le as 1:30 Thé stril fuS90Chiop on, ftmg ""almrofi Hnadal'. rt, of Sludy -*vasta mehaèhqam ia.mho i daua Cooier. =4p. U. Eh iamèr, leader. OU,0k Qum nal 13, ab» sHud»lea ader. gaiumd UV, eMh. lith. feedées OAWO fot 8udu xv, repu by hin . ichards, e tuer. v SIR xvi. 1Paper by M.lit.Neg.' . jro, la. W. Obardaulof th Knt collage gathn Md oidrea e m vrii ive a ait on "Ooutità lb EaitOM demi ces! anasApplicable 60 tha Public Wà h« hm . bDm Io lwUciooia.-- Vilr.are almaiamaoloeme. tha olidy vasilWiiauGod madete a orl andti e Sod~.f proucuacad Il ai vary gOO4. lie ttohS n lioelaylau t gAvTUa BO.u*clU l nul09cf c 1 aru *n, onjn« r %léi. ' .Wtie, 9iia eople wmito ibabit il. Tiiosa làwi* bw Imm 0 Illlfr a Sihort paopla by avary lav 0f natura are le,,@ fan-dangar ofai le t 10 liaIcas! lu abnndancc aI filê te 90 IBla concee te naI, b. sala ci0fminlagsudantrans. »Wgbam an sd pupila of tha put[liito t 0 he comaimer. Fuel ~~ 10 &boit mort baig oua of tha vital nacmaitlseof ~W'~ ~~a u rasfd Mud inaraiimy compatit..honîti bc tbvilm prc.50Um5 the mork 01 lh. préféeancetuSU1 alothet non.p«ribable basmmaati le vinIet vitei ranamatifrigil raerdisea0cf ietharthle on. vizir Md srsau. W@ hav a aor le@ album paye lieu boatl b bandie. #aWo@boM Mad ité.la b. bope tli aisT .vould iI uOntl0&1Yardi mlîh a eVlmiiU sud patron vil!t»aksu gréaSabondanca 0"flmodetntaof.coal aavf lua t haemorb bainsgdoae ud"giva il 10 liaéomumar for a&11Ue mota tm ia s tidviatil Dow cosSa. boue aSWhSIU gfg lt. rOrgssrdOf Test moul b. lha r1ght, Iw l M d ! Eviahas, ma rivaS lir Abet Sny«,$ d itninalasro, taI ougbl 10 prevail letthe m» s-ma ob aà 11161Zarue-iodei. Wbai are lie InluauieesiIhat aval'»~iu ou,"" In ait ModaY areasai or tu10mate tbe difféence 1180MIII& Te dri-vez mas Ihiomu ouI n viait.eaMd viat ougil le b. uolnSalg a M riter ablcalegong Ibis liaesud boy ftuare va ai moiff bl fzm ue"s.V Oerbicots individueil isaus e POnabla for lti w 410 bt frtaalél 2000rouipreantî oamdlons? Tbink il over. emamevu dona. Tii.l.mmaiu amém ahoppes in front oaStha e idisca A Soanlf lu DIa00Oay- etfW. D. Porlanema. odo doefor ie eleWMac b t * MM ti.Leibovila buaavrad lit. mitai é Il abla le, do lom lisf, Oue eua.m miiilb.Bochfilm olgar«Mo .but agrI y Ilsrdètad or avez. laBIal.1Ko01l mppu"satliaMatura oomu ma i M W$ »cv. e u Ii»se àf ilsetie.»om the. Ia mrk b6 teCliencao mbereo haluI amgsOf MM-h. 5oaciirolam lb. nrvous lihemm ne of Uot.Tht.is i le malon, hileithé,iMilamad mua1.0f 0 ahrftmq affact lia lalieab f th" aras i loved b0rzesu ad the .slry ha. ha empey ~hemi. (aMbdo!dsM -Il iou sest aid tho oolry m& he ulaml a0 eablas 1h la m anti digestive palta 0luussaseain anliionand ogaa Itamfozu aIl food Imb rli, muaet cfvSort to a maalIba:rblooi. . . Lovau. LLbertyvlle. B Ivanhoe Items.' j". Ramse Puas.le vgtiisgla ~~MhiBo907EàsuatiariP 10 Weds ml.m.nIuB Psyna loft liontet for "km et trou e ~7~~~igao mccfaheld ut Dt.mcad ma vua àsurwpala zy for Wl.. Immn, ai be boue seirTe«» ie iPas e ia rturet -j«esMM ma onianastiMisa Lt.zie1 w ualsunI 10 Wiistou 1o0 contius1 wset . aagam