CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jan 1903, p. 6

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ALmito o#«THE SEcoND MRs. Ti - t-APTER XV. Tom Burton. mhen ho set- off un t-is wst- ixptlt-ions.bad wvsaI>-kept t-s nat-urea s uaoet-troin bIs famit>-. Thai vers not- etefors disteacteal h suspense. In-- dae. for t-e saieof bis rite ana littîs t-t-t ~ r.Net-IBrton ras st-Ilkeeping np a bravre front though thé molf of desasr vu narwiin eta Iis heurt,. The nuav turi"l.ha tound lu t-is frasb place over- rbeb.eO hm ith kiudns; t-ey t-re a wu-h«rted sud rougb peupla, udi IdIi t hi. honest- fellor, vho, they lieal un hutiict,bral sean tas bot-t-ordays. fa wu nutrank. s0 strslsbt-forwa-u t-bat- ev-ny eue fait- synipsbby. especiaihi ritlt M htaramini rite anal ebndreu. Every %nue -là t-bat- 'omet-mlue vas t-o bedosie for tha Bor-toua."ana l i- aa mm foneal out-t-bat- t-brsvas an oppur- br-MLl. A relation of tha espit-allat- rbo r. a bsd.rppiies-onue pua« vazsoigob-ut t-o tctI einloesm as governor outnomeua ha- tant placet- sud b. bad actu.lly promniseal, vIan b. Cama dora os a viait-sud met )eM&t-bat- b. voulsi reali tr>-sud se b. thoceulal do. t' The grcat- man. vhose rame mas Sir t- Dnîci Douglas sonon ariveal. &ad Me.i Donglsa, lb. gonci-ous capltalist, bad gut ap a igit festival lu bis horinHefa hd leain1v-t-tions for a aort- of grand han- qIt-o rhilieha bd amhad ail t-beim- port-ant-pereonages in tiie neIghbohotod. _Thé capitlt-st-livea lu magniflrent t-rie,1 Mud t-be antertainment- rastt-ha e orthy1 et bis Veslt-h, Nad foot-ualhirusaît icokn tormard nIl seret-blue like hope t-ot-is meeting,1 &"t sud o bi Msso gelus out t-o s Dancoon-i t-. Md.saileaving aIl tht msrabie t-or>- bolebtcv-att-thougbhaeboit-oe begin lita ~ Oi gan. fie vs. lut-e prima of lite,1 OP& tulo t-spirt ansd tt-s trnle1 vî hewldsandsudmoret of a nar anal wM what ho lied otteai loobeal ou vith1 mophosa-ty. This roula lugie hlm ceeu-1 patgsièt- ditrat- bis rulua, svitile b. pt- op tbat- pans a vst-ng fer t-he day et jua- tie Whleè vwu t- omra saour or Intr.i t-t- ho vb.rot-ad lb. cleareal. His tsmiy -t. Sve he lb.irettime foll ut joy aud h0914a" sui iiite vant- rit-bnmreexcita- t- MM te th trotin, t-o Chotaeseut cmre 40 d» o i ir, to do huator t-o thae ca-i de 2Ioy net ORfalt m or theOort of -' I$*Wlffltk*-J-feawvitobe. Itras *MWv plsce,- but- hmudomely buil:t-It- t- lm t-he t-tDurt-one ent-ereal t-be o VtMa fuetU ofrpan. The govrnorwusa 4t-é» Conterottbe USODpr on t-be rue of bh ,M d aalt-ébohut- et-noce.brougbt- or- lw 4 Nd tu ltrodue hlm. M u,:r 4mire bantler Charrulue man- t- oepamodt buor tu -oM . vrnr «»W .eebagaa, sud va r. =r',atit S WIpretty Wailuscl-one, fleua t-tt-t- at-t- 'riten Mmre munie vas go- sÏ4 tbescomwatesorcon-fidnce.alt '~ 4~4 vas bId-the govesuos. t-he =t- la-o n s afli Come ot vith m aeftarry Mi. Burt-ou" asialt-be, t- eu."vith a god slry. Ton eau t- b lINze talj vit-h Jeu, to. t-eau rdaM oy mît-ifriand ber. sot-Ing. but- et at»eeammet-jae t-t-utt-say that- t- lte Svai overbelmeal vlth joy anal t- Bt1ie. Datet-ala vr. t-bsn goue loto. NWrytlfg vs. delight-tul st-d t- "mf te t-e long voyage, for eur Ncd, t- 0 v *ie Jod thea sanal everyt-ins cou- Sait-qi nth IL. He rould have giron t- àb à t g eo S rtt- ità ear rite sud t- - naît ailt-bhe t-ffluve. Tir. ilsa * t-seu, the banalsoru objct-s @Cutter- ae maýo dtbe rnom. t-ebieamlng, kludiy Ï48b cqavgse t-evirole @ an uair. ut ope- CWSI ota'eyt-bat- esasal smoetunureal. U.,hUsait ond bisold @ sfitr et-ru- bï-# is olal puwr et tebns gond o .om t vhlcbh h had a gift. w»- usnov about mldulght.asd s lite Sbad bean, starteal for th. Young Ned w as looblu; on ati te'*fut-" t- eslresulanJoylng It-,vhcn s serarnst- 'OUM. ostp and put a note tutu bisbada. M .Aced el -it vith-sema surpl-a. . hWU eula lie ni-t-lust-o hlmut t-al bons? An undefineal feeling of doubt. Md- arni a-alrm, bogan t-o teal oves hlm. Re oiaae It iansd rend thes» nords: "t- bave tfun ualot-tho corner lu rhlcb lm-yo bld iyourseif, sud have lear-neu t-be paat rrangement-s yonr friands bava out-tafor ion. t- shaeufDot luion ent-o omne S out- persans. "t onesu d un t-Is nlgbt. intur. obeaut-bat-Tou on ut Rceept t-bat-s 1era. Furt-ber, yoD muet- give up ions proet C LAM 1 t-hali make Yeun andor ltko a .tdgypey. "Refus, aaIsadnnd p tue M. Dou-g- tu Manalt-cIlhlmm i." Ohmib came bot or. bis 0>-c, t-belgitta @o" te gron amzi. IR i v ite sm is agit-at-lonr fronu tsr off. anal vit-b a .si t-. et onty. 5h. vas bsida hlm lu s lt- ruant-, ana lihedlraendt-be fatal