CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Mar 1903, p. 3

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" . ~d msl&nTb*s-marin .NzL e Cint oar : otfan Md mA m lrat lyîie: ta sigtea w- i4mef li eseca; bemataris- feor thé swder. .4etr Si.betedr:CiOthnslais oit ail theamrvard.afour ngierapa Uuilh etr&droctgistcul of. sinat. b.. u ibiser taitedu obo4ia.b« lts&Di IUtire ma Iss e Ortlaamo t ir i kgu tW #ue a sool raiussdhe-tt ~'ici a nturcAs neapontlt. e putani ppt. A a ter tit bn nie teomenimimý-e êdane yie . .tr u t rlera. ba trtbod nilitcm kt4etcitsrAspr.eto tbeléen. atmpeîadsld li tnats biys iant. fer ýMan t 'amtrognres..t mulie la s rnh okbi a irai minusatou fii' oit e - o =W.te alde itii a rs off;u Imm" latiAr. evde t Mofabt toneit 71h. Jevoi t ard court Ie runitsmel bejrshte e JuamHeniv héa-t * aîilipetél Aese ortéthe te 10 g eeitc: "Resv. Iwoatsek A= roetl iegani; y nisso kul scbtinot Mafý:ttfen. At it *Utpeie tgmotion esuid ata fis ý se isa.abreuleSet th gandju aupgeeesmahng bousin e ritl afoîr et»=e neria b&n Ja anlnteou i mlii ui lt on strution.GAveanit Pot intaI iu It1a incbisocthe dager abenusc Osnanb.osslever@ptd sbg r to graud Jîî _!1.?Ciderbl oeu T mllThe là a rA.g. e bêa 0< d wdsvlll Ora 't tuP.Ss te rollier d h ILg th .bs banmd tcaar adUeil ]aK.e.l5.eo à eedr hing feîmdttt uC~~~ina tine0-A.meai darfil Mieto te a i diae ldi lrs :gs eewce ite soco.ndttatnr Ion" 11. bêdconterta diacorisere I te eat l 0he ceeat heurs. i C akrq wce a creattn pfaot jWe h. bg mBoirne. Dr.tMeCi rig e vue of the grandehl luîai-xell FdeMris aes oA DaYTO 0 111., h ýîld epgUvngeqinfà& GenoralInAssemi MINIdia gl 4.itis ta tho or Pri 4sifèoribmateti onftgraondttle Ji m ami lse i thtVieual h ~emaestutle à çhig et.0»ss, veina la ge, but iitrol wt<mefl a t iheker 1 jt. nc eh1i est et th emiloprix lab ar~id ali be te nseo tj0,< ufua Ao bla. ¶beu e uis eol "t z: *grvgThe e $0000.00 ud . aiieg p"Al h y cthem.ratAir "In C JRacing peIhty$1 -..36 igeoOOOet mIt Is eiec spgaugoelatlo e Cha.OO - l mmi o fie boute fo delnt1l th ue t S. Chrt. he itflunt as OW 1 5,00j j im trsbW*e tat Seau *4W 'tUs. pbgari laTis eplanaed. a.ehom et 000libousàanal mAlap Ue ei at fatu,00 aêtus hos Arueurvwt uid planmirei Vno tAsb weeminche reoder MOK« hMbngs daT. seArut1ours. ail (3htri I"Ir tWalb. e'.1 i, coilý hi se i a« Au ANSNA IC MfL~g[ 0UCAI VlWOE A -~ ,,.. - Pie" Pausott dte Léesature hiDRte A rveemtilvs"miaut <aimaêdCowni. -' A p l e rcalia vent aetcia et presuted ta te Léilature bg RpOs- metatis 0itartea I. Gaunt et PUleI*W cmaty. lPartasoftiAv* coutiea n thes Mirer ad oet*"Egpt-tie counlIes et tltY . enao. pAteXander. Polamki aM& Mao.-are drahsed hi lite Cacha river. lu the vall eî et this reterrag 11* mu ares o s.- f W er5f 5 .5of land W" fo1r dix tor éelâbt menthi tcai" n i yesr, lW undar rawit«-.Tissu not uirla tete MMf te land ma"s vo«titem. but theirtt- May a et acon a auts»,torciedunî mavter la e constant measetpý-ltsë duc T !hêlivas or ridors, s-ho are beettlnoret lb.1 adjaemt résidents. ýrbe bi"a~jctgted, -titrougli p«oy i or i- er"iowed "sol Asriel. sud wrts is,« Araty. Tbii boute la osîmemed and s-P- uaiapceoff of Il Weald ho eoruoma- eté iîcited fithé Grand Cluiélter otfile Or- I' sohe 'te. AIrsetimatefi tbat té 'Ehu deiuêt.tIss lEastern Star of the State, sud drainlng ttise Cache valtey *oulA d o fotll EnuslA b ateras tar nuit Malsonici îuîg $10.000.000 ltat eIrili-esonth- rate ason. Il onfleuais ara s1lndtd farta 'Itru Illilnois-and menin et a kid lisat drs twmti-three and claîe-.îitacirpe, ait un- noyer cacapeu te ta, asseisor. indaed,l'hé uer cntaVtlon. mî1thite in.- tsrg ballt- ltî la quisecertain thit e l icoced tur rosi juge etiRtedthemeon. snd propurty stock-._____ no----' - -ut @4. 