Dosm Vuilsrelurnati go Obartin, OUa. Tuesdy, to take up hie mrkL la Lm usse maastdits& Grbbe au- tatisiMalàaftam of liaI, friends evw Te«maday sud evasiug. IlbnRzaI;BraSsard baithami lie WatnrmanM. I., 10 agalu Isa eup the Imsof meilting lb. roti. MM XuéDoa Simpson and lilas Rasa v>mtet ara noir tay!ng ai Plamoi1 tAe. uring thbelr acool laya. BL D. Wails has reaige bis position m lzavalmg salasman for (Jiapax imulit h Co,of Chicago, aller Il yuîisa o! cosiuoseservies. jae" VauPlom apani sunday mlii hommatoits, rtaing 10 Chlcago Mou- da. John VaMPIOm goîng the marnes dey ho Bel, ia . WAUCONDA. IL T. Paliemai a clly valior Mon- dey.c Jobs Gomdlg wma aufan Visiter licaay. J. Milir, of lMcHsry, mai on Our sirseesTuesdy. SlauaI Taylor spent s fev laye la Kr,sMd ai».. l. C.iBl!vent 10 Waubogas Moday. Vux. slieaspaul a iem days in licliearaemuy. Bard cooSl ea nas Hughes. Nom te 6" ltisu 0bn. Theaserpeaterai bave juialolbet . (. oierît*aembossa. A. a. Johnson, of Chicago,.wma Wamaoua vislor recemly. A nember trouMisuaplicesare mort- tmg on tho les a l.aeZuricii. Carl DriekansueutIasthe lianmerai of a rlative a luC~icg uuay. ldiupa lodctga, M. W. W. baIl a piLu l istaflios lam Wetdestia oeaming DeV. Alger, a former pailor af lie Wsanma Bp«" C*eUrc, . àapemdlmg a eW luays brs. 0. W. Pratt, 0110 iVeât, M. . Clark matILM. FeacImo bava simir les bouse Me iamîa sgoo quallly c9 ha. Tb$ oaucaiaimItais Wi gva su m rntsmsmî in O"mlat Ril Prifay su" gslrdsy evenlua, Ja. Md mhe resis f Oa.Wmg ebe »brso ae hcglétue for buoiL ne tgviem eMel b meDop» tb 4 s4 ,lN. - aROMOiL.la usaBWas udolu Vasucala -i rd Houri ham aufl t oaiderubla gra«ul ou the uouth rond. Oood gravaI rosIs are nov mrertfor Ivanhoe. Nom aveybcly pull for the ide mals. The Iraubce Dramatie Club &galn gava Ibeiz play .lJnola jcab' as tbe WontaiRai lutlaitrlay svanlng. lw ma sdacliad aucman sd vml) probsbly b., giron lu Grayalabe mis, meai. If yo have a foré for smue tl mi! ot yon meîhiflg 10 lisI l along iti tiosams f oalias. If you mamîtaobuS aome of lithesutfaoatlu taithatate ai a lac fignre do't fauil ivashgat9l W. ami!U your torm fer your pria. HobI. . Bubblus, agent. The ot yen mvai roughly pabeti solde andtha nev royally mebcouati by &bout 30 yonug p.ca 51 VaPlema. To oes. np Ibm geoer rajupage af tha maekte Young paople mut ei the bous of Fred Beac mt atd a guSnoe) goodt ime. lirs. Jehianua Soteblu, o! Fargue Falls, Mine * fuit anddtilstoated ne, aboultier. She hait a surgeon gelfil teck in place ai eoon às ppesîbte. bu' il ai qulte sore ant i let bar versy mouch. lier sou mentacuadt bsItsobad aiso sea amberlalue Pain lialinaId vertisei for spralas anti sorenesa, anti aie asied hlm ta boy ber s botle o1 l, vilci beotii. l qnltoly ratievati h«n anti &ensiaIber 10 sloop wvic ah. ba" sol daensefor soroaillays. The ss aa0m v omi pion"autimh the relief 1h gava hie mthez liat haolia élues reacamaidetile to many osbera. Foralby Y. 9. Lovaun, Llberlyvila; IGmau.