raluis. ut tt là of nu use," Lie sala, lu a toas t-u O uPt saar; -01e rishes t-o destrot- %.andl te bil me. Lot- ber. I giveup nebr, and vIimaka Do further truggha. Let bhasymus vilii hadoue."1 t- viii go dornansd sea bier. Sha ba a roman. she muat- bave somns beart. Wiit-rou myeit ou-iMy bnea btor, Nov came up tbe hoat- sud is dasît-g tes.. We ai-e goiug t-o bave s gaule of romps,1t-t- loalup t-e sight- ith. Vo must- juith -e girls Liiitakeo n excuse. Comes. tenal hlm uff' Na.rit-b a gîtastlyi>- ltl, raa tr sa>. RH asrtast-ll-.s t-t vers, ilu deam. Tht musical iaughtei- of thaeif dan sd young girls soutideal trangety euiscr. Ha aidvhat- he vas t-uit- gt-.vas t-bat- dIvertit-ut-gaane rith chair, Wh"chamreset- ontut-bsrut-mdale uf t-b rO8,'itilalt-be ru-atc pisYs,anal thacorn Veni r alk round tha chairs baud ilo hait- Mun t-e muictopeabarutut w. t-ht thsse la a rush ruade t- sscnr-e seat-.i vas attandeal b>'sermae ad abouts ci t- lagbt-cr, but- t-mas aimet t-iagir tn-a t-be tac. of Net Burton, vîto at-eh.t- lilyintted in t-b exit-d rompu. --- While t-bus agageal. a pale.,tcil k taappParea ai thr- dou-t-bat ut bi rite, nov ctat-cal tromt Irs s etc-t anmie«. S-e glidedl ara> to a corne sud s"nk pou a tf-ct Iwas a etra t-ias te aee ber lot-t-ing ovi-r ai ber ltt- - banal. ubo ras lu the vhiri sud merr motrof th. axclting sa-me, sud airay rît-h that atiffencal #mile upon hlm face Àamsrant nov rame in anal rhîsper- ta te-lorr. sacoivsm aea lt-eour ES'T fi a&u ~ tRapir behsve." e Md Mm .Burton'@ eyesvaerestng oe go iYeuhbave declared YOUrsolf st .at," sbe sai. "You blong t-o their Party7. ButIf YOU have Ray Prudence you wiii reflect on vhat you are doing. 1 give you waraIng. 1 shah »pare no Oe. rzo B R LDThome who sheiter the mordorer becomet I[LLOTSON, «NEyER FoRGOTTEN This a trenge way te aptak t-o me." EREST'ING STORIES aaid Lucy. -J arn abeltering no lourder- er, and do net kuow of Ray mordorer. What do you ma? "This la madnens." said Mr. Burton, lmpatiently. "For beaveu sakeie, let osn have donct with t-isminserabieasubjet." lng iu the corners, It ras getting n to "My denr Mr. and Mra. Burton." said one o'elock, and somea reosteaijut awy M. .Forager. -ounotustut md LUCY. t-O be. She in talliot folly." Mie inoked round with a *-Let us aay nu mure about-fi,-" gala rat-ber ditrasttul look for t-he hat,.nudtMes. Burton: *'I a. tired of ail this. But thon wsiked straigbt up to hlm. They remember whunt 1 have said. Thoose ho whispered for aoma moments, aud then are nt utwit-h tue aire agtaiflt me. 1 hava aith a amiliig air ho looked round on mtrked theru ail. Tho» wrio favor a tho company, aa if to give a gracient gond wrtch who could throw a pouri boleas night-, and went away t-o bed. Mr. Doug- babeout of a window tu get u estate. are las, wit-h a frownoun i face, sud wlt-b tbomselves grilt!"' lit- hardiest sud mont- abrupt business Ail who ai re presenit looked nt cacit manDer, came ov-er to Mr. Burton, sud t-er rit-h at-oder. M. Raiph Inter- said ha rished t-o speair vit-b hlm in tho puaed ia a suothiz fealit-. tudy for a few minutes. Ned tultowed "My dear l liehoRaid. "YoIn Ora hlm. When the door ras ciosed hoesaid only excit-lut yourseif. thinkini of these simply: matters. It wosaio great- mifortuna. hut 'Il i ail true, vbst site says, xcePt therce nl hp for it tien. about th child. My bande have nuolood She tuened ou hlm rit-b fnrY. on tbem. but the ret le true." j-du are jonliug therosat. No matter; 'Thon you have deceived, lmpoaed t-P I amn st-CouS enough to hattie against ths on rut. It- la a shameansd a dsgrâce. to vorld. lu goM i ieur1 shall reeknun tp have takon in @0 kind an-d good a triend wtb those n ho ht-ve demert-ed me. Net as 1- have beau tu y.., sud wht 1 think oeeshall cacape-not ne!' worsa of, t-o have allowed me ta comprO- AIl thia ras apokieu lu a fluried, excit- misa mystif wth a Mn like Sir Djuncan. et- toua. Nir ît--lîîb ras obegerving her Ha wil neyer forgive me. 1 dismissu O- closeiy, and rith aomet-blug lîke alarni. freim my sorvice. I don't care te enter Sha passed ot- of t-lte room, sud word into the question rhether ion hava dons ras presletîy r iight- doua that- Mis. what you have beau accusad Of Or Dt Burton did not int-oud aPPetriug again That la for yourelf; it la nothing t-o me. that nit. But y00 hava rormed yourselt lto mY Lucy rot-tid bav-e toue away. but ber confidence, sud lutposed ou me wtb a mot-ber had nu lnt-eut-iou of saceilleing s false story. And rou have aise made mie good dînuer for aoch faut-ast-le sud oitd- imposa Open a de r end. whu t-trtdca îîh notions. himaelf opon hi& reputat-lon for sagaciri. ît ras a gloonit entertalumrent-. et- To have forced upon lm s f person ltbe t-htch Me. Ratph atone ras lu great spr- )ou, accused of auch a crime! 