CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jan 1903, p. 3

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,Nw~Crpwr Il I EJN~~'L~JLJZJL.8 Il I ~' Uic le crowded wu Il sea. Oui uiîdfkand ont ojtou innrorbla Itach dzua i. i Unoutaitieccia à i vley. TIre lbvyo! IlIe kwtau prouga. ive muaI make Wotlons îach dat, for sve cnt-o ail iand the anme time. taiethelol It baIt!nu.!ndfthelefI lbund WIl coIn. agalia and recels-e jota nato Mysuîf. tIrat viaira 1 amn tIere i emu> Let uia r-al Pailnexot: "Eye hth Dot seen not- er heard, iiei ber bave enter- id lot tht hiart of mon thet iange which Go.! bath preprtred for thttu that lovt Hllm.' Haîrce i 10m'wliiga rather lu lic abseit froua iIli- Aray and! f0 be present witti the .ar, W. bave a wildî-nîf-s, a floweritag forent, a bouudinas Edenhi a shoraîcas and fthoiiess oi-ii.a borîxoffless trmnamenl crosrit'iiîand gemnme. aud blatlig saitlreclüung ssonarîcea. "Lo, [ia lin> vIlla o isa>-. sîîivti 30U vtille as FcI jOiliare srithrrr'lforinilor Corne- loes:saîfla hyînîî inn'helîoîr o! birh. Wbihwu>of lie aslds oCtt- perIl mcBeavii -uiin rfNou îlrat lat, vot Iliailaofluoi pritterpand> tan. .Ont Ulatep oula tee gonlzng orroies: Wllli yîîli 5 e> ns aand bottoniieas tuglifuieht. fortune% aind calatuntiasi couac lu aqoati- bhway avat-me an.! ct-nu iatîl roueanaud!bottlinansd flîrre Ia not beans anad eltomcoîlsoi. cr-tibiy blcper luth: n-tItiyon ID tht tWat oss-Ian.! bn» is rttbfui'y lunclilucasof old.! e an.! o! feeblenesi »d.! illa ht-ciidcciii uiextt-eme. s.'itla 30li the bIour and sr- Igour aie-pw iteare îtrenuiing îur fic-e of dtnlh: sîltiî > nlati.! Isoal- samorg iamlt s u.! fylbît;saorria <moItfies of te inf(l uttijdgnieil: villat uall niRia!plowsanreaun-rsta Il an-u- ou lu a joy- i-min ir-t llaîr lîtel>' Rat-1 r otidiou ulletaewa nd iutcipleut itfyîug rtarrlî t nIi"i vîtib 700 crod iluopçaiucuitand dispute aîwn'Y. lni ci rry lîliî- Uîdcr ci-et-y ýârI pogiess cirit-aanrr" Ainilîl cary orenaandi hfaotben bas-e (heu- goda ori. lib. ur-tomiidIng. An indle tbis la trot. 1 ii uîy 1Y ror lth.u o m n11hal (iýlitg sork ighru.eer for goird te Batlrot-.lielu ta înelnb fi t'srtirllteulr tîtat Inole i in 'Ver. forercoirn- i to thlit-laltila a,( i f ýr3 lin b -fort 01oei c trfr'r %%itf ill e -cs rds" > braillhes iii- breulia!iihut. i orROTfM 'W'bt Me dl.! for Adiii itn flr, iRi Oee .Clas .O f*bo He aîli tcontiuetaio ai uilirfi Irale fMetîanut liif tire>3snnld ic uti tffl t-lbas eliic e r-.înînofîiîeî lit ci, aFaitlli. Tîntli itire.t1ey mueot t, f1~acbe beIrI Icoauo!lut-fr.itilire fin'orioni irtlng lîîrno'nid beyond. *r 0e<. Hialaicolis îtbe (rt tl ulaj itg t-m-i ea n hti lii innu l îoî i. -~O.and. HI. aliti!aiInd irri.brnilotbi-Iiiaeanflfn> Lrtin tesla thetirl't lPuse lu-at alI heurt bar-kw anîl Ilino>n%,-1-r(îtlan>rur. - tlb. LYou beiteve talirle prr»sîli-a -cArl IlY retr thesecnd lirh. ile tr.l an.! Iookig' fî, N inil hetiy expect 10 - ertt sctni iiitb lii 111 i I resch i ai, ttuut- tiinurs Ilesson #W; a: sry abîubid >îio erIl il i thii'ang :i bic lI,.and ni ranrl failli exitet ubetdibIe lirati îe abuuil nîlonn rriale limi uar ri-Miirodtg1 b ýibir the irteblIn-lb, lire tîrtr îîtîyjshr-1Ia ,nmreo ý acriidt h ud peychala. uoaol asi.lfil, îre.-.nd quality aof (Ie illidlif l ot Bt grecs tîii'thbe birt-lb ilrhltnl, rt-i ia jcme.t u the atî1 if unature. and irecale- Hors. thonlnla ua-î'alou f.or jo> taU uim ta reno..eîîd tîroîslisefirliîgbt pVeuoti. Tirougil i ngs ayt>sîîud felîci- lan.! posaer albsrart ieu'a mina andi lision an cofflulaioim wen ourgîyt-Iem Ibose cicar Ideasao! Ibelo' ftuina an cngtoloui t viscu Yof ve, rîglu naddestiuy and tbbcvrt-ons à ut «seridga I m jr à ira ytraloelnks botettren bat natie up >ihat la W» lit anierein udlanilrte-a> are aknown sud rer-ognizu-. as Chr'tatan Of th akies. The greal Pbyutn-laua pre- met. uAi Dr ue , f0 Goti m anti 10u Wio uer evpety tllath;te Klug o e PIutu cdstoGdadt -kt»&Sgg