'Eb@ Hante hropîem Asta filnto nIre-cie reus brick bouse, saniniîin thteienter dist et a beautiti taina..ituis Ruime repre-suis assIs su confiaetofmure filmn $ s tOslep and lai éutrely troc f,f noh. ueiTiiere lAu s lots! réal a oatreon ila charg, mit iîeci.sarY Au- It isitalois, andlrie insitution bas alrtiy -'on demmnotated lis ueun-.Il Aslasw ba tgzêfite ihs armons, iilt. sud fsrteruf 'Ove applications for sheltl..n ifiisl ho med l 5*we~ a-fOr 'sutfiladditions AIready iii!mied are mal r s- lu su,. v _Wiahe omé. Teliteinue fmnmasirtât poi per raplla tas levi-Ai -,Hou euhoaer - Ina sud vointry canîluti,,fu IlFhen itl& l biosmndm 0etthe Hanwe Irîovit uieqahthe »te MoaI the gronlua îieeds et lite toatî- D5mT TAFISCTD ivcacuit CmYa rt 6 tenion. Charies ( s fat ofiler Of ei- jne---o-l--In-a-fe--yn--m -0: the order. casoelvreit tisle i-a et plIsils, titaunelmsburse the State, for te expansé a muitei isaitlaeau-bchalilel.ritehre ' thlie praposeil watts. -Forsaog tAe h mambens ousid druoip alane colins. lTe the peaple o ett al itY bave thueai-l Mensikas préoitd su iinauctitArochat à rtau it e question oet rcaimitlté le- couînuusflo utsiait,-~ A tru;ilt udated fouds o the Cache vatieî. sud et 28,000 mmrid eIte itrte Ai ikelî lu cur Representative Gait itas 1iranie t i plae the Raome hoonul tAieposbtIty outhlb.maller 10 the atteution ofth 1. dissertil traits. tarerstnse in défint abîme.fHe ibas lut- lIt aatafs0 d»acs sbllprevîdima forte à fte etoqui ewimla rietosat o cemmuçione e t. aamur- - aor JE. Bager. a Atton anker, ras ver et lise river, rîtb a-vier b tu àfibt- *stnlcken uIlb apopele ittus home. eineandl dredoingt t, se as te cmfe t The litue mso e ari Heuri et Clan- rAiti ila basketlb.herround uT t onue Wratallty poisionculfor entnt Paris hit carries an approPriation et 150.000 Fi s Warren Fleming. 19.,IBetleville. cern- MxxiNNO YWýN la ABiANDOFE». t> .- altted suicide. lie b-tut a filbt th a vh ri compension sud feare-ilarresl. Myaaton aa.ostons etI ardgiAIl. v Roy Waddetl, tormerty of OMOe, Wis.. Zuit Lite u or - Ir an elevater boy in Zion Home n Ci7TA- little adulitg leva otCardiff wnAîtI t eras ruîited le dust h y bis car. sean ho a deserted vnUage. On accossitro a Thé Ferdinad W. Peck $30 prime n et the récent mistugrleus explosions, le M aorat.ry et the L'niversity ot Chicago whîiuit eeven -minera svte skitied lte . ram dividaul 6tween leu F. Wonuioer mine bas ben abandoned. The it:tted a ssud toui A. Watkem. aiaft crasa looed ul rus ater a"ulàacar w le aeAds5hte uté is ituedt ofcernaent ras dumped Aâte the aser.mavlalittedIn e s sourti pening aud thte miné eants! forever. sa l-ef stttedang aa tt- Cardiffbit daspopuation et 1,00 and it pinetl Séus nover have bom koru a out 450 mimera, moualu SotrchlandW Strarel smore titan tsveotv-fIvemisa in ia hv ho mloe i tri s srsm t atr.canasr. Théenuput et thé mine Las E Inadéquate fine protection bas le! Bo- gare as igh ne 10.000 tous a day sud r II perntndmut J. R. Né@iy et the Cook the annuel psyraIol bas heuets vul ment amont emuployées.béon teaeteso ruand a Ceserai ex. w' Dr. Charles A. Xichais et Urbino bas odus As Ans made publites signet statement te theai 14 effet that ho marrieu Mr%. Bousn C. FPAT mIGRER PgICES FOR MILK.t Dur Au Louivlle. Ky.,. siulé aite Aaîem i 41 traIn f e totalemenit. Borda. Pactoreêsta Give Average la- o John Newman of Cropsey ras- fouud craissé et vive Cgite a lindre& n re deau. Hé finsdhoe donrt: utisiugandl! Te ABordées condonsîng factorisaet e ce n chisies: a iarlieu aire fonce te ttA-'Iligie. (arpenterarilte. Aigonqu. ,Me- ty ger ethitgun hecame casht. dsciturg- Henry. Beividero, ijixoan sd t. Charles 10 ftgthé cotents l'ietoblm aide. bave made couitraclajfr milkotfor