P - ENDENT USHBD WEEKLY. f'RATEs On APVLICATIOM. ý OF MONTAGUE. *àOPOBEO N£W STAR FOR THE NATIONAL FLAO. @5gte t jutauasud N otis Dakota ib De omblaed taVPem tbe -New gDouvealîlt"'Ne-Streak ot Psy i lOsael Strack la Mioa.diiuc. A movement là onufototh ie fiir.uuu Vn of a new State to le raliud Mort' te«Se, »sd viticis ie tu bu tornud by i'CUgUattlad ta section of Montant Pest lwDot Mountains sud tist part tif ýuîtUU: Daota weat outhtie Miseonri river. iobdhe beng lu tise cent.er oft tieissc- wW viIe made tise capital ufthtr u j664poiided tise del goca tirongis. DsW tate wound bave an areaut ubeet 1&000 square milesud is s strict 13 l ock-gl'owlng section. A meeting ot bogliatore from Nortis DakotasandlMou- tisla bas been ield lu Giendive anîd liie pojeci tiorongiti>'disctissed. Titi prin- *l ressent ssigued for tise propîutt'd ikfl ae tîtat tise people ofut crui Uemutina ire diatisfied 'sitis corruption Setbewestern section, ehie Northi Da- mess 'ire disgnistcfl ils iting tor uiItions lu .551cm Suorih Dakota. May liED OP ELOrNDIKE OOLII. Ofb.acstrlke PsY rasel Sund Second mdeaeck Vlftp'-fl'e Feet Da. ADawalou diepatei sasys that a sitt ak an tise Eldorado strnck second lied- o *iay-five fel bel9wte i rs lbcd- av* wvitb six teet of psy gravet rîuing sibikisas = 1te thé, ucket. Ties tike Wfl lDot far frein tlie Jaifous ifftlier, 'glAcisla nowunuder contre]. 'h'ieien' tle W sMie&l mining tiseoricsansd opens qqi *markable possiltilillus. Otiier arDov eing sitât. If iower beW*actasail>' exista tise Klondike dia' t lugeaI taîtl, judglng b>' tha psy ns hd. Tisegusher viscu &truck rau j& MUM hra fetd Ide, seven inclite, - - rate of! fourteeu miles an È7 ý aAàtr TIÈTENOTH OF UNION. ygt1M i1 0,8U,390 ParousAvattab1e tgras uy a auBoliers imelay RouI transmittedl to tise of Representatives titi otisr day er *rti oftise retures nmade tu tise ' Gaiuerai othtie trîny 1>' 0dju' Çeral of th~e Tarbios sîat",i lb. Diliattsorntis of the to b. se, foliots' (lacera. 1121; Mes. 109,W3. The aggeegate et persous in te United States for niltta dut>' is gives a .3La.al D&MMIMageluseotlsud. .5 % ling of thse sauwebisucaused1 foods sud serions damage lu Tise River Ta>' bas uvucfiowei uaid min>'carcanssesoutdeer, Md aeep sud qîlantities ot bouse' 'b"tfarlueirenfioatng lu tise streets frb IM Inverness tise River Neee, 'u od sud tise ailruad lri.lges ledaad.Tise River Dec bas pat tBalmoral sud lis cis- ldkmB camaild gret destruction. Irouie Beya caiited. M W le four .eveil s er. sleeping tn aW4mUepot lu tise areates>ofuthtie Sec- Uiaal Rank building lu Pitîabinri uedaibesi ivo buekettîtis of scaid' àteover tise quartet. Two itise aryHeis, agesi12 and Fred eadIl>ear, vere sclded su Ssii lMineraenOua Beike. Tàhiudrcd employe, ufthlie GouI ' »Wweud Suielter ',t Deadwood. S. D., 1aeetUlck beccuse une mnutas laid 'i9-. bodt 700 other men tili ha rovu '*e of apînyment sa a reunit, tise roi ~.ybavlia deeldcd te close doon tutu :r1b large mines. Uirgent Nced of Provisions. Bvedhistfantine disasier can le avent- %à mi e b>' qnlek focwarding ut supplie%; 'eei needesi ly t.iiussnds ut tons ta keep OO0O0 persona trous starving; sevrai of 5,000t iotEpopiiuitiiuil muet have .IOtoua ut flour iteides provisioins .0-" ent. Aotahr Postoffice Satfe Crackeif. Tise potoihie ni Brice Ohion'as dynamltes li>'rubliers sad $W0 i uls it scmmtt moue>, $100 lu samps sud $15' j he).sgiug te Posîmater Sprlnger si ere j igiser W.giee for Firsusen. Mne Souihern.Pacific ltas reacloud au egmum it vîista fireme nteth ie que& Oie of vage,. Tise luresse in uages gated aversges betweu 6 sud 12 per Six Pereous Dmevned in Car. o A comnatlonf reight stmd enige itt qse contslang six pirsoits pluîngud feint C tracks ut tise Qtieei mad reii'ot radud btise rît er at 'iickabtirg, Mi... and ail in it %tete dronc'd. Beri.us Blazee a t sukomis, Ok. Vire nt *'aukontus. auitlilti'niim 0@ Rock Islad Ru lmîd.to til-~ peti ut ofEnud. (Oh.,detroyed iun ecore block of buîidings. ciilsiig a hus cti- Matai t $ZA5 BlaskH abir.si 5Cambrige, lt Tise boai'aitiiinuuIll ,waa t(un leaci 1>'rolilr',and $tu,Ot.) aJ ntuleti ~lerubý,ii'rs ln'rigittlinuîeded by eay mon l'an 'eu cnuttired utnoataon ta ev niues train t'%... Vermant Abanidons Truibibti.. Vermfft ait isîîîotît iriiiitin ti.a-î.'i 7> electlIu resiillmig ini iilaiitlt tf i'i option an it>'a inuol.iet>if ubînt I.n.a.,> SBia b>' eaou luibsnd. Walter Itauia">' ut larensîîo. N . wu vs siot and killeiln ie ulioavrii'in' iýf ms.Geoirge Ii' aituiilte n li lia. bltise bouse liii r thi" lii tg t ud aliaffd tise Ilive, in e aI >liddtl"tue i 'ut L lb.e business aucui u i iiiiri- fit. omllbefore Il c)iild Ite iuilsii'ixi blieka, týoo all i i.unîg i I î **<b.rotrty -- it' i ntii-,i l'ili la $«$tLmei nt Large Luteber 14«1I ld,. = urni FEAR A LABOR INFLUX. IndutriliDepresio. nlu EsePean Cousntries 15e>' Strike Home.1 h'tismtor> ei'ec repuats ltsuit theisenu tutrial depreaion » nos iou uGret unI'- clu and lreinmd sud otiner EiiVolwal, 1 eoutitries la tise forerutnuer utf5a uie lepression in tise Unied Statu." 