beilosca every rroval o! lire. Ourt-nelglabor. n'id arc fufilledltthe b eai..sCtPt la fthc grealt Gardauer vîthoutll ofuieadbeer tGdan 'I*oe. sulie no foyer llosanama luate lây utlove and.!respectl iossard Ouir b«MNIO oltor palace hboit. '«baie îî ueghtuiv. ellhhoide Hi# a mietirey fade, sur.! '«ile recogulzitng indiiduebl riglals IWM Ift bides Ht.afr-c îîîcy itte OurLori'd! cknowledlted r-ta teduties au 'IW ploctie. thal lon-er*!' crîuLa the weii. and seil.,"f»Ife o Caesar the M11111, sIle waiked tbi'uugb iihe gardon. llaigs tit are aers.' an.! the 900 felav serrant auusred, -'The -aPSoaIe but er-bSdIrl 1e sentiments Mue"an.!dtjoiler tr.l ig penne. wlen ticbhole mon obey andairespect DMt lanbtihooii ta but the sboiiow lir ratiers ItRulers truie lu place ef « thet imltra forc e.ule ldiieu., od acn d are rcsponnsle îa 1film, vho 'Idu tiheprenions itre ave>',JilIolataInli lrld ttiaîîr tu naicleat occountabil- 90ecipse unier tic corer ut whîcb IlY. Our Lord dtcint Iidattit re- EU n Oora lieus frucun ur emireoce, ejutetttand otocycal bbclaw -iaoder 1 l là t lc « letbuse itk ieilîcieHtlîsail. Oui' culera are to lbe ~. omn îvu>. cnte licl Sctitcesai-honore.! for tbe office ttrey bol.! an.! tht *ul folov bad lJialuIlu ba-Ilo!good Ilaci may do blrougrIrl: fort tey Igh lckatsis la (lac sermîn fiat arc Inlandeti for tire comun veal. A oevar e .Cleenilest chIi!. (lac cancer fod-feriug mon umalien a goocl ita. -tft faste» a nd! rami, upon the heu"îla- because lac tiepa bbc bomnaIw that IMlut the laiiginaymu bal amîlles lac break nul tic divine. FaIthl, tbiera- db'wet ai dday as veu la, I nt drlilgb. fort.alaachetrot foulndution o! pat-lot- Stb»SUrtoigert- laI apare ielthe ist' loian>. B« 'l9y, iteltrer rida taon pour, uclîher The bui anti agolist auarcby la thal j'O= nir ld.vhICI sharîdi Ut)for Go.! un.!tbat r 0 >e Wntrsier frotun tii-ravages of! I s t epreenleuginutscaad , e-; uitlwe. or lieelove.! ures witoare f .tebriraantscaiab ruche.! t-lh many pint. îuttae ibis cause Il lroleils lIraIndividuel lu bis pr=m t-da. ot l Wri, te Prtriglts au.! îrovrtyrîîLovec o! countr'y la 'tt îcill alla>. oLaIth stpartise arts.r-O-reaiae is tibis lose ofGo..aou.!plat)' L It cillanageiol he(bepr Iba irt andpclrotinaare lstheIeasabal.!Up -elisut te brag e u 1h.- brolaar afor Chrisatin pa(ie-e. Tmue an4 lent- Ntoathet tuigsea nd wo u o thelutpatoltr-oit ituen" Ù tiYc ronflad nsee fut. *LO,1 nulwltl nivua>'a." Go.! la love.!anîd adrre.!: for trot pli- Whun lirte phsysicienand.!surgeona are raim ueb hltlona igr goasne a-tie (afmîl s alcpa. saen thre autionity tisaitihat icie ne tr-ol.- watchtra doze. scien te i.-tghl t lionune.! on Goni. thnrefsrc anr! for a longer dovu lno thbbc ckeb and .!lire r-ounte o.Iatence flosn tratuas l-hItisa onta bfitrth la qulle goire out.,irien lise air gît-s sucnefernal Ile. le cold f0 liraepoit of fres-ing. wheiua ll -nçera1,flta ud u lb. doep-mootit.!ta>-ng o! tbe distatulcotrol trîlîn ail.r-la tItî hrse niso WiLcia dog loue bn-reastire ils-ncecan.! are ird tuY consciece -ccon u e colrnte the suloalra tbe soteilian biotilig ai OpoD t(o ib eir ciiu>motlier ait coudi- initnigit o! tteibell lise toisera o,oute0115audr.!crcuosancca There are eMt-mt, " 'a n illa >00. Ever! Et-ai'- tbose n-bu>have înaturel vintue. und! vlo wher! L, 1 m wth olu iwa!>" do mors tirooglaI, but tis wnul Dol ýHWhea'er Li an Il uly atisMe orstand fisc lest o! ligie urm ire r-houges llshandi Judgment. an.! vibli wiae- o otn.Pbi odwl esci vier b ras'ado ast e> aypeati, tley arece-d Ira prîvab Inîcrens, an.!lire wbo m.,eirthelenaIllte grar-cat andi moat lhve nulI for Go.!. but bimacîif. l i wbt lof »Il Oui' aliotteai ordai and ai voserve self rallier (han mires aIoounti'> cOi>' hilittîa ouroctt-eS and îon'cr Our n-lien lucre 1la10Onu llai-alternivet. ie lbe etmailon of tuf oileaivr, Let aitaii t terefurre tîy our pubicl- 111lbus ve speaturililg and oi. ltîustiy spirite.-Palrhotlc cours,,e In oon public Oftem. 