CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Mar 1903, p. 7

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abou au 1i41511B ',Pu* «tt *j -e etl ge it-xei vi e UI.aa tt oig'1 tjut o gl*op Ba bu" -Omio Baut l;aot her coRt pochats, ndmnP~ you $r apt im wu heMtWiU 0 lte it " r oyi be banda daqa doui totêthe 1 re1ta pMsuh. %o ga5 0 ortanfen t pletq. toil of the germent. ibo èjgtal op ~theeandutctor mandattornA Autlinsant Jetr $lbs teIt a lae re ttôti TSi p thebtiiPot. I» cosu badsb imivpbde the gmnUl s e Itul,4 %u 1àmw r, s u fw e t t h ue" aeil. TIhe pritt Sgilmusaqeiasgedml 84 WO8. otf s nn, dllgmntly turbins over ts 11~e~oti thee liis. lat ¶14, .Vnm"Wbt are YOU iooklng for 31118'T 1 is grUsa cotwsdib Daisl- 1 a0 ogo -*Îf,'b . . ---, gsene. Nb. bit bit Up, .traubtoiud 13P. je, *XéMy. ho rookel shrlreetil ut.Ata the At d. l~$a bmà. But prettl 00 mont 1 % nn erou.bIsÉ al ta sund, tbea a*WtâIpICk Up àa1nickel, ti»ia lime. Sie ie *M> tk* a« 4"Wlh- e ad1*hc.TDorl e vrfale into miover the M, lierbaud - hepkt . The tm $ te andse àinif arainont, bat man, uDtt te l"maabashl ioaieitia. vie t. I&W. oftm routine a Dent lit- de uh1 ue m an uth énonrme of a a Oys werk, r iOgers Moossbean tilaguwt ltb mgnt teliiy«n lfcornsluin dy.' ff an *0sU ilber 12311 bto bicar BslisS.pcterOagoah ,Who$ ahi aUt ablvutsSa1 Daim , Ii. areh 16-lÎi hu aem 1ws Nstsa.1Ibi pea pika Ito the pocha. t a MontntahigMt ne gofigt. bed. rM Z mwr fth~ i nbusco li len p'laUMy. 5 ta M I *e bana«ld esci U iOt fe410 1wk à1w et f aiaa(ftmd ia neul ersn-Navei tàduma vis-y kLmoticeable imPrusie- sncb a dirtAtlon -Uclonger. hi tine vi uMt in bie ben». ber han duper lt. the pocet *bdlit1 vmra long Iim-.vit tés iss-be fiS h al.e la ie$hm ufluNg a greatt est vitii .. rmeha fgtetMrpeke l la~ F a ubis bck and an aUu erfuesl- a 2 bd n «0 - is or illas.andni vetsa. HMlIiiPPs-. ed mM ,sad emn r ~ tatlinsbIt and i grew gadtali dOl .-bt mIyu os s u titsb. matlm tsI 'asaker tll ihi Ws5 ul' y .W en *M iidas cul g Moc oc non l. baud out ot MY P-cheOP A &friadnacemende<> 11.1dBKid- TIsA'yoong WOusi 1eok"luntai Mm uy Pinla and 1Mr. Newtou begal tu ad ultia a $4& v e hbaà-i. tus t wo at a dos, threefine* a . lay. i*ben sa aaw @aieébh Confuliedthe du $~sva horttins b.ienoticil on fin- tie or the two coails. lum e t ls- 9M parian;ti pin eft big bock and ule li idil et botter. lie kCpt lo îlm nd alet b lo sr.ta sliptheir elh antiISsd Dow he ays: fel Ie à* taulI le .. th ûetii wt T..Indïed! 1 amn a diférent min soptaisipt* i iet ti sud~ods KgOul'Filla di & i outt imit trnîng togîte lismans au amn o *011 leby mphbte al.aooei lne-.C*ago initerT Iamn a Dow man and Dodd'5 Kldnoy ùOceasP- Pilla desee iAiM thc criait. 1Brggo.-Trbey S»Y tlat If di"S 'aiO ho use an atomiser la apraîlus tii fr0 lai scu-Iatbif ail thoe. liat ase s eal mepabranes. AMl the beallng alli t bis-n e lowed, te'lilve--ttera. osi aothni)rocrtias cf Crein Baisae l beosotbtng ilse.bnt dies-. retai ln1a tnwPuaruton i. d arlghs-Tht la, iapposinie the -1r ügfotRrayn&g tue ecet. Pr. slou' 'aisentwinsglatheserssystenhaut à 'r y runt. b aren. At druNew ri Wi ralroad retaurst.