aid>irmlt laNo. mtre t rrehondit lver in $200 bahitl ote<LeutOtgratiind rr-rrrt ierckcnr ieirr etohith andi NVilksbarre Coal Companrry mir i)tt r ukrti.Tr t- direction of tire crait and geolctic surn adJury.lHt rrrgit habeas connuslrres- cr ire- te sarte rtturîtcvn stit trth vey. Congres roirîlahly osiii bct aikc'olfer Ut SouithNilh-tbarre. l'a. ThetueI- r ti lgthîe iupreîoe Court ta gcî cut Orît 1rttrrrîîo rgtirire utdcfc-diott o iLa-i aporiatrantu icarry out tiremoerh of toerd uta ir ,rot.whchra11 Jfet], le coutilnot get Lbail. Tire "n-loirgciltY rit gria ueglect out daty a dencaon. jee, atuti a d>amie oeigila lttypreme Crurt. ooevtc, ours Krebs rirot oiliti absenrec. d de. cWLen tire bottas etf thteuhift &tel lun ian. ______ IDO H<JSEWiiPSATT NIN eul Taes Ë Ltatthew Phillipe tok the W______ DARINO ROATTORNEY. IDAItO. box offtire carniage. lit lipped frot trio SILVER DOLLARS ARE HASE.- 'nrMoHalp3 iatmebii salndsandaife tau tire grotni. Tht corn-Gain, Pussresioi f . C..tract AfOer H Ra nce c Ot $,l isasian tapluieti the dynamite anti tlireExpert Thinice Heu Circlatiag LCoin. WiIdilnc a Lc. Aseilfeii1aotii dr uc f #veti men oho ocre intht inamediate May Be Coaerfet. oc .W it tHiumr 1 n tt Lcaidfrot poaid .Inutdaho,îrsarîd idooht g-<tngthein taule in resiue« The statement mni a mde t a aoettigorsaxPurrîîey Lronirlteiby M onel'r oftî thla bhoryt ndrmoin tioriritirr- it- le go <o thein TeaiaeCtve eanbernere etfte NenwYork ChamLer oi Commeircet kriw. awo sîrînn-ctrig ontiao arro nýarted thele wiroitirretureti ertorei theTe Iole uail iecl .Tht woodwtrrk by Francis C. Moore, c veli knowi thît city. Sire demoudeti a caitracrr-t Engecu ruarad.obdtreh et aitth bottas uofth<e chft wuilmlointarafinacier, that ut S,O,000 îier dol- tosn eo reoitandloi)Ou siriçitire att:irtey cof about $1,00J. Twoofa tire oret iati- smil scatteretiabout, lare nov Lu crculatioa it le liliely itha oui ialîtg.-s 1 ltu rve intlrîrirrtî;rni s noce>] vithirsiranrirevolvserc intu ithe _______i_-Feesa_ Fon. lot legs han 400)t000are coonterteit. trîoîn ie rîft u d ta dciot- nsire irei rîrîrroom inLawhie-lr thoeeocre not lgsoa n Daphce li Trezii Fnt. Mr.ntare stateti that the preiient ofot -iumin sitL e bincks-kirtiti.e noiirdtihe tlitIive itou.-Tht thîri tuaitthon P MIsa OrIlGOuiduf Aipena, 19 Yettrs oeeofttire eadiug batiks La Newv York oiceejLrs-oitn ttor rti. uace rnti utn arnm aL 411 vas baptiti In Doam broa ur- City bcd intoirnîtolaltirait ut 350 sIlo r -ued ltwsini fothn. mrataon otegne ndat i ios Park, Çevtlend. witlrLn clglt if dollar tornna into tire iatitreasury liS Great Nil.DDns Openti. crtd ni> thtesrrîrey. Tire tisra Loid-utis tc Urke Bie. donn a atierce tr. so-en the institution ofut ihie la thteoti d Tirt greot iant, lierocs tire Nufe rt u- %virirlialtire grrîrî firoianvonley iiota thre t «»temperatune vas down taiment ta 170 voie ceeficoti by the goverinntnteBouin. o mh ieLnll ernable tire irrigatiotn ctliag befrt tiey doîrurtci.t ost. idr . lt.Tioies t htl Rac belng coaierftt. and the ftrtiiziîrg of naîy buntinci tirait- CITX LACES DROP OFe WATE4. l oeeiiLe Cbhttoif Jeanse Christ ut Lat-ctidacre.,. a fnnrnrriy uptotd olintnly- to-Di Sinta officlteti. CATCH COUNTERFEITERS 1.4 ACT. Lstr tL uiIaha i oirtth bytie ule ndDuhes f- nrag iverAShits Cour., snd Lecve. Peuple fi Wnld Not Pcay Hia Tcxes. rtSrie fiesHîdHnc hilidont irssth tint barrage si Asionut et M.iy tif Passibte Fine. SecetBeýceOflcee RidHone tou dontthîe British govennaret a uoar The caditu î ot tht mnchaerrn-t A tans helagiai te Rusasell Sage oaa Detroit sud Captnne CLtLers. îîîaî tpod nil eadr i ttaic h ioalIro atr at *agit at public sale ut laudrinaRttckiriuii Secret service opentives aided iloso ons n xrgre ste ecfteN . riRvrt ielw