PICKHOI UP HIBRE AND THERE. I Loca; items of Intereet to LibertyvillI*Readers. Ir IL- - - - - - -44404444À We carry in stock a full and com- plete ine of Stapte aud Fancy Groceries which we arc selling at prices that wiII rit any purse. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. TRJGGS & TAYLOR 1 Headquarters for Orocerles. - - - Illinois.1 &aual t s«yks 01 i 1ings Watchcs ~be~t7~-ll~, Iii. Winter j oods N:sw 0 f*l.1 lte Spavt- t\iiý-tedI' to osîr spcial lioliday st(ock, and dur- the ilext few weekrs we wil show::.............. WooI Blankets and Comlorts. Fur,- Duck 'and Duck WooI Lined Coats. WoILined Shoes. Caps, Gloves and Mittens, and in ladt everything to keep you warm. WE ARE SELLING GOOD GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. SMIlTH & DAVIS LIBE,<TYVILLE, ILLINOIS. mie Flore Colby ciceffi ber studio Uaturday. v Young ladies oi the liandolin Club met wlb lbhe ]ieui bâhnek'a Mondai C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. lunle Smiay. Sepftmber 28, 1 , et mosi or. m. TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. VEUx DAIs. VUU DAIS Doai rom New Depot. Arrive et New DOPOt. e ,. b«t;ItYllie Arive hico. LeavosCfileago Arrive LbsrtvillIe. - u 5la..0 L. ............ 10:u.a. M olli ..... 7.41 . ............ 8:3 a. M. éoe.9:8i. .......... 1:»14. 13-..... 9:0a. M.........10U a.0M. 1 ..... 1: ............ flPIn u . ....40 -11. 2:10 p.. ...........845P.liM. *144.702 P. a .............5:00P. M. M II.... 4:00 P. M............ 4:52 p.0M. R5WUIiAS. 143 ...4:06 P.M-. ....... ....7A02P.0M. No.lu ..:1116. a.......... 0:0 9lM. BOuAIS . 10. 10 .. :1 à M.. ...........ie:W i. M. No. 147 ... . 0 e. ...........1:1 .M 14 . .7:41P. M»...........@tP.M a . ..... i . 2 o1) M......... 3:44P. M. lis 1...4:00. M ............ .:02 P. M. TO CHICAGO. FIfOM CHICAGO. W mDAIS. V DAISD. Dopait Prom aid [Dota. Arrive at Old DePot. Lme, Lbertrville. Arrive Chicago. Leave Chicago. Arrive Llbert yvi Be. No. I..... 4:9 . ...........1:8 L 11.' 141...5:0 P............i6u P. M. no US... 7:3 . ...........:00a .' i& ....6.0. M......... 7:0 P. M. WîNo Traini Arrive or Leave OU Statin u nudars isse James tell while iio.dlng lb. elairs la hl* bous. Modai sud bui been undor a pb@ilciau'S cave stone. one dey tant veet Mvi. E. C. peoison .iaiuewtorlus ljurle by tillesg dOwn a tlgbl fokate. 8h. cauflned lebear b. A letertframs C. a. Sherman advins th" iaieiprenntaddrees te Auiocb, %., wbere ho bas evideuily loeted. ai loes l emporariy. William liaman boai I nilfialabsd drnllllng a voi 260 font deep, ou the Daotne fam. M&sioa! lav, wbere bo aecared a god mpplyaifvet. Hemel, Horace and Boncie Buler rettirued lent week trams a vots vISil vils tbir graudmaibet ai Euglewaad andi mnt, Mr*. Campbell. ai Chicago. The W. U.. T. U. wiii ment Tuoay, Jan. 20, at the hboaf lir. O. E. Obrbili. fi ili b.ho îhuaS emoet- ing, and a son cent tvto ilb.o mrvd. Ail lnviied. Tbe lee barveal la ou aud ibis vee the tlqhouse about laVa Vers about alil Oed. Frank iertingion sud Barry Glession lotcontacte lor PaIllaIlSb@ leu lu. aud lhay ane cutlag ou Dymodi pond umer EuOluxle. An Evauston man @loi a ttolley Pale tram tb. . &ali. elootrie aiarday. Whou arested he sinted lhsi bis iamily W" sufterlug vlth Ibe cold and ho atlI.theepaie la mette a lire. Ho vue let off Vitlbàamsanl fins. Chas. Wilcax te quite sick ea ieb home Vesrn i oVu sud filla feared ho bu lypboid tever althougb symplama ai ths.