CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Dec 1902, p. 4

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CUla IL lms.ub . 8~4 rsRsiisseTsIbss ..14 Uhtrm83M6lb imam WKLgy. Aavmaeapte as~ usas t15V3 en LaVas- CAO 555. Patioy, December 199 1902. REAL IMTA119 TRANIrER29S. Paraisbed by Lots OolaL Tille & Trast 00. Aboobet its.Til"esGaramled Masoale Temple Sida. Waukgaa, Ii LOM sJ. Gumalifb.sey. IL 0.Sares tu Co9vefMàanIle lot E O Hal6. 10 Converse Msrble lot à bis> imals'so;b a4.0me9-49-9 fo t5t1 o!85 050 la so. 10000 lotublàk Ilaiiad raLî vO "m2m 00 J D pope eadVIlte, F (iBrown on% eu £0"X»O >0id 5V m ce m soc 2-4-Il HBEDickinson an sm o 0J L Wilson q ' ........... 100 J LWilson 1 IGBrown maea4 mit n ei lm ei e2-.900 WNWIes ti» Oznoand PL à = Ulnd: lîlb etpI w d.... Iwo on f*14ft ltIbi as iuna Vit........ . 1000 Ailes IL.Ormal sud huo OaloL llmth )kmm are ont a001lix es m1 "0 1>4-q 0..................... 100 0 a L Uvb&anmd wto L 0 Prias paut lois a7 restoe Lkbilo0nort.b weat d Wokawd. .. ....... 3m 0 Wm Barett and VI t esMas11ÀAMason Do U cwOur MilVamIe. As. and ivion it Llbertyvlllow d..... 2m o E Gailla%= anmd w' ta Mand Pow ra lots HIMm5l*s eub part swit sc 20-48-9 w d......................... 70 17 DomreanI ud hua la Mari A Tbomp- mone iMsland 19blk aHutabln- sOmh (0& 5 ub Wauken q c.... 1 0 100 Ach and w! 10 Sobstan Rlit lot 6 m w l ftlot 23 1>k s Pro Y& Ialdn tub qc................. 100 nstallandsmOhus 10 Sebeatian 'E liltit u ft lot m.bit a K sltileiia uh w d...... luen Jan Wood JipB H Haielot 46bik le W=sdun Tw dO............ . 4eo Ch"5 A Kaisht and Wlte Saford = "d rtnwd ............... 7000c Ehram Cmbe and Wl tu00àNSturgs put UV imeI4-Iî 1000 CM1 MSdsVI aaoWl0oÀLewis part VW EieUd ............. m 00 HtrOes0oàlanI-wf l OA Leais 1a~flh1-m wif tiUbite _ Uà euh09qb4........... 1 ou Dcisnet ai 1*11r w aukm .... 10 À Meaigssd w! 10 Joseph Doee loi. Oumminga & Ces add Wuknaawdi ............... 175 W 3 PopOUMdw lIl A Pope und va V X 8)6 M M MOe26 md nwV1M n.% as.5U-ut w Ol....................60S o0 Fmara J Proty in A E Brigga part as4 mwjd1s$and Il 4 ses la and ne1 - U5-?.~t ......... .......... .000 Je bstiow 10 H àAlmeror 111a couv~ 4IW....................... à000 0OuSNsbetow Aliui" ylt5 'A"luauv sesito'O Kirk etasi M. %,Lna ibi 7 riia sie. Al.. pâlmad Wf tOW 13Joyee T a alero, t, oWinter club 0f OC................................ 2300 ;.m Christ-mes' Dl. n..eru fer the Poor. TueyMd crusarties, nulle, mft ar"gs oaady, jolis, Icys, Cbrist- m"s isesMdSala Clais. Tii... ar th. aubjeesof greaetullerems jouit RO o la ulmot every Ameuiema boy md CMi. Probors and molilers are bnyflug Present for Jobanle, Marie and the baby thaï; vill maie Ibem dancoe for JOY;- wilO th. mîmeS pieaMd cakes, and OUMer godies for lhe Christmnas dner MO S.11599y belng prepared. Ail ate ieokin fovard te Christmas as a lim et rejdielug. of iving and recelvig o1 e"ahg:ad dîinkiug sud malmg merry. Wh" 4 S cnwrsago10 ibs ."erry Orimas" la the pleture 10 becseeU la th* eIulam1 !»auj0f Our large cilses. Mtemes.mlaloîtnue, poverty, aqualor, ésI; eblihdren piuehed wyul col, ry- Ibg for beaid; patente lu desair be. «M» .chrisIâmas bulugm no joy tu the bove l ey coli home; suob ie th.econ- 4111e ia Ioussade of homes tu our Oute ve.lath 1e». prosperone mes. 2The dey before Christmas 1the ita. lion AnInY Proposes tudislnlbute basille 01 provisons la lo wo lhonmad of <ho.. homes la Cbicago. Eaeb 10606 iel l coatain Obrislmsdiumer fer Lv. peoplemaking lSm thon@%", obniftusedinun rslab.given b 1the PM !Of hcago. Perliape yoU u aa gvt e et tof»Ibe askets. but 700 cmO béip by droppg 1the PrinesOf a ebiaea o- quart, of ervbenrtues m orne .110.lalvaltODArny" enmirbut. Mm linbo-espimoed