lire. Frauk 01.ts continues vsry flu. lU mma Ns eyer bus been aid tfoi me lm eek. Wm. fSkinner bai eold bis feaim sud fIIemém tugo tu LibertyvUlle. -Ers. Neikie vas a Cbicago vielle, em S.unda". Je" Orgssrl la MlI iconfindet aIdbia jbarneby a ecaiplicafl eu ae ot blo TbM Nyctie Wrlers gave mu enter- situeansd supper i the Md. W. A. baU Thursday evenling vbicb vas vel A Party et Young people tram bese eqal te Lake Zurich by ilsigb lestj bettrday evsuiug sud atteuded the1 pel. cool enlertalumetit. 1 Sicaussenluur vieinty seemu te bc e avmiag Ihinga lu geuerai. Scbeeli masw dimamad 150 day@ lutI veek on asul t hM. Jeanmeue baviug s ~WWMioAanî red Oceville r hau b - oueand lot te Barry 4" ami ir.James Wilson, of &~, vilelthl* Ismlly relatives Mlel Men ov e nnay. Nias LmiDsMay Bonse, vhbu been m 6 V»tchbu ant as Autlu ton s Ilai " e tured, home Saturday. Unr. 0"s. Browu relurned te ber berne la Waukegau Wedneeay aller a ftn dw"y.wiait Ih ber @inter, lira . H. reukhite. Vb elanolhing o! speclal Intereet goba ou hert nov--"aya escept the nuage. We helieve tbete bas beau about 26 cas« aiogther. Mr. Dartlett, cf Es'anton, came up Io Dialnnd Lake Saturday nigbt. Hie bas 1.5 returned item uexteuded trip vest sud south-voaL lie. J. B. Root. vhe bas been vieIl- lag her *uns, lire. B. D. Cook thisl veekt, rturued te ber home at Emierlin, N. D. ou Thuraday. f The Y. P. B. C. E. gave a adevw me la lb.e cheel bons. Wedneadayt evsnlag, vhich vas e weHtteuded.1 seshmenla ver.e ervedi. Al peet bal a ieily gool lime. a The scratch et a pin may cause the loas et a l1mb or even deslb vheu blood poisonlug reaulta Iîem lb. Injury. Ail danger of Ibis may bce aviedl hevever, by promptiy apply- Iug Chamberiaine Pain Hsim. Il la su anîlsptie and nuequalied as a quiet healing liniment fer enta, braises sud burne. For sale by P. B. LovELL, Libertyville. UiIAYSLÀKE PHAIIMAOT. lb.erMiddlaeftheb.meulh s Ibisla ma" quartera ia psy day. Mouday suev, Taeeday Ibmv sud Wedneaday nin. A the sua on Tbutsdsy nesa alla proximal meidîsu sud resclies ftlaru lu the seoendency, Jupiter'a Ihird muon 5111 have su eclipse sud Udb is ll. bave le effect upon the veether. friday àIl viU tain noid sud vs sili have guod aeighing toi tbiee den .Watchi eu tere-caestley aie alvays correct. The uneImeting 0ethIe Central Reding Cîrcle yl lib eld ai Ivauboe, Feli. il ati 130 p. m. Tbe loleving pnegram lihabeeu srrauged: Cl. \fromt the Ail of tudy by Mrt. J@aameý,; Oh. \\l by lilseter; Cli. \\tI by Mir. Rtay; s paper ou study by Mies rlalb; a paper ou attention ly Mie ilcudrey; a paper on the mental lacuibles by Mr. Rodge. Rev. Stuli- bina, et Ivmuhoe, bas kludly cousenlel go give an addreas. VIstera aissys velcome. A Stemnach talaIvllh lb. grippe. Causesas eal body sud invites disease. Kedol IDyspepals Cure enree Mr. B.ckvitb, ef Chicego, vas sud stiengiheus the etomacb, sud suebla 1 corne out lest *unday sud varIe off aud eveicomes dîsease. J. e i