1 -rat ts. He devot-e himself eonspieuously ta bear to thiuk of it." added M. DOuglas, Lucy, sud rît-h au easnestuessansd mer!- la great agitation." Oagins t-bat nut s little aisemed ber. Hie Ha ieft Ned Burton. The unfortonatae yaa rere fixed upon ber a]l t-be eveoing. mn, rîit i et bonboed on hii. lrea.ot as Mrs. Forager uoticad rtth au agi-a t-ok hia ay frein the houae ltb is ieable surprise. New visions of bier owu More unfortunste vite. Ha malie nu permanent- settlament- lu these chermnmg compiint; h. had rmade no defensa os hnnting grnunda roe nt- once lefore her. proteat. a lttie to tha surprise of hi$ lots Lucy established hore after ail, a btand- patron. H. e emied tili ta bha tun-Ded. ,ore snunty settled open them, au ar- To his wIta ha ras gentle and resigued. irangement made by -blcb the bouse. nt l4hsn ha spoke it vas lu the sasle .- lesat. coaid b diverted floutha other signedt orte. Hils mndseamed es It Burt-ousansd the berseif l- were exbausted. Ha semed mater to 11a stalled, and est-mg excellent dinners lik. down sud rest, sud aboya Il, t-o ha Plone. tho prasent- thîs ras the pictura that- When they hsd reached home It ras ros before ber. close on two o'clock lu the moruing. He Lucy, wearied wt-bthe constant at- said t-o her: tentions, hiadt after dinner stolen away, "Tonu con go t-o bd. dearet,I1sbouild leaviog ber admirer sud Mes. 11orager en- be 0017 tumblilussud tosaang for the vent- gsged lu tome discussion. She fountd bar of th nlght go 1 saoli aitnp a littie. vsî to the gardoen, sud wsndered tbrough Bogides, 1 rant t-o thluk over our puaI- the vinding walks, thlnkt-ng of those dear dlàl. Ail t-Is bois comas a lttia .uddenly, frienda rbo ware far araansd rbnm sud it Ia bard to kow vhst ta tarot-oa he couid nt help. Hor strauge, @h. perseution? Ail m7 11f. I have triad to struggle going on betwean the tro pet- b. good. As for the poor innocent chlit elpios of gond sud evit. and carried on to --but it ls of no use saying anyt-blcu ov. th. deatht! IHum was it to end, sava lu tt do"s look as if I1rws guilty, and t-bat tha death of onue or t-ber of tbe comubat- My punlshment- vas c.ualng on me in sut.? tblck sud heavy blows. Nnw go te bed, As she vas tblubing adly over ailtitis doarest. Leava rme." aha beard a stoep bebtud ber, aud foundi fie vas so ,aruest- that te vent. rot- Me. Rslpb amitîng sud burrying op to wlhigadd t-o bis ot-ber auxietien t-at ber. She turned as if to go baek to the o origby opptoslng bis vishes. Tro bouse, but he stopped ber. 'nch wretcbad hearsa er. nt t-o b. 'Jt-tst a fewv moments." ho aaid. "t- 'ound that nigbt lu the lttie torD, nor. viii not- dot-sm Yoo longer. 1thobaveoms- Indeed, ln the vhole of cotlsud. for it t-bng of ret imrutance t-o gay t- YOU." ras t-e vret-chednass of bleuit dspai. 'Thora eau b. not.hiug important t-at Ned Burton mat dora et bis deek, and îou eau tell me" she anawered. "t- muet witit s sort of weaey rondes sept putting go lu." bimait t-eIains u: estio: What bailbe (Ta b. eontIcued.) tin? The day ras beglumng te break, ORIGIN 0F PETROLEUM. but ha mat on, stilI havt-ng t-at curions nnmbod feeling wlcb wouid prevent him of thbe Mauy 1ibeorie. Advanced T-o forever lifting bIs besrt. sprits, limube. 9teiad Ont. ,,Oh!",h a sad agalu aud agaîn, lu t-be 0f t-lt- numerous theorles advanced seame daed and bewlldaid tont, "no for t-ho ext-lfnttth-lo f t-be generation mortel mou cold redat- sncb a ontiuued of petroleum, t-mo sand out pro cm-- oppression. It-tilu omet-hing saperbun- Ineutly. Fîcat. the formation of tha moun." vegotable mat-e by subtercanoan de- fiathan t-ougbt- over Il that ho bsd cumposition; and, îecondly. lt-s pro- pauead tbrough, even duringtho let fem duet-lon frOm e 'arbonacaolus metalîtc tuonthi; bowrba bad suffered and-trg. gied leavelY, voeu is verY heart out je compttounds lu eoitjunet-ioD witb steam. tha content-, ln the viab t-okeep t-p a Inu lth -l-casest~a erco.trilI eat la brave front. There ras s pont beyond t-bot-tgît-t- tohae been tho produclus wblcb buman fort-lt-nde could Dt go- No; agaey, avbich l8asasulued t-o hava wben ha vas thug given uver t-o thbe ary originatod ln the center of t-be oarth. uf ail t-at ras adi suddoppressive, it-The fietment-i,-flt tt00oryla bascd ras *t-oua*toyieid upon tho conception t-at cachou, In wear wih