'Te sbove assertiun sw us made lji four Inter- national ofIlfisfutlalue organsations In Chicago wtio iad rend s special cable frram London snnouîncing a proposai dent' Dntration of 500(X) idle cuekitter in that rit>' sud s staiemen t tu the effet tisai tsre are 730.00 unempioyed In Greatt Brilain sud lreiand. Tise official-s in question are nut pessimbis.anmd sure ostista express temnelvi's, but tt'It'f esked for a sîstentent deciarea tise> souid pret s plain stateutent t o liat lise>'believed iu lie tacts. Twoofuttisent were couviuced tihal an iodutriel deprea- tinn could le avrted b>' a reductmon in tise buirs of tabor. lut 8ailout lient CX' preitueithtie uopiion tisat conditions in te lUited States venu controlied tu a ircriut- Pn urntssextentt 1>conditionls clistli Mi Eurupeau rountnies. Tise>' ere unau- mous In theselce! tisatman> uf theittan employed workmnInluGreat Briiaiii und treland would emigrate luetise United States sud tist tise Influx would lie o serions proposition for tise vorkmen lu thiscuntryi. BITUMINOUS COAL COMBINE. Tbree of lb. Langiest HEsiter. Cous' poleePorua Po.erfulComhinatiin. .1 powerful ltumiouis coal coudions- ion isés just beeu formned lu New York Dit>' 5>'tise coalition outhtie Coueolidatud :oa Company' o! Mar>'iad, tisel'oie' Munt Cuïd Comprany' ut Wet Virginia, and tise Somerset Cuti Company' cf PaunaytvanLiL. Tise uewcotupsu>' lete retain tise tille e!tishe Cooolldated Coal Dýompan>', sud telî bave s total ouput ut searl>' 10,000000 tous a year. It nl osd 400 linge uleel carss adsy, aitduli àase Ivu iers in Baltimore aInt îmcit t wl eabalte ho 011a steamer uofnver #,000 tous lu feui houes. Tire princiiu1 us).. agency wiîil e lu Ne' York Culty. 8110 DEPARTMIINT STORIt BU.RN8. Weiu.lock, Lubin & Co, Sacramento* Suffer Lue utfAbout 050),000. Tise greal departuacut store ut Wueint stock, LuinI & Co., iu Bacramentu, Cal., wasedestroeuji by l ire. Frank Kasebott, a fireman, vas killed b>' s falims vaîl, sud AI Pritchsard hsd bis isack broken and viii die. Severat others vere badi>' ijured. Tise onsis proliabi' $5W000, mithi lurance oet$8(10,000, sud t1W>stoue cvas one ut tis a isest lu C»Iaifornia. Il was a fuiu* stur>' brick sud cernent build- ng cuvering a large ares et grountif Abioutl 400 puisons are throvn out 'of i- ploymeut, ___ Tara Kllled lu PeARmatIvante Wreck. Tise fust expreee. trsalnf roua Wilkes- narre for Piiladelphiea, on tise Scisuylillt V'aller divisio t tise Penmuapui Uaiteusd coiidedl iead ou vilS a treigist tralu ucar Lait>', Ps. Tis encgineer sud finuma t ftisa freigit train wve klted, lise engineur and fireman sud colord porter ufthtie passengur train serionni>' bort sud seven passengers sigitly lu- Jurai. ____ Whistes tuaCCain. lu Paerîl. Areurding lu advices truni nonsh China fear la fet tisat Yung Lu, tise. ruaI rule utChina, ls plannngmeanothur outbresk sînaliar t0atiat ut 1901. Tir4ats are bemug made in cssverai procias ogaiut foreigners. Tungug lo }aug la qtioted" as sylgu "We nill nul leaee une ocesu duiuon alive In Sheun-Si tnd Kau-Su.'" ___ Former Ohlcer s Suicide. Lient. Ludwig Barth,. 35 yearut ld, a former ofifcer ofthtie Germetunsvy, wluo wss attaciseulta tise gunlioat Ireure n Manila ba>' during tise ime Admrira] D)ewey commandud lise Antuict flet thseu'v.cuntmtld suicide t lis riloinuin tise Anex Hitel, Knouxv'ile, b>' slnotiiig Wmslef titrougistis eaud nîtis srevolver. Faî.llty ou Croiser Boeton. An accident in thetenuem oi i fthtie Unitai StatuassiP Boston. îyung in Sant Francisco Baï,.cenut Edvard Lee Baker lis lfe. simd aitotiter victim, Sanfooi H. Tale, la n s critici' coenndution. Tise nîcu uere trytut toar-pair a tuaky> valve nisen a plate iiew out sud tise eseapluz teant enselopeul tieitu. Fosse flrned b>' Oilltill Explosion. Au explosio tthlie vorks ut tise Standard Oit CotupanY InhClev'tnîd muure un lemts suriotsty lînued four ireu. Joliai Sialer nit prohuult>'de, sud tise olisers wnUl recovur. A saftl>'vIci' on an ou stilblet off arud s triocudous ex- plosion ut gos foliota ed. Blusts Crasmblu P. Insmiii iv>' fog nicis isug o'er Ne Yoerk tii> teSN'wYork Centrail tg No. (i -r,.hatuuth Ie ittie terrybouat Ha>' Ridiîc nd uttdstnk nr uoff ti' haltery Tthe Iay Iludg r t'. ne lh' nrecked sud suriS reu mitnutes after site naxs truck. 