Couiîii, N. Y., for non-psymetOt oftatroc, bouse la Dttroit, Mici.. anti rregerd grcateat engineering featoth lce ga. aide bas leit Nebraska City, Neh., sith-r The s ale vas conductai ut New City. the Frak Morrgue, Henry E. Blusenbark. Hockfid Suî,ers by Flire, eut a vater surpiny. Tire ovte rrins oecst@est. y-Coelty Treecuner linu andi Neal Huard ou tire caroge of calna The Mead building, a five-tory brick aee raLid îrri every basin lae eioity.r de.Ic.The Sage tarisvam coud tor $17, ierfeitLng. Tht aficerre caugiri Bacea- structure t State coi Maia strecie, The oLectric ligit plant ile chat danir mi Ilea mount f<lhe -taxs.due, ad was bark ani Huard vorklng vith tUic mlda. Rocktond, Ili.. vas destroîci hy fine. I« the streots are dark. The breakiîrg ottr boét ici <the cou. Tbeucandc aif dollars' varth cf apurionsa ilon cnpLed by the Worthcm Brother ut a fireéjclght cauce dianater. Ilt maci i fou l'r o-melm silI'r dola have heeo crcou la i th & Co. departaient clore anui the Rockford lie dais orn vetkg efore pipes ceao le ex.1 PriaiTure . SeIhIun. nighbohooi et Detroit. Thiteen ces Bsineess Cailege. The louelinetiarateil t<codiu t haierc sein cirafnl. iti ena- Father Thomas Fl. Mcradî. the tpas- ut mlisforscliver dolars eouiîti.nt $275,000. oitil an insurace of tise every înanoftory ln tire cty de-c lmo<t nhn' Cuc elve ogether mvith c fine piotîni machine. 1wadent ar tem on eiectrliiy mot ltt a 80uoîb ot Cincinnatilun tire Kentrîcky t"0.n due othUi river, anooneed tu in coun . Fatal Accident in a Mine. Dies ai lntpenial Shoot. su on gi-qgatian Sanday tht le n-auld retire Entmer Kincirner, ageti 32, a bosscaer- Unitedi States Mliisten Buck dled lun(Omaha store in Straits. Ê.rnetho church onacecount uf hi@ pro- peater, ati Gustave Stnack. aged 19) .lipaîî oshile et tire imperici dock sLoot. ln Oirrnî .IJurlgtMunger in tire Foi- 1 faiqued accilistic vltiewso hic ieireIaityear.. vee n Istantiy klleti ohile de- Tht couse of ic tieth in suppootti tao ral Courrt ap<ointr'i Edigar F. Hatlitir alvocai dfor evral j-tar. scodntg th Cranierri umIne ai Hozel- bave een apaplexy. Anotiren rrrt tauys e IOnr'rrY receiv ' tor lire %W. ILl.- ton, Fa., inaa cr. Severtul other oren ru Mu, Bueku identh -s ndue ira heurt toil- unttt crrnniiiy. nirteir rrleratesla Large Trolley Trust la PI.pned. the car excaitti serini ilaîty. Wiln tire. Tire ibuut in lathae surirc 5t denartni cit tore liitte ity. It nla ai- à, ilgatietiroley trust. chiai it tht atar the bottas rot thet oloîe tire maeri cor Tokia. trt plinttrni for a tc'nprtry racerver nu io"ofterrciotyseso luit osmualh ucva ret Kih itlet- ti-aie itLe trsnijiir u ti ettit gUMoI et ibe trccttuckiuoa un ai - Navy Ganse ln Canaibeano. osth rrltr.Tatausiir-ra the satire East nith mmny lisLahelime mre aniStrscit wrra kaioketi frnnirttie trîrtt-ditors.c TaeyLagon ovilgettr nrîntî WOstREMI South. uslu WPr%"@ aO tortle- car andtinsaey klied. ni trhed Stsîr. <tegAurim aineSttqt tol- vltb Connecticutate beLaut fn .rbeuSit La dia u qiperiLtous coi te lalortate Trolley Fuldla Suicie Prediction. n-ru ileet criioi tnuom Tniinidta effect FSnddt DUe te Poicon. ouseaay, recetly itcorponster.lin New- Tirre neekm ega Henry Cox wos-nicbding vit Aiiericen %Wet ludion lon A. t.,\larr.toor uaistntutgtenal troun Zetiyau he ental owe. ornai by a phyuician tirai ire wouli sesslions;Adirrali iiggiusounc et oun nIer rt ireluTrxnn I'înenie (mi torsuttnt>, htceoralpanr.commt suicride iloslit reergnon i hu- guarir. Slof ri irni, ex.,lit I'ntirgin, rithe Grotu a. WeiliCausaes Sulr. self ta treottruct iniiropitrit for nOrelt- trul Oaa. <iltnliotlitrr rtsuor, ..