wlli., sd h.fop-t-be for. of conl, .as produceti froei pressed rit-b mimery, Mers. Butrt-on waited vgetable subtatances under tbe effoci long apa-irs. Ontil ntoralng bogaunt-t, ut heat. aleaci -and pressure, and t-bai break. Thon. overcomne ritit the weaA_- Iydrocarbotta lu t-be gaseous sud liquld Dest that la bors, of grief, sud wblcb i. tato acre fornt-ed lu 8almimlar mat-- as ethsustlug as physicrlbr tself. ner from sucb mat-riaI. Thia titeory sell t lsst-,aud agaloat ber viii, dropped t--ceived suîpport. ppareutly. lty the- off t- ooep. She dld Dot- hear tho steps t-îdy of thte pcodut-ct-s arlstng by t-be of hlm rwho saloi.Dp sottlY t-olook t lber, and fouud ber iylang back lu bar ehaIr, dry distillation (It coailaucioseti ves- 1sleeping ber roary sloop. Noît-her dld She atansd hy Itle chars.ct-tr of t-he gaset- f eed t-be lips that- rare pressed gent-ir >ct-andIliquida t-bt-taobtaluiet. whlhte-'br psssionately t-o ber forebad. Nor couid semble petroleti-O-and theteapora a.c tasitehave beard t-eb all dune t-bat- mascompanyiug it- lu nature tu somne ex- cilosed 5o quietiy, as a figure pascd fort-b lent. Subseequcut researebes tat-ot-h. lto t-be morulus air. The wat-ec'hniac. onsrsltn rmasmla une of t-be threa rbu rere soîffleet-tt iio mpud etrtittfrm ndtl look aftt-r t-be Peaco o! the lttie townutctmn- taimlft aeti t-h bld aterwarda boy ha bsd not-ic-d ' t-be dist-ilat-ionpruducta rweraObtie t- captal,"- as hoa vs.csiied, going oîut at %vhich seem t- justify t-ho conclusioli t-bu trange houe. and boy ha rondered t-bat- these substances mlght have eus - rbat could b. t-be meanlog of t. lit111t tribut-rd &IaO t-ho formuatilon uftht-e ou ha noticed t-bat-t-be captais, toh bis vay Mucb credît wras giten t-o the"e ut *long s soad wblcb lad oit-t-n a loaeiY evtosan th tery fth ihl, oqt-sde t-be t-nn,ý t-be top uf rbicb aeca-atoruus. and t-be t-heory blut- t- as afwaîs sbroudod lu a tbick veil ofocgnuptrlu rmvgt-bea domp miat-. sud rbere a fer bead of animai tiesna ras generalliy sceptot- gamns somatimes ltrkad. tbongh upun doser inveatilgationrt It- vs se -tuund t-ltat rircunmet-sOes had hee iCHÂPTER XVI. overluoked wablt-h aegued forcîbi] ae Over Mr. Burton t-be aides, ever %Ince trgnlnst t-be acceptatt-ion outhtbtheory t-be minfortuna t-at bsd befalen hUlutt-First amon thse was t-be tact-t-bs the loas of is chitd. bal coma a cunetoi- 'fbcange. 1e eerued t-a bave aeqiret-]It-t-olett-m lt-ad been fou-- n lu enuy 'amore purpose of character, and to have t-art-a sud caniada lu t-be Most-auciet t-talien up a more decided t-one. Ha never trats, ike t-be Siurlan and l)evonlan e'wboliy accepted tha crnel accusation xvahtch are kno-u te ltave contalned bt- td e ttado alat-bts unfortunate brut-ber. very lit-ritlIe amounts of vegetah] aud bis voire mas board hî t-be servitut del'rl.Vri-l fart haitalg boeu aae ttpotetigvehement-ty aganat- t-be ma- lîgus-preutu.flriesemoe t-t-edl(. t-le conclusion lt-r> Derthe, d.auonful sud dumînerlut, as aebi ata thit-"e ois muet have been genarate t-Is t-t-arhumor oftlbts. But- tt- as ritlt lutte aucient-trata meut-ourd0 *e omethiug ike aetamt-bt she beard hm m~el -eAcenbb -o adciare, une do>-, t-obist- brut-ber had qînce t-lte ast-tmpttin of lts origîn fret commuicat-iona te thn Suhuoutte e . aE A tbhenonus commit-tee on judicla-7vlo EW"~.U M lu .uîleavoring t-o tormulats a m«»» S T le lu repiy to a reqost- otChairman l:. tlefleid. Ittdeala .xbsust-ieiî vît-bt-be subjeet, sooe *:. enp .uS SO SSOO pg* golug loto t at grenier ieugt-b even t-bh=___________________________ t-be Att-onsy Ganeral'a racent- Pitt-burg speench. Attorney Ganeral Kno % au- 1NL W T M YU M w s1«G LI OC ver la under tires tenda, namly: The NO PEtItART EICCTONLW TO4YGNR W 1EMU ILNO c 4usetlons vhlh have beeon dscided fiby -miN CA M TU t-be courts. t-bs questions rhucb are pend- Attorneyî Osersl isesilt poesountVS 6fN ON -LNew XIek capitaliseaBu luir lu t-becourts, andl suggestions reset- Piors e .iinols Legs.slat-ion. 1u0tLiser ait couo lug ~ ~ ~ pet futbrlgaa-o.toitoulg Sentor George W. Stubblield Of A couldont viaaseby t-I is recommendstion he a as-: Bomlngton is suthoStity for t-b estat-e-Tsleie oloms "Tire end deaiseal by t-be overrbeim- ment t-bat Attorney Gienerai iaut-nil bas Coul Comîîsnî, thbe Mise log maitty of the peuple ut ail sections givan au opinion deciaring thare le no pt-5D7.Black Iblîmona ('ot- ot t-bs country la t-bat coimbnations of primar>- electlon law on tha statîrta books§ Jonction Ceni Miuing 'on- cait-ai shonla be regulat-ed sud oot- de. of