'I'itose nboard n 'ererenuos dinlu afut>'. Die MWIth, Mo.. store, Buru Five business itusies vere datr.rynd 1>' fim et De Witt, Mue., eauding an ig- frugale ls ut $,0000, disîributesi nioîug tise folluc'lug firme: Wetnec Biron., dec gouda; Kuappeuberger, durg- gial. Barrett. groceries; tise potolfle,, and a barber shunp. Moisees 'r.ck Safa ma i Busldîng. Tsvu crseksmel bleuv openth ieRaste 'ni the Dasyton, Iova, postofice, excisaugesi sisuts nuls tise marchmai snd esespesi. Tise jterir outhlie Office vas wreckud. Muat ofe ti oue>'or saonpa hau lient placud] :uite ubanS lise ught lietore. tota>' Sain Us N.v Wsrsis.. Ls Tsrde, tise liberai part>' îicuspaper df Santiago, sserts tisat ieguialiotis are tut progresm tem tise salelte e'nited States ufthtie tuvo Ciliien naraipnup uu hicng bîill in Eîugiand. uInvkes th. Las as Kiae. Seottur iituer lorton ut St. P'anl bas tsîmodud a butlo to tise Muinnesota I.cu- iiature peubititng proniscuoua kiaing nuiras the kisuiespmoses@ phsysicien»' lîrrifliatu of goc l iteuith. Chokes tu Dth .etSep,.. Januît"ulili. s aClunago sosp inanu- facturer. cisakualte dealis vile esluug (lttuteniala. (iudfrev iliinter, jr, Nas ot'iîiitteui ittiti umorder ot Williani hFitz- ge'rald, Otf(Grandid tiids. NMich. The inucsace %tatues thiat durinir tire triai thileiglil n ittues aoru lu lite fiet tuaIrtIheen iil a couspirse>'mguiisti tise lite ut Godfru' liunte r. Jr. FARMERS' TRUSTS DISAOREE. Ivai orgeni.ations Unable ta Aore se ta Methods. A possible n'ai litWeen tise rivaliaot crs' trnstsî la the auljeet cf nnuluoPuc' utition na ilnucoln, Nul. Trsu ut thunu liane e ieorg&nizeul itîlî thtie parlt two mouuila, une n Indiana, tise othier in Nebiraska. The finit in Suoen asa "tise Anierican Society>'fut Lqil'of Sorilt .Anteicn." tire otisur tise "Frmiers' (0o otîerative Grain sud Iive Stock Asstocia-' tion ut Kansas asd Nebraska." Tise objec t feschitslu contrui tise outupt ef-til feronts of tise centrai sud nortiserut vfflafd tker mpiisods<.4iffer s'idutuî Tise Indiana peuple propose l to rlnluitrr' i. tise minimum pnieu; tise' western "' nsit tisaIt tis i conourical>'toiinY tut su ad tisoý tieir tplan ut elininatiruittIt' nddlumun and ssvirug lio pmofits fuir liii produrer in liteonul>' tu'silse and prolo' tienI plan o! sffordlng reluef ho tiseIl- îîeesaed farier. Bts orgsuizationitaut' o'l.'litgig uuuuluîr auud acis ina ctnv6i>' u'gaged tut proselyl iug truuuîtise ottnî'. MINER IIURDvREI FOR WORKI3.G RessIan Stbbid sud Kluked tu leth et Lrksville. Ps. Cuntaent A. Sulriltifski, s Russian ruinetr, nisosiasi n'rked duuing tire strtke, vas kiekedan sd stsbbud tlu deatis by tuet->one utbils countrymen, who ara aIl itiser minurs un alorers vorkinx lu sud about tise mine, ah Plymouths sud Larkaiilue, tisrue tiles front Wî'lkesittrr-u, Ps, Theisemmine s ad ieen 10 s dance dnntng tisu nigit. tutu>'outtisent out re- îunung lu tliui hontes until uon tise îuxt day. Tise deed a comniti'i ('uI te publichighvay. ner tise Buatli mine Imaker et Larksvitu. Onue outhemu Party', usurd Powelil auofskt. couteloa ed toaleiug tnrpticahud ii tise kiling, ud ise sud Ineuit>' ciliers venu arresied sud cunarnttual lu tise Luzerne Count>' prison. ANXIIOUS TO BELL WAHSHIPS. Argentins sud Chilt Propulse Saie lu lbe United tates. Botis Argentins sud Chsilitrotigis thuir respective miniatura in W.Vasing'tn have il.roposed houtise United Statetise purese b>' titis gonrnient of tisetir- morud emnsere and balliesistheu Iv Slouths American coutnies issve tandem lZonstruction in Europe. B>' a Ieat>'ien- ual nuturaI monîus ego Argentins andtt Chili uscis agmcud uut lu incresse ils naval streugth sud to s limtited uxtent 10 adopî a disanmamrent po1ilu>' At te tme lise treat>' nas consummateal Argon'- tins bild Io srmnored criseraunuder con- sîruclion lu Ital>' sud Chili Ivo battle- shipe onder construction lu Engtand. Destis of iueti R. Whitln. Jutin lt. Whiting, s former uteun- lier of Congresàs sud prominent Ilu Micis lan Democratie pulIcs, dd t bie home in St. Clair, Mie., atter an illuesa ut oner s nueS. He va. buru in Battu. N. Y.. lu 1847, sud vunl lu St. Clair whien a rhild. lu 1&461 h. as u ected lu Congres. fromth ie Tunîh District mnd isrved tsmee termes. Robisers ihoot Alla ita. MasSadineli t Mount oluad. KY entered tirlion"tofis uJ.ohn B. Furroî nsud dumauded uuney ut Mr. sud'Mra. lFer- muw, vison, tue>'founu il qstep. Tise ugud couple gRve tisuniaeourse contsiniug $5, but tite robliema insisted on listving more rooney, oand luoh l'crmo, uhusu nourd an satd tu be fatal. Bove. PresenîssnUiluaimn tliiter losen, for V'enezuea, reirat cd the compilromise uffered b>' thue altic'o b>' which is lie>suld ake tut turdsot uîunuy eollected. sud pn'scted wutîmnta pnuctial>' un nulttimtu, tuat qoelt'ntuit ut preferentiat trestunutut be refu'rrrnl tu Tise Hague tribunal. Equat Treatuaeul PropaoltReJected. Mnster hovenes latut proposal, tisai ai nations luviug cirn againet Verre- attela lic gieuir îe sasinea trusnteuît as (.eat ilitaiu, Geemany sud Itl>, las beun rejectud lu ttu lj tise ales. rhi utruiatat tise nugoistiotis t lasisiug- ton, fte setitue t Ieat. ar et a omt- lltetkudatili. Assiout Muniill tCsI Yards. Massarisusetts Suprunutu Court, .ut n aner ho a reu ofuttise Lugioturu, de- ,ideal Ihat muniucipl a 'iaIyards aeecou- tram>' to tise constituitioni.'Tlue court hoida tireit sanunicipatit>' canunt ei4,age in cmptition nitis mun vuo iaveormn s esled tiseir moue>' n business. Kilt Ameariesos tua Mentco. Yaqui ludisis lmhave attscked tIte tossu ut San Marcial, th irening celter ufthtie Stale ot Censuea. Mexico, sud ttinost taken possessin fIil. The detenuiers ut SuIn Mîrciat uuurnded muore tisan twent>' Anericans. igit utfvison ver. kiliod. Freinete Wa.t5 VesesulaCostoume. 