1i0o11Y artvulale ait istory 1fr gisve fleiiriglîf lband!o! feiiosssbîp WbeR 1i neclai'c liat the darti st o 1 IlOur fe illr-fzen, ait.! Irady and tfeeaillet btnman o eoufa oe anl 0dafan. oir rintg fiaonst au> ouae an.! thtetazziiug flirour- au.! tieIncor- v oaulutdune la inauittil ,r fdtm ils roptîble Juaige ou tbe otber base 111E-dl glorie. ________ th. loftlicalanti profounidest mînda or!ê*uCODi---------- ail lbe cenurîts alarmsaond villa fearful eprlleielon. SERMOGNETTES - Blesse.! te Goa, lcre Is strengtb, . 0.uuuuuetu*ud there'la support. tire la consolation;- - ------- thire in assurae-c llrt ta rtctiiry aber- Chrstin illty. Tiierin la unopositive bM trougl oui' Lard Jeue Christ! rote b by Wirh na rau jUdge fui asat Çoigthua flrough tlIetitrea o! ho- entrevues Clrlthenlty simlahi ictest cd; lllation andS crucifixiona, couîprisaig Ibera t,8flt a pertian lnthtie aorî. tut ès. wiale garant o!fiumaus axîîcrlence, knows lis oviu strcugtl andau -afigbt m',Iot even omlilliag det. le la able f0 for i' i moral andu spIrItual aelfare.- r bmett "a merciful andi folîlful lalgisRas. Dr. Et.!,>'. iargatiot. Norwood. prifet Ilan ge pertalung fo Go.." Mato. 01lor tu tbat lRe Hînseif bath auffareti leilitles of Lire an.! tuty.-Tht De la ahI, 10 incSto b t tt uffer." ltietItlang Ilie î-iuîrc rau do et tise T'he acrîplures horst fortb vi-hlsuaopresent boni' Is lu racal menito0tire jOffl "a eioud o! vituss" it la lin- great realtien o! lireandauiidt>' n-heh piUlble for us b o ni' flhiîn al avenunudteriloail lihequestiontsîhctitrou- li chot-u. Let us begîn wssthe tise@a- bic us. To shiowetIre nonkinun anti ter HimatI!: "Let >01ot or iseurt be lie cepitoilat.tise pounr mnuanrd the trosble.!; je belle 'clu Goî,l.tlese rici mon. fibat tuiis lau.!anouili ibtis al» elnl Me. lu My t tarae boule iai-ý o runtry tisant are cerain aîîpnene civil uîuy mangions; If Il -veze not tiîr-l oui!rcligionîs princplea woold have tld joat. 1 go 10 prePare wlhch nuoitou or parI> eu Igngre. - Itfor you. And If 1 go an.! pre- Ras F . 7l. PIraitu. Untorlan. NiVor. paure a plac e for you 1 vili corne agein caufar, Mouss. illairecels. jou unte Mysatf: (bal PerfeetIon. Wliat lu perfr-rIionnl 1 ~ i Iam> her je may lic alsO." thte01.! Testamtui Ptlerfec-tiiou otien .7 " -maay mangionsa" vhll bave menue adulrout. urn îmnouood. Au- iLý «01 realdenta. lin somne o! tiseu ftitra ottier meantng more exact.,lioredii- uwIlbe antelae; ln ottiers archebgta lie t, ic tisat o! inalif>. reocbnthe la _,2«teZm cberublr, n. tathera aerr.ptiltal a, tisa hricslacarrîe r-iougl a t ouon up tht atilnlng rauti. o! tht compction, n-tii-i folilîls ail the lava otlt compar»' o! beaven. But of!lits eing. lise potnsfethfascrea- nWiU Jeante? Wtl the lacautel», lion. Hteviso ta perfect tla flila largar 1 ffle. or cherubîni or sea montue bas got rtd o! ail teint of or ln- 4b, >i. aidHa wi bete Ilu s lni clînnîlon 10 sin. Es-ar>'ona Ibat bas "o t bm rdeeina..W. attaine.! fbua Ideal sallac elit Christ. nU ltyb u iewilrejoICIlNo other religion i tht voit lana ibis 10 S Iula iutet>'remunt- tgeny.-iteT. Dr. Mudge. Methadist. IALLIES, TO £END AGORESSIVIE ACTION IN VENEZUELA. 1 Oermuasslakhe* riendît Asrowaile This Coulate,, isiclairaml Aar la- tesutien uof pprceiflg (ha South Amurlcan Country. NVriften diifotir zr..rrrliM raiulg the tiloctiade if!flicthe eaiels ite brave ber-n exdtioniiCil tifi--cl finiater Ifowen air!nd-he1fcrffil sof reât itîsil. h'riai Ir sait iti i% In ibeir d'laiiiasfinn -pra-enta- tires outhite i-n rfpiir-ii ieupriroiad 10 coliseuf Iofil1, if raliff'nisin,%<of the liloiol8.' isa. ia ia i[ argrcaiiaielta concludei t,,etii citI--i randrrîMr, itoasen embodying fini îînî[i n irrrultid .! doul'y the p.wera Ti-uvni"rflachictt:.; ri late 0 litgorrthe -.. r.le fîtîiîî tiy Venhcireini. seiînti lf:,, ilfi-reri il îîîr- lion of tw ie fîohfma rf it- i.