Illinois. Mr. Stubbiegflid tbld tAe tht-sa of iprtnuteid, viii stroysd sud t-bat moasureu aboutid h at-h- t-or>- t-t-reversli legisiators, but could lont- telu DC5i omplet-ion. Thet ans t-O corrt-set-the t-sndemey Ltimrnt-stoop- bhanqfot-nat-er. Thtelt-tformation lu tbat t- - - y hiNn, York ~ eollsat-lo te -sIndutrial business of t-he lu the session "f 1 abllWalP&IW a bh aspssr1C is beuadeut -h cuty 1asueatngt-o b. avoi-t--by tIr e Lgluasture providing for priniari (lieffla ssi e P.of. t-e elle aem fllesuggestion. ls legielatioS cpes-rieetion: for Chicago.t-n t-he session o o èn- tsiend 1).or).iie alai t-b te businéesInterets oftht-becolin- I9te"eiyset" utfj19MS ra smnd-dotf eTyoril( t-vy broud sncb as wil accomplisirt-bhis ed suasetu inleitari st--hciles as nKau- Tbelldentirlveives $1,000 aMd. kakeet At-trocasuad Easatt. Louis tha luge coolsine u.dasi lis at *In car Judgmant-, a ruonopolyInlusuî ameandmient providlîtg t-bat- cies of t-t-cer- tongumn-aglt. J. A. It lndutri vould b. impossible alethi, tain cassa mght adomit t-le perit-io n. cagne repsasct-inu thet-( conuntry rhera money ls sbo-ndant- sud lu E'ebrusey-10,it-Oit-n sreriiesifilitaithe Courpaîy. bosnsacrred t chea; annlut-be bauds or rithin the primary l15v a-5lagain amontld. ,btatnlut-les lu t-ha, gprnsiiid at-t- rot-t-ch of keen andl capable rmenr If cou- suri trs as ont-o reeaitht-e mendeal nct ast-. t-e mncet(of rthtltt- W pst-ltion er.imsureal of a fais and ope ut l.hl At tho clotse ut t-be Pension con-t',"ut-iaiar>'f Sjtrit-îgt--ltl. feld snd protected osgainsit ontair sud othes bill ras passed ainsndit-5thb. "iti Vf iefî. -t-,t---tr Oit- artificial sud inerliminat-ingpracticea. Rît-" o ---.of MM hlcb Mr.-la îmîlit-s ent- Vrei i, e ensn **If t-be lar vii gîaran*ee t-ut-h e s il ed ads hloding mas rpealed hb>-tlt-e at el ii ot.etr111.I producer prutection agaluat piratical February, 1l01 .I. n briet, the Att-'rsneY t-atte <ci î ui-rpst-r; met-koaa in compoîiion aud trene, t-b.('Pentsinisai t ohave nalea t-lft-tahlte Illt-e t-t-t-Ale i-n -trit-r-lit-e 1hbaZe ltotha msrket-s open sud avsai- hat Legislativeeatt- mendeda slaw rbi t-t-t-til't-l t-onte-tt t -Mlin- aItlaet-obhlm fnr tha at--te tuila charge-i di luDitt 0118. Intornmstion t- e king - 6lit-tt-tlit-- <tver ttt--M> t-o bis pomrful competîtors ha nIl mn- as t-o the natîrre of Mr-. liamit-t-,pit-rttl age t-o Liv.eandl t-irite to as uatonîahlns lot-n, but lla.t-tîIiuu. asnrr(îur)tierl tut- %Ir. FIM R uF degrea." , Stubbletleli. iran eaused às aariont Conntdolvu t-o the suggettions ashealamong tl--c--olegi*lat res. agireat Rellavtlaesto for sud deaîreal by thacommîttee hob.Tbr-O - ) P Iont-ses'lo in "MY suggestion., le t-bat- as atAn"e a irnix &MI t-tp lu a polir t-u hopernstautly Den Coatny Fermser lines In e"' Âterr- y(b.In Eît- itoirtuaJ. IHast-ti- t-. fil#---- fî>tlt-ar lt-t-nt-t-rt-- purtuladont-il et-ery uduatry, large sud ble.relC.ester, tu a Rush lt-od. -- t.- tl-e-îtsst-,hav e lt- ti' - lt l. jit-- lttte. St-alhit-rgs, Vît-- aimaitLa lute cou-tntry ri eauhaassuceal of A pi-hisarile geor-, ast-ibas Lt-actdi't- rîe---, otr-tste bienr ar e lisil-rKit-l-t-r. Nanîrabi see-t- eqptal rigbts and opportîmt-i-es and ttntil cotered t--rt-lit,,i fr---tt -tt-.fS lut-Dot-t- t-t-e k b,- t-k hluu-itng i -go t-ît-tarte --titct-t-f r at trt-tt-r0 . tlt. itlevil tî r (-.ier-s r tb. tandency t- ntoopollzatton of tlb. n l utiy Ctt--t--t-> 3. A. It- e t-ît tttStttOit- - yorlx rîttbti rt-tk tif te-r-tt-tlutroi-V faoroiulir' tr ail-taîii at-t-t---n. I Iutpotant Industries ut t-be country 1.a li--t-a kPietirtn.a 'lt-tt-t--' l u-i--t t o ltt--Itt--ttilt-ti 'tt-sg, t-sa . îî,i-r-îrîeî tt - er t-r ýtc-t-raIi tt--rd Louisr-hî-. 'rtar eliecked, t-at osu dlsceîîinutuey practicte Arpeciglit- fr-et t-t-, rt-tt-t- e - l---it t - Illi-t-ut-ut- a cit-te ot- -iis ISt-jo fruii - v kirchter. it-irlatîi l , ilI affecting interssie t-rade b.ruade o-f a-UUt-i tinn t-a ti-r-fct-lt-tgîtlt-ad beltae butt t--eL il,-lits. lita- uus-t-rb.n vd rt-l-t---k. o st-t-t-i -t r- o-it- fenses to lhatrnjoinéd sud punlaheal. ut gravel t-t-e rsot-tt-I t- t--t--tlti t w-t-y it> t- in t-ag-.ltr,- 'lIt- e t rt itrit-r. "Sncbllagiiation should b. directeti fret lu ritlt-I-d i tr- t--t -bile tttl- t~ --t-t-fli.c lIt tlt-r o fioir u r îp t-ti agalnt those vho gîte and t-buse wvbuooa. 't--tbut-aillett Ieivae t-tit-hl- TRUt-ST HITS TIEE FARIt>ERt-'.. tfier triet-Iusurieat-r. receiva t-be advsnt-sgee thereof and cuves allez oft-tte-l-cMond batIâ ti-ict-uitto-r- -ait-t-t- tio ilt-iira-s for dîscrimlnation In prîres as agalnut ru-al t-be oskeiatoîraocre foinil Therbat-at-s Thesaberesse.Amseît.