CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jan 1903, p. 8

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'a, as~ S.,I!Props. 1 Ubrumry-lot our shop aud show room wil be pu for5buuineus lu the new 'Bulkley building, ilbertyville. We.,will in addition> - lnstallng1hot air and ot water plats,'.do all:kluds of:plumblng,rsheet iokl work-and:repairlng of Z every:descriptiofl. S We gtarantee satisfaction and shafl mnuder prompt service. ain toq We will attend to every Job which cornes our way-none too far or difficuit. When we can be of use to you' eal 'Phone 44, we'U] do the rest. We need your patronage. ibertyville Plumbing and Ileatfing Co.,- LIClITFELD BROS., Props. Vomi r Rockefeller Items. The mary jingle of sisigb :bellà la itaqueuty board oa u otreeiS nov-a- Tho litélo dol lu the tbermornetera ta ski@ victy triais Drd 10sud the hoteau cf the tube 1869 Sunday and j M. m. Brodliesd la nul recovealns tamDha rouant ilIneme masapidly ma hmia aeamlgb ii. ne in mulii e.maed tb the bous. vin ltie. oBold. vaacauld bome t'm hbm ahool a Ohioagc sigthla 1551 nid"yevelng onsaccouni 0f lhe glaU aMd deaih of ber faiber.,, * Nsiwli&»ditauIuthe maer. oold v mue be iassi mmaellg a- e"m nel a m all n -vUu én- atitl am lui.smg @e«Mon vas enioled .W.llnflf, nmy Budel, John -J. Boue.aM4i Puiepal ohn Rotge dm» e lm o 0Whellm lauirday nis b aiteda a mulbanquet. DSM iheybave a good lime? Ail hem. Tc mon nes]! sov of the Lais Oeunt-1 ftsllsy ane Pa BStok Amoela- le Sa b atsemai rayalake Iha MUlmd, Ma cf iben exhibitlng eeiufi of thala icOL. Som 6" sabvlum ecfPromis:Kaimg î 1 ucibulftal Bruof Coolk EI bua b.ensvveld dlOche- 84ela oute more tbe banner Uiv. e »»Outar i 0fLae only. They a oertee 01 hoga frucs hfe '~pillai liiiavesaged a 1utile oves jiaSbU5Ired yooad. eaoh. Ou mou. 7 alib abisle Mlunapiée cf tbe maootveaiher bey.pped a car of «alMa»4oae nt boue. Fume»a ber.. abomtiavas.Dov btugig tghe" t0 *m hi Mortselviie i e aesure t lai aeaabuae a ibe bibeelmarIal Tb"i tht. Vinlage as a pro-m'utn fuise la evMont in0au vho «are ais laS lhe movemetl0for ve. Thora jet.mcv no doubi of the exbmealon1o t1@ 1e re l e l oBimmLiberly«lll tetliaplace mi th oouanny rnber vaut.Illa equally certain l&aitIM& village ma bc11e norposalednaoit »Mmoeil if» ollismma no demie. Witl «»M se I mprêaSi imptovemeuir lb,. owv inDeLua poition 10ulaIe fie phlatuhle sa la f v.proga e lve lovua 09 abs county. WIII Our peopleaie su10tle omedal Death of John MaBride. Once mors vo are calisti open tu obroniole tb. dealir of an olti sud reapeoedoIUiL John Meiride ofthi place psaed avay lent bnnday Jauar 11, 1903, aiter a long anti unal lHfe. He lbed been le feeble beallD for eveati yeara ant Inlethe rasent pu aIl batm satroubledti viii VerY obstinat. ulcer oa ir hirgit car vbloh reforued te yield te medical treamn. Ou Wedneeday of Ilat v eek hie est vas operateti on hy sungeons lu WaiLkegan antheb. rdeal 1provedtie10mirfor the vastinfi alreugth of the patiant. 