ÂKS PuajucYf. WEST FREMONT. Mr. sa ntilr. »anley met 10 tha City licutiay. lir. Loomis sMd chiltrea @peut Sun, dey et DocteSelle. lira.blasae nertaineti bar taugher, lire. BoyeNa al e. tie patrousail"ulthe.Freucul Crusmory les houa. lalutveet. Misieliar «retarmadto W oodtoci Laét« maste à,fom layasvmetion. Mly f cr car ongfoks atuded th bolauetslLong <teove Nem Yenrs Wr. ant mm.at.Botltin speni ev Touera mili liélaltera parents,.lMr. &Bd lin. stie.. Rd. Kaiptel @peut Sunday mih il- %lsger MuteI, lat. otting lu lia nie a&%Lobe Zurich. A number o! Ibm parona aroundi Voeoanti Wancondi are abnnag taoit mut ltu framonl omuery. Unoonactous Prom Croup. lrig a sigle«astiterrible alluck ef croup aur 111110 girl mai ncomaclous trou.WasuiM4 »78ayaA. L. Spatart pasuaier Ciste, ita.,sud i admisiebrel ad repotel ctas. Il ruducéithle .aellimg a" iluaumaftoa, cml lia mucus and aietly,,timlo bil mai rashg easy sud lonauy rucoverat. Il curai couga, a"m. lagrippa asidl he a i-VU dlusa lizosin Ose Minta Oao~ &Mr lik'tivuib.ne r am I giesl a P. 3. Lovdb aiLbeyvf. Io INDuiPSNOW4 AmEUC,&N PA"RER amh-y Un0.0 1 làl'o HALF DAY Misa Nodie Wolf, cf Chicago. spenIt part of bar holiiay vacastion uI bous. lira. W. Scinlar ba@ bue cbletut bronchlis. Irati Bebtroatir ta snfferlng miith an li" Maîhal liason>. 01 Chirale, Sundayat a% home. lire. J. W. Tripp lis vtslllng ber ses Sylvaster, and family. Mt.. lblltubas beau Blokthle pust maak and under Dr. Tsylor'a cars. Dr. Hurtl, of Chicago, vIsIte.! bis parents, Wr. anti lre. F. Hertel on sonday. lir. anti lre. Fred Wolf, of 1 ima, are vlalulug Iheir broîhet, Jate W olf sud fsmlly. J tIlts l!tanun leBlok anti nudur Dr. Lotky-'e car@. fle has cYmptona ef iyphold fuvur. lit. Peler 841-11n 1s buIldIbg s nem bouge on bi% proptrty tecently pur- cbarud eoflMt. Jenseu. litsuditlire. Otto Jolînsor, of (Grays- [site, visited thelr parents, lit, sud lira. Chas Johnson an Suoday. Wr. sud lMra. F. B. Trlpp moreti tutu ltaoit home aI Libertyvrlle ti vueer, rac.ully purobet litM. BOYes. Quito a.1num0ber of our people aS- lended ti ih tnce aiLong Groeaou Msm Yeagsove. Alreport a pleu&ast Willrt camp, R. N. or A. sud Vernon Camp, M. W. of A., hait a joint liulsiion at Ibu loIn han lieS Sihîrday srening. Abouleehunirs t aants. ige lnitaltion anti bauque% Mid &Il report un el callant Sime. LONG OROVE. (lac. Spoarloin la ounlitkeit . lira. Join 1O3ttieler t. Ou tha Albert Wagner visitaI Long Grove lutI Tugeday evening. The Long Grore creamery fillîrd thib sîrtb ouae, thia muet. MIte Kraut anti faully bal thelu piciores laktes ai Palatiue ruoenllY. J. a. Ellsentbaler bougbt 3 heail ol catIe, and a colt a% bia broîberi saie. G. J. Horchar Inishet iiauling ils norn lu the oltiyenx. Thasalade lie ulce rmn. Id . snti lit. Jabe W Olt, Of Aptakl.io. anti Wr. anti lre. Pret W olf, cf Iova viaited t Mlr&. Bobara l le ate. Mesuare. a. L. Ore.ainsti Wallac Iiisoatialer, of Maprvlle, vlnliaw the latters parants, lit, sud Mra. J P. aiiiathakt ovur tha bolliaya lir, sd lir. John G(lair, or., e 1froMoul Cestar, mode a ;ount trip tg Lo-g Grove. BondsoGroeaanc Apbatslic anti pal BudtiY nighl ai JusBabla v haza ubey-ýj'la sgras oit