%%C. ~omaaJ 4-awom Ai ad boleUiy Wb"lobu kog -Immui18 u.~dSOSe ealalanto on O14 4*m Balla bOMaes tcd &W * Pt ni ix a. c iiimam ma« w IL. . .3eiDooee Aimeem» 9 vuai. IL 0 . . M$on.fflbt6"aus $o halàli ,omoè51B uzrsm**mm -la. A 1hui unwet boal&Wo twau lda* tag NiebNm 9 p 10.00»- O&a , m l mo eia a rUai leae Mr ~teul 5ai10 buPeas ft oi»T. .3w Mi~ eehiWOnkb hava. ILi 4.ove ve oflelahce b *We uadoeiand 1meplay ta lathe BeruaitItre sMd auimber of Our poople be thora10 to eéematesIL h of lire. 'm. wiiam. on mauywhore 4aula and acquauano wvo hbe m. mThe fuanra uoaday Mdi vas attendait crue of people. WIU loyeuerotor. Mr.i s lived on theaB. P. h of Diaaond LaIe. Ibo I' ait hae cituicaionJ ng vsio7~~OâY - ahi. toaîuit.SneolvitO- i .qz e cola va,. &btt 00m lm.,in>ty an $btitday *îme wu va u cei îed. UApfflWqzh>d Permit. W. Ed h addlo vb Oe mid q ae amplcti 10,0I tole ue se pplie. of t ia"aleade eeldom indee.d 4 ahLTmi iM&ron bad been Mbé of 0eSecht he b.public asheIt 1h& rma 4*4 hem great £rom a flhriuhm a ia0ts b "soperin- lend.nt of th saany mehoci,John ronkhta lu hie nefaMhappy maneer. Atl w tthie exerofaee of lhe $y"omhrvo eoenjoyabie saa b ma. o». regretai IiS htagmaicornes but 0006 a yeu. It vnil 119 goodnova t10the mothera 09 aMaui chml i o leIMMb leocp uan b. ptVM Sad. Taeienma uO ut0 .roup le bçataem Aday cu lyn bito e th mblhilhechli bmcmes boulm. Tbb té fý OllOved lia ~faroIsb sagl. Get»Chaaler- ug'FMIfioiy #AMsemona Nà u ta heeme boum. Mlorut M« o'the riug* 001«b appeois,"ad s il i, l -il mysplem 01et erop lt thie cllidanger n maurtoY MMa h - id Tt Odl la «W bymini Ibomsede c Oi MoSe ami baiu crulhoe m ovu ho idiL h ,ltat,t11e calirmmedy Niat ajaa ho épsMde pn m041 au405mmiliu a e ..Fer maile Lîbenhyvlle; OumIe.- bat rPamuv. "d 'm-dt s lvanhoe Ittms. ft"'&nxd vaa a OChicagoot abl, eb$Rlc aChicagoSata- Suiqm b ioo #$là* 5*. ni Ue Missd AdAM IUo0<* la O*oa la Ai0at otla blago aM.,h XI,1, Moultavas lu Chicago U09* t slse ma fumerai cofai we muintence. Ob.lNuteetceeaver. e ldlu lhe - OElpSgilol* haneai Md proveai Mn. A ma W. A. Sîablinsuanad son Ouwblca@"IV"edWoimedaj evealng le çpoa the Immaibeudais vith Bey. W. . llbin aend vtI. Th. Demmitie Ouatgave Ihoir play BUFFALO OROVE- lm** BMnmlboea d a novvia ,mlli e lahveek. 'BOM WMMvUiioen ails barber IL à 00Aor1 C. bongt a bond uiomasi t. linge. ffl Dvog %Mmysasnov bltr i uthe ie01Us~u à" radW.a viamer. bu eIvnug <Iilaus ois for AL. RMoseoroui bieli10 le 4- U 0. haresa ovilMM bat9Q. Ide obo> , X Ie »vorianindi Abqhw MW disée at. Vuliire oM e - ts hbite a boiail joag : m -2 reul ors c uolgelothe ROLLINS. IÙWÀvi Deeflla l houe duui" 0Si . O. Eive v mu nVaie. UWainmda. 1 » oie NimB Rivrai e ouojIn a oe lume 1~ oletaipromom Obdolehamban iiiai Arcs vms p--- »Mm.ai.muy. -vbe m o i. mu bei un»ai fer *'Uacle Joeh" lait Vnlday ovening belon. a fair sized audience. The rainy veather kept miny avey vho ethervime vonld ai amybeen Ihero. Ailn tbe parle vera viii taon aud haviug lien raquette 0sire 1h egala thsj picliby vili do se lu a couple o PrLoeof Inter Occam AfthtJan. 