'TeVenezuelan guseruinunt isss tueun uotiuiucd 5>'Franice titat usîonune lt MSC emal of theu fumiers Parts n iili e toi- Ieted b>' Frenchis fcidaisoualer 18637 Inuit>' riglît. i'resudunh Castro deairial toceign cîshlus cl gel equsi trautient. liabauSBends lu Resgau.t. Naval Construitur Rihminond P'earson Holison bas tendcred lis msignution frontiteservice. gitingas5a a riasnaa disessreutfhis uyea. ou aceount utfvîticis ie wvs irvaildedisonte tmunthlie Plit ipiiia. 0..&.g a O foutueCosI. An Engluibs spdîcate in bscking C. O. MacDouald'a pejeet for esuiearine t'ira minhug t aISouu(isad. N. ., sud nugoîha- lions iave progreaed lu a stage iisnning tisa hagiunuburo! ming tin te SPring, (overumeut -Ms>' Assume t(barge. Tise iron trsde ut Europe insûîmevisat àxctcd oser the Imminent prospect o! lise goverumeut o! Sortes>'and Sweaiez assommag cotrul ofthtie Irun minlug In- dustries uft tiose tvo counîrles. Miles Due- ilRoyaty. Genarsi Mujles vas tise guest ut tise King sud Quasen t dinuer at Windsor cactie lise otisam night .Tise Prince aud Princens, utWales snd otsera vere &Menug tise part>'. Kaieeî la Our Yieni. Barou von Stasabers. egeclai ovo>' et Germsquy, ib eacsa" 1New Yoasd idai. tise iAshoinla efrieni of Amer. UNITED STATES AND FRANCE OP- POSE THE ALLIES, Beslous Hltch la Venexueltie Trouble Causes Alarsu Esgl.nd, Oeressny ansd Itaiy ReJect Bowene Final Pro- ponai-Catr. Feu" a 1&'rid Wur. &mnpiatic rjetion by the allies ot venezuelas iast Proposaai was receii'ed by Minuter Bweu Ssturday. At tise barneabtiteMr. ltow.ii n'as îiotifi'd tai France w ouid inws it bosvins î'îî'iaI trcatinent with the potiers jolniug in LAW AVE WHLTH ROMFIR- Llite biocisade liit te settieineut of ciilîti. LAW AVE WEATH RO IRE 'fThe situation i, tlterufure. critical rai Com'and u I involves lte Unitied States, fur tbe Coand l W.lta Born Fortune Ameriesit ja une of lte eight creditor id natioutns of Ventezuela witicîi the allies reu Thse wealth ort he laie ilorvey y. l(coti uet eonz s ivo iitt of Rive Coînîy, Minu., will tiot lie buru hfuseda recîntceun ut iga i linsa cd. tior ciii It go ltatise claimants tise truh the îiegoîaiomof Ntir. Buw-.'if' commissioners of tise couîîty. Scott d' d Lthuog Vneuea lesving a fortunneof $43,000. lu ntise frst Germny, Grest Isirtain snd ltaly de- part uf hi@ lest wilhecnmade severtîl oanit preterential tresînient iniîa3mntt stuall bequests to relatives, tiien staLted af clainîs. Mr. linweîî thus far l'as de- the residue of bhie"tâte sould go ttaO ined te accord l. and lit titis attitude hice County. Luter lie adde'd a coiiil bas tis a tcking flot aiuiîe utf1enez1'îI'a, that noue of the ra'idue sliould go tate whieb ha reprenents, but ufthtie United countY, aud 1taniake mure, that IL %nould Sates, France and six otlier ctreditur ns. îlot lie added tisaIt ost lie burned by tiOn ' lu thtis tnation France sud thse hie, exegutor. Tise court itelow deeided ULnited Stateu are au sîrungiy allied. tise muney conld noui lgally ha dentray- though Inforînsliy, as Grmnîy, int' cd, nad tisat the reîdue mtuet be dividod clu uund itaiy. The six otiser nations. aninso the firet heins. The county ceit- wn of! cl are Belginni and Spain. amc isioners of Rice County then liPoal Ian to irmin lutieir agreemuent cis tise ed. soying if tise mney contained ini 1iw Amnrican i'iew. restidue (und ve nfot detroyud i hulid Thiealles' answers lu Minuster mw, go lu lise connty. 'fli State SuPreiîîc en'& last Proposai weru ruceivud in wVagli Cîîurt soa: *"The e itqit ta thse iouiiiy Lngton Fridzy. Tse>' were ta tise tif et .as uxpresal>' snd iîuî'rnditloualY ru- that the allies cotld flt consent thât vokpti ly thse codicil. tlie,,igh thec net tis- the LUited States ad lihe ollier claiitsflt posbitionutfil tuay' ,uvoi."nations reciete saine îr,'atîueîît aa PIRE CRIPPLES PLANT. tbe biockading itutrr@. soi titat SisuY. tberefore. rjecred lit toto NIe llutî.iis Liicbtulog Causes lia oloeioJsof Traus' fiaIl proplosition. former in Pone Bouse. Kuowing te cotisequencus lia Nera l".ru in thse pot'. o liuofi' thie Niag-10taolilte rcauntatiîîii(f tite'jeu- ara F'alsl'unIowr mindi tConiduit <uUlm' wers the rupruseitlatii '5 î,f thîe aliet' di'stroyud tiouasd, ,f dotllars' wo.ri'im tuok upe tîn MRiienmt'l slt e.xfalt ut val nable msciitey anîd iili itw ut of itihIiding't he ite tf tliîir tao, grecailoge toanMosîtifetteîg factî,uir'a t erunieuts sud ofutin îîî ailîii-iriig Nitagara Faits, N. Y_ îonuî te fwliic,n:a retracti of t lune peî'fcruial de- is aaid, mulst rentait i it.for weekm. The attends. ofilcers of thse c.ipatîry %re ne îttct r Maanwtiiele M. ltîsen s ititing hia cd to givu an estiluiotu f thse d:tnitî. lime. He in kee1itig tCaracas inforîuud but tisey adnitted titat tise situaîtionî .aa te ta hie progrias tif evets snd is coun- strions sud would itadi> erippie the ma" y slitig Pott eitue. làinlg liathe lot itit panîts deîtunding uttoiNiagarao Falle will yet Yiet. *eAis-'ni-ar t ter , ho . ' power, flot ouuyiynluiigars l'aile luitIn >basas et eruis cd uitintimiationt front Buffalo, Lockport sud Toniîwanda. 