te su-. P 'i To purchase tbooks, muskcal Intrio- auing six monthe. hlite ie pella .onui h sI- sdaitrtuig e tlite ic uaverage o 5 cets -blgher s hueidred o ires etnd th Anmteaiu n t bthsudthe. thain a îear go. sud te thébigiet patllo As ceunli hbospitai Presîident AH. G. Pare- sAce 180. line avérageprice las $1-6 1 'etusuelof th Cent-,Coosti Board openeul uà5hudreul for April and tSeptpmber. Thé nt suitêtripton flo.. pres tu ho peid in: May, $1.2()0; JuAy. 45 al Charles Wanuit. e fanmer lving née-acanta; June. 851 cents; Aunet, $l1,0T'h. P~ eramas.szdlihrately %hot hi rua Itat- u arMera adre f8irty Wehsisféade. athough Or tm antera ou Wangluâ aten..Hua bond fier talonite piceoet tend anA the tuer; f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o susbms.reet-ntîijedsu cfproduction lAsmers tirtea te @ n1 hé Mai di. Waugh Asa ason o samuet adrauce. Otmso Brother at DamAse '9 Waugh of Pera. paid tedaime price. di East-itounnitRock Island pasenger BORUES KILL A WOKAN. tl etraienf6 ras mre-ku-d ah Rockdaie n a1 colision nith s freiglît train. Firestna Mm . J A. addetdeffer Nnd ad 5i 'a Conneliy et Joliet uic bady hors lTe Houe Senreutn..e la- patiengera wre sakrstuenup ad sud.mte n.A.J ldedff rsae u ma erersitnibruisel. but noue ers mo.- Me .J tdedfe aaa n ly, riousîg injuned.TlIe accident nas it e kitieu hy saameunuknewn persan ao item LE recuit et the tag. . home tour mites norîheaslt of - estlen. go ut A&Co o linois, plor mauufac-lTe bod mas fournil the taltorng mernu-c - er & aiteekisgl nmutilatou i hobat. li. r loforajIbave fIled irAtlie counti clerk sI as, Texîau, e deed ef trust rover- ras évident Ibat thée'érie ortomhit litg the lissouance o e tnatethée mouutî crime ras rthbera'. as teé bouse bil ri nde 15000,tt ssinomhigs tt bem tiorougittiraa.saked. 'Ena mu.Ç ds ois trut compani. Te abject otft.e ndGae nl rc r ne v la bond Issue* î fr tite enlargemeuent fihe etet 5 errna ustectel et thé mardar. t e- Taxsbac f e caspnli ra, laddeldatfer ras s bard wrker b irne uatenopaî.sdfbnd qtait, a soietfnioney laidaseoir o- At a stor neiîetinx of te Business andl it mas Ibois te murteners hope ta le atlensAsseiOlintof Joulet te Questionge.____ >. et the deveiopment otftie drainage colnal rater power andl the aeneexation buise ix SCALE AT BprINoPiELD. m"weeétioroughly titrastieti over. WVhielà ®-ne deflOlite or finlaiaction ras taken. the Mincotes and Opertora Piloqol Ltts ru, speeches indicatis(tout the oppositon Tlaeir Difersancea. luth ij alg te rater parerroriul ho mth- Springfild tu b-disUltrictre .amicabtg ty aw Icrft the prapoacu billi re. seose»Weill by tese nransd oeratora rit e tiamaudeul as ta compeilte board tle su bave been la sasion n Springfiel. lTep rioIa powrn-te factanlesalaout te caural,contention rus -ou the bottela day 'tabet es. sud Det hé confined ftusetlinttltform Wtigi dentae, butftitis es setted hy th ite nursa Rt ng adseulhsîti îplants Ot ctiez îlong te accepting an trierasme et 12% per cent chamml. riicit Joliet citizen@ toits, t0 agreduonit y tae Indianapolis conven- i rendan Chichago alunie. Te question eftlieu, lhitIncrease ot 12% per cent aisec te sewage tramt the Hammond parckIng mas iccepteul hy the mnera for nooral tri tante as thetc aite utvigreOs ebito- tumanint. cutru wrk. etting crose bans,v tIeon le thte emnexation billa, for beorce batis: sud the ontàlde star labor I ly Marlina Fice.rWho is lunte William- mscale.lTe ruimne»dîd net metàslilmi-1 et *snCouti jolit nit Bud Graves, bas tation pot on te mine examiner1, buta etfcoufeaseul the onrderutflira. Nelie concoded tliuepoint. nut- Rasilieherter. as citol tescher. 