îf Lai Cor> ra and l'ifnfo Coîrrili Gersssny tiller aExnansln.' Thte(terrr'.igfiriniiifrIt lias vt-iin- tarly offerr l tnt brrrit triegaie x- piatiation i!tno fiiifilet o! tan Cariosfrort.aliibhus hnliiciarr in- tention 10 piarsae fr fipprio Vu o ti or to, (oeiin>lhnng oun %i rriled b, gnliAi fait!> or b> the lana off nationsa. Thia wrli'iasie et .innfat iffiand i a- t-owal rtCnea tni. n Cinltot tJîîu,l hi tht Gerannclîrrgi- rafinifrs. ffi' irloOtl ecretiry iaya?.ni l,Cserlttl .a cri talegruin friablsgirnerillffr(If -îatrn Wtei« *tbI*4,awe' re.. 1h.Cmsel aa4 lieues a .tateuto Atter a mei of tur-bulent incildents, ut tinîca approachitif riot and personai vioeance, Senstor HesorY M. Telter was re-electeal United! Blate Meintor bY tht I)I.-mfiratie iember o!fîtîe Seuiale an.! Hiollae. Presideut Ad&o. n lii i îudii. decilare.! Mr. Teiltir doly elte-te! Ex-Sensior Woleutt giv' dît Ra atët- nient lofer declaring bis wiîildrtw iii trom the content. Me urge.! the fr-flfe Lia ae-- r-rpt tflni,- ctton ns Il andrhsimuît rr-fig niree rJ-, imouSensîrar. 'liteiii ririnecitiant w ns mufle un o arignulcrtw-litn auwhineu i r , Oi eiiorguIre rf-ilnReiublilai I ier i rinteil a ti t he at-oiir r irsli I nilit 'ilSa i.allr.îf.r lia.,, roi- nain O~ut Ou..l~uL. ta.) aiiegaleidrarrat ii-e nfr in.- luibardrauuu- auan a tîlnat ofî i t frointneuercmai' point uf view.s The lUnîit tale- a Inînot anircit t-c Iis lîllntiuit a llnnIe cin pro- test agailuat tIrh, iirnr nlhiu t rffer aI Berin or Lodir. 'riiiigch grenti> itro plcrisei (tre i' .îerif-rfn roveriefnt --ri-u eluded luo nwit .!es-loirnenfa. Ir Ps- ter-e isn uueru-saardi-.! is-asVofliîuîfrY explarltinon or. tiereft f otire termnuit goyerunimî. enditIhe foct îhst (teran>' tiiought i ifntcun offer an cxtolnnuuiiii unactein cdet-rieilo! gr.rt an u.!nâtit slgnifr-ance. Incidunlly tireFUite.! Blalcu griecrn- ment birca h-sic.!lies und ruiit *hat Ger- min>' bas no itntinan.!boniaa b ailn intentiionlntf loir lu sîir ar-hou n i -10,I Amarica tint n UI.!inng on sa tsnf the Monroe duocfrne. It ta nul deairc itt for seseral iioa Ihere lias tien i aurua--h anxielyin lffclIial ircies n Washitnfn an.! Iis oDriel> hlia la-cia re.! ti>the hîgirut andu.! ocl infurme.! membera un! flacgot-eranienl. (tutasorances aver heenrouveyî'd wi icinlliainaI a-cal&al aur- feara. inI go fan u aswrrai -n quiet ticu. l isci-ait-.! ly tire Gea-anen goseca- mient LîratFort Sou Cnrlos ire.! tire liraI aboatvIrile the verirezulaioÉtl(i-als aven thal Itie Germen us goaal anthr via [tha aggreeeuîr. Tire Unite-d $talc. tegatton lias heem condtir-ing an invex~tigatiou in Niara-- bo for aux dayn. tuttfho- 1îinltasnDot Yet beau t-iciitel A reluatle tuinon sc> a: "The fitreign lemncul.n-liaare in r-bar (ocbssith fthe isvil outtînritas, tnowt tirat i-inttrioan rlosuhait recels-aitorders trom C'rras tuaI i' race tira ianther nîtemplei]taf0crîfua tirebillran.! liasti- fore the lirrnu- fie fater nos 10 lire fir the G enu ad, fbru ituth pon l. r tri cail rattentioun "%%'len oni In. 15 tirie PoulIner enf-en tise Dan--ir i i ranel immdi rie bah on. r toaue iafrîmn ithei-for riri. tndtng ftritlui ittruor of tl ahie forurrees fini- u a rnîmrî.!o! tmaiîîr llrt.o liThonu ceetr. affur lire tirrd tîtnîtri surt, flinaltire intetin f thc Puntrn îuttirpa or theiii' liii.i snd forcre a uniair'rt filic f-rtcutir r-unrlake Niurncriotlîrnoucaptuire ture g îeurlal iilio rNItrutilu.hie foref lhii lteîuuîliean aant isvtir treociier>', de- tiI)enite an.! eotnuougaatirirfigli lcdits- tiiMmaof othera of the utVrnrrtcrodi by rbsraeteriaing ttem a'iil'of tire main conspia-ators. DAY FOR SUPREME SENCIl. PsIttion Tendered ! laiPr-eitlR.oos- sI asa. BeuAciepl.!. Jîîdge %V.IL- 1Daja o! cat iîon. Ohio. haor-repli-.! etender o! aîrîointmnenit as Associnile Justice of tire lîriite.! States isupreme (ouat. Judevlin> uai.! in>an- su-ar lu a query as 1toira ottîfýilmet: -1 rer-thet-ahle tender froniu treiient Roosevelt totons>'. I nruuicd my ar- r-splaere fntogace." Judge