-Llfe. York, mail I. Lf a sAa 1t; s 1 i Spaer-?oor Hawkilsî t' to ba ~~att~f5~tIsat he as redueed te thi eeaitl Of Ped- k "" ipTab" Bete- ii.dutng cbestnuts for a living. The ft r--yeere ai'aays takiair wu- Lner-is it posseie h bsrouie te ~ ter; vhy doc't l'ou baceup anal slaaw ai tht? littiiititi tpacer-y@*; 1 a hlm goiaag thsefi The 311k-t seudi f 1 badal af vyur roundsutr thse uesspaer ontceayeaterduay r Ne. 12-10=3 tend. __________ witb a lot of alieged humer.2 ~" "" a 0« Nay gabeol Obilin e r Ibcil. 6 -- - - - Matber Graîs Oveet Powders for ;iiiduren . esaiby Mother Gray. saniaise n Ciildre's Home, New York, Break op Colde in 24 houar, cur o~nstlPatiou. Feverishemes.RHe*daceb tonach Tron- bien. Teethlng Disorders moove and nig- ulte the howeis snd betre, Worms. SoId hi ail druggsts, or by mai. 25e. Sample malied PR Â ddreas Alsa IL Olmateai. Le Roi. N. Y. -Wei'abt va. Wat. 4 "Our grocer,* remakeai liro. lioby,J suemas to ha glring ut short weght in à til 'rytiaaaag istel. 1- -Oh, thats iii right." raplicai Bloboy, -i suppose hes aa-in toest e ven on nea eouet et thse long vaît I1gerbise for. FARtmiNO tiNTAE SOuTI-wEs à ttractlve features fer farinera aeeklng new andl pritable.dlds. -Wrf tator a sample copy; If viii Infereet yen. Write .00 for "Texa"-a 144-po(ge book abouti rlcAile.__302_________________ eoit Ltu. o Esquimau Sloehy8Cl. IetIer- morpeter's up te 12 degrees sbore zero. 1gaues.thare 'woat bc ai echeel te- day on accouet et the heat. PUTNAM FADRLES8 Dtza ore fatth1 ilght a vshng. Thse Meatoba potatoecrep amue utt - 3.«050.21 buabhesand the reot .rop te. 1,230.095 bushidos. -Tiers me t hihîtoutilela luheb.Province. Ski~ ndBlod >O DHUM un Sii lmurs, Scalp Humours. paRbY > Humous analeèy - ktnd f Humour frein Pimples tO 'cou aI Preinature Loua cf Hair, na y now bc - peed1iIy, 02 1 Mo . etly andl cauioaiclly cumolby Cufcura kesolvent, greatest =o w Skian PuMrilasaiaed by the external use cf Cuticura IÉIwlt ad Cutcura Soap. Thotusands of the world's best peàple have found instant'-relief apud cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Oinment ad ~fltCin0tt0ti5rflg là.dsguring of ITCHING UN SfAiiâ SCALY IHUMOURS. ECZEMAS, RAS-1ES. ITCR.- 14 a nd INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands cf Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Torfured andl l»fiuried Babies, of ail -sand conditions, have ccrtificd te aiment Mlfacuqus cures by thec uticura Reniedie whcn the best medical &M lias filed te relieve, rnuch eas cure. 1Cuticura Treatment la local sud - onstitutional..comiplete and wfet, pure, aveet. and 'ahelesome. Bat he the affected surfaces ith Cutîcura. Soafs and Hot Water tg deanse the akin of Cruats and àçales and Soffen the Thickened C uticle, dr'y wifheut hard rubbing, oe4kpply Cuticuta Onment freely te sllay Itching, Irritation, and Imatfion, and, Soothe aid Real, and lastly tare Cuticura mt"vlent >te Cool and Cleanse tise Blood, ad put every fundf ion inI 1 aeo chalthy îctivity. *Te those uho have uffereal long and hopelessly froin Humours >il tise Bleod. Sinand Scalpi, sud uho have ot. fait h In doctatîs, me&gIdnes, and al Ihings human, Cuticura Renmëies appea with a 