#dtement hbe beocnrsedl y tir- dia- cuchlis. Treîîaiher iay lho put ni ra- Iti. n autultoo t iiornîha tir efl i h lo it'nuscr hl ly Sevfy ut.a aturitggs so o to es-avoiver ta lisinrelnatiani ftrfitridlsr ie Gm-t Wetrnliiti corriedrits tl .ii ihrs n xirdalm lill - L viagatîn. Mot. Thet oeil mrpprel_ ln ixuîtir-tttyoon,' Irn ~ iltote nAricvrrrjury> anrdirostt nrtinu - -roreito. o uilrrnly asant tieUnionu <'lu in the cnatterri itu cia.,... , aet'la ut great pîucnuinrn. Tire gai fermer, eidiing mo hlus Ina ifetandtrdwo ulenrugentorrr uteiy" îtuo un on rat ma ua by M qW redtoe h o ulorror qrrriity. The crail celrdrenrneur Clarre Citr> f-cuionglietobieuilo. osirtisovrs cilI-y ' e.t ryý hi& tke ffice, le.Wornscnladicted for Perjuny. the BrIdge and Tc-mmnal Compny. Lienk Hobber. i)rivtoOf Mm. Klo tialenugher. ohaora recent- YM.s.nie Tenspît 1.B liaei. AuoiNinalretrut rt u-rilitotie rua.< - scuilke Raves In VenrZeci. ly acquitteti et laina City of the nunder rt Lacola. N. IH.. lire tis-trat e-ino " Tire Nntocril ia n t rnettirePo Pour Venozann sarhlpgi nore r.ized ofrber mmsanattliasriuirn tri hfuraperpa-n tiret iii British anti (brîtooli leeta n Lea Gary- jury. Sht creinnt e ItotetisudttiTiie- fn inn'Plc'!tuntnaur et$titl.i.litl. it ane nnlit utrt-riiilt. utoire mopnire u tra càrbor; ail (Germait and Btitishlu îît portirtitu avertgoure ta Canada. Site lic îles uth -ctemple i tc-tacu i i itt r unittai heiitr elcto1 entetaolrsery stable o-tut detratti. tint- .....gibrircnlîit, muid tint ruLters dr-i drsateut Castro delare iei- oiletit-rce defenat. Chnlea IHulado. ot l ucadres ecpubics gtc; tire Unitedi Statesit ,gull< o coosplicity la tIerenie, lc a City MarchitKililsa Ba. -1on rirt ,n.eupllirir)g their punpoae. lhkibiy ta e irrivttie. vrtnese agaiact lier. City NMoreLai l'tipt Binu rf ilSovrîrrrî,LiiFr Poct Caban St.tesman î. Fight. Ieai Trust Nerly R.dy. N.roinrtî ctzob.u tt WluriedDaioBavar-il al iebgrctt Snir Prez. oer-retîry ot tire 'bnthtr The proposeni cunsoidation uf tire ladt eai - t ctietua troue rg not rîru-- iing nl tLe anaerdnicitpartinentt rf Baeleon Rpuic-rtivsIl3sa fn hiem at iuingc*maiten'frheinitd -triliit etntrubleofrongtta-, narranntUivesiteicaçcy mc -ii oi pondent, o-an attarkeutinl a couletr- States la a iinln ng rrecitnpltian. 1ic ab-,eitemn iigbrie otegoni ti hu encerumiutott iuune by îtepresr-ta nerstoost îat tier tht pion of run- Guatemala'. Doaih List. tir it r.irneituiredoptîrra i lgted cigaertt.î anc. it, n iieknce dwtsoliitioa thc National Iraad Compniuy Frum tIre Gîtemalai u'aat thtel'aride itre Irhiosiy uni thut tire-Nvoodosrk lio CUgsâedia.ndice tutetit, iaWnvilil ecse a holding au veli nu an Nlrii tealirer City at Sy-dney Irirugn tirtooah re.Thl Inra le$itl.J lofit ongeseeinircriratsti ht ic-. peraîiag coslni. Tht Natiuonal la e nis at tiretîtdeatirs resulting troînt te tStar-s u.Atlantic Cn.ctL -Mr. Dole", Nov a Benediet. Dow cipitali<red at $15000.000 prtrrred rni-int errptiuu ut Saute a Ilria oisanu i A blriurînd e-dt ilogtht Atlatoic PileltiPeter Dîîne.autiirofut',Iranti $15,000,000 comusautok. nuaber about 3.lOW. cenut. , rocktig ahipping midctiuinir VOOher anfiMicaMar Arebt Atbrmrt, Brcy Ex îieuTan.plosin in a Cnemtotry. ureir orrsffrriîrg in the itlto. Severailiver eatthic ut, re Mary MuLot. Nwrork Gocrge DIickinoni.aliras WeVcttt, 'Le Sixty twoaporrin ids tij-dnamoite ecild icone esrt, lu Ni-w Yack troinos li ai- mCicTusaa. nctnarelu e a bunglar nho wa.a arueusti 'rinin toi ort hîe cinîpel eand coînrrîrîrtnnrrtro y erird. Teterrplitatiteleînirrne Ou Taesay. ________pLIa clter a eseanor-fghi nitira oiaiieonf tire ptiepl nat-mao!1 ut, I.teura rughuut Nev Engluarti o-cm Ccngresncm le-lt Passis A-&y. man cut diu o ao dicoivenaihy dettre- hI n il dterpiutouC0î an amSoict, s-tuegi ___ flapieaontctive-eiect Aliman Cirnahan ti-ca ta le a rutiLer iy iigit antin a si KnIg niuiei<i thsl 0 nr. Wi ooMr tvnMny <8le.) e t the Second Indiana Diinict Dû- msaiLy day. n a@ trietialoui ceu Tire FenchiliChaurben ut Deputie lirac IMsM ta Washington,.lait.Ht bLdbecu vieiriaid cetened tu lltteen yoans in Agei Sens Car.on Demi. rtieiou rltlttmaîrcne- ID sinn tir eledlsun.thte1reitenttiery.. Agr-i SairrrCarsn aîrsafaunaidenti . rn Itetican lirnuet. l mteiy couvert-ah ie Lut fan up ru Sautle tionici Canoni. Sianut.auhr'lgite aîyt lat.uurbcn Trais* Colilde. HMes sud Hose f .