itay vas ba-n a lRt-avni Ohilo, trear lire ol. homne i.! tiel. le nus edur-ole. nt tue Unlo rin> of Mich- igani.teing graduate.dt ltuîrefrrunu in 1872 an.! enteriMe flac praictice o! taie iiuring the sarnie ,rer. F'ourteriu cors loler ha wia etecle.! judgtof the tr.linifitlPleas Curat. The e Dxl bonir nlir-h came f0 hit> vas lire appointusont hoatire beur-laof tht Unitedit Sates Itrict Court for the nurtireru district o! 0hK5 iDntiew o! the tmpauding physica r-I lapse uf John Shermn, Presideuit Nlc- Khley eecleit Judge 1)ai ntFirat As- sistanat Itcrebar>' o! Stule affer huacl"-- lion 1tirte preadeuir> Afier Mr. Steinean'a reignation Jiidgc INa>'sacsrode Secretery o! Stote. wlulr-boMclierereignurd f0lahe a eat oison (lue cmmiaaion vwliichn ao o-nliti l'aria ta negotialea ta rnî>o! prare un 1h Spin.loAfier tliratrit uiou a!flua eduy hie aveepled an apprrurtrnt ta tireltnt- te.! Stafes liîicIt .,iirf ittanfrnu lhI ta ostion I rt ýireoelIp i It., fini isc ifrthe Stîprenue fouetrît tlue-luit- led SIoIu-o. AUt A-a....!the GIoIre Viîiîun iiiera. S(. ioa (fn Blot rapsi7e e ci ri -oa - Splai , n-dn tcO perus olmn Inn Par-kit (Columbliari irrrud nîecr ('urf bang. bl'a. Loua.w ).a. Litlefar-n ilnf o f iver E-lcai- i co vio-rd. S. [t. burine.! iideotîn. (irildrn SCENE 0F GERMAN NAVAL, OPERATIONS ON VENEZUELAN COAST. nia ire.! sil liate]]. anod iiitaity flue ptoce.! au ighlcd contriteii thei rait'oandu Iýn tler. nîutb1,300 y>nun.irange, oatia-ol frrgnu il. sith rtisctîe gîuni.fatia clty hofnfl renia Spinu itI po pri tc e p-01 firitas o! idits. finaircoîibitua htr.St. tuais tn r Il la reirorteul l.4isctoot tire I0ntlirr fair. crnrie.! a rer ilag astire signal, burasnu Sine initiia ofiiinn tthe St.fri tise forrn1Mgtfos.% siutno urrirl r-ide uni.! vrld'a for ort-in itotauo! c-unrrfrfio- r-ounot inlerireltiere n og nau fi earelon symbol. nwile teing une corrof ra loir- liamentury mort. if rîgarded lti,-ti'ofnrof jmues Klinfe. (amni saiirnu d pfi tire Peuther ou a îra-el îîutuni ugrnaeorîsouifni i.d. u A întiii.! refîuse ino iarn gati." ry bili A foreigu offic'e rerlresu'hiafise n IVir- Peopfla uf Porrt Siorrisc. N Y.. frr finu auid: "h-Irel1uitierAacion, tire uiîîsIîa Mur-ont hul unîuo- ui! od tfl i iitrer oficltrepo î-firt luots o. vos trirftv 15thiiinorfuel. the lii a of i nternuioiunul laie Mnisite uns Tht 2-year cid linireo! NVttiat a ,ron proceend liai(fothlirafart Inn cnt.frrilIre 'triigton. K> - fr-lil nitht ion-dn riu Ingoon of MNiliraibn lu onuerIff pr-uent Kil ta detti lire iioportîîtiiniof r-uutrulrrind artioers Independunît turrîririe rmaniirntitnmo front Crlnin nd mi iinug sofurus lin-m li ulcLtînt-nes$5u i-rniiin ahita mmd 14 upou. Tlîe-1'uîftien. n!ofiriursé eaMui r-iu-uli0$3504a eotn iiitn tire lire, as liîe wis neti,îl tridi.Thru. nînii'ra r11utue mn rtsi(ol(iietr-kf nrfi lLa.k lun, nl untonde lii'toi, ut !f ini aun.fiItlrfti i-fiti theti' f tunirt i' rîaufort. Voe Mn-e fiir i' irrrle tuîu Tuctir-t m-r. Id se hs i any invulral sbouiti- r siim'dis- (in-aneW.i.ilreill u îrfî aîrlrossl itioutuie i rr 5'Oi'ul(rt-d tire tatifatlti>huirarcîlt nr l'laa .x2ci.s, by fort ta enîfnîne tire blor-kade,. -nui-tut hig cnifctinug lire. t h ias v e tclipreferri-it ag;iliri. NiAriiiitr oirrtîîoî. illaipaçIor r! i iua Few-Line Interviews. Mitar it.aIirelra oll-eutan.îurrir &nîu i-nu shrothurîat indm iuîrrrtir, tir u t'hird otýtrr>ninîdîns fluet'i ut. rîtl Io- tui. lur nhuraf. infî Tue Amneivan wrcrirn nn.a t raiat t uhro a i mi, fa lutlL1ifi r ilr ttiurly îwure as efficielt Rnatiil-tîmrrîoten , .1'rri1nl1îi1i. î I$>tl o i Unamptoyet moue>' la net only on oh Colo. sti-ur-ion ire cmmerce tat au indluîe, Engineer Wol.f i -uuem fn-ont a ig ment to apaculallonr WiRt et a Unt la Firou engiture 'al, trilooku nIta holtarîx. a side trorti for un.mfuboYei moDe>' - 1tcer Aleanaudrin, Ohio.hului-a.! atruir-t Sacretar>' o! tire Treitauir> LeslIe marI ceaIre, tiliiig hinu lIts inrama va