la 1thé diffeaI stores, or by smadmg a doao. of eh or prothions laColonel obms. BO601 Sov Wa S ItoU Army ffEadjarlem, ObUg»o, Iii Leot Yser 1the Selatioa Army gala ~lO,6S fes Cnîdm smaets 1telie Pm o f 1the UuI$Rees srnage fOrilaof1the Chiatmas Tree. nous 0cfCes nMmcthla à 1*Chrishu lm i aes lo ua direaif rcm Germmsy. Aud ce iuOv cfeb. re-vorbip of gws Druide vhliekobWaied inlu~aga Mi»Al aac, aMd chIotprobebly had lu*-matsueen e ba er au of lme bée M Me (lhrlsliom festival. Bob ve mao 0 au Mmcv ébSat amilan ertital λ UnIlm m e a m oevag feiture &0 e$asrffl among Mamy lealien as. em..s, à"d thalIl co mm ou sua Woruhp, whibb laOldu than hisoy. Trae fvvaet fw so-taMer th*etcnter sOebas eu ver beau <ho Bubc f tujeiuisg ad cg eniebration bi, cere. Iiseats"shEfflpeseathl. evw l111 tamthi bueS 60 lU» woIa. Our Ires, *» irse e m.aLl. ie gtlded tali. b s ma .çlpfor e badm. ,la s *wo &ombooo ît monis aidfeval I WAUKEOQAIN. "__t RIfera Wori Mon 1F ox Lake raliway la pwounine ispil MW the gradere bat. nov remcbed Jackon ou el. oodem»uou proodtnoeItsu- bled by 11eOhicago & McSI11O.loe tueild, affoeolg srrat racis or 1maitram laie Bluff Bmoulh uhch are scuhgollho e rossetiby Ihal rmlroad, oemepfledtle Couaty court Tuendsy. TPhe report of tINsval Commission aIp9teO lc asecta ite for 1the pro- posl Mavai Training liohool for lhe 01maI laies. vue preenleti la Coa- gtes. Monday. lb recommendathstte atattOa ho localeti on the wvetshore o! IeM Michigan betveen Milwauee nid th1e aoulb end of the laite. fi fob ilir reommendd Ihat $25U.000 bc protld.d by CoagustolatuaY for tb. aeory laad. The Wauitegan Foi Laie and Wetern Haay "Ooupeny wyul builut lis lino 10 Garines ad expects go operate <bal portion of the road by Jue 1. 1903. Uadaonted by 1the obstacles vblch ha" husm Ihnwn ilalitepatii the compsuiy la planigsu earty exten- sien of lis roed veet andi lopea ta bave conneclte. wlh the Wiconsin Central i et rsysiie wel i wthin 1the lime specfled by the ordinance. ilas our lait lsue the 0. & M. electrio oompany las oblained a temperary Injumoton ietralnlng th. WmiLegs-Pozi e electrto trou iay- las ltrieon Washington slreet frais Wegl @ret la Mbrldau iiosd. Lut veei lhe Pox Laie road procureti an Inoanctilon agaînsi th. C. & M. eoile oetesugthe.same lerritory 1the latter nov incorporates inlas lmnjunetlon. The Malims in the petillon of the Mlwake secîrle people la ltaI Ibeir franchime permîta a double irack', Tbere vili nov la notluig fuither doue lu the treel riliway figh outil lb. courbahoeur argumente In Janumry on disâolttng th1e ivo o Inctions. WAUCONDA. Christmas trou, ai Hughes. J. Grâce bas soiti iafama 0 lisgona UlricI. Por liote]niCîrîsmas presents cali aI Hoibes'. Ret. PierceVa s aWnconda vîsitor Friday Ilut. Ping Pong nets for mtuaie& Hughes. Calil mmd se lbsm. Chas. o'wmon moteti luto Mairn's Dew bouse lait veet. Fletcher Cliark, of Libertyvillie, wus oU ont trebarecontly. Ber. and Mi@. Lpbarn apent a few dym ai Biglu a ltveet. B. T. Fule, J.-lHam al . E (aluer vere clty visitora Taeutimy. Offl Turner anti@.on W¶tllie, ot rsmai., vers here tat veci. special Catlstmas services lu time M B. ehurch ado llund &y evenlug. MtsF reund onlertaineti a namber ni bis triends one @voulus o!fat weet. (Jeo. Prouty movet inthle lions vhlch ho purchssed fin. J. B. Turn- bail. The ladies of the M EY. churh are miles elaborate peparations for th1e Iamar. Chas. Binker, oftBila.nvs calisti lore by the serions Illîne of big moler. Mr. BallIey anti Ura. Lucy Siocu, of Llbertyvlie, VOLO on oar treete îeoenlly. Wm. Fulaer, of Llbeityvllle, muent a 10w daja wlulihlason, Mtles anti family recenlly. Vhe uany frilouta of lra. Case are pineste10boer Ibal site blidlîthie miforure tu fait and