lb.theinging a a b isaiB. Taylor. a premineut merebaut of ,isuel. l i hopl tht l Iben lrioaman, Tex., a«S: -,l eoulduunt Iplýbed.It i hopd tat i theneret ecue etfa veal stomaebâ. IIost futme ho viii viait us. aIl strength andsudin dovu in velgbt. e'An obmenvatiou bureau lia& beaunAlmît epcouey cenl do vasdone, but alo et recovery vanislied. Hear- -atablahel ber. sud each yack ve IBÉ dl tome vouetertul curec atteclel viiiCive the tore-cest et the veather by use et Kodol. I conluded lu try Il. as reporteo 10 us. If eur tore-slghl The Ëlit Ibotîle benelltted me, sud prove. a talure vs vîli use.he b d- sitar 'tAllng tour liotties I amn MUSl zh an reortthep%â wek. extreso tu 10My uaisistreugth, seighl migt ad rpon Ib pal vel.Nexasd hesth.' F . Lovs'tL. Lilîarly- woft vslookbfr changea as it nesrs ville. WAU CON DA. F. A. sud E. L. Hiarriseon ver. h10O SiMiday. .Mr. Board, oi Chicago, vas ou Our gtreet Mlouday. Wm. clcugic viii bave au surîlea "se. li.. QUENTINS CORNERS. Littie Etber Fabilman ta on tuleici luIs. William toclel la apsin aI sceil ater doctorhng bis cye. Flan te attend lice grand maiqacrarie bail aI Long tirove F.b. 21, Chas. Ouilla, et Elginu, sac on oui F. Youing sud fsiiy vhited tienda s.reeis Tueslay. sud relatives at palatine sunday. 0. 9. Wbilcemli, oet Cciago, epent a tev laya ber. eenilY. John Golding sud I.- C. Fric. vere llberlyviile vielleras alnrday. 0. C.lichete moved loinhi e ue boee hicli bas j netbeen cômpletel. Prof. Falier vas lu bbc clty Saleir- day sud seisclari bo<rts toi the ISept it Ilbrary. About 1413 couples slteuded te masaquerade bel i tlaklanrd lgalu at Frilay eveutug. Mr. and lire. W. J. Bauges eul 10 Valparais, lad , tehietrt ofthe veel 10 iil relatives. The materlal bas arrlved fer the changes lu the PFiles building sher. thé Waucouda baul viii be Iccsted. Buckieno Arnfica Salve' The best aud mont lamons compenul la Mhe voriletu couquer aches sud kit] S.Cures entas, hatsburue sud anlidasinlflammation, mas. mplies. Milions ef boxes sol year- Ir. Wefte voulera ln uhlle, lcea, tagees, 5kin empIlons. ilecures or ne PSY. Ilic et P. B. Lovrar,, Liberty ville; LONG GROVE. Aberb Bau« la &gain s member o! Ils bans.lieum. The frm usme la uav Y. Sanar à Co., aud everyoue la psselthst Albert le peruaneatly IdasIlfivth Ibis popalar coudera. - Toug People§ Allance o! the »veagdtmee churdh sill have a speclal Jacobi Sturm Jr., sud tamil v epeut Baadsy vitb Dan Sturmsud rarnliy. George Wagner, of Southlicbago, viited friende al;iPalatiue sud at the Cornera over Suuday. lilas Tlle Quentin aller ependîeîg a tes doyoivîbli ber parents bas agalu reteined te ber vol et Palatine. Jaceob LinI sud aiter, lire.. Johin Baker, ut Long trne, sera Ilie guegs ut (à. L. HBn a sd.smlîy Suauday. Onu eMeyersansurI lh Sobldes', ut Puilîman, êest Sundsy villi friande aud relatives bore sul et ale Zurich,. The NMîmes Cara Baker, orf Platine sud Emma Schiey, of Aptakîîic, epont seve!ral laye