111h - - -C fer " is umber composure Pnieu reisted filer. ALLPICICRA> MIS RUANT. mssh ba ht lira.Retcheiderten Au tier yard lond sud ren te ras itoîplens. tirer ber Qatresl Ahont luAsavaUnion Rutmi ithe lIe a àhog pe, rhere the hbates inseelilu]garder. .It ber bodiy aud ocompletéit bt% ort. Prie Tony Stetnretgner le sualifte el the oiti asuruta atiteépiinned te crime vîit baudst fHermon Réunit at Lensbnrg. liai Miss ùLize Stafford. satmiller ta lia, iýTt Iresa bernosue noivei a an aller- ailt Raicheiderter. Thtsliat oethbis cont@s- caticnal oen the mritsofthlie Uniteud ai- %ton, itorever, le nt helleved byhi tAe oM- Mnerorkers et Amerlos.1 vtaiclieHeu- ex. ci. Ater te murde, Prieasorshobvit heoengeul, sud aua smentirHensitl ired e a rlnnaaoked thc vietAm'a âbouse. le lounual sht, te bail pantinsg Inrougit Stein- 4.- nonr $1. attieugitlira.mReicteldartonra ceignra hesrt, cituaing.deatit in a fer* ted reslthg. Both Fric@ andt Gravesmito siimltec. Prier te Slinnetguer'a ileath cull are 21 and II9 reetrsotl espectireti, rAu te plongedi a kutîte lotoe Henni], butl lite ent ho trieul fan thésaunier. lTe.teorila ond lasneir-dangereons. Heni ruas eul titat theg kilted Una. 'Reiclodefer utile rllnhen lste, custody hy the lient utofSt. trint te raisb ier sud her sInher. Clair Ceuti.____ Merlin C. Boran. tormenhi manager URIDgtORoom TIER SICV ofteNew Wrighti Boue. Clevetanl.ýs aI as fonnd dent! in lhetoilîe nt Chiieno, Firea Têtrpa Shoe loto ie B ody, la- su ad suiciie aflen tanily troubes ilte , SitnFur nrm top- rendas d -atîedor ondrwnng. Jolhn Newsau.30 retorss oilmas ofe ta- John Salle et Anokll. Minu., mag i 511-Ilîlcîard Newsaàl. preaidenit ut fie Star. the cd d,su an unueoun men tfatattyIinjared Beard of Mine Exauminera. miade an mot- ho by a Nortliiwotern tran. ocam Maple remet o sucidie. Be Inctes]lbiaisit An te- Park. lbey aleppel front.oee rastu te luis room ,cr te compauy store lit -att ayetd a tru.igAt andt n th ie mai oft iLingoten and titen irel titree totsl. One des aL ftsmail. I_-bittLpassoeA titregitbisia nit hum. or-- A, n- Owtu le thé absencee utannter utfiter pierceul i inletAnes sud ttÇe ibhird on p#stamt ututas Barri Ielebcant- entereul bis leg neq te groAu. leaas thé agéder e of l Ceois- -tmarisé ëdabout six moutholse and s itbs 45 ~ ~ om ' ,<smtitres. nlii 1IAd or sdet tlesa a lms. ta ne brh.-ub1 4b. - - à Km.wi IêU iàPelrase sA». Du.evwald rie ae te vil s 4ag. il hrongh f ,5dozene n ies ot thir lires ýv a r DDb# «"4 t A 4 ouit" 1 ,narroriy. escaped drowUing ,e maole .,,O heU u wheu qv. large steamners cellided in the 2 ef t~ie Wfed . f ritAci.hovered eer the waters ot tnden i ien ue ,atl sîrstotrs og tled Bonuet Ttîursday nighit. The :tnaienitare feW 11mW. sd mrneof ioters.large ratilRiver passteuger steamer Ply- Wdu bt-ina. edir eAppund,,Themo o temouth. Iran. New York for Full Rîvér.A ortant amendaient edded te thebf il i 0 aauee u rro 0 Rks it inoperstive gMaadopted by a mals, ras ru down. whlë Pasalo 1 Lthxonghthe Rae-. by the hfeight steamer ta oft he peop le ait t hns n t gener l Ci y o T aunton of the anie Aine.,Aiound r etion. or in 1%». mdall t eust bho adupt-0tr7ouNwYr. te aiinfm$i.Ir. recelriung *» trouhier toor teir.,ar ad Yoiyo t OM sCast at that dec- Ahuimd et tIl. trordcd i. sudy of aot h ejti tt o f ttins Plymouth >âr is anbed as if At >a," ond tho u tir a aiterOfHum-ns ad beau paper. the srîîloroouis of Ihn eY'a substitute charteresatutien for second aitebl w ere cet away and An the icago ras adopted hy the Sonlate ai_ eslhoulambera oftheb.crel rtîo meree ra short debatele stator Fsrnurn's . ale vers drowned îy the torrent that el bill ras adiguc$ ,to i*rd reading. roshéd through the great gaie malle by isltor Rteel' motlop t>strikle eut the the beur Ot tIreigbter. acting clause beinmg 4ated.c The Jan.