break lier hp et ber home lu Elgin. On Christmma oeoasCbrlstmae enberlalumenl uli liscgîvenlintime M 9. chunch. A tres, a chimney anti saula cials vîi blihore. Ail are Il - vital. Anaîher ralirosti meeting wa iteiti boe .lat Tuestiy attemnoon. Repre- sentaites cf11he biberiyvle fine vere bere. W@ expeel 10 boer more about Itlu &ibout 1Sm1 Vous. LAKE ZURICH. E. S. Bruce matie a trp go Chilcago monday. Mir. Louis ilote ila ;rspsr1og 10 remove trou ZurIet. Chas. Olvens bas ieem ou the let lie% for 1th luaI veet. Wu. Pepper ieturusti Suntisy roto a sco montbe trip go lova. Praak Alcey ehipped lIree carloatia of hoge trou ibis place Sis veet. Servies snd Chridmas trou aI the Li. Zurich aherab Chriqbtas eve. Breiybedy utled. U. Wm. Bîciass, vbo bu beau Visillicg relativec lu ableso màfev Mies, relnracd lome Mocaday. Z. A. laite basreslgnetisas post. Mssbeiand H. L. Prehu la expece ild10 tllIe changee1the office about Jan. 1 . PMUainâtis hbua le Amortuent o Crtas c5ntiese nuisantiffitie. Mal itmminge for Chnîsîmas tries isid gill, boxea of oigare. Kodoi Dppep.a Cure DWe£« au i saes c f fead. lotesMmd oblgeuglhes Ist sleh mud digestlive orgate. Cria dyspopols, ladigaslton. sbomaeh Ircublis, and maies " creti bload, heati aid .Ireaglh. odol robaldi e wrmat tiesuseputifes, etrgatlean d uveeteas lhe stomaob. Got. G. W. Ailanson, ot W. Va., mys- 1 bataeiaeed a bumber 09 boëles of Kodol md lave fouadtg glb 0bua v«7 efféective md lndesd a poverfal nemeip fer saisehaileai.1Ireeud Ill go m fhmd& P. B. 1" ftue. Ames, of Antlole, as tepuIt liseUre. «?- AMes las secursd boadmen ieHlmbond A.$20.000O. Mr. Amas vasdePuiby under lMr. lriley Mmd buas 5Usd tle ofice i iI r&alaso Uin. COUSY lyarkii Bnde. bus appolnted hie. son LouAs as epaly. Mr. swa3 er atm retinms adeputrahlp. The Edtor's Turm. Nulw. d-em eder, Il@ tbe Editora loin. Ihatla I ifycur ubcription la lu artoese. This lte 1e aaOn visa tbe average mm sad«ests10"square up aOccounte" Vwith verybody ulîl a vlev te sterling lu the new yeai rlght, and ws wouid admon lab oui delioqusut subacrima eon renuember hheit nova. paper arcnni with 1the olbesm. Il la importantthuait tey do au (<, Us). Ws ueed oui money andt uai Ibis utile romintier vliiiprove frulîful. Hemember, is the Huio's &am. lusarance Socties Muast PUY Tsxeu. A detielon o! Ibe upresas Court. wbIeh la o! apecaa luterea lu thle numosrous luembers ofttntiliordena anti soc1ielnhiLake Couulî, buajsts hean handed dcwm, lu uhi.eb ila1 decîdedt hat it h thebanmde o!f1the tnemaunsi o! a benevoleui lusurance olnly la ublet tlaxlatsion, re- gandiesa Of uhether s part of the land la sulisot 10 pamenl 10 beneiclarea.. The opinion vas rentieroilaluhele oau cf the $aise -otnacil 1îte Cathollo Knlghts of Illinces verses the b"rd o! reviev o! EMIBKngam toumty. The treasner 0othis mciety rît neet tO liai the mOuey lu bis banda for taxation becanse thore uer. oulslsnd. lng ordere psi abe 10 boneflclsrles of deceased membere. The Muprerne conrs layabblitaIhe atthlaI ortiers bats been tir.wmu pon a benoîit fond prior to April I10 opsy benellolaries of deeeseti members doea otsempt the lfand fronl taxation ton îe arnoulit (I! sud Ordera, If no Pari tlte funti lias actaally bien palti out before Aprîl i. This deibion wlll affect every fraiernai liatsrance aoclety wth iVa huati ofice in the sOsIe ortIlinois. Au laterestlug Meeting~. Trsheceetng of lhe Centrail Reading Ciraisleblai t(rayslate. Deremberf 13 Vms a vsry lnîeîelqtlng one. The piano feolo rendere I 1>7 irs. Buctknam vaa injoyeti by ailtau was alSO lime lutereating anti profitable atidresaes on -The sceoulîie Splirîl,' given by 1ev. SBevenm. Ths exitmeeting %Il i e lId itia Riocksteller Jan. 10, at 1.34> p. al, The progîsu 