lasI veel, the gaeo! lit, aud Mrs. Henry Baler. DEERFILLD Mies Sosie Petîls speut Suday eI Greylsud. George Seiig, of lewa, sold a car leal o! caeineu oi lvahie veel. Thore vas prakyen meting eveîy eveniag lu the Evangelical cebcl bi veel. lire.Parsons, ,rif (bisgrr, viîited with ber Iaugbter, tirs. E, P. Baton lasI Frlday. Mn. and Nie. Lerd, et Elgin, vieibl vilb lire. Lords psrentg, tMr. sud Edo&ansd Walter Auto@ ateuded a parly lu Cicago Bsturday eveulug a% lb. homoft tieir aont, irs. ilollard. amxi unday oeeig Feli. il. 1Thsoreviili e a social a1itie home o! amatit of a mual prcgrsm. li sdlire. W. W. Clark Fridsy Pfe BUBssthsls. leade. avug Feb. 13. The commîte. viii p ~ ~ ~ ~~~~y amdUIvht atl sv Inuon IeseI Il. lie 6J . Qutdey laconfiai! le ber bed uilh lagippe. Sermau Meyer*awva a Wauegau coller lant mliday. John Gosaveller le laid up vlth au attact of bronchais. John Sebhroouer visited 'bis parente sud friends over Sc.uaty. J. B. lMon, ot Wankegan, la vlsiting relatives lu this vllity. A. C. Richards wau an Arlinglen Helghls cahotr on Monday. Chas. tuim shlpped s car ld of stock 10 Chicago, Menday. A tev Royal Nighbcrs e rm here vi$Ita tho Oraylake oamp Tnssday. Berochblerger Bros. abipped a car 0t stock 10ohicago tlst Frlday. Mr. aud lMra Piiajerald, of Chicago, $pont Snnday ai lMr. Schroed.r'g, Br. Mr. and lire. Marlon Kuedier aud Teddy spent Sanday ai Nort4; Norili- fild. rThoms people vho thiat tMat . rural mail carriers bave a aneand 0easy Urne cf 1, riding about lu their Hule .wagon@ vith the leulurel aides eut, ought lo go over tb. route once and try fi. Not ocly la the long drive 9ever day,*raln u e ibm, bad ruade or gond (and they're seldom gond Ibis i ea) Inclined 10 beceme monotououe vhen yen tollov il long enongh but ther, are manifold daution belonging 10 1he place that the public knov 11111e of. Each rural carrier la requirel by the. postal regulatious tc keep a reglster oftîhe heur of bis departure item aud hie return 10 tb. poétoofie each day, and the lime en trip. He muat alio keep a daiiy record of 1he number of piecea of mail be delivers, collecte, dIvided mb 1h. varicna huIns-a leouer@, papers, pestal carde. cireulars, etc., us vel as regiaterel mail, postage clampa caueelled, beaides regiatering mail andl iauing money eiders. Bealdes aIl Ibis the carrier Ja requlred perlodically 10 take a complet. census cf patrons ou hie reute, lucludlng ail membere of 1he famlly old eneugh 10 lie named. 1h, hired man and 1he servant girl. AU Ibis le loeked over. corrected and put lu abstract t erm by lb. pontmaster fer the use et himsîf sud the departmnent, and it la mucli esler Cold 1usD douc. The carrier'l job la no anap. aistats ai Edgewateî and Evansion bas retuined berne. Mri. Hergeiclrger Sir., George, Dan sud Mary Berscbbeiger caiied upon Chatien Heraclibergai Sr_, aI Long Grove liaudsy. Over fiity attended rnaringserice KI th1e lHaitDay chrichi lslSiunday. Trnly lice people