stWd aite ,cept-olWe ai Libeel7,iIIe BUcl, e aobu .iImattor. Onk* Te .apN. i EeeîReesis sâu e N. 4 AilVUmancmo &UILDZ ccVu cOn AP1Lt calicon. Frlday, Deceniber 12, 1902. REAL EsTATE THuANsFE». Furulitheolby Lake Couty Titie & Truat 0o. Abstracw ofai TtIe. Tubs ncursunteod lasaulo Temple iildg. waukegatini à LaVIS J. OUBSNE.. 8cr. Juaob Gasser tand M to1 N But-ne0 acres sI 6W 4 0sec 2-4-Il dee ... $»0 0 ganti t Pope aid Wl tu H B Eger lot 9 bk i StowellB a ad ta Litetyvîlit w ................ ......... ....... 1O010 Nancty K Lafüvre ta OW(latou prt lot 70. Et-trt. &Jeffreys diviaion ai Hlghawood Qu .... ........ 6 E àA umuinios and Wl la Wtaltî magusai lot 17 blk e CUMMIngs & W'. a td Wauka&i v d ...........1su00(0 JO Witiey iîbdlvilionc[t4 lota la se X ne M tue 1-43-10 ............. J A Webbt and Wl to H 0 Oriffln tII ne 1X aud ow 1M lie1X sec l-40-lOal'19 NMtartlu w W new O1040-il w id 72W un1 J E Braoks ta W Il Park pvttae 4ne 1M sett) 00t-01( detd.................. sou0 60 Mary !Moora- le Lot-Ina Curry part lots i antd 2 MýKYitSU[,b bi ttitay's4c,0 and attd Wauegalt w d........ .....406 Margaret J Clark to Jno B Bavward à .6lots 3, 4 .and1ô bit 21 2and1 tdd ta L eBluff wd------------------....2MO5010 Marart B Ne"c"iand buit ta0L oeoi n ao ft o 13ô1 t It 70 Hhlhlîood q ....d......... .................. Edv'd Cauooa-nu,aid Wl to F J Dentltîg lot. 1 and 2 Bamltni add to Highland Park wtt.......... 19 y J Dmilttatad vi te Emma E ClatteDlu lots i aud 2 HamIltono, add ta Highland Park v d-----------.. 1 0 G A Capronl to D W Darîseil lots e, 7 and a biktâ HiglandalOPark q e -...2m) oî J B Moderweli ta W F ONetti e%' lots 8 and 9 bk 2Moderwelle esuh Wauke- mta wvil -............................ 00 J B Modet-vaîl ta W F ONeil vi4 loti 8 sud 9 bLk 2Modervellà ub Wauk- eu o Fred Bo.row vad vf ta Carl Koppel- ailoté nit ao Krk & POWclla add ek.gauvd------------------......1176 o Hldr Hemingvay aid hua ta Liloan Bbutlao0 50ftlu t ltad Coin. 9 atock Lob llaiboodvwd----------..0020oo1 J Do WaadhiidautojilE2Haielot 3ibit i10WlhubiTP ar;v d--------------. i 1 C 8E Smith aid v tinler-mon Lutken- hage loA 7 to ik à Dreyere tsub Wakegau q e..................... M 5 0 E P M Mandbera and wl ta C H Dlovuer Iot 2 Noona titi uh lu avbd ec 1-tb-@ wd ý................ son ou JaetteH Hardie and lhuastoi) M Ertîns ft' bIkt oHighland Park w v. O ... 2w(w) Northveitet-î Mlitry Atedemy ta Adelalde S. Daldson e part lot 6 bit 4il lalaîd Park v d--------------.. 0ô6o Joa Stuebuît 801 wl to Volat 8tuch Ilitsas30fitlot a Stantune ounb put sec 2-5. wvd.................. Mo0Go Deniel eqe and v tu Fait Novar a en ft a 175 t (e ttNu i),lot 60 Bliviwoti atd .............. Ion 00 t La-sieÉilicunt andti vin ta Jîs enni ewuw X l"exwvJO mes) 8"a17-4-Il »"Mersafili IL*%a" i.55a-it - toisres w d........................ 6M oe Jio Tomme naid vi ta Le.r loScun lotOub of bihasi original Wa"ie. saua ....... ...............0MW0PO Betateo f Edviin hrd dt tot 0 8 lehards prt ev M aetc 7-4-ie anale ee1 6(6-0-0tc-----------....6lm6O Biîan ÀScoavIlle ta Loroy Siocunt part àwsveoc a-45-i w d.-------------... 00 Tho&. (oit aid vi t. Wm licRerile and F D Dewoody e e M 6014tc30240 122ne n e sec 1(15and ea iv X u14X etc 4-412tInluail 1)il% acrom w d...............................102706un Usa Miller anloti. tJatte Hyan lots 6.7. aitîf 8bit a Truedels add tu D)eerloie----------------------i... 10 litire f aviesd Frtscthedeceatd ta Jamteltytt ots i 2. 