CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jan 1903, p. 4

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*OSviiav, Jan At 23. 1908 "UL A TEIL TIO.aNftl- Paruiabed b Oib ounhi Tlll6 A Trust 0o. o1uei f Titie. Titlle. taranflO u$ .lTem'ple Bldg. Wak¶amniI Louis J. GraENU. s y. houa inluchscarv te Win. Gothird ....e...0 dêi .......... a5 1000 00 0. O1irtsca et ai te Jua J. n lot .ial. 1and la D' siub WaukeauiBq a..... MMisd ci te Edwd ~alot IR bil 2CiilnsOA OeSdWaueui v d ...........185 00 .*~AOmuiOS ajdW te Anion ~auoltebih ,2 OmmI-n s& aOPdd kailhO ...W..... .... 1a2ai jg br"ÉcIrk.Powel*oadd okean q 0c. ......... .......t i S uunauad W t obt Dd., un a >81D i Ôoaà aWau- - bIt wî M .d 1Aaiianad w! te KeUhriuDe aU in = deed ..... 2o 'w Da»n teJanF flonnetir âeIIIIt 2 n% »c-l vwd... il-. 8K I~ l at.ioMd buaet malte Wn = e surco rx Mo la &bd lm a" »v s1-40-10deed t1 WiAeks ad bue te Graratate 1sUT part nvM esc0t0 ts- l 1114,1eoaaiid cfW Sma M U rff aukefl w ..........125100 v ej Qu m .HamictIlota 3 Mua l ClanerteNortbiesterfl U ,a v of eaiieoan ad e of jae osidiU................. 1370 Mu1Ama to a, L Teagiou lot bl 0 âIlh Waukoacan wvU.... M00 lSIeSI tal to agate Bait of .iIthAtioc c d ...... 47 00 KoRl to Jun Fir00ses i viitd .........Mot - d i tie TG Ef- 8;ew e 22i-6-1d. 0@Ou 5L$0REAberna*h @" wlaidvite lac L Irultivlaec îs-jý4-11e sii00 ~.il7et i l M FTbommomiei "a l Sud va %30nex ,~beala go JuIf ci Frankel 10 Armilesd'a add te go..................... 1 0 'fFjt Ybo utIna raitelotio Wb 's eItead'a add te Wauhe- ....................... ....l0 r ion te JutIns Fraitet eftC bih 7 Arrntada add te q e...................... l1i0 JglOt 5a nd2bi9rstad bus te 8111.. lm si ha î 8@ btits 16ug 1 oigD u dVId.............m00 , x Jx & (ItcIiWCosy o orWa ea b v .............s2M 00 BIl oBute airbet a ter ansd esiaa e flea byo b . 9qualan oemmito aiJ2oet. A 1enug Btter Mark et.Sau of. Il b9weeli 501E,000 pouisda. EAST FOX LAKE. iant Galiger oaieed vood Salurdiy. Frah it ilger INii liiiug hl@ Iaohouse. Let NelaontIlo ied ielieuse alt Mira. Tweced vas a taller lai ibIs vicialty Saordes.a lira F. L. jaiger and iicngbters voie Digtobu msiora Bandas, Louis Lnat sud brother, of Froenot, veau on our treete Mondas iookIng for borse.. There vil 1 ha pfo$cting ai the achocl. boiealaiEast Foi face Bandasaller. noon Jauuary 25&b. Mies Mary Tveed bashai eencharge of th. Round Lakte poitoilice sînce the death o!tlMr. Krkpatrct. The fanacrai o!Miii sCela Davlilu vn beld luntheC Othllltebahrch a Mctlieory ou lluuday mrong, ater vhicb the ru-matu e veo laid avay ibeiîde tînaîr of tho dear oes oaane belorc. Maiy the Ieavenly Failer tomort tin o aoroing brther. FORT HILL. V. K. Galiger, oh Foi Laie, la vert- lung for Ira Smnih Xils Suala Loiza la et ho-ne aler a fev ceehe ehaI Vaiel. Ira Smih luauiicted buinosea aI P'raire iev on Stnrdiy. A . LCuînnbeataîfdeai the 'onlry lShoweat ryricike haturday. Mr&., C. W Combe, oh Chicgo, la apoudioz %bis veeh clLh lMr@. C. E. Combe. Thao on the iich litare aiea. A. W. Fox. Mra. H. Davin, lira. C. E. Combe anti D. V. Wait. Ms. C. Cevelandi, of HaîInasille, la ulaying vite ber brotber, A. W. Foi &Bd calug lorthtino ich one.. lit SBort Paddock ejoieil a mi4S troi sr prents, lir. sud Utt. Latine Muitti, ad altier, lire. lneoby, of (tiunee, ieceotly. joéepO Davis va" tfino iie! à aUSgfae ari irlai venIDg.About .