le Ibis vir'înlty are mendiug ibeli waye. t ik .4auday Mr. sud lirs. Gno Amana ercteitsirrd Belle, Mailles, Eddie, James, Albert Ellii snd Berthe, Obrysnl, Jobnansd Wil Kimuso. al]et uSar i Lîertyvlle. FREMONT CENTER. lira Frank Dittz ig vûser,)w at pissent. Albert Vagr ' seRa l.g (Irore callei lait Saturdry3. Mis Luchla Meyer , I - ital g fIlnde sud relatives at Ilr-kford:- George S.oaf, !Obi,,, l e svitng Irilnde andrîl îeitvae im e lig G. M. Traut asud rl.igber rree Libeityvlio erralast Frîday. lilas litoe Frodericr r. Vii' lrîg sii ber #al8t r, lir. III rbewlaoge, (r! Chicaugo. Mr. and Ilro..1<.lirrorcînj,114sud daugliter Suudnayed wlttbce fermner', parent4. Misa Bgrtir, lireuiaiueJlaViltilg sltb barsislîer, M re .lîseitle, or Waulsgan. Quiteosaarini er trou, lera atten.ied the entertainncnit at Ivaulice lasi Thuisday eveuiuig. Mass Rose Frederlel ieft MIr)day toi au extenied vilisiti tr riesuad relatives la liee dry. lis lAmrelia hiall, of Long Gros e, vas lie guet ot Mirss larîlis B %agnat a couple of dîY8r lamt raeek. Mièe I rajît acd lita Maethse Fredericit vere Ibevrty vIlle callrs luat Suuday astrncou a-i eveuiug. Quito saumîýr er lornicere attendr d th1e masquerade ut iVaulcoaris laat Friday evenilig caidail reprt a fine lime. About tlrty ofthlie young peope eneprîsed NV i Arna nt h ie bomne iset Saturday evaeluig (lames sera lu- duiged lu,-antil thavee emailtliants vbeu rreeroneuts serae eived sund aIl departed altei-âpenrîiug a mont etjoyanle eveuiag. Faut, the nine year old son etflit. and lire.Frank Heukie, of Walukegan, vas broaglet lera lamt Mendsy loi barlail'hls la% tbe second oea ithin two yesîî vlir'b, iscertinly very Bad, sud the vbele ceunmiuty azptesai.s ticeir eyrpaliîy tor i t)e mroielug pareat@. The Iufatsut ,ooet i. and lits FrakBortier, Jr_ vhlcb vas hotu hast Tburalay, Jan. 29i, diedl lsd Satur- day, Feb. I. Card of Theuks. W. tale thîs metbrrd o! e-xîressiug Our bsîlfeil btri t,. ail trieridi sud neiglibots vue se lindly aaiited rus lu oui tecent bereavemnelit. Mi A\11 MtitisFReANK ) tPLvIt. Jit I have uail sbransCeugli Rernety tur a umber or yearc sud bei,' nrrliegiîcncy lu saylug Ibal IL la the ie't remedy for eeugbs, ceide aud cronp I1Irave ever uged In rny amthy. I baveaurrt strda te ixpresMy confidene la Ibis iemàedy.-linm. J. A. Moore, North tar, liiob. For mie by F. B. Lovura., Lihanlyville; GmAyia. Lm 18PRAMNIOt. Mr. TOing hbu mcved le L. B. NOMOises i.. Angto libriven bus moeel uhbe tarm iier Waneonda. lira. 1R. C. 8. Neyer le reportedl under the docloreà cars. Wmn. Waltmau viU meve 10 R. Smith'@ houa. near Dlamoud Lake, liarcb lo.. The surprise party at D. aitzelhsier'a Mouday eveuing vas veli atteudel. lir. (3,0. Brown, of Waukegau, vlsited bier son Frank, and other relatives here recently. The Easy Plile. DeWittIs Litle Early hiners do net grîpe uer veakeni the systemn. Thty cure billonanes., jaundîce, constipak- Lion aud luaclive liver by aienslug