Shaw. làlaDlaware,, Ohio. 1ÀOÂLWILLTAY i010R,,Iaî ______ TUE SUN1>AYSCHOOL MINE RS' LEADERS SAY LITTLE LESSONO FOR FEUtARVI1. RELIEF18 IN SIOI4T G 5?mi' T OWS5* Vice Lei. of the Inie iciA te. Mine. Warkers uof Aneric a itaes Pre- A 128,n t tacs diction tth e llartu. Nu.t PUY 4 rI., v li. It eîiiiîaurathetlim PsnCy Prît efr T-o yea- jcnrlax. uii i.,r. îrthe At 1:1. Iýies ig il i iv, PaIul al oiedî "Ther wijk leil,,' reliref in the 1-1Wraivuatile -1e airf i,l> -f Thersui'rvalif nulif mirfurrftfor there Dcxlx tahilr'ririioi4fin, 'l inte. i the rroilta r luei aid r l tic hirhter lhurbor ifA'1i......,. j-,( rmlif if J diirig htl le n i 3cîit-iruatintf uiMSisr S5 il. i iias*f îin Ieen in -ulMclty yirr, hut. Granourics rai îr uief tihi.t iir iii Iliii> todict eud gui erriaiit investigaution.îa tie o. j rufiii. ini urligîý,T air.! îroay lie laîut itia ail rîtîeluîitâ lut v hiejI4 al i urle] ftrnr ii s s i tai bring relief oilfart' fiie fef, itiif>fiîiirigfrifi.iîfi Th.riot p..fix tteren xli -*rva-Iifiiilacd,-ry liui. 1;,lri issff madi> 'I iel-rfIilrt Tbinio .î'. etoif nu i li>thlirgy rfd r~iiri tiut- tfîi ted NIi iit, 'lYf rxofilAnfiefl a iS, nus 'u caetifioOtliiitir,eighi, iior authority on the brlrîîîiiiiîoa itu a i- City r)f Grer-ticulature. i,-frtajn1f kirif flion, t0a crres îe idC-t i f the t 'Ir it.Iili nitîir îif G reek ti hItnry. Il-,i ifif. hIl ti feu7 New., ut Inianapoltîisr. iiè tra'e- kiwi. nf treck cliv ier îrtur.i %r irai r ment watt iîdrrcr(rri4 thter îeoiititurip- ri a enus .of diseoverrîîgfor Ii, rertl re.entativs o f tfi n' ithraite mirliersa Ironrre tels and frontl.,ir id.Iti Whoa derîriredil t rr'eitl lule1[gorelief 0 lamrlrereatiîg fa a apr iie v10uiat (Zras irev',l eitatin xa. oncrne! se Pai[ w ruid bove merdeitc f Plrat.i for miom is tei ii i. Nitany îiriirîrtelt Ariatote o n.!tire greot Iragie drfira aurtlutii de.gate" f rir iiidifcri'it part# of tire Ifha wu*as cîuaiîîledi iany rnlirirt coutî>ryirirrr-dt he serîî of tieirlira- w aywith Iheir works one woînld 'apect te, tuel traces hlere anrd!tirereof oonicin-I 11bio iffrii o iirri f.-r if arr, , fîred él l neere. Bat certnt lly ri man Wtio prat ho te f r ii t-iiîi e î relief. hi% yoiîth ln T a earîs kîîew enîrîgir of What Brought About the 11gh Pricets t a nid her ggrius pint tlî h rill- Viî-'erttLei.,rondii: "The lires- cd liyfirep tiiiiightfl dîring ltre jrr g ont conditiuosîf lire ceiînrii rade andîtliere t,,AItir- accnîing scarril> if rosi ren* oen broochi l'au] at Athenq ln one if tire mont pi- about btaOCntliut inifi f ircuaisatilff't firesi[Oe ligures of airiplure. f.ikr jo- that Catinat be igiinzifii ut tflua ý1iîe- We r ,11 i hg>pt and Neheriah af the -ourt ail recogorue a jijiiiirMi iivr'rfe lu ther de tf Artanerxeo. ie was a Jew tn lima mand finoi ciainl% iii h u iîr ry rq airo5 ifrft a iti anr uteriy allen, an.! idolit- large IaîîrensMe iti îrriliîIiiiii The ddi--rua eiviiiniinii Lika fhem lie ahoweit tionai ineraca it tedivinte]rndfor ex 1,01-t irriaif iriier if the atluaîinîot tn and to the ri-fifirrinienfa if this cfunftry Roy SI y riecruri r-l hy the spientdMe ut au a Si irift Iffin.i rinfiilrrrti. I rgi> 10 us so rroîî tri i)uiisiretht lrnînt of the thre neceaerly fr rninîîrriapd rrîiîî- phiosiîphersa Mi-in theari Epîcureane lion of -ia. uad Stoles. ire Corie latoi contact wth "l,î the rni't rf tfi r riîsu itu-nien w ho liud tiriight deepty on !ho lIon Itetrikethuit t,î,i,1r ifriitieait- prirbiemo of! rfeansd deatlny, and bail se- Iirsi-ite rr-glons ali'îrii d iti, ginenui nlor rceptedilt itrionu diniietrîcally oppose.! in ket if abonut $*.i.i,XMIXM reetocf anthro lreth, roroi ew rof the worid. The ciii fuelrci. ch rrniii rîbIe repioret by Etiriireon wa a nrcker sfter plennmr- the teiriiiinra i finriiniuili aolî>, in ttîeory aet]Cirâ. merely the piesa- the carrytig f;in infa isi-it e in haîrilirng arr if lire setimem, btthe picosure whîch antirracite crrrl -r dnid lt leîtliîueîl