$unly 01 li.yotng frIeuds ueieto ýnbSs emme sud al e Vary pleeaut la es et eonstruslcm e ,urmd Ar tn aemCc% mn.vas;Oarlei, vhtoli. l~orm. ins .a i nadoquate1 a nm the loua. The fioioy vili Dol b rebt6l. River Vie dépueidlmrgeiy apoc tii aatory for Maintenance, aome 165 mm nbaingsemployel, andi a lier industries ei onaelime operating tbe bave elsber ni1eed or removel the Utile vilage Gin bardly vîthgaind ias lattât; dhmester. Close College at Lakte Foreat. Mondiy Lake Forest coiiegevwu cicu»4 iPi a veetai a precauiouari maauie $0 prevent the apread 0f star- lot layer. londa but tva case@ vere r.poiled. lrof. Stevensandi Fernon J. Blaok, but Il vwu thoaght vise 1tta immedialand deoilve @tpa to atmmp oui the dreattod diem.. No atudent la alioved t0 ieame the campai. several chose cases are uadocld.od are teptiniD eciusion. The varions balla and tornmahave been Ilioroaghly dbuinieled. Presldent Harden ln dlasoaelng the situation iaid: --l do'Dot tesat any apîead of the dieu»a, provldig au atudents vino aumpc homuelven of livinig the lever dili report at once te a puyoician and keep themielvea in strict aeclusion. zloty availablo means i vlI b. m- ployed tu privent a @prend aofline cou- 'iglou."_ _______ Tbeori' helaids of emry nation Theofi. pont men and misera Ait jo, Dg tribute to DoWitL.n.nnarly ialerL. H. Wlliams, Cao Antonio, Tex , vrten: Luitte Early Riuar Pilla ire the boat I over u aae nMri amlly. I unheilta- llagly reoommeni Ibom la everyhody. They cure couatipalion, billouineai, îlot houache, lorpid l ler, jaundice, malaria aud at othei lIer troubles. P. B. Lovuno. Liberbymflo. Mîirphy-Yore Nuptial@. Tu.aday aflernoon ai 3:301 o'clech sl St. Maria cliarch, Waahegau, a pretty ved.idng totk place, Mia Minnte Mrphy, ldest daughter of Thoi. Murphy, aifrive points, beng joined tui marriage bu Thoumas Yore, oh Il Wui ai elaboiaie veddlng. aorne 200 gaulis beiug present and docora-' lion. 'Soi the ocaiion vere beantif ni. The bridaI pair reiched tho cbaob 94 3:30 o'clock. Asthe. door bhey veto met l heballer boys vho eicorted lte bridailparmi io tbe algar. The vrodding mrch, Lohogrinia, vii piayed by NtlasLouiae Chambers. The crernonyn perhormed by Father (latin, vwu followsd by tino benediction and the nevly vedded paie mgrched avay &muthe aller 10 the trainfi o! Mgedelihon's match. TOe bride wii ailired lu an elature aie gocu »Wu vIi lo her ristor Mina itto Mrphy, ciao ated se malil oh huant. I. Lacater, cf Obiorgo, vwu has miaý Folowlug the church aoc vice, about à hnndhed <neale gathozed antihe Murphy home ai rive Pointa vherc a veidiaf aupper vii aerved. lik.. oe basbeeunaa bêcher lu th oounty sohole for a number oh jears. having ll anght em North Chicago. &ho ioslgaed a yoae ago tenltae a trip t0 Caiornie. Mit. Toneahome in ai Evereit. liough hl lengagad An business lu Chicago, hoie ho. conducte a tliviDg vinole- @àie buiniai ID dairy prout.. Tbcy are bo reido aI Lite Forcît. The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons %vho are thin and weak but flot sick enough to go to bed. "-Chronic cases" that's what the doctors cail them, %vhich in common English iii£as-long sickness. To stop the continued los-, of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the fccing of weakness they ficl Ccott's Emulsion. 