CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Dec 1902, p. 5

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YEAR 1 Trkes Duks GeseChlckens Candy Nuts Fruiti We have a sLlppIy specially for Holiday Trade--FRESH and DESIRABLE. TRJGG'S & TAYLOR, lleadquarters for Groceries. Libertyville Leave your order early for New Years dinner necessîties. We'liIdo the rest. T..& T. W arm w inter N ecessities. Uîiderwear, Overcoats, Fur Coats, Lined Canvas Coats, Gloves and Mittens. We Want to say Hlappy New Year Jad tt) tlîaikk o iti 'îrtome-rr for thei r Iiberal patronîage' dîîring 10. $filITl- & DAVIS LIBEIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. *1 4 PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. laE ffect Suaday, September 38, po2, ut 12101a.. m. TO CHICAGO. VURE DAYB. Oepart Prom New 0.001. Leuve LlbertyvlUe Arrive chlec. lm 15..:17a. m ............ 10:05ia. m. 140 ..i:18 a. m.n .......... 1015a. m. -144 ...12:2 P.m ............ i: dop.M. 146 .....702eP. ....... ......5sfp. M. CI SoJa. .;17 L ......... 1000a. I. *140... 9: aIL. ............ 10: Ua. m. 148 .. . 7:15p.........a8: 30 p. m TO CHICAGO. iveux oyAS. Oepart From Oicd DepaI. Leuve UAbertyvlie . Arrive (Chcago. No. 182 . o.a:11. m............. 7:U0 a. m. ' 13 ... 7:38a.m . ............ :46 .ma. FROM CHICAGO. WMU 041. Arrive ut New Depot. Leave .hîcago Arrive Lîbertyvlle. No. i *..7.« a. M......... 9:38 a. 133... 9.;80a. zIii - .... M s l. M 15...2:1 . . ........3 4rp -am. 1317 . .I .n...... ...4:0P.h.4:82 P. M. e4:.5:OPt. 0. ........ 7:(n I . No. 147 ...9: (55 ........10:17 a. m. -13 ...2* . .« ..3:d8p'lM. -143. 6:06 P. M........7 02 P. FROM CHICAGO. Arrive u' Ol' Depot. Cev h...o Arrive Llbort yOlie. 1M1.. :20 P. la ............6:35pa. 16 ..... :60 P. [ni............7:15 9.,nM Illinois. 94N. ¶Trains Arrive r ftga O Sacti lon udas There lo a Perfect Bride lu Towsn An tîls; old towa thoes1l a Perfect bride. laltO l? lt I Am mhe a bride elect? or true and tri-11A le lt 1?18 lttA As.h oAn e whoae bridai draaa. J net reSoed kgtirat car""?' Or ona oIt ln lov'i dltresa' Biesaîne long. or AllAto bles' 18lt I? la ltAl? Yoil bettersauve roursel! from i btter RatuIlf: le tI? 1.l 1? Ant nevîer rosa ur avord twltuan and, Jr von stive ta IAsura. WAtAi Intestine fautIf, jars. You woult 'inenca the verystari. And Would leaVe Ignoble gera. dbouît you ry, la t . ' aa, some nlnety amena ni matrona mtIl'IIt A Who wiuld no rival la thle 'ase endolr- l'il not feiter car. rau ae. Who thilaPerfect bride ntay bu' lI not talA sou who a ahi: J1,ret 'Utcixt ber and me. laitl A' le tIl Conuuty Treacurer Puse vue lit, bowD Weduenday on bnattueu»Datters. Charlet, son 0f Stanley Foot., of HlaI!Day, la aerloaaly 111 cith lypiioid lever. 'The Macaroni fatory ha cloaed docu for a foc daya to permit of involetng. (Jeo. Jamîson, vifte and chudiron are 4pening lb. holidaya cti J. J. Jamisojandi I. J. Hoyt. Mat WiII, cih abeen omployed by Fred Croker fur sevorul montho bai gene ta Chîcago &0 corli. Paun ilot, cho oca thbe bouse on Orabard atreet cent of tie Madole p!ace bai notUteai teuant Capon %ha& bie desîres possession. t la conjea- tured ai unile to b. marrled. Cbat Boyea bai uearlyca2mpleted tlie Interior 0oodwork unit "trin" of tAhe nec electrie road depot. Ed Clark ta teing tb. painting. The itepat ViII be ready long beo re cars are ranning. Tarteya for the. Chiama dinnere bronght 22 cents a pound, and whitie aume deaiared, Ih Vai a am of puy the prIc. or go ithboat, unitmnat people paid---eaChristmas vithont tustey la but a bolloc mockery to the. average citizen. Christmas Veatior preodeit Santa Clausa uat a day, andit he manlle of soow nich caverei thle emulli Wednaa- day morang helpeit mate the Hall. day seaionjas totethe. tInS you sead about. Cbrlstmaa cîthont ano', nover beema rlght, anyway. Invitations are ta b. iaued nazi Week tot open installation and