- Although terrilied. the people eboard i bill.said ta b. gâeau totncng te the thli sblp exereAsed great oeil-conteot and icago Tîtte and TÈuei, Company than thkfê rat np pente. The colil-Pa ce- loriginal. ras Putalie ead iu the cnrTsd after the vemeI ball madea lier way eale. A nu.r et ratîrai franise up the ssoud thrOugh the foguntil shie 1erendot ifl,11, ad te be Andorneit by reached a Point eant ofG Dil Istand. The yor Harrison of Ç(>igo, n as intro- City ce Taunton carne up lgddeàiy. ard aed An Uhe Bouile. r b ras usigbted by tino offcer ef the Plymouth ras tac close tNOavold, tii. T'he State -clvI1I series bil, rithitlse collialai. There ras a quick «ichange 40renduui rider. liment te third rcodlog 01 signais and, thee tbe crash. Thne b1,4 ursdsy for finluav"_ me tUnie the et tbs -City of Taunton penetra ted ten toribg rock. 1te0sb te take off the fiet listo the huit of the Plyuoiith, std Pfeendnrn section lailg. .ad witiîthiet an "gosbcked arageshe rak.îl the Up- rrt, desirs toeunb"d7 ltfurther cnded. PUt verks of the passeuger ,esseî, tter-- he House pasaed ld.ts«Pruine jîîticial tmf out the secnd çabin end rlppinc the ltpportionment htt. Tinis ia tir hbitlaMaterneras te pIeces. Waler pored lutoe hIch changea the touttilb uttreme Court tishe otd and drowued tien men Au their trict no as ta oils nefta itepibhlc-am htuare. trict. Jauge Cater,rhôoaits on x#e It ras thongitt et oeetiethant the opreme honch trou ici al tdistrict, le'a ahlp's empany routd haie ta take ta Wpulican. and hi., têt expires this the buste, but thte cieatug of the collision esr. The gains billerIsch practicallî itutkheadî prevente4l the rater troui gain- ilto the spomtmeWmssoclationsansd tmg sud lte veseel made thc barbor and mntingu bsbaiae bzélworkitig for, wharf nasslated. d to u for lilifs bu eemeudmnents- Orer Lu the Senats Obtego Psrk bhls lmollm are ta the front sleera f1heulrelt- ite South Park aiffaira'ang boenMA ssedl. The affaira ot 0* Chicago drain- e-botard sud the 11W0 le asi cere up esonate and Beous comm ie s .nd IT I [IITJ[ le work done indicsted breakers lhead ®r tb drainage board. îiiîii:lhlîi Tite Sonate did uo business I ridas for le reason denît aIl bul twf. inienbers ir. nihlent ou a trwd eIn tctona eJoliet peoitentianit., lu the Meouse esession ras devoted te the îîninâter- ting business of sdvait ills on theThe State clvii service biII, rlthlis tiendar frornt liraIt tu second- reudAtot. »o etereudume rider, weut ta tînird reading bletîiîpy wAtt ho heteré the lieuse for Thlsrodày for final vote smeï lime the lièclsalon. amnendanint snd adraîîcecnt toliorlug week. Efforts ta telle off tins r passage the toiorIOg reek. referendum section talledl, and rith that effort deoits t1eatend lIt tortiller ended. Nie business ras Irausacirdd An the. 2'f*-Roue.passed the aupreme judictat leiste at lias ession midas aftrroon. rstPimmn bl hi -th mi two membeas. tenaloma Itees and vhicrhauges thte tourth Supreme Court arler. heiug prenat. Lesa îbaii tweu- district no as te makle At n Repubieca j meuhers of the liue»siére' preseut district Jndge Carter, wmo aite on the. heu tinat body met. Thte pruccelliaga Supreme hanche front that district As a fete nimportînt. Republican. sud bis terni expires tit gear. Thte gaine hbit, riîcitpraclicali Thé Chicago &atrsouo II of-the sportamoen'associations sud [nt op Tuosîisuy te mave ie i!.. On a nmting clubs have bieo rorklng for, pou cati it faited te pesa, rKeeijur unly had te run forlies lite troam amendnneots. fxtir-elgnt s-otes, tnctead of th,- it e- Over in the Benale Chticago parki bilae wera e t te front severai eftilleul relit- nAired for the peasaenut ae ooîîit-itiongi Ï taSuhPrafiehangbu emenumet resotutioa.L efeire the vrote tgtSeitar afiabvu hn 'as sunoonceit Rcflpraitative Shxirtt.ff passe.The *f aire of lthe Chicago drain- se It AIbg novtng pogtponei0ett iof tur- age > hoard tnd the Blate canai wre.op ier consideration outilta rck fron.e lu Senate sud Bouse committees, and Weduesday. The SentIe ni e ession the work doue Iudlcstedl breakers ahead trmn 10 util 12:30 o'leck snd catablisit- fer the drainage board. ed n record for business traiisacted. ileven bita ere.Inlroiucd and rer- reA, twemly rere vend a third time anAà pagseA amui tan re.advaaoeA trontsec- end te thîrd readinit. 