CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Apr 1903, p. 2

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etea t1iglBiaitiiOil. b edser anedlotCx-e . b teil -re aisend m svon bod: trtadsd l ulther' 1epgi.l, iAublasi furoace C48« Thomo teelai iPlan t r e emtpan aet Brddoc, Pa. d tbs desd Mau .la given ne A t as camsblesrued ,wsaed badeliet la I gs~ et e fâti. umce. cegt thé. taris vrked c81 Mdl *bout dayigbt a mmu vea sent tu tthe top to woffleeait gi."bleakef." At t h dlacv«flwu i ide itéaitlilect*equpuient ane d oiimen wer* the trouble. . wIsIAeventeet v ork et the top or bottons a *fuais .wu fou"an d be- aii eoul b, given tUme eweî pie"icoo gas sud theiilek- 131, yblii burned the cloth- rendered then - IlNoiehbotmresctheini~ poIt paOn r tti jl ilIiee, su tI et uefont "_ eves -mm d disad "et, Y." T. glOUS ILsud ta iýîIa .0 eà .1 V"CY'S HR=»EFM PIATE HOFFMMU'S "CHRIST AT THE IDOCkt 401m ircN ia tIse Mar beautitul cuit lUS -ttbs netweak. Theardtics 0» o lf~ ê.ace ,or christ tast artiste bave «- no tuat thé v@ei8iiI7atti«Ul \AIÇ- L 71 *0vofié te penny ouincanTas ars. ive' iait by are made utajoette by tI àér te urplalgl:beQtitiland se wondeeftoi 18.IDthaisaesthe i. t raa»MW Quatao*I tUt - avuony ith'i the tdoýet teGo-amt t aMg S*attituide la 41sMOud "A iexi gest11%& déigu aitnto meut peope -tuat tber -bave iiel unil- ol.oeaniuptav. Wci arer lvin vecW.u l$Cde# ie be usteWPIEdet ofmaeart. Th-eu - lepIse'bas givon lts the be laiiIii, 11i iot ' u. t O0at'" are hers gegudueed. isti tue etuvu 9et tbf ni.1 The aL pWtUCo 9< IIIîsèt or uaiskbau blivu ultIs the the plcure â.tltl.i Caytua facecee hfrôie. stremt lhaïr falilugdowu tote i biàcWUM <Mm. iitpaLtlntioet ithe nt1m - *UAqé a Iouk e Iiliis e afmstne5t lauMaiay. .letaken tie ibw e pnl Wu,- aw es if6r trie'thé woéiiamô abstu inet -christ »etere Èqlàte,' la tb *,Mt te te o» laI aka. si. 1!batdalW bas le. gibhIdiail oe heigibto<te eyyirp ti.isml, n 1 e 9-tbRang eq $'*MattsetCeBW' lok.- Ùiutl ot toctei a. bale. it i NeeM, Ma 0*Ast XaIeset tii MOU tr tuff ofthune we»&bppoint Ir - ~ ~ -j eegte ai. _-o ketit W14 ef t*udl fl I et fflet o#"ies ate or dsclauk ~bira"nselD » t he eho dlo 01 be e 8"pr ip Mofl 1ý «etlugMapais deaMice nIe rqat vil rbs Tii. plttre, difers f bsomuut alother famoaus Pic-Plaie»,' - tbe qumpsthyorti CmdlaaPaifie, but Itor e «Christlu hat t 4deplefs 51wwtb fetures that e UAtUhU<*«àn. "» vei ,»* li es, 4flIer a -mm ua"aMt 4"-asiist" Atatrace oeet. ouiPaleu- on- wbt ibe,' dW 9< br o ai-asesweetuffl tbat seu.50,' artiste a br.givect te tbe tace ~ '. stst et iWOOd of~u. W-ItIIt4é rblb lowintg aroufi filin. Christ 1 her sa I re Ut. k S «W as.pfkkté, Md-<- It -t btUe osItion et mtwo teir realae té4ed AI155W~~ Plate mbis tbroce. Cbrist taudfift beore hlm. Alt tvm iti.. vutItddre mt m" sud -mntiat the relatIons vere reverssd, ani tuat Imate vas mus e Asbest kXe"lofet c4oteallwsy p« Raui..