5Y~adyto be realized: Everyhope, every expectaf tinawakened vthehasedtiiortbAafbiled. More great cures of Simple,' eogaubou, and Hcreditary Humoura are daiby made by thea ltait ll- ter Blood and SkAn Remedies comibined, a single set being smffcleut, l curete mail distressmng cases 'ahen all cime ftits. »»Mim -a thwo»u 31W esamal saI& 'asa- I ixudasa ste a- * m « obie_sits out"i IlM&55 em m-ia i*. ___ mmne p a&sua5.m 5 là."M Tu , Lyik e. PIlbmtu' Neyer latl'his4ny et malli for féfer ilehie-i saium is t-data. d . .Iboliei wmeru t*Atluutie I.thlia Pie, suhIrougcd iscl- Mîuitsd brmsati of lias isat ccstlusp sns lte g0s" fldingiof 'auupsa eu*nfaitag ria it,ma t Ibeumanda upmm tiemuml jettera am pmontlta f i.- gata"' ven intyig tih" Ii m i4 alpOsi tdi le'uss et f 'e oî ions et tlan coun ît'r ea* hla à britsi snansainua ier triade. Qdn iScmefotward aa large scate, end Iffeqaeut reqaleats pr promapit siaipaiaat jadiciate that stocks re leur anal requahtmM*s urgent. Thse. tteauent lian sacal mala repeatealy of te tIsat traMe bk,)ChidisWere aîaaed, ut &4 aaatter o et the iiraelief wais aerery case et a local untaire, andal-ai mont luamedleteilfol»eea by au mauch 'w business thal conglestion retopied. kt preseut the 'aistel shllaaaeuts ara firly prompt t. bme gft laant comng bout li a sastietadt01" sauver.'..TIse refgolug in frein the Waiki Triade SMe- rew otf IL G. Dmi & Ce. It continues. Henvy diatributW ien assmalies re- ail tinte active sa" solletlena prompt athse anthracite vagit, yil dealers are irfylng amai simtocs 9,1 aerchaandlse as Lrails. Activiti a là cna liaaes ilaus piut se to occasicu fie0a5et commenta. aid 'asther ret»WIat et ibusiness at sune peints snd lests s daeai ote idia- b.rfflcauditlon,-cf tbacoemarket. aa*sy cariainga c@»oaliss *0exceed îpre- lita l'est.' figures, geaIs reportinç fer te firat week etf gictla*iaewaastngain et 14.1 par cent ove- 15sf year aaad et Ma per cent cicr 11MI. li la alreasal siisÉ ertai that ratil- rsy eoustruCtion vIli far excea-d even asut yssr's enormoens Ilgures, and, i. millai emnillions euItst t building iand briaige opertions. Despifa ** ihier range et no»tations prerallog ahecea maasy cl tracte are laelug pla.êwith taareigalapre- duem.sNoteOtialUiUinfgtb agiia ep- gmrealiluthse minOt uitlls. elipea-ialy lu eopper. ehcs reachél lii highest peint shwa 1901. . 1 .Caetera prodascrs. et lcha car reptt S'a business le faîl sisee quIet as ,yet, bat vis'> henvy sample lots hae e en solai, sud the oaallob laWstlstato)r>'. HuY- Prsa enasli .îiaaet51titýa pet all aaii adysasce te quotstoas. ,ler la more iuiet but stocs o50" en slt. '- ing te olal orderr. Cilelgo llil's hmn agnins faiiîu suan merage efabout a quar- ter. althop~gla callakinae mstrontoýr sut orelsia drylaides are Searce nsud (iraiset flevuer figures. nmrlinamrke thaie raw mate' rial, tegether 'aitis UM"rLb meal tear. brinegala decreasa la sales utfetton suode. Quotatlisee ave-41111Y muirtâiuid. nevertheleai.espicalli on fnrward dsliv- ecies. Oui a fain dessalai inreported fr mens sueer. 