0f the tweuty bAlleA t thte opeutimi of the A.sembly ses- rhic el ere parmod ail went titreugiritt fiton Tbursday mormites Mr. Roi, moved practtcatiy me opposition mith the extepltat the vote by with the 198, authorWs ion et oue. This ras Aenalor Gardtter'a tmg couuty board% te appropriate mot te bii providin9'that nominaions bY Peti- exeeed $10,000 for otllera sud sallors' ion for an cffice les thon a State office monumnuts rithout subralttlor tthe ques- la cilles barillg a populationetof ver 10.- lion te vote ofthtie Peupler as non-con- 000 muet ho signed hy rotera rito bave cnrred An. be reconaidered. Thea motio mot uttemded auy priua ry or party cao- cirried, iO te 34. Mfr. Ray ltêun moved eus beli te nominate caritidales for sutcl concurrence In lte bill. Aller over an once or aiguat anmo thpr nolmination hour's discussion the bilt ras eoncurred paper tor ani candid ate. Thte FieWilCa- In, 57 le 39. The adtl-cigsrette bil, pro- litiban Musenm lake froînt hitl, couple - lihitine the saie or imporation et cigar- of ]LAncola Park. hillsîted a Seuth 1Park ettes ADntothe State. aras teported tfavor- il for Chiicago sieon pased thte Senate abti for passage hy thete onmittee on -four lit ait. y iealth sud sanitatiounlwth an amend- i. , - ment providlng thent in case the fiue fer Bille lotrodueed-H055e. viotatînulte law li ontl pald punisi- By ftcpresentative Churcit-Reduciug ment aslitti hoby imprisoremenlt from the maximum charges for torage aud thirt),laeulnety (laye. Mr. Cady ebJect- handling of grain lie P1ublic. raretoîîsOs ed ta the passage of the TimAn bll et- of classe A te one-haif ot 1 centper hash- empting pianos and organs trou taxa- Pl the iret tieeyla ansd for each flivtiton. He coutd net sc why musicailaI- lay" thereaftor one-eiglîtl of 1 cent per atroments sabout-ldie exempt anY more îbabei.Wtute ri sdml)or lia- tInuàaplir or a cor. 1Mr. TMolienspoke il t early dainage lthe charge alaitîbchofor the bil. referring ta is experience 1 cent per buiebet for the firet teu days iaa an saeeseor lu Milwaukee, poinllug aud eue-quarter ut 1 cent per hochet for eut that At ras onlyth ie Pour People rite ?acit additional firo diiis. paid the tex un uch instrumenta. 1Mr. By Represeutalive tSanîuetson-Provd- h)ooiittlc, for Ilhe ernnittee. sald the Lat that railroad enîptîtes on &Ht paa-u- bill did uat create an, additlouat exemp- ger trains salaihoeedepîîty siteriffa in ail toun. The bitt waa passed hy ia vote of conuties ai a saatoîrd An case et train 70 ta 22. IThe Senate pased a numbler rohiteries. rreckm. rnota. etc. eto bille of varying degrees of Importance. Vredt rickaon. fixing thte maximum. rata ef telephono charges 'la thte eity e1 sitrlir tlogo5ite-îitto'l5ngcitie. te own sud operate street raliaa. ItThis 0 Frieude et tbe propostioneu Nexempt hAItperuntsa citgte tale ove? uy sireet mrgg n edcnmt rn aa ratlray on vote oft he peopte'ansI tense tinmoraed aud coractatram ta it te a privalo corporationi for a te'rni n of énesa afeied vitherKellytill Sefat nat exceedingtwteuty "s cars. No bondsWeesaatrnn.heKiyhIfo %hall b. iiaued for the Parreuse of soeur- Ihat purpese being passed. 