7 and 8 bit 2 Triteada-la edd ta b;eield v d ... ooo1 Jaunette P M109anad hus ta H A Irvin part îa,*e-wid0- ......v.O ite 10 A B Itaîdero and Wl ta T IlComa-l n o rod, e <-ý îe5i ne 14 ire 5-4-il .................................. 1 Un C. N Duracd,8S0 Do M S..-Cbicago. Admniiltretor'e Sle. éIste ut Ilinoias Courty ai Lake,. mg. Couat Ctîrt o LaIta Countr. Deoea.ler erm A. D. IM.C Fr-nt Wrtt. Admil8trator ai th-t'îtat- olMry J MrleS. d".eaetyv Arthur I. Mre. Ethal Mritri. Dala M t-l-h ctI Etat -'rnuatî. P.Ulon te e- I l tttta "0pay deht. pubc ,tittillO,]m btaebit al v(1utlt lu pu"tItUat-t- o1 a ftletre mýad idenitrot hi mad -aIdt lti t tîtabovse elltleti ca'a"son the artlduy tf D.»oember. A. D. 10(1. . Cý Frtak Wrlght. Admlatitrt,r o auca-I etatc yull oanBturday thte rd dcv of January. A. D.219M. uItt h or ai aie ooioainluthe aatemfflot01 miad daY. at th eatI door of tihe Court 5Hou" inth"ty ofi ai îkaga. Lke <'ttt ta illeo,.telatpublie aîatat th ie Muhgit,' antd I-.t butta-r for (300h ail the ri-ist. ti- andlti ner,-t vhlie thte ald Mary J. Ma yrlrk batiut th" ime ai ber desthinluAnd in th ti2tlilttwiig dict-"teid e Patat, Aiu udividett ontt-fouithI teremt ln the south Jelaree of the vest hait 01 the South- 0211<1 quarter of etfitn 17 and tho iorthI i ftt<t-tL tt thé, tttrtt-tat quarter of setion 21t. Alt- onntnn,o-ng uta t aoke ai the etc IBoaieeýtiioo 20. btwOeen laids formerîr Cve y(yrus HeAb and W.S9 Hitthîncon and rung nit-t'onIrodo a stalle; theise s.t -11 "na Darali1-1 lino ult h te outh lino <ti oitl fat-m 1 6, rade te thte haltSections lIne: tittîtt' atuthtet a stale on thtineo f laid nwnt-d b>-the sald eth aid Hutabi-. catn: tbtitenS tn Aïld lino lui rode ta the plat-e Of betoug. Goantfîln 160acree. mortu or lotsi etetiai2o. aili taviel 44 îorth.lg.e ar'Il atouti0thc ird P.M. exuAtapine tee m a itreof ai itt d"otrid a Auftltte: ComnineetlItlie ihtXOti-tOn ai the Mehasie(rave and DIainond L&k. road on the veut linoaifte uorth-eaast quarte, ai Sectttin 2. cet.a point lOt-buis &bd 22 loits South of tht iorth- dreot t -nar ai eald Qllartar etloît :theîoe raunita Sotuth Along ttbmlnertr eoion lineam oht-tîdnid 7e linkm: theitoaseat j cIain, ýanti 28 lilk.. tua-ienormhpareliel vitlî the quarteremeion luiîhielue said 38 Itaktt V) th"ttenter o aclii raad: Iheuce eothm 41lt-erai eet Along tht conter i cteid road 5 tbains and a Ilcka t thtiee" of teiutin. t-tttlel1g4 -t0eg-temort r taaAieaex,tpig that prtOaitht, eath. veetqumrrerItifte oth-ea.t qu@rtr ai n ltoi 7 dee.'ti-I as BMfolove: Corn- minlat aapoit t1 ane aid il titl vos' cf th- outi-eest cerner ofi.aid &SCeRtIon 7; t teie iotb 18 ecils anddli llt: thoc e-t otle otits Anddesdlles- tbon-ýSouaith4dix dort-se.out 7 chane and 91 ilisatbepemooiutlt 22 d.graea euh a ette a d: Ilte tth-Sthilalin@saithe. e0ii-at quarter ai subi mention 17; thouico OW9 2eItadanid 4 lit* taio heane ut beonn& nL t3litfiDAiL7%4 ACTONtte.tuated 1 wtovàOf ai Lertyvilio Late ouity M, *at.b ct inte h. over rigitsa U -rieL. Mtick. Su oed or deedsIntibo - veut0aihsnobmaiela efrmed by sAïd WWake auliiolg, Den. a. A- D) -Pause Admnttator cai Mae ry J. Mirrlk. demd e a3 D s»iatorneyfr f PEOPLES' COLUMN. u "-sa.. Usas. ae-e" ptiet t o u f .1 C0U5Mor-EaýDS-Mlvckee tva omu Ladies' Tailoringe Fiat Clama Wcrk aranteed. Li»Àes doiîng anytlilng la thia ice ploane eau an MRS. IDA LEIBOVITZ WAUKEGAN. About tbree monthe ago Peter Boland, Who caimetihte 136 Pound wrUlSiIB< abamplonchip of Amoreîc &UBinotted ihat ho ould ureatie any mots la lake eounty volghlng not aVeN 170 potnda. Paul Bogeof Wait- kegant, a vrestier af abîliy bas e- oePtsd Bolafle chiallenge