10 as follows: Ch. i2 tromth îe Art of atudy, bY Miss Wigner; ch. 13, by lis Hendee; (ch,14, by lilas Flal; a Paper O Ch. 15, by Mlisa Richards ad a pV - On Ch 16, by Mir. llodge. TbueeWh!' -fflleaa usitieosoy iMn. tllaoebiliî ofibe Kent CeIlege if Law, subjeci: "-Callthtittonal baw am; Ap- plilabie tu the Public Sehools." Viis c eicome. cautionl Thbis te net a gonfle word-but when jon tbini bZV>V hable Yeu are a(,& tu Ptnromas the ouly ronus>y uliverisally tmown and a rernedy taI bas bac! lhe largeel Sale of any modicine tu lthe worid ince 1868 for the cure andi treatment of! Onnumptlon andti lroat aud lnng troubles wvîllit io&lng île greal populitlîyal Ibene Joarg, Yeu viEle bcsuttufl Voe alled your At- teallon 10 Bosabee's Uermun Syrnp Tbere are no many ordiuary cotîgi remedisa madie bY Ltirnggielsand otlierm 111*1 are citeap aind gond for 1Utitlocilleperlims, bot for severe, conghle. bronchitsn, croop-dud es- pecAiUy for consumpt on, Viteme Ilere gng durIng the nigbta Sud morninga, Ihiere la nothing lite Oerman Sy-ru p. Tiie 25 coul size bas mast b.-,n le- lrodtîced Ibis vear itegular sire 75 ceula. Forsasle by OBAYHLAKRE tHIS- M(ACY, Grti3'alse, IlL Georgo ZaInu oa boule Buiday. i IL M. Vent wuaa s Chlago visiter Sunday. Mr. Preaton ltoctebacl bon the alot liaI. Rtoy jeultslasbonoe Io Etauston 10 lite Ibis Vînler. Mri. and àlir. J. b. 6(ileon vlsited ln Evan410n Bunday. Mise Mande htilmot, (f Waukegau, vialteti hors Sun'lsy. Mrv. anti Unr. Eggerl, of Chilcago, visiellahoires unday. Mr@. Jolhn 801,liOr., ftellanti brûge à rlb. Dr. Dans loatalentiing. C. y. Mailke, 0f Chilcago, spen$l a t0V 0.7. 0! Isl week ab home. Mr. sud Mis. P. L. Jorgenson bave rnoved laIe hheir ne, bouse. A nuber of parents have ba thheir cludren doVo 1e Chicago 1tearelSants Clans. Ben Hole, ot Canada, visited home gatnrday. Re bas left for Arizona and Califormia. Tbe yonng folke bat. been enjoylng Ibeusellves the pesi week by skatlag o13 tbeis lonebe. Tbe C. BE tapie for Sumday svenlng le, Chnlîmas: lils Message and Motite, Luis 2:1-20, John 3:14-17. Otto Knaak, leader. PEOPLES' COLUMN. A& usaer ti1 ssu c"sa omwaya laumld l. eiV550. linge' a Cru" parUmm pet Wes. 1 Verda e eaeMIttà m»Us. L OST-On the mati bstw- oc okefsilk'r oand Waucon,ia Friday niait. Dacomber La t.a roui double blamietSI vool bV.. Fînter p eIloavo aiet1thealors of MP ilUsu. RooIele r. sultahla reward. Il-IL PO ET0ar m eto * ForesLApplyte Jeu 11-9m, LA se AWV . . LEst, ni prsente, spel8 l iI relatives. Ui's. <>t5iessParker and AloseH won were Jdo"' ry csiioîm Priday. K l.O A m e u o n a ns u t b e r , o9 Mla lrapent Sunday at Wii a no C. Mîes e"Cie aud Lfasse Schaeffer, of lioeary', peni Munday wth heibsr grandp4qoteabs WilliaM ltoenug purcbased a new stock of Chrlms goode ubilu lu the City Woduffday. Miss Na.miVasey returue t 10ber home rlOay alter mpendlng th-" past vee t 10 iieutis lu chicago. Mr. and idtrs. James (ialuer, of Wsucona, ilundayet i lh thie latter'.s parenits, Mrt. and Mis. Tijeodore Wrts. Kis. Richard Cornpton resurned home Pîlday f rom a neverai weels viol$ VIIIli er dangliber, lir@. Cominio, of Rols. The youag peopleo!ci te M.E. ohnreh are preparing tui a Christmass re. euteîlalntaiet lo be Iien 5M tbe chuicb Christmasoe. There wlil be a basket siocial atIClio Vaaey sohfl Frlday evenlng Dec. 19, given by lhe teoer Ml-a Myrtle Payne mmni pupils. A cordial invita- lion las exteudedt 10al. Follesa DeadIy Attacie. ,-My Vît. Va@ no lit thal ti dpbyaic- latis woesunabie e 1 eip ber," vylles M. M. A»aln. of Wnchester, lad., --but wu aompîeely car.d by Dr. Kng@ New Lite Pilla.» They Voit wouidoea la atomach and liter Iroubles. Curse onUslpation, sick beadarhe. 