'acokvenud waarsteds. sudI Lu sonneintuances elliers retiirteai amoe caneeiist4ons "linnewlatausiness. Baye rse extreaal.y conservai ive, sud !rsqueaatly substituts, 55* iaes abat liaive recanti? oened t St atgitly hetter tera Ranimail uf the cuabsxinluManaclan oetts rasula-alinuvas r lbea- a.i-iraens 1sf wmol, -sna paites are tailitena-dy. &L'lures tiai# week numiier 271t1 lu the Vnitea St:ites. againut 1232 la« t enr. end in l Canada. agalasat 34 a yezar eso. Drsdslrel's Grain Flemares.ý Brsalatreet's report ou graiunssl: wlaeat. lut Iadaiug floti, exiarts for the yack cudine Mercks 12 aggretate8.366,- 746 husieagiaaiust 3.,4S1M litweek. 2.000.250in this 'aeek a Sean ugo eud 4,090,M0 Inlu1901. Wbcat euPorts diuo July 1 sggregate 167,6M0,(30 buthe aganst 187.188,2M53tast season and, 143, 216.419 le 19W0. .Cern exporta aggregtat'i 3,25791 bush- e, agslnst 3.817.601l) tast yack. 1R3414 a yea ge said ,241-575 la10Û1. For tha. fiscal ytAr expa.nls are 37.015.19G bmahila salest 23.654,810, lut seasaso sd ut f f in. 396 u1901. Chieggo-'Catti, commute prame $8.00 te 4$5.23: Isog-., shippleg grade% $550 te 47.12; abeep, tain te choie, $2.01 te 0615: whist, No.2nd. 72e tau 73e cern. No. 2, 42e te 43c: esa, NO. 2, 33, te Soc; rye, No. 2. 50c to 5ic; ha>. liai ethy. 4$&5u>tu $14 .(mi; urairie, 46.8) t $11.00; butter, c.hoia'e areameri. 25e t, 28e; ee, trias. lia- ta 13c; poIntue: 40e te, 45e vin baîshel. Indlanapolis-Cattle, aîalppieg, $Î-00 t $5.50; Iaoga. choe ilit. 44,00 le$7.5t; ebeep. omamon lai prine. 42.50 10 $4.25 whisnt. Ne. 2, 72e au 73e; curni. No. whsite, 4ke te, 44e; onts, No. 2 'ahita.. 3-1 te 89ç. SIt. Leutà--Cattlie, 440te 45.25; buai $5., te 7.45; aheep. 4300 te $6.-W viseat. No. 2. 6(k- tu 67c; coin, No. " ale t0u 3c; ena, No. 2. 38e.. to8 4e; ri Nos. 21 40te 50e h o i e 4 0 e 4 7 : s k o e , , $ 3 . 5 0 il $5. *be aht. Nia. 2, 78c te 79.; cort Ne. 2 usîxeai.46e tu 47e-., otte, No. mîxel. 38e te, 30e; rye. No.%Z57e lia 5& Ditrèt-Catte. 43.50 teu800'. hou 43.00 le- $7.10; mheep. l82M le 84.2 visaI, Ne.. 2, -&oc 10 --Oc; ern. No. yalle'a.45e te 46e; oits. *'Ne. 8 whlt, nec te 39c; rye. Ne0. 2, 52e le 54e. Mll'auke.-Wlaiat. No. 2 noutIler 75e te 76c, corn, No. 3. 42e t4e:r;osa Ni, 2 wIsite. 34e te 35c: ris, lNu. 1. 5( -152e; haeisiNo. 2. C2e te 63e; pair *Teletc-Wheat, No. 2 mîxel. 7Me1 74c; Ces-n Ne. 2 mixa-il 42e le 43e; oat No. 2 mixeit. 84e te 35e; ris, lio. 2, te 58<; clonç e; ca, pimeii, 47.2 -Bufalo.-Caftic, choireashlpplmg stee. ta o let4.40;hogo. fairt tim. $4J $l 7.90. seis. tain te ebéke,$3.251 $&DO0; lambin, commun to choee, 84.00 Bew York.-Cattle. $4.00 te 1$5.5 - oa,'4001 1.5 she.,4.00 46.00; 'ahasINe. 2 real. 79é te !BOL; coui Ne. Z,5Ne te 5Ue; cits, No. 2 'ahit 45e f0 48e; huiler. creameni. 27e tei 29 aggt, 'western, 16o te 18e.- 9%.0» Fer sud 140&r., Veanvineasgale la vomitlug .as is duhr stiai. ýTise British nr>vy iii ahIfor $le DW00000for tIse yeaara expenditurîs. Scotch mimer. threateu *0 strike if t operators do asot clm oner i&a Tise Bertillonu .551cm 9f identifient! viii ba UsidAt 811suPorts laeinforce t Chinera exclusion Iaw sitar Jaly 1. Tise Cambride (Mats.) Pissa bet its tiry-elnlis yenr 'ails svry depu usent except thse preeareu nla charge 'acinen. Spauish esabinet effieers Xwll conaid a proposai te taise liae vieck cft Maine te an attemiali 10 ffntdatt t.V4use eftIse explosiensi aalibrcnghl -lie 'at. Extsuaiv lisAcstetofai»d. 