lima. W H.APPLýEVI Llbertyvtlle -Illinols. niia Lillas ur pel-i ionday wth friands la Or=uae. Chaise Bltiarmsbipped a Icati 0f stock ta Chicago Ibis *sel[. lir aurd' altalidl ber 0co1811'4 tuneral la Ohiaigo 1lut SusdsY. à. o. aicharde lISseffl ibuase ia Arinagtos Heigbls Salurda!. lite. Alleitabeciiboas beeu orderel ta, a Chicago bospitlbY bar PhysiAft naarly ail of!cortdancing peopla attandad the New Vaste dauce atLong Grava. John Destiove. ef GieitvieW. @peut NamVeas e y mltb Mr. and lira. Wm. Idmards. ilarabbarger Bra. estail a tins Fairbanks i mntmiti éor Frank Mitchell laut meek. Mir. and lare. icein, of1fttverviem, @pont Naw Veara ml it, su ad lira. Wm. Sohuler. lir@. Waflacer and citildrab, nf Citi- caSu, spent a fem des. thie meehvih lire. Alleipîbalt%. lire. Ausun vas callad 10o Cicago luat latnrdoy 10 visit a relative wiic l4 danuonely Ill. lir. sud lits. Juhison liuon enier-. taineti their daugittet liabet, of Chicago, lait sanday. 1)r. Louie Hurtl, of "odes Ave, Chicago, cillait on relativea here Baturday sud Bnnday. Thea Royal Nelghbor$ euitsl&ed tbe liodern woodmen andi theit friande s a nupp r Satntd &Y nig hi. lira. IV. tichular baibeau qulte IV] mîit broucbutie; ber mother, lira@ Barringat ha& beun onulo orber. lir. andtilr. o0&ta Johnsion, oif Gray& tesa, @euat Suaday mltb the formera parante, Ur. andi lira. Uliarles Johnson. lir. aud lir&a.rrzy Baie. o1 Liberty* ville. @eu epaToamusn. liiithelaileral parenIs, lir. andi lre. Barman Meyer@ Prof. George liatlaît bai ralurnal fto ou pendiDg bit Christmas v9014101 as Anslocb and raauued bis date@a the sohool. lire.cra Puast o basbeau epeut lug ber Christatsa vcation mif cousine hore bui returnet Ioteberitemý lu Jefferson Pnrk. Prof. Hartoi'e ore boitra furnlahsw tb. mae for adaubce al; Grayelsk ilom Yearseove and for a dance a Amlioch NwMev urs night. mie aille liefus broke a semti machina neadia off lu lier tbuub lau waek. Afler mamy boura cf pain Nullt learfulîy bul bravuly suceeeded l 2 ltracting IL fîlenti, litesDoraFoleant Half Dey. Qeô. Wagnor, cf Southi Chicago, aie Chrielmadintier iî Henry lBakar. l Mr&. Geo. Quentin, 0f Long Grove, mai a plei.saul calter her* Wedueaday. J. Sturm- Jr-, andi fsuiy vil@' le t brother Da, anti fsmlly Newm Vuits day.c H3. Baker and s1.1er, Clara, vli@ti lisir eIder, lirs. Lewis Keyez, ai Iloielle rfceully.d Oea. Quentiu sud Chaa. Kteluemitll,a of Long Groleme raltiers hure andi as garzlmgtoii receiiily. liany of Our Young people attended the New Yers tiance ai Long Grove. Al had a goo ti ae au usual.0 Mir. and lira. Krueger, cf Chicago, are vlaittng lte formats &iter, lira. lered Kalusmîlit at prsieut mzling.- lmas£lei@ Klinamli b returnat homne aller aeadifig a fem tiays mIii relatives a& Desplalnea auti Pdlne.1 lils Lydia Baker returned tu 'lier home nt Palatine btaurday, afler apendilugt ha biltiaye mtrelative' h ere sud ahlo fng Grole. Head*a Shoulti Navar Ache. Nayer endure Mais trouble. Ume at once the temedy 111*1 etoppeti Il for ]Era. N. 1. Webster, cf Wlun.ia, VA.,- gha vritoea*Dr. Klng's New Lge Pills viiclly cureti me of &toi hmbeeahes iiad sufured frou fur Smo y«er." Oure buatiacle, constpation. bllloneneu. 