25 cant@ at P. B. LovuLLes, Llbertyvllle; IIEATHLAIM PgAOMAOT. HAIN ES VILLE cieorte Cleveland leset home now. Wrn. botas antiChas. Hasm.' are et voit lu Waukegsn. lira. Jos Dollaer anti 11111e daugbteî Agusa ara On tbe aici lai. bIrs. DeVoe la apeutilng the %lunter wlth ber deughleî nt Milwaukee. Tom D)yk6a bas relilynet f rom Kauras che e lias bean for Lie peut Emma Wilkinson la at seohool %almi tiI woei Biler a few tisya absence on aceouti rilmes. M4ia. Cbus. Hassel enhrtaluiedth e inembers of IlheOiton temody (Co. who are glviag shows itore luis .eei. 'Te Cliflan Remedy Co. give s sertes ut entertalnments etthlie towu bail hibluweet. tre itolb ave anme- 111lng coma 10 loVu ocesalousiy 10 livsn uuppnti maite us remoumber $bat Ve are ai on oanth. Ovina &0 icineas anti colti weatber the allendauceetmiscbool le ralior sinibiswvesi. Namnsot pupils VIe were nul asemnt turing Ihîrd rnonlb are Carile Whitrnore, Myrtie Wlkin- son. Nais Vilus. Jesuette Tîtusi, Rathl Dîsola, Berume Devin anti Lotre Tit ià Beboil closes Prliay for a vacation o! two weetsi FORT HILL. lirs.a SaeiFox 4 onthe ietlost. Dr. siteter ciao caileilMouds>'. A. B. loinibs and Mlr. IlnGaffey trots obSi 10 Miuliiry on Frîay laî.. M rusC.I. T lnouanti baby lHaroldi speut Fnb> isiblira. C. E. Combe. lit. anti lira, iOen Cousmran, of itollîns, vore pleasaut taller. lu ibis VielLigt unîiay. Levi WtIt, ot Wauiegau, apont a foV deye o! lest Veet ai bis faim. Ho report is I lroîher George le recover- lng froin hi ecfent Illiness PROFIT The matter of feed, is of tveme'ndnt.: importance to the farrnicr. V.r>tn>cfu:l is Ioss. 1:> f>Y i anti tilla :i t'r ndwek n a lt foK fteeis >eiar Scott's Emnulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oit in it maktts flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and br,îin. lit is the standard children. food for delicate ] Send for ire sample. Il (49s uithis icn.. lm1 l> ., . tisIsOl a nh.m CHEMISTS 409Nud St!, N. y. titems of I ~ I G. M. à st. P. Tie.. T"b. CHICAGO00040. 0010400. GIAIBLU 9 610 ^1 . sams.10ou am 12 20pOl 1 tgP.m ', - V.a-, - v au0 m 00 60 ou 09 710* 910 1018 Om 47pr lo pam a 80pluM 600.-« 710 .1- la gleen lime score. ltI Ome9 Biasher 142 Bran ltetter loi Bradail 126 Siasser 152 WillIay t,8 IL Dooiilgo 134 G. lRay 14 J. Norge l3t C, DcolIItle lait J. Maetado)r! 129 Ourue VotaIs Brashor 420 B Brodai 388 a Will lRai 406 G. Bar "0 1 C.Donlitîlo "dc 3 218>7 loti Gam,,i 11 114 127 147 168 180 Mn 132 141 in7 Gratystake Birantioler illusser C. boollîlle J. Morge J. Motedorf grI Gaine 157 11 lui 112 190 132 VTotl 411 427 401 2112 The Prîde of lteraos. Mauy soldlsrs în 111e 1u*$ van wrale la " tas Isfor @Cruchaes, bralees, nta wouads, comns. soie e et, mnd Bluff jolais. Bnhileu's Arplu salve lathie béat1 lu tbe woîld. Saune for bains, sealda, bous, ulaers, skia.érupions 1*14 ~ ~ ~ ~ "D p1e.I me rn ltNt U. Bwi gIiu., 4. Mr au bc. . wïtnàai bet «C ota an md mils île, 1tg ilnonha Wlicemnecentral Time Tabla. oaAvaL'm. CHICAGO. CHICAGO. OBAISaL5. p15 .00p 11p OS0p -Buuda Cuir. lien Beak sl*ent Mundiay ut (itiurcEi. Ed Wagner sons aI (lml un îday. J. A. Uoehitrnwns mAlChii'ngo 'l'ueaiiy. Hoiward Higley wi.'a a C'hica.go i iiteir Tue8day. Mr. uni] Mrs. iPester Cini>. rejiiig oer tihe arrival of a Mon. lire. Rosa Diunla1î returttiil hh'rto'sitî fronti Ltkeside Ioapititl. Joh îIîî)eWolf, of Iturlingli ii, %vils etm ( rtiysliîkm- vis (or Suîebry. lun. Stranig maii Chus. 1 %% etg>7 îrs' Wauiikegam via> lomies'mcsay.1 Dr h. titffer lins ia,.nIlhe viltuiof1 rientralgiet dite pjout few ' aym'. Mie>,Ethkel Wisner, iiof ietyil.ii tiie gutit if MrA. F. I). Fritimah. Mis. (itoim'sMay viasi41lier iî,îtitt. irs.1 l'tmrtîiet tocklslrS>tiirIayim0 lirs. Rilio reiîtliiet wuek iithu ir nimiiiier. lir@. llirker ltut icuîciîliî. Mir. Siiîih msi ast t lweek il hislit, t»- ini Laruesor, Mo., ritt> ing Sutu ritrv Hloward-tiH giey rîmertirii b iefr,-nîi, W.aruîr Colle, ofil Ileî.on 'ihursiia.y hVilh un>' Edw i Hiok, if Lionirî LaI,, ep.