and a match vas arranged t a te. place lu Turner hall on south Oeueaee etreet on Jaanairy lut. The vinner wiii cllenlge "-Gurnee Jack" for auy pubz. Dr. Gearge Siytield dled at an Antonio, Oalhfoinia, Tuesday. A yeer cga lant Sepiember the doctar and hie famliy vent vetand biol beeau here sinone xceping for a short perlod Whotele r einrned f or a viil lai Miuter. Bolde. a vite, Dr. lrfloid leaves tvao blidren and tbreo elalors. à"$a. .. B. PUt.,aMia Emma audmiMn Juno lyfteid. Dr. SiSfieid %soalder- man front ithe tiird yard, and won atitervine pioueffllia waukegan for yeare bavlug beeau àieadlag dentist bore. Deceued vas 39 yeare af &go and vas bain lu Waukegan. lie oarried $4.000 inaurance lu iheba ya Leagie. W. T. Artunr, prenident of the Cidoago, Wankegfau n 12 Elgin Rail. val Compeuy bad been ta Kenosha asking forai franchiseo tapermit &bat raijroaed ta enter thiCity. Il la under- toad %bat If Renoha la added ta the lin. the proposed raute ta Waukegn vill bo abendaneol. Sane Umne &go tihe Company axd for e frafebaise lu Wankegaa and tiisfranchiae ordinence la ettilIponding before the oncli o tbis City. In the meatinie a loal compOMY ba been formed viio bas socured a îlgbîtaounate boraedhed lId ont for the. roed lit. Arbur ropreaenha, sud for titis reaaan the CampAur la seeklug soue ailer route. Anotiier nov lndatry le to iaoate Iu Wakegon. Theo acer late W@ayer Manfacturlng 0ontrany, and iae produot la an extensive Uine of per- fumem,,âue eaapa, face ltlon@, toit totoncanmd aller tiliet roqaltea. Alreacly an option bas been ecured ou a alto fur tit facoar); end a refus. i af uptavu prapertr autabie for goeêtaI otlloeitaebeen aeured iea. Upon lite atorr site a labortory building 200160 leet lu dimensions asu tree atonies inuitelght la ta lie erected seas ononta.Passible, and lu ad. dicton te titi. a etarebanae 0f couaid* or&"le ilze ta oberecteol. Arhu. Seat (. W. Weed, oi Cicago, hie bien bots and loioked aer the. aite, sud builiding plana ate nov lu prepa. ration. FORT H-ILL. Mr. aitdtirs. C.L. Thomeon Sun'ayed viit relatives at Grayalako. A. Bienveli, T. Baver, sud A. Combe ehipped a cerlosil af fat hoep tu Chicago lionday. à Party ai about tveitr roung peopieaurprised harlie Wsii aI hie home Fnitdar ovulng. A pioeat tinte le eprted. SIok Bglood Feed pale girls on Scotts Emrutlsîo n. WC do flot necd to give al the reasons wtIy Scott's Ernuision restores the strength and flesti and cotor of good llcalth to those who suifer froîn sick blood. 'l'ie fact that it is the bcst pt-paration of Cod Liver Oit, rich ins nutrition, fuit of heatthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. SCott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oit at its best, futtest in strcngth, teast in taste. Young women in their teens" are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weaknemsand nervous. ncss, by regular treatmnent with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturafly adapted to the cure lof the blood sickness from which so many young women sufer. W.telS k 5le te sudi ài alestaMym sfleme. 