1 s ncev flesh and i~ic AV life to the weak system. Scotts Emulsion gets thiîî and %veak persôns out of the rut. It makes new, rich blooçl, strcngthens the net-vos and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be tatoun as long as sickness lasts and do good ail the ti me. There's nev strength and flesh in every dose. We twilIl Ocglad to sond you a lew doues fric. 138 Is tsai a alt iuh',. n y.. iry. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, - 409 Peari St., N. Y. 5 0 . a " i i$ I 411 t m e iii 1 INDEPENDENT WANT ADS OINS 398T 0919ULTS The b.d bon»etaithe OUgarOle miery liai Ieen oblgudte tal d coWn on acMuni; of b4vng Do cmal. About a bundred mmn are thua Ibrovnutiý of voikt emporvarsud Whou lte conditionfl viib. remedied cannot now bc tatel by th11000a1 o11i01a18. Deaple their falîre 10 secure even a frlendiy conalderation of a francltlaê for thelt electio road ioaig the lake ihore in Waukegmu, promotero of the projecl are <01DB abead gainsl rtght-o!-Way noth of bien. They are nov negottlng vle that end la vire vIte ovuera of the Ferry and Darkio pro.pertie. l B. t . They ,lm conient o!fnlmate iraccein 11n getllflg tlrrough Waukegan. Frank C. Rogera and bride are vllb li. Rogers parents lu thia city. Thiel mariage wai a surprise te even tileir parents. Tiho weddlng toot pace at DeaN olneu, lova, liday igbt o! tait veet, vtiere Mils Barry hadl ben vortlng se operator for theo Western Union. Mr. and Muý. Rogera viii mialit bere a ev days and tin go on tu Canton te vînît thne brIdes parents. Bole bride and groom are voîl huovu and popular lua Wcuegau and lbeele eddlug annunelnOnt vili lie reoeived vîth srirprise tîut och tla i recelye her titat congratulations. Me. Rogeen vity 17AttorueY lu Wauke- gan for ive o es prîcr ur the preaint admnistrationl and ansochbbcamne very prominnrt lItheo citY. Ho 10f9 hors te go ta Mocov, Idahno, vbOee hle bliou pracllctlng euccessfnly. Hia bride vas agent for thea Western Union Telegrph company lu WaUke- gien for a numnier of yearsa nd la geuerally trell knoien sud blgbly re- gardon. lier home bai been ut Canton, illilpele. Mr. aud Mis HRogers viii rmaille lu Idaho. Don't Worry. This la ealer seid thon dorie, yet it may be of aom@ lietp te cotider the matter. If theo cause la aouetlng over vOIcié yen have Do couirol Ih la obviona tbat vorrylng wclîlnet eip the matier in the leant. On the other baud, Il vithin ynnur cotrol yen have oniy g0 &et. Wben you bave a cold and feai an att o! pneumoniea, bny a baille o Ciamberia Cougb Remedy and unei juclicionaly aud ail cause for vorry ai tote coucome vill quichly diippoar. There la no danger of pueumoula vinen JI;la nied. For aile iny F. . LevELL, Liberlyilile; GlAYi- LAIE PItARMAUT WAUCONDA. Misa Euily Batere le ou the leh flIot. 