-tit m'î-rtal davs ofi lie lasiîtw.ek hi.rm Frtid iloiok. >of Vitkiga > wiwne i guîet ioire'lativris tire dîtring tiie ;îtst svvisk. bousîe.r t'.i imliturtî camdlSients diiitheii wormk. Mie Louy IWrighit, o iirhii ii t>gton imi.o berrrFriim nui>itît it h iluit ithI re. Urmîetry Soety a t Mrtis l. lii>>k* st RltinsmFriil. S. T. lot.lîoiiiic u î'iiit, lhie',,d hoilt rilStu th li'roii b t1 m,-e illîr..f isîtîl hr. lîiui l> îlr Mrlli.d I'r..îî> g. lRik-f ir MItoghtr s. i riitwiir 11 Mr.lii 45-ryS'(ttidit "v iit i t o Il% l. > 4111 ,. tif'."Lauke. pJiiitr. fuît,> 14,tîs>r. 4Vît.uni .,,'tinteii MIRltt 115filet t r iurî NI r. Steves i,> iîfîm'l soîrt cliN ri lus iliiightî'r iturti-it t,> lis I îiiîii i h iroijîî>; him., i iii hi tiljitî '%r lin ii ijf 1i'tile ii h r . î>îti. St * v il, i lm. sull9.dtrilir ioflierr îieît>, n hi -le oemrred u t I,îrîîarr. h Di h . ies', , i>-rgia lîîîî)k ntit>? ,imtt-ir f iin Lut,, rtittertimiird h YI tmi r grîuil- patrvetsm, XIr. îmntdl Irs, Ihiot îiîîi C lin. .iik ',tidtih-it îteushh'uiiîîi G'-ttraI wasns itt le tlhodes-' 'litirmih,în tii tiltI,> urge oft iîiuthe al l ut îtîm four et rw wi-eks. XIrm. Vîiol . Mirii' uit- ,-îe. 1lT ýii 4 1). ni. Perro-m ut the lhonîte. inîliteil b>' [av, T. E.Stiscl,n. Il45 ei.iY, At M. Id iîtilî \u>uu h , 1 30 i.tii. Oituar3 timxt 's st li i,> 'cuiIlît',î%hi le pte p>aîîin>g ii rhurili liiîhîî.aîveîintg lîîd tliiiiiii fortuttt ,>pi>'>>> lir i-v. aiti> a t>r! iig irnt. It ss.'usttîîuglit luttireit tii>siglit wuid hi le lest buit by the mkiilîtuil trnt- tuent of Dtr. Plitemîhéi e ru iiil îriis iii and e'>1o',tm t» îeiitie li rl, u t the p0Mtoifir ,in et slîiurt titi>>' The Stnd.vaiî>îiîl 7>f the CI ioigre- gatiotial thuri-h liai> urra>g>-d ut- a Cbrisinft>tarntatuamia]dtgood ltiie rvth Santa Clatus, t» b>l-given Wediesday evening, Dec-. 24th. Musera. White & Dioolittie bhe>-geuî'rouely donated flic use iiflteir ueo' Opera Iloume for lue or-cuieon. an>d thus lte general pltbii wiil lue anîiply auconuiodéd. A i-ordial invitation te extende txcoeverybtdy. Nio admittance will les ibisrged. 2 teks. The Combînation Won. The bowlers tiown Gages Laie anti Gurnee *amy, !eli mucit elated by Ihei viCoyon oer lthe Grayalaie Quartette on the Ormyasme alcys lat Thur@- "ay etenîng. The locale however eau do Iota Itetter. booi out for big scores; wheu they mel Wautegan. Belo.w __Ir 1. Cash and Credit Prices.... cssh One pcund Tea best ...............40c Il aecond beat. .. .... . .. ..30C Coffee. ..........13C ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 C ... . . . . .22c 8zlO double thick Glass......................... 4c 1OX12 1, 1 . ............................5c Putty, per lb................................. 34C Giant Smoking Tobacco..............4 Fine Cue Chewing Tobacco, per lb....... ....25c fluai Steel Axes ....................... ...... . 88c Banner Rolled Osis with plate ......... ..... ... 20c Yest Coke. 2pkges for ........5c Best Eceene OU. per gallon ..l.1Ie 4 ineh heav'y Strap binges, per pair ............. 6c 6 Il - 1 l 1, . .. . .. .. .. .10oc 8 ...m..m.m........ 1 8 10 " ' " " " . . .22c 6 inch extra hcavy hingea ..................... 10c a Il Il,. ................ 