'aila>d trisaita. litrIsIit h n au toeecc. kl ly prisaIfor elffl Ilage.msu b.e a 4 4vwiidcim Dspsrtmnat 0f liS ioda s - thet a, for a irt- iet Lhe tise Oaa the *Mnt tae-y Use. ou an doit tes.- Wiy eotmb ustse0suman»U eutr uS- 4 W 0 ai me -i t I l W in * 0 o sc -. s " - ditions ratiafw : fs-c me 0«ysj, ihe asure KûUa foausd n Macvady tiesquaacuasam Tma .'ridesa, TIKE A DEMON grip bas meirsl mîs ilsase cnt ci My systein la a te' a lyresuits e of t yeurve vainabe ms-diUel 1 à.d country. laaviug bihinai séores eoaf dd d net hnder me froin punala t,?Ca i n cae tr reiated triaels phyica 'reea. yidailli 'ark. l'ira, il curaI me Sftcsreineitbo .hitsoetfifleen ysr'standiog hî Phieline etCatarri oi thse besO, catarrb "I shonilus f0 Cr« enr Bordofci otinsioffî ifPrn a Juua. o ft h tis I roat. ctarr b f tIse lou p , H is tis gin. If o lbci gi rec g nt ion ,sud » d n e r tur e tcf If. , eatsrriietftIhe stemach, catarrh eft tie have It ouedl generaliy amcng uetpoer "Alter I vi encsa of brenchitls I is kdues, ctari Ofthe pairie o;Reus, Ici 1eoi en aîlsitr Niew1rk.ý-ila geipma e et! vit for sie.. l* re ta hi ceuntd Isy hundreals eothon- josep a. Filn. teis.Pla, tirongi tie u lee nt eoa t ees. i laeleicatarrain D. IL.Wallace, a charter member of it glgrnd»Hiiî*vbar lu ItesC5I liw e se fe brnin. lt t is e Intarnational Barbe's Unieon,'rites untit dilddtaomite a miii, 1 te frte .mtnta 15 Western avene, Minneapolis, for t'a. or tbt- &iy& . No v tie tg TiIsla se tris. that tev g rip sufferera Min.: . ces ot troubl e ot sy mom'.--O. are able te mie a complete recener! "l.j5al- a iàBveua attaci or la gipaPetri. ltil tiey havae set P r m. aesm edt". efeta I abd, <il UeT . -A . Bs as n %s U<'asÉi e. Neyer lu the bitory.oet medicine basi s,,geed 'itb &a *ere s ackmcs 11- fus0.ia mt s ne ed y ree lve it such u anl i " a d a ges tion sd u m er u s Ilus, seig e"' ' 15 a emghlwmgshlk5. ).a universal enlegles sasPenus. netiair est uaeie îp, sud 1 -th PeinegMedil ', o. leumbs% u 1 A Nosv ib idiertmants Expealauct. 'aoell Ira np mi 'asrk, 'ahicIsedFeos eiinC -fou. jseph A. EPlU, aldermn Pilla ut afferd îo..d-Geilusi."' asmii--IbveritimN District, "rt«s. item 104 Chrltelaher -One netmy enafemer 'ao 'ans g.reati 'altb lrti ienM d iIl'<te . s t, t.New. ork Cityse tolicys: bel"caI hipeinnadsviwe et . tri Iu ruldyfr Y just i ~t« ",Whsn a pestilence, cvertaes eav s'adlp ni ol i ssla.Lh Sin Il laa .peple v" laie precautîon sea nation t s' tflit1lh 5dtita fe sluiOl5qwsaa tése- eitisen gahdO-tite -Dt» Vr lin001 "La grippe bas eutared tionisands ofDi d.No'a ni hida l auai.mi aa'Y. Oegi .LW ". ut homes anbis"ml s a u otce t tst stans. 1 ea U M, dl Vent UL p*- If Iyen do uit usealieprgit li poieCh sas4Perna 'airequlci- ru as ssu 'i-iadw lrad 0tut eut lî retrl alethese 'aIsedepanjdal ci.-DL ýW daaa.'ais aI o ne t, D r hnems I ndorien'. prescripteons. speet 'ceks Mr. . 