14 %me ihobat i kt-tarla h.1. la. e L e i. ecda. Uept i0st-y htil. .9 Kaaleoy - SCOTT & BOWNE. Chomlgqte. dm Puai st.,Nevw otE -i*MMUW 4Mfl *190«- ToiTuude t USdlgbt I. H. <eblo, or A11111e00114lied. BeOvas80 reera Of mg0 Mud one of the eary setîlora ai the coui, loctlîg itere lu 1845. Ho vWU vîdoir knowavnad gieatly eu- teued. Mir. Webbaloves as Immodlalo relatives tirae maie anal thiee daugisteri: lMry Boyicu, ai Antioab, B. Bl Webb, cf ryotel Falso, Bit-h., George and tbase, tutav asntefrut ai Webb Brothers, af Anttoah, lire Stevene. of Wisconsin andi Mrs. Enima Badge, via lim been caîlog for lier father eitie hante. He vas an itiale afim ia.Webb, ai1Iaukegan. Thse f unerai ilîl bc beld Frliay foremoon, ti baul ai tHickory. Recently Dlvorced Wlfe Marrie@ solilêr. iiatui-tiy, Nov. 29, Seageaul Itegiuald Weea-tt af the Ntit ilattery vas; uarrled lu Chicago taulir@. Ives, former vule ai IL. S. Ies, uutil recenîr iiupeoniteidiut 0ai ihe Chicago andl Milwvaukee Jetie ra a-lroat. lir@. Ie@evas grauteol a divorce a ia-v daye before Titankoglvîug. Ht. ent Mis. Weaatt are topplngut et Park Ho. tel ai Fart Sheridan. tir. Weaa,,l enlilted lu thse rmy a lev mouiSe ago mud mollira. Ies ai Hlghvaad, vbere seo rentdod. Sauce ettlihtîllg Weectt feu bol tai cfotune ai $16,000 aud it le a ld bl'ie vinov try le gel a diëchaige sud rtotn eaat vitlla sbride. 111e hantelalu l'tic&, New Yart. Au Enterpaialug Delly. The WakegaSun leanet an -etrae Sîndar lunvtio vote given te facto anti dotalle of the etreet railway cou- lroveo-y Ilu io l ilWaukegau vas deeply luteresiteaianti anxione ifor in- formation ai thte latent andl oouitnnaliy occutiug tevelapuienle. Thte Sunwvu p ta te catsin anti vilsh cotumendable outerpritte furu- iaed the people vitat tliey vanteti vbon uer mont deired il, andti tat invitat goea te male a live neespupea-, victhatîe tially Sui e l. Folle B DeadlY Attack. 'MY vile vas go11Ili tatgond physea- lan e veounaile la îeîp itea,' wries H. M. Austin, of Wncheter, titi.. -but vascOompleboly aureti by Dr. Klug'@ Nov Lite Pille. Tliuîy vort voîdere lu teinaci sua ivher troules, Cure oietlpmtln, it-k ita-darhe. 25 cenutm F. B. LavrLa, Liber tyvilla-; (IBÂTeLAKE PHARJOACY. Public Notice. Treaatry Departmet. ofHxat tf Cotor- t-llaroi tut Cura-nt-. Washinsion. D. C.. Da-tanbtt- t1.ilt- WBEamie. iîy iattifaîrltra-titla-[Itt r-. getted tot ha- înderslgned, it hasit -a-an matie ta appaar tiat The Fît-t National Baut of Uhberlville. iln tht VîlagsofaiLIittrtyvlllo.ln the County af Lats and NiataI llinois. bas cmplid vîtb ail the provisione or tîto tattes aithtelUnied Skate,. aIl ulmad ta le compiiot itt hafore an aâ8eîation ihaîl ho authorizeai tao ommeutae tte business ai ankine; Nov TauragttaI . WitlitemB. Iidati-. COmptt-oller ai the Currey. do beo-ti cor. tii that 'The FIat National Senk af Liberty- vile.» luthe Vllof ai Llertrillo. ln te tiantYr aiLake ant itate ai 1hloole, lg an- Iborlzeetta cammiee the busiesseeoaiBank- ti ase provldeai la Seetion Fifty aie litndrttd and ixtr nîna- ai the itovloed Statutea of the Uited Sttes. la TESxMoev WsaBEayP itni-ca my bandl aid Seai aofalles thît fini day ai Dec.oalot-. SEAL Wm, 1. ltOaKLy. Boy Baled. 1 am ptepared io bale bey itîr ait y leirlug to bave tbeîr bsy lhlet. Ail aiderat pramptiy attente-i ta. W. B. OUDTOaTU, Ptairie Vieta. J1r. 1. p Prlceof Inter ocean Afierja o. 1. To al aubscrtbets aifte INsocîZ-c OE1OT we bave bie ndotraiat now givlng a yesre subotrlptiotî lu the Chia-go WealyIntoler Oca for 35 catua, or bath paliere one rear for Il,85. Alior Jttanary 1, 1903 thie Inter Ocean publilierd vîl l anaOthetir tub- goriptiolà plice n ta tiea -p'ialitlîrîtm and vs viii thton b abllgod la charge 82.00 for bauh papora for ane yenr. 3m tr51111la mmud, as vocah mi ater îLe dateieutionoti charge te nov price. mlpulafld. The Intleir Oaean caste us a couiderable aMount mare thal va chtarge aur ubribere eut vo canait bal ta the nid figure alter ibo ativanc pt-be tougns e ueffecti811 Uncliiued Letteru The lt ai