1 5 AUl Pockret Knives etI1 ........................cost ,# 1 , soid Waaiegan. C. C. Edwartis was la Wsniegau on business aonneoted w1111 the Hed Crom 1 Inenrance roceally. Te Avon Center scitoal la dellghtedJ viii the prospect of a Christmas box. Vbsy VIi llave a progtram md pressaI te prellenta Wedneaday. lira. H. C. Etiwards peut Suntiay wti ber asaer, lirs. Lamlb, of Gru«,1 wbo la verytou. Ble bsobeen 111 aInce JnIy. Wanted. We wouhti lite go ast, Iîrongb lthe coîn1us O! your paper, il ibere la any permon Wvobu hmea iGieems AugosI Flover for th1e cure of Indignation, dyspepeis, sudlilver troubles %bal bas1 Dot been cuned-aod ceie " mea tboir reant#as sn»oas .omao, fermentatiou Of foodi, habitual cealie. neas, nertons dyepepolo4 i11.adlmea dospondent feeilnu, sîeplemnems- lu tat, ny trouble connecfle vilh th1e etomacb or liter? This medicine bas tieen aolti for many yeara li ail civillzeti Coutries, sud W w V1bte correspond vîi yon anti esud yon one o! oui bookt ieeof cois. if yon never trie7d Angoit Flower, lry s 96 cent botte firat. We bave neter knoun of Ica faililug. If no, sometbing c more eeloua lu tho malter vitb jon. The iiioucenIs bas met been Iro. ducedtttsyear. liegnimi mIa.75 ente. Por saie by i4RaàtLKz PHAnMAOTr, (irmysîsike, lI it. . Oiaas, Wood- bury, N. J. Chiristmas Nigbt Dance.. Thme ionnti Lake Pleaseure Club invite the dancing puiblic toatstendi tilei aecond of Ibies esamanasertao of dancea ai &manu Bros. Hall, Round Laie, on Chrislmanight, Dso.mber2à. MUala hy iaprea orchete, of Waucontis, asaisted by trap drammer frtaChinago. Sun Strolie Shattered My Nerves. Gave Up Preachligs For Two Yeare. Dr. Miles' Nervine Put Me On Active List. Are yen velà? Doyons serp well? Do yenu gel nup resteti u, siedai rorous? 14 , ou md clear asdtivler? Il neulrti thea oîovn%. Secovaianterlissufea andi how h îoeei "Someyear aï vaswuafflurîrd ulth SUs tok wiih et meonu ha shattereti civ- oun systr>anti csceedinity pouniheaith. 1i sufferedt trribiy uîlh panin h m ed, lb. top of my heati coitif cri hout could ,t simd,, and ater strivint lor two y cars ou veritle trouble off. I vas vopelcd toive up My pastoral labor rsud retirlu o yfs vitre Ispent ne-rlytwn years tri-to 1 n cupermile. lOvas ai lnosvsil. l'hysmcians trealmeal anti patent medictis mid <o ne. liev. me. i1vwu esceedingly nervomis anti1 iritable andi somnetimre w.uld shske tsrîmbly. lic.l couiit bear any noie. At the lear exn ctement the blondI voulti rush t0puy face anti hSi. Two years ag>o I vas îndimcî> lu tnp Dr. Mies Resîî,ratî',c Nervins. Alter iming une bottie i coumi>i mec mmprimt in i my condition so I continuedti kng il for Duly aYeau. i arn happy to ..y I nu longer have Ibose pains in my heli or ne", ous spells. My appite r giand Iann able lu prsach thir lime- u Siiuav wîttî .ut fatigue. i1cîîn.der tDr. Nil, ervire tite most conderlul nî r î.ov errd."-Rev. 11 Airlilî.m lasti>, U. i. Chuzch. Maruo. n.ld. Ali ruZgi-sts s:i anti guarantee firt but- lIe Dr,. Miles' lIeuediisrSe,>lfoir ler book on Nerv.'us ant iHeart lie>c..Atitrîr Dr. Miles Medcal Co.. Eikham t.i Public Notice. Tr'îosurî "Departinont. oms -of Comp- trotter ofthelic rrn"îv Wah ""ton. D.C.. 0>-iamber , 1 tol'. Wunitzaso. hi pt l,faitury evltil>r i rs- setutedt 10tho iîni.rsJf-ilmu.- ic-,>Maids to aptieniar ViThoFirmt NationatliBant ut Lltwrtîviill, lui lis Village ut Llbtirtyvitî-. lun the 'ounît bLe anti Mate ut tîlînni. bas cumplieti wlb aillb>h, provision" ni the fitatutes outhticUnited StItes, e. Iriiolti u h comptieti Vlth befors an association shah hou anîhorlîsdti lu ommence Ith- busInepssut Bankina; Nuw Tuoiazy.