the secretlcus. .moving the buvea gently, 7.1 effectuaily. sud givlug sncb toue aud slrength tego glnd of tbe etomach, liver sud bev%1a9.ha the caUse et th. trouble ià remoee eutlrely. These famous 11111e pilla eisrt a dscided touie eltect upon lhe organe iuvolved. sud If thei use le cotinuel for a 1ev daya there viii b. noeriuruet1the trouble. F.B. LoYwLL, Libertyville. EVERETT. lir@. Vangbu le onut lc ai lia. S S.ilWbeeiei la very mdck viti, lb, grippe. Janies OConnor bias gene 10 tbe boapital tor treatment. Edward Yore, of Ubîcatgo, vlited suc bhie parents on Monday. About torty. or two leigb loade et yoangpeople came dovu tram Bondenit te thce E. 1, C. meetiog ou Satnrdmy niglel. John Carroll Irol twenty o! the Mire. Hessud daughter Emma, et Chicago, epent Sunday vithhUi. F. E. ilarali. George Berachberger and litt1e dangbtere visIfl relatives lu Chicago ltct eel. H. Roitie vatt unabe 10 caud the convention et Liberlyvilie on accnunt of belug Ilii. Mr. and lire. Barry Bclies, l Lberty- ville, @peut Tbnraday vitli lr. sud lira. Berman Meyers. £ruentt%'oas sud bride, formeriy Mis@ Emma Stnrm, are aettied lu their uev tome ai Craglue, Chlicsgo. Nir. sud Mis. Win. Buck snd !smiiy speut Ithe gieitter part (,tiflsat eel visitîug lriendr. in Chic.ago A grand ially or Sutndityacool vorlern la rcjîîeslod ut tlie HlaitDay enarcli on Srrnday Fblrry 22. Peter Mowero, of Lib)ertyville, -asalateul ly Chas. Staiul iradel ,everai cars@ ifli lardwood hlumber sud apiiea Ibis vweel. Miss Jeunie Rîneman leo lias be4au etaylug wlib lier aunit, Mie. Hierman Noers lias retrîrned to, lir borne lu Riverview. A baby boy vas bain to Mr. sud lire. Fred Gierbert, of Hait Day, Meonday niglit, sud Fred la puitiug up cigare toi thebo rys. Nies Elsie Gildiaey wleobus, been ependiag ithe ladi week velllg beri PA LATIN E. Bled. Feli. 4, 1903, ut ber home in Palatiue, àMie HeracesWillams eue et 111e olelest Reellerm ln ibis place. Fred Garma vîli leave fer Oklahoma te rejetluhie pare nts, lu Che near ftlute. Died, aM ber home lu Paaine, lira. C)nrad Sdhtoedei, sudrlenly. Sbe leaves four emal -lildreu. lMay the L )rI pretect lbern Mri. sud lire. J. H. Sebleidiug elut3rtained relalives sud tîlendsafreim Evauston aud Falatine, Monday, Feli. 90h, ln bouer O! MinBlanches@ irîli- day. Mairiad, lu Pal'Vue, ai Ilie Lutbersu ebareb, by tue 1.ev. Dreegemueller Tbnisadsy Feli 5, Mime Sophia Blumne te Henry Sclomau, lolli of Pbum Groe. Saved Her Chlde Life. -lu tbree weeka oui cbnbby 11111e bory vas abaugel by pusumunia almoel te a akleaon,' suItes Urna. W. Wtklus, etf Phssub Clity. O. "A terrible cougb net lu, Ibat lu spîle of s god oIoera Inealmeultfoineeral wvals. grsv verse every day. We thenoused Dr. Kine New Dlscoveory for Ceneumpbicn sud cur dariig vas ecou sounu sud weli We are aurea Iblagrand medicias savel hie Ille."'Millions lacs it's the1 ouI, sur, cure for ooughi, oflIs sudi aLI lubng flse. Onaante samtae. tion. 60c, 31.00. 