25 cente s ai F.B LovaLLa, Lttertyville; UERAYSLAMM PIE&BIIÂT. îPAL.ATINE. b John Stadie la lomly recovsring frou line Ague. Danlelson eniarWaleti lier girl friunds ai an orange ta recsntly. lilasElpors Arpa receivuti caliera vlib iber youu)g lady friandtuhicbaigo Nem Vars day.à noetu uDerîtur sel. hietelocu lu Bigiilatid (revu go a party a& Diamouti Lake mho laies poBmslonJeu. 151h. c Mrt. anti lra. J. R. Scblerding spaut New Yesra mii relativea lu Chicago *lac lire. H. ëchierding anti Dr. andi lira. Scbletdlflg. - Don t W orry.0 Vte slae aistursmîdt lisedoue, yul Il May bue ofanom e lp t0 coualur %ho nialler. If the cause lea ouetug ovet mhieb yen bave tno contre! It le obvions Ihai orrylng mVIInot help te malter in tIonsa$. On thae thert baud, If mithin your contol yen have1 ouly go0&an. When yen have a celd 1 sud test an ataet of puuumonia, buy a( bole of C hsmberlalu*o Cougb Beurdyf an sudeatIL judctously sud pli rani, for1 morry ai tu tbe utnorne itIqulntlyt dîlsappear. Titere la no danger 01f piunmonta miun t isn ue. .For slei by Y. B. LovaLL, Llbertyville; GsÂvs-1 L&KZ PHisRliÂOT.1 APTAKISIC. Jette Gia speutMev Veaue ai homne. MisaeBanna ciey sport a fem deys lu Chicago lait met. Et Mtter mas a bualouts elIer ai Jeffermoet la>t Btuîrdsy. Fred Sebley mai a busaieta caller lu Cbhi ago last Wuluesdsy. Mir. Blevurs la bnîy tmuling somq1 mood sai coal la very 00orCe. lirs Joe lrsbm sud dangitteraKurna anti ithilda Fpent Priday ah J. BSàlabe. lira. George Ptseler anti lr&. Ed. Nuter apeul Sunday mllh its. Mite Glotien. Minae F mlle labl andi cousin William Zîmuet epeut Sutiay aI lite lallers bome. lila Lucy Shah! viblleti ber friandi Ifu Lydît Weiduer near BuffaloOGrove lasi sueday. William fichley anti isaMamie Gopohevitoit. of PullmansePent Nem Vair, Ai J. Scleyas. r Mime Wagner suddaiter bian Carris, or Fruoment Cetet, visluti irlunds beeMev Veara dey. If Frank Soeailtuan sd luler ieS Male, of Cblcago. $Pent Ia fumdaYa at 8Mite Welsnti lait veut. aQuidtiàhu mesatfoYng ro Mev Veeza ave. ,'Ail repart aSgoucitiure. Cbstîte Wbteukbrg and tiatera lifasse REmaanti Crne, of Long Grave, Viilt 5iJ.- Scitîyla st Suc- deay afteruoon. " Abert Lanarmanu and obuan Jobn weber, lils Loules Lanranauast frilant àlites ary Pagaïe visli t eas- tives horsuewam art. Qulla sfem of aur ioen people mont t le ît.Tigabhceo yhler sppOew e Yom Dsnti..Alia" à8004tliane la dASOing la the ma hal. Fe" MM iNotice. Is Blutdsy ci aff oveet IN Mod , amboe.0 m , 8.9-â= U eteu~ 5flha~tvel Omo M Jo..n- S-$ le laes- mieaaadlio tii. 8«14umuA Tb*. Evereti echoot hou i>mtoh*SSd a aotc. Plie plre. Md mlndaomeh"« ib liie mê» ubite 84 ahélbalb sOcial.Cosuh»d"a un. ieal. Tor. la rapidly zeeovelg fropià a sllý. I alàsc 0f9.sorte$ tuer aud ber many riends ,tll b. pla&mde Ioate ar. ram6ung em coou. Yon ne kidly aaksd ta b. pteaafll et tb. ED'atll acool on atuzd*y ivaiig, Jaa. 17&h a% 8 w,'loOk fur the parPOO0fr astabltabing a musical Md