17 te 10, .lUst Ing thte street railwas, îuilesà suthorizcd enough te put the mnire lthrougîf. The by 's tro-ttirda vot-, principal figiuters agaifîst tAhe bilt rere By Mfr. Gesitkewic-li-Coeitlliuit tira Senatora Lockfrby. Woeks sud Serippa, tmsuflt$e compasiies tg) psy faiti ain-jîlt ,and titere ras moine wrmi discussion in et petictes An case of Ios. commlttec of the riiote. The Roe eSot &B. . Ericksen, 277. autheriainir lie 4bru te business in gond capate, pacang eorniooers ot Linîcolni sud $oîith a mnilber et local bilis, tsad, putting parka taecouitftt Lincolnî Parti with Granui Irouuit on thîrd rêsdtlitton bilts, rlicit parti by but dlug a boulevard over thé ealsunres rer.e areed te In committue suhusergei tend ot Lake Mtchigsn. efthtie riole Tisesday. 0ne oethlie re- By Mr- HRide--Crca t itg board of cou- mottaetfruchAng localt'biltta titnt ln trot otbres, electire ty peeple, 10 lhave ont reading tlierr. simPlY because the chrp t ttecîtiîlliuttuA;i. mmier or Senator fron.t te district at- Mfr. Mc1fsnarnan. anviîîln the cte. tected maya the bil la att rlgiît, In that pillcOr7 education Aaw lY pràvling tîjat soute wolndertîît way et verbi- ait children betve ii the i mm et 10, sud age. are gls'eu l' sanction efthlie Legis- 14 year a hahttciid sulsonl for a peried lattîre. Aitholugli uîaîîy ef theae sacs.- ef net tees titon 110 da.-In luesctî yeuir , res are dranu tirawYems vitla Ougbl te By a. B. Merksoii-.PpIOpritatng e5.- knor Itow ta prepare a bil. t. at voitel 000 for relief of doatitates in uomahernt eliotign ta mtekmenue, mauy are put gredu. and Vinland. Il-umnulmneus cou- tironlIi sn Bcb a weg ltaIt tîeymen 1 ent tbis bill ras seu4:t lsmnui mrailo. motblug. h7 1Mr. Nohe---AmCundintmti-trta tr egisîaîîva Notas- se as te put huard of uindêririitera otf. lIe Kansas I.etglature bas adjoumu- Cicago oint of huaineitui ed. 1t had bren in sessAon ten desalover BiII. I.trsliced-SiBête. the censtitutiouiil limit.- 1 - ---a r--rnt-- emitn a- ..ite .Mia 01- ent.é...Mrd th. itl Tiot' SINDrAYSVOP L.aSSON FOR MARCs Ill. zir..AIOY sST Joux5, "41Mi ual RleIeier. PAraI Quater. an. 4-tui aîiui Silos na hiiliPPi. Juoit. 1 -{ s i .vng. 1Pli. 4:1- 13. JIa. 11-Potilat Tliesalonica and Be- rea. Acf,- 17:1-12. dat;. 25t'ti'et'oicil to thie Thetaai- scAnnan. Theis . ,14&-28. A0ob. e-' i t Atic usa. Acte 17:=2- 34. l,.i 89-frtie C htirch t utCoriti Foua- el. Acts 18:1-11. Aeli. UI-ClritiituîS,.lfCouirol. 1" Cor. 8:4-13,. t'elî 22-hriaIau ove.. 1 Cor. 13:1- Minci-h 1-t'ont aul Apotio. Acta 1: Mths -Pout et Euihesos. Acha 19; Marchi.l--TérlcIiot ait Etheau. Atî Mari. 2-'au' Message ta tins i MNiirch 29>-lLes'ier. The iiarter*s leciiotis ire seleched trom, he wecond anthird uiieiouarY JonrmneYs, but lte rearlier cittît îît o botter for a mevlew ltaittolat.iký t» I hiiie joumnega with thei@ iti ut a nîif. i, r-aciug the pro- gres out 1 10h nitlis coipinions, lthe stop«, the cliiet evecitsansd the place sud tilue af uritlng tih.e pisilec. Sucit faletsîeît tro ho colitaniiy gene over lu rder ta ilfpreas iticiierinaneati ! POn lthe mmnd. and nithufut s fairiy clear ides or ltesé thre Jtuîmiies thebook et Acta sud att i'4aursaepi-itiesare tefh vague,' witîtout histarlcal pi.rsietive. Another plan tiat tuight bc toltosved ha le bave diffceettpipils prepare briet de- seritti)os. n-AilPitt res. utflte leadlng icties risihed bghy -Jeien .AntI- hi. ,lpliesiis. phiii,i.Cfrintit. Athena and otiteru. tie teaclier Aringing eut poiniet contrat aid ,holinZ te diffel- eut inethodg lty wshlclilte apostie songlit ta dpreuent tAie gospewl iti these ceutere ot .