'mcii- th. Powurs tisot tise> are reus>' desirotîs ty etthe ifty-fic factories at Loclstto! aettling the 5. eiàeuelsîî dispute ts a S. -.,s . ss - d --tn n .-glui...tre, nt-. uti io-siur1te1- îreeiam of 1 i 'l'lie necapaper plants anud suîat.'m fuir tise po es isave' thuift. .ouunsteduimît tares are idiu. Tht e ene i i>' counteripropsitions.a a oli t flgitint o mihstriiut acuti" Peins sa .id 'Aar, ss tidetuctise inslatintîiutluninninu uamut A Caracos i'itrenliuiîidctuî iltioteel' f circuit. ohidi lion at iltîranusformeroi'ltutdent Caatro nas> uugiiiltih.-course o ut et tite Inuit r bouse. lutervuem "iuuiot gr.rsp litheuNNe rom 'tî'ti l TRAIN HITS A TROLLEY CAR. luglout. I feue tisaItu t 'eieeauielau ilium -filet wil ha'cumode a preeit tom a utorhIt Eieven Percons Are Hurt in stu'el c ar. Iiubae nseea, Irurever. Iti' Çroasing lu Ohio. dentsnd for 1refereiuil treusmeut ut* Lu-i lll"iiior passungur trin No. 7, sotitis' Ionsa: Tue eneuuearu govu'ruuuut le- boardl. truck astareut car at tise 1'i'low ires equai îreî'nt'nt tire eve>' crcititîr Spriungs oleel crosuing it atuSrlugfieil. natiotn, tutt lt' .$estu e t S'iig ni iita Oio. 'fisccar osa ilai nilis peuple sud rcspaetitg tal*revitos duliratie sud n'as bt squryin atise ceîter, agreementluis umd obimguation., d nviug it btt>' feet lii'>ourd tise crosomus. "Aofure utmo1Ii isec.t',e lu' inrrit i int Etevun pensons Nîre njired. tt il uto sn aslttiliîperfect. )et tue lit. adint; nisoni. rs .dUtle i'iselur sud Anisa owcrs seIii t desîre t iciviîidiîtu' i. Bau'>'. are urutiai>' lejore an sd tS>' Tit s ma steonuge îinici'etueiticeil sionu die. 'The umtuouin. A. L. Wîilkinson, il yeo memuil tatuhetlii'French,. lielgitutu uuttu tut tholuglil. vu@asttable lu stop lime car §panislu ciaiiius oresul t> li It iiiiu'unu orsn mîmil dutectîie britaes. sanctiton wchistise îihuu'Iadinug îuuuu ru Eicbl Ledrone Ar-e Eiled. pretend ud le duimoua tuetir uasuitît Ligisi ladrusuWr4 sd one conetaieiera reeuivu. kilird in au eucunter 51 Onmue. NWest "Yet I suthoinmiltu.niys IluIti Leytle province. P. I. Tise figisl sas a fui. Me. Btuiaen lias (ai luc me litI lii isard one, but lise contabular> utiuuste-prudent santd patientî. 1t sliuutîJeubath. lji won b>' a dseing charge. One buidred snd ne still exislt ii luesefut m1.-uuue. sud fitty ladrorues stirrendura'd nt Oeuic vitis thue uîudemaudnuîg tlimt ut ist tis t tise foioiug utsy. The district lusd beun Sasnlieun duit'- u amit utoit stise iluit uitl disurderi>', and il s buiust'd that thea gitI. Ve birv îeuue d tiot if iliereP surrender utfteme mincn li 1usd lu ite ln nuluatoir amrtur nationus liairvinuuîu'ni puicfbcation. Internationaltiagmenîr1uts t1- ue utat ultid Mornment for McKinlley'. oustc TIceaspot uouttise liatlefie'ld ou n 'tie- h Feuuin c egn bal,'nîhtt ii it' tam.nisuhru<'ormiusar>'Sereant Vuil' Vnzea oenin htn it tamt McKintl'y amt oui tis euvenunu tut o! litacuvu'ît ii tl"auup art f le Sept.lit. 186>2. tumier lire utnrhsurved ibot rlondtituh" drni at0r u ti roffýand rti,,n tau's'eutraiî'aa utf cc runit ustiit ins'ou. l ha markud lîy ou appeupriato iiioneen, mati luttunarmtit iut uie rît iu'p ii, Tise Atieltam latîle fieldl conumiRrujsn n'ouruîîna. Iriti'. ot th su.ruuu iest avared I lic conlesel fur uts truc' ed f Fetu ahliiru,'titsiîtîtt u l 'îu liou. Tish olo. l u $ JfS.lut 'îu'r ' f i t ti iir rgitt onru 'i titi. l No Gorle nitant eunt. tiuît 1l".i iti cut lai 0tins unît ttui.l Tise l'ranklitn 'outy. Ky'.. grantd jury wNuIt> N lue-ri'ziiiei tutil.tA'tiIl-un i t lias adjouruu"'l Notwit utilitttg Ille' (mt nientuitaus tflo'i'iu riandu' rnt' ii lisat lHeury E. 'î'itsey3. ores tutgenacru 0e oit aukuuîg te uuio iii otfi i u for liti'es itm e tar> tiihte' morurd- icf hIiuglaI al itt t1. i'ttlttiii-iti.lut Gos. Gov4el. ut a itutture thle jue>'for rigliut(if durct iilct tuer a n eek. urio.intdmnents mut tise ciilii't'auler, ' ruciWARSHtP RAMS DESTROYER. Hua Rush lirdees fue Gains. PifteuLicesAre l~attîinNaval Ba- Oruers hat iti e en receiv'd nt lise h'nit. cuis ni- ti1J n. rfîî. Pd StatUtsariinry aI SpingfietlMias., 'lhoi ilt ii .li ir --t'lutîîtir tut rush teahipientut f100.(»0Liag mt 1,N ttilut titi tuualcuiielîîu' rifles tu arcerumitu ver the country'. Tise duruuug tie' o il onulltots rut off i 'urfut, original causeofuttue ordîr vos ilue .pas'mald iftt,ctt umn tatîtit u s',iiwtIibr. itu sage uf tise nutiflolt.but tise rusisfea- ruentaitsu ti-riuiti. 'Te Ptioneer %%liun lui-e appareintli bas a sîrtciti cause. t-iotning antul îeu'i ttiher fui.a ' May Put Biu'ds on Rats, iraughut lient te uuîu.o rpe out dèstniiyc'. Tise millinera ut Ohsio won a ietor, ailso lttlter tîtrumu ipucl, railticrsl .evfFtise Sîste gante n rdîna t'ýIst'hmie ber (toi'. i 'reeeonîuds elîluir tour> Toledo courts decided tisut the tortuer ttouîd li-uit' tcicl Il.'collisin,utnta. conld mnut b lptiistteà tir ptteîi'.iniu h un'eshue aonaîîred crAiAer itrti k Ii' birda ut plumgtatc odeconste ht'Ogtn rw mtetl fuirtr lurîtnîlade, vutt ttg Jmur ci-i it vu aitîuîdIth tise bleds hle es pieti y iii h utf. tise fors.ard hitutoftise liought biti'the ltaw e canie effective. tusiti siukmutg th' ut atutue aliitoat uî litl out o su ri aun t lic t ter. Tise atter par1 Pretender la Df.sled. lion ut tue utu'tu'în.u'ur taiskept allahitt u> %torcco prn'ltieîdr'ssein>' bas blic eo f tu thetI t,'arr igli.