1 MMaMBndw e vahounoar Batly- mena-, Iaeiad. of Soh parents, lu 1822sud vau 8l Jeare aid atSite tîrne of bis death. H. camne te AmerLos in 1881 sud lived for Ivo yem seaIGenesse, New York. Oomlntzfrorn tbere tu Laie OouniY, he lived for four years ai lairtaO. .movingfrorn their &0 ]Pressent sud tbe ferai near tht. 5place vbes. De llved lirty.oue Jeana. ASth .endi cf Ibal lime finding hie alaesgth vas no longer equsI te Mhe 19édorons luit..of tfailira e ornted 9hie fIm and moved te Rockefeller vbese for %h. lutaI eghi Yomn b.anti bsfaMly bave enjoyed the respect kaidonfidene cf ibsir village neigh- i. on and friauda, lu 184 ne vsm amsrnied 1<, Mime Jane liodgarm vho ytbrongb ai l.. eaes baproven a leo1vingSS dd aitiflesesd vbo ia no ot ef10mouruhim deatb. Toe tisa vers boeuitrasohildasu. Tbomam J., Who laé.ngaged lu tbe buartvlera. )fnomain luftbiaslc; Musa andi Lottre vho are vitb their motuor lu bojp ber le thia, ber Urne ai sorrov. 6 A may b.tufenreti frora bls parent. ,tgegosud natlvity Mir. MoBride vuas mam of sterling quaitl., oua ofi lice straight op and dovu charaotes wbvc belUeve lu absolute justice boivoon à- mman d mmn. glvlng te ail that vas re du. them sud exaotug tire same for fI bi»iasf. By bis deasi Rockefeller le loaes one of ils mait sebPtauliol sud r ighiyrempeodcilazos. 1 hofuneral Ià servieos vans couducieti from tûe ýt family rnedeo n' Weduesda ei i iblas veel, MUV. luge Cokun, ai ta Bireatar, a former pastoi aud friand ni aItibe family, gftaiting. The famlly s- have the Atracésmyrnpathy of tht .entLre cornmunly luin hoir boreavo- kt mera. ,1 Ivanhioe Items. âchool Nete.. Aedaa. lamucD Improvet Iunce lhb mida.. Lissia Wagnuer bas ouroîbeti ici vork tu Me0 tosahbgrade. Midiev Decisa vas a receut prise vlasas Lu oue o01liselitie Chroulole Tii eigbh grade vilii accuboge tha séddyf lbe ivil ver. Auyono csriilnai matealal of sny kinti i"iun b. md lathie study of thia p.aicd. vol ouler a pecial laor by afloving ua&0 soi IL. "eVomil lrom boe.attendel the n.aiig eOtld.meeting bhol tia sbcaiensila"1aisaltday afitesucc. Tii nexi meeting vil ho h.ld aI the sa e place, eBarday, jan. 31 Manager Bodge cf tus local secion do.ervea much rdis for tlb.inu,"ru he tabsla, sud tIe ihb.oste lto lb. vork. - Te do not nesMy uy»or uiva- Oia, 1la&MhS 0oonnlay. TeO ld ge0 Ma cg veivll Ilfflbre vere Do us. ,salvesaisl. emabliah.d durins the Mq Y JaBla. Taransalraeadyven- mcha" i viiiuniveatia. mnd colloes. WhY do net iD. millionaires anti sesoverburdened viii monoy ma-ovthe.Pausecgnamar acboolm asti hlh utola Sat aithe chiliren viiseliymai olaatinma atlil? <OulleIr. BrigtD, e-spme.tmedni oSai OOMSY 5cb005j Nov dotsyou ..U04wbU I...Va wsameiere The liberala vesehappy. go vora the ouservatirsa. TDoy eaob leteti ty canilisie lu tbe reoenl Snecce Clubcampalga. The conservatlve paaly elootf et l.cadidates for priai. dent sud tresourer. The liberais caplueeth te vices paeldoucy sud the ooee.u.Dlp. The Mfiera eleclet vene: Pros.. Blary Poilai; Vce.Prea., Rouh Wello; 8«'y., OCirf onder; Trou., Raymondi Payne. The uevly eeted Buocea Club oMfoera vsr. Inaugurate t marlidai vigh conideaable ceremouy. The reting pasldeui, Opail Sith, ln a