- C i vi xl a t io iî . Ai cindy u.Pmlacomportions rniutlit bo scorked otlbv itder jipils, mit thtie aid ot a Bible ditiffnars: Banabas, Si- li1,, lýuke-. AqufilnaiildPrisciita, -Mark, Tiiotiîy, ec. ltpbnaii muay b. laid upon the cittét roli4itus nliun of tthe avoslle in bit tlers, begitisiîîg itAi the cartieat, Plia Titessalonians;illu4,euthe errera rih h. sangitt ta correct and tite vAnnes viih b. mate muet prouincut. Lema sfar nieemuChriallans frolin lte experience ofthtte early chumoi Asin- otitor trsiitftii ta)ie for matnre classes. Ite66 Pnom Y«-~U tkI*;Iflq pays- NEW CURE FOR PNEUMOt4iA- fli..cavarun IanimtsTnlin Mas ll be Weedw Earueal Southwortb amnd James eI-I prospecton er o u Sagonlanott, baveo jut bail n senles e O 11108VOb turos lunte foreso beyond A Oeta Lake-.IThem III tîck crnme te a bernA riten. atter ltelog ctt tuns s0ere enoratoru. ti Ay renchei anuaoh«- deued camu. There ics. toit Ilil -rt a Mod wriîc developeil cy n'mpl o f et puenuia" 0 Bia companloin. beliavilis thet.- II roulA ie unlsssbetp ecaait OUM set ot for the eaneat iambes Camp, tcnving s nte toril trou bis server bock tt en b eIr e e bl a i lzo na.e lbree das tler. wbe eu tinrboti etnroni it a berme ad sied e r,- save theesk minu. he bond Ries ahi. le at np. Rice aIdtil taoed hlmalUto Sl by PEB-LtAVeIlL1b.I#l te saine.medicine ritîit Soathwretin litau AtI for bite, anA rietics hs 1 dian bail aduluîstemed falitfuihi. a l ..But I ras grmîi wreIsA bout ~. , yen." sanid -ice, 'hecteà su tertt E word about youn goîng arc>...anA 1 M .e X i itau hogun te titk yeithbaldaserted mtu e t a Ime die lu camp riti tIhia IndIn." "S c alx a."c d So thwrnt. tlabIsa stemnest baie. "ubat diA îeu .de vîtin that paper 1 gave yel ad teAI4ion le baud le M. Rîcesu MMoas b. came te himstan md wasableatele 1ud" Thue Indian ecatoited bis hetd ae If tel ilrugtllog rAtio n oew Idea. ll teend IJ t be graped the nmennîng te 1aquie$- Usf t igit tIen andI eplicil: "-Hocinpapieo h OUIon! Ahen bin kuorw 'ut yen blo menu. Âb'm hI leur te pmplee-oop auS'gee heaif te se I ceek nmousaexseé medîcine w'at you bici roleterangeev. EcI mak' beau geaI veR prettikei. hlm ait god mer. Zs u M t6 papier Mdciu ne ee do eet."* lnsîed et givtglte noe ltlcs te teas&tte Indinubail homo ltte bits andAcdsinitteredAtlnas aMedicime, ne- pertes ma rter Iu tAie Ncr York Sun, _1111à ibuq addtng a nons reinedi for pneu- monlata e lb.Ameicon pharmacepoela.- dean Casa. *"1 risb tuere Wrasoseé miofiete- tîng unI him.." sopiied t- tain cntier, "bUt t dont l sppute Itere te. Te cor- Rua - rctpondeda rle. tandtA tenbAiement ime lisptetogfrpti. sucli abareul hlm le lie aahindsome Yoiung Man. 1I alu l'A hbve hlm, andI got my n-eddtug oufft R a lIï ail ready. tit ien ei le caine on t surai w~ Ie'd 8she1tOme o pAtre tat ras tukew Ireuli years aga. miiet i Aee Ws YOUig letter ttARi an dl good lookt.ig. i toIt Aini lu L.o'Z' About hb Iiieas. Catel 1niéko tius pag tonrîoy mn-cudinit sîit?"~ "TOn cati punli li lu morse thum ltaI." cait theo oInt Iî;r. "utn tstrengthi of ltlialrshotogfrnph on con -tit-e hm n areedton lstithe malla mAtAi bleuI te dettIlitil." BsaNeoiPesvs. Tanimy enus dlal>oaud tea rn t r brigilttinensw t er on-emitoeu enery- ar* i scool. dut rom. dean?" nîsked kloi unther. ..(f counae A 1. ~-îvl: ouf, imîfnttt du I Il. 0 s un- AND ALL M M 0 .1 *11lesoith. Il's linnatarhtAe oe.' '-Anv. go un-? exclalied Tommny, "I neven looak ati îîî eet -toiî î"ni la 0. och ol!" J o b '. 'O rià 0Woudefnl MsaadY. Mrs. Stuti-It la reniatkabie bere" l maîuy tIllInth IaI Pgtent -Medicineue pa- 9 ler claimed -Ails reluddy foulAcuré. Mn. Stutb-yes, lie. ua about te tlAu ime It wonld curé a. t4mn, ud 1 sel >. Towson ou hlm. i-DeBancu-ITe .- A W ldlstrculara D. ao telimes tse Rws lt . Fer l heras W " -, ~for Alucci - '- Ulu llsWearyni-QuIIC trac; Yeu have 0e idé. ber nnuch teujcy iteorti pus - auvIt h

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