* mcce oi smowng vue e rmmàc!n1.ow sti. 1 .i thé.. ~a Tse ma hg",' audetthe artist bas tbrown lbtote tutbéerai. viti the cru0W q ~Nei ~~ç 00 Çfqaç et Chris a latent >éugfestlveums easupe- dyrlng, eyes turned beavea*a iiuià ouk tu it. pouer tat I»lttmAtup fi. tboee urroudlnlit patliuCe t au the . "IIidet@i bt WUmleai4 Mrbalesriy Uts distinction isenitbc divine and ie At. vitu it Peple. Ilt t me- Go iina u b.trong. bas giren um a more beautir 'airE Pt 2 Fer a leture of ta ii. titul. , divine, the CoMpas- bas Guide Reni lu ble "Dcci Fe t ë Lwatsaut by, a î. iattonari&Utat Cbittl5ians Oikfor In thetface AÂplcture tat unique am te wore'fair Lua il proba- orfchit, the tu e iit«p ofC5 et i. arirtlst Roffinanum, lastbat of Titien, Ueld "Il aêismtUi.4 tui[ »M .11, t la bt ut.etuMtu.te1%e beati ifChrist le taliou from bette ubowu wth IacablAJi g& Ssanaep" r o-et l. of ma"'e "fChrfistai t the Door," fefamiar peture rcp- the. sadueée tiat ail arttta Sm le 10*Ue* (oupmlny«M a - h.resetlng Christ wItb a aicpbericrook Aa band, knocking t la the. tall et on. vb0 rsp e*sIn tis ilb. doue on & ts epor tai & u haobine.Tbd',togder sweetnes et. thse a abade et trlun4ii overtelu t t trouble the . musfemtent tac.. wbele. Astut'edtfnll towar4 the. specgtator, -as won. onunee vWho bas laid a ira». moupinS iblll*I nfl£ii etAly leAs a tee. la wblcb ponioue le eut- Utc .wisdom tîat t reveals,.ai as Asraffl lasl. is y t.e settled milnenboi,' ut a s'mnuoftsorr is xpresson f 0055 le »reueet -gmicso vrg-0as a quaintéd vlth grief" tY I l iading. patb.tic, but subject-CiaCSSe teceili HO, so mes. armai yUl te- s dailugit ai rolabgl et pelea, Jaeob Kuastuer, la i tlag." -'1'Isç~i~r~a i.,. 15 'tise AlUafuAmu's IItoev for Nma ee1d.t z*ig devoté i d otýet 5solinctiaaà teerai meçNter WliAis amr. h. cetam of tl th l.u led Soet ~baneebsea for lhe oet sVon 14 st9mt BuiiWs. lisersrus us. nimkoe it làU 1 mia oun b,' "Tonne" Cenbeil 14u, uhtw-eih îWlem- a et lhe gremt cotten -mile ai bds. ave bumes hut des-n hy bet 0epsasta ileS uu m- Md5 theumam., Tb.,' icuansi a m osa icrs. luanugs. op ou UntMs *tien erte OM I lb. heabuses of Newton pý01A4 empis,'09etwichbtia. Km, e Sotleendau28 ,ean, siot hte e la U.daage. m- yapa, bas grcunetices et 0 1euomi a ton la tisa pries of, go tbrseiim. Thsre s-i h. asn tuMpriées et teae and CIty Apâle-Cul sation Itsmded off liaI sta. popuen ad - twent,'-tveO »Ou$ aiw West rdos.a iý*WMM teDàu" vpcramete, v l tehé Inisn, nda IÏ ioi tlsesso e- a 5CAXSY5NG OF TUE CROýS. 