; XÂIÂC'S WILD DUD »LAMSES T1411U OTIIERSA^No JSeum las caret, lDm5 Auu* MWi àlm I i"., Robb.ai nor*$SA= BuDet.28 ge. aIOd. sinA et dia. min aiLaeer Mch., tiie otitor me ram ilA beu.and rac thrauuii Catting jasper Clogz's heau W iii a ràai. iangcrouslg bis 9" a vntb., w0ozded hie * miihlHËbg siioting binsei AIMM. Clsgg.who îsm 00 gour ohd, ai the. Bet homoe. Boit wn ta the insane ssylum about a * but six moutll. laier wias dils- 60 cure,!. Hastappoas to bave --ho" bis bcd sudtole freit tte rom ot Clous. Re,- attacked taI tii the reur, probablg before OUmm ak.. Tii. vctim'a titroat ali adt deeplg dthe tiad vm »ftéiedro, rm the. Lody. Thte blade therami mas braken bg striking a 100e The. murierer dico evideutiy re- t hieibiown roumansd ta Led. Tiie rln bis oom le covered with Lter ite arase agitaand a-cnt rom af his mtiier. He struck sblair wlth the. damaged,!ru- a wut ah.vs scarceli' avake. Tite ~w.eIl qiori towkiter-çhiu. %cBA ~ agi *Site së>ang out of bei, wuhi the ii.rami' min and maie Wa ad tu lia.sleeing room. Slip.ha ibd mim.,lier acrma tiie d" wmiitiitherasar bec,!oisted. proba- tibellevng bi. md kilie,! er. When bu ein Bierif Mgcrs eatcrinig the è«MW«Sfl W M Iî.a revolver und! Lý i9wldlY. He aioîed ihe a t Mbis W bauka,!f.illdeuiL Liah- -uo Hmlg.i 1 Caral lut- moie-Telograpb WlemCui. Àfhthm'er-ul wiraide Monday nigit IV-'OSng ai banif nobera mhinci las b»M aasPlng a barreut la central 11h- 041,. Tiisetbaatsuidllar@ wias talion 2 îlet"b»Ik it Clarence. The mon 1118 - 4 n a bandcair. Tité uttuasi OÉMWtAua ire'.taken by ithe ibieves ta 4»M $ *tiau, but teexplosioa ufthtei aigernias bearu and!a Poau.! ai S avle dise. The telegrpit vIres v u t. Mi luias sevcral bourisbW bfti 900 1Unlcadon ith Bloomiigion «U m$bbodag cties coul,! Le retare,!. *sUmgtid , Q16 tii. muter>.. b UnIÉTU v asblova ta piecea. »W.âe Mun. tag Hbber Paroled. ~ rfilmt. tefeaai.stage rabber, W M aniab>' yGoy. 2BrofaiArisons' e. îl réeammen,!atlon of the board ot e m a 00 iheprio uperineniogi. lp 4 stage lun campas>' *ltb jOe Obetusca Florene sud Globe. Afier 4W» of several dags iii'à5posa. the =~igveis aPprebcuded and muai ut aît »me>'naVere. Thte voman iras aislte prison for tie gearsi l-1o. Oblo W ekmyili Rck ~.letsMao wbich ha,! been dis- to"%4trah EntneerFrank ln#I PIneË", à* frmstçrbot ni iii. kt'.±iIa I i -*Sà eet7tn.gai Part Lee, N. J..tube risdeoce PugluabIiSa emolliiaod, hie lustati>' k04 u diqGui ie til Injured " Wta~ ii di e. Motier iras ouad 200 t ro rm ti. xp& son took place, ber Saiuct tam r rm ber body.q tbe Mult of a quai-roi avec ithe Ofet70 cents fur drinks John a t. Louis bariender. sitot An- r, peaprietorai the.@ai-, hlm, sud seloaly irouade,! IL ab. e treet car maturmiu.' -1- immsa Weicomne Mitchell. e»MlCiiell t.a. givoit a public tvel- BIt pring Valley, 1..lHe declare,! the uat Anthracite strike 8éttIe- »"n e IshinIg ai Movoment. liseke,! bv'11 umtilmet. ta aboliat neceiity aa * e gutCves A ___li 14ýi olflow o Uivrsityout(t'Ili'- mut au iddiioual of $220.000tu up a d4âci la the.budget. * Tbre. Prli ina.Vire. ",.lirvas worm lst ila steneaient ljin i accoveue, Neir York. 0" eHundre,! sud Ta'entg'auxn W$'î sitlla, CewL de * ' y 11Mdilbe olo, "sp" 'ad cul ,2WMO» et t H dit" bild ing Ti" afetrialoui e ofr150,e0d ~i hi' Une. tii. esis de ut- J lml h Aea Nrtat alehm leb"Lamaelhalestes. Wskudtgr. IfO sn ci aPruloutJ.J do 00" forpàntet fra leuIli Ç0WW Rberto m.aith PrIso,* OL Loui Juige ean ovre, ai$tm~ofNew York sand~e ai ha-liOf rier'. aund formali>' MWi bita talire geara lain t eu. I*MM2"14" M I Upth tbmMaho 0 e&m..i eli.the. uemitssm u t t 43b f ZÎir York (Jen,. Fitabugî COAL flOT IN BOSTON. Vous.. Tisutue Policemnnlun Efrt te Oet Suppiji of FueL la Botou iuudre!m af the eidenttaoa tie Natit End Lesicgcd the. enirmoce l uie eyard aift.e Meuropuitan Cool upeny un Cause ay etreet' sund et une O .tiir.s a %tmail riot. Witen lbe 9111ea sud yard worm openod a ravi WU gatiereu lnlafront ai tiie building on the oidewsik. sud es soun as thec ou- Peur<s men beton ta arrive theticople mini.,!a sacrambîs ta get inside. Sa MM*b trouble iras couseil b>' them n l Ibeir git for a chtance to get througit th.e g bstat ithe Metroporluan