Uterary aocaly. Cmoeu, coma aSl QUENTINS CORtNERS. Wedding blle il 60oom rin luru lttile buýrg. Mir. and lire. Lewis KeYes, Of itoselle. vislted relatives itre Weduesday. ch. . zoellch and if@ll, viled Aug. Grever and faunly tan t ndaF. ne.a OJLn VréOi IPkC Ont buiclier le dolng a taud offie bSaluais hâa.teiaye, mort on Sb* les boving inoreasu the Population Of aur Iln *bout one inudred. John Schola sud M. Untiermooti bave rturueti Itouintse iigan Lumber Camp. sud aie &gain mortiagfofr lte oGUSumers' leu Company. Pain@ In the Stach. Lite tooubsciie. Ibis t. Dot a angerone but a decidadty unplaaam llmunt. 'eraons mho anu subJact 10 etiacka cfttilU b. plaaed Se kaom bait prompt relief May ba hiait hy taking ado..aiofCabebrlaina& Colie, Chitoera andti Darrboea kuemedy. Tus I uemdy la equalîr valuabte for ChUdtian and mbeu reducud it mliiatez aid îmeeteued le plemast le Isa. Pot sale by F. B. Lovxnn, Lîbertyville; onàroBlAKU PAMIAOT. DEE5VFZLD lira E.il. Willman eniortaineit ber brotbure Nem Yeu@rdey. UmIesLIlîle £Mort, of Chicago, riwlled bure ovar Bunday. lira. A. C. Strayar aud oblitren tîsitet i wlh J. L. Vetter ltametk. Thora mill. lba preaobtug lu the Preabyleula hutoit Sundoy erunlug. W. P. ComelI sud faully are movlug t foll tb. upper liaitfolthe J. b. Otheon reaidence. Almonti Vudder enterlaineti a fuw of bis old friands et à carl psrty luit Baturday seutnng Mies Sadle GaUto my loft Tueedsy marnlng fer lMentîcullo Suminary te résume ber étndiles. lira. Royl hée a Christas cactus mhich banstimobu ndred sud tee blossouistht. yean. litsud lirt, W. S. Welch, of Chf- cego, epaub gtiaurday andi Sunday wmlii Mir. aud lies. P. L. Jorgenson. The littaie -year-olti son of lit. anti lire. John Baggle a 1t. iii l tipiberia. Dr. C.J. Devint&aalleudlug. Nem Veats day a cromd cf about ilIly or sIzty young foIk@ spant lie afler- Doon lnu@lsating ou the mest alough. llasFlorence M in, cf Cicago, @peut a fem daya 0f laitwmeut mttbh hr grandpareuts, itr.sud lira. W. W. Clark. onaeItutdrati Dollars a Box le the value H. A. Tladaie, Summur- ton, 5. C., places ou DoWittte Wtcb Rasai Salve. He @&a@e -I tbo tie piles for 20 yairs. 1 triatuauy docbors andtimdtctuea. but aIl fsllad excepi Dewit'a Wllch Hazel Salve. Il cnrud mu.'Ibis a combination et ti.heieling propetîtis f Wilth istel mltb autlarptIas and! emolîtauta; talléves sud permanently Ocres blînti. bîeedlug itcbIn< aud protruding plies, acres. clst, brulsue. ecrema, at rieumandi aIl skie di-oagestP. B LoVECLL, l.lhertYVtlle. GL.E N VIE W . Mir. sud lira. T. Lne viglted frtentis at Evanslon on Nem Ysers dey. James IBute binge, o! lilwsaukee, viseti bis patentasltsluuday. Oliver Baud, et Chicago, wasIlla guesi of hls cousin W. J Reed 1maI Baturday. lira. E. <immack bas been onthe sick IitI, but me are glati te learn ahe le ilom!y reoovurtng. Tite Ladies Aid 0f thealW. E. churcb >ywli meut mllb lira. C. Bartllîg Ptlday of Ihie eek. AHl InvitaI. Mr. andi lire. Armeanarathe happy 9parante 0f a honclng t.uby girl mhlcb mai bore ous Cbrlsluo ve. liMre. John Deaelis theettY ai tiie B ospîlal mhare thuebbu batl s painfil opersîloli perfermeti. W. itepe for aber Spsetiy recoery. 