leu oeilIchosan vords delîverati bar faroeel adîre.. Tarmreports voie baud frocm th. olsarrnaor aiecicorn- milice sud trmoiste inetarer. Aller the bualuéese f ushlabuadmnistration va clearati op, the nav ooees Cook Chair placese.ach nev oflicer de. lirareti au inangial atitreos. Harc Pcmkoi, iMe Dow preeient, aMons obir tout!thinga saiti: 'ellov membersaof the Bacc.. Club: I ibanl yoccfor"hieaxpîcemica ciconfidenuce in moiiang mes jour prealdeut. IMy hope asud ambiion hall be Chai et tb. clou cf tle.teare n aaol net ba dlaappnei La your mlalaon. lu order tu snocueflly sud m*laiactorlly do my datj;in tht. oMoie, I muaI have tD. help sud confldonoe cf tD. mombers, aud nov Invite cordial support la the dubargig cf the presdenîa detle.fot Udtilbe .' Th. tremere,Uymond Paya., aslo Ma vell prepereti addream. Ths us ommiUlare aU <ccd onee andthMe outiol for gffl vol laeaplendl. vli@Mg 4ia moh u a r (vdey$. Woe m.0 17 qff h1 i.Lad 39"..John Habesgea'm 11111grand-à con, lesoy Ba«glie, or Dertield, la " wvîithdiptborla.1 A muet ajoyable Siti. vas b.d by Ibose Who eatieudel given 1 b, Me. Lake Oolsy Boys lai Liberty- Ville on mrday evenlng Jan. etht. r DoW& forgel 1bc1>0 prenantlai the Everattlmellool on Batnrday evening Jannax! 17&,b. ubelp organise a Ulteaary and Musical Soity. Tisl 80010%iY la a gond Uing, commrnud beip tu puai Il along. lIra. Fuank TuUly, Mmra.J. Ouf coran. Misa. Dodo and Ele Yore and Misa Btella Carroll comprlad àtimeatre party vho vent to aec -In Old Ken- tucky"'eaI MeVcer theatre Saurday aternoon. From Chicago ornes lbthe vs c f the marriage of Edward Tors, son of Mir. and lira. George Yora, of Everett, t0 Mis Kaliryn Moliahon, of Chicago, on Jacuary 7th. Mir. Yore Dia lived lu Chicago for a number of yearea ndJ oUi an extensive milk route, while lma loliahon, formerly a tesoirer in ihe Chicago public sohoola, lea a ains aalamable Young lady. àMany,.many long Jean ofi bappineas la the iucec vish 0f thiercountry ieue o1Mr. and lMrm. ors. FREFMONT-CENTER. Bd Wagner vaa a Fremont ciller lâât sonday. G. M. Tract made a business trip 10i Wausgae lait Mouday.C Mlle Traul vas a Wancouda caili teaI Wedneesday evenlug. Jcoepb . fortian vas a Fremout I calter 1lai ilnuday îfternooe ant avaning. Bd Diebolti spel a Couple of day. toasivaek viiting inoenda and relatives in btha City. nia Bea Waguer, of Waukegau, &pont leai Baturdoy aud Snnday vith ber Paente bars. & lilas Mariba Frederîci attene thelb Reading Orele ai Rockefeller laut Batnrday aiternoon. JuDoindelion Jr, badthe mis- fortune te îhIp and aprain bis sellet tait Frlday eveieg.1 Mdisa Manihs Frederiek ateriaiued a lady friandi front DiarnetLakea]lait Baturtiay and Senday. The doue givon at Ueo. HierIts lat atunday avening vas veil allen-1 deti andi a good urne neporteti by al.1 ValentinoeTraut rereedt labis borne lu Wconinuone day lust voua afier opending a fev dayî vitb relatives1 beirs. I. Boni aud lamily retuTeed home one day lastwveak fier apending a coupla of veela witb friands sud reas- tivas lu Wiscousin. WEST FREMONT. T. lMahar la vorking up vooti for bis stovea. lic. Donley ceiuneet home 1rm thie city Tueaday. B. Stone ie vorking in tbe Ice bouse ai LakeCorners.