-io Wisi t-lIth'lisrlsitl t-r--a tf pet-ttonainuprticular tucalitien resorted i" arurge tn aille sud t-Ie eeth am bit-thi> t-uie Pries GrTrshelOale. Trsîe'Associatirnir t-o toi- thapurposa utfdetroying rompe- pt-t-iucd aud util]]pri-marvel. fla-ry The tIbsl-cot'-aNationmal l'rot-t-t-5- l-et-et--s '-rt- îrrairgrgi-t tition in Interatata st-d forelga tradte, as heada, s ali-(loien&t--aa'tbone sud ot-et t-t-vaAssociation ban jost comiplot-ad the apoaidtî-mît- rganli veil as dscrmination b>- carreres. articles y-cre fuol din t-be ,grevaa t.le-u',lr-gaulrattt--u of ninri>y- svon localaso- ceuni>- t-rnaunsd ronsia "Such lasglastton t-o certaînly reacb rickvili idtg Dpnieraeert-re dti laut-bt--iettions iniIllut-tt-l. sucrdIng t-e T>ît-ie t-t.Iirt rtileofrt-ttie t-t produc ars guilîy of p i-setires Injurions to lo pe , et flndt-ng val able ,s 1'ol- gs - la r t- - E rieb T mire um e ab t-" r natinal and Intenatona co merct-rt--i, t-e centr ît Stat-es le givenanu laver- 2.- D ATU MiYSTE T M AI alouId, In my jodgmont. lait-bte forsI ELOPERS' WEDDI.NGSTOPPUaI) ll Organirer. ara rorking inat-s-l ot penalizing tha transportation of t-eIltt-st-e reatbratherrninare sienmerouns. ai-r M.ed an Foes gooda peodîrcea by t-be gultyparties sud Pmetlouedmtlsi'ao Houas mdBraide-' Tht-is âociàtlrn la plan-rI. t ila la id1 r it-h Milltla the fadea-icourt-a shotidb. iven ponrs-t-ofe Taiteu nome. riiet-te 'sit rlite fermer oshah ltai tor A wmaildreas"l iminw t-n iest-i-in sncbitranapoitation at thbe Mise@Ilylvia Ps-t-L stid t-'a les Krel- bcn l rin thrairel. 'lraheoue- rn'ns -it-ta uort- aîcy sit ut govarument- t-'der, Ieadirrg rut-t-g sit-let>-îpie utle ualC t- ent la enra-lb>-t-he fermers. fitleIî t-rasriliait. rt-car t-lt liinviile, tho lopi-sit- eleillet. -t-re raterresi t-t-sr à a, a-s. 'The.feaments rr f Iritct. mitlt-lt-rt-u PRESIDENT ON TRUSTS. uterept-ed t-beb>-t-be alteslff on às le- Ibeeseatet-trtoit-ayrat-lier embers if suy, bsd. Theumlnenusstra iphoeefrui-Miss Fal.îtk'a fat-bar. analaIt-eutpt la. mada t-r, malle unjt-st-cae*s-g st-at-ton at-t-ia p11,5. elat tssat - hi bYRossveit Peoimt-s Ou5t tunea hartl. Ast-t-ing ai C.iisewaiia efart irashisi. @st-ilira i r-lcout-binetrurt-i'ltia. t-utritre uA Some ltvIls ami Reit-edies 1 MisesFat-tlbmeuzt- t-o t-ebeol-une of Kli- prr" ac-rhne t-b ti hîrla toe d tt-s rt-ring a rt-trd. 'fit-re Presirlent Roosevelt bas Moade knu-r drs parnts. nsteal t- ier eau. Rais- ownru tb oussat-lt--ortt rt-n lrut- ia bis the attitude of is administratliniegard- Livresot Mineasilrt-lbntt- t-o t-be Kidi-r vsm t-teft-rtrmodr'),t-tai üIg trust- ansd combinat-lin. A st-st-e- bt-ut-ebtt t-relrrfiiiued t-but absauJ mi CTAVe C(UAL UTPUT la Dit-. InuIlt-ecoioc un. t-as a 1ment- rhlcb follors cloftIi t-be reciuru- Krelîler lt-ad efIt-nt ri,!t-ba ost-t--n.-îis Iteprîhît-c i.rahbt1 mendationna rade b>- Attorneue eri utl t-erly-ttin feendoi. Thra vetaca -t- Isse tua. er a[mintVeniar -Sb.rstnu va.Th-r-ulaI nt Et-sox to tha judiciary commit-tees of t-be ans et--aties rt-t- buhadau ofilcer sent- t-rt iiO.lllIM y."t notas it uine& course tut-oelî 1 Bnate sud thaflionne ras given ou-t- et- pritti. lic fîtt-îtitbt-- part-y ai .ofar-tt- Tir aaoi coai rairtt llinois. lu- fui a slocf uinflit-'l ou-ît ,tha White fHontsansd la as ltiions: bo-huos, act-tileli.frot-t-rtoit-n at--ittt- at-ad hy t-be St-at-a honanirît labtur iurrin, der ih-,ry t ieut-t-lit-tauit-t- The peupla t- lenst destnst-b.busIness 5et lus Misa Fýat-l n b » Vat-, rett-rt--rd bur t-o shows t-be t-t-al output rîf tha915r tt-tlt-rs. .t-h. coutt-t-ie b.t-terfered writh b. balierparet-taai4t-le PSt te ltoih 3t--t-21.3t0 t-uns. rlrlobPLAN SHAI? raIOR -0 1t-ha regulat-bon feremaas o cent-rai combi- i lgtitroc lyrfu ea.Dr tioeusvisera t-e ta> atmpr-opetansd te FIR1AT EWTON ic the ea 1 es. er t-at- tr. ldti correct suDy tedeaey tia-id tmasopoli. la-t MID-N tOU FEAT NWO. D -eys I ieurs-dttI.Otttpice .1Crlinrslhle I t-is connuy, isera muser t-chisie sBd- hava been openeal. Thte nunt-lt-r outilbr a Y.Motsu-u aladaaut- at-d mit-is t-hereaclaof flanaos Bt-elt i Fin-e fBuste". M..