9 Mr. Beach, o! lvaubou, ant ieMis Berry, of Evanston. bugan lteit mort se tacheres tsMlontiay lu thte Gien- nvlem achool miter haviug Iheir itolidiîy vocaticn. aTtha regutar Epmertii Leagnu bual- S ues leilng milI bc bel&ti'firday evenlng Jeu,. 101h .1 lirs. W. L. I linlebnga home. Ail the$@sethal are i ml.reted uiltae Lague vert try sud Au Oyalar Supper mi!! habll e h home e! H. J. Buichinugi Friday uven- Ing Jeu. le, 1903, giron undert ha auspices of the EpmorthbLesgua. A fiue pregram wmUt ha rentoeaIfor lie oocuason. A grand supper yl ho merrad sud à muet enjoyable lime la prcuiaadtu I 0allion Ibai came. New Century Comfort. Millionasn. dally tnllng a moril of oantort la Buoklozna rna Save. Is iris pain fronhuns, Ralde, cula, brWuOs eonqnsreo ul Md aslfver acres; curs efnptioas, saI rienes, hulesutdfaoma; ruMOvotcornaasd vat.ýupileqautoon serti. Ou m Msa. t Pa. Lovur..iLIbetiy- villa, OUdrareAx u At«. f~lar.a aro o ouT mir. sLd me. Ch".lp. in Paiie. ' vaesLaie Zurich viaigore Baud&y. Jack Bo 67, of Vole, dalIvèeaI oril. tire bOad of boabor.lutt a.day. tire. Henry Staing t. ou th. alok ait Dr. GlabulIos. 09 PiatIn., la tu Jobn Hodga, principal of the octe. faiUet achool, cll.d on friande boe lait Frldfay. Harry Hhiards, of Oicago, $8 oal boe"a akeepîni lime for lb. Colt. @Umara les Company. Tbe Vllag«e Bord met lu rfguier gstieon la& £onday. No buaineas 0f importance mas trsaed. li"sEmmaSeIP, mWho vitea méls tire, lu Lbrtyviltla sfew day. lai Wouk, hua ralumnatihoma. laaszg. J. F. Clark suct E. W. Butter- nld, ot Lbertyvllle, arebaue luit Coal, Lime, We solicit yi Cementa Sait patronage and and Feed. 'sure satisfaci WRIGHT BROTHERý m Oi We have ten set of 800 and 1000 lb Platform"Scales that we will close out at $8. 50 and $9..50. They are standard make aîîd will not last lonîg at this price. Do you need a Set? SCIIANCK BROS., Libertyville. i 1NDAiAW I.N8, [algr kluralubjecte wU! l ao diwu ei groat ihommes of the. tuthiuk about ualde tro«u the e"., day bumdrum Ml routine Liad he ut r Pi er DorIs AflB «rICN IBoth One Vear For $i.s IThis unparalleled oSfer in madle to ai new s;ubacrit*rsmandumg One ho pay n ail arrum ansd renew u lîhin ttîlrty day. el free. Àsdreea ail orders txAr Tho Page WovonM-9-5-FMi 0F NEW JESEY The new electric Une now building from Lake Bi Libertyville, will have its cars iu operation ln the. à# Everything pertauning to this road l§ of the veryt kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and besudes thema mjent have -- 11-1 - fencng given orders - -entire to our Com- - withý pany for ~highesti f railroad fenclug. Postii set extra deep lu the gi and Btrongly braced. The fonce when completed. il a crodit both to the Railroad Company and to the Woven Wire Fonce Company. Write for Catalogue:- PAGE WOVEN WI RE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LuC AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., LG" oo Mourus St. Çblcago. LUM.o e l-e ýi - -_ SCdL=»d=m