- T ancrl. (a. HariLou tteuyaciIo.liu-îiitinna rciv.ner ctouttoa Tva latenurban trainuscllidcd moern Majur E. F. Ecktrsey. i htLiîo C ar1 e ail rbn 53 en reaid pi-ao.desaim- rtioalsive cig o hevau milles front Taca,.Wauir - ijurint iine rin!, pogtei ihraurgir Mtrîii)iin tire itil ti tr ie asen t i-'Kit" Carson. (f X,) -lieeions lghitiy antitrenc-tug tht legs nLgitt fr L.throp., ii- hiere tire «it- Vessel Burnneet S. rel! Lrcn et Seattle. lci, gavertretut hrbas tcetraeoi 101,lis Go Os. emDcnil.oDesOL. Tthe l'rince broute teauîrer T.rInu _____muesaaanhrets whlit m ae hiel ur-r A eskiffcontiniitg Charlta Irove, riged pincre. ("altîloMieFnann. New York Rffoceelt Fraeis»a Hart&.. cIaeitu etaek forina in tLe Transvaali. 32 yeore. anti Johno Rock. agedltlytart. Nov. 10 aui St. Vincent Nov. 23, foi Precdeu Roiteit etooetiirannîîet ht luiiott utlit auinole nl Lgino-tt oer tcs o. luathe unurgtitoti 'nnn NutOi vî ntut sen.<cen TTe eponienct. T h i eon I e nt to (teuifrnnilufin Cnaîe cciad'a <ire î'îîîp-coip O B . ur n yter.ouni]ssasaxnittedti ttetiar., puIl -------------- -1.72216.os vas deted. buit Le founilie liketi rifa i- etc-r. lit Fon tire.naval r-teiuhislmeit. , returneni humer andi ti«re athle tien rid cidiiirofifiiin ni Lmdail f e e nediag ofi1W, te Civil Van serveria cyar in tire itavYa! ali-journal filtIleulle an 8 tundoiy tcU as A~cting Ascistant h'eywecicr.proaeaeutDci a r ndc, sipioutht coruilnelaimi 1 the petelus- Begins Pracice nf Law. sadi eapeiicsoaithe -nt n Appropriation bll. bin. Baroci (w1e.> lIe ~ t thtpraat<oînctice lsv l Ithuppînes. . the- - teaaM 24 in change ai tht meoeure. expiaind tis Het Oielltthe eairecIrelf naa -ur Tnicd cr n.. .. 67iamii .4 th <e npi,rolrtnlsliulutccai.ed ggr*M t atti!nncf soletorgr hîu intnf For p. -cpesor i8MO7rLmg$3,4.J.wcr pnsit-allh i d5-, ta cune for hunteeti a Dmnaiu i tiontri) dobi1i<n5.2- c i w t îtm îu 1 . ca r n e n i Lhe boom bramui-haf i le nîaire Ii-giaie- . lar csleniry 1i.uîto-n ile il tciotari au nomcivlegitoO. iturc. le woaseleuteti.anirtn n ea 1rata- aues-----------------------zS2152 blIthieri sas însced vithoat àa velig Iul pantai c-rsire-----------..121 te,48.047 St et atl t mle r i e ao t t ir r u t s u n i t r t h t t i m eo r o t i - - ,g c I n m me a l o mBu l l , o r e i t p u cci ' r e 0 0 e rie vnluntatn> nitirniitt uitrlt1109 ire id Tota1 letduitunr - %te......le. th, nainu paailiohc Iom îls-y airtit ulle a ono taunItu- c acoinineio- n i-ar. ithOlt anlee ali. Ta pue oraiiitire of soteure ocre Blaia a crplusif ..... S91287,37Z7l i naglmuni isi'ilty cight ta fty b*oiaac< ril.îTo ytern i, tbejeint-tt-t e rerd lie ttl f ai esrarnttocredcemei cea grant nighi ai vsy ion telegrtp irret yucanis Attorney-! tirrai ufthtint bout $70iJtilI.eJ. teliephtite isa Alakal; ta invcf State. lie throirlotcime erIl ur ntht Comored nith tira fiscal yecn puevions cise ai hooesets n lAaska tram :iIy ut Poutirnuti.thteus-couple doreri $ but ta.MIaI < r32 m8 tcs, unet oilde cerlah-law Hic <nernîr toryenaut eof oltiotons te e niiltc risecuenieti$3771,iuîh lDakotalis caePublic parkta.. service liCoungre.ti lian lin1877. Tire 4".51. Ikmio asnewuind Cave Naioal FAnaiý" precedig yer-an firer a.ihot etrugele l i r Te tint quartier ai tLe nese year vas