«s. Coat' pirtg Mines l. 332 aitJdtt-ie ct--tt-pttas Tialtsuetsli capeble mas, attuer-pot-y t-titIiraiimposasie ats-dl ttdc O-s. 2,2470 h vrg ai- tl--t-p - t iti-ru t- u-tttgt--- Ilcmtlt-tos is.lept t-i-ce.e t-aleut-erpi-t-eas havacrtain adisas-t-A $ 17,01) irt-t-011te mcml .tde e' t-f»ter---ttta]t-t-ie mine la $1.17. T ereptort- t-t-t mont- nto t lot-t--t-tc It-sss0Ye lrge combin&Ut-anad rtIlles public sqattu-ee - ettr bc-!att i-tistbt Ieaaadtti' i--r --r, -u tttb, ttl-- asal t- Ifrita irsared of ut pe il tand fuir mildntht lt-atutdur estroycd I sx lt-oi ri- pi-ef n tr a-ltesuttbe tu---trtI i--ltrtt- îîui ttt--t --- e .sud. Rebate sîrd disrtlatiTrates cas- nz o i t- e nteMnso heSai u n o mt-tute onue ut tire ire-st-t-t-tlues uscon- nsmritssd --rrlid s evi-nthI. tl'Ie t ia ty-ri> inemen mt eattin-oexplo t-î tt-tt-ct-rt-t--it-t-sSt-ait--aurd petition. Tira>- usastir vaitthaerage lire t-se-d lut-b. t-lnt-r>-of t-he v st-t-t-t-t -it-nrt- iurjuoth -e ryeietaci-iuse~ t 1eo t-svorad cocrne and., suppo-rt-tii55àtveut ilit--e. No lt-tes aser, lot-, bot Gft-irtîr- uat-* it--l t-ut-esrt-il>iI 1voueI of caputrat-rt-tat t-et ah hrepresecte lTounglint, a gui-otiat-i te Evet-na t--t-ut-use. rîmonumernttut»"aiti-ssti sot-l-lubt set-at-anst-age ovesrivais. .lsnmnE-s fies cent-i-liraIslai-gel>-t--atha spbutt-dt-sg of me' mas sneiunsty hurt--labit-ctrt- tfa(ti -tti '-etc--> tltl s--lcl5D-) -- agaa-aeta-il ae Dopoîr be~~~~~oad inlailing bt-s esctpefruitrt-tht- lirî-aSt-at- ai)tryt-ei'a lAaerr--inti- luirtu-ton futr t-las- irrnunîr iatlgadtItionat: "Dg aaaewimel fae. tadfli all eondat-gererlt-leort-ts bhalu-ieraun. OffItcv vera aiet-wr t-ruu -f t-r-rit-l alvili Tet-e it isi- a.l ooicn lm itres of iresoren n ifdauJ r-lt-lt-ct-t-S set-t--i--t-t'Ne - h_, 'rivle nt Int-etât. t-i-ade t, eautad rofua tnm- timîs. ThP ut- b out u-trises ocre iafî-tl- ~-tt -tttt t- it.tietE-- tt ust Bolsei a patso ir ý-edelâe lut-ta-John lisurcbug. Et-ans Illtt-r-I t-uit-J - - FOM K(j sgis-tbuse h., gît-a.ast.i tua hs t- "rInIura.$10_ A I-r1tt i-licoik- ce-aor>. leg- 't--.(l- t- alve iilegat udsirrastoeo. t-ecaerrt-t-a-ry,-, lMat: Gtr-tteaIl.Sbrap, hardwarlt-g. l--r>t-tluiuia-jh trO 1.51 uscdl-v crimaillatit--t-sprcsets 5120(10 I;litir& ('-utvin. t-t-a t-%kriiot-.,-trîEIi-uritdo . telIîîin t'r-:R_.Muâd at n Ci le particuierlaslo,.Iitlem -cs-t-Iltra 5t-s$tXW-'ltc n ranate-la--e h'a tn-bt o.-rd - J f.- illll). ba- ltC t-pu-iposa af desttoiorg con tlo't- o1,), ct-lit-os .lut-vb athurd'j' o t-t-dy. (liI-a-iurg - t-iH.lGrler. mogu ts.aii r l imoier to mre r uoditce it-lt, et oft-tfbhe LI Lb sti,t-î. St- Jt-r--b. oft ltto -tttttJ tr-t - " . an t h n s e O ff ae t i r s al . o r e a s p o d U c or- ei- m cto i t- ire Imiutsd opus tire interat-ata sud fuselas f.51 ttai.Th- or.nîtl- t-at-rspor-of gouda piordued bt-emn. Ie& hl ar ui t- SudO eesit-tt--- sboutd tua gtae u er.Raîdentetaof Areut. Cptesà. Bi-g Train Tt-te-lt-tsa by It-b embmt-tutgutftt-e (1:1--11;yenoit-. non asutt--it-C t- tarente,»tetutb isaportattis aet-t-bhe ' ,aend DistorîlaneFaut. Cnterrt--- ho--ttt-t te autIMtaIrsal lt-hi uîamid b>- artti-t 't rimets suiti MchW mt-bey t-Matotrît-l for lt-os Bahtegtlilo ta se1. asse a-a-t..t-he Threat- yreaelurirt-utt-ibauikt-e-î-rartil- i.I- ail uit-iettratsc oruteralv dun eat sud uite poilceman-tr tt-re uteut-t--rt- t-tf t- Lewis Kerchît- f KoStllIttt.hltlIe play ut ellt-ttc---tt -11gprtie 1-giveauas ffct-lr-O remet-t-riluthlm eltsueet rord utf1.0(0citt-sof utAmn-tlt tt-it, i: iti lî t eovr bot-îensd instanitt>' agot-i'ty tl-it-i te-tt y eea tnat- loites InbthpaI-orest-tlas. , aemizod sutd roîrfisated saixte-n car luos llort-lii ts 2-yenr-old bruttIr.t-uil---r--thsilte t- Mai-ceSet- ht-l u-ha stouplîl Iry Lh. ofutconon--r-the tlt-nois ('entraIliruckr.'l'e The plant utftte t-tut-t-b aluri trrt-t- 'att-tPlt-.t-t t-t-rthestrt POI t-oisgsaiIt-ltuo areuti-oiait- heaie- cru alns lu troait tu (bireato. Iuitt-so oi-bst-Rock Isiand, hurt-rt--t-I.n lt-bt- trs t-Si y lsgt te ul thbe desperate ns, t-e otuaileitAi a$35-00 o sdinsuranea of $9,000. lVAt-LLP-5t-IINVAt-) là..t- etrasalmuttassboa t-bat t-be pertltle refusci) t-olet- rlt-gt- Tony Houbek, Il ers.oluli-to-ivorl t- Tise prolit-hlt-to agalst sstemes @hols tbruughaft--r t-be trainhadoitt-ppî-d b.c tafiinjuri.s 1, fsiling fromntuait-Vooù itoSet. Oiatt Hltil - b. lt-attt-ad lti --tt-sa e st-t-ject - cua - --hrttc-- t----o--t. 'î -the.