>u 1. Wilam IB. Ildltey. OomttrollrorfnihlecCurrenci. do lirmr ecr- tlftinla "he FiratNational Bankof biberr-1 ville," lu lie Village ut bibertylile. la the Couit b ats anti Blate o!fîlinole. Isou- thorizedt lucommence tbe busIness uofank- iniraunprovidoti lu Mention Flfty on', buntiret and tit ixtan ofu l theRvisetiStauteothe i United ta ltes. IN Tzsrxoov Walas r y Itnors myi "ant ani Seat 0fof fie his tiret tint of Dietmor MEL: WU.iB. IttioelLy. .improihisr o!lime ourrenay J). Waksb vuaon Ou r b Litlie Ellia O&Iligelon t Sidney Brsiabie anad lady vislted Wsman fl suaday. a. a"""nena l&Ibo improving., Ear4 Wliklson, of ORu. vinlflag bis oncle ai Port 0111. There vill be preilacblag 8 tu,~ BIi chotai Sunday mormiab e are eabenlaining the formera of Monîloallo, Iowa. Thorewilil b.c bisr the port lai11 cburch on W etenlag December 24111. Tâo Melloni are piepfrns a aies o0nslstinmg of songe and retlalô the D"esion. What's les a Nam*? Everythi" tla 1th11e ree « oBob liigh ans alte.IL*., DeWil k Co. of Chicago, dlslUl nom@ e er&go how la ma@e a front Wlteh Haneoi&bâtlelaOb for piles. For blimO, bleelag, I. log andi protrudiag pili« es.el",,a culs, burn, broines. aud anl~M diseasDeWit'a malle bis mo eqUgaJ>' This haie given tie la a0555U lorîblese eornterfells. AUl otu .- WItt'a lhe genulse. P .a.ovi4 Libertyville. Th 1erer' Hanhr hugorI than tbat of the stomacÏ. Hair hunger, for lnstanoe m Hungryhairneedsfod needis hair vigor-Ag.ra. This flwbw es £list G. M. Dam"a, Sa DesiboraSt.I. Chlm. Adm lulatretor's Sale. stt I!lîlinoia CanyotlAkems.c Court of Lake l2ountr eenl A. D. Ion C. ironk Wri hi Admis of the estais nf mary J. 9M,lckà ci Arthur L. Mulet Ethl ks,na tirlc denra t rlsto. etil Pbiotlidtopa? dballe pursuanes ot a doctes mie oand enle zad auinthle abovoettled sage. e*à th aIr 'la A. D. I'su. 0 rok iWrlwht. Admiloltrator of aal4 reAu wlii on tiaturda, lhe aid dar et Jasa1my A.) O. ^t ~alte bout of 0lieoloct:in, M aotti-inof >1sai da?. aI lt.. -&-t or of0l Court fHoues in lb.,lty nifVategmu. Le blghest anti hoat bitid.,i for cash ail e riw~. lI teano nterat ha è 11 10 the ftellowlng Ioscrit..d rslti..ow An undilvidoti 'n.-touri Intesent 0la ý .Baoth 10 s'rrasof th. W.%t bal! ni the . ut .ami quarter of section 17 and lthe60011 li 4i-r,,s orthe, notli.ea5t 'lOSilSi of meet 2n. Am.0,urosencilsg a da mscaBo 1 s lins 0f seion l20tten lad seI ownom,YljYrum iiatha',tw.anctala sud ru nalngnri>0rmcomti:ls w..oîon a arakilins %'h he 1esnulas. > ilfarta 1600rudde10 1the hait asuien ln., liciter souti tu a Stake on the MUnA0 tnci owned hy the said Heath andRaileb. r.tah ni be nu s onal,,mlifte wu eon. monre or oa sen in,> . alinto us à4 nort>. rang, il -sel ni thA nid P. - ezospUg tberefrnm a pises o!f ee d'erieasfollowr: Comumeler aU intersection o!1 the Uechantls <broya Dlarnd bote roand on th1e west linse 0 nort h.aat quarter cf seelonleta eli 19 chaîns ant i 2linkssmonth ! 1e West c,,r ni sf al>i quarterseation. 1e tonîn n souti îl6nit lhe 'mare 0E lin> " ris»>, asnd 7)ink;tebaes 55. -balr> Oind 24 lut, *thon,', ori wltl,ý lbquarter section lins ilb 01510 Sm in. th. ' oeutofsid rond. g011 7,eo roe vaalong lhe omnt sai rond 5lohalus and a inksb 11the Pl"s heglnnln.oonts.lnist 851011afflMoi Wcs. Alsu oeeptnathatpugoth 1eÎ West Quarts, o1 thtic oulh.-eet .oao section il. desorlbed se foiIousîOrn ynucnwat aspointI10o hains and 21 l wesio this auti-esot moMne .o% section 17; thence nort Iil ehaloss da lnta: Ihence Vert la chaîna m b, tisIt4efflttd le4 k mcres es=7 eMln 96 intas;ll>oncA soutl 2diessu ohainsanmd àlnts tte e lttie et souti-sast quarter of sali se n 17; t1.e roIt Icia8lusansd 4U links te th1e Piss beglnnlng. oonlalnlns % ers ltae latlis lavan O iUberIr Oeuatr Illinois ,,bi,-t tate l> dV.r lia o Arthur L Xlyrli. ýNoticetBor d o sMl tu'nuntîî snbuc alee ofirmed by Datoi Waoktgan Illtinois, Dee. s. A. D iM 0. FiRàN« WEIoMT. Admnlltzator of 1the ate ot Mary J. Myllor. doceamil. N. DURÂSI atorney for Adminulatalr. C"t, 15se 20e 2s0 7é se. si Oô 25d orne Se 12a1 22a 'ro TI Llbert Le dinne Lib(

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