enîplugef detlied t auaiawagon tend ut rani in binge açi ai tisyard sud distriLule It tirOM be opposIte asde ut the sîeet ta dirswaàPart ofthdiacroird trou, the'a.e. Hm'r$ b ai tbe driver pulled Up li@ hars21es itter crosaing Causewsy sîreci nia ithe aroird vas open tua wagon. Mten sud iramen pulid oe anotber an,! tongitt fur schance ta get et tie CORl. Thé patr-ebuésint tie yard veme cal,! affl ta itelo the driver, anu,! t wrowiti tie grlet i Mculty sud Ly nmlog force n,t-Ii diiUee'aile ta keep tbe bags -ram bcbg etlen and carried off. Ou" Pdtali51jt Jmc,!on dihetwagon an,!t-. a tlUi du thi'de ianen. Oite vain- dé bol,! iih by thebobck oai bisallt sud 'Ïitaer julipe,! on ble bock. The police- *41 eanid lui. uiiub it wos ubir inten- tion ta teep hlm'tram inierterlng outil thc mi ha,! haen roture,!. Other pu- tirolmea arrive&!.ami ilu kepitieni basy holding dam telbnge until the wagon vas agaîn laside of tbc yard gaies, irbere ts tbrmig ai rltotip peuple cool,! nul gel ai temr. BOIES ARE BIJY AGAIN. Fronts Tremble -inu Kuut-i --peu Teuamer Emprees ai Iodla brougitt ftoiratiat an Insurrection bas brokea tut ln the soutitvest ot CiLi, Chin.a, bore s large noniber af robots have aseinbleul. carrging bannera lascribe,!. "KilI l heoffi- étaisAs ave ibm hope." The trrapa bare booti sent agiait tbema. 1inSic Chue dthe Boxer aunvemeat continuez, but Lat insurgeuteanad impérial farces have Leen holding éanit! réam .a loier. Re- Porta tramn Ksang Si Indîcate revo,!d irWpi ltin thaprovince. The rebats r. sW ali bave ttacked KBidChou. Thc famine in tbîa province ls csusiug tulny ta jonte revuit. The Kwaug Si ribela vhishavur i-sie, tutu Kmsog Tuug cap- tured sud oote,! the clly utfPeu Chueîî. klllag mtoy of ltm peuple. Lut a-ben imu batiallonà ut troops a-cre sent by the Talsai fCita'>Çbing F4 tiey fSe, , ban- douagsteir tlut. FINDS W0MAN18 BODY IN RIVER. Wifé af Praf. Barber of Kansas Uni- varshti' asumppos.il Batci,!. The body of Mi.. Marsalal A. Barber. Wiet et Prafessor Barber, a mem ter ot the taciait>'of Kansan University-, utu diflemithe other day, iras faun,! la th» river near Lava-once. Kan., foliote' ISa aysteuuatic martby stuent, an,! iscmit>'. The Position ai the. ioman'a lotes fogai af th. ba n ienn.aes ihai se ta, plaque,! suiide. Shbit aibeen àasufeèrer ta m mni.l Mra. IBarbter waàa Umes larouce Berrett dottittor et a retirai Meitaulsi minister, bef<îre blon tariage a gear go. OBie crauitce tou tte airerait>' aireraI years Rire. "d1 iftriritbeeaine as emter ofthtie faoltyIn lu*aeGeeman depariMent. TORPEDO BOAT8 A SUCCESS. OUCIuTri1et.cf dimsn occuais JResutt aversîl,. Maj. Artiiur Murra>' su, Capt. .. Balle>' snd G. F. Landeof aidi. rtiiiery carpeof te armi bave made a npciit report to tie War Departimeat lu regard ta the recent oaiciItriais t fthe aubma- ina, torpedo honte Adder an,! Mue-aida le LitI. Peconlc tay. unlcL tlîey a-ors iniyto,!ta vituess. Tii, report gaya ibsl tiSe tiaIs are thougit to Le aufficieut tu show dearl>'uitthuils type ai subtoarine baitbapase,!the expermelmtage,. an,! diat suchb ioat% beeater muAt b. lionuilt' accout ii a practîcal and une- fui lement ut searaamt defense. Soevea TsarM for PeuJury. J-. C. Broînflil,, couvicue,! of perjury ln tentitying lu batit ai Miss -legaie Molivleufor the. murder aiflIra. olîn Çastle ai El Dorado, Kan.. vus refuge,! a ne tralsIan,! sentence,! to sme-ci eams la te penitcutiamg. Bowofiel,! prove,! the star vituesa for Misa Morrisun. vit a-us fournd guilty au,! givec a te'> ycars' sentence. Etecticle park lignite* Gan. Tiramn'> esintsntly kilie,. io Ifhnapm iitally baguit,!an,! a number ut aubera lems srlousl> injure,!Ly un erpi.> et". of tas lu use Clevelaund wsier wurks tunauçl100fatehintli h. bottoni of Lake Erie. Te cause ai tic explosion, lu la believe,!, awsa sspark tronite lie uniag ai tira elcebrielgut vires. in the.tunniel. vbielcit th* i.accumulai.,! gag. Fi" Mou aDebuilai.Wreck. NFivp MM u areportai tille, la [Le irrfofa alocal it'.igttrainu on0t,. Mial lan,! Pt. Josecp R.a ftur mlm"se mouotf luckiin, Ohio>. Tbe loco- motive ufthdi.train plunge,! tirangisa briàqsspanling VfloirCreek Ibd part ai tb. train tollowei. Escape ilu 1't iaines. John P. Luaina bis tore wira. burnei t Siepboa, Miena. Mr. Luadi'. faigy, 8Wa 3ohn Hughes an,! isugittor. ibo irai airerte store. itareby escaped wiitit thuir lires, mata.oft dem ln iheir nigit rbe. Lotsa. 