CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Feb 1903, p. 8

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Rockefoflpr ItemÀ. kai Dt a dai. ot u ferimuiishippers Vaut do"g Moaiay tUrtic iaguar @7y nulcmiviii udr laeaS. flIa"y lmouda" &Bd ils 'ci ýjWISlt e lTueeday morning lleai cutrl siroad qte buil4ng a ncv mliiplat- tare "0 vl snomdiacatinne !«. mmiiocaraiis msaion. imarici now ihm au abuandaae Mad Atisla good tiins, toiriii. bUiaed of tiheassau oe dow daaupon uns ltTunaiy scnd annel siev o alec ~~~~~n PaiPuli DiFlsstock - ~u~len vs icli t oraye"i@ an the r Itlt.l7th 01lasé manât. U h *ào wblnaa u Dot4sM large as ié migli &M T. te icexhîbt la lic diRairent aloque vu vcry satiafaclory &lathc Y*M.aer. As usuel the Plymouth à' Ce lose oluaarbared ail: ouat fi sacmfne apecclmns ver ecx- bd~ic. la Barci Plymouth Boche a1maanl siovcd lie langeci nambe qud ,invon thc mjor pari of ths #aaium. Htia bris ver. In fâne Senodttian and attractedl muhatatention e iscov room. Net tl hmlm thti mm e daiscame lMr. Novai, etf(rays»- lasie viii a good dloplxyý Strong asoug lad tagotic lir. S9-1i for ilot 'ftd and 3d o ccale, and nieving tic ivo bevte. buIs lnthti show, cecisils thaï voei 0»dm M pouade oceci. The..ivo fine opmmevers paroiamei W Nr. Imal adi-arc nov meaes af hl%, Sui. Staca ieGrnysiaflhoviey have ceex hibliciai et aoib,.Wts. vbere ticy adai mcv laurelo bt t lass.. Othcr eczilihc vioc. ma»nu va did met Imaam ai.*cedilable sa- huIbitsth ib iseas. Mcxi caaclMc vile Plymouth Bocks exhibitad hW Dr. D,. S. Grevai vaoyai ciigtccnl finc spécilacca af tut braci. Thc loeaitmscre ecivcdon tic 1a vus nl i"lthe iguait vus 96.&as ibis wubeeW ou euibiltheticose ail c arici toa tina ho- eticth J. W. Barvcil special et $5.00 eci foirtic largs implay iD ny oec vaisy. Tic Wite Wyeaioita, Lac- asegeBRBocks, Wil rctiel Blaci PoIlai, Pértrilga ccia, DaabengsWite Pigeons, Tunksys, Du"e. etc., wvan61 ailvlrapiccais. lir. Wcdigc vas avcr frontlieheambra par$ ot tic cont it vie lligit BraiemasadimaIe a geai sioving. accrcm"y mmena va.on hani estey endlof ac nd doacivas much credit for tie «sce" ofettic shov. A Laaacy ef theC rip. la oticn a rua.ovna astffl. wcak- mna, evousaces tack o appaiiic, on- ry ad ambition, viit diderci 11,cr and kildays allen 1011wevn atieci0f iii. vietaici diau.». Tie graestacci tien ia ElectrileBitters, S"le pidl lnla, bloai purifier and regulatorof ai tamai, lîver l»d kiny 'lbogaiadaavc provci tiet ticy veadcntnlly cinengubaa tic nerves, bud op ticemsem and réale,. ta cll sud geai spiie alMr an ailaci of grtp. if snffctiug tny tica. oney 60c. Perfcet mtiaia- ton guarealec by Y. B. LOVmLL, Llbcnlviilc: GBATK"~xu PEAsuACI. XWeate Wricr onlrtainneni Thura.1 du rPcb. 12.1 iD I. Wlie made a buoinoas lnIp ta biCgo Monday. Mis. J. 0, Bensingor drova goa Watkogul Monday. Niajj. IL lilsila ae pnliug thc yack loin Orgaard bu beeu saffciing lic PMewl viti a ion, hand. ÀA silgt sombtc4iut iiibci dovèopcd lmb bléooipoison. Oil Dafier bu decldei ta feaim foi eue Pea.Saih a hnsky lad aM Cari ahouhi b. a blacisaith but h. deciarea ta veudrathor -ahoo" boisas than lin. Becivtih