lu r-nie-ffronti asîlafacînon of Unir naturel taire the te) tiîiiu ic ii he aooketg. ilcire. Thre $talc wax afafalisean.! -Wien 1he- aniiri' atrnke wlts end- aiiglit self-crotrol and! conformuity t0 Dt- ..! nîany peopîle i. re il îti)rii-eve ahat uraîi iiw as an escape frontdturbtug the niariretra woml remontîe tîrcîr nirýmal eiiotina conndition a ni ttu i ,,uii-ld he par- A Tactful Beglnatug. nirasci at a rtr.iiuunblcie ror. TIrcy di ied by tke Athu- pw h-* tirt realiie luit IlIn-ruîeîlt Il ere ai- paot.hie tili rieartitre Acropiotia.where m-ady taied te) their frull capocity tn fle ue preme cnucil a! Athens wa. ce- handlîng the icresâed tonnaige of th@ riîstomed t ba acuthie, Paul itdda'esâed lnasI ew yî-ara. %Mony people wonder the people. HI. opening words wer. why there lias bhen alir a phenomenal mont factfui. Instea.! of calltnag hiesau- Increase in rarlrond itonnage sud h ave dîfors -too ouperotittous" or aveu "some- îlot topped tri thinkt hai thousande of %-hat supertitons, (R. V. Br.)b.oa- tons af the irodrils of Anierican meonui-1 sures.! lhem hiat ihe ond them -"very e- farcurer atîn are tîeiîg soiipped ta aitl igloug' lit. V. Amn.). The word mens parts of the ssrid nmuet fln-t bc handia.! psying mîîch regtard t0 dîvînitice Thon iry tire rniriîidu lirfore laeîng cons;d ted ho menlionet. monat aptly. an inscription ta the vPKelîiaru ltie fhem Il. forelIna he had sean on an sitar. '&To an (net porte. This liciîy traiIr-r-iutd jot top "the"> unknown go.." Thera wUmre mea negler-fei, eea for rline traîîsrortatn of sîîch alters and inscriptions In Athecus. the much ni-ede.! ceai frai., the mines ta us other eltrs tell us. This vs an the market. 1alge ishen throughuut the Roman EmpIre Vllroads lenre se"Ling new! new re- *The rairos.! officiais, fileat have beau itlîglona. Egypitln and! Syrien dete. charge.! wiliiconspiring ta keeP Up were norahîpe.! lu Rome itseif. prices, are Dot to blâme. They didIil: tA Modet rermos. anftiote euh a laîrge Incrpsse ru ti;s Prom the introduiction Paul w CIII CD volumie of hbusineassand diii Dot matie wlth gîtent tact. -Whom ya ignorantly the prolor preliorufiona for eqliipplioc worehrp" dts fot correetty represent th. their ronds witl noire ralliait stock and! phrase ha use.!: rallier, *whom y. ver- moive poiser. Enignet an.! rar»a are .tip, tot knossing hîm.' This Go.! Pandi iicded lnrw, brt tlhey cntrant be got rtght der-lare.! 0Db .them as the Maker andt. an ay or for montata car-mp. an.! the Cou 1 tustainer of life. In this barlef sermonC situation w IIlî ttibc relire dountil the -or. rather, tht, bt-tcf ouiline ot a sec- much-needeît ruiîing stock an.! en;1ines , ton-we have the theologicai doctrine of .re seeur. t ie divine immanence set-y clearly state. *Tirere la ira acarclty o!fcoal at the Fromt lido roncilitory philosophical lWt mines. There are ihiiusauds o! mine troduction Paull furoied t persoual duty1 workera enrplayed oui> four or ise huma : -the duty of repentance. Bunt unfortu- a day, IraItricouac lire doD't want 10 'nately no sooner hâ.! ho etltere.! on this wurti hut because the rotîroade atiaut dixlsion of hi@a aidreau thtan the mention handie the cooli they mine. of the resurrection set the sudîtore te "The pireacut plienosuenai prices of cnul nior-king. One wonders whethcr Paul wiil probatily nul cîiîtinue more than six tronight lu thîs truth abruptly or led up or eîght tnontiro, butt te selting price oait Ia il graiioaliy. in any case, the ma- criai in the next Issu yeara viii bt ie 1, jîrity of hi& audience lef hlm. [loîtt some igher taaîit iasuitord, for the 1aest beliese..M' are tt0taIhinti of thès twenty years.t Ieoioeraoa evanglt.tic sermon aa e fallut-c. It wc-n kcepiug titi fle îîricea tie rairoarta, un -omen were coîîeertad, and a chut-ch ccnunt of the inireawedCt oo!construec- grew out of the actientent. lion an.! equtiririt, are gotng ta edeance This la a miadel sermon for preachera !rerght rate, r, Tistaha. alreadjeaspeakilng 10ta uîîipstiebohrrera. Stop bu-cildonc in ucîers e,-%and.! wi.. hoby &tep the pri-acher Peut leuda btesailli- addr-rtah the ueliîrg prief. ence fromt the point uf contact 10 tht -i con aee ia bhnrer for relief et leas- point nf departure, snd bringa thora îplein- eut air.! nake ti hîs atîcuent tiesaime 1 l face tu face w lth the truth. dont lînltietvefuice iropema stoîîd lie r- tertarncd h> th u nrtlir "Next Leson-"The Church et Cor- UtýI)ireaentutiv(is frontîrthe anthrracite luth. regirtiraitoi!lire siîrioge (if roal tnrsu,hOretMnatPs th ir tie e aiitnd tri abotîrlt25,tKot,WN) Oetttne J tins, minailratbouît 75,0W,000)t)tona cf r1ihleu Dickenus wa luAmerîca. rmadl titi unia.loiriti l t irl.!b t ic îrrîa lg frnt aîbis novsia etiwu'aslu very s;ble 1taiis-r-ine eîclr naiîhorfac vwi iîiJpor bt,îui. aund seseral limes hi. tlireprescrint rietîîrnni. 'rire>aid tlirecno- manager, (;eorZeciDlti>. feared that tirroîitee rrirrtirrs souiinot ttelilt ta0lire asoulI break dovra. Perbapa 1h, lîcrce liiitirertptî, us liîey bhia.!isleri.y crin, that ladlii fot tbreak dova trade an.! d tonit vauttaf0binreane Il. "nos liattuais igb aspirite vere no ln- Tirey Iliherr'.!the ahortage vout.! haveexautb.le salettho of ta b. modie îîiî)sytirbituminoundtîide- ehuttl.lcvsai 0loo f ciared i aru a tiofoct impossible. care an.! Indulge ln boyisb fu. Ble this prenkt u whlchbbe fole a icading FIFTY DEAD IN A FIRE. part. At Baltimore [Dick-ens an.! bts man- WIng otColnet- Hatch basane Atlu.. nger au.! the Boston iîubliabrers, James 1. Ettnandt 1. iuri..! Du. -1FilidsandîîJ. iR. Oagooad, arrange, a About tfly insanepotilents nere bin-îiî ssuîiîng maticil letwî'e loby au.! Ou- ed lin derîlli lrry e n t ie('otîiey Hetch gnou. l o tir- place ounIlîcir return 10 oriylui iiii Eîgiurid. 'rue îulbreok ne- IBostron anttre eulof tire motti. Iti-i- curra- it réthJ.ewish irnng of tetim îîett ,ni; drew iii) lirea riles of agreement. tirîui Ttîe damtîes cirre-ind wittgreul ra- piity aînd befrire the - yionid tc gît lin- aon.!igave litasarvn ficesautIreiner. der ciriir.altiie oeui buiritrîldingsilu Thee rîlu-lea as ccc oicîîuiy an.! for- cirîdîng dorrîitoricu aloi tIre dacîorrs'îîily olgîte. lîy Malssachusetts Jean apo n lirerfog. n re' ipredf'ourirni), (James , 1'. F liiM n. lie Go.!. H ill AI i ris nf thf r" nitii o ere d irict I Goler (Dtikens),r andtti tlalwo Cam- eii lii retofn flit,,iti tuliîininIlc. ifho letitors. thtir-NIfln of Rose I Doîbyt au.! t,raîi- nid îi tir ixvitt'nt an.! irere, th, Boton fuBanîtaîn (J. l1t. Oagffodt. sei pairoiisîrinkerittîltut nîly vlfre ticy l'o"ra Ineatnl lkg uîiubie ii ta 'iîbell' hey greai ilt 0c i 'amt cua a iî iniiaenilthe- nloronsofutthose niro rvratvýv-iecus mere iryiirg Lu 00Cm' theni. noirloy lihe Boston itantarn. tfDicens 'rherr' vere inarly tOIt> noînsitirrie si-oIe a tjiirtlug unarrative" of the tirîred snrnex at ire lrie the ire -asa ven-t . Afler hIle rili'.- ibe>ail iine.! dracovereilaanal mont r,! tircnî vire sofeîs lînkili nthfie chair. traîrafprrei tefrthe muai,building, n muta wus unniired. Borne,.honeer. eieiflf'îi. A Iuî'sî- lotghthoUze. renderîng it ifliit Iii eccertaîn tire i -A nin h enrrbj iltitgo ocl nuiiar f fiiose burned te, (leai Aîogli rîîriil tltro so Ai tire s-ititîca ere latllation. Thirrthe- sorlrl I iere sliat leu-tntl u. fot r-ar.! irtî- îîeo-tri a o_ i t r i -_.< ia _cl oir__0 ...11 _',lt 'r u nrx . ft1i. It la a woUI-k15sw M 0tatJudicoo "-lm S" e lwffl PB7U-Ep c"117 nm.wue pop- y-~b wt» gow, b.ampo &UlV%, endtb.yW S* istbme duel wttba 5jq y= a.dv«Utlaa 1* papime y-wm mw Ibat u ýPays... -J -F r- The Mlmlghty Dollar t Pays to Use It Rjtht. Our Motto: 1 ORsssssscc Bill Beads,. Letter Mtic, Business Card Circulars, Progr aman&, Invitations, Sale BUils, Posters. AND AU. ORTS 09 OALe. AT oaý 6"me - tg atm S. m tot"o M@ * Ilo? cOUAIV. ont"*

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