0f gsmtenes. amiticbm the attesg nauiMy attttldtf iuiautlosetofeffemli- f.I» mmastthé fac. esiiy. sel- beautita bes et Christ shovn tithe bmtoit Illa tabmOuMro ». g=lt, sd tisai fa e qe )don crom Tse »Puteeu eff ta . tema. aul e* m ea»»» arlIhingly UOIStb e et SIrlaL *.11*ubW tm *0c twceutwemtum es rte divne.Istt"tu ht prmot- bheau. Palis, tog t thy 1mev De trace e Uillgatius. Ise- mem et bmeavsybeauty and; dmu bout et *b0 c«&ss tse buiai Waiflgla Guide nt CMUII lauGo agoie. ef ail er t e m i esi, émml ,fChrist," sa« ilu a greait laver. ae doubtet ihetuer slsy afile "wI ceuctlti0of Christ ta mnuathe.concepllongaot COit te Tribut. Moue,." Chrlst je judicAilf5ca, vii i lngeoe mIlarIt tute M~# otetaure. i» on euiei. but vituhen tuecesfîl turmia of ta tablem 1l lta a airons face, <le la ted conveylug vltb iront akl pitiug trebuke ual al elstisth eraid. A CÉNTUAY OF La aIR 4Tà.tisa -usj etotb.hegaine vaid-l it IlUe sole. da for e ofmers b urce. neuii qcu=btirebut lseAutbfý,maIn tla.pasia. Ag -ceuli h usraeimtable bo b i ïré e4 41 riae usin, a s celiiof ocibatae ggu front baud tailler, eitisIIgu pia Mdi ceal Hasdsi Tstate.laid laaek-d otniai croe lalutlai b s. - The perlda4t a eétut, te pnuti- a bewlldsrlagami couples figure A 7Elel eelur4d bisers lussemuek et thie àwb l& vlbati sud womtarrelioadgeat misael!egg-mosut a ameaW st a. héaust,' uh-piseédsi aslat dis-tWoodb fer tan past 100 jeans atu aispuA--Wbon,- sgood effaclc Io ilpel- siritia ffpt lusvar'iavb ofs t iln, DS~e# bitta, te -fUs1 may, ae oeialad by aof t col- Usy lu]~uW~osk ailnd sEl'. BahE ser yaatlsditthe cusiqin oe x- OW dmatetAi a tuee 'u ivi Asible DsgimnisgulI b.e irft Fcseu 1tbeta ichisains gifla 'etDButer musea lde- mails. OUIYle slc <aor erslmn,'brovi conturr, Dam., Paim oivs> landes& oindsprea& ls. keChristmasa prasanta. lu osr etialstintai ssui-bgngsparaut staffa -blXmspive, f'thMlen . M o*', tlis%"méditssîeS idé latitude la alloved, teuclt-aI- 51<514h. used. Dacb lied a"dlenttaui eaa. heontFrancesud A mPâdi t, vutra e gti sioul b. both dalut,' uan ease- lever viii tien stand onti lu irenat W uteralîtua la Parili tai tien.,ilu 051k- able. The sce; aciietu, osepopular ferIlIeL _________ ko tsast e ie etsavsganeea the lb.. ritmasî carde, bave tesppesred Iun aibetstc adis is b oît sir Ibir ciattuinagits, er onate. TIseyare nR ois e Mk* Hou»p iap, bais but théir boais" 5 in teBeV#olol. deerated vils .&U lie iwesstisatblooim LOaru to sur' kInt i wp5aaIttisùll Tu. ,eanq Ater tus faulleable lMt te- lethelIsprintanami ied ivili riba ons l b a ishner opportusst'fesoaysaa assed i gbevet bO5T41 ~ts ~il.