the relief nrf on.ntin sattier.a pote thtepou-i coitventbmn.lire Lai ureti tht mantai iyayii lucres« un costumre, aof-f a-nslaCeiraliminad and the nominaionm ant indt ionoaLis district Lb settlrtg. tire reii>ction In infernal reenueia mliteniros ra 1,200 vote«. His oninoîtion tan tertucusci Ly the nov cictuts atir <u-o ns ior>s tuoinruris uri Fram tht occupatrm ion fte PhIlippIes The Mei-cionMontiiadogia oniy oncediii Le hncve a reai iglît for < oi 5mi acgenea 2,11-ttcmuîe metsit le sertuionu 1nd(1 on heurl0f1), lu Aunorric"invueontYvawonto'lieenr-ratla ion i. wlth the exception est8M thel eit uritt lak mvneifrigovcionteat iatirsement. -pni-scribiait au e>]îmctirîiiil leittcud4a tie hto-rtic-grei lrc Onrtt The parily ai ail kitnfla oi caureucy Las tire si-tinofaithlie ucrniiittce Ln atliQ 'finel icct ytironCrgicMi rie aiLena meinîcrine].l.icer cuureocy La gos ciiit sectin it'nprollibiting tic. "a 91-1 lTheocrat thr liR-c-i lrrertriîling ln cimplienty. Tht trasury hcastitto intoxicants vithia lire capitai sl lU rr-cognioa-d l eadîer o f th e i itua tow e wair th u t rone stric tion . n a io ra n n ad is îrl t eu r ce un I c t ed p e' i mi t ' recivngth IIiubirlauil TIre nuatten atina aislntaluiP-i Trhetasîrme ot fiing a $3 hostite,*. ntat o n fon r S eca îr . In 15 4_rn v r aton O ct 3h, 1 9(2, w on 4 ,478, v itir iii i cL im igr tt ou iu g iît o tic. U u tire ieuiu ic-i i r i it I-o i'. rni M m . utLa ria.enl ca piutal ai $7 1,437.u5 . itt " fu iihoti the rnincipal to pik , blti o ru e -to-i s p rr fr tn hi- innrte Te cocumalateti srpus ati undiviti debcie. lu tht lnrnm e ne'eautles i lu tire l-'itty Lrutt'nnugrarofi ts af tht hant, vas $irU,60.W(tl. moonrar crf irrmer Speaker Reed Fa t"ce. H u ' u ln'l T a aS u i t th < e lteneat -hearur r e n a nd u t e ilouce icijouriro ea it a i-Ia Citro tin io. i i urtwcu# a niItttt i t outctanding o ni Juiy 1, 1 01 . oaa iill a ar k oftri es prec .- une. ilin, iii ty wosin ut rrri y ru urar- S 141.1)40. nasa niriltrit> - andîltire oiionsl "asr05 Thtertarted oharacteripircs outhefrn Theue ite on Tuea a caldeGU etno li urg nnni dr.u .rrrrrtn io. 'T h e ntter<trrr n om m erce ut the t iut ;ei S ta ts d ur -r il tu a n r ie <Lte iulitu ia vla s cd uriglirt osoi! iaen onncrd irrrn.rttt lo lg tht fiscal >tan oorre s decreacle ut UarteldlStotes. Ait amenuisant dI brut Mtr.ier-ml liiltire honnis irrite n $106,t100.OOilrtc clOIrtcanti an hocrenie hy Mn. Catil M..ulwn ditId tire c ura e ou r il l eçi t iic ii li h r ti ut of i10 i nOJ mu o r s. u i n ta I r e r t fu tu e c e t o c . e tioore iirtr rrt totie olut rir -jTe tat ni c< rtmt nf tir e y rn er. tnt-ca fit Sittes an d i e United ttiin wa tire titg itiret buhLai tîtitt $1.38.7,41 , if winct ~h $15tu a4maI sfu h a ii rno ttie . l i l id iu t , ti lr t so t h tir t i - a f o au a t in î n t ru p r u cti ot n . a S tri 1o i er . Taemail ts a e l c, trrî u r e Inn u i t h tin t in ig ii luig rIue T ht tot l irrrriict os o t $0 3 320 948 S u ioM r..i-r Ti e ii »0t e i s oft tIre l la s trerd titi'l'alturr ie iceneait lu expnortc a.on hefiY I up icire gato ;iL Tih e ti i tr in Inn irc n I I n t ii ki t tan' rut drue ta o o m ein-aranti <o tire &o rlg e i>in [ y M .lic ii v N . D . a s the fuituinta tnirm-a ra rr-rrttht cou-n drap ai 1101,.aedttta e educticur 1îucîîîîirg rafe.clonai iKrn &Ai iln tilers-nii 55ilanit imacit ttrol ;I inri btire irice utofcertaoin taiiln-c txtnrtei. i thucc'exclutiet ires cadimoté'-I itîo Iecline nriri1on 1cit'itaI's'y Tire unusual nemctniut Lame ton i roll-Unite-il States. ontmuotion oai Menj tireo rproifirnorncuiti tninrrk acetti nil-anti steel conseid a hoavy retiuctio- liýmes tie e-ctiono f <Lie Lill 4 u ign it uunci os cr0 1rrr-ooirt O rt olr neentp $1 9,(X K),i00- w ble tht ta un.e Ou t h x l s lue o-r-ry lrus er iIi tire g r îthe 190 lc n rop caus eai s otll ng of oui ath t-u o i t ii c ifie tu vaa cin é I "zr ei llpyon rdreî-theailptre Tf ie O00tire exclusionr ofut acrisia Wvice41,1 tintetioy turiecrdni tn al Tereceilutc ufthîe guvermnt ifront s-atethedstirotuctionou theicgoveu I)em rcn t s o a O rt i n tht rrn und ii retenue on distillai spi is vert $121 - ouni te U' it d St ten c ri ofaic l m l Wos ha hairefirseri tra ansür <o mii cmii. 139.13; fnnai feustoteil iquori $2101-luts thy viorlence.