-t te-- ttio t ttr Mo----t--I-n LOuba b o reate ontne t- -.1 st>- 111riritee causelof lt-t-t ttengr-luet-t- uisîl -t-tmd t st-att-on ft-Vinoplitnt rr-ra-ut-fu ril C_ --at-lu e tt-rt o aralanal rat-ar Ui» of reidenia pst-ti hc>eiore l rati iist- Iitinrrabirofgcit - as onea nlit- re-rct-iitrcrlto publiit-bal t-r t -r ct-il. Su it- e.trrr avre dî-lt it-lnt- t-O -tIl l-i-jreru-es'xatu u S-t-s ttlartc t-it- d-r a t-e t-t-ou raesas sado-dtore t-i e l t-ar 9f ta atpt-sa t-rtrt-rsri-lu ttil ptoieortrt-g int- o o - la Mlte elit-tnt-d. fit asonrcupied is as --hit kti-iro Is r atero tltat-t Wt t-ui- liauaporltto am 1 ouis 1r u .rn si b .tr âg *r-essaet-t-y t-ct u thef-ire t - lets-ttion.iing tt-us>- ister foi-av,-ry ton ti-tt-rt- 'dine loo- rt-anitt-li 0.l).ufeslo ul t- - Accrat-a , oga 1,nat-arsll- tut-t-iffit-l-he rtd t esa LOV-E LEADS Tu St-lc-t-at-ten-It-at-tiansd Miss 1t-leaitshi-r- ,,t'it-t-eatltrt-art- t- at-nî u tlit-st-aris rcuiatut- ns pt--t-t-tprïr eitnt-m rinorrîu, Ky., wOr- -mat--rt-util Ire J. J. ('unt-r o- t. traMe b>- o -leasbJeot- -t tit-ateratse Popt-i alY o Wot-siî f 'rece,rd il-t-lt-cab utt Mli-it-prlit omîtdriug t-i iltlii-nutdlit-r-i-t I.commerce St-i a-a lý. est-r t-anirstha pair- PptrDrinkso i -bultle Acid. utntriti .[,s--lt-o catch straira. t-ecttt-a-.-apravaillîr label] ati -s-asuil atý-opstbltpst-aleie 'ir oot-i- Ioerfllsexet re- lating the at-toluid t-te putit-ireti.Miss It-'am"ie Mceoe-.daurgit-erof ilitt-'uceuttItu-mau--rrlo-sx-ttt. Provision stouid ahot-ast--r matie ta retcis John Metieabe>-, a t-t-uinu-s of Ven- lunSOt-t-Ol report- ircommet-ada ravision ut le cerporat-losa elrd ues i pr les, ýcommitteul suicide hy t-olts a-ateS-tel-i fttt- at; aebultohalnILE N.ti-I dl lesnter vt-ris at-arme'. T h ispi- &Cid.The stiter oveoit-ttait-r-n-tt kat---t-t-ut-t-t-i ehorlllag pree it tutat-C vision aboutiti reatre orat-. t- o cucers eh lug sud seenueul lu gîod oajiliil. .1<er fltos MeaL, twtho v-eut linuait-eîce- (One Trait-aean lt-lesa sa fat-t-enan reaittes, a topi t-screattiré,t-be tamly ret-riclt-be girl tIi-nk t-bhleleltb-sarlu at-Cent-cuis Sertt. 2Slso t-ha Bistrot-t-n CuIi-si saoelicemmodlles Lu~tire genesai prifa rot-tt-eut-s uout--ttt-tt-out-t-celxttt--e utf i-olir resait-ofuIlslott-ra' qtreelîdh--a-eer Tit- xpss-u-n le7pIrf ura u itlef o tus t -brry o- d.Eurly t-Ie fît-lb mit-tg morîîiînber sor et-aerd, fla lîrlîeealx elyt-g. s va-tit-nît-rtto curlilsî- Y. seLon aas- iter fheurti tuer gi-ut-it-tg ad gît-t-Dt t- Suft- &Co'a1tarkit-gt hu--te lu Sprirg- t-hoe Ii V ir. A fin-ut-i lt Spuibsfa-u t-eWt-t--ae lirsruttut- fit-t-t-ni er unreousclouse. Sttfbeltrlduit-tu--t iren-btle a bh it-t-md mas gunacri- it-de-eiaittadMi i- Hesvy railleshortt Memrphis, Tenu.,swnas 17 yeara oldAl dt-etry poputlai- artions raglrag. The blase n-sa ronfinea t-o a Cor-ht-an werra proît-uhî it- aid $5w,)000 damage. tha yuntg peuple ut Venice. t--lunssid hty traîne departoietuoun t-ho tesrut t-be t-hacas but-t-no teft t-ht- Mes. Lyde W'aid, Wr, St.uuis, torucal1 close frieîtda ut Miss MeGeotur->-tltt dia- parking bouse departmeut-. A $10," 6as kuomn noue uf t-ho 14en the gag. It-asa. appoint-mont- Iu s love affair prompt-adbi-r stock o ut - as as seriousi>- damageal b>'serluursty lui-r utt-o auJber lite. smoke. le Wekoit- &0. alad d. r-Turingt-tirli-ri le recb lt.six. akan, al- u utt-Benjamtini Il. Feegrison, pt-i . A tIt-ecotigirl nst joel i uas't-ea NAB ALLEGED TRAIN ROBBER. dortt ut t-lt-oSt-trit-r-tieid Marine ltartk, at--but-e t-tr la ut Ut-.x at Bceeleita ia no-e 10, druppd eudrad rît-ltia office aithetlt- iank. suii.cind i l riblltt-ravt 000 to Chicago -univebl>-. >.ective. Ara-ast-EH. MEutelle foi- Ho oas roorit-lîlasnevlaper st-len tt-a -t-ycininr-. ThergirlIl id King Edvart-wIlnl. it ban benauns- Burl«stton Hoil-ib. rterk net-r bit-rt-osut-reint- Jet-p t-b ler5 8 Mrhuum-tttroe nonel, viett-i Imanal Doit yaar. H. B. Est-elle Iras eerrbrougbt- t-oChu- and tut-lt linliun huilur. lit-odiedi ha-kit--tt--r- uaLnu nocqrtrtinio M, Miss Clura Barton ban beau etecte a tgo fi-utiMent-phîi, baving becîtasi-elt- fore s dotrt- outuid he asumol. Scltieveie--e m prsidot- fs lie ott-bsNatinal .d d b> Pinorto detectiea o t-b chrge t- abeadend olliion et-wet Sitt--vo t-arfat-il>- iiddrrg -ho t-D ros Soceir ut ein unet-tf t-e rbtaca rt-o ria Up reiht- -ranaoult-s Cio, Pooria sudI...appoirt-t-t--utt-t-s .ov tri t - IIeIttt Ilr3. A-t. s -- s F Roe e G CaersclsblO sut-ibrtt' s1 c bithe NsI1 ru thé lalg _ matt-a lu df i up o -b ý rcti-t aTtetInlls. t i. sasee ti-al li An ina r00. let-an bluja q. tIie t he o. u c .-t-t tuit-d nus at-ttt- lad d eauIte t-b aui alow5 d.e sud t-bt- îuh. - id b>- t-brpelie-- it-EN. PlmU ttkadw -0 eri. fanth * niit-i ted Syt-are P 11 t-Ie haoit îal e ake l it-, fum tat. skëdate -V t- t-e aopcf tt Ptrt--iente-IW 1e Tbe P5 1h alb hi--eIé b - ql tamte. - ben. Pues. Id vetiate uyt-c- l la Moqtete Uàtî t t Panae vase____ i cof-t-t-tde a,*>.e CIgo u a iamt t- nd a.hoIsitU p.InvaBker t-tPan-wAsfe4 lieut. bs (l aua

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