20000; insarance. $5l.0 The. ariglu otite ire te nakuoe-n. , uloemee te saOu- Tours. Jobs I. Ociinetieir. former niember ai the EBoaiseofDélegateà, was canvicte,! Of laierY l i. t-L"Bislu connettion vitit thé M8uLuannfranchise dent. Be a-as giron tour yeasain> t.epeiiientiry. ThJ&i teais ntitboudinen"case poa.- .f. Tay Vactorias Vrulua Trust Plas.for a combination ut the :orger t'»' factorisaaifthe country are abouit 'complets,. Mdthe Southt RonIn ,. loy marks. omploying 4W0 peoplie. in i-lu-l lu tLe 11.1. Tii. rmbloatian vl have *aout 8$1000.00w capital. F iaur«en ouwoa crops. l-oaatui. rop repflortsitors81,000,. National Bank ai Aivard about 3 o'clock lte ther utierunon.ou ofaithe voul,!- Le raiberse. Fienk Martin, was kilîi.d. antier. John Mevlal, la desperntely iii custodg. The hsnk afficiels md eeli torewarneil. CHICAGO SINGBE JILTED. Heagd.raoga' Fianc« e.Wi* Annuler ai HoautFixai for MaMaage utullHam. ltage T. Headersan, s singer utfnmûre thun local fusme..Las reiunas,!ta Chicago a leîtbraken ma. Heitioison torner- 1>' lire,! lkSprngfield, Ohia. Be court- cd MinseKatLr>-n Zeigier and abtaine,! hem pramiso ta 'heceme hi@ bride. A broader fiel,! opeue,!forui i,!ndLe woat t'> Chicago. Henderoon iviut ta Springfield! on the ,date fixeul ta mcd lm fiancée. ' He calle,!at iter homge ud thie girlsa moter informed inhl that Iiîe daugitterbai gorge ta Dayton, bat' voul, Lt itou,. la fii ote thîe wcding cera- uuny. Hendersua veut araunn aItih appointe,! te, liat Miss Zelgler lait nul returne,!. A father investigationî r- voile,! bat li thie Laur @lbe vas t'>have- been marrie,!t'> Hemderson sie aitd Clsude Edmoudaun badl gane teu Le Grace Rotorme, Chtmcii pum r.ae. wiere they mere nmrricd. .- Iteirwju ifti on lie oexttrinnfor Chi ca1,. SUJICIDE fDORS Nor IiiVALIDATe. Missouri Statute 1. Upiioti by Unite,! mtstea Suurevigo Court. Tii. Unît..,!States Bupreme Coin-i las artord tlîe opinion out lieCircuit iCouirti oi Appeuin in lie case ut the Kiîigbts Templam an,! Mlasonas Lite Inaîtnce Company' vs. Rosa B. Jarmmn. Tige tan. invulve,! thesvaiidity outhlb.suicide itit- nie et Missouiloni1879. providintiuat suicide alait nul Le a deteu agaînat ttc Paaiment ut a lite inaurace plier. theuj îiolcy inrulve, being upu'> lb. lii, oft Juin P. Jarman. huabond otflira. Rosa9 Jarman. wita.white insanle. took habit e1 ln drun,!y Coatt. Mo., In l89. The1 ddama unofthei court autaincd the lis' an,!blitlhe campa'»' hable for ttc umotnut ai the polît>' regardiema ut the tact t1fat the polie>' coutumne,!a *-clae for ibe avoidance ut the polie>' la case of suicide, "iriettier rolantar>'or lnrolîii- tai>'.santl. or itisane.'1 MURDER OF MICHIGAN WOIIAN. Farce Baud Entpluyei bas Mer Neigit- bar 1. Under Arreat, MMr. Robent Gamisua. the Midîdle- are,! ut. ut a femmer noar Bedtford, hîleL., a-ns munder.,! theotoler day. Tîte miitierer ln aile,! tu to e a tî,rni tand enitloye.,!b>' Uic Garrigsoin bthe c auto nomr. ir. Ganriman mas in Batlhi(Crek et te time. Jota Brantlingor, s li bas bie'enîplo>'., on a negtboring tean t [he Gardannue siace letmaitwls anr- reste,! s ultte Creet, .charge,! siti Leing lire. Garrlno's mordorer. Brait- lilger. who clailmata te eniircly lino- cent outheb crme,wmnas rceateil nIle on i mag ta telte a Grand Trait train.4 Mr. Garrlaou a sboritligne ago ald bis fera for 81,400, and Il le sappoqo,! tiat a deaire ta got posseasion ai the mnaeg mas the principal cause aifitie manier.. LAKE SNOBE GETS COAL ROAI>. Aiditional @top* Takon lu Apportios- mont oi Carrier Aumena fig LUnes. The Peusylvanha Railcos,! halpun' chas.,! tiie Hocking Valley Railroni and thte Lako Shure ls ta get the. Ohio Ceni- tral. Titis faither carries ontte appor- torment mmong thon big laterests ut graliroad property ecai of Chicaga an,!lSt. Louis an,! alto Puan sund,!tuthe mars- nient bavlag tor ils objec the combinat- tion' of!'lil sutu coisl crrynag ruilrei!mi Obia.Titis Inoromnation iras obtalîte, tramz a rablîble source, and! the absormp- thon uftt i.