unclaimed la-tIare ai Liberty ville Ill,. voseaflcior tcevoa-k ending 11c. 1: When calli fot tba-e eItltea-e ccy 'advet-. timëd. - W H. Benntt. Miesa H. Htoul. WAuîa" i M ExàTEPagtiutear. Kaew He Leved Iller. lIt-.Dunt-an Stewart tia-cribeai Lady Bo-sconefiolti as ot-lgitalîy a fatary girl, lait. Lewieslit-t saw lier golng ta liar fattory, haaulîful andi Witlu bat-e laitt. Ho edutatet hait-anti met-net ber, tuie atd leftber -et-y rit-b,and tlîan aie mat-a-edBlesa-l. Wheu est- aid wiy se iarrîctiliet-secaondi bua- band,.8eo oulti amy, et If 1k Was e tîet er lu bter cap, t-My tia, eth mate lovt--elame wblue ny fitet incItantv-en nl-ve. andt teretot-e 1 krîew that lie t-a-lly lov-e l me.' Aaguslue J. C. flereRecolletione. Oood Cigaru. Ilmat-,tIf rau vihli eut an smoking, a cigar th&% 10 mild aid pleaaant ta San and agrebie ta altonrs vita MS eeclyourpinoke. Iii a arime &gains$ youracuf andt uita. raon ilgle vti bc amaS. a pour algar. Remember flitai; The Speali, lie Lake CountY Fravorite anti a 'amenae, teit res aupealr popular brair put mp by The Rockefeller Olgar Ca., sud Cubai Selle, the bot aiesp igar on te markcet are brate Son cen @maoite Md OnJer smoking vithon bIng Oafensive gota hune»rondnîSon. Trir a Ie CaeuuirFavorite or àsSpenflel. For mue lir LakeOonty Isoler. 0-4.4 T@IoefeUeq Olt00. r MMY. Pt, thélaide ortii. wstom Paeifl'bav. la titeir troalue and lake. large intubera ai oels of Immoee am b*bicb seidon at-e ueed au food ty thte natives. wbo eam ta bav-e a horrar of tihe enaitelke trenturee. Thte eelsaof Stroug'a Islandot. of aithe -Caroline graup, are pecullar lu that they biber- otite regotlaa-iy and oe-e-k foth italt plat-e of hibernation Ille lortia-sI plac-tes vbit- tiser eau fiid. Thèse eela oorneieowill tllab mauntaina 2,00v feet iigih adaasele-ct tite suminit as the pltaee fart- lita-lt-w- teres reat Tht-ysec-t or uîhke e de- pt-ession la te coft, mas o-vered sali and lfit tbeune-lva- tota uingiy, t-e- metning for mntia et a lime abea- iuteiy motiouleei andîti utrt. Srsiuotimee the eels are caît-t-ta-aiollth oec or vege- tableteIns uandai t otîter timaes tbey àat-e fouît exposa-d la view with their bt-oad, flat beaudo doubla-d ta-k upan tha-ir balee. Alla-r tt- er eoeon oi t-est upan the mîountiln tops the eela wt-lggle tiseir w ay dîîwn ta tiîe val- leye andi, pluuglng inta lta- rivera andi laikés, begln u tafeed îupon the craw- Belb, for wi cruetnt-otan tbey bave a ifondness le tiar-ti y the na- tivee. Those et-lt ara- ext-allent a-atiug, but notbIng yul mint-e the at iv-es to touchittient, cliva-or aitad. ttieel It vwne a long ride tt-raligîla es-olete andi dangeroue t-ountry, and the-poUtl- gclan eought ta i-,-Ila-ve lia- raotauy by fphilosopheiik' nltge on biista-aret vit- ytoai- nd oi:rîine t ltSeven t ut-ceea i rngs. 'Hlai np yaîîr handsl' Tia- etag-t-att-I gave a lut-th andi eitappe-t. The riîy oaI UEb tht shot lu. ta tha- vehtica-l triie the epnttet-lng ramin ttumyrlîîdtt of ivauesea.-tgeme. 'Wiut da yaîî want?" ask-o the pol- B It-Ian, wlth a lit-ttîa-esliaI ehowed thîtt h a d f ta-ai duanget- ba-fra-. "Yaut- mont-v.' 8 "Ha- t-e t;.tt -"Tloua- watt-b I itI dîsmannti lng." y Tha-y are ytilts - "iItmuetBony t-llît'egt-od nlturpdtiany- how.'t @nid (tilt of the iîa-lalgttîy mart. .Not et ail, Arc- you seutat:aîl I yon dtitre?" t 't'hat ln thiffttlt- i (1(1 otithîlîk wa- wtanta-d?" "I wae t-i' 11thte poiliants vol-a-tremba- a t tlt -ot wînta-d an ofUite!t-Phiîtîit-1îiia North Att-i- Ca D. l.eet ie.tu lea-mailm.1. 