03. C. Rabertsvau a tity vIitor M on- day. Chas. Sip vwa au car treeta re- cenlly. F. A. Harrison and E. L. Harrison @eo u mday here. Rom. and lMra. Laphani vere Chîcago iaiora the ral of the ceet. A gentleman vis lire Tuesday and Wedueaday talting about iatltng a bant. C. L. Pratt bua gone te SonthO Dkota ln the Intorest of tOc Wanornds Oold Mine.. Mr&. H. C. P'ayneu and ilauginler Giady, called cn relatives ibers Thlrty-fimc dolars bas been eain. arlbcd for ue boote forl the M. E. church llbrary. Dont all l attend the Minietret vhich vîlI bc given lu Oakland Rall, Friday and Saturday eveing. parties are in oirdt. The followlng vore givon rInce Ourlt iriIvrtlng. A. Cook, Stella Grace, Tokampe, Jenuie Green aud Rf mer Ford. rhc funeruil of Irvlig VanNatta, son of lir. and Mtain. AA' ViNatta vaa ietd el the home SatnrdY, item. Brinle] ofilatirng.Tho remaîns ver.. lu- terreri ai Ocitian Ccmeteîy Ai Mo- Henry. Mir. sud Mrn. VanNata bave tine beartîcil ryrapsihi of1bthe choie cunimniily lu tineir rcid boue o! boreavemeut. Fits Baby Had Two f0 Six l L-very Day. Su f fered Terribly- Doctors Failed. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Hlm. Weai,' nervonn, reti ut, puuy chiuirere- grire a treatiment nuch as oly Dr. Mîles' .rycueafforda. Avienne e ected tharo svmptooai Iad te epiieptnc lits or aiîa EZry matiner ahoul rîrengtenher evier= hbl.' ney-es viii Dr. Miles Nerie. a truc aeinu aIl nuu disorders. Read the "Wheu my lth eboy vas i monlini aid hc hai crarepo rinlii leet and banda. rme, voili hi drawn o ul shape fort.t.aor tiree diya.At firstli enet reemeai te help but la about trio veeka nothinng did amy gondi th octor rgave him. We caiied another dnclue but is nedcie. did nooncd su wu cbiigeil ta anitler vine calici nI apnnal dis. es.By thii lune the chrd. body vii tu one *ide andsbiandiand el ee cul of saipe. Hin sauneriga vere terruble, and bc le, D.Miles' Resooraise Nervine lue nervis .trouble mud mmiv il va.recuimmeded o 1 hOr. e tt1o .,I ad aie ititi uld fop fian. Ail lirre dtrs tnd e Ine lepO. hall boule the ia aand bis liî itagtened. aid anoutier bouIle cuond bin. He làancie a tracg, beatby boy gouisr tu ariaul. i bave wated taase if thre UA trouble retnred. hilat re vnnu r, but it »sem 1 b c annaI prît,. Dr, Mi"' Nr,. tue enacrig itas1tknoav nI*avrel my boyab Iife.-MRS. URItru NacrotI, Lauine Iloaa Al diru taels elaid guaraire.hit bol- tkDrl, ' Reenedies. Sendi rfrebohk M.N=ee4 jie*n Diuses.Adte Lagee Corners, cere Volo cillera Tharaday. MIse PeerliFluber speul a fec daya oh thc puit veet viinth rînsInl Wauconda. Mies Cari- and ;JLiri Wirtz, oh Freont, npent 11rlday wltiUli.. Carlie Partir. lira. Joue Converse rruurued home Monday aftcr a scveriai veehe'iit vith relatives in Chincago. Mesidames tiiller and Iotinommel, e! McHeurj, @peut Thnraday vîtli thelr alIrez lire. Jamea Muirray. lira. Gerge itoeing aud Mis.Clia Roing epent Friday ln iRockee vitin tinoformýra atser, Ies Wellts. Mr. and lira. Josephn Blrournu snsd daugbtor vialtoil vitin relatives in Wantegau thne latter p;art of the veet. Sevoral Of the Young people htom Due ilige attendeul a surprise paf 17 on Joseph Davios, o! Round Lake, Fiday Mliaaie mSuli a vatho îlCtlM of a surprise Frlday eveulng glyen by the -"Joli7 Itebels."Tlrose proelt report û very oujoyable time. l'ho tiberata vote lhappy. 