'TrialbMUes feiee i B.Loyvmt. Z Lbeflvîhie; ras Sem ra rndlng'a uaàChicago VIs. 11cr Moulay. 3'rae h onsey shippal a caîload cf hop bom b ere Nondql. Chas. Paton reully had a telephc'ne inetllbed la hlm craamery ber.. Berman Bolter sud Henry Brandlng f1lued their làe houses lait veek. George Spunner, Who ham beeu south on a tvo menthe' business trip, bas returnéd home. Wmn. Eichmaii, Who lbas beeft on lb. aick liaI for the put twIo veels, la eievly recoverlng. Try a box of DoWite Wlteb fiazel Salve tor acres, ent&ansd bîirna. For smle ai Emii Frankes. Mr. sud lire. John Modge. eofliockc- feiler, attended the scbool entertaîn. ment ber. lait saturday. .:U. sud Mr@,. Lotis KuLgge visiitd a fev dsya vllb Mre. Rulgge's pareuis, Nr. snd lMre. Wm. Bunaching, Bri., ber.. Jake Golberg, nur merchant, vill lesve Lake Zurich ln about a week. The store building viii Iben ha e fr vent. Mia Sophie Holle, vbo bas betu etaying villi relative@ lu Cbicago 1the laIt tew wsekoi, iegurued nome lasi Saturday. We are giad tü learu ofthe recovery et Fred lMucknck. vlio was reported oeilously Ilu l a reenulissque o!i tis paper. A number of oui young pecpte bolk lu the masr1erade at Oaland 1H.ll, Waucouda, last t'idsy. A Unre Lime le ieported. iVm.BîlukaBe made a trip te Diamoud Lake lait Haturday sud la morne mysteiiorîs a! gyot bat lu the illedaor auowdrîftelumt abere, lie ea notteil. The aciiool enterlalument Maturday 0nîglet vas a grand suces«. l'ho bail 5vam so cîowded 1115 muy coauld net )lInul seste aud vere compelled te stand rduriagUibe entîie progrsn. lTho ecldieu acted their parts sud spoe veil. WEST FREMONT. i lîtrLi le lisullug coil tor the tsctoiy. <ails loo0mie "eut to lîstringlon Saèturday. U eo. (Jueutin vis caliig onE. Neyer eue day lait veel. J. BLlank, o! Wanicouda, p%.sed ticrongh ieisvciulty Tueaday. E. Stoeeasd lady sipent Tuoaday evenlug vîlli W. Cool sud family. William Kauiptel 1.11 forleloir, Wie., Maturday vleere li lteude 10 vorl lu lb. future. A number o! tlceyouug people In Ibis vicliiy aiteuded th1e rnaquerade bal 1ai Waucouda lrldsy eveuing. Misa L. Dreedçn retunned tuleIlit Saturday atter speudinig a numnber rof esstaItlb.home oc iasenLoomîs. 1lMr. Meyer sud vii,' atlended sàlin waddlng aI WlII Nînîttai's ueeday eveniug. Tliey reperted a veiy plesaut time. Mlligon. Put te Work. The iwondertul acIvity o!flice uev century l8 ebosa icY su enormona de- mand tor the wvend' e bet seters- Dr. Ring's New Lire l'Ille For cou. sipation, aid beadace, billnenees, or suy trouble o! stomacli,liveî or kidueye llceyîre unrivaied. Ouly 2.e at F. B. LoVxnL, Lib)ertyville; (;,RAys. LAME l'isA)iAov. youug toléra for an old tashione.4 .1.1gbll ride on Suudaky Irîglet. Did tbay bave à gond tIme? Wel I grimsa yes. lho ueat E L. C. meeting wax as good as Usual. -The Everett r. Pires" @&fll olda full evay, vliihe the piogram tor lb. next meeting promises te outde ail etbers. At tbe oppositre ,ndm ut t1 i. 