-match. TIserea re, tee,- uique 1111e i -ler AlIse A. ls ge %WMbi Ratàsiaelc f'tvoe <lthée sets et aatill au IbmespetcfaIlly or Slnd,' tue charatilars of eaeh, a Promuadu,' have et lesat oee ing ohPterh ss. -- gseit,' uhoine l ua dfaryot r ei Aiai atattoba tltm'fm-ba 5aigilaWiulmalnla sbasket-t cleri& -tuasppr e smpathiels it lLI l rult prevail. Tise bonu -fliat 11 a111WO cmbllugs abit cIlys.t-eV-ti. il lon vers pieaamuti,' pletursuq»,e. 0ls. et vl k- ares- mat te èocorsc etter Pms -AtOllU mode snd pets and fls of Aue Ugis rois., boi o*wtaish 4dmpjwitbuor boubou~. ,Tiy ptte& fer»sest asite. trAm, asebecmlag t. s pretti face sandqicupa or éi%%W nplsd paltal pepr rarc ýLQsntu te dn,' on-elfandt prafa cter.Ag «Whutbeirmih acitgfflnd for li i bajfrs stt-aeit.eies sisgi.ts bobhpg arod théears. nlieu-90e4nOfetlb. filpi rePrceutlD8ster 11110. Revuaetfnsaddiagp aqi tel>eerer se.~ ~ ~ ~~ " aisbouuoevaessiou lises D*ettaachud vAtist s alrc as-lsu- erer couccive asbu$ motive If a gond 014d Iabats. ~ brI Oa years 151rwer as- thuepretlr sggssim tL Alcanble gits eel <nevhe ae4odvb-Ato 4 àimPllIe9yalmouet Quaker- wvIlker as,' -.nusaifor UBotr il hé el ocevbe MW1. tas ani loimAate i riec.furm o nenthe artIlisss, ts-uelitg Be gratte and bri th ehlidren. Deilebtictthé4t"i "Immpeinte l euii s.esteam erpilloas. faner e1111 baga Do jiot *loviouWr chilis-ente bc Wr,',Uns ha*gietltal'baisbat5iàm0 - L: thea uav vssbabis cavs. fautor a misa,' hei ome et nîglI Aisbot sbapwlés-no trent, e. à» a. itiasp rens omars. Neis am i stliM ddslau ku»oving vere tUo t f setai aham te t lieba iplulid iwmeeeté hua as-sadaptable bah fr a Do tl"Y e n,'tina ith t iciartn ru sumd s-a allot: ha mont $&*M- Damier sad s-sddiug prml 'wlleh ion do ist SSIIthente repena at bit et as! uu eobamte - taste thé pesêt,'fac. belea. - t- lioeatlmg lise tl o, Besarc of correctlulg thém AuIna petu W-tiithe. Donlt ype *11 arafaiuisv, Tba aupetotoudbent fa eter rou- lani gr ngry manse. - for ishéismothir tbas mOnuets m ai le sLise ousgt, lépesnsem a husvnoledsa Le= Io tegeer yetselt sud te lx elleavion oetitéls ntiést 5e o o fita.: cf stebitecture a ellin asu srtlstlc gmtlti.d patWAet. Madnsi oeir, yet vits a cralaimesote oetotsm ami clr la otiet 1tiSune 9uarçi yeur ieaperm,. espeoAaitg goltesa oiseu, fat preferabIe sortil deratlouc vîis <edeffret. lut seaumas0f Ii-eathl, ltrlttoou ai ete Unms bails but Wistua0shams (Ifutth *dordment et s chutai it At iscaar,'fuiad otnh4 btbé ,ua vhsWéaI V,. and eutra t eo edr lis manerai dehltectursAlà , bembstentéi b,' Iyer &W vur hi 'srIa ut bis h e lesat1aIstyle amidIls prélîElingtons of taler, a aseas etfyour o es-nsitt omJii« tun ,ar felgseome-reliet. -Thel For lvinlusg*round ipllur u atural erras-Bs haiset t09 ths ~iilei e t 1rai'. of lv« or sure, lmhng plants--.e! a Demiaar ltai, valibla as la Il ctur uPint e seaagii5i-preferahie lu miais-up garimada tun- iie-secs les A ofttn ns Iss 'ltoe l mo ut-le lis destanWt igf6nnrm eadth Lirg ea rases e i1- tvaluattie.- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~d etaiie odylai Ia, isdr i At lovera a",d fellate are sud D»nt expect tconllbfets oUtei a ig Im eutbbmts jbguUo5 1510vier entestsalers,' "Wt but mremr tuai s-e ClouS for a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h miailllb oliats tuaeil Tinitroduction etfelot$ draper,' a" fQ as vs eflmnde05e toil je male-p- -nmssTbhebaugiatuai Ais <if stt aisaiterglvenes @UuiiV _____________ ilitnU s teral or ofet lvl rocadé or Rêve rzeoriaàsas-p or &My wvs orto etno~ m ihtUS- la at,ý.1%opm villaeile seehes luJi Il le secaond voie tat mahati U»6qbtdb heSl«W A m41 l, em 5 0 gt er5r,.19 a, rttlqug"rL oïîwz Dste ebsws m 1ffl v gesDI 01 the " stgstepila" ad.btdhilb eeellag~<~ eOithéis*d*romi. pe çar e tie tu 0',04 , mel retoMtu e leOut of se ptter# subil..ce t n sIgl11b; h A li itaton lo o ttis ch tte et t ngcepo t l. ',wha w u badzen li wt b '«it* M01 Inud5y', thé Do%- "tlIgs $bt b. esrOde ei Ji am se ps bot eas liasesn tté. famen lisés.l ParF- nesai,. the çely 4 us,'ee lin, ud$eeo, but ,aettueey i v.s kat lag0Ais a fl - aeie et aet Bg e Ia ue civil s rI e w be* on oght te ha. w» a ' i t-é Jai eu e ti o eai,9tui til tu debauce-An a qiade. W -he u b eu te pJ e l a l , e i i A s t é " o r «a w s l i t g r e n d wo n a s t b e u h t t e . b a *o bAI" m 11 th« 5 1. at d0f ti Ble .iIi. bSoe ak Isd themeeting w on tbtOw U ltt.i lb. iloues, tp a ro W _@mm W bWnr109 UuMltliie, but pali praettýie eeWU tiiet At Wl»a cvire peaue ii. ate, lu ti hi. b th lie ladt vas oir ttunsi, aBd bra.eufforts. Thé bil qssed lb. lieune thé meeting usairesmaed. coutlnuuig li Titunidab,' à vite et 101 1resu ta 20 c» & noya, vità 32 abseut Or IDot tiig. & 1Tb vl tte we Ai teet tsr- eacbuizw obeash - M toit .ài ~ ll g de an Aie W estern C oa t f A sto o r p o i e s u s . - U ià e lptedi nba nt roa - sg tor Prker toua4i,inio thSe ita1"80<on têmer, toute het a l-sreirattiII a4n *l tion tt ckiug A ltern j e,' <it e a in i nt h rout. 'li s -P a l$i l l Dotal tas lis and etmudli qau Ivestigationu-ethae hesuon. it ws Pal's eaire net te bis o eealr m oiu if ba tse ra~ ba li e xlo n d a itcho C i s vW O eldb oeu1in lue a" »dA"efrcd Iiatitti- bai speit se long a lite.sud bouams lis -ftan Hicaieot' My b.viiian -lae pOvoirsi u the lsî,sPitaliiegsud Consoles- due. vid11= isbs ulied that *18. Pe tiens et thé -ChbrlatAmuleaders ters.- l0 duos~rc gym elo uar e ut st r pa* oer ttea£veld tisslie saAl*dpantst.phe- lbis raot effa u hÏd.MusA î 4R±«lMit&pitd et Mutns, fafiber dean le e sbiityfor is rsolutlet eau b. hflb e danent te- tIe peabter l e lrc d te gotisar prmemm. - An Imprtanht olb . e al eues. T i ra yc mmauisc~t e h iceocivil se.rvicaes in Auler,' crebes acwre tAie 11w pa . bse l eitrs lt ues S1 Charged vith tise goreru lasbe thé îclac1 thé cuale sd 4i usent arM igdliplise et lie ebueh. The arwb . o he thcivilsrtied evcemsD amec1%a UpSi lterciiÂugeably