[o smiller ronde s laexpLcted o enrl>' nemi yean. i A Million in s Day.a Almaut $1.000,000 businesa ln une day. Thot in a-bat the trasactians intihte uîoacy-ordem division ut the Chticago post- office amounte,! ta Wedntadsy, mnkin i , nevi record tam the office. TIi. total I business oft[ho office iran 8MI0.92.0.oSn represent.,! bY 39.5W5 epaae transa.I lions. t mIsien»Ti sI.heW rpthi. n A. diapatet trmnuDawrson>saya tint t 200 Indiens Lave taken the tt-îrîathi wt iv, en Little Salmon an,!theii.l'tlcy River. Tiro mandera are reporte,! lu have been committe,! sud n atore bîîned.a MiaJor Cigthbenl and! Oty mon are abut l ho lake ahe.fSel,! auinsi the Indaens. u MlitatersBar SaisClans. f Ttc consciences of Hamilton, Ohio,c uiniters i-i tO *permit tieralonger C ta impose on Buadaey sehoolaliilreaetat the iinnual Christmas oniertainnîcata. Sauta Clams muei go, according intahei unanimos action tek.'> ai die àthmmetuig ufte [.Hamilton minlterlal alliance. e Wmnta taieleod for Philippine. Preslidenu S&barman, et Corneli Uni-b vershinlaNewr Tort speech, deielre,!f poltrooery of conerais ia . reoponlsible for Piliptao Ia.sm titraugh U slleÉ epro- ciation; Unit.,! Ptaies eolhur aia,!agiti islands us suites ar bolli ativma lu suit. jection. f Untnovi ]Pires ai DegiaMoqsarcls.1 Au Leopoli,te ling ai tii.Balians, vas leavlng die rayal train ertih station> ut Lake tira abatsuirere Ire,! atbingo. alliaugit noîher toit aefect. tI j 'oui known wirbe he t*Îlitts mc, r.,! t>' h an assassin or hi' poachera. Raol Wîa- etlisuat.Cabello. y Britisht an,! Germen iSet bombarde,!b fot au Puent'> Cabella for forty-.Sre min-h ute., mlencîni uder guna. Vie toit-nImas nat shelleil andili n nut kboom fiet an>'- on, ira. injure,!. Weatb for s Caippie. Walter B. Duryea. >ouug New Tanker wia irak, i nect utIle divmgt, irves to iniierit $1,000,000 and tter properlg. and pbyiceas bah, oui hope peli e may get Leabale ta a-aik. Clvil Servi efeaorerli".r JaonW. Ela. preeldent ut the Chticagon Civil Service Reoti Leagno îe, edinaa Philadeliphie iospltal, tite reaIt ai a iok A.îe pîrulyris. SIPLKAVEt 0*1 FflANelSco- T,; B lin W, FOR H01416LULU. lumtnb t"Weu., lunhiMa iioronwt iutgzel es.an WAr. Whlclsj@a ta Spa. the p«t&fa &,gra. They lied a granid epcampmnt Me xar thesud recalat tte national"ilami; PR*. iu ls.cilfs-Cmmswl.a î.klb.Ident Roosevelt recel..,!the= ln due Spiiiug b Clitenia-aveuar' fam; a apedilreceptian u rsten«de Daeutir releWin* sottie. thlbe hti e tret"auor aiWr, And un elaborate w'ogrma as carrne, Ont fot The. loug, tha cablo that mlconneeci udr eatertaiumeat. t"ts onnirgri wtI ithePhilippine. -and Thon are the waomen wi antok rare cempléta cOanlectian b' ii'.arounî tae aiOuoui aler, lu the.camps et Motaul wId rlaàusmadeie t.iai SamFrancir.to Chattanooga snd Jackeonitill.. Su Cubia E'nIday sud tiie oeilesialip startd ,! frud ut -Portoeeut TleODslp, ai Pekut, Hlonolulu. Cergeoie.marked the spjiîc-asdlanlte Pitilipitnes. Tb",>'are mli lug ci the cabis tatete Ian irel. niembeks of lte society 01t p«nl-Aner. Speechs w.em ,mai. Mdti-theIi.ttlie dengit- l1cmWar Ngrses, sud eeSi astbti must hta e'ovd et leut a«0 monti theii yeur ]LORS, under cntrace ut th@. Mr, gegeanuerai afiheibm ai. pitursaqus. noms wu lent te theocasion b>' ther. eaue@aoftour Inian wamea, beloaglage s Cathalie sitterboad (tralned gdusl nues sud monitors of tte oegmizau>, Whto iere it the. eventii srmg .arpm at Jnekàmvill. sud lanColts. During the Bpaulab vacillaI. no i.v.g titan lm00conirset nu»» m e oe Pm- ployed hi' the War Depsutmeteu Dr. Ul.