- E. R. Meyer transacied buiness lu lie oiy Tuesday. lir. Cuvoy delivereti huiler tubs for the Froent croaiory l1m a aurday. Augues Beelan la faullng vood for E. B. Meyer. Ho la a clipper te yord lilas L. Dreadon. of Belote, Wim., la tho gu0fetMisa Loomnis foc s ev veols. ira. Sinipson fîmes Mie butter aud cboaamalei of ths Fremoul cesanry The roada In ibis paritniofs.conntY are lu bp.ti iape. Eipv.illy wfen ladiom bava te wll. A mati dog vas ee romploz arotind lu Iis mvlcliiy one day luI ywee Ha vont aouih. l.oooolfor hlm. Mr. anti lrs. W. Stone anti non atleudati the dîme sociable Tuosday evsentg Bteviucouda given fy Ife liebeccia. New Cantury Comifort. Millions ara daiy fiudinfi a vold of omior ile Sckens Arnica Salve. l klis pain fum buron, scaldes, culs, brut"@s; conquors lcar anti lover &ores; curei erupilons, sal beeru. huoleaanti flune; crnaovalcurnessud varia Boat pile curo ou ofinS. Only 211 cante at Y. B. Lovan.a, Lberty- ville, GEAitaLAZI PKIMAOT. APTA KIS IC. Ed Gise vaslu Cicago ]lau waok. JaIs Glau returnedtu tO(bicago Tues. day. Mi. Whigam vas lu Chicago Sai;ni. day. Dreamakrinl Apatll are vecy bnay nov. 'W odiug belle viii scoourIng lu oui littie iove. Mima Emma échley celerueti froni Chiqago Saturday. Aibert iaba ivse1w ln Chicago s le e iys liai eel. n yvui~. 0eO~ AUSUM evu~uuuasy, a. Inehlas abippel a Mr lonS cf arar te the «Sy tis a vek. Wr. Uchuler sipped a car load 01 Wood 10 Wauxegan 1aut l.* jlii i.Braaturm vtslited friand. on B51,08 AV., Chicago 1mat veel. lia.. Daurlger and daigblfBaslI, reluaned in Blvervlev Tirurday. H. Belfer iavad a qnantity of vood for hlieuiliand J.O5. Grley 1lut veek. Misa Mary Arnanu han reguireêd front a tvo veeka viit viti relative, ln Chicago. A fev o! our youug people attuendi the danca ai Bahm'a, Wbeellng, on Batnrday uigbl. lira. Herman Mollie. vho bas beau Ill for rny mouthe bas gens go a Chicago bospital. Mir. anud Mr@. J 5B. Oridlay atteuded the Installaion and Banquet of ihe Eastern Stars ai Libertyville Tbursday nigbt. H. D. Webrnberg antiMr. Chas. iierachbergar wves ach unucky snongb 1te loio a borne last veel. Fred Meirboff, of lHighlaed Park, and Amandft Stade, Edimon Park, viie(i Mary AllenRbacb liai veel. Wur. Scbuler, %tic bas a contract t0 tilt eivermi orftie les bouses bore, bas neguu euttirg snd barvaatlug the 10e crop. sic. Mille, Br., vbo bas been $pend- iug a fev yeens vltb bis son. Heury Muis). reluneg b bis home tn Denver, ('olorade. Ibis week. Ptbte hubert, our uight operator, wbo filued the samo Position trnm- porarily Bt Burlingtou, haireiunet 1 bis position bers. Kddt Noubeeker, wbo iilled tbe posBitil boesas' aubelitute bas gous 10 Bagron. Dr. Lockyer ras calloti lut veek te oae John bMeBride, vbovas ftslliti, followiug au oporation perforrnod upon hlm ai a hospitai on Wednsiday, .januaiy 71f. Mr. aMeBride died Mou. dey. Tvo o!fcr village belles von- tnced out for a drive Buuday &itar- noon vithonbt tLeir noua] probectori anti