1 soulti tak-oatmal gangaf pt-at-- tuIva toffee plîîî-ti it-ola Caylou with goot i dgeestnsto blat- ît a-raid ai ehiguestit-ko nîtl Bearne fila-s. ta eey nohîug of ttthe a-at- 1111e nosqulto. The wrltet- haixa-rt-uttaaidut-lng four yaet- lu Ba-uzlatt la-sto ltin 200I chig- <est ram unîla-rneatb et--ty ta-e neil of bath faet. Of aIl the- t-le iuoa-î-ton aIl alti the Bernte fy la ta- wat-tt. She luyq ha-t eggs ute 3 aur Bt-hait dttu atce tht-ae va-ay ugly luta--is un lui-i long with tht-etrinitgtt of bristîeroîundl the bady anti wiîttitît-p nipît-e. Tbey luike about six- Aea-ks to10it-t-a-p un- der yaur skIa. tliîan t-auriîl-net- o tutan somereaulitî ut vlett-liiYtît tt-ait ta ga toa eeep nlt-t-n at-t tidaye t-ort lu thoemnu. Titi nativesa oft l alýittpaenat-el vay oa i extm-tlg thie bruitte w-t-icfull grava. lbey tie an a ploy- oftav pot-k anti the Ber-na- tornesout of yout- stin anti takae a bouder inta the plae af pîgskin.-Ct-lün Obo-rt-et-. Whate hla Namo? Et-aity thIîa lnshi Ie name vhrtn Il a-amne fo %ltlIa azeI Salve. E. C DeWiit & (o. ai Chiraga, ailecavret nome y,-arc agît, hov t,> mate a save faont WIt-i lan-Ithat le e spot-tlt- for pilea. lot blioti, hioediug, ltc-- log amittpttilg pilaf-, et-roua, t-uts, btîraî. brtimeee andal aIketn tilecanieDewtts a ave Sas no oquai. Thiseban givea rime ta numerame vartisîtos conîlorite. Ait for De- Wtta the geauhie. P. B. Lovn.n, Llberty villeý Crialtias.Nigît Douce. The Round Lake Pleasure Club Inviboete dancing public ta, attend Ibeir second aiftitiseeusmosrtes ai daîcos ai Amnun Htos. Hlsl, BoundO Lake, on Cirbtmasnlgbt, Da'aainbr25 titiato by Haptoe atrciýttrs. ai Wauaouda, esalaiel hy trop drummer lrîm Clîieaîgaî Wantcd. ite votild liketo s0ait, lirougli tbe columnue ai yotir paper, Il teeleaujn pérean vho lies ued Gireen'@ Anguit Fiover furt-utetcire oaIindigestion. dysepsla, ant i ver troubles that lias tual becît aured-and we aIea meau tha-Ir reeiiio, ioîc-iam butattremacli, iermoattatl(of oo a-d, ilabitual costivIl- Ilee, nervoutrildyêpa-pea, iaeadacite., deepoudeut feelings. eieepbessense- lu fiat, aur trouble e.unected vush tiioetamacit or liver? ThIe medicine Ilic el oesold for maur reare lu ail oivlllzed canutries. sud vi vieh ta c-orreespond eli Sour u ad menoud no oie ai aur books free ai costl If Sou nover tiled Anqnst Flover. trye 26 roui baille tiret- We bave nover kiamu ai IL& falllng. 1f se. eametblîg more seuoue le Itheutatter vlib rau. Thle 25 cent aise lbas juetbeen lutta- duced thie year. Bognlai eise 75 conte. For sale bv OBATaL.Axe PHAEMAOT, Crayelake, 111.i. . G-(laigE, Wood- bnry, N. J. ICouqhed 1 had a moat etubborn cough for many years. It deprîved me of eleep and 1 grev very tibm 1 then iried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, andveas quickly cured. R. N. Mann, Feu Mita, Tenu. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the abbve have taught us what 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wiIl do. We know it's the greatest cough remedy lever made. You wiIl say so, too, after you try it. Thres et.: la. S*-, SU. COnotlt rou ductor. if honyse t . then d. ean"o.ateIf ho telle]" ott tke il, then oel it&*L . Be o - Yont vilI 11ke AycesaPille allia, pyCedhdWgaI, fdyilaxative, r-ee . the veUSl.