& dissase wVesno$ sufflenll! devolapad an Weduesday&0la wrrUl the ateuding phyaielan no dectarlng It. 1.ev. Josephs Crumnier. wbo amissed On. Miauon lb.evet of1prayer eudeared bijuielila oven bfev. Mli nermons vers ni mrest paver, his deiverycesrnent sud planning and lb. résiîla quioksulug la lb. churcli. L.ao Sunty attorneys bave ta- oetved ellera tram Judge Donnelly sollciug Ibeir support lu bis candi- dacy for re-elecian. Be caeallente- lion la bis watt an the beach boe.asd asti for a rtinu thelb.pontlion 901017 ou bis record. A grand lime le expecled ai the li. E. obuaob Saiurday ulghi sud AiU Sabbéts. Thes, Wesleyau Prsylug Baud" ai Choago, a company ai ivlvs business men, are la bld the ment- ings. Their plan ai services la very iugeresllug sud profitable. Firsi meet- Ing 730 Balnrday eveulng. For a year Agent Aleman u ai ntbil ovu expans msutlniud suexpress deivery lu tbe realdence distict 01 the village,.lit. Allemaz bai nov dlscanlnued the service. He WUa la Dopes he cauld demonairale la lb. express compouy sucb a service woud resui inuan inceaed buines sud lbsy wanld lu lime agrec to t.ep tl np. This lbsy refuse Io do. bauques sud general good Uimeafforded b! the local MIIlo cWorkers Tuesciay uigbl as ltse Towu Hall vu5atulY enjoyable affair. Neavly ivobiuudr.d were presoul aud the aveu$ eou bal edound la the otadîl 0i the lodgs aund inspire a illvely inlerest lu Ibal orgaisation, teaulting lu su luoreaaad membershlp. @uNsai.NE coUET. No. 264. T. E H. lleeduW crfnIstngs irâ nud thild Mondat, nighti s Awh malh aI Woodzn oHall. ACME (AIP. No. 176, M. W. A. m'oSe llrt aud tbird Bat urday ulgbLs of ea : ofth. COLUM»1A LUDGE. No. lit. 14 W. W. moets seçond aud fourth T, ,,.arsof eaab month. Notice te Sec etârie-Tbý Svai tNDET(t vii poull8b iree,.notice of 00.61e5g5 or &Il lodies asperat:ove. i.ecr0tarle iii futhliSi cop y for Saine. EcrrOX. Miss Clara Averli received members of the 1. M. Wednesday evening ai ber hone.. Um Math. Wright la reoovering tram an atisot of iausfilllis Vbieb confined ber la ber b.d. The Young Mens Socia lThI, gave a card party ai the Town Hall Thnroday nigb and ese usual a jolly good lime resulted. Mir. and lira. Austinu Tripp eniler- Sinsd a eV ai Ibeir mail ItimaI. friands si flve handed tneh Jriday eveng. Wordeu Wells, employed as liarahal Plaidà wholeiale, l a iking eveuluga dnriug the rush accaasioned by 0111515 of spring orders. Cisyton Blaples bai acceptai! a position Msaieenagrapher wlth tbe Norbvesleru llahraad Company. at Ibeir City Offices. The dance given by tbe LA"e oaunty Clnb Priday ulgbtolut 81vee wa veil ailended. The muie0 wasgond, fioar tuu One condliin, and ln lact every detail muai snob s. l e attend. ntSdeailed. Meurei. Edvardi and Wightmau are soecring à large nnmber of members among lb. Yaung people for the Kigbll and Lesiéls af the RIed Crosi, fat whieh organisUationi bey are can. vaating. A slroflg ldge tla asired _________1 for LibertyvIlle. eted iu lbe itemi undet :head -Look. lai Frward,' oondlltal page. Warda ai twa sange, wrileu by Dr. Robiisan. bave been adopled by lhe elunday lielarni Leegue. andi are naedf iu absir services, vbicb are bnid lu al parus of tb. Unied Status. H&MrBotes unsa aumed chsarge of, th. mllk business ai Bales Bras isbaviug rejeiud hi& position wvh T rlg à Taylor. Cal Bles je working for Wrght Brai. liembers o a Bunle Court, Trîbe ai1 Bonagr, iwentyaix lu namber repart thei a lite number of candidatei are aw&lliig initiation. This làaa beallby growib and the nev ladgte aertaluly Ibrive. go man! people are burulng §Oti cool Ibi ess»on snd the lsudeucy of pipes snd fumuace fines t l Uup vib Bcati1s so mireth ial ny couvenlenl rem.dy for thaI; condtion la wOrlbY Of serions conalderatlon. Zinc la tb. mail effe0o lîve. Tbrow upon tbe tire a isauffut of Zlic ilings or a plae of Man se large as yanr band, and il clears saysjthe 8009 sa If by magfle. One a week vil soui. floc. Mage il a point la shal the dont qulckly alter ihvaiig lu theialen. filuba been auggesled tbal Il would b. muais