~ An ameoto , Then pnionirtttn hbiogri. 000; fias maujctnuei totrac. $52- feeti L> Ntu. Bniiey t'xs) vas amimc The Demacmrntuc tie, nrf tire Iutme <0M000 ;. iras olomta ain e ii0l X l riv dnttr hlt stiil tL ebr M Ai o sa-s. an rn rr un. i t S1ektn t r il. lgacles. etc .>, $5,00 ,0 0.portent it laiton ci like kiami c nail gavel in handtid lo nt <nue Lia <ettrin-r-. hurng tht yean <here arnivent tUnit- touadinLuth<ia coutry. Tiiere wae 1u I eny serrrigbrt, Mr.r 9eoinct.u« edniStates pîorts 648.743 eliena as siteenalusilieraldetdrscussiinutfsonamndbi'À craint rue prisent." îh.tiiIt e1uta'initr- pcaearesmind82.05as chiiipaedpi-fore] by1Mr, Burton (Kan.)t.lige tive Mefrenr of Kentucky.L çbtirsgir.. Nu recoud in k:t of thoeecouning iahinesn:laionrnceto Hawai.lit Z1< Me nanreir sahing aute i-nt 'fthrit -L u hcoee ithin one yeen ai tbeiu an- laidomin etuLle, ho thoeHoeff flot thegentiemtenlaepuoetut. loua- e r iv ai nla hase coan i esra ram i gu totur heure' debale te L n e ieny it'e lands. charge bill wos illei hi ct=hkIog Ua Fan <o n-aiyu Le rot riedtio permtit un Thencotuntry furntnhing rth engaesi encctîug clauser Ly a voie of 135fW itpeî tath Lonne frot i i ieric.nirni of utImmigrante va, Iiabî, o-ith The SenteLuIi aneguicte tic. but o-heu thteiupto1 cote lit won muni- 140. Au.trin-Htrngary mumutifi L capunione nea laina d i dat oti uu thî oroigintr u Le ot ke 175 ,.90 . ati R ass a nd m i Poia i î109(0. orn at thnt port ut N ov Yo rkî v8 hi e polt trlu th ce - tiii 'rreuoa a a e aill ta pro-c ie . a - witL tIre hietiiocurats ih owe irai e ît HAS FURN16HEDO TURKEY tu-rota La tLe hodimua Tenritan vy~ Wac mionittiuet. 'instr-ums eaucao le c. Mr. ci-The victiry (un tne urinai ntainbirc'i Foramhe white HouseThonkogi.iu iz .. i'bciranof the Oonîrnl<toe i 0<te uight oruthetintrajîrrity In tu tn.rct Dinner the Pest IThiety Teurs. and Mleanus. enliai ai> tice - 1 Lusiene. aui moue thn that. Ltittlundi, Earh TIîanogiviuig iry fer the 1<oct osîiciî provîdes __or a boud.i tth m ia ntrit asu e fll rtatnrciisliriiit! thirty yeani, tht dioner table nt <Le nient tu-us De. 920,11 1= g- îLe te sw> a vi iih it s'îrrised if&White Hanse Lail bren graceti by a mcg- îix<, andtutwovas dopici - - Ir per. - aficent turkytt h îe __________ .k ce J0i ia uratr ntt itn -n hLidLainga ie hIc- lthe Nationali Ceptl Jr f Alieical Pliten.If lisnanc rll'71 cnt te t-be eblef x- Ebections conunitteP of the' ofe lotr-ficthe puntii ry agn- i mui -t <ecie troua Hon'ctirtt aetii teromnîicIoaufintlet ni <Lencauttutrsa gns-c le tîtearrto, <t re osiilceuta tily Le n rpe ce V o e et W est e tn ns Y.tudiispute bus ceaiun ta a pia-ano înri'rZ <11, R. b. la Nevein- Rp1001. eutrBhir thace Who la tiru ndui gerenrcIo n eLbr, 1873, whnn <ire t o oepblc n ehna or Nebat. evi-meuseolpovertnul influence uver <heu 3>'Bnci box wns criA riz aps.titoifi o <ilums .mzis afrnth Brae o.Wesîecbî station.a bieiftclleadersnae I., 'olevrauihic reite.Ulysses S. tirant ngnetd nagimulît tteuiptimigtoi n- Tht Sitese <u-fi> bitte conupletri ovine *iia the Witeflu, Lota.ti-tntt mv ielau roeth <e flou-bLeu-ilebalc andtthetcut-Hansoue nd <t aox Secretary ut the Trensury 9 itu-y ha gruvuto qieter. centalna tiutti clociit uaulBAPilnta 16lltd' 111 LealtL Lu cuppocedtiutabave canitei HOILACE VORIL veighLag hnly-âix aci jabber. lautesofthe, nt neI aî, onuen Mnyor ut Crain, poania. lrouillent Grntactnowedîmrrl bs lachangea in îLe tes. v N. J.r ta couinit suicide Ly clkuuting t-be recelpt i thteibig bIrd lnan courtellii duedician>' entmilttee ett ilts 00 Receiver.oseir' eptcttiohdfor S7'Preicasilote oet ilanta, anti neven sincee<he aitouh Lagitctiestr pu & Son and tLe ClresaeaeaRubLerCon>- Auiccetdila;year ba s»ena c imiimn box trunct aoun.