vWit, 55 droe shadhi cif, efla Comis~iu Wrdeplahepoa. îram.ted 'bAsolt,"% peve Ier lbpe tes vi. uapb. isgism botb W" ai us t uapirexlltdy Wubot .ratiog ou tlb. sible List. Vuiler tige lin ortheC m c , pe. f ceDot at lu mawon Ai pre ns i t s l r ant tifn,' lis met eb h "bu one , a t u e ai, T ers tes. thit.iennesud thsappointise poiver moreh «an euea eb ueermm uCove- taks hbs plIck. T bg Grd le tr &WItl- sg te ~ alc ucs io s um fi ia tslat et dfeti damoiges freu-bave bcmn dividai &mensurgsentel aderas .M001 OsOpassaithe banul. Thse m 8v.'abeutildga, ,pastets.The ra&- Hous ut ic sns -lai bd baesAtle wuforMIbidAsevideut aise s W* remPm- -<o ii'. etti&m,te itmarn uba ber thet lewt helIe cuo" fer AiltIse - Oui ~ttA, rmeîlg it. ilitt ndstt britisue ia a *7 ,te rasulils lua a id- glaese s r potal rom elb. m* i e ebureb atead et spittIsa up 1Mb 090 ~ N lOtUtO5migne0 t,, b. iRAntomlnytdepeMust ebureise. readisi clsudar. The. etber 000., rade- A UsreufUt PaUus - thé liait et deuIls dmmagi;Îfeintam$5,- peurs tateveladdeffl Ioeébats IEpb 1At IllO, «A w ba epo tt om elb.dmSroublt" o be le, iasked eo tmlé -ou Jonistaldepartueeut and i"*feeling -mlad s uc.pathe.l I pr&actcMdamWuasrcterrei tae hé$ceM.-thé- tteflr et s strousami, a mmm 0t suites* on corporatlim. actIOe. sat alvan te asis11b O o tweut aiPrés' ies vs-1-vei dlpls et tauieeuesa, but «etite cdf mr- k Thésone. tm 1tIe1n rAn rlro- gsmen te t" dapuba ,On s&grant Oeu, 1 edFritir wfuW- bg a imw ci IldILOI Rerémountsbis erviee t cIl» gagne.S.o8m.» e Ut. Demlcinimoe-soni, redered *wIth AUilIoiAu fm W tmm ,but, abjeCeRd tealb.eusekint of bspechda" md ithIterta," sud the fail ias dmg e=esfur thic et eek. Te-sPrauritblu vueshaie lienprenae tls tlrathinf0ô Spesot libbWhois ras u tht-chair. ane isantbe. The futtire 5laset-i.f isas " ta hmté hue ir objeiliestia seo sare théset hiebas a pactouetbec a 1 eui*iiitit mTippit idMete mmii. sugs iltinsDut b. bahme - b«,=bi e kb bo. Wtb,.s& e olitthése#Mmle 0calias la te:a"lmiibi ierk. iot lesv- 1 -s et Pol ieros-a druasi" e m bbtue ami tuasi usue oe am titthb "Pro,-M ous. ttel eto b is hWnoeteà s'e4.k ý&nu- w.. eAa forvrari. bovevefho la tui b.oapit ou a board, sud thon aune. eote uinsdangsfor thé chutaI mud tIlat - as a DIe-m55ker. UW-ucho isars u lth.eiders agalui taise.teeclors -1515 t"-u% assuernimonures isera nmodieThe,' au aduOislle teetamitbet la 0' çecird As*n for tAie tet week &m.l te be iutrias Ihat hé bansi MAla M ub floue.s dJoitrud. .'The Ilemto diie nedittoil n frtaE tg* h a bal mé eateceRae sud Ciarl< vrs otma o à. dmoui> cnes ps-ett. If teela sur ert*clsIhthat emaki b. - :-.