banquet ef Columia Lodge, M. W. W., ut LbertyvIlle Town Hall, Taasday aven. lng. Janaasy 13. Eaai maniber Muy Invite ou. perien bealtes .1fe, Juibanti or aweetbeart. Wai. Whigm ha purchaied two and is dangiter fielen Whigam eue lot ln F.. H. linebkera nw subdivision in southeru part of taca. Mr. Whigam wilI bulît amodern reaideuce facing eakt ou a continuanceo0f Stewart Atvenue, Vblcb street le ho be put througb in the S 1enIa Clasiesuad lie lIttho foliheîd farthiut tic Preibylerian andl Meibo- îlot aburabea Wedneadayaight, sund ah bath plansa Voue scentes o! gaad cheer undt bappînosi. Aller appro- priale programa hhe Cbristmaa lree cor. dîveeteitoff hir uloada ho the 'lelgbt of the younngsles, non, of wbom Ver. overloateel. Scbauck Brothers are giving thelu firmes patronsa aunique asudnief nI alonitar. Beildea Mie calandar pa la a mut shîippera record vAti a space for oacb day of thie manthi *teop a record ef Cana of nik abîpped suni eaphy eaun& recoived. AU Il 1k sAp. pers appreclute Ibis device for toaplng sà correct tub on theis canse ndlb. calendar leslan peuh Sunanit. Smith & Davia are rememberlng thoir patrons dii calendara ai la Wm. Wal- rond. Tii.calenitars voreimuedtfram the INDEPINDENT PrMa. John Moore expec tutdiapos. oi Lits barber busineas, flmes uanit equipment unbd remove go liobaul, OIklahoma. Abert Lyon le aegottating for lb, ahop and An tarit clîl loua Il 10 Wm. COum], Dow oa! BannitLake, unit recently empîoyeit by P. J. Bookel. mun. Mr. More hbu a daughter, lira. (lea. ttfaorditUving et Hobart anud la sauheiei fronm ber reporta Il vouAS b. a canjenlai linlale. fila beulhh la poor and thé change ubaulel prove benefiulal. Walter Darby la nec aI gobartunit very favarably tmpresees riMi the country. If the dm1 le la qttWmou »uim Mr N. MoWeevo . 11Happy New Yeur, Wbat reaolutiot viAi yon form neit Tinraday undt forgit l<rlduyi Fred Crokor and famnlly speut Christmas vlth ElgAn relative. New pewa have lPe Inatalied An tbe Catiolla corch. b decided Improve. ment. MlN. Henry WiUlame enterhained relatives, M. B. Ilith undt Bon Luclus, of Chicago, Bnnday. Louis Knox huai severul lingera badiy arnabeel lu a case grinder Tunday, but fortunately acpuaaion Vue not neaoaeary. Mnnday morning a Chritmai sermon uithe M. E.Obchandl ln the evenlag the 111h und tlaitfthle soIen, -"Christ la Oar Heurt@." The. donce givon by tbe Lute Couuty Club Ciriamas nîgltu@ i eillattended undt a fine lime eajoyed by aIL Next danae by tie club *111 b. given Jannary 9. W. A. Slnbblaa, editor of the E'ho publiahed aut Victor. filI, and mon 0f Be,. Stabbina, pastor of the. Ivunho. church, vuea aplaaaant calIez uit he l1IsnaERDRNxa'rOMO$ Tueaday. Our local mebohanta huit a fine HolI- day traite, undt hait Voather cou- dttiona been favoSable early latbe ceet coald have been rasbodin tahle lira. Wm. Speliman 11a expoaled home from Hamilton, Canada, the lat af thia woot. Ml.evwu culled tiere aome Veeta 9go by the . ithof ber mother and lait Tbnraday bsr son WillAie cent ho Canada to accompany bier bomne. Installation aioffiers of Acme camp No. 176, M. W. A., wAlAccas at their next regiular Meeting, Juuuary 3, 1903. A candidate VAII laobc preient te, receive the secret work of the ord or, hence a f nIl atheutano. la requeiteit. Au the Muddeu dîilrct the ichool hiuearted a movement toe acuse a llbrary. Luit FrAtay avening a box socal ul Vield undt des pile anluvorable Veuther, VoiI uttendoit. Some $24 cas cleured ho apply ou the library fut. A good ides for Libertyvlllans ta ahart tb. new year by orgaluzîng a CItizen'. Improvecent Association. NOV latbe opportune time and 19013 wilI tevelop msny occaaaloas Ubete sncb an ozganizatlon conld be cf Inestimable value. Ms. Niciiolls, thbe olel soldiez, ebo ha made existence poasible for Fred Croker and C. N. Dargnit sAuce hils aitvent ta thit premiaes le! t for the Sldiera' Home ut Dauvîlle