ý î a> fBaltimore. The 'bond 1la tan colîtalliiatrtey asutcIkin qumîlty ndti Secretani Shoav.h1hic r iv 100,000. d t as p a it 1.i se a oa lic ay& tla It ev -fivo sle W tsiu onjiu a r m s . Tie M rquu s et Salibieny retu nu t e t1< urru< ca'lcpît 'niaf 0disliio- eîe igh n d m n e-car c sîmiai note .afthaaks la it- Oliver .Wenuil Haînla i,ýdnr1-m luheabFrech cvreatret- .elive by Mn. Vose. aigUn elithmur tafin-m-i Ly the Senatean b>' . li eat s eut 'i$the Preaieat hhssnlt onriii ila prlvatu ufthii. United >] Bis AB sf taret Beculieu. Sreai.fuperbirly uéad i Ohilu ni The cppobtsrnt Jha no u pee t Ber- M . V ela .la n e of ie Icîg ut ftnkm 9 oi <ce hIrenec N veevi" i . c a. in o f M AIij O tt o V o n E te a l. o f th e e - r aie r a ' Dl ee o o a u 'i a d - bc i s l o lt lu e P e s1 wo n t ht o »e -e oli ercl ataif toi Le MilitâZY Umattach e .bu9tasforti-six imaM » ita ome, Freildeni ouel' cf llllw Mi a ur c i W aal blau o . W e toe r , tau c a ,tpl ta li m l e nilhi i <0 te u t e frim. a *h -- ~ . he an. ou scr i. LTe -e aal tsomd Wet.ul »Y I« r ý «u 10.B.RED EA aMER SPEAKEJI SUCCUMBS TO7 UnXiMlc POISONINO. me ofaieGantciCcreer-Rocordofai a 1[a W.. Wiaied Troemndos la- luento la PuY#ulu Affali e-Faamu@ alLug on Quorums lu Congr*q. 1 x-Spr alter Titomas B. Rendled Iml4 mhington ai ten minutesafaten mi'- ut Baniiy morpusg. At 12 o'clek rd came front Mn. hteeirm raus directj mi Dr. Garnimer, tastomlY PhYsician, It Mr. litai vas dylag. A tompllelo ntilaofetuncemie bail set au bicli was Impossible ta reliave. Dr. Goatne, an embuent speclallitle emic discace, arrlved fros Phîlariel- ki, shartiy Lefore 11 o'clack and! es- ne metuds ocre ai-visti ieY bis ta rry tLe patient through the criais. ete ovir at once usai, bat vithnrut Ha* Emrli Lits. tMr. Rend one bor> ii Portlad, Me.. C, 18, 18W9. Thomas liracket<berri, r.Lite fther of thbe tiestistoteastin, sn a atchman ila e Ugar bouse. Ho nt Lia son reguianli toa cbaul, îHever- lt-e, ad tLe lad oeasgratiuitei froni ie Portland HIgL Scheai etth<e age>t-f T.l1reace he veat ta Ban-dola Col- Fo'r a tiunoMn. <teeti tattgitotshoclini ie <L te gortaldroehntvoloIoaecs, lu hieh tenobene hecdîned rvnito ur ane a!- nyx <bneeheti blg îupilc aioins onotL- ila even bitord again. lie bcd tirai qe« tarir M&W Telle Aboutitien. U tisa'. Ytneuwal lCondtion. tJaclea 8m took lea »othins over $684.000.000 daici the leu uo L =~c y This ne ut littia .umc e r tra à oud " iany million people, Who du o down lo ino T e S nat on W dnc MÉ , tbolr pockets to kep Uncle Sm lu busi-1 rél work ofaimlapeeft tW,' uecnda.veryoed busiîness th. old fore ht. Whau a ndjou gentleman appoears to have doue, Judgius on et 130 .gin o t oif trom the.nual report of Secreri 09 memory of lie atih'al the. Treaaîîry S hw. The o erfn mont red an4 Shopp à d e Te *§*r pa d o t d urna g the am e pe ie about , am ead h e m m l t c i la u , $308000 000. Thecotore, the pr oft t etO disc ussin. arly l tc. d Our national oncle wu$ $91.000000 colrmth iomttso f coure.. <ber. wa » ue for <his profit. ro ed à c ub tl u e f ti cs ad Uncle Scam une Lt in gettîlli furer utat.aod bill with lie ot of the hle-in ottier words, reducli gthat Oklcahma amd ladia the. publie det. whch la abou lt$.,». almtd into th. Union ae O 000.00.der the Dme of Oklaboa. The fiscal yenr cnded June 30- The. de- lmlfftioa blu1wu teild report of money recelved (by w ar-,Qu el preetpltted c a c5t~ ront) la as tollove: sau ftesar Fr05 Internai revenue... SVI-MO-I10O termnated by c roIli frein Fnb m c otae =........ .. ....... .....4101119 thai beg nhlîn gI e. 11) ilw Front raita on minuteibai lion depOosetc...........X*TO657 nfiibed business sud thut a%. Itron, TecBut5ft6eI tht rtet lng heur oteh deyIil waêI0 of Columbiae42171181.8..ret........IMW r n ale, of publIe landa 4,1 4, 1 = 7 ,Vt e of tu t od . Tics Tram fees-Côonsl&J. lettersthbiltaprras patent, and landse.. ... -....4,M1.229.87 tebî oaporas~ .I u Tr a y ensin, oct, ho - h e cap on es et tbe. ntbieeh Ci l e t ring . c d d e p a sIt - suco m ma j u r e Vfond,... .. .. .. .. .. .. .19 m03 I rin a e ton hou" OU Fram Inlad nlal,,r. cls dai. Ticere wr tevofca Indien Icado.-c, ......1.75.W.8113 Mln on thé commission bill. dl Frm t ei an rireCla l. a f h e Pre nldoni'a cour ea n CT atiilLat. .... I.........1.6,63,454.7 -- Front eyment af luterei by cornaiseo o l'eigie mil '814............1184,5m.71 eept hi 1Mr. Burton. a M iaeaui Fr,,arsales aig- nmnet 'Lrat. Who eonteUq>d iLci the rrape i y. ...... .. ....... .. 82M 314.1 5 W B@ cree i t ut cu th e u elt f b . Frm a cotrorc etc tru.M lira alil-. etc ....... I.... ........8,PIt.75 constitutionl. F la 1 e . irno o d ..... 747217 15 1* pro ,,- oe l .n..a... 554,138.94 The Stanate waluac"an"ico Tio Frin ..codler. e'irnterinma onboor ced' ye mnutes,.montsetof neat <aid............ ..Cr0.62 ~tionea cct Leind dcccii dooli. Frot ifflatee.:aies tee 33.95ter the reeeptloi of canobefo Trai oie ai ,rîl a-em.and petitions, and the adoption of a 00 1 t n d a d d e r .. . . . . M .4 8 -5 c a r r e n t r e s o l u t i o n e il l iî u e n t h e 1 r t t . - publicied...or... .... i. . 8 tioIS dent for tire Paera in the FloMe IU ira .cale ai nti nmcel8 case. receitiy erbitratei before 9oi sd a. r cn.oî tc . . . 18,94 l.911 linge r b a , Bi r. hBeveridge h eà~ F ru .,ce ut l .and i r. ldt h r s lu ti n s a d a p td b î i lth e ~ .. ... ... ... .. 272,422.72 tr ,"r.w rto. .1n ceelcIîna. ... 231,821.201 tae<tieOklahoima non-ParLtian ille Fr. o.t u isd. de1ertcae.t fcvorrng the admission of Okhaoen y f t tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 0 6 1-I9 4 I i n T e rn îi t y c m a n e S t a t e a d a p Flou' Ilý-tasc fm..c.Tereltory r e nl'inen nt tlita executir 011: o f A le e k îr I . . . . . . . c ir a , a n d c n t I 1 50 c d j tu r n e d o u t i l M a re . Tr..n poictol ier....121.848.04 dey.Te lions,- wu@netLa esio. T tl rrcIpt . .......... t482Od For the coure period the, cîpensel aiof Ther lionne drvoied Friday ta WÇM the gai crir(tuecre. n h private calendan. The muet Icaioebi.4 I lvm ill paceri n-caone tea djudlkeIon rom thî 1e 1-letabii.trnrit Ithe Court ai (lalais tht clis o f e t Ur lacIrilini f reiga la tnr i mup rtere aî,f c el bloonia. , cW h e 1coace ptnirIrillog cii--diti9 suiii 12 1îid cuoiirsduties cgî*0 tnIet aioaf tber cienat ta OZ);per cent adi valorcia. viccurle minielcirra raeoce Iil l e7ITJ cclarrd. lire correet rate ehoalhd be j ioni. iscidlig len ad b 31>N)per cent. Aixa I $330.000l f.rt ce voled.A hbilil t 8Vpsi ibiileY#(cl" . 0-dy -4-tbr?*.the 1 ým ta ouwla anSd ti - fsbnoda th fi cl Got irla - usaitey ." wlbeua ~~n lau - *mm te. fh icolingetc i&t e el i~c n ge fl Ltheî iw and rtie, d bchrril, qa~ usantt I M atrai -lokat Le -« oacif un Buthé oc tIbo lat<Le a' eedi - Ibm ini et lte -llir, n ~ uentb tt -irei ibi "1ý is n t. Buth o ru' Ofc a Obece Bte OMecoi 4ma. thi anlaI bave art Ajt la et hàm cil aum air

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