1. To aa uhseenberi o et Ihohxnpz- untve hao boonmuani renov giviug a jrm ubecrlptioc 1 the Chk4coo 'Wsshig InterOcicasfor 835oti, or boNipipera ooeeu for $1.85. AllerJeami 1.,1903 the Inter Oceam, palisihera vill advance their smb- soniplion pria. te, other Publications sud v. yUl thon b. obllged go charge $8.00 for bath paperm tooneco ir. Bean talalu minai, ua vo aui aller lbe date mentioneti charge the novF priceetlpulaleai. The Inter Oceaa .0016 os a consîderable asuauail mor. then vo charge oui subacribera and vu osunot holaigte bond fig une alter tai.adrauce pria. 10us la b fecet. 81f WEST FREMONT. Mn. Stopo laOunIhe sick liaI. NtZo. teoh Ie si0liai i, 4 "qoeare the happy Pai.ne -a b.bàýrgirl. Cartl Gridley apet a few dry a baxe 1111. veex viatng relatives. Peler Schubert the night opersior la laoi bc.ndieg et Ms. Purdy'a. Mita Jeule Elceman apent C briei n with ber parents in Riveview. Edde Bolet la recoveriug alowls frow bis m"verse talbiof coryza. Rerechberger Bine. ahlpped, a car Joad of stock te Cicuago Tueday, Mrs. Marlon Knedler bas a eliglti attack of lagrippe and rleumatism. Mir. and lira. Butler 8eut Ciriilmas vith lMr. and lirs. Tichtener ai liniveingo. Mie. Frank Welles ad lire. J. S. Gridiey wre Waukeglin Vl»ilore lat week Thurs4ay. Mien Donas milla, of Buffalo rove, le apeediog a week nirlieu witn lire. 0. M. Weduer. CharlesFote le dsngernniy lI iti typbcid lever. lie in under Dr. Locyer@ cars. Mr. Kueblerrepremeetative nf MoNeil, RiggIes & C. transucWedbusiness lu liii. iocallty Monday. E. P. Grtdley la e ai4tg lu Iheir holday ruah ot buluce oSouth Maer St. thia week. Orna Meer@, ot Pullman, spent Christmas wth bit; parente Mr. sud Ma. Herman ieyerd'. Mir. and idra. J. Yong, of Liberty- ville, apeel a day vilh Me. and re. Wm. Edearde racenlly..1 Mr. Fiegal, cf Cicago, vlelled his bnolbe.lulav, lMr. Hoffuieler part o! Frtday and Saturday. Mir. and lirs. Ede, oi Oak Park, seat thla week viîh lth lare parente, Mr. and iae. Loomia. WIlIIFlegel vlan busbeen spoudingi the limt Ive veeks villa Mr. sud lirs. Chria 0ocez hie etunnedt tChîcego. lire. Wm. Oebler, Mrs. JI. Knopf, Mir. and Mra. Holchy and Mlr. Butlier voesamnug tbe City visitera Ibis week. Thé baaiet social isehlby the ptaki cool sea chîltmas Cele bationevie veti aliended and al report a noyai gond lime. Mr. ud Mmns Butler, oi Fou du Lac. Wi., are apondig s few veais vlla their bou, Mark huiler station agoni for lb, Wisconsn en oInai rmia. 'uer publie achool ham no Chritmas celebnationu1h11 jear sudai va have ne Buuday school ourciludieli are tbe Ouonnes lanthae ceueiy ni eejoyiug a publiae celebratien of Christmas. Mrn. and Mms Jolin i. Thompso, of Ohicagi,,speut iSnnday aI the Gralînu faim. Mr. Thompeen le the perehaien et the Sinalton faran, vbere b. vIii mal. extensive luiprovemenîs lu the apring. The rui route Inspecter made thie roande on botb routes ber. nocantly aid found them lun a prosperosas coudi- tion aid sbly hsudled, mand atiuie the roada ou routeonue vere lu excellent eaditien sme poilions of!the rosai ou route vo voe e vamp poor order obud il here vae much oi the rougla rced% vonid resull lu discotluulug taie rente. Il jon feel iII suuc ei a pll Why not pealase ih st? Do Wit'i MarisRaise Are littie anipiere, Tie one--tbey do the teet w. a. Hovoîl, liloueon, Tax., yulte. I baye useai Littlse arly Biser Pis lu My Iauily for conatipation, sick besd- ache, etc. To Ibsîr ise 1 am Indebleal for the belîli of muafmlly. F. B. LOVIL. Libertyvilie- tFz-cm Auciher Corr-eponien; I Mirs. WIliIBock vieled Chiago Ibis week. Etereclaberger Bothere e&hippad a cirload nf hoge 11M8e van. Amau& Bei!, r are lhroîîgth mî-d- ding for C. J. Maon-iheir l job. Mus.Dcciey vas a clîy vimia Mou-C .lso aeul a n u day. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 th c.ilba uîe W. C. îallîoad test tnevelen. Our nov baoiiuit buba doue a ruesh Ing buiness taie pu ee es, tiing nm"l. Practicomiles perfect Charllo. A. D. Loomia le maklng np oet 6M0 lb. of niii dualty. Taie average prisce patU par huadreaifoteb.moulai of loebo vas 91.87J. 9anot At Grave* Drink. --h o1mvI oudlong &go have beau la my grave, vieo Mia. M. IL. Nev. amu, et Deaitu, A&., -11it ilamainot bou aforElliflo Bittera. For thiai jom sa! nnold agoni irom the V«» 9for=i 09 iaigoitlm*vatrbrusa, almmaekmd livel dyspepaie. But h"l uxeulium edlelme litdume vOila 09 go"i. Iiaenmaing Il h1caest bonott t sdhave sain" U38Pound$. ' Vos inilates , lame o!appetl, ahepsl4 lir,&anai dniy troublai làuole Blum es a a poiive geai. msil «m.Oui50oc a% . . LorutWa, LUboihvilie: GàâiATeL Il yaa ? raat haudhllla, If Y'. ilurciopes, hU yen vmnt baonh acarda, I on int tauhiletton hemds, i j'ou vmaime@ rlmilg carde If Ion vff maitluvitaliens, Uîoevaaiaay hidiof lob vok. la»o yenoriSàmeit l. aunu Nuns efleMnilievo Smuexooaad lanlaie Basai umumr aud tu thaortest lima Ovltgha change la our ltrmiva Mx bl»«e.gail panItehi Jani. 1, a". 0 mal e. Hermai e leers has nol as et dlapo.ii of i propsrty lhte.9s r.ported. Ntrul Mtchll vasobllged 10 shoot ou. cf ils herses %lien vas hurt lu aie stable. lielilola liasrented i@is arm sud yUl meve le Prairie vMardi b1, haring renle eai aisMln place. lie intent tmtloa utaie noair fucluie. amd itchel, rmeetir 0f ibis place, làaU néo a itshom tuaiPithebnrg. Pa villa yphoM iforer. A trained niurse la ueguiaamyl intteedanco. Atbit eeciou l>mc. 13 t10 W cd. tos mamed the toloievu ers: caeaÀ . G. IMeelier;Obark,,aChas. ffl Advirio, O. Rermchber; tInil, O J. iaso; Mccii, L. Kilioil Weleuae H.Atbnecht; SeütmV. ire ithell. Cautioni Tala la MMt a gotate - Word-bat vhseu yenad tbonov ble jon ire Dot tu parorrcambiraedy jniversaly laiZ p et i My mdielu tas wot 'lls-58IM or lb. came mut treatnijg SIeoiaptien sad Ibico sud iung Ireble vithout leetng Ite great piblfihy ail1 te.. joins, yen vili, boý»ibg*kN vo ealed your et. teution te flogoewa Geiuu sîrop. Thaia tomamy orainlun cougla nemadies- mado hi draggitesud etaimîs the aé boip -mil gcod foi bight eo*iý patap, bul fori a.re; ceVl,Wèoonbitlm, oroap-mnd oa- atier i 0ompt on, vOeethon. la duffieule Oi*si*lScm mc id oUgh. lgduilg * uih aidg nicininýng thons le a<Îlâ1< a . G.neff yrp. TOei8eeitm bhi J, ubon lu- L e m aN. Meglr ain75 0-I& F or ab ex nAlaATu PUAU. MUT Mcl Iajojetelu. . - - ma iSam 040W àvieil Ion. Oso. Zimmer, et Chicagoe, BUESXîaa Don'l forget the grand dlance t Long Grove Dec. 31. Wm. Shaffer aold a large numbor of Xmas trouetubsy4ar. Chaa.s b lalhanliiag coal for the Long reocreinicry. ,MIisii Miaule Spo erlelu retnrned The Long Orove cnoamery psid $i 37 per eyl. for Novermber miii. Mis@ Lînse Spoerlelu la salyg vila ber auul lire. Bricn for a tei veeas. 300. Sith a liînrchatied hie tathen's terni about Ivo mileas oath o! Buffalo1 (inovn. Adam florchar, ut Long Llrnve, las purcliseaiNiai bulaoeueb)ergers farim,0 Paviln@ $95 para-mae.1 Owiuag lte 1 % Icd verether andl roada 1 the Chriâlmaa axirolestte , iI e mui boîherîn ehnrch.wore net asweli - tendedma sela. Tbic la the asoe niof he jean uhen the priatent antd caretel houeeifej irýpiciatae. ber saappty of ChemIsai- laIna Ceuga i il.edy. 1Ulatertinlago1 be cndet bellorethe vinIer lta crn, ana reacîts are rancha more prompt and eallecory wvOeu Il la kept aI baudj sand îv( en s mn melate, Cold le ntractedd làt ofrire il bai becemet aetled te the syntelu. la aimos% averY instane a a evere celd i muy be warded off by ttklog taie remedy treely sai aoon &athe tiretInldicaion of the coel appeara. There la ne danger legivlng Il le childyen for il contna ne harml a ubetanci. Il ta plesant 10 take-botla adulte aud chlldren hie Il. Buy Il sud yen viii gel the ha. Il alivipecures. For sals by F. 8. Lovmu, . Lbertyvifle; IaTLÂUPitABMAoY. EVERETT. Regelai Cbntstmas veather lani il? The (Christmas lree sud prngrain at the Evereli achool vas enjoyed by a large ngober of people. "At elsit o'oioci rohen Ps and Ma Heipeti entertain wlth Sis. Ttc- tarehappy loverast Ahi-dts tir spart as, Ibis. At it - cubaoGi. arIen Pa uitairew upstaire Then a.inad enme pîcturea And nearer brougsitIhir Chaire. AIl e lgak. Kams deeeapd Anid thon. vhat JO Fivhît biluet Thone lovera ea ilii neari n ee Abnutaecioeeaalli. Ou Tedzy, Deeantior lard, i t p. ni ai 8t. Palrlci's cbnrch occnrred the marnlage of Mîaco Yore. eldeel liengaiter of Jamem Yore, said Frank Tuiiy. Mmeo'jars, a coune 1tlie bride playedthe . eddiug msnch sud 11ev. Fatien O'Reillv uMlated. Trhe lande wore a besuhîtul vice- colareti ctoth govu, tiamed viib medalous aid grain velvet, a large pletaîre liaisend carnied a aboyer botaquet of bride's roses. Dode on., the brides& eIder, vus brîdea-maaid. Sbe vas govnèd le bine villa a pîelly bine bal and carriod pial rosei. Mn. Tuîlly vas escorteai by George Yore, es best man. Aftete eremony a large nuaber of Iuriied gooatn lgathiieeautaIte brida's home vbero lhey partna of sal)o'iteous vedlnugteaci. Mr. sud lira. ilp are vieIl kuown andi are blasîai gb lu tbe ealeem by aIl, boti a viug beau hotu bere sud ltvedl baie aIl thaîr lives andti iey wiil n maie thair home lu Erereit. The rnsuy fiandsansd relatives of the haappy yonng couple mit.eln ex- Iendlng le lhem liieir beariteil cou- gratulatins sud lu wialaing thoea maup, msny long yeare ot bappx vedaled lle. Bilîcua Colle Prevent.d.. Taie a double dose of Chaimberlailue Colle, Choiersansd Diarricea iemedy as cjou as the tiret iudicaion ni the 9adiseuseoappoaand ai a hroiîoned etaia y be veided off, Huodreâs oi peuple vlao ameaabecl te tscks nio billonas eolicnse taie remedy lu Ibis vay usîti perlect saceea. For a"ls by F.B. Lovar.u, Libertyville; OaAî a OERIMLU Mise Margaret Vedaler eutertlied ai The Mesrs. W. W. sud C. B. Clark are apendleg the hlibdaya lu Kanas li a laIVaut, Wvlandsta he Wankegan igli achool. la home ceer Xmss. The inembena of the Lutheran $nu-l dsy Secheol gavrelbelr program Weduea- Clay evecing. bamitel abe01etLondon, canada, aurpnîsea hieoher aid altera by comlug hoeouhle midnlght train Ilobday Suuday event nl: --Our àeavenly nome and site. Wsy." John Id: 1-6; 11ev. 21: 1-4 Kl o ld, leadeor, Mils asute l aleay, Whla eattend- ing echool ai31$à* Montielie Semlniry, le home fthie 1maivacation. Wm. ( "lloway. vhc taaîîieding il Clim- palgo. , sua.Ibo oe. Tbe members of thé Eva.,.o.i. upea"# a. %_ semblerr a" 10,metle ým"taby V. E. The undersigned viâl.84ahPublie allen v11.oue remo.un hie proe-l itaunov&se the onuule fersI. eule- tes of10 (Mier naît 1 l ïàe mnoa&- osé o1 t)laad Lat# dui Mondal, e. 2I, 9, 111, cafiicgas 9 0e ai. to lolluvlng,piiipettj to-aib: su lice fatA ux a. nquewit& oati by le, al hez1y apringers, balance gilig Il; 6 boiei, 'a9-yr-aide esu 3 brnus, Wel bisai iarirhmeun U1.yi la, shorongh bred DoiaeiiiChtiusi boar brood soya, tlanroul breai VO"a4 Bleu. tow, 16 salanes, Biao£ Nortuan walibi.il ;a nid %lS14"0, bisgotlmare ,1400, blact borne là yna old w% 13W0, 67 borne 12 Ils viii Wb 180>, sorrel orbe Wl 1003, bhuiL Ucr Y«Mâre 11100, Frenach coach cois .comItng lis 'uid, hy tQuebee, dam Moseurst doeper; Vroiaoh cach it coeming yr-oUci oli @ler ofabore; BiNrman pil coming lyra 011 iirod by iRigole, PIZ aienh R ock lie", 3 aet double arus. aile it erbe«, lomber wagon, rck wagon neeri nov, lignt miii âgOm, anrroy new, top buggy, poul a, bob iielgh, 487 rutoaeder, "onsteleuilever eaa. barrov, eerIog corn bluder, Deeulog îover ew, Dgerlug horse rale nov, 92isulky Iltîvalort, valktng cuitivator, coin inter, sulky plow, 2 nov John Deere Faklug plowa, M00lbhsacles, 64 gal aIdrola sauttl, ton vice; 'double &rpoOol ly ori, 160 Et rupe, puily id carrier, aIl amy; waterlig t10gb, (ilt tanx holding 8 cana, 12 toua imoîliy bol ta barn, 20 lona Mille" e&y tu barn, large ataci er corn ste, stick, *of ludier cr, 60 ho eorn lu lb, 20 bc yellow aeed coru, 7 acrs wru lu @book ont vigl lbader. wheel- nrrow, 2 crcw bare, 16 ahipplug cana, mil botter, voodlhssier, cook @lova, iboid alcada, bureau, cuitreanu a lot Ahar arties 100 cerneronese1 nention. Luncih e ci. itegolar tome. D. P. BITZINTHALER, l'rop. W. B. APPLIT, AnCtîooeOr. PORITpounD SALE. Diving declded t0 quit larmuag aid c) acontof the bI"of myl boueby le November 19, 1 vîllildISi public action vithous roerve ou the Hoji tart ou Milwaukee Ave, oue-bail mils coulb of LibertyvIlle, ou Wedoeeday Decem bar 31, 1902, coameuclog ai 10:00 IL . .hoarp, th. follovlng piopesy, i-vit: 22 choicecova 4 îith oaives y sîde, 5 heavy apriogera, balancek giviug mili, 4 thîee jr aId boliers, ~ 10 Bien, heifers comlog 2-y r-nid le sprieg, 3 niceheifers comiog 1 jr nid9 an opriug. browu mare 7 yra nid vit 200, Ohemnut mare 4 Ir old sit 1150, bay von tesa 8 and 9 yrb nid Wl 2400, 28 good ahouts wl 175 Ibo esch, C bronai 50v, 60 PlYnioulh BOck$ anda Inamaha leue, 2 ala work thameauo, double harasees, 2 811110gieanssea, a road caril. Imber wagon villa double box, roed wagon, hoy rack, eolld comn- fort sulky pinu, 16-tu walklug plov, culky cultîlaîni, check rmv corn planter, TIriumph grain bîâder, i00 bui choice viile nIs, large dcci good briglt al 515ea, i5acres good corn lu stonk, 10 toua npland laay le barn, 30 ahlpptng cane, talit pille andi ainainers, lot of!font, shuveiesuad mauiy olher Reg ular terme.- OLIVERa lOWN, lin p. W. Il. APPLEY, AnctIOUeer. FORT HILL. A. B Combe, Bart sud Boyp 1'.ddc'el vere lu Chicago Monudy. George Benwel use it Ilortôta Park Snndiy Inseeclais alsIt, r Jesle Weho la vsîy Blok. SAltred Benweli attended a caeaea Dtamond Lake laet veck and pu'- chaeed sane bloodeai stock. Aller spending Ibree veeka vlth A. Bl. Combe, Mir. Mcûaffey roturned te hie homne lu White Pigeon, Idicb., iteuday. Miss Avis M. Payne la havlug a vacelluai. Seholars neither aLou or tardy last moulla vere: Phyllie Paddock sud Portent Thomeon. The roma etofa dangalen o!flMr. and lits. J. W. Wlson, ct Chlcegc, vere brengist te Griet cmetery Tees- dey eveuiug for burlai. lire. Wilson la a stsler of lMra. Ueo. Beuveil. Kodol'OpeDapeis Cure Digests 6a1 Classes et food,lues anud atrengtînene th. stouaeh And digestive organe. Cure@ dyspepaie, Indigestion, ebtomacb troubles, snd maie. rais re5d blood, beallhan su trength. (odol reboilda vornout lissuse, porillea, etrengthens aud aveeteeaib e etomacla. Gev. G. W, Atkinsoo, cf W. Va., geys: 1 bave nord i neuber ai bottie. ot Kodel and have a nditl 0teb.oa very effective and ludsed a powertol remody for eloaicaialiments. 1 recommonai il 10 my ienda. P. B. LoE., Libertyville. OURNES. 0. M. Brewnugras le Mibwaukee. Mon- day on bualî.,s.. M es M ay Peteison bas b u n qulle eici several daya. Mr. Bieleo vas Up freonthe ctty Matnnday aflennoon. Scmdsy icehool gcave Ibeir piograi, Louill cClure tel on the e slait Wsduesday oeeug. Taie decoratieusi Tbnraisy reoelvlng a sevaesl»JarY. cf *igîoiwrthUo l ote, oilax udaîi. The Wccdmn ebecisai offceérs Salon- lb. ulaoany ollectRion imanualed a dp egbl. NAli aba oldoforroser. about $6.50. eaed ________________The Royal Nelghbore adeal svenal A Million Voîcea nev members il their meeting tast Cciii barlyhjexproéeai$hautns 0f9SEian<ly. Huer Hall, cf WetPoint, hi. Làs ie.aswse tecuc ton way: A $$verse ociaibai aituedonu ih ln aaa b hra liii ~~ 9ag, p a m ont obsîbooe Olrisîmai ove. A nIce. etertsiimeoth auliO. Sif i phslcine bci b"05wvasguven). eoasIL5but oonbi»M ol up i.. Whoa aie h t e oVas dcomed ai. Floyd )unno via lu Chicago idon- b)egaula r. Ktag'eafev Dflsvery day. Hoe neoently purchaied a nove for 0oma U nd mi v-1S coin- gcll nogine. phobei e 1lee, sad imiltue.1 guaraih oogoa " oa S Tua UP Nj -es This vanabejourn&l, ni addition to the. lagleal tiomtOuEIafi agricultural s@ublect@willi alwo diaeue.i the great lae. ai the deà, tbereby adding test 10 fta columa sUa=gylo; tu Larmor oaoathl to thank about asede from the every day humdrurn di routlho dutl WItliln "Mhe Not IM Dy* 78W. OUae, Tue Ledlag Goaty Piper adTHU IB A Nom Both One Vear For $~ Thisunuparaieled offer la made to ait new subwaibers, &ad .nue 0bopuy= i rrearsand renew wiIIthl rty day#. i$eum ,oplea free. d ait orderx tb: THE INDEPI3NDENTI. LIBE3RTYVILI..I rho Page Wovo- Wïs FmnceCm 0F NEW JERSEY. The new electric lino now builng from LAke BiE Libertyvil1e, will have iti cars ln Ooerat1on ln the owl Everything pertaining to this road ln of the veiy j kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and beuldea the ama ment havc 97 luEE~4 eei giveli orders 1 11 1 quientire 1 to our Coin. wlth c pa riy f or b igh.t Si of railroad fencing. Poolse.t extra deep ln the g9M anld strongly braced. The fence when compleMed, wO acredit both to the Railroad Company and to the 1 Woven Wire Fonce Company. Write for CataLlogue:- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCR AUSTIN GLEMENT, V. P.,* LOCAL Au 200 Monroe St. -Chicao. Ubofyvil0.eM WRGHT- BROTHERS- Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Bullderg and Vehicies of Materiais an< ail Kinds:: :; Hardware::: Coal, Lime, We i'soIicit yoL - Cernent, Sait patronage and and Feed. !sure sati9factloQ WYRIGHT uBR 01ll E R Sý We have a complete line of STOVES AND RANGI that we bought Iaetflspring before the raise ln price. e have the rightýpr!ces on Acomns, Stew",t GoId1 Coins, Ûaii SCIIACK IROS., *1 1 The rouds ore in bad condition for 1 or