80 voie thei conaiervativea. Tiray eftae iled Iwo candidates lu the recent Succeas Clunb campalgn. The connervative party elected uln candidate@ for prestl dent and trirmnrer. Thre lîbirrali capture4 the vice presldency and the ectetarymbip. The officers electedl voTe: Pres , Ha.ry Foihet; Vc.'e. BRuth Wels; Recy, Carl Dorfier; Treou., Raymond Payne. Hia ir S p lýt-s rn2 rîv ucd A,11*1Haitgrv for th irty Ye..- f elegant f r a hait ci, .1.for ecping the bait fro..piîtirg tIhe end."- J. A . Grue nnefrder, Grar ifork, 1Il. Hair-splittin g s plits friesidshlps. If th e nair- spltting la donc on your own head, le loses friends for you, for every har of your head la a friend. Ayer's Haîr Vîgor i scdvance wiIl prevent the spllIttng. If the spllttlng ha begun, ih wIli stop h. SîM à brNiO..Ail *auuiii If "Mcr dru.:r= aa0" ap e go" an Mol. ia r a vir laea ly ovesSr0l à number o9 lme bons«iere MW9. vitb gondsois liai veuxi. Biahk* Broà. dUthelbouMilg. lira. Gager who viitted fiaonds lheM lut vesIt re#uraid bcbea home il Irving Park it Mda velng. J. J. lmjiai, lbe Lits Ininianc agont, vui bers dolng bilugu lait weeh luDomDpany Witll tbelocal asani, R.B. Dîxon. An ezlting raus*ay Sotk place hoers Salorday nigat, Raille fBond'$ bora 01 being frlgbtèed tny aDother. dg 115.1- ing lnto IL Tva bugea Vesbadly amaged but na one vai lnjnred. The Royal Nelghbora and Woodmi8e beid a Joint Installation lait vme Wedneaday evenlng. l'li Royal Nelgobora iurnlihed the programme and supper va. fnrnihed by te Wcr5dmen. Pain* in the BtomaOh. lite tootlbe, thu la Dot a dangerous but a decldedly napleiiant alaiment. lOriaiWho are aubjeci $0 attaclha 01$ itiibe pleaiel $t'kOvXO gial prompt roeZe may bh ad bY taking a doue ai CluambeniaiDa OUo Choiera and Dlsnrluoca Romey. This remdy la equali! milnable for chihLdie and vinen reduced vllh valer and aveetoned la pleasan t 10 Sake. For sale hy F. B. LovILL, LlbertyVllie; OBÂ7BLAKE PRÂIMAoY. ROLL~INS. Joe (larvood mîived ta UraYalateé lest veek. O.C. 0.Edwarda, of hlullirn, ripentaà foew daya In Chicago. George Wedge, of Aitiacti, vae ai O. H(ocha 'iatiday. CtFay Elamîlton canme out Tram the city tao pend Sunday vitta bbs parenta. May Houston, of Chilcago, apeut a naniber of daya vitn Mura troint. lluprne phtoalcof thtie Nuigirti and Ladiea of thé Red Crona vas at Rolling last voeh. Mir&. H. J. Nalin, iif Lake Villa, von lb, prise ai the ,uchire Party ai M. A. Kipplea SBaturday nîghl. A ieorklng min ai the Armant les houes feli about liteen faet. He vas badly lnjured. Dr. Palmer dreised hie -Thne peclar coufo h lh Indicaten croup, la usafy veil knovn la Sb. moiheraof0 croupi ohildiren. No timo 1ehould bbIfu the treatmebb of 1$, and for Si&apuiposenO Maeine bas received mors univeraal approval Shen Cinamberiine Conga ltemedy. Do not vante valuableUrne lue«périmnent- lng vith untrlod remedis, Do mitteî boy bigOly they moy berecotnmended, but glve Suis medicine ai direot.d and aU symptona of croup vîli qulckly diaippear. For sale by P. B. LovEcLL, L1býryVllle: GiAYiLAla PHARIIAEli. Harvey i4ardiner ripent baiurday la Boudoti. Frant Sexton returneri home fhou Elgin monday. Mca. jacktFrontyiitcd at Wauoouda the firit of Ibin veek. miseiliate Hove, cf McHenry, vas à jpieaant Voie ciller Saturday. S Erantoiîî 'a. uIlir n bu tii ;, uuit i hi? i, iig1 aboiuit