Jact Front umade a veîy close acquae. tance vlithibeir esaîbefore they returuod. Tbe mauy friendi 01 lira. Alleusbatch viii be ptosaed 10 learu ibal&habu a ndergone a geeaasul oporation a$ tIre Chicago iPost Oradesie boipilal and le feeling as veli as eau be ex- pecîod. l'heocererons frientisilu Ibis locality of i HILusi,the bcîtlicg machine agent, vili ho aurry 10 bear $bat ha framtred one o! tie bones of bis leg ibrougi alipplcg wvila valking up gtaire ai Wbeoling 1ai Saturday. Thirteen of the Youg people hera alltende th i.Installation and Banquet of Vtruvies lodge of Misons et Whelieg Saturday ulgirt. The banquetWvasàa rry aj)yahle affair, the eaiables heligierved lu the Chicago flouse' feat stylo. Prof. Hetela orcestra fcrelod the music for a pleasaiu litîle dance alter the banquet. Pains ln the Stamnach. Lite lootbahaue.tiis t8 cot e dangeronra, but a decidodlyupl«asut alimont. Pensons vbo are inniet 1 allacli of Il yl beipleasod 10 1.0v Ihai prompt relief may beclnad hy iallng a dose of Chamnberlalua Colle, Choiera sud Diarchoea Kenedy. Thiti ramdy tg equmlly valuablo for oblîciren sud vbeu ceduced viii vator and svoeteued la pleasani 0tal"e. For sale by F. B. Lov=.L, Lib>ertyville; GsrÀrBLÂEPHARIEACT. HALF DAY Claylîs bob 15lm loviy recoveîiug frorn fis al'ack of lypholi lever. Abert Rockenbacsb anti famuly moveti on to . . Trippa s errlia&ntveel. Tic blaclimitbs le tovo bave been kept vecy fcoy the pasi ivo veeka. S. L. Tîlpp boasheon scfferlng vlth an attscl 0f musular renmaim. Merm. 1B. Gleason antiJ. Churchill Iransacteti businessin uWolegan leit I hursday. MIr. sud Mia. 1P. J. Iiockelunain udt famlly of Lîbertyrille, vîileti Ibeir mnoiber, Mr@s. Luebhe ou Senday. M.%I. . . Hiteblegsanmd son Leslie of ulenvlev, vîsîleti ber parente, Mr. antd Mi. J. Richards on Snday. E Er Eastion, of Dovuais Grave, solti bis tlmber lanti aouti ovu wnto Mn. Licdstrom, of Hlgbland lPail, labt week. Couiltierallun $40 per scre. Services vill ho beld Inluthe Hall Day cebrich cnxt unday Jan. 181h ai Il a m. fy 1ev. Fovior uf Diamonti Lake. Sundsy ichool qki 10 a. ai. Eveiy ose lnrllsd 10 be pissent. Mc. EcglIsb. of Michigan, iecently open$ a veek vith Mc. L. lovera anti daugbies ie Ba ile aeceomniet i hm fumea ater bavlug.visiteti ber latirer anti stalors for maeral mouif s. Typholti levai borna 10 o prevalent le oui lilla towu. Julies anoeilmamn Tiare vas qeilo a hig charvaril lu lahericg 1,àviib a a ao mî0îcI l Apailut1maivoo. vhlcbla e eixtb patient that bas A. Mieha udI atiMUly re-e riilg a&1 scllared iib Il ibis fait ant i vnler. J. sh1ey»a lutI iunday. Mr,. anti Mra. Wigam yl hbuilti a Mmi J. ie. la visiting ber dangbîer m i oa n hî eoU ia- But t iKajikakea. 