prefOrable for Our 8s1b001 d.rectare la have the slarni windows remaved troam lie building lait sprlug replace. raibOv Iban tb&& scbool sbould b. dismlia.d Sao freqnenlly, awing la luabilligy $0ahbeethebuibldinlg. An iulmeesed parent informeiuni the storni windows are aM preseni stored lunlise gachoolbaiemeni, sud whal passible moue! sxpeuded luin lir tpatchans if tbey ave la b. tepi luaoraele saa question frequeulli aaksd. AI thoir tegular meting Tbursday ulgbl ai lut vee th1e local Eastr star Iodgele ialed lb. followlng afficers: lira. laveil, W. IL; W. E. Davis. W. P.; lir&. Banby, A, M.; lits. Mieredith, Secy; lirs. Edili Warren, Trous.; Flors (Soiby, Couductreai. lire.. licOregar, Asiaclale Conducirta; lits. Heslb, Ada; lits" Settle BmllD, Buth; lits. Dr. Taylor, Esthier; lira. Just. liarthe;ltse. J. Austin, lecia; lits. Duraud, Orgailt; lits. Obutchull, Ohaplalu; Lydîs Bmulb, Mathal; lira. Hurlbutt, Wavder; J. Autin, SenUllel. -P-r13amoruing ]ast gumsia ai the Lîbertyville 201.1 vere avakeued by a ry ai fite. Dense volumes of Bmore panred iranitu te pool roam niau rsI floot and efforts tu reaeb the ktleien baot i ofbahe&tooni vote uuavailliug. Fiually Bab Spellman, barlendet ai lb. botlt. bruts iu a vludav aI rear of building, tistough vAlis bhe Vas able la lbrov valet ounltse blaze sud sxllngulab 1l. A large buâhtl actalu- lug table lunen seemed laulie vbere the dm esiarted sud ihal wllb a table, @Ooi chairs sud boxes wau burued. Tbe diames burned a a le iu lb. loat wbese Weellug Saiiirdsy ulgial, bresting Barled la remove tlier trucks. wviie onso ai@islegs, lin. Lui lie8d 50000 10 albers rusbed about lai bote leel, a01 Wbeellug toattlend a public Insaille- mate or leuoisflgseued. lion o ai Vhlviai liMoole lodge, sud lu decendiug &ibe *top& lu front af lbe Notice. Wieeiug polaffiCe liPppd sud tell Free dellvery 01 express vilIIboe- la the sidevalk. ge Vblked taIlie alretleud la busiiess porion sud (S18cgo Bonievîishoal aid, sud fil wulise distrilct on lilîvauke.Ave., sanie lime aflerwaid beloeD tween new deota and Liberlyvllte nome td i eg a teradeu. 1101.1, aa ly. Roule Agent Krriganl roulsedlit&109was roien.advies me compan! cou Dotl show for extra service extended by me uhe 1ait J. IL. Tisompson, wba receully pur- Ysr . .J. ALLUMAS, Agi. cb&aed ibraagb D. C. Lorimer, lise stralian faim ou milauts. Ave., la Unclainied Letters. tsd 0a'1 te Thouipsan BesiauaulThe îlt of uuaimed stars st LbertYvIllO (Sampany, of Chicago. Ton lMontand 11, ostffeefor the veek eudiuq J&ao.17. people ara led dsily et the Ivaive Whou oslllug for titssetcter,, car 'adver- resrauvanli ovu.d by lthe cOmpa". . 1ud.'- Mir. Tisanpson la amply ahi& 80a9941&81 Beecber Herbert (ayue Mr. WM. Tu Ils Mr. M. Woictt 0.2a. iprave lthe fatalsud tlb. SaIOli Of w.azzNM. BXiE TnPoatmsstar. enail mounai De vili Pr"*ve1 in- estimable benleil laolb. vWciy. lit. Lotimer 14 go b.e onatulaled uvS PEOPLES' COLUMN. ni@siascoes inla ugouiig the sale. -______ HIe doces ta ltel lu. of ei thore ms ud ths .on mut.Nas b-leP.Id l vbo vill biiy ferms eeabouis, luit su dýà 5*1KO. ià500111190PMies P-rWftk. 7 delrable as Mr, TheMPeoWhou en 0eWord$ csaositeg s lne.. land la ieled Witirlms, teesouable 8gu». LonrUM bua a Iy oai C PERBWAjIBD-For thebe st sia aeOftrWkngt 31Mues atigbI Prions. %w etB ilr m y 15pnu0.lpilea I. OtS altoWbhla hm010are OAc .rRalDy. te-tf mou Wag~b b*S Isar ou 08000 lin B5Aib O.O.Seis 0 Ulph . k oiLibeigvlle1-dt lit. and lira. Robert 0Urmmi eultartslued a fier frieudi Frldai uigbi et carda, tb. eventinlg arranîed1lu bonaf of lira. rummiuta blnbday. As 11:30 a deliciona lnncbaan wu aerved. The gaueiaprssutd lira. (irummîit wiib a rooklug chair. Out of lawu gues vere Wihbur Reudes, vife aud daugbler, oi