Weitnesday. H. cil retura flu tb. sping-in lime ta mac luwnmiansd mute biaiel! neeful. The League SocîsI ut the M .E cinrch Fruday evenlu)g Vii a very enJoyablo allais. Tii. ladies o! tho àgaudolin Clab dAcourseit aceet aud banitlîfnImusic la several numbers. Mev. T. H. Grteene, of Wesl Pullman, made a charmlug and valnable aditresi on *A month lu DAixi," and excellent refroaimente voeeserveel. we learu fzom a numbor of our ex- cange@ Ibal in mauY O! th. towaVanud largos aiies turougiontthbe country tie crYeongJ, u ni thie pepert, are &&atîng: '.cdwnaot aomethbng be don. taprevent Our Young ladies frovi being lnaulted onthile troole ut Dîgit T es aometilng cuib.done undit ilcannaI b. don. any toe soon, elîber. Just bavethie girlrs mother tacit ber lu beel promply &tg9 ucloat p. ai. udit ten îockthIe itcoor on bar. 1t eue a very @aditdoathbof MMr William J. wilIliums ne"r DImonîl Lut. Ou SstnrduY, six duya uSe r giving blrtb ta ber tiras chIt. Sile sud Mr. William, ver. DarrIeit Isat Febrnary. lIra. Williams wui boru lu Eaglpnd about 30 yeara ugo. Beosîdea bot orely atricten bnsbund and the Young bube, aie louves ai brüthers snd sisters, tbree yeî remaiting ln Englanel. She cuOaun active and consistent niember o! lia M. 2E churcb ah Diamand Lake unit ber beautîful Obilan oxaniple ciiineyer bc for- gallen. The amoet inesunt riaging o! the bell la the Melhiodial churoli toweritnr- ung aflernoons ViiO thesomaiîl boy" la abonusn10 onIOe &uunopxg but roba ti blo! île 4n@efulneefl. We natnrally aisoclute thie rlnging ci a oburch bell VAIh Ibingasucreit sMd thut a lot o! boys aboalit continuaall ring lheb b. for auaem.ent hucha' o! Irrevereoe. Aguain, In ecaaee0,cfi lb.eciuscb bell ha heretofore pr a splenadid meansof ai aring mnIty. Il la itaubuful 11Mloncol b. agttruotei b o f fit, 4aine Il bug for emy 7boi Wk Ill -mMOy Calby, el Paterson, Iowa, le itpendimg the Holiday@ with Y. P. Dymoncd sud famlly and the Colby'a. May 19(13 prove ai prooperona a jeax Vitb Lib)ertyvilllana as han 1912, and aery mndication As l ahi-ana more Tihe two gravai traîna on tbe electric roai colllded Wednesday, dolag con. aiderable damage, bat not Canning laj nry to any of the employeei. Excelisior camp, No. 387, Il. N. A. wiliImoot Friday aflornoon Jan. 2. Ail moembeui ara requeîîetd thalbo praient, as Inatallation bainesaiof Importance la ta come before the order. James Keil bas pnrcbaNed the prop. erty on Lake 8treet lufit Vest 0f the village known ais1the Geo. Loe place, of Augusta Lee. 1t consiste of an acre witb hous. and otlser Improvements. Tiie farocoîl rocepti on for Bey. William Caldelol, ln the. parlora of the. Preabyterian abusai, cili lbo givon Monday ovealng, Doa. 29, in- shead of f3aurday ai prevlonsly an- nunned. Watcb nlght ut M. E. cburch an Wedneaday nlgbt Dec. :l, fromn 9:00 ta 12.00 ocloct. Nov. Fowler,ofDlamond Lake. and tie pustor, mate udire..... The leigue biai a program andt lunch ls l0 b. aervecl. Ail luvitod. Supervisas J. K. Bower, o! Waukegan, donated four large turkoja aggregat- Ing lu weîght 4;8 pounda Sothet .connty farmx for Cbristmas, and ta aay Mr. Bowerso generoaily wai appreclahed by the lumates laipnttlng At mildly. Friendabip Court No. 743, Cours o! Honor, VIII holel apeclal meetingi Satns. day evonlng Dec. 27, for the pus»aneo! electlng delegatea ta the cofntry cou- vention Co!tho order ta bc hold ut Wan. tegan. MARY I. STAPLES, Reacorder. Wrght Brothers recoivod a car Joadt of biard ceaI Frlday mntnlg and ex. pect auother car or two lu a foc daya. This sellevea the coul ituation tocally. Both dealers are prepared teta apply &Oft coul 10 ail tiair ecaoniers andt conaequently Lhbertyvîlle senfers no serioni inoonvonience owlng tu the prevalling coal famine. O. J. Wigbtman in in bcD n ite luteroata of Luake(JonDIjs aeSw fraternal order The. Knghta end l adie of tho Rdoitssr..gaverai uplioea have beau aocuxed