- <Jee. thoir chief. vos appointe,!an su acting suintant surgeon. reuts, relative- ly us firut lieutenant, and bai the rlghti ta wer or itlier strapa If ah. bad se de. s ire!. Site wvs.the ouI' iomnientifluer li the United PSte. armi'. Ii s sit* wi'10mate the psrsgrspb l-It he. lII %%iei. itou passe,! by Congres. and op- proved by Pregident MeKLulty. mtait- i laied te Army Nurse Corps. MRS. U. S. GRANT OIES. Widow of Pre* [dentmi ams ealimavin Pa.ao.AirYert Wssàingao. eMrs. Julia Dent Grant, vidow r osa- erail UiyB-s S. Grant. former Presidont cynte W. TtELO. ut lte United! States. île,! ut lier rei. a The Falier of Ocean tîca. ilîco lnasuhingtan, D. C..,S.inday îîthginî.lthi e s'enty-seventh year of ter of Gov. Gage citristined the. Luil, ber age. breaking a bottie af <atiforain vine. Thtelirs. Grant xuitere,! tram en old I:ld- c'OmnanYtai, tite ciiaîim b ;e $8,100 'Y trouble. mmici of late beesme decid- as duti on the, caitie lumtrumieilîsfîîr tiIs cdiy oggravoe,. Site &194sie td decll,14 eni aud en the irsi trpe.teile. ut-i;le. svmptonîs of vaiî'ular dîscase ..f tite Buildings have heeu cented la uia iteurt. Receuîivl ir. G antia attack- fer offices ai tii. telegrapi comnPany iticil by s cold. iriicit ravrted tito brun- conicesions for tite undergroutnd cotittii'c chiai ailoient of >ega' standing. tien have Leen secured. Honiolulua m-li Site bas been critically Ili since Frî- be theo basetfor thte operation of tite coLle darg bat Lad beco conflue,! ta ber bed for ta te Philippines. t la the. purrome luta agreater part Outhtie time slace last (c' reiers trequently tiie relay operators ui touer. triton ne returnedlftonm Coburg, c 6ÙNDARY DISPUTE 18 SETTLED. 19mmisrl.Neraks <tsLime Estail liaobs ia Commmisn. 2te pconmmission irLich, liasbeau sîttinx ai iii. Midland HButel lalKansas City te lieer à,uments in the Mlissoltr.Noharaska bqMylin camaadjoauned Phbday ut- tdr mnig a declsian wmincin thue na- ture ýQÇ à cumpromis.The point at isune was~ onorsiiiietf15.000 acresniofval- uhi ,!dlit ithepoint wmore the uru Bi~*se.Tie dlmppte was csuscd by tiie g*Mging oi tihe cZrrent aift.eMis- soe 'É*ger. l.ormerly dtaeriver maie a krea# heu,and! came arun,!agaip, leur-t Iuàg Olly a short neek af land. , On Jol>' à7. 180914 the river brute ecroasibtis neet, anai iOct thoen ite lin. bas heurtin udis >lette., The .commission,. iich wu*a p- lointmi bylthe United States ttupreme Court foiu,! that a lin. drain ibroujb thi. tftritur>' utfthe oh,!river ted. eqîtal> distat fron, elacl ide, represeteu tii. mmat m lsnel af th.Missouri river prier ta 186&. an,! titail baud lgingu tic M10e0011 aide ofthe lino beiuuged to thte Suate à! Missouri, sod al Ilan,! lging enî the Nebraska @ide ot sniidlin. itcînged ta ibS Stat@. Tite river siartene! ils ,oulrse fOnniem miles hy cuttlug titrougi tic nek ut land. MOiR00 ATT&CX CAMP VICARS. A-or eins Rcpul Foie. Wbo Trir ta Sampios Tiens ti Ngbt. AÀtforce otMoram attacke! Camp VI- cars, fiand of Miind!anao, alter seventy da*a of4saetsi!tY. l'h,>' were repumod ad irircu awmy iîithout loga on the Amlertesu ide. The Muros approucbcd atealthl>et mtuiduighl, but tite Amien' cane es, nul surpris.,!. Theo entire force s'as .alled ta armna. Il la beileve,! the hostiles vere trou, tte country essi ai Limoa. whiet Capi. Pershing Liasliai 30î visitai. Ciolera lsa Preadina ung the Lake Moro&.,l là ielieve! ihe cpi-0 demie mili prove serions. Reporte baie beani'.celred by the military authittce ta theafet0«t«iat Couaulary Inspector Houdrg.v ia ir as badiy wvoa,!.!Nar. 25 'ountélitelan,! of Samar.,uppoamedlg by lairous uring an enlgagement, wan in rwdeit>' abot bg une ut bis ovu men. The t'rime ira commilte! bg a consauuary privi..mito a it Hendryx tramnbhind. AIl ltsé members at the inapecter'& co, moud thoen lied. ]NECILPROCITT WITH CUBA. Treniyg1Signai lu a una Reduces Tarit Rstes 20,Per Cent. wu asofficially< anunee! lu Hana tittiatt fcommercial mociprotihy betireen-Cuba and tiheUoteli totes ans signe,! ah I' l dcIaiurs,!y igbt t>' Gen. Bilmsan iarle. Zaido au,! Montes.' It àpluit bgaiurem ot Secretar> Hl v Qeaada an,! thi adere iWntiStatu4anmd beiuhaL ~ tl apemaive. Gen. Bilans)b$on BatomIagtaer Washingtn wit saW ofaiho tisa>'. Alitaugh ithe &triai>'pooviies fer t unitorn reittction et 20 Par sontai rothe, preut taris chars- on t"ab"a preducts onterlng ithe United SBates, s parablel liai oi prodiieta hbu iton drain ap lin ici ls met forth tii. redactions on oaci Item made h> Cuba au,! tii.United! Statek respectlvely. Il in Impossible nov 1te mali n a' mate- rial change in dais liai. 81,000,000 BTzEEL.PLANT VIRE. Qlsat illetailuCanai Doer,, Ohio, Are D>stroye. Thte corrugauing milîs, the peint &bop, tie sloreroom, and tite building cotit.ia' lirg the four mille of the veut ai,!.el the