î eunupnrtirmî'uuîa înuisîluitî'uhby tua Soarai trotulus rud t buuuug inuniitjiri'ut tutuon astOu utied îlto part.l lUiintumorn ts leadur, eu'îunrted t lid. Tht csci'nut hain.u îu nt'uucul t ini 'Tse camp,. lerin.aloi linuuuunntu<,a l te sthnoughut titt oNiita ti.te fuiti tct lian e uctirult utecl. sithluth isest n le'>' 'pruvoiliuug tliigtssotf theucruisur tip takeu tromthle Sultan oi Ibm 23. pcured mitre dimatnt toIlue captin if Iutlte A. ý P iduatnen"r itu unu amtflcou'.The llî Authu lite Pronles.. for tise aucuciet o tt kîiýntîs ,it il Lawrmence Siltuter Bunson. athotur of attheama tinot the cantiif lise(Iut'i "Bensou's (ti'iiinitry" *sud oeIl knownîtu astos lonugnc'anîce'slutinîainu a rîow s noveit. pilosiuophîler tuttI uollinu 'ti' a iuagin licruoirlttue buts a iftht, i-ian. in deutdil lim e Uit>' lanutitalin Ni ew rus' ,kiiiigle ahi i rfl ark. N. J.. ltluitittess. IPth wi c utused aspeuil lu> paalyslia Catît. J. N, W. Romple flies, Captain J. N, W. IRuamie, îmentbe'r ut Coutteena fronu'tte Second >tticto rage. front oiaffection utfte tî'uot. I" i~ ~ i9u Ilits (tntewultaiMarengo, Ioa.'op- tain iHiumple ona Q yesrs old. Glienn Foud Nat C Iltyt. MaurBdin.t.luin ofth iseh':th sntecag funlwric kitn orIl Ailthlis liratt 'oaro u inliin ngu p nulit Sullu bill sgsîuet tise lioners.m ie' u> usceauou un. lia bien ecquited lt Nlia-[lutnd il ouI. alla, lun Chiago aiîprudentt mari iI liii tgir lu Infaut Sht. Hi.Motiner. usst a damS aIle> s it .a liai, of cuul uit1 Mnr. -Alice luefler, n te ut a pint .Lslothlera thesu iiglta. ment farnuer liuving iltnue ioutvîie. M o., Ga u'tttu lauu tauiîun va@s eiidetaly s]lol tmot kîlled hy iber Gsud-piviy 'ie Muresofgus itit utIl 4->cut iil tut. tireluas pueket teleptuona pertecteul. Vole Aginet Cbang. of! Mm.. Apostie Smoot refuses 10 airaver au>' AI tise Epuscoplaconvi'.enition lm Sanl questionts as tu lima ulustutoutpohygaun>. Francisco tise proposition tu change tis e Msi lrobâlit>' frutld tut hat hi.ia vea umre of l'calulant Epuacolial 10 'atiso' s'ouid du tuahita sf1,r tise>' ad rend lthe lic Cburch ut Ameries vas votai doîvo. Interview. gtire Cuev Lne Live..Newe Yorksechurulenclers asec eseneu Tise ctire rrwo!fIrsnt>' tour umea tis a ni-age ciiil e grud for dis' ut tise Neu'egiuuu steamer Avteus. wvici missasi iereitter. Are lise pour, ovcr- wunî agsura (inntise coat t f )untark, vomked scitoot teacluera.to ihave nons ut ltthelr lives. th. tuxnies o!lilfu? War Bo e la . Caeion. 1 Ou. ut tise big Texas ohl compauilos han Tise Britlis c'alser Ploeeér en jutas heutplacet]lu tise hande of s recelver, tise toapedo-hot detmojor OtWeI ms but &bout tise -,m>'lislahg la ulght for the ebanne] of Çor'tu dawag naval ape 1"is te ree'nti b-islokirom tise pis- t don& VF 1. lu lbut tie W)*ça boumei vb >4o isitise ftlai tUW"M le a y el 0 0 Il te si c y ët fel t The. Couinecy Hatch insane asytunai lu M5uiddlesex, England, wvicb vas iart>' destroycd b>' tire receni>'y, la on.e fthvie iarge#t o tihe lusaîîe asulouis lu Euru'ic, 'lhe institution ls ver>' nid and lias been addeg toho y derrees for more@istho ity> yeare. Tise main building, wicli vas îlot tnnebed b>' the ire, c as buiat lu 1849 and n'e dedii'ated aiîligreat turc- mnîoy b>'tise late Plince Albert, liosbaiud uf Qucen Vielpi. 'Tbh uyui na originallyl> sil< lu oace'ionudate 1,00» paients asd was put utît as an addition tu thse institution nfirusdy in existence et Hnnwell. "whiich biat!rooeu for abant 1.000. Tise buildings destroyed wure af c'ood, wbereas lthe main building is of atone and sa considered fireproof. DROUGHT IN AUSTRALIA. One of lb. Cousequcuces lea &Whaa.t Sbustege o! 13,000.,000 Buee Wiscu w. rend ln the Doper% tisat tise droutis lu Anstrsia bas canaed a visent sisortage ut 18.,000 itO usisels, wicisle býing mode up ly importations trom tlie Pacifie Coast States, wa are apl lu tiilik miors ofthlie brisk bualoa in coast Nvîtent mrarkets tisai of tiheiîltfering lthe ueivs inearîs in Ansîrsia. lui parts ut Qjuus-t lsnd familles are liintg on bran snd e'aceabo4ht origiîislly as a fflateshift Il la officiait>' stled tisat usure tire îlot ~LI.00,000 siseep ieft iii New Shiith NN'alus, rompared n itis 1O00,),000 fbye year, ago. Oua matin ho iast presoru- cd 25,000 siseîp by rtiiil tuding sac' the usajorit>' dii', and finailly eut tise Ilîruats et tîte rest. Aitotisur iteup rais' ce lise @eut $1i,* un toadur. '1it" tIisbup of Itiverirîs comptjarez5iii is ic,'e l. a great SBahars. A fýer it'p til ix' bht eomehow on gaîlltieli., but eveuu huit iu dylng. Tise river, are dry.Tiie ground ta cuvered s foot deetp In pitres mliii a itu ou w&dr. snd tfr raveinîg purposea couselsaert' usesi viseapusaihl. Astig 'tallon inleteniunîtired lirriffhe abat stitrmsare more truquent and mitre se- vure, i'ot>pelling pItuohtie 1lie wt t Ilir tilcus lu tise grîîîîud iniordir lu lirenlth' itew Soit swaies guveruîenit ls mîeetiug tise situation b>' îaklng loseus tii a maxintumt tf 87.100, public land renute uay Wre iispeîtdi'i. and tise feulerai giienitueut lias levrt akud tl u ispîend for iar lirthe iltr!otti readatuifs and fî,îlîlî'r. l, itnii iit- 't ir"st la reu'etl lthe Statu glivertiiuruis oilpsy tisedîtu 'lTheStali' ratio sys n iii nike sp-'cîîîi ettort o', iri'rry frolduer i'itaîily snd abuit- ilaîti> .asd siglîrîltîsifiiets o il buc'made tii liidii rthe c11 oiitf -ae 'îil OOWiE TO INVADE NEW YORK. Hostcf 3,000> Zlniî rîiker . Hle Led Jîltt i hxioiîlr Ii,. e inaboutîîît end al rîsitoraion an amiiutielim(iru- saîle agaiiqtNetw Y'ork .. A fîltlte.ltd tf "lthe fitilfail" 3,(M)()tronig bas 1- reîîc criteitandtîlen tehle lrupetins sooded ii "*Luijis 1l" lthe Zionites cii laIte hp iie niarchisn lthe îjîest of 100(M(1cliii erte. 'Tiscneu-' iio-eiet lt inthe umonitir 'n-u aihsyiaiit'J b'li Ziiit o ult d r. l "a l1i tir tisee'unlîînît'f . o îuC(il>' ii lise Enst sîniar III lthe sitieniptit trear %Va'ukî'gitu Litnvoyas inca iseen ini New 'iorkf(ir iîîtttis taiaîriousiy planning. tîme cainulaigu ouind orI min bueutrecel, meniiril -lîitor thise Ie S cri l'y Dliout titait ouip1tionu bil hlct ir ..'îtNuthls.of !uicistgàn. We uit aud un iMtadisonuuSquru e'Garnu ansd hatri b>'Il t n - aeou Sundo>'. t 'amegle N Htat'ilnui d ttiai ail su'ns : uni madilusfuir ithc <'uudus fronut'i 'lhe Snîoun ttuItitiru hllthtie alun> n'agît. buuuîr îîtr ill uunier t'utruidration. le 'fi s tatio umlu iaI l-utin e-tu shenn'd no tul oitté, J .- .înuéu' Iun l'ir. pettOs. frnt ntuIcumutunrftufe c ourrhIn ii(ii i 4it, mutf rî'uuu'atudI lisotit go ov« sn mil to ib.' et tutforcal b> u hi tttheuei t sttiutnélou'un'us to Se Ot musenies"lu. u li oftutI i c.t-'a t at"fr,.> 'i ii' niooIvi l l ta55up for- nies , luel>' utti uutuid o is tisa ctutu'. nialun îî' u til n.] a.Bard aid lIme anriliîced tén, teîrobe. tl' .u Q]tui . "i in îîîîtîîîîîîî.î ILo Tb@ neutueunt.sait.> ite otutur iuigis tif tteiléoinu' 1, -.1i utuiutfiiet>'bills, unre îîr.utuî'tart' rucul>'for tire uru ýqot t scl.n 'f tG.î uita 'litewnmont lbu- atmm tuiiuti u.' uuctiatiuîus s til tuas tîuu ilîtnut tua .i .... ununuuu ofnu utcou_ (r>. n a fl:ho 1 tiri. ir. itly arettu o trioiulItol i f ttio' ît Ins'sîiu ttise 1 lunoiiiu, nhei u,.i. Ilé..t i ' ft utt i no ttltthefinir- n d tit luigi,' tise Se9 Ite>) ,f tOu- 'h . atiC i tîy. if -1 iiM . tutu.d of i u'i'li slrugî iikundtur t liu d-i 'tlut mtuutl'inu ltrlur lu th* ýpuI [ htiie .eé,tt-I uooiT tîî'Inîtiu 'î-u:1ittigui hu t-ie tatgtniit u e'tna.i nlîîî ue te. lui t tii-ri tut.u" ýlit' ru'olerd ul uhlb il'o i'tttt,. i tit onhlio uSthli' uito-ii r10.000 cnîtt 'oufu tOt entais b-t - i tm thodof îeou'Oulituut t enita ut suditlis a uuun '!,et c Sute bilop.. n ,futut i'Ottitonttuuidng n'as pasiied. o' obju'min l-tts' ouiteMthins 5111t. - furtelirerugitluitcu t irîatutl anporttL, 4 tul u t'e rujnn'tutf Mr. I'cttua, wAs t pua wu i. 'lTheeus onîttshaiiing *.- geîuernnla'tff ,nos î'iiiuîuîît" Liter. tise' .,. ,~~<. îndeîî'nuéuu n'.aume licttical inaIa s % '.m'uuî ut iltfu giueattaIt secctiona et' tiiLutubll.1,-t-iptuu.ouui. ater havlng' hauit ru-',u-iiîur-A tétuttuerit tise leco pormronit n. iii 'ut nîtuinnt b>' Mr. lIenS. T- tousald mploe. f th Cil,-e tulé ng tee n inf if 'tiff eccuivat>'je.s aTn'n Ituatîtemnft eîlîysaut te in godur te dirlion ofuiu uittt'l'ei'sideut t'. îuo> ren'u'tly sîiiîrtiutd lu>'tue otbill. ijtll's itn rntuuluis ru iii iris in qpsg. seinînt l"i. tttîIîuîuuî iltl. e spok* luIniorurtu itcreinlis tne s tu.ýoft Ilim fi tt ucit ..r n i hit itisuiut coni- utcîunu iit ii . niu utir.',Wetst- élingtuc 'Th- iIl uuruapeut proctit-.I'îy l'eut 'il ilire rcdiuouuug tuttnri"ofut1h,'hunlei da, i ton uu bilslutt o.>nlinx (),lieu enîilou i. The clorksa tre uinltuOr sce f,"teuf.- leuSlutin sci. Mr. Psayne, tt'umîzd. tuun tilpeuttiat nitauttat tIti' u het' rlnel-nlé, eout tIi untjonit>'. taogsg- ihî'uuu .thenai].ttt 1u-'o'uI'hlnduteating ou)>" .Tht' t lluin tabt lle sttîn ufic ttitii.r.e ui la 'ýt fIe te, chains nseauy rnilriu m l utl-itt' h b iiii i tu t itlîti lire fi 'r t .'i'-jut'itt dubate o. tlisel Sttna uurlmg lise taiýt ducode pottliflu'p'oprîîuiationuilvrish ac a- tour ..... . . î,ce i tut>-----------.. suum,,î and,,Nir. Rînîl (Moi adinuuc ra3, u.... ....... 1,nsi tise.... ,M 15h11........... l'392Ittt 101.'.. i,1. ustN.sîon.ti C.,pitoL r 1897 .. ... ' lili h2 ... 0. ti ituîîibiiîuu iii cate tgree ta pueiM P» . 