Atrîl Itu 'lire .,fiî I let in lismiiui Sus eyilwîîL itt.rtiit. uigi iîiiil»i. r It' li altiýIt li, - iii nid ti .iniiit ailturi n-il E iini iiIlutiriii iiti tiiiîiîi uni tii i ii hu I tli ltn iuiiim-Vl1li [ýld [l i î île *ii. i i i rptide r el îuîîîta r i t liue iiitiii A t lit 1 in, Il ý it l iîîu 11t1ilîf il il . tiiligm Wisconsin Central Rullrond. Offrsnup-io-date ircieprtallau liii. fillies tato liaulowue Miltwaukee, Ciicago ani al pois ccii ahi oulin. ai vell au taeSt. Paul, Minneeapolis, Acibtund, 1Duinth and the gromi North- cest. Pullman ileepers, diniug and care taiesud umodern couce&smatle up the eqalpmcnt. Agetstaeau gîve you complote lIormation. JAN C. PONDn Genà. Page Agent. lf jou vaut hîndills, If yen vaul envelopea, If yeni vant colorcd corli, If yen vant lbtîeinellu carda, If yon vant iaiiy lotteieade, If yount autse liting tard,, lf yeti vail wedding invitation*, If yeti vaut auy hînd oh lob verk. Leave jour ordretlthe uEPBNDUNTr office sud bave theni execnted lu the inelinaurger nd l n tfhe shoitest ligne possiîble. Notice. llinoHl fIlaiac Mil vihi copeu for bueiness thne corntng aprnuf Briag lu YOnt legs.. 14-4-P. E.5. GtÀaION PEOPLES' COLUMNO Al nider thla hesd mua ys il*n age dla tdme. Rts. à centi par igliepr va". wsrds constitutIng aià. cHPJSWANTED-Far the imnit @a vekauM.lliiâar $12,oter nord Inqutreo a àANCicLnnr. HItDy. t-tf i F IR NT-ide arit éWarren tovnship John Barlea faim 2 miles sent ofi Cornera. for Partleiam a adremni. 14% R. M OýTRun. 6e9-18s Mason lSt. Ciniuraac Mie.. Joaua Soderiolin, ofh Forgus hallu, Mînu. ,feli ad dliocalcd lie aboulder. $ficlaed a surgeon get Im bock lu place ai aou as posible, bat l vas quite anad palued fber vony mutO. Uer ion menttoned Ibathlicbai iIoD Ctnamberlans PainuIBaiai.d verllacd fer epralas andi aOneeu, aid site auked hilm go boy ber a bolie o! l, viaicin b. did. Il qulotlj rellcved begr and enabied ber te aleep vhlch ibhm d not doue for aeveral deys. The son vwu d0 much plessai vitO the rliefl gire bis mtbhee tba% haoliai ado r.cammeuded l ta many ahra. pin ae.lsby h. B. LoYaUx., Lfblym7Ilie; GIaTîlAEUmPIAMUAOT. à.M.lit. p.lllfl laMe. ail l 1 " *aM I44a1a1 12 0 V" 1 0 4n l0p 4 0 p. 0 sea à100 1 aibeu 011 u il10" 10 16 lîi ?c0 î iopu îu0pm ace 7180 Wlacomulm Central Tino T".. OiLu. CEAza O. C1IAOO. ""ML li6a I 0a sn 10 19o apm 9 26 .0 1 Hoiwarrd IHigi.y in on th,,. alti ligt. M'lit, Edwariia hlena eruarthu. W ait Niiiite at n rt Lai..Villa Ttmg,- day. Misia Mai Iliîo f liilî & a Iwl lulin w4e., of illiami a i. llà sat day iert. IL.L * Huwe, of 1twa. WWin a ppiiag wi t IlMr. tiler, tilt It i iriî 0 it -Iv iia vt attait Lmalai. IL IJ Iliey iu viri ig l6ais rîcud, %Val or iiEil Cby. i Itie&Itil Vrîiî k, a lirii id ier Mime b-iAa Wiiairte, iii AtIi., . hwii Mr.pntzMairin. , e.4F liiîidil. ai, tua Içaata r! Mi. anîd Mra Wrdg.. Mliai.Iiietut. hua.., tri ttijheiei la.n ag ofi ,re i M ima iulie V ialîir G. Il.Mi Niara. J Arti.y.ny ai rt ajai ]àà lava of ' tir. jiat i eLlire, Mi. ,Slowirt. of 'Alrwra a wr t4i guwatid Mr. ninîl M-q.Stiit. Fritli.r. Misae 14iliple..Ilti. I lient sitnîlîry wr h Mieatin CriuievrIand at hamt Fui taie Wtira riiîl triir, ..eatri Iriamiit nr altîr. MiA r'l'lit ui . i ltof