Amerîcan Steet Sieel Compauy'a milsz Lama.,! lu the graun,! mu Canai Dorer. Ohio, and! the comnpany ls confronte,! irîith a losa aiover $1,000,000, uiearly $750,000 bi fiie!pruduci sud tiiebal' ance la building an,! machiner. Tite offices. the macitine abopi. thie glvanizing deparhmniet, au,! the.millu an the enat >Ide arle ail ibal remain uft tiis grant piaiit. Daring Hold-up 1. Orogn. Wlîlle thie William creek ait, Griit'd Pase stage vasuon ilg vay ouitutaWil- home, Ore., a yosing filct ir'tlia me,! musli appeared trou, the nooda and,!c-ou- îîîanded the driver and une passeuger te liol,! np their bands. Tiieme ias aoth- iag cIse tu le donc but comp>'. Tht masil baga irere opene,! and! $15 lu cegWs termeaîtier secure,!. Bamsronmel Tuas Poisoni. A famier oi the neme ot Evas, living near Keane>', NeL.. burned hie boîtiq an,! tara,value! ei sevema i tousand dollars, an,! ubea irak a dose ut strych- nine, truni wirilcitb.dl.,. Witile Caf- fering trou, tiie effecta ut tiie dmug te nc' touse! hi&vite ut poisuninguim, tin, drore lier tram the place nt the. point ai s uitgun. Cmms< ( laui RoB Pasgeug,'mcd1t!Z.4 an,! su inAoc- tors' i-ar came togetiter 'on the Lako Star. ecctric lhue, six Miles essi ai Larala, Ohio. Mutormoan Arnai,!, incharge of thte Pasaeagem car, iras cui an,! Lurue, no Ladly [bat Le grIl die. Bot cars caught 0i' an,! ver. reince! taaubes. Total Iosa is $20,000. Kibnas istaems, -Nt Midi. In St. josepht.lIne.. Job. Tomiiwa, fine,! $20 for Montlait Mra. Richard )J. Piirly, ut vtome bouaiio delîvered ia.ro ceries. birs. Purdy> lna apreug gyouug vomnîn. 5h. worm a long Apron mn,! ber banda aoere lu thte dongh. 17oat oea> ho thougit abce vs the Lire,! girl. Cilme u nad ta Bentu. Tiree - coor,!gil«.g age,! 2, 4 au,!d Yearn. cildmen cf Louis Smith. vero humne!ho deatit lu a 10th atreet tonemeat bouge in Newr York. Thte parents tveut Out. leaving tite cildien lu b t., itop. Bay Frae a Doatit. WVIhle Itinger,. a5-year-old Auburn (N. y i boyi< stan,! rozca thi deaît on te Picazaofthtlebouse wmicreo teta, gare tie ahetter iuring blizzard. Ho itaa seutl'by lii Parents ou an oronu. Siilieomprosms teaIieih. JanieN Qona. a discbarged Pulier mita recethis true,!from t[le Pilippines. , wàa fouîl trozea to desitlu inls buggy acar l"lî'niig«burg, Kg. Boc ks Omuer'tee 06.000. b..- 0. s-o.., e e n. nf....- lutorming tiem of the. as,! Oet lra. P Iarton, Idra. Grant'@isagten. irs the CrcuitonRema, ai Worde. li',irpeople vWho rosi tu lie netrspa- Pers the dispetchea frum Mandia reallxe abat a circultons route the mords hure itea. A messaga tramt Manila DOir gue tbi-oughtillua, the Suez cuitai, 11-dit-r- rameau aea, Portugal, Engia,! und Newr- foundlan,!. Percute.'> reasa are passei,, Yot withbnilt ta v ork diapauctes hure been sent the lung distance la les"tita'> an boum. lu 1896 an experiment Wiamail.. Cita iiney Depeir sent a message 3.0 miles ln lea. tban an Laur. Thitimessage suas trnsmnitte,! irom o Bey York vian('hi- cago to San Francisco (4,100 miles). tu Canna, N. S.. via Vancouter (43100l miles), vt Commercial ctaLon(2.800 miles)ltla London, ta Lands End (250 mitent, ta LiAboat, Poringal (SM6 miles),. ta Gibral- [air (3306nailes), ta Malta (1913 miles). lu Alexadrie (154 mlles't, lu Suez b151 inillt. 'ta Aiea (1,408 mlles).,u t-int-Dà Lai' 1MM50mîleel. ta Madras (500 iil') tu Penang (1.497 miles), ta Pingapore (BS8 miles), [a Saigon (Ca0 mileiii, tu tfu'>gkung (991 tmiles), ta Fou ('Loir (473 miles). lu BShanghil(1.241 miles,.t-a To- kyo (600 munei. Thini, addiig Ihie dis- tances froto London tu Tokyo,.%%ee tire 12,677 miles, netumuag to Loudua. mwe bave 27,34milesm, Plua tIie distance ho Landau via Vanrauver vo meach the enur- mitas distace ut 32.774 miles. plus tic litanc. London retumning ta Newv Yont rc bave rougbiy 35,000 miles. WANT ALASKA OPENED. Il Affarde m e Excellent Uppaitnui- tlen for Settier. The seutlement of Alangaa Lconie a malter ai genérul intere@t toa .inericiîn land seekers. Tiausauda of Amerat-nas are Luying western landa, in Canada. mitera the eclimat. lu more serere thnelu maay piat foui grent torritumi'lut the Noruitirn. 