'flictable exemtplifies tine stesît>' ru- aau it rent> in order lua ocwu tsý, t'lvt'ry ouithticconrtry tenin lte îtu'îres-icuiiou tefuiro lis cis 4. SemaI., MqW. iuîx conditioîsnis iclu existai oftcr tis an nken uitove in oppoet$aol- tpanic uif 1893. lan1M)4 und I1)1-) railas uufu'itutou prpile U> sNure riteuther Ilion lefure orsiltice. lut Tefriiain prpitmii, inuit>'lantot ne tutt'uuarer os manti> uiles uit eepornî'uuluill lou.'uuu cani'ics 700 trak erelad i ech f hos y ar biioc$20.),0t12 lest, tîm thlie cen t I&W, trcSoceh aiii c1i9u0ltoe.oosThie but cutinis nu.cnewleffglaolln , Tîne ptrrelites liy tinoe inîuoîlsofut lrf oifluti'i îîuîî'to lit. sprbeaa fru'ut c n d ui uîltocotuivs'dutrunth,, ltentuli t 1 u-utin auuutulica IinasC lnt futur >esrassow' Sonraîtidi>'the agamnot ( E'tîmt irula>' sud .faréew tuuualuusa uittise counnt'y'anilcousî'quu'uuî lîrnulonîutIf.nului ur, utî oftd tmutSd ]y uhuieraumuucs uabueun lrucreoeiuti. Th',elut Ibitinllutn. foiluits tg tatbhit' ives thie tomber uotf i tr' cars h îo'c'illas sccepled em and Iîcu'uîîtiî'llu'sndîr unutract or ctn-uiluitautiounito filn'id In(h, .outehh I. afeîuu'îiuuu (ti Janu. 1 snd Juil>' i ut1898 bu i-iiii ut it,' hutlîlîîy uf Jalon Wedle aud sîoeîue tmro -té,lut li lii Nuit%-Yorek "el 211. ie W5 it'ectgitt ,ocosuio- ble nt' thei princpal peakersetI Ian. 1 m)x ....... . t I î 217 celebrtiiui mi> t.1:1 _...... . . 33j" :b2 litueops(itititure Liter>. larman il tdm Janu. 1. 1tacot........... 2,61t4 140 ouîu u, uuin u'ln I)Ublie lamdsa, bec Juli 1t.1lune>........ ..... anal-i4 .111 t Jout. 1 Iltuant ...... - oal. 1.1,2 îuteuuui"'a i lîu. tli iio ûnoble peesme té 1b, Jl lo' .Iui--..-...... 30.L 1.00 fiiO I un lu' iii nIutIt, énuIturiture>ed laeute - Jas 9. .'. o ...........ý. 5419 1.1112 Alouko "' .Iot> i1 ,1011............ 2.f.23 1,11 Ii -auuu naloîî ili nvolti.uj ý t' JUIY 1 . 102 .... .........aîl,eui> 2.i-é2 Ilutîrtîuî' routessliheru cnniphtei; lflâ Thue total nuntber ut trelgist casainîStaî tes ilcgain nuoudanna. la s i service ou Anurican esitruadg iucréosed. luit silli umnpiwiuistroaeou vme front 1,110,043 Jan. 1898f, lu 1,488,197 nuf Sotuth it 'trica sud Hnuai Jul>' i buit. Alc&tha locomotiveslunse- lu Anstrilhmu. vice f rom 32,771 lu 37.M4. Yul the Suiutisurn ihnstirsansd R ralroeds neyer have fuit tis eucd ut lett White Honse rcelemIn- muré cars sud inCOMOtives Bsu setny c~~e ld indignaion uieelln e f!i àW sie ltix mmClt& . Hpobm b 11» ealnefro' th- OOWeve1t,. In thie Sîtiate Tlîiradar i coaiicuded hii. earkea lu itiý tise oiiiiihî t tciiuod bill. Md,~ lBard, u of tusîsaMaou w . Mk tieno t0il. Juat isefors tise journed Mn. hîoraker, tif OUie, cabOietii sy tlat luhetprnol1 stuc Qu ay Ilu îîck tise SIse sa n appropîriation Wi was Sot an>'. 1.egisliion id been miée, îîriprlaliîon bis before by b.ul Senate. Mr. Ciay', of Georgie. thse sainieView Ln-* few rematSa sage frutti tise Presîdeot v«» %%ich he askeul for uen tu co-olierate n jus Meairo aoi u gardiîîg the restucation of the cliver sud gold. h Wonse re ted CiomipitteI' ouit inance. A se was pascd lauîborizlog this.*«o damsasd otiier improvementa s Mili lamila River in Waulsugess. Tu m ' psssed tiie ludion epprejialdie bI began consideratton of tise gf propisltion bill. Mr. HuieÇt,4 coilued bis eriticleni of àesevi- gance out he items onthlba"ndl b' tise end. but lus ibri'.dayn' ate ci,$" ,1lt was flot productive of lay veir c& ' tiens. Tbe la>' in te Fejite Friee> vu~ spart luta ny tributs tu tiseet Mir. Memillaii. At tis e rcio , rioutine binitîas.%ur. Burenea < li cellèd op Ilite r,»oiiitions relative,»& tati' i'uliciîguu îîd patd an easadI giba iittýi' tirn i tetor>'. Tisen tise foarrl«ý Mitintuiesîl",ký,': Alilsan (lesaia. x ra'ti (Mot.). Morgan (Ais.., Plait (OaUL% lat Mmt'.Fost.r (Le.>. Aidicis l 1.1, 1%rre'ti Vayo.>. Caslînager (N. lt) 1-odge (as..Perkins (Cal). Tlilm» (S. <'. Baron (Ga .,Fairbasaha I1Y'~ Deî,cw (N. Y t. snd Aix" ?(Minhb.). i; li. ofstîeu gpeaker llndcco nq e. Dlaccl Il' tîeidýinlutise 1ouse.. The rtîxrt (if il i ii'oritii thlie alisond lied ('rusa Sucici>, si'ft 1 te qu Tbui'aînîs. n-ta ,rdeltprlnted sea M ou- ecutii eld,.îuîîîTi.fielonuse tiSe pro. eeetti t" fthe cetti&tirition f iPgIvaIs lltie nia.A large numiser W«$ pas.1 .îd i îiiîte if tise aboie. , Tue t:ret i p: t ite ime ot ubq 9i,i.te Sxt,,re.iiîs -as îti'vted t0e ee i in ii ti ii n thie seceplAissi fr,,iu i, t' ît, i' i Mrjisud ot statuée of Ci i r I'st î e'iiîîîdJiîsn Haa.uU, ,Il Itvi t i i'it'fîrtli tapuit iStatuary Hl at lt lb' itiî,fal toîitol. A uonîbs. ut riataatpas'l inclriiing thse IIOMl eralktasf ,i titi' smynThe'letsitebco btill itA 1t-i e,tqitili'ti'dbut il iboldo lw ' pla--'untItitt'i,'alii'it . AIlions. fr11 vas pa.aailiiii"iriatittiît Sl.30for lb. tutîrut etîtîrît anil rare î'f"'neeit cagît Aft-tîrtitre tursugeneral de- lii. i h i ara i aptprotp iatione itu far f4tirif rrfuirni b>' Mr., "'lirii f .dos hiî. n a a n- dititu'te -ibi riiti- rai'leadersip af thii t.Xtii-:1 thl l'îtIitc sipetfdcs pubi,i i îtiri-, and i ir't.'lte thurne.id- de.i' I., 't r t i o" f Mary'land., Me. lisilf aitratttiî.nad Mr. Scirsî vies 't i 'itiîr!is '.eeî ,f (,'àiriýilltie Ari liii, ltia-1it-,l içtt"s of the, u-i ha-t' leu ereelciIr>'the Stale ,et Miarylandit iiitaîtiîry Hli. Reolutlse_ als.)ten d,,It,'d foriatil' sccepiug'th. tailles unit lmtf îof tise guvermiesi