'bieyR ast villsain regrotsî Sic. hsd beu eatin« onfhens Au 1hliesmoking lîsr',tes. APTAKISIC. 'Iliene e C.hool bell vaa put np luit week. The Trip sobool oujoyed s eleigli ride lest Tburaday. Cliarlie Stabi sud tarnily vinil,,d bis parente Mn. sud Mis. Fred litabi Suu- dey. Fred Schley vlslted triendesud relativens t Pllimana 1ev dae@lau veek. NIai Rose Recktenvsld, ot Chiceago, vlalled at Nid Seboeerbergeis sa tev dsye Ila" veek. Mieni Emma Sobley epent s tev days vlrb lier dater lire. Henry Baler at Quelia CornerasItet veel. Mr. sud Mr@.' Henry Baler, of Quanlias Cornera, viaileul the latteris lareuts bore 1lentlhuraday. ERd. Nutter sud vite, Albert Blablel sud sîsters ejoyd a alihride to Wiellug lent Saturdsy evenlng. John Meyer snd tamiliysud Mr. sud lire. Mile Wicteîmbeim vîsitetI rela- tives at Long tirove Iset Srcuday. Misseileglua Weiduer lias gona te Lindsay, Nebraska, te talre ogre ot ber stller, Miss Chrstiue, ho la very ik. Miea Emma Storm of! hII place vjas rnarried l ZoErnetVues 51 Chicago Ist veek. We ail viali Iben s happy lites voyage. A joily crowI tîornbore vere ont eleigl i rdiueg itundsy lgbt. lire. A llieleruslaited tor Sprlugiield Suudqy te vi-it tfrlende sud relatives. Mir$. IL Frilimaunuaud daugliter Berthas, veut te Chicago S-îlutday 10, viiibethir relatives. Fred Webber, of Chicago, and lilas Mammie Schoenerberger, of Nules Conter, viledltaI MielSelioeueiber- gere set veel. I lins Emma i3clley aud Misa Clarac Baker veto visltiug villi litasd lire. Henny Baker. qlo*genttno Co'ueta, a fev dl îys last veek. Do net vail unuil yen or minme et yeur fsmhiy are aiek nigli onto dealli,f and thon send tet Chambelsin@ Collc, Chutera sud Diartboea Rcmedy, ýut buy Itiluow aud be ,prepaied for an emergeî,cy. It eau slvsye bedependeda UPOIL even lu the mont sevete suda daugerone cases. For sale by P. B. t,ovaLr, , ibtityviiie; GnAveLAxit i IARXtACY f 0 d ti tJW SbsDe e' NDIANAPOLI, IN. tbe £eaIu IerO uuri MI 01 o!d~eM d ;>io Et*td)bV auable eorn of OWrfter. Thm 'I svuiaihfjournal, in addition to the.ligwai treatment ul1aOl itgriilturnl.mubjeetj, sil aiea disens tli'grat issufes utfttheday, tiîerebuy addiug n*st ta tà îolîuni d giving the fermer aa)mething to lliîk about îu.ide troni the évéry day hiirndrum utf routinie dutie. 9 WNithe Nnt Tblrty Deys We off«r Iwo 101119 Ice 01099: I I DM The i*adi.g Cousty Papr sud THE AIERICAN FA'RIIER Both One Year For $1.50. This uuparulled ofler in matIe tu, ail nueo ubscrirîl,and aIl old .1ie ,Who ppfal = rarand rlw wilîin thirty ulsye. i4aple ,pies br.'AII esait' orderu , t TiIEINDEPENDENT, Libertyville, I>jI, Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and, ail Kinde. ..,,Hardware::: Coal, Lime, We solicit your Cernent, Sait patronage and as- and Feed. :sure satisfaction. SEEDERS4ŽiDRILLS. WE HAVE Prairie City Seeders BUCkeye and iloosier Drilis THESE MACHINES ARE THIE BEST. Our Prices are Right. GIVE US YOUR ORDLR BEFORE THE