0«e. Greely an,! fiocretar>' WiVlson'af dia Depuitanent of Agricultuire tare repoted favoabltr o'> the agrictli- tarni an,! pautoral pou.tbllitles ut Alaka an,! the peopla ai tLe terriiary s-lillorge Clongresa t« paie a liv ta apen lte rona ta farinmiauf stack renters. A bill hta@ botdrafefothîe purpo"e and placet! la tic bindsa'ai a comtittee ut àlatiatn. lt embashies tc hio tef etaré aIf t.eOrae. donation *ct ut 1861Moin Joee nat appui' ta ranriuemldaim.. A do- naion otf3=,ascie. le propoue,! forunu inarrie, mana, or aif640acres r,,r à mairrie, monead,!bis ih, if Amerie-,u citiseots, after a reeb,!euce upon tiheIlad unIrau cultîvation for twa years. %VitteqtIte land! siall te an aisolte -i'natloa Or net ls ai letseImportance ttan :lie deflulteoapenlng ai the tenrtai>' to set- tiers. SceretanyVilsnaydin ftlm no- pant: -'i ami inllt otthe optalon tisatIt ina motiter ofet rat and groviag impur- tauce ibat sanie arrangement btîmadie for orientag Alaka for suac-k misertianîtiî funm.-rs. Ttc develupment of Alaîska la At mach Impontanee ta the gros-tii îf tiie Pacifie Natirenot. andtIte entiro ination mnl te bondfited,! t>'i." The great dide ut Amorlesu udveîîtur- ous niariottd naaya rttnaiîtg wîestwanil le mare ikeli' io b ttraeie,! o Alaska titan taeauay senàl-tropIcail pussessoun. Thtis tact le pravo,! b>'t.ehear>' atuement Diu Americanas ta Britisht Amerîca ratimer than ta Dur item posaeasboaus or to.,.uhc Pontitoe atiaes. Alaska%climato la maie favorable te Americen, aeilrty sni mare attractive ta the. Americua praarao.- ter tit ane Haîshl or Parte IUqço. Viim ttin.saftrriteryrs la ri mp@mmj 'telere ta sh ftrimIaa tfare uWonquob«lbhaly O-W.and ltiseU S!gSSale.ai M ItSilî hur, plomb> mbe to pot. - Un. 1%t'. n. uNT. ual>oeou aiber eclilmen ai ti c dile l'men tiihe',! came. Mmr. Grant wast con- scions ulinout lu lue ast, an,! reilîze, tramlbth titue cf the change for te nurse in lier condition ubat tbeme a-as littIe chance ut lîîn recorer>'. Mrs. ;mituls graud,aughîers, Miss ROsemar>' Sartoris send c%.ra-. nin Rbootet Scorel. ver. atitbem bedalide wlth hon inugiter mien lte en,!camie. îAnotter gran,!chl,! Second Lieutenantl Algernon E. Smrtrms, ufthtie TentIt lu- fauury, i. sathione,!ii lit e Philppine-s. XtrnsnungNe"rslItes. lins. E. M. Campbiell of St. lumois vas oLLe,! of $700 on a meottouad Sauîtm F. train i or near Nevton, Km.. She vus on ber va>' tua xs Angeles, Cal. Jules Moaun. vie.Preni,!totaf thc PlaantValley' Campany ai Hammonds- port. N. Y.. dlaIedlettheage ut 80 yeurs. H. vscousîdere,! the leiding chantî- piagne expert In Amerima. , J. C. Laviug. secrciary ofthut Texas CtiS Association, in iea,! ho Fort Worth. He iras ani uhd rsildant of Texan, burin1 lved tuoe.*Ince 184&. Mr. Lur' lui was 061 yenm of oe Tt controi of the hManhatans Iaillary Comnpany lI NewY onk City'hbas pansea 1 ta lie Sis>' aCompany., girlng lb. lat- ter compani3Y' ilnetY-sevtn sud titres- attoanibamiles ut street radllai. Wbile etienipling ta Loird a movlng1 street car, John CLinski. jr., 8 clerk cou- plbye,! ai the Nelson Morris pacbing boune plant lnSPunt St. Joseph, Moî., lest hie lite. ' Citinsil came ta this counîtry tram Russala four morilo âea. C. R. Smitht iras serloualy burt la the, Maralul mine ut GaIena, Kan., b>'lat-gu boulier failing ftram the vaot. Bathis l arma mer. roken. bis hlie"On,! bock bsdîy Lutsed und! t. ias jointburt In- ternally. "SiLg" Doyle, Cil>' MarslaloaiPlatte.1 C'ity. Mo., camujitte,! suicdé b>' aiootiti, tlumueli. Deme.tie trouble la give nts tt cause tor i'eacat. Aýltitoqigb a bîîlhet1 plerco,! Doylo's heurt iie lIrai froîn u'ctock StitodstY crniag anitil 0 otciock * onda>' mumuhng. A LuAnddueitopalcit uayp lua nte,! tbat Maj. Rom.. principal ai tie ,liyect- yl]School of Tropical Medicine, wilil Le air irded the NuLle malia relieihv prisa ai $15,000. Maj,- lt4osa oaducte,!m boe-rai expedilionslbuota b. Mosquito- iree,isoi'diatrict* aif et Afria. Thé ,!eatii ai Luit. MelAugiin ut a Maicattue, lama, ends anM àlalmac ci lme Y.itu. ýk, Ite, iagi.onauorrQia sivia>'.lgt-_ea M ae Urieshlmn. UnledmdateS. Titi thei ote cob natoait. Wdou ta in à uita uhma> stik abrtap,"A bl ia îhowiho' ositus eratis coecal fmhe uts.dioa' flt medtlug 1.Alterr, ,pu r'cLvk