Waut0gan. A Double Weddlng. W"esday ea ihbnooB i lb. Episoapal cbnrcb lu Wautega, vu eol«muved 1the marrlage ai Sarah, daugbier of lir. and lits. John Brixe«, la lit. rederict Bader, aoflRockefeller. sud Miay, daugbier ofrlir. and lit. Wm. AIltidge, laolit. Fart Brilal, ai Dlamaud Late. The service Vu rad by Bey. Toil. The brides vers gowued lu bIne broadolotb lravlilng cailumea and carri.d bride* rasas. Wsdussday afier»naà atecepliai wu given aI tbe haume of lir.sud lir". Jobu Brixen la immediate frieudi of the oonlratilng parties. la the r.ceivlng pari! were besides th. bmasé, lit. and Mlis. Wm. Arldg., lit. and lits. Barîleti, Uli. Baier sud lit, sud lir&. James sage, graud.pareuis ai lh. brides. rbe youug ladies, vb a ou-S-is, Vere the recipieniS of lnumevo prisieuts sud lteus of esOes. Allen a boauuilnl luchean bolb couples loft on an aveang train for a short wedding joutas! la Si. Loui". MarcS ilotrsuad Ulie.Bader wiU b.o ai home la ibelr frleufis, aitBacteellet, sud Urt. snd i. Bartisîl ai Diamoud Lats. Ail of lb. conlracllng parties are well kuown lu Ibis vlclully. sud bave many frîsudisud aequa»usswbo jalu lu sxlendlg congratulations. Finde Way ta L Ive Long. The sartilnganuncOinOOul a01a dlacovery Ibat ill i ureS! l.agtben1h lits la made by ediiot O. B. Do'WneY, ar Oliurubaoolad. --l wlah $0a skie,. he writes, that Dr. ings New Dlecov.ry for canoumptlofl la lh. most inlallible temedy th&% 1 have ever kuovu lot cougbs, oohd sud gip. It' invaluable l0 people Vllh weak uas. Having Ibis woudetf ni medielue uo ans ueed dread pneumonie Or 0LcUsMP- lion. Ile relief in instant aud ours certil." F. B. LovULLes, Llb.rtyllle; ODAYI.&AKU PHAIMACI g«tiasue every 0oc sud 51.00 batil, and g1we trialibbIllesfree. M L E R y JUST for a 1111li me 1 am offring (la close lem au$) unueard ai bargaius lu mllluery. This la nol fiction. Ami daiug miubwai I ad-- vertige. ... SHOES... Perisape a ver! 11111e out ai dale are matked ai juil hall former priceS. MdusI maks raom lot UC, goodi aud vani tbe mouey sud ,I>e seulesi sud occupied b! y oUfit stoct. Imael go. W6y devik prtle viii do lh, aud t'msa hesy ai IL. Thse ev long isp aormelsust out) fils lite s giave sud gives ibai elelsul graceful puise bvery lady admîteS. l'Il sbaVo tbeni gladi!. Mrs. F. Protine, M. B.C Dry Goods Orocer eo**Clothing....e Mats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Flou r, Clockery, Olassware, Lamps, Wooden and Willoware.. + f The Largest assortment of Gen- eral Merchandise at the Iowest prices in Central Lake County. +4 Libertyville, 111. Telephose No. 29. China and Glassware HALF PRU CE. Soon the sound of the bammer and oaw wM 1be heard in our store-we want to clear our shelvis of the. bulk of the goods before that tçrne. We therefere Md' and slash prices mereileêaly. We have a very big stock of Chlnaware-ile.tfo bulky and troublesome to move-must bho old at oses - W. havTe buuch.d lb. 8c and 10c gooda togathet sud yUl unOthon .t.............................................................. The 18c, Z0c sud many Zic 500dm e et.......................................................... &S,40c and 80c articles as 25C Big reductions on ail wlnter goodu. Libertyville -- - - - -- Illinos. My fal ad wlnter samplt are in and a fier lino you Wlllnot find. Cal ad examine thuS bofore placlng your ordW. I wili guaranteo sauisacf la style, fit and quailty. Prieus are right, too. FRED CROKEI LIBERTYVILL.'S TAILOR. CDe 909st1$ fl.id For a telephone in your place of business or your resldence. You get the increse md Àgrowng service Off t.e TA Oounty Telophone Oompul and conneotlon VU fia Chicago Telephone Oompmiy. For Information, rates, etc., mute- 1 dONTrRACT DEPAI Llbs'tVUI . u..m~ I,0V*ISDrue Stri, -tyYille