RUSIH. We seli Wagons too. SCIIANCK BROS., Libertyville - - - Illinois. FB. SHIERMAN, JEWELER, Graysiake Illinois, Invites the geiîeral pîîblir tii u'aIl anid ilîspect bis ]iîîî of Watches, CIocks, Jewelry, SiIv«ware ,Etc., andl gtaraiîtees satisfation ini e'verytbiiig ;urchameel of h iîii. AGENT FOR The AMERICAN FARMER and INDEPENDENT both o-ne year-for $1, FORT HILL. lr.Cora I4leeýborn le uffering fhem an allacI o! pieurisy. Chas. Watt sud @Inter Adaiuê vlslted elie Grayalale sebeel ]ont Frldsy. Geo. sud JoeeoliDavis epeul lait Satardoy sud Sunday ai Lake Forcit. tIrs. Jemse Gravs, peul s few aji lu Chîcago hast seel. Mri. snd kir@. ild risel, of '<vi, Sundayel vith A. W. Fox and hamiIy. People o! thlivlclnity vere greivel te lesa a ilie dealb et Misa AilcesFord, et Cheicago. Sbe tauglcl several terme ai lce Brick >eboal sud wuas syouing lady belreved unîd cepectud bey ail. Sbe l8a sneoceet li re. C. Billon, o! Volo, aud thelenwail brother,ot Fort Hill. lier remnalus vire talea te Streater, 111 , for burial lust Saturday. Tic. basket social sath1e lotill11 sObeol vas c grand araccea belli nochaliy aud iiuauciilly. Tie prograrn vaasu tolbove: ltecltallea by licitai Harry snd lRoy Tite, IHoward Con- verse, EtrI Fsddrlahjortent «i*bompfion sud Aadiew Arnana. Mine Fanule and Florene rSmithi cdigave a îeciîatien aud sang as e, 1111e Fiossie Smitb sang asolcalnsd vas greably sppîsndel. Wii Ammn sud sinter, et Froment, turutieelInstrumentai sud vocal muele shicli wasgrestly spprecisted. Tondeney or 1he Times. The lenlency et mediesi rseu tovat-d prevetitive measurea. The bail ibongliftet e orld in being givea te te aniJect. I le aesiier sud botter te preveut Sban lencure,.lebas been flly demenatratail ibat pueumeumis, o et éiip mont langerons lisenes tbat, medîcal mon bave te ueuteud Vsâtl, cau b. prevenldby Uhc use et Cham berlainea Congbli Remedy. Pneu- mOnls slvaye reules trom a ueldor nrom an sîtac oet huiluenus (grîpi sud te bas beae bieuvel t&Ibéiseremedy counteiasetanay tenleecy oethIe»e ieaes tovard pueumenla. Thie bals aeeu fully preven lu many Ibouas o! cases la vblcb Ibis remedy lias been ual daring the great prevalence of ceidsand grip in ricent yeare, aud ean ha reltel ripou villi implichî cnfidenee. Fueuimeala otten resulta fVom a ellgbt oeld vbeunen danger la apprebenled n1le lale uddeuly dhecovenel Ihal lucre le tever sud d&tfculty ln brealbiug and pains la the chse,thonnlelais anounel ébat the patient bas pueumenis. Be on thei mte aide and tale- Cbsmlerislu'e Cough llemady as een se lbe coldla cuflrsoe. lé alvya cures. For sale by Y. B. LvW.L, LlbertyvUe; Osa" E8puéargr. ev. J. Lambert Alexander termerlj passe. cf ivuos nowovfela, MI., Win «rChange Palpita vlth Rev. F. R. Audereca, préachiug tsorning and .voeng îflokeel rN. Alexander Wbo la tinOCa"ada laamoug tbé alilal c0 tb. Young Csanan mînltere large altendanceetof uirlva- ~epiwvl lie veli repaidlalubeartug him. Iv-aihoe -Items.