îLeOttnatheIw.la bi Moinda Thefloth eatlpr tbI d> of aytae l.'cssln i o tinoeait ourt ONdpliep lnking*tostiay1tii.W0 o.' tcond pri!elaet , 'Pta to reoiriot th rfat -tbyapr ofbe bmikg tribfutate l or onutmrchanietrda D ra PhilTeinsfrn b lathe touaia bor ths apop!t the.00 oprffte oaal.ai o mstnhdsseiw n NirEnl;a!we a bill ial omdera for hdau Tt titis te unwtanngtten rit j i. esure Tiebhmu 4 sideed an!ttint mapporate Lei repr te toutrbspotsi dta eoî,ideMr. G aofpivtwp pli einipse. an rld i thriattinîemlaryo blae Uited Stcliaa tes. eiga The Sonate lot@ no sesongal lain thme l'n stion f s .4. Miich ridet fo aulseasioh a b 'don. W or îîanyti îttruate 1thê nry o e itaie" eAorilgl i. dý Jersey. t' con» tueni.t:~, t commiercaiaen ft. Wo igatie taoderoete seee Tii. aYýThe on Mnday delsuj bIh t'> tîoed ta it1.fcluo e 1* ltinIolit ta nse trm mje rîcomn eudimn tInpRt'lafl colttes. eletou. fpaaedti dt uir si ronlalsau lIoslo o tins,! an nrbueydl néi hiLcrn, ,aa tier iu th-ir Sun ndins Tea I oidd agt riur«ta te.mercutien* lhot! erdcctai,.,!Rlastll ofrsg fout ngod it pul ad e îîasu. oti Texas.o L Iden o a'u Theointre s et n Sessronlte!l ln the lionnIc.h, tillîeta apai 0r0,0i0 fur the00 fradcti poriue bronzhene in New ie PresdeS$ a ial o'lhe ifothe unîlit Tac f o r h t hef u n d rsta" . i . n c t o t u V ! . filg v o n tu oft he l r ous t1. lin iee n herovie a foria e10r, « utreop trrinuth. Wlîcoiati te. Tei H 111anse ead 4 à dn tck luir iteci taof discotIe bil.aT'nhe cLuI at tw»cOelie Lte5 rein«rvroe on Ortle r. u lor asesconundyh. aguent . in tionle u te ' <nibus LiiiofbteIî bila wre -aate belio setsionm t0 ln tlestLuseia na l.tio Wei . tii,t' coruot lo an, aiotau vol)t 3. or ayn Ve rmillnte tho' or reurf tertaiSn tor'sisl Jersey.The IautitaiathonRic Irt-t t.coiato f dm th legnttie, ThonStuionata ln t otuay i K llaIntra.it e lîlî ta t'nsif t Tnd atotDepaomniu tj, he Ilargaluf grulte te pon a reutionsta ospfr uad front espco0tagIons d.sA mE5 ý tePeiras pw% ad befirî the lite Housenthe iro ent otofpaW tuhoe s u Ilensmod thed lu te~ ti tiigate, Te fluse asse Ut4, prmial or a ion afte' ond et*~ bia.ges t tii. ulte aomm iler lu oiritio.nto nsl cifur nai gSecretAybilson daules ta t bhen any Iieak lu toitrof the le- rteNwYokIdan.Te ,f vife th atrefr ta te*n anýd supple ta tilu hecouts tao stirupiig the niensforà ag. ý.cnîpaag $ ti.,flen. IAoint! areslution lintrudA Soat huoi i M retnre "eai'iei ta oritiit ai thý ertais apu-aie. roneblt'> t ei eeral e" forbhait :tit ur. preoentaâi. tlog ontontiuioal higi t1eew ticnory ut fomie fopeaer ceogresi wh*Rageta. dsonin dbTirir ouon te ilon the -Oel turn. Diorin'atluig ri ti l té betrnml ded ieargmnt in s lae hurla pniod ta apg. eth »% men HoRella Grwr, ui tMi io .. ontu a lc nddi5 n lbs vt P eel ,to 1 mien a hY fDot praeper 'talvagi gour lîtthu ~ta cMotter S eot ai hm *The tarin adaionx, . * 'Tom."i go en hnI .te shilling LjetuM*u dcli Sas euisrei. i ol f Ihim ut* tleParty w* mers thon toole.data 'miowdelp mu." ai, tare ,pi-Ii ueau ' mianrole "Oh. wn ,)MoW pri- te bave oi e'.,, eid tI 0tt p een Slaaîpli. -- "lIe il,i « tbrosv, .11ave Y.îî lâc-es; ia e h o jg .-houat. am, <the aI,! la »Mset. bui morsel L Vot an - asIn' ttiotîn C i. to . WeaiI S a t'>lie - 'i Jis ui tentios toe stat tmn. lga Mt ai ars. .Istmar bas on fuJi Xe au ison -on beruew or ..Ia --Kint VAU '.kI -. FU13UU iND, OP ls.TH ABL.r Guam, an,! the amaller Sandwich lsamda.Canada. Si.. vas unubie ta stand np, The 100.1>' posta are bamd aopetra. st ai,!tounî t iîuoýseilIe te.eatuuiue un Messages fmom aIl Le -u! 11iigo bcd. Con-qiientlY sabe md t'> Leliftcu tti-ougt thei nd'>!, gelthbcy s-lit ituar te. a cbair aad bavék agnin. an,! he ha,! uotblug bîut.e-ares, te matie ut the hî.en prmcticesly hiipiea duriug thetat Palma an,! the *auts ut nake,! chilîlreo titres montis. Fiîr niant>' a mountit Ur*. ai pIsay. Tir part 'il Le astrîlîle GraintZad tentîîîlng. an@, and la selectilugmcn ton thiisnervice Teiograms ve.sont1talira. Graetts irrout cure mas taken tri secure otîeralmst i-eoeral Fred D. Grant, tU. S. A., mitaco tanadathe aIrain ut loneiluasa cmmsu!lnI.Ii.he epartme.ît ut Texas; aud bard vont. UlYsses8. Grant. Jr.,. md Les.. Grant.