an arginis othti Thcmpson music C., ef Chicago, viii aeuaiag la lie musaiuttiec Ceabroge. li"c!anrai nexi Snnday rona Mai eventng. . fra Heni venita ,Chilcago Moniay tu "dlia conference viiiti the e tuanmolncisuamiamine ibonugi- l tic bca mtiod of "atricclng" pntmuw othe tintculnation oaiWbis o ,wls ottact.1 Our pet bitaI giauadhog dilinI sac H-ALP DAY auilokic"aie epSonici mprevlng. ie siao, lionday sadn o ticpoor 11W. isalien bgotela go book ta bcd. Tueedày nglt aid the ganti. rustlilga of a nortivuitec nga. ve baid the pîcas of ai dgging hlm ot of a live foot ano, drffti, amthe square. A ncv building Io bing ta b. addcd to our gwiavnlé hiii b. a veloomne sagu la ail. Tic Wedmcn Camp boa very lscly decodcd ta oeca à large andi oommodloua shed for horns and b.gglcc. Ih vilib. balt mat eaat of th. hall, tic dimensons being about 60x%5 and ampi, large ta cçeomfodaic orna 15 go 20 icains. Se"ai Vcas a.vaare iavtng nov buags torclbly ta mmnd aur lnablllty tuait care ai ousiders via coma te our mldat. Work viUl begi n Immedi. atay and be,,r long Ivaie. vtll ha bcttcr cquipped goataie Gaie ef thc &%aergciva noakath ai our gaiea.. Buakena Arnica Saival Thc bout and mont lamons cooapouad la tic veld ta ocasquai c&Mm.and itil psi».. Cura. culs. e" huaraad breasec,subdnc. Ilammaton, mas- suea piles. Militons of boxe. aild year- ly. Woiks vrosdei la bousà, ulecis, fclcs. àmita euitien&.lé oui.,or no pay. lIa tF. . Lavwx.,LibaityvWfe; GxuIvaLaxuPfAMaxCr. WEST FREMONT. E. B. lieyer iransactid bnhinese la th iy Tueadey. Umas.HBnry dohuler va. la Chicago uuiBca vu aWuad lianal. etnday evcning.1 IL S. returnod ira. Elgin N.Osiy. Tic ground bog sav bis shadov lad li ceatintaon duty. ,lina. W. Donley enteitaned ber sleler uni botieî tram Chicago tic lutl yack. limése.Leemis and Drendeu enter-1 Wm. ttoîuler. ofIowa, viei laitnai bonmber ai young people relative. bore lest wve..Stmdevening. lii. Waymaa, of Alîngian Halgiti, 14 sbopplng at Johnu McLagiina. Re,. Fovler, ef Dlamani LaketiJ iii lsericslnuhe lHait Day abutai meat Piiay aud salrlar avantage ei A uinangen by the nameo f Henlriche vu found irozen by th. ioalade aboal ivo mile. voat of Rai! Day lemi yack Friday mornlng. lita. Colie, ai Elgi.n oii aifUs@. M. S. lcason, of ibis place, liai at hwic bancWcdnesday, Jan. 28, ta bat Ot1h jear. Burnal luin Lgla Priday. WillardO Ccp No. 607b R. . aifAL, ha. been favouod ithai nvitation ta attend camp lu a body et Grujalaka Tuoaiay oveing, Pcb. 10. MaDy vini go, &Il of vhom muet attend tic neut reglarmeeting ai W lIard camp Satnnday alernoon. Pcb. 7,laornotvc the Des seii-aunual paosavauicio .111h lio ivn ouItien. Tacd.ncy ai the Times. Tic tondeucy of medical so cane la toaadiproventàvo easure.. Tie beat ibougmu Of tie sold ta betng given ta ike &ubject. 1% lacaliler adbattur ta prcvcn tItan ta cure. 1l buibeu Effl jdemontrati ltai u'pcmon, orna0aithe mosi dangeraus dIeacs.. #bai meilcal mon have 10 coaleai mii, au bc provenicu bythe Duse et Ohaahelina Cangi £emedy. Pm.rn- MOMSta l.aya trieafrona cold or tienau attaci ai tifuea (plip) uai il b» asaccnobcenvcd liaI I bis rcaady aceUleraM Dlay toadency of tlic.. dt.Iae labvad panenu. Thi.sbas bcas tly provea in may tionainda c eteMlanvilci ibis reaedy hm icmn Maelduiag tie gros% peevalenc coicds.a" gmip ta récent ycis, mai ambe réeIaI pan iii Impilai eallenc. Pneumonie aflen sesaliae ,*ao@e bgt col vien ne danger ls unshe eim I lta suddanl - tsvuiiat ticre is lever l»i lB10ein la hithlng and peine la 90 *a. ieS&hml insenuuila 5tast P»Rneria. le oncei Md ta$ ta oeil, UMM MI" fJ*a.ig ea The aloi. viich accarrad Tunays diià arpeau damagle ta lhe tepians lina Iin ibis vtciulty. Kim Kaipiol vie le vorking la tbc Lake Zuridh Ratai vidtai ber pardilte OMuraiy ad Saaday, reloanng home Ssdmy ecning. T. Glibeel ancefthticpatrons aofte Prenant cieamory bai the misiorlano 01 haag aa one!f il.bauds cru4bed ville et wvan pmndlng corn. LAKE ZURICH. 2. Bruce vauita oChicago an buai- ne« liMokde. Louia SOIp- tlonnai b Chicago ta von lut lMonday. Ousiav idler made a buînas trip ta darringtan luti Satarday. Ch&a& (iven bas agaiu taion bie position ai B. Brandiaga. John iSciolz and James (jIvns macle uPflaurc trip to Gligo Taulay. Dent targei lhé scool enîcaign. mant lu tie village bell Dlà S airday. Mesira. Y. Clark anI E. Buttetilel vere bore Tiurday changlug the Ilaelphonse xabange. 0. Rummecl aur toi coliectar gui hi, booke aM Wantfgan Tbursday. Gel yont lx moncy ready. Marlie, né tic Laie Zurich charai, WcieldaY. Pcb. 4, Hentyllacechig ta lit a lleScheierc, hi Roi. J. Helarfoh. lir. Bacachlng ia a son cf Mir. amiliKr,.Wm. Rue.chicg. oSt-* prOmPIcronftaner t Lake Zurlic, ani llas kiiie th le daugitan 0f Mu. and lins. Jehn Scnier vha neaf de about à Milee ut ai tha village. Boul paruiearc bly reapecisi i>y yaOMS aMi aid. Wa Vlie lien aàiappy ami Pporus Iurucy lirauglilita. Tit vs lb.he vsredtnMg aciamouy liai took place aithi. Laie Zurich oburci. W. H.-APPLEVI AUmTmOmIE1 Ibertvyllle - Ilnos. mSUl moatl »U~it sondai, ê IPMcyO rIitde! viatol hig faim on Ontia Neyers vu a Uunda'y canler on relativeshou. lm Ada Loomi. cal.d on relatives la Wba.ilg lut Thnradoy. lira.L ilotinn, vorn ount bauts. Iag ber mon Julfuu, la quite fil. Hérecbbager Broc. ahipp.d aàcen tecd 0 stock ta Chicago markaeslMon- "aY. Mri. Dearlove, of Ulcnvi,, paIS DUunday 'viii A. C. Biobardaasud lira J. S. Gridley la vliin.giolnde Ia Chicago andi Jefferson Park tht. veci. lire.B. 0. Puiai, af Blgbwoed, &peut Wedne"dy vlti ber aitier. lirm 1M. Knedlcr. John Boeom, viovw. operat.d on ai tie Augustin& boapital lam yct hapea 01 a neeful log. t lmasLacyJohnson la spcnding a te e elm ith iber parents,lair. and lira. ChanceM Joien. lira. Ger#e Guisicr, ai Mrtiflcld, @peut thi fit a biseyack viiiier daugiicr, lira. M. Rncdler ad amily. Gecoge Rrscibcrger and tvaUttile dagitas, o! Laie Ban, Mînntesotéa» r vlaliing hi@s father and other relatifvis litas Ltlian Pardy bi a bgun ai- tendance as the DespIaise.sebcool. lilas Anle Hali VIII "@lotlire. Pnrdy durîug Lillauu'a absence. W@ wver. glad to mes abat James Lyone thoagh vornanadveaiencd va. able ta taie a short drive on liuuday. We arc glad tliaiho w.111 nOt hoae the aigu o!1 bis e76. Tic iead body oi encailtty or iuty yenea aland suppocai ta ba Henry Bendrioe as toani la lhc road nuar tic Chu. Von. faim veai af tavulesat Friiay. Tic body vu îemovcd ga Becman Moyera viere au laquoai vas Ticri va. an atieniance ofi oty- sixý ei the carci serviceas uaday menai ng. Tic putar, Bey. lMr. Foavier vili bail spcolal saciîcea Pntay and satundoy igue ait 7:30 thia veci. Wc hep. aul iijain ln maiing thme cecviec a agrand indcaS. Saved Her Childa LUt. --n"ha ue ck.oOur chnbby limel boy vas oiangd by pneumania, incet ta a sicictan," vnltca Uns. W. WAkinis, ci PematCity, O. "A terrible ceagi etita.auslnepite of a gond iacloi' incaiment foai acycil veke, pcv vouse. veiy day. Wcen niai eDr. XinewcvDicOc fr oOansumptiou and our dalilng vu aca00n ubnnI» Wall. Wc arc anrelhla grand Bmciat ftvcd bisIlite.,,liulion av loitich euhy sureaieurc fanogis, colisanMd ail lnng ilsaem..Guuaami.. atae tien. Soc, $1.00. Trial boutle. troe. y. B. LavEnît, Libertyville; OUATa- tAxa PEAmuMCI. QUENTINS CORNERS. mis Anale iQuentin v*a a Palaine clle. Seatnray. PfcO Fcidler viaâttel bis parents at TWauconde tiaaday. BerarenNicmicr ad vile and lias L.ndviar vtlcai etStochel'a Snnday. Henry Popp bu lofshic cmplay 'of F. Fulîcti and gono la Palatina ta Mri. and lire. Witt, aofiarrngtoa, viaitdtirir brtiers family hoie suanay. John Lahmmn, ot River Vie., le %round vitlllag aid lime f rtandsanda nellgbbors. (Jia. Ahiprm le able ta bc ont agita afler bis recout attack of rbcamatim. Chas. liaxzowwyul romove bis family ta Banniagton soon vltero ho ha. ecourci vert. Uilm Clata Baker ni 1er ny ycars a rudilt ei bos gono la maie ici home&aiPalatîn)e. We mlsasyou very mach Ulai. Will Béciaiwua aChicago visite, lianîay. gBel, iavlug bis OJd treabcl vihab s lovly mpoving. l vu ai one timo tearcd leho vanloloi. bis eyo- sight. Mis Katislinyder eldesi daughteî af Jno. Soyder and Iormerly a icalleni boe ili surprlise ber =Y fiaula ad sabolate hors by tic annonnce- mntniof ier vedding, vilah viii sean takc placeet LoideZurich. W. ail join in visaig ber aIl bapplacas. Mlions Put ta Work. The vondertul actlviy ai tis nov century le ebava by an enornana de- mend for tie vanid' buat vonirs- Dr. Kiuga New Lita Pilla.. PaCcoa- stipatian, sick bealaco, bilianineas, au sol trouble ai elomaci, liver an kiducys thyre nurivalcd. Ouly 25e Lé P. B. Lovnat, LlbertlytUo; OSAIS PALATIN E. %re. (George ilînicdinger, of Chil- colao.vtaltcd ici fater in Paltine teoently. Uilm ary Daluoleon bad for ber guesi tie menbcrs of tie bacheoa club, Wedneeday afternuand ad veu. Walace Kaeof tltlvendale, Ncb., a former reeldout of Palatne, vtaited b14 relatives andOmaay aid fiaonda ln Palatinc iecensly. DI>ld,mai th. borna a! bis dangitar, lir@.a. lx, luChicago. Martin Svlek, Ms aId a"i mach rnmopecicitlimenoa Palaine. Fanerai tran c eN. E. ciarai ander tic limoadne aider, Mon- gay t aillât noon Feb. 1 liarricd, ta Chicago W"eacday, lai.IL.1,1903, UmssBSribe laures, ieugilsrofiPied Leec, afLong Greva, la SensWannaga, yonngi andi cam o f Mis. Baibery Wanaa. aur tpeale. ncv onesbiitmaitinanll uhp lias, ~ v ElwÂeÀut. Sunday. #à I pert a 1. 9. Wuticb maie a buainestrip lo Walksh.m Mcmday. misIai«#b Smeu narm .d boas tv veci Tfl la hOhicgo. TiciUus Ellesud lissSndei, ai GIeDoGe, viathi ii. Snday. àm I.Nmkwooit irc, of Glcavicv, viatici as gramipb Veoa% saday. A. lieu. ad mivt, of Wpiavorti vITitrimset lest rNeId*si. s "Fy. iMés G rac e (laigai diDora Ticecentem.ent am tie Gavla sahool ion.. wa. otcd a scu bu tiece pniaca. lie, sMt laiks. E«ÇmEnerimsvsta a . a ula e , t A Iin 4a viii Nv. aMs" Join Enici Mnia er. ihs~. t09ARihlesu lir. and lKra. ioLean aud son, of Evancon, 4vorer icof gussa i. . y. A lew 09 thé investiesatenied a blniidayly lttye chomc af Carrne segaM l stunder. Tic priamy chai oftic Pnasby. SeileaSOndey soboal lanov acreci tien the matanaclicol and have the ms 01 the biAkb.aod an amp. la lita va!1810liasBtcaite iballer cbic ta smeathe tic111 e "tba l«4ùrslln. Tic 0. A. 0. vu icosigalust Setuniay evenlng. Ticeaccilge viin bc heu aM tti chool ioue. a.namua. i're.idmt , UnnPailla; ccrtary, Xita. ,Eiae Anles; recmrer, danail fleu- OWiDU tog shie pwnram lfoi uoi Satunday evenînig: Rli"iat............. .Carl Rommeai Rieading........... .....Co. 0. pOlu@ Blographi ....Mayzns Wlicnlng Quaiy Box..........-- Lott. Pegtu$ UtclllOn ............Amena ânea itloglapby............ Fran Pagnons Reading ........... d. Boutg 14eciAilOn ............. £dos Fritsch D)ebata-Linool aelst, va., 8. A. Bole. Eeeolved, tkat tic indien hb. aSered more ai the bandaeorthtewvile -e, stie tciteman hmu suffoed ai the banda a9 thc Indien. Tie scrach of a pin nuy cause thé le..ofa i 1mb or even dieuti ven blond polaernlsg resali tramntich lnjury. Al i engcr et tis mey bc avoici, hbever, by promptly appir- lng Ciambolaa Pain Ba".i l hanm antispilo adi nequalied ma aquici Uceitng Uisntfor cnte, bruisseand bura. Foirsale by 1. B. LoYzLL, Lib.rtvllla. Ga.mraz xu,&muASMA EVERETT. Auguat Zeimen hm reoavcred adla baci ai bis von. Il il rumonc ébat Uie Ja..Johnson ias loft home &gSUD. J&AS .OConor la confined ta tic bona. by àaligit stiack of rboumatlain. Balle Catolan, via nu bien quit. 111 vîuh an ttaci 0frnarvenancu bas reoaerl niccly under Dr. Davis'e». John Cani 05cr. a lîberal revard for tic roe=urof0!hie vluable BSoc Calille dcg Wvilcie.ban misaing foi about ivo yacks. About Ouime vtepimené aithc E. I.. C. meeting. sardiq cvcning. A fen* propan vas reaicered. Tu. follving pragraatala i prepired ior tic Dcxi MailleDg: ]altoitMUamvcned by pro- verbe. Ecclialou............ -Il& Deven "0.a ............Oeargcoier Evereti fefiePro liangarct Caiolaa and Steila Carroll Slelect Reading......Mark Coiran solo.............. Katlc Hoienberger Reciation. ý.. ........Mayc e llmn sala ....... ... . . -Wm. Carolan Beoitattan..ý..........sicila Caralan "0o.o............... . anny (Jarolanà SelctnlReading...... a.Jon Dawson Iteattation ...........traeeCola qucry fBox . .......... ...Prai yoe aitation ...........Norm Fitzgerald Selet Reading .......Mry Wieaic BeCtation .-Richard lhugeui Debae--"Banilved tiat Wa.hingion vMasa Greatcr lien han Llncooln." &drmattvc, Frank Ulbbons and John W. Doyle; Négativc, W m. Carolan and avard Wbeelai. 1 bave nsed Ciembrlalaî sCoagh BemedY fur &anumber a1 yaare and "ava Do isllaaytauseine tliatéilal îlhbonbs rcmeiy lor cengia, otlis and croup I have over uscd in my family. 1 have not vorda ta express my confidience la titis remcdy. -mris. J. A. Meurs, Moti Star. litai. For msic by P. B. Lovant., LIbertyville; OsRAI. tAIa PuEnseor. ROLLINS. Squire Shildon hau lckneas a luhîs family. A flac baby girl orme $o gladdeu lte b6me oi C. Sheldon Fcb. 3. Mr. Earbat bu gens tu Waaicgsn and la cngaged la il* nid occupation, Tic Banilin brethera are bnuding a ncv voodad sid naitlicAvont Center scicol bane. Uiliande bivanls ciii clome ber four nantha kart fsciaal lu tic <iauld district on Fcb. 69b. A petîtian va. clrntabd »inîg for a nov road tieSm tic 02Rivairaod ta tic liencian rond. Tic praposcd rond .111 b. about 100 rodeanmd vil cionten tie disancc tea ryslkc. Theccae- nmiâonera vil! saut on Pcb. il at Io'cloci P. n. Atly C. C. Edvari. tic Prseldont af the Klghils and LMae. athicM Crois informeanes liai tiey bavc rieuci r ciaertrtrm tic claie, muai credit la due Umcm. Thcy have sec®red 111 bonafdi. memberseta Orayali.. Do n04 valt qmui Yau aorsoeaor yonrfaaiy a. ac -à-gb Aahli A. 'vaci aMd vile, e1 Ingle.14a vae.Bali"a viie suaniay anOa mo caleisga BuEaat lLae. Tic fsrncre '*round Vaoobavé ap- pofinti a maeting te b. e M dmcxi Batuîday toi tie purpoe af taUita about building a fermera arisn cry as liai place. A Wcalc Stomaeh Cause, a veai iodyand Invite. dl.ea.e. odai DyafppeieCure ure. [and strengticna the alomaciand varda off Mdi overomme. dis.uc. J. B. Taylor. a proamlnent arolant of Chifeaman, Tel. aspa: --j eould not ail iccaue of.a cci slqmaci. I1lst ail etrenglind uni inn deva iD eigut Ail ubal meney canifidovwu done, uti a&l bape of r.coveryvanisici. Haon- îng of some vonderfial cure. cffcc4il by u»c ai Rodai, 1 eonclndcd ta, tryJIL. Tic guni hotIe bmedutcd me. and ~ crtaklng four bolile. I an faily resiored la my lnal etrengti, wcfgbt and beat.' P. B. Lavmit, Liberty. ville. p s INDUNAAPOLIS, IND. (kcw Ui Ikua uig1 U EUU I UeLtu vtes TIda valuablejournal. la additinta the. Iogical treets»"t cd 4 agrkcultnralantebjwt fl aiiaiadWaus the great ilamedgethe day, therby add flto ta t columns and glving the fariner soabetbuag' to thiqkat aolade train tii.every day bumrumut ai olue dutise W»MhI i t Thly Deys We e Both One Vear For $i.,50. Thie uupc.aflkded oSfer in made ta &H new auWbersr, and ail old an o , ay a arroars and uenew wîthin tbirty days.. inpl capl. f... Uaial ordera t4): T1113INDEPENDENT, Libertyvili., Ill. WARRENTON GROVE. mamanu u ii, i j..r wv Joan lioCan vas a obleago visItai Prf day. ____________________________ lla RoeeBSaey reiavnedlte Chicago Monday maining. lias Mary Chevalier le 111 viii pneumonie. Thto@. loCana là propaîtug ta noea an the Wlerftai. donc af Tho@. Rudd'u ablidrea are Blok vigi lgppé. Jabn Lacamanu, vie vun takeca auddenly 111, la able ta b. oui agate. Thorc vil b. a basket social et Wantoanai obas. Frlday s'en. lng, Pcb. 6, ta vilci &Il are cardilly mvi Ie taecorne. This cmmnily wv apini tahoeur 0f lic dcti Ot9lin. IMichici SIme, vbtih ccured a"icbu oa. e.i c f hci., Sataniay mornIng. The Easy Pllae. DeWitt'a Litie Bauiy Rberado net pripenon veaien te leans. Tiay ara tillouaacs, ausdice, constipa- tiensud Ilnactive lver bi aiousing tic meenon. maviag the bovels gelly, Y*# ctcctueily, ani givtng suobtalunIudatienghIotahle glanda oet lsemaci. itver and boy.. thel the cauae aIthc trouble t.aicevei entie. The e amona Ilitlcpilla exerl adcd ttocffect opon lie arguzas Isolvd. ami U Utir nos in omanuci for a lcv deys uher. voiii ha no ratura of thetrouble. 