CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Apr 1903, p. 4

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su 50 bifl abaveV li»Mbi * ut Sak m.biaI4 a aul te ubSumi nlS. um rouk- pieTà et"M oV ..... e n omffl n b" ii ntflmecu to Shosa Con. *t tg sou 3,0 »0 a aiu$0 f ou$0î .. ......... m*al OMM ...... ou 1lai m wf te um a hOU âot li* Sfla m VI . té'.I. ............. hte t . ............. tes la" BISiva. kirsab wdé mm te sÉ. T. C a. =Wb", la tu mk- .p. . - - - - - - - - -i Ohe ~ui cgolUr. M4 MMra %,séof Sl aii *bd wu bM l1~ui M0. .Ihe gpallius la 11W erS. l~p oio.81 TileWls Fox,1hzLetteuMd fo etopwoome la 05* al$1uyumà. Thé la dOMhuB gaes te au ~le .Iawkhm *m &Oo" , plul ièh MMUMUYW Ske job aofgel- lm 00 tr« them ridi terua. The »«V owsa bu bois fi"uisrd frora ucé 0 . à M. te thé Waubsgmn-V« avmfhà Stu 0# t leatIl OflU~aI01SW ueur Irin. 1 ~ 1<54thé 1 apubmet,l i é humaI egeaileg ke vilhoelacriépi. 'filho oIt attarder. ,à »ïiip lb«Mffl lkelapendIllEa ii hUW Wgeisron-ta aimalot Md f01Skie: a1s le.nol ium ffbli auaW" Sa t.da.,«i uVaerOui 51the eue T apasonmsts .44 te Sloi. V onlraa*,tu hma c u15ai tah#lgil-at tint-%be Ummai *0 ecou- »M", &Ma.iésIit@t aluon viii bc budetti a5 a deilioaite 51 Oýv* hldIdallhl uer IhORa"re lN s muahIIWiksIl non ina au be~4PetlouS 806011. a A,oFbug tatow"N'auillthsappoei I o - ama ouam 1.0.. eludu la.N ffielaSkenÈ fui St aiV54lp-5 âtai 1 >lis admlm Pm-IhW, -Tête Max IBiS~>~@ 8o$du*Spt d Skie 00 uqv4we eisi,0SaMe The mou àaoiwBWh le lal 4S0 1tulqe .r« ae ee bé @ Otrin therax m cé »*Wobw,qs illehe..acsr0 04 t« I fl ua àhono 0- -W lm* ho leIm BIBm w - , idiSOUlai pho unhonbai ho lé amsicl h nuhb, *uMloie I 4b lhea( à k.DW sM oéV "0» 50 M .0 mmc leu W m, ah SW5a 8emploIE4 17il 16 Obluigi, t ao ue 0500* 55eMt 4,wiO iuxe< on 0* job. iieblu "be cec 1-0 »M Ueb tmnu uitad. wme ru. bOSSimio bbil",ra, usud -eul 1h - a54 bi lml WW, b"du taimotl Mal -u td: buuf$hSitbq4 kblU Alb tb-SI *BoloSthé muln. mm omploiq as MoIîe ljob sent. fo -eUmm%" Aga W 101,vt e4&» lois, Who lot .ipI. a eslé mmoan ici O«< wu #*sea 0&se San-looua 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, 1 .,, e seUO iti O beImgeuitnhAU psy iàlMll»d Or ritt veuS ulhitid. Wotk vuI tg0Uté j ob. Sa~~~~ hoe eruasNmls -t ia. 0* a ae w$ tm av - i sw e mlet tbShçeimS1@81 0 a m*0e Ara P&tW»< 1? 9fimr *0* pifai opoq uestmeSt. tIS MWOOL kiu la 5sMi Oh en p l i S-romi 54mB i yB IF. W.l, »IMaSa 00, hMesu Ïiinge Hall Moudl i ughl. 15 s $Ua& $uteat Sst he-s kelil DO ,M.I" "egoepIlor, alumaistu the **W IMMB sarI. Ths kimInatbOU o S.o altiy 1SOM51 fram tér o techair- saet SMe *lbSr 1> Taamlln.Vh*tchSnominalll Feas Ayor, Dr. W. W.Perco., ÀL 017OUL. PmuOwAuc.unfIO Pm Alerum, ple* m JMII$0 oIbi f iowueO vOpw ~lem .agmew 4lbtiot te keep. fug ~ ab"br 4..1 mre0tou i tf he wm 0 bé. à-ny ie»Y s»kel 10 do oa'i. 1,na pe.mise Jdu 4hm 1 wS do it llu mypower tu do vhSS 1 itherO 'tua Way,SyeIrW The f01105151eq*UJfoBSo» vwu hasd54nus kw lb* auorMSvulla teUevst thu *ne be HaYIUg r the aniile l OUi 1850 muB tI bi Ur. BeiadY, 1406sO il 94olu Sl gh*lIêm 8mlroàt5y 1* M. CàbI tg rogWd lao he ramiqustio. Sitl muSb rnme Skie voutof lestot la Bio W0u« I " rove 0etrent*if Ur. am.,.., and. Ure peopt le lthe1 amob. cernerBOo! lIAI lta lii. laois"'WIllIDug 0ber toS hah ber01~ «o».ebue. a ouli bave bad Sis qufSSol whelhar co.malswam" e.uavt t". ighl tgtone diairietrocS tao for aaiy Oféer porpose, emeept îlot fer uhieâ tg Am. bees lericaf, seSUod f* RÉ 1 time. >low Shey Wini have Se abide by the oouequSoesi. 1 - e. elody 1, Inteligenit auough 10 . kn5 th"t thora la a las 10 gover kroad oimhstpée. au Sel s other oMeiera.IfI helr lovaiUnina 0là nohkhi4 00fl4110fl a,%hy' Bay, 5le ltough thoir .ovuniSi. i have-aitd oïerveweo! the saluie kinDà. Tlere vwu a d piflof oiro%4 ftou, part Q 10 Inake f puasale. -Tkiep reiaasd. 1 thoen e«4 omplaut ai vth Sths lSates àttoruel. ilÈs ivied me vhal course 10 laxo, sud l$bey very 3005 looked atér te road. lir. Limberrl vacoumulofl5i at 10*1 "me a aid Il th1e pib1eO' the.oaiIde ofthEl a ivermevonld jousti oier rights, ihey oould "ha:their roadeso 1 IhOY coulai .tormet vag1uteli, on thora.4 an Ur. r. Bu1a7 sa@%en gbelhavéIbeirs. Wm 1Bespeeîtaully pours, T. 1>8Kw. TrauