CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jan 1903, p. 1

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]2fl) Libertyville, Lake County,'fiJIO4I, Friday. January 9, 1903.. $*o1Q bwthtsspace. The 4mWUi'inii money saving Lauv ri . eiery week. It le Icum ~ We wlb aya something Worth m"" uatg sbquèht thue epAce. It vhieu Y il-,Ious-you are convinced oam* tht. -y*:ý.m golng to wateh ouF ads. s Twi .to tour niputual benefit. oum WE E-K,-o- olag wilI bc, the f Irst.01t __________the s BeLOVELL9 Li bertyvil le. P-' PHARMACIST. on rJ.L. TAYLOR,' ILÀUCOUNY-LIBEUITILE h le 6al. î*I 1 oe d 6. te a O, 0& 'Du a rcsdwrav. oppo*lie ?a*. lietyville -ý Illinois. r.E. Hl. SMITH, >Mo* over L.AkO ounty Uenk o.aà%0Oa a. m. and it- aP. m. hAlL! 4bertyvllle - IliInois. Cr. R. GALLOWAY~ t'fl0UovrLe, vla Dr«e store. 8a85..4fl a te Sa Md 610 fàp. M. ibrvyvll. - Illinois. t>.A. J. NICFIOLS, DENITAL OFFICE likbtm2-5loe. =rhagÉd ~Doristaore =mbfUd0it7 on Wedu.u - fr. .O.B. YOUNG, iPhysio¶an and Surgeon. OIM.c. opvoeltk bbm&n flOt'ýl aida ê~ûrne - - Illinois. 0~. . M. GROVER, 6immapfathie Phyaloan and Suraeon WueeêaadCbt0lcDteae.t hoIFSL!VwmlrO. of Juanr Obtrttrics Rockefeller Illinois. REAL ESTATE lliavlng a cumber 0 Iiqnhiiee for real 1 e.4sie hereahOflta 1 deoie to bliai prop- orty of those wanting t1, "Il. Have orne aplcudid bargaoni for boyen. D. C. LORIMER, FORS WANTEO Highest Market Price PAIO0 FOR ALL KINDS OF RAW FURS c.hinsY Long Grove. hi To Zan. M. Cnrrlages furnishei on order. Lady assitant If dearl. êENJ H.MILEREDW. F. STUENKEL, BENJIH. MILER, Funeral Director. ArTToRNEY AT LAw. a Everett M linos M Atteund to Busies nl Chicauo. s~"'" To Feb ai p. jb~tyvIIe -Illinois. hardware and Furnture OAUL MacGUFFINACmpeean'p AIBt*M*y andCouncalr at Law.!ACmltan - -140TARY PUBLIC. to-date line al- ,'OO over Lakea County Banic. éj.rtyville - Illnos.' ways on hand. >.0. F. BUTTERFIELD~ vicrEINAqySURGLON. W*AIAU5iUJIPUOTOGRAPMHR Workmesjy 1!-promplly done, and f utlY "arrentIe UfiINT DymON & Co.. Libertyville. IliInois.. bell.aeWU' ~lri Cetfi- sates Payable on Domand. tbdividuq.i r esponslblilty, GEORGE VOGEL, -Aecmllo t .4my place1 NeiGeralmoaie. aotion Ouaranteedc ptOney Refunded. tMy 8~peaae ta MIS, 1* Ostos. M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda --Illinols. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marble and Granite MONUMENTS c E METER Y WORK OF DESICRIPTION. Coespnon oi e Bolicted. luGenecce t. Wankcsn t... I.~ 14. UINS FOR II1'IYIUNT. KAi ClÂNS TWO PIONEWR.1 rBond Issu* F.U.wB sale O f Tb,. McClure sud Brs. E.F. C. & M. Electrie. Bd! e Warren Township. ho Ohifflo Mcal blwuhee rDotri. Iwày Company wàiblo os Md Thoms e Claro, eldely inowu iu e"i the eleoérie Uli abtwoeen .Cko outBy, ied TucedY moruing al; mate and lmt WC" bu houe linGurnea. Monday ho ay ocavoel go theChicaugo sMd mfred a paralyti. atroke ludueed bi muice ElcIrte HlRoalcoupan, fauxy sgc"Ue lon o! thebhert, hie lh la building th lb. .l.Wi une 1.08h res-nii«ta he next day. ,vun Libertyvllle aMd the laie --Tom" MeOloro vas wel known by te ail U iformoer'» property of every 011 ecilents 01 $bts ooanty, coing sa ud nature fer 3,4000. , heme uheabut savonyeara of ago cud eh »mre partiecastîolllug bolh Iomatng in, Warren township ehere aptoniow ovCoutrol Uiceco@ Md h h bal lv Aladom oe leà ~oehage llb.e uuagemlent. Ho vu ad 4Ms Usévery pbooperona, leanae00vu75.0 a 9110ubject, boing enggMila bey tmg stock, whleb aver, tu a bond lesue,0f $1,500,000. aoaioUn be M isvide acqualu. bloh, tbc Royal Trust compéet mm ae. 0f lifs.I'ecbho bac4' ne 111110 lefo sud tb. CleveladTrusite@Me Is"cunvjb a umg aiOrneo. pou of Cleveland. 0., ae Msice nMel.. br=otb escape@ becse bonds, weliAre m"Ie psl- from 1dutâth ha.b nusuberlees. Ho yJuly 1, 1919, at 6 per ceu nteestvau onu .01.associons atruck by imma of 81,000,000hbus ei ened. trains aitbeSU 1.111 ucroeatng at oving thta irasier theCOhicago 'Z=o __,Ou~ nmcra ra IMOiaee Eleotrie ralirond scs-u.y.aj, sud oq<iriie.ofe sy azeufl a 1mai bdd Bbc erno " ae.ho scapedunuburi ohante' Loan aud Trusoumpon, oho Im gVl boa. fHoafemed tb.ea of 018,U00O 0 cee»M» a to beur a arni7if ad cl'. for a s mman, payabla iu Deceased ve»@ eara of age and agît yïwo ai 5 péï oût-est 15ut-,va"borui kénd. e ca lsn ld seurol bY &U Bbc Plu"ev13brother Job*; M Mra lr@. T. C. tb. Company lunBbc ofltim of French. Mrs. (iq icollougb. of kh sud li. la Iluais aMd la Guru.. and Mrs. fagoolPamateer, of @counga. The bonds -M e 10ho Wanisgan. ]Uve fow unp ebilîrcu, verel forthvithg h Uic MacOec al&U mrof aw William, Tbo. ',000 go ho as once oîtiflla sudCharles, Mary, I8u. Irons Lamb. ci by S"he 1mai...0 0àeSRUeS Fun" era evicci Book place nt the the peeot and cearaer! IMI omne lu urneo Umroday iioruillg. dguaB, whlie the re.îalmlag OI> 1"DY riLson AWAT. 700,000lte go lacuel from Urne go l la payueat oIfor iln.heoulazie- M . . Ediaed 81 jeareled ,e lupovorneat aMd estngéon f " lbsf'%MU J heurgead lnNewport sysem.tovusblp T#ciWmaiwltb ber bath ýIve million dollar@ te ho cipeades io.. Ibthe r D~ue of Lois tho . *onirgeuent, tupeovernt aIMS o51,.- lira. Lily'c 2extention of lt.ecyut.rn acu» hleSaI Pareba the bouesteal 1S h. extension frons ubyvfl # 0 he-Sh'q 11"4. ontinuoualy .Once. ,ocoudl cra 1 0 o pg do f m cBe govuzaeiE bc hecrly iaye. vie-rneaa- âge avoale m e do106e Bism M" er go. .ug0 heb .andetcg. lie- lIly mcd%0ablind for aImoit ris targe bond mcmanmo egg tBWeaBJ ra fl I be br mffilotioD the tv. reads laamotba lalloioa mW" grnadchisi &a ventsally the 0"glue doch flitude. oh* a member of Bbc "u frornOhicago mgxo uscoave POSiAt huiciaS uceel formaay ho uciera. 15tanr«acMahii0o«Bia yinv eMr. F'rost9thei Bbcogrie rM4ila lier cbldiinSwO: L. B. Eddy, àli mhepromoot en aievoins tu WBUbcga; E 8 ddy, Newport; ire a fbnmom ald rWbtg.of..ay fIsaMMIlSy, Iluport; lira. H. 0. rogb Waahaga luong thc 1mb. SOPe. DISe; . F.L. Melville, m. amideW" have eeeurei a pM& 1 Rord; » ' . O Oaodcay, ig.» of hég5 ot-ev batwcca ShObMOpn "Ikumjaehb.?oI~ B.U.t 5e hvoh cr e vn fo~liéebeek M, - , v "in - clul- 10 boy lu Chicago go Wbuoomm da Ud h inlaul laits ueglon or Vaakeg»Maud Keuome, by vay of bmc Horghwecte oaetl, $boucs ove, Bbes. lani go Enonton adthon over ibm 0. & lM. olce t pointe mengionel. The bmulig of tb. Libartyville extension ceci 10 the labe reglion Med quiet eoaimaciu»g for nlgh".f-waF betce niegan mai Kenoehaleon*y apori of Bbc gigmaio electioroni echeme wbicb le gralualiy unfoliug ald wbjobmuss o mueh 10 busiuess lanuezeeaoltlsm malMdpropehi! bolders of Bbc gerrltory already and ta bo peoterae. Wben il beomea posaible to taie a feut car for Lbertyvillie, Kenosha, Wauiegeu, Uauconda &mad pointa lu the laie reglon at stations ou $ibe Chlcago Union loop 'twilUl deed bc a hoon and every noic move on parI of the elocînlo roaol people on)! âtronglheue lb. bllef 1h1at ucb la the lulcuaded outcome of thoîr varions maulpulationi. Maicr inld are guldlug lb. destîntes 0f tbe Cbicago ald MilwauikeElceirie DB"allracoa- puny and ve bave luth ihai ibclr plana cull malerialize and la thé tnoS liétant future.éortalu It la ihe greet eueetlal, eapital, la aoc proviiel for and wbychaould Sihey not scoceel. Supervisas. Proceedinge. Onuimalle page@ vill 10 foand the offictal proceelînge o! December meet- ing 01 the Board ofouperloore. A parasl o! cmne vill enlighten Our rendors as to wbaltbler couniY officers are dbing ad vbt i lpoosilon la biug mdeo! public f uae.. Another Drean. A Chicago paper lu commeuling On the. race for sparh1p of the leglola. turc Mouday al: bas bosuconted for Miller, cvu getting reetlc end mtgbi jump the traces. The elecîlon of Charte. FuIe, go congrues bu aseia vacaucy ln the Circuit beaeb of the district and Bbc people of Ibat conuty vaut Charles Wbtuey nemed for'the place. --Lyon cvu reportel as mying the gt-vcmnor muet maie tbc appoinimoni if thc Wauiegau ma ia go vote for Miller aud it bas read trouble, as lb. appoitmeul vas expeclel ta go go Jnlge Wright of Belvilre.' Ther, ia probably ittIBI or no ruth lu tb. ahove. Il canl sBOM SOt he unprejudiced Ihat t no teblu, thebb ipe"asp gt bcen eloce cnough $0 place su lIndviduel egislator Ila ail- tion cher. he cold dîctote. There cwsu ot a Umne but Mi. Lioai vote noul be cpred (mal *henm m.) and ett l e Bbtheadmlnta"Iulon ferfcc veli la Bbcees,.ilueS Moihe r eu et the Cbloego aewqcper rut. Boldier 1rlaonera Captured Hast of Libertyville. A darlug ecacpe Of Ivo pri&Oneri fromn Fort Sheridan Sunday gai followel by a clase lu vbtcb mountel cavalrymon and a icore o! lufantrymen toci part. At a point ton miles fro0 the fort beiceen Lake Bluff ad Lbolyvilleteio o! lb. cavairymnen came upoc thé f ugiives, capturcl thb ia er a mruggtc and theu ma"11bel $bem baok $0 the barracic ai the pointa of Ibeir rifleq. Th, prteoncre arc Frank SîMaser and IL. J. Plaume, vIto vcre unler. golug mntenoce for dece«1lou. Ini maklng thàeir break for liberty tbey almcel abied munder g bieinoffenie, as they hruially boa# John Cook, a prlvaic o! oompauy B, Twetlctb la- fantry, unuer wbose charge thcy cero Early lu thc mornung Cook vas gîven charge o! Btramaer and Ploeae andma ook tbcthegarbege cremalory lu lb. ravine haci o! the quartera o! Col. McCasicy. Cook jampel bown aral from Sb. Wagon on whieb tbcy vae.riblug, aud chule hlm bock vue twmel $trouer aud Plouaace jampel Tho sentrys rifle was gr&abbcd by ou. o! the prlmoerc, vblln tbe aibar pinnel hie arma 10, hie ie. Thon Cook cmi clubbed on lb. heal wlth the bull of the rifle and inockel Insensible. Mtasser and Pleacanoe toukCOOok'e rifle and revolvcr ad mbrtel uortii through lb. ravine. Cook nevived lu bal! au bour and managel 10oike hic eay ta the guardbonac, wbere b. reporteI the escape 10 Lieut. P. J. lover., olicer o! the day, cho as- cembled troop L o! lhe Second cavalry and ctarted detacbmeiite out luna&l Baryiyn the afternoon Corporal Jacob Himopp anid Private Thomas KLoon, Who hbît been sent nortb, came upoI. a trace o! tb à fugitive@ at Lake Bloff, witere the agent of the North- Western raltroad said ho.iea een tva sodiea a ecure a change of clothln and Bbc,, @trt0 v ali West, ovidently vlt thlbiutentlou 01 cetchlng a train on the Chicago, Milwaukee and st. Paul rallway. aterling voit ou thé rosI that tle, primoners baît mien the cavaîrymen glghted tbcm ut 3 olclock ln the alter- noon Theu, makinu; e tour tbrongh the.Wods, tbey cprans upon the fugitive&.and overpowered tbem alter a truggle. INDEPENDENM. WANT ADS moleciaticu untiliAprllin egaling. Wbat lUegal enterprnse laouez#Io ho dumped upon Lake Oounty Il Lorilard, continue te ibrive le a poriImou qui ton and one eltixene are geucmfly «kinug. Buzz 8mw Severn Foot. lin. Percy Dlbble, a veli kuovu yonng man o! Antlocb, met wltb a ter- rible accident The.ay aftmroon. chlch cent bleu one of hie lut. He wu opratlag a vooi caving us. chine aI the Lux HRaId vhen a pleue of wod lolged ai under Bhc circulai un,. Dlbbte thoughb en limpino. Il and tooptng atiempted by a vigerons klni 1e ehqve il t9 ou. aide. Inatesi hie les came tu contact vlBh the rapidly revolvinr mov wbich ooupleiey evered l&tafoo% t aithé ale, Il drop. pins on tb. groani et hi. ie. The ehoci g.. aaiu, net becauca . the pain à o taheiUicUre I not eipeuieca any, but lBbc ighiof hic foot droppini go the groun&, vhl" micheuci hin. lic, vu accliel k thme «hglpma hlm about the mecli mod a physicien cauroac d aM Wou"vd.neola reooverieg .1. Our Reprecotetlwce Witb tb. Wtere. Thoedministration won the speaker- ahip fighl a$ Springfield Bhlc woek, sud ReprosScatives Lyonu&amibSurtieff voro wth the vinnere trou firmI te lut.j That lMr. Hopkins vili 10 elcted Unied State Bentor teacucced Mr. Mauon la caoee, wblcb le a bighly mtlftony condition o! affaira te hie numerona Lake County admirera. Moon SeaiedluinMeauory of Daughter. A peculirproceedini vas Ibe ôosl- lug and bdlcsting o! a room i la is now palailal neellence etsZMOU by Dr. Dovie luaemory of bis daugblcr Emihez. The re ldonoe vas ta courme of cou- L sruton Whou Bbc Young vouau dlebf ad the zoom wbleb ber fatber bal plana"l for ber spartineutle the one vhlehbbuassin eîd up lu bonoz of1 ber ummory. Diec Sltttngr lu e Chair. Frlday afternoou lut au cl Geruce wbo ha. zcclded wl b lu eteilFox aie for 16 yeare, Izoppol deoil Whilc ceslel lu e chair lu telB.inaiug oom. M»r. Baie& j uetentened the room Whou lb. agel ma Br.c up hlmbade ulBb s cbsrp exclaiuuaiion sud pm acl wy. Re vwu 70 yusa 011aldbai no rolaBives lu a ooualry. A