-pasued en tiss tareweAl &dite"softFlae ' O u i , ' l r e e m a u t ie r s e r . p r e a c t l l e t i s a I b e t a n i n s t o n m u e l s e t l r e - 0 s-heu the Ibcute couvened Mondus ee- seil-, but hose aks et hiuilt tistiul- - à lut ami there vaslacs titan a quetrun eult as a man vite bas leai liee i9s$- à la tihe Bonse. Bepremettive W litai- pies as bis Remulitansd isb yearas fer mcm. 1%a1ked and ebtalueil suarmoile cou- thaer tltisulasand rigbtieulae.rrlew. N sent te itro dunce a bi ite0 mable il . City The perm tal leme t las srtiulia but of Cbicago le icquire lv eoudefut;tioit afelsmts. lelth A iteeu- lepreedloth11e rglît leopeni Irnulevgrdé seiiahnesa. ie l e bassAn eaiilIdeOLli- DtîrouaisGrorelmud Park. Woodiau ld h»ief vlit e. fer 1ubeus b. bas Pas-k amil thc D.)ogasmîsîîeltt labored that novr, on the ego Of 61ai49- tegous Reiireenttivê;olie .of Chi- lpasturc, lhe apedi s saif &ai tefuesrofe le ag altro , cd a-III Iltei l 0 rerîltt hem, wuld brins hm persooui grief. Itponley dras-isi. Ie tus tuietiPaul hboit lbthésert et b; Mdem Wbch aroide the tume oftte pro- Tise III Nc<nuîIiClie 'fourth it-iinoua f et l*.tpersn. . it t rtpreme <'ourt dieli-.i - u er iiisune e i o b.nvas sleader, said rêeîpetd blinssif ni Republican lu î~l.xetîsIn~l 1the ecugh te Claire the right iet defeudiu .~ SoateIsTucnauy .flii-It viliie ho iacit f agaismt mslicieul atsalati tusi Il mis viser1 picusti labus. overno,rlis 'ta dsira teint bz von mad vcrd5 ls uld le passage,-llrev thtel<issoerfticýis oleAto b. remeuihered. IfUnt moni Who lare lead- bahi teppr. SeatorStti-lger objpeittders Rre lie himlaii Iis. vhen Sectator' lt-rvin, si iniîes Tii. plier type, liemnuWio flotuir' :ý onent for it , mLderatlin. Thei ritiet aska bis setilIdesires bat astuka lias un:wèe suspaudeil b,'à atyivola. $33tIo Mver,' peneosaiti audi blets Manget tout cf spd1% sa utiisitt Is ptase-Thse'agilrecogitien la 1bi utcabsorptionslu j paralu liubebil fat" d 0paslifterteh* work, nMar bd' of-R igergrde 1eishiota item. sabt dFotrer boit spoken Tisere bave baseu nomeSgrest sPirtual Ê gisinStit As an tîn-t ttemisI twe uibl et'en fthtinttype., out . las vw-ti i the fîediousofthe p1eté i-f5sndl enatotrs rieuberbthlai meut ofthlie «Mt dre- ttuubeT1tuA-~Utlit isi-sixktL orforesers and lthegrant Iuioioaiuhorav 1. t. ThQIse u i-su-d il ,li1 7 s-sei te 22 béés poutfvebWütatisaIir 0 owpsers. * gainst It. Beuatorli5lsl)1tiergave nto- CrâvAnthqnghB iot lsldti upen mml * lAce of a motion ta rew-oniiler. Thse Ev- reefflitieoi rinS their fenllea. W-e san la sas bil et tise Sernt e.prosvidi. liat s net te Onufle tIsheAt-Ittuileltioln ef ilcitiraetfmura thnZ(ad I-M t1,»>jul iaulsasClsiatiati.ltt whb théseit.mmulblatiQti ef P 61M 00mut, by vir otrlie-itir iis.iee Bsddhlssudn omc formi et OfIsfastW-. sudna ire iolissrtnettt insuaged îîguider a9ai pllttie Christiani telcliluw. Christ board à!c , i aose~.