1equrd pîoperty in Lîbrtyvillo Ibis spiu. Then seema 10 h qulle a Biasler faca Ilova, vas vlatlng bore, ville, lira.M. Suis front Esulakea, vas viattilg relatives hors a feu, deys lau aenli iaoev voal. Kodol dou sfor the iternach Ibat vic il la unatia ta do for itéeall, veu Head@ Should Nover Ach*. vhen bot sigbltly dîsordereti or oyez- Nover sanaurethlm trouble. Une ai loadeti. Kodol .sppH.a the natural ioe the r.mady thal aloppedte15for julces qfiigestion and dosa the voîl lins. N. A. Webster, 0f Tinnie, Va,- of tbe alornacD. neiluag the norvena ahé vrile 'Dr. Rings New Lite Pille tension, vIhle the lagimed rmuai.. cof vbolig«esd me cf air headaches 1 lias crgén re»siloveti 10 neel and belmulre frai otIvoemn.'Ouro@o hat. Rodai digosis vbab ycuffl1anti besadache, osltpabion. bllionu.m enbiet tbe momacbanti digestive l8oenieii P. B. Lovia, Lîbertyville;, cugants te traiOwa aUlfood mbonleD, GKAYIU PIUUAAO. mg blond. . .Lovai-e, LibeflMile. lma. Enlim I peut a feu, laya l spatial mle ef ammuailcu a$ Hugbaël hardvare astr..- Wm. Brooks et<4ved a 16 Dors@ pover gasoline engin* Iai veek. lir. aud lira, W. 0I. Mola are &ponding a lew days la Waukefao. Bamember IDhe ntetalameni on Frlday and Sturday eveaiega cf Ibi§ yack. aed vîli movre to Wauconda &bout liarob lei. Attend ihe snteriainimont vblcb viUl1 ho Slace by the Wauoconds Minainals Prlday andi Saturday eveulne, Jan. 23 and 24. Win. Clougb bas carpeutars et vork remodeliug lbe interlor of the: Bammoud borne vblch ho yull occupy match lot. Il te îald lIrai a contract bas been leli for lha building of au eleclrlo rallroad througb tRia place. Tbe lino start. ai 0OaklPark aed viii run 10 Foi Lake. NI. Curran aud lMr. lioGuMu eto Lib)ettyvlille.attendad.a ipeolal corn- mueicallon of Waucoeda lodge, A. F. and A. Md. Isat Tburiday evening. A banquet wâasîerved by the ladîsa of the M. E cburcb. Don't Worry. Tbis la casier .ald misa doua. yet tg May be 0f @Ooebellp tucoubLder the molter. If lhe causa e haonehiug over wblcb jon bave Do coulcol Il te obvions %bat Vorrylng alîl eut Dalp the malter in the lemat. On tbe eCher baud, if vithin your ooutrol you bave ouly go act. Wbe you bave a cold and lear an attach of puenmoeia, bey àa botule of Chambarlalea& Cougb BRenedy and cse itjudlclouily aud ail causa for vorry as go the outcoeorw ili qulckly disappear. Thore la eo danger of peumonla vheu It in uied. For sala by P. 1B. LOVELL, Lîbentyville; GlATi- LAKE PHRIMAUT. LONG GROVE. J. P. llitzeetbaler aavsd his vooti lait Saturdéy. Mcra. W. Hoilmayra broken arm ia Improvinfi uicely. Mile Stevens visqited 0(. J. iHercher one day lait veai. AntirevHercber visile t ai Mle Kiau' 1lai Spnday. HeryWebreuhsrg l one of hié bait borés erceutiy. Frank Rappert Iranameled bfnenluc lu Chicago Woduesday. Mr. sud Mca. Cs. Lafrentz vlsulcd 0. J. Borcber lait Sunday. Fred Kruagor made a raIl at G J. iloîcher onue day laut veol. Antiîov Hercher recolvedtiebis no toerorumlai Mouday nîiht. WliIIUmhdenatock la bugy &swing vood foc neigbbors aud f riands. lIra. Landau visited ai Cbarles Lafreuiz' a few days lait veek. Eau Goviller ls very loy ai cuvery. If youwv@Ltog0uacribe for a ponltry piper apply to Andîov Hercher. He bai a good onus. ltis Emma Baker, of Riockefeller, has been sporrdieg a fov veela'islh ber sîsor, lira. Geiorge Quentin. Andev iloreber veut tc t.iayilakte Thnuriday te attend tfs Poultry Sbow a few daya. He tblsomte fir de iorig Tfs farmers are very hnsy baeiing les for Ifs Long Grove creamory aud the blackairis ar-e bustling ibis wirjler. Fred Wagner, bîioer Clara sud cousin &Ibert sud othorîfroun Fremuont Centro atlendedth le New YTusrdance uILong Grovoý AItlthe Luihersu efurch on Wednea- dayni aIsi2 oclool vili occur the marciage of Macîh Clara, dsnghter ni hi. and lMr@. Jacof Sefley te Henry George Baker. Reoepiion follovi c.