£vUMu *'*:items 0of C. M. & St. P. Tiane Table. c.cAv 1 Aalvi UV AA .2. L I tlA0O. CURICAGO. IUYL à0 Io la 80 :M.a00 toIlU, 60 M00 000" 01 oui DAY. 87an Ofa 0 0 I à 044 M oar Io0'* 1018la P o2 p 8, e10 710m 60m 100 * P1 Wieconalo Central Timna Table. --- m 0al,9aQ. Olaf 721a0 *W0 lOB'a ilOa 101# I 8 u n d av o n l . - l'nul Fabrkok open t Su nday uit Keousa. ,Ni is. Euitnonx we as ini Chicago MoîîdaY. Jlohnî W.hbrn wam ut lChicago Tua- -Mr'. and Mn~P. t.Efhlm fl m Ulel Wedneday for titelr inbter hau e l Virgulea, but befote galmg them'e tisey viii @pend a few days ln W amhing- ton, 1). C., and a week In North Caraitue. Ma-. aid Mns. E. J. Higler aad-oipaied thein am iai as Chicago. Tuae lundîay a-hootaIl fthetCongre. gational t-hua-t-blas arattgi'd fur e Christinostatteand a goodtimîe vitit Hanat Claue. lt be given Wedinssday eveîalng, 15-t-. 241h. 'Memst-. White & Dolittle haave g"rta-a-tul donatedtheit uset of tiaefirew OpleraeHonea- faa-the aartsindeltthum tue goneral public will tte lii, ly me-toîîmiaadeal. A coarial invitatittu i exta-iîda-tltaevaryltdy. No îtolittaiîta- oil l-hart]-. 2 Jwke. The unoais reord ap a bien9 tramel püaat udilv Eti D, liao. tIhttytt- tvas a Chia-agît vimttîtt- eLy Mrs. Kîrlsig-- oliîtt lit a a-ok lit Cicago. I lîlî King, ofR Nltla- -ota ia-t-tý 7.N tt-ighani. ut - tl-i iagt,, o as lit ta l lPr. EI ltîiîB. îtl uo(fî-îg %.(ast MIr. tîaind t-c. Itil- -a aIl lit MloisAt-botta- NitrriIlltî pontitttlîtt îtîtti Mndrtlty îti'î-îPrarieVit-t-t Itlotak ils-ut r4undaY ~ituthi- pttilt [tlt ,int- Mi- tt Marlily *lt îtît, tîf lit iîil ltko- i-out Saurlii-tyîîo lir Mlît-îta- 3ai-Ittutlofll ig îtg I,t t sponttt Su iv lyhît-t- Mi-t. IOtlto.Jtohnotnt l.111t lt-%I tîit- t-t-ltiiltt lrairlIt- Nîî--t 7h. taa ialTuîd rnîîer ttIîîîîti lt- t a t tilt lt-t Aa îtî t ai Monda.% Mmi.-C . F. filih tlui-oe- Kit tîiti ly H a lt-<tlîîah t-it lit CIit-tgtî K L .1llîgt-v andti,1. hakson t ilt-tiI loti.t-a-ok ii-in n o, Frank aTitylîti- spItIt. -va-t-tI lt-vm lt C'hîictagot. tiit-îîg l-t-dtty. Mic I Getr -utlt- Ritctardnrî a tI ii-cl Stîtitiay li a i tlit ahhit igît. M ic Mituia Sîtt-itg. tof Fttt- il.tî vitket l ith lîtimt tîlitt-îtur(laî . lt-rt-%ýiît i J, <h 7 iîk-tti, l -tinI Sîît Mma. Il. lltttk r Stui-ai îtttllî lt-tîîîti te t--lit <t-itîth tîîtdtt lit tt t ito lut-t tt- a M rit. 'littî. totI la iîrît Nîttt- t- toî ha-t- tet- Mrt-. Mtttrti. llt, ltt a ,ot-t i iiig t ltîlIa- tl itattintin 'ia- SIt-ttttglisc tîîkt-îfitta andit.îtîîtiî 'Ntiagth )i it cît-t.ta utt-iîît otti Mmtt. Elltilti-igge llt itaiIt-t t-k ftît- Elgint tt-ha-rt- cita-o %îl ia-t .- grt-alt-r part Itiflthe Ntiilt-I tt th NîttoIltgtili hain. llrot-- ard Higît-i t-t-li tvt-tttlientItIt 1 Lotng Laîia- lurittg tht- îîî Iritîtt-lutts akx--pt-ti a [tositiont lit ta- tilt-t a-t F. 1). lttot-ehaîl lîa îultia-îl lwitrl rIlook ta hia lîituofria-rkc aîîi d E . Ill uamot trt tha-stotre dîîiiîtii-he ,! iduyc.. 1k il§ toaidthat Ty-let- Iilha-tlt o-I year nId dauglite- whî, ladon ittl Vkyrîhoidfa-t-ar, îîuw lias lîneumnonia tNt- 1 tta-ust it îa n-t oaset-rit tttas uc t tfit ; tîîtto-v <i'lîttt:mtr..tît Ro l i a lttt lutlap prtîv-rîtt. i tlLak-t, -ielîtîcçtaI--lia-a-a-ý site t-t-ett tt- -tk tîgîl fotr iî t t twri-ttt ui on liea-tiu-it. îîthi--tt rhu-t'tiwuiîav, lDt--.i 7t i. Ail ttteriers it-t-reques-ta- t lub.-pa-etaine a o-aIl ic th,- NatîostofRitinîg Niiîl oîlga- antitad -tt tte tiî-ae -ecks ugc> etarta-t a ma-t atrket heha-t-let-gît--an it taitThea-fttrîîîa-a gorîtlaia and uii iîtily îtîut-1 tg ttt Nebraska andtt hetialatta-t- lîa-k tb Hainaa-villt-. At Montiay right'd mieiting oîf Riing Sun Lotige. tht- follttwiîîg affiters -t-e aitoean for tihe eîning yeat: Chtît. Wightîîîîn, W. M.; Wmn. Het-ti. '.:W Claire Edotat-ti. J. W.; Joâ. Wlriîtigtuil. Set.; I. A. Ft-iltn, Tra-as. The insttla- tion wilila-t pritoa. Mizhap('amp RN. ofi A. ut tht-la rogeularnmeating of i)a-a-. itla tla-ito-aitka, fllawing ultea-t-forthetu- -tmiog ya-llt: Auma Fanon. 