-puget e 8*lb àai gsnonsté surrender bis Wsu itît 1 lise br-a, vote of 118 10 . Tliti netsellaitdeelica, but m neis. stromigar. bolier M rC4ide for s ancéalire of cAviAsersie u viiM ad desîra -are thea outgtowutb Of thé a tua mssnagtsifutAre sud peAu-e lepart- êurretdéred lli. , brtlimdty moasmone monte. merset aabissu deot lsa. ledonsaDot fer- X' Sea to ieufi-To <,enipl Iam-" t ib a u tes ouabi et tbe di As isuanee oîuiinlon ýTe pus,'lte amsie et permoalll mAd t bis mshore n hmor" ýmpànkl tepuythéasxnwLthewia-reaebliba ipuriioffl of<Godes )f la couet lemsb,' tire er ligtstntltt. th ise ý, full usaDat for w huls i nc uh co nW al y bu s - T he griotthat'tbe clsi. sabi es-d, vIson Br.Assue'ifia pQlley. raidita,-mirke getsPauli 1 h05 god-br laseue et muer a iet t O eu, Sfte moltera etprinscii i lich this sA, ofaS t srcu ipisiçn", lua- -* hoy su-rvditttsu v-pereu metlscd sudsqmwbat imattrne- * Pi- r Dess -roidater Ail-tjqit ppearauca inpiss lu it diiples, W.OcetIt' » Iaoth«tae $hulli Pa, $1510 The, Miiey ,Wectéd hlm.lte,' -*ii* su tst, e ciit etfIRs blldresldesîta ' cittu. de bla "ispmgsiof et 'ul gini- b" laI. *itisiuiAeowflsisa 40 imerely, 1-fsesm bis la -tctly doctrlinal ut I UutM ai,.i&iiu el~ h* vrltlugs vweïud b.fater ia c omplote. IV. pr&r'al inlau lu Chienau!- iii'Pe2ar- tn "ceude tinoe ltisteuichesueth titils eaiset pmiharls for candidates au te ~rwc ieipais ies b to'lbhe j dlsl alnoAion n, aJue. - bpirlatioeO fthétotire- -AIls bie tt B,' leustet! lt'erlApp ristIit i0,*11- Admirera nt Pilhippi, bis tthas'Ir -ifec- .m. 0110foïr thé ýplteis9sii'ef Imud for lIse t ien for Tinicti, 15 rdier 1taudersltnd 1Po"eonsrttst1î - thte maou -5~ osR.le mastila be , - is Pna-tcslu for tIse tisgind otl e téelie Aise trou ibeir , # ea;t a lste baisrd et puliie ne- heurts. rs-obbW-l i i it ur,' rehîsll 1:11 ' uic theelprite C41oi.ti elp levn hAut An ma4- Dy' atr lîpry--Orlgte th, uit e t bld s.veatt. Hta uil. been d. maste sedilsiet public ateents te same mpis tiuletm eblus su'ane ut. F la bms-buiildinand cuetb s giiser. viliouil lhepretsA aietst 4, eiatliai i i gbooes eof ht dmiK'eseis et8m Bourts bte. tIsathe ls.1 sesilmtfliaIidE mmd ban usseatloas. aarly bic,,' ot Christlilt,'-Waal i bure bu - R eslrLuteg--Rqltt < beau aliteront. reý pouls or qrperatiffe t len e.mthte ini- Nietso-T Rsaetou" lx StltI t rruein e. lO 2. .58. Mt tthuda.i us-t> -1d»po wq tai M4itt Ata e De T.ptetd. w tw ls-iffl e, e-I srondeb' wby tImal hlts. Freailie =teX", ~wwould ent lier. pou e tk1%lO ba lieh heWll en n't tell. lIjisa ~ te ~Odi tie tit'gfse ld -v onlbti e~ 1IesaUl isatl ev ra" >' Ie IsértDeliitWv if4,1 h#od« eke* or e mbat >mcom Yom zp* ma e ta mm tb4u wtt Pays. mii h,' P. B. «LOv itAetiffl The Jpi* Jty Lkm~ ~ur AND -AI.L SowVSý. Job Work ý 1 , , . Ai 1 P, R--;Z-

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