ii. Y". nnyirtutnila tl iîii Pr 'lii, g. i cse iti -iît tinniil] ruIi. lr tiiiwiî glmarit V mit 1,NI ie* Nia.Iiatu tiprier v iii Thi-imara! ririîîicof Franik tiut wiii li-rrirry tii irar o ig i iii-,nt il iîiurîîtail at AViîtoiî. IIL lrlilickrirrr. iii LakeuVilla , -iiî%lir- uni w %% thiireiidsIw- tir. anditMfri.A.WM. l nr'v 9 it taturariy ait Rînsel 14irte gaiprais iii tir.. irrtera nîrcitirar, ft ri. ki wrrls. F. A. Wagrr of Waiiîngati. ap hler, Tiiririav in t ir, intereut of lt.l- Inter- Specili Jauauy ami 1)5-Ib pa*l)Stock Food ....... $s30 Primtes at 5c', 6c, 7c anîd. .. oS 3-lb bag Best Rice.......... 2o Liiîseed Oil, by bbl, per gali... 50 Hilk Grouiid Popper, per 11l... 20 Best 50v Tea ................ 40 Breakfaist Food .........o Old Stock Sîtoeis, j off. George B. Battershall, H-a; neaville - IllInols. Wm. W. IEdwards, 1Grayslake Illinois. Wood and Coaetrs FROM $2.00 UP. +4 We carry the most compkete tint of stoves in the 'county. Î- BUCKNAM C rayslak e. S& co., Illinois. The, AMERICAN FARMER and INDEPENDENT both one year for $1.50,.> - --- - 1 oveaing 1 -Wm ecap11letviu S issiaios et the Ooeaesnaet i lb. Onrauy. do herahv ur. gfthm -lhe FasN&MI mitcfrLibmrtv viD.." la t fl of aciUiceryIli. la the D 1 aid mlof aitMd!h.I.vie 09Imtalla uL. opa 108 s PrOV WS P e, v iua00 bondre an~d d~~IeaI estyiofh DKember en"i.: Wu. 5 auiu*3 On.eMw'dr.d Dollar@ a Box aué la lheeIvalue JH. A. Tiadalu Sommer- I ton, a. C., Pace" on eIuOibu Wltob fuel ilVa.e. ao aaa.-I lad Ibe pile for20 eats 1triel miny docborand mhdiotcle, but ailfalid ead@a Should'Nevea Aoia. OIxOOPiDEOWItt'a liltoH asel salve. Nover »dure Ibis Iroubl& Vae 19 enf.d ai.." 1l la a coaibina.t ro nce the iasreuudy Ihai aoWsI M i tb. basllng properties ai Wiboh Bsai Mit. N. A. liobeter. cf MauaV V vith aaUtipic andaDieaollionbae; eah.ville. --Dr. linire Nw~ reliuve.qand permaDently cuba blIni. whofly eured me of1. iek -h&9 bteedlecg ltching and proiruding pile.., "d suuRered franfer tvo Im»." Gai sors&, cule, bruts«., ecbemi, asi b a. ioomiUation. bilMU rbeum and aIU skia dlaeaiei. F. Il. 1ilme etaiP. B. Loumui, ,LiberSYvi Lovw.,u, Libeiiivilke. oScAvULAK PRABUAO. Special Clearance Sale FOR NINE DAYS From January 15 to 2a5.* As 1 want tu reduce my stock and close ont ail winter goods, ail Mon'@ 1 (vercoats and Ulstelrs, ail Boys' Over- coato and Ulâters, ail Mon'@ and Boys' Pants, ail Men's, Boys' and (>hiidren's Suits, I wiII give a discount of 15 per cent. Ail il 1(W sweabei .ý- ----- ý-ý. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 10 U oderwear ....... .. ....................................... 90 500 $J . . ........ .............. 404 Knit Wool Hioe nd jFaactnalora 20%*diacount. peuIt oa and Us oilEdiscorunt. Alil gooda niarked atIregiaiar prier.-iîone maihed up no au tt ccit dawn. Ait goule solil at these prltea- for coit oniy. A good Patent FianT, per 'jack ... ... ........ .... Alil "OC Tees nowe...................... ......... ... ...... ...... 404 0 0 1-. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . ý. - . 34, . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... af Al trni'heryiearc 15".diciotllt ai I valu Ioclose It ont.

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