cblwgra vua offl 10o errnmy Bo laforu bis rlAg,u Sheru The Pre-Inventoiy The Pe-Invntor Clea ring and Remnant We desire ta dlean up AT ONCE 1 remnants, odds and ends, short 1 anmd broken fines of merchandiseof descriptlon,jas weiI as reduce our of goods which has become a bit heavy on account of the unseasçm- weather. Prices cut to the Quick Especially on ail READY MADE OARMENTBS 1k tailor mnade SUITS FOR WOIM, JACKETSI13KMf as well as FURS and WOOL DRE8S OOODS. Telepitone No. 109, T <lILERS. INVADE LAU CO. Poolroorn et Lorilari Near Everett Openel ou x9aday. Bouday morua a large number of Obicego gamblers quiet)! boarded apeclal Ot. Paul train& for tb. gambling joint at Lorilîard, neai' Everoil, wbere everyting was lu roadines. and vecre every day ince gamblers 7 bc he re have bell forth, and tou, .5lbobas ebe Obicago gembing fraternlty in vabel Lake Couuty. In conversaion ultb à anuWho noecscoually patroaizoc h. place Md vboee cympat iare iii, tb. gambien lan theii atieupt 10 maintalu e poorocu as Lorlard, leapile effort@ of tbe Laie (Jouuty Cilacuna Leauffl1te oust tbem, a 'reproentative of tb. llDEpsmDENKT WU alreamed thuai -Yea the poolroom la open n sd wll 1 until Aprtilnet. No trouble l auti. cîpsiol frou b. Laie Foreeai]tickesa. Their altitude cl ho ceeu 10 ho dli ereat &iel year. Tbey've becu fied. Hoe? We'Ill&bat& for me 10 know Md Ionou 0flui oui." 'Wbat about 81.1cm Attorney TaoU?" "Oh, hea a good fellow." lu sny eveut the poalroom la open aul Shrec apeclal train, are rua daly by theC. K. &St. P., from the Caion depot 10 Loillard. No effort bas thua fer boen made by ooaity olcale or tbe 01lilmeIaLegne torIdlà"aieCounty of 1h... gambIen ebo have beau foroed to abandon their joint@ la other conuges adjacent 10 Lake. Il romains 10 b. e, eu ubether or not ibere bau been auy fixing, future actions oma developments vîlI 1e11 botter Ibai, words. Thai Lake County ahould barbon 1h18 elesuent, eapecially aller ibey have beau driven from otber ouatie, la repugusut 10 our citias mald hey gant 10 huow vhy, and cUl SUaie tep@ to liaI oui, uainrally recUgtheb Imputation that haoela 10 ho. louai a oummunlty Ilain la@lemoral couse, tolorat of thingsaevil ald bepabg Mud wbere cau 10 usinialinel cilS CALL IN and SMy L betore purchasing. I *-ý -ýe- -. Libertyi Fur Coats ooFurI-B stable Blankets, Wool Blanketsi Something t. Protect Both Man ad B"as fron th.s.Jchuly breezOS..,BIBIB.IS We are -clearing out" our wlnter goods nov. 'Wi oeil them while thie time le opportune, and ouiË accord with that determinatlon. 0F EVENY KIND. Chas. -Kaiser, On Accoeunt Of the mml have more ana overo want tb e- aid o h. FaIt Boots GeralanSf1 Yomas§W CULb EW. PARICfwL $1.50'a Vear in»4dytr' s TO VJS. j' I., Y RAHVE a fuil and o« Une o! Stoveu tha anythlng- LorillarI. Tblnhlng citizen& wondez why,alr laluatriona mmembers ci IbeOllaa League auoclel la tugeouthée tmal cevico ubloh maiepossibe lMe Lorillal pooomdiso=oluMMU are Dono 0loibawgic lu vice i of service beasftenewei aMidBcthé . rosi ouponc plege vOàiaol 1b Il If il ýýý"wAimL ! q

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