-cn-m'ny. aI UnionuHall. PALtATI N E. Mr. and Mr&. John Swlel are viblllng iond a lg ile t preeut. Hernry Grebe bas secepteti a positionu le bis brotherstmore in ilicringi(nu. Mise Sophie, f cgloklng, 0ni rcmgo, viteti vilh ber parants over BSndtiy. Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Tos bave for their guest at present Mc. Fubi, nf Iowa. 1 Mr. andi Mca. Keyei lsd for Ifehr inas ieir sou Levissud vle fron Roselie coconlly. If flyiug torles araehtpe the vedding hello vili ring aisrlr luin b e eear future lu Palatine. Misa Blauch Schiortilng ontertalcoti ber coue, Misa Lena Caiov, nf Evansiou, tl@ e eel. Mntr. Wcr. Vois anti Miss Aima sue. tiedth ie Corrol Lemko veddiug lu Ohicago Weduesday Jan. t, 1903. Wetiuaadsy Jan. 7, 1903, Mr. George Andonman Si., of peaurnaa sst 76 eres. An olti anti mecb rospecsd citizan. ___________ The peccliar nough vblcb iedicatem croup, is naliy woli kuovu 10 bis motion o01 caoupy pbiidn.n. Ne urne sacîti bbetinlutheotreatment of il, anti for tble punpoae no medîclue Dia celveti morea nuvarmal appîral Iban Chmmboilml's Cougb Memsdy. Do nul vaste valuahie lima lu axprIlment- leg vigh untrieti remallea, no malter boy bigbly the y aiay beioecommouded. but gire %biiimetIlcins as dinacletiandi al'symptona ai croup yl lqulckl.y diaappear. Fan sala by F. B. LovaLL, LbatyIlîle; GnàisLÂKs PEiffaOtic. Feed MIU Notice. 1 yl l rnd Deeater ou Tuenays and ffabfdeys cifsacb veek. PEuàx DoLz4 u, Irsc. 1-k. Srti Two Fo INDIANAPeOL u:I IND P Ths auarai Si adetio nu ur. Uth ie lo i a e d ail tn. bo pdnsn to i arruuas and ng ~the liermrt nyîSup t h n Pabeout&ievon Weeve Fa umroferou 1Bfi F9MC N O: MRE. t This npaw eled r i n ie o b nw uiling ro Lands&Hlu Liernve opu, iIlavre ts andrsoprthion in the pu. k in l"Ad re« al, cars, t . n bsdsth:a1 m En havr, DET, LB7RTVIfEncl gThe Pg e k fedruenti of rild enwing.have ts castnera deep lu the gsi andytin stro inlyce.Tohe fence when ofplted, *1 aid crdbt terailcrsaetc,pand nsd o the M Wven WreFene Copan a crditboWriote rCalogue:-nyad oth 1 +4 PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT. V. P., a"o Mer.. St. -- cago. 0. 1. LUJ LOCAL AU Uib..yvn e, j WRIGllT BROTHERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builderi and Vehicles of Materials an ail Kinds: ,Hardware :: Coal, Lime, We solicit you, Cernent, Sait patronage ansi aM and Feed. sure satisfactioe WVRIGHT BROTHERS - m We ihave teîî set of 800 aînd 1000 lb Platform Scales tlîat we will close out at $8. 50 and $9.50. They are standard niake aîîd will îîot last long at this price. Do you need a Set? SCIIANCK BROS., Libertyvi lie - liii,-, 4-, lé - âj

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