1.S. Lovunià, Llheriyvlllc. VOLO. Celle ami Banle Roing Sadeysid ai pranaont. Henry Stadtilîlvitai fIriands lu Harvard ticefinal oet hicyack. Garner VmDussan, formerly of ibis plac la vislttng ai liaugil Broc. i a Bll.Planneatîl, a! Oroalai., spont tti ret of the weilltbeir parents. Mus. Steinédoeufere, ai Griswold Lakc, epeni Manday viii ber daogbtor, lin. Abert Miller. Meurîs. Chisi Sable and John Richardsan made a business trip te Wagau li ondal. Mise Caasle Eldridge, eai dlienry, vu the gueul 0f Miesa H een Siay moud *aturday ad Sunday. Meuec Hellen Raymond, Mary Raugil and Loer& Roeiug are on the BlokI liai aipréent vif iiag. - meuass. Charle.s(Cable, ai Chicago, ami Henry Domaki, ai Raineavllle opent prldey ut Chril i llopku. limu%, WIII and LizzA. lrlnmus atianded tic fanerai of ibeir uephev, Clarence, ai Froment Manlay. Mri. BrudMus. William Mantgomery uni son Boy, ai Chicago, @pont a icv daye ai &bu put veei %% Theadare Thora vîli bha a Sadow Social ait tc home ai LavIs Lusk, Thnraday aeu. lng, F.bruary 12. A cordial invitation le exledei la aû. HAIN ESVILLE. lins. Jebtel Compton lioun lhe &ekc Mdias Jodle Cleveland enleranedn a rilamO ran Ijileaga iccontly. Thomas Germen ba u mecd bome altcr a menh atioua in taWaakegan. Bari Wilnson la lak i viiiypiald lever ai tic borneoa isl.oncle, Y. B. Wilkinson. Dr. Palmrnenle allcnding FORT HILL. Simoan Davis te on the &loi liât. Veda Dentoblor was a Volo visitai lioniay. Dougls Wat relurned to the clly tirat ai the yack. Artbur Stenloud cane outtrlon Chicagaolioniay monlng. Aller spcsdtag a tcv daye ai hame Misa Alla Ooùvcriceturnol la ben SocieoldLbertyvWe cManday. B. Hoitan rcocivai a tclopionc massage lnilay amoaaclng lia icati ci. hm mnoer vici acnrei ai Pran aPark. lBer remia vent iOIS9etofyalcie or barbaiSatan> WVRIGHTI BROTHIERS: Wagons, Buggies, Lumber.-BullderW and Vehicles of Materials and ail Kinds........ardware::: .Coal. Lime, We solicit youw Cernent, Sait patronage and as« and Feed. sure satisfactionq WVRIGHT BROTHIERS - - MC IA.Z - n - We liave ten Fet of 800 anîd 1000 lb Platform Scaltis that we wiIll ose ont at 88.50 anîd $9-.50- They are stanîdard make anîd will not last lonîg at tlîis price. Do you need a Set? t't"5AMCLTI'5 - - - Illinois. Libertyville I bUevI1, E. B. SH-ERMAN, Grayslake JEWELER, Invitem the general public to cali and inspect bis line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware ,Etc., and gliaraittees satisfaction ini everything purchased of Iîim. N AGENT FOR ""IIobstgrade Sewlng lllCbiffl%**mt The AMERICA-N FARMER and INDEPENDENT both Qn'O y*ejf vouIvanhoe Items. s

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