0. LPsrri, Afelslsc, Knsafl tnMt et yeur teamiI~I lu rcnerlng. Icaring tbeus 'eak said salles: * h.pieseal tegiaynis emaciateal1 . "Again, alter repeati trials et yonr vire.gratin. ..i 11da a light attaci et ls grilfpe sud medielues, Venonasuana- Maa1I8ýn. sive AaldrssaDr.- fis4tsasqO lrS1ahw è nt once took Pertuni, wbîcI dreve mIe thîs as.ual'expressioolif lthevotierful Tbs* Hum« tSiB lnm Cw, w 70To Ks nm ai nme. e If l'euvaut hens te saiy at heinef d sud net fiy ovin tii fene. yen must usete mie home attracetive f0 tiem. #al the best vay te, malte hume attracetive Ià te keep thse bine bnay. A lot of gpale ae scettereai uhere t It 'Ldte fiaI -giunaiuiy keep ciikens busy. TbItol *bitter tlsan cropplng thse vinga. AUl the e maller brecoIn love te fiy up ou afince. look nrouud sud then fiy lo*u on fias vroug aide, especlulli If Iii vrong aile la lie garden. But hiaey Wb X, à-eau msver fiy cvei a feute. tcget back. 14 They 'ailsrua along the feuce. sut f y i te pasa Ibrough a two-tncb mins Or ObetiMn cose palîngs, but loey nemir seoinuch as look 10 see hou Ifliase fince.l. iu short, a lbe lu lthe.nattmi of vasderiug 'ailneyer de; Ibaf vic tiss ought te sdu. If si »in wkl ah. ought to, hi out, lon vl hbave te catch her snd tbrow hJr Over lhes fante.. As long as tIse> eaue fingrain fiat I bîy Ibigaiyou havi filedtutebide ftouatm benhes 'ah itaf87authoue aidm , The Ait TiraiOnt. e; Th iwan>. voru s u, bq- a ouf, ail-tiret fiel- lis t - luge coin. te eveil'- oe bcdy vhc tles lieta * fu t. Kideys. " .~1c », Wiî iiKil- n e a a re o v e r- v e uk - ed ethey fail to per-:rartw tisai bas provîdeai 2 for them u 10 t. a - IlWhî le en lKi- t neya tai, tangllr- casa alseaiss -qutIC- l. 1 folcuw. Urlti >disoralira. diabts ý7' tlesm. ErirlÉ' dis. ian- DesPu's KIluiy il 4Sý kldludelbludler Mel. Eat fol- le -Iowiis7g cas.:- 2 tif, Vetiran Joshtia Heiler î_g 700 Bloulh 2 Waiaaut streit, Urbaus, .,i sais: lai 0. tIse ilu of 1899aler getting Dcan'e s.. Klaleîy Plla ef CunnbinhmBre.' M ; drug store tu Champalgi ansut aklnS a- 3 course efthtie treatmnt 1I bld tise reasi,'- te, ers of Ibis papit thut lii> bâd rellev ti me cf kIiney ,troubla. liapesat if n, lame back vils pain acres. my loinat s, andaibitiieth thse shonider biaesa. Dus" Se I ng thse lutinvalI hbubs lapt I1 rk, bave bal occasion te restait 10 Doan'e' KIidl' Plla 'heai I oticat varnlisge f an attack. On escis and every ccc- te, sin the reptlte obtasil dviere juif au- l' satlsfacfcnl' as visin tise pills were, 2e tt bncughf te MY olle..1Ijasai as eapht1cally Iensethe preparaticil 8s8e-a 5 1 oet vo years ago." » A IC E TRIAL oft thîs great kaluey N tOmdicine whch qured Xra :tell;r wil a oftiseUntetdlae# Ietîcai stylce.n m -AI 50: tree. Strîcli confidentili. Adatnisa 1011b. w, N te Foster-iblirtiCe.. Buiffalo, N. Y. t'or Sn. salI' b> ail arugglts. prie. 50. cents te, pet box. tteyeud a Donbt. 'Riches wiii net boy Iappineas, re- markeal thse mnwith tIse fuotiitioe tn 1d~1 sFs inI habit. "Perhaps nt," rejoineaitise cliroule o doubler. 'but 1 kuow lots of geya who .0,%vulîl ýehIappy if tbey bal moniy >sa s,.i4fI50te lis euaugh tûauak the experltmnut." Oui-haý- ité teIm;porta lu-ta tie eu -, on try are ut iata-riami% 'ür msnufactures. tha IL. t,

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