and thle puefla for a trong lge biase;le very flattering. This organiuat hm Su I) Of the feuilm 01of tmunai lnanrance whlih uhoQU ouýd it 80 thoee dearing fint ohM » anmd accident insurance. Somoffflielead. lng men or Lake Oouney mg among the inoorporatore. The luihisry fees are belng walved *0 Ulemmbere thug Offering ope"ciaidmemuente ta thos. joinlng before thé. obrler la cloaed. Mr. Wigiitman inlforma n# tbat tbe promoters espect tb An- corporate undor thie Illinois lac early lu January, It le then the. intention ta branch oni loto other cacabtee or the stite and alao to begln aperations ln oeveral otber atates at once. The boule office wIlI be at Wankegan andl sai tlt la a Lake County etiterprlae. a&l tiose deslrimg fIrsi clasa insurance ahoulel tendlthels Dames ln promotlng the work. Borden Creamery I>eople Look ta Libertyville. itepreaentatlya if the Borden Creamery Co. have been lu Liberty- ville looking over the local croumery and a deal la on a8 a reaIt looking la thir obWalng pvîseî.lon of the. plant and etabllaliing a bottllng work boe.. The Borden Comrpany operate gaverai creamer!eeaundt pay for milk a lilgier prie. thon ocher creamerjea. On the. other bandt every dalry anpplylng them wihh mutà la snbject ta, inspec- tien andl conditJons ultipulated by lie consPany must be compllod wlti. Borden brands of boltlod talit brlcg the top Prive, belag ae nous absolntely free of forolgn matas ai la possible. Snob an institution la! great valne tu a oomîaunlty belng on. af the most Potent factors lu educating dairymen ln the. proper carseandt iandllng of milk te produce beat reauîte sud abtaîn lilbest prIais. It le certainly dosable tiat tioir negoiationa roanît ln the. location o! on, of tbeir Indnatries bore. Sncb concerna are npbnllders and a credît ta the coomunnlty. Ready Made ..SKI RTS... 1 have a nîce lino ai ready-made irts, the. latest tltîngs, and ait rlght prît«a. You should à«ee 1h.. French Flannel Waists Iu aIl nov colora. Tbey are mist ciat lady cas- tomets are loaking for and I am ailling them ut pria.. lacer tian equal quallty ahirha aun be purchaiei for 1on Chicaga I bongbai tbei#n "close," that'a vhy. MillinMr, Cloaks .and Fuis. For cinter vear. Cli unit gel prIa.. unit ie. for yanr- self thst I affer real bar- gaina. EVERYTINO FOR LADIELS. Mis. F. Protine, NEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY GOODS, A large camplete line of presents for bath young and aid includinu Dolis Doil Carrnages Go-Carts Wagons W heeibarrows Writîng Desks Biack'Boards Ridinir Horses Mechanicai Toys Wooden Houses Shlps Games Tool Cheats Iron Toys Magic Laterns Sets of Dishes Guns Swords Sieds Story Books Muffiers Ki Tioes Sofa Piliows Toilet Cases Mqnicure Sets Fine Decorated China Plates Cupa and Saucers Berry Sets Salid Dishes Cake Plates Nut Dishes Sho-flys HOLIDAY GIFTS mm~I~ A. J. IWOOlurg & CJo., of Chicago, carry thheinM lime of TolletSets.cuitBoxes, Collar Boxes, Glove Boxes, llandkerchlef Boxes, and Work Boxes. Pocket Books, Mirrors, Albums, Books and Holiday Novelties W. pnrchaaed a big lot of tMilsSamples eti0oc on the Dollar undt arethwoeby emableel ta show jon an nnnaually lafge asuoement as ::'.:::::::: :::: . HALF PRICE. Exclusive patterns and oniy one of a kind. Corne eariy and get the choicest piums. Libertyville At L PAIN TS~ AND QI LS F. Libertyvile RE DRZUGS.... ..ovel's Drug Store TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES PATENT MEDICINES B. LO VBLL, - - Ilinois. DIe £ost 1$ Dom id For a telephone ln your place of business or your residence. You get the increaBed and growing serviceofet te lidu County Telephone Company antd conneuton wito the Chicago Telephone Company. For Informatiot, rat«., etc., wrtt.. CONTRAQT DEPARTMJ $1 COý 25e' orne ke 13e 12< 22o 25g< 1 2c 17e ad~ Ce i -------------- m 1 Ties Illinois.

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