0.; Louis Thoinecîn, V. 0. Mat-y Mort-ill, Rl.;Sut-ah Longahaugi, Ret-.; Viola But-ga-, Chan.; Rrtha Hentie, M.; Minervu Seettholkr, I. S.; Katherina- Kiiobail, (). S.; Emma Wicks, Man.; Dr. Rit-key, Plye.; Mat-y Moraill, Del.; Mat-y Hat-vey, Ait. Luna-h w&8s eet-îd anti a pleasant sot-lIhoua- epent. The na-rt meeting ai the Centr-aul litad- lng Cirle will lbe ld ut Gtay8lake, BIM-. 13, t 10:45 a. m. imetuione larin te Arttoa Study as followe: Chepltiem 8, 9, 10 aid il by Mine Rit-lai-dshMis Tldy, Mia Lester- and Mr. Badge -- apetivoîr. .Durlug theoaltcruooi Ssession au addreuvii lie given by Bey. Stevens. SpolalmutcwIU hoprovlde. Viatora i1 Metropel itan Score. ie bovllng entbuiiamn romains Mteti aid ibis veet s»v lie alley rd suasbet vlan Bd DacUftilerau coeaof243 and bad lb mot ifer bard lack lnthe 99b aud lOtit tas, vaut niudouitediy made a lie 300t. Btllavle iven the vidnml üIigisecoreasfforbthevoiS: toolîttie 243, J. Fisaier 222, W. 211, Wayne Harver 2081, D. 0. te 204. s a re e«t aos < b. 41v-ou by lte 3"1r tbe&=- aOrsyate 0perg Hoa. ç W evetilug Doa. l17#b. Toit mont viii ho receliel Pioëffure bY te dan» lovin il vili abolit eqnuelj'dlvkte,: bevees lbheleSdie 1s. Chistmtas sud" 0 Tua The flear liasben aeu aud 14 la elegaut ànltlel enotalbus te baungaly vihS the craval aid bave a go*ý lhe Cight 01 Dec. 1lt. Uuppe be meaved by lire. Oardlnleg tg nai Spieudid alyle. . odal Dyspepsie Ciae' Digeala al clumea cf9f19", SfS etrogbcns the. tamceh Md4 argau. Olirced Me~1~S Ueatmci troubies, an- at blond, bealt and trecoml. - rebuihua valnuit issuu. ~h etreigibou n a veethe l. (buE, 0. W. Atkiama, cf W. Va.,ý4 1 bave msed a nup&ber cf boUl. Modal and bave tonanl t lta le Off@oUOlicaid ludsd a paverful lu ior atamacit almente. 1 rueei It ta MY fricuda. F. B. Loi Lltortyville. (FR13__ Are Some'Trade Wlnners.,. 1010 Ar i andiea, eacb ........... . ... .. 109 1 60 large N utieg Graters. eacb 04e Foley's Baser aid Tir,5o aise ..... .....................»C Foley's Boner aid T ai. 20i se . .......................i18 Faleja RKiduey cure, $I 00 aise---------------------------.. Foleja Sarsaeril la, 100 ie ..- .. ... Codl Liver 011, $I1 00 aieé.-------------------------------.. DeWltte UOne Minnte Caugl Outre. 600 aire---------------2..8Z 25o-----------------lac CROCKERY SALE. 20o1 Plates, aIl eizee och---------------------------04c 4() Bauid Havie,fach i........................------------07c 100 Cieam Puteber, Cab.....---------------------04c 100< Baher, white, oaci 4c, 6c, 8c. 10c and............... lEe 200 Assoried Plates, eacli .... ..........04c George B. Battershall, inesville - - - - Illinois. STOVES Wood and Coal Meaters FROM $2.00 Up. +4 We carry the most complete Une of stoves in the county. BUCKNAM & CO, Grayslake. Illinois. 01 ouViII Feel Thafikili Ail wiîittr as well as this week it yon buy - any of our Clothîng for Men, as we are offering exceptioîîal bargains in Overeb, Sîîits, Extra Coats, Vemta, Pants and Work- ing Clothes. We also have Childreu's Cloaks, Hoods, Fascinators, Mittens, Flan. nelette and Tennis Flannel Shawls, BIanketo, -1 Etc. Boots and Shoes. Feits and Rubber-".t- and Overshoes for cold weather. A fulllline of Groceries. Have you seen the pretty -dishes we giving away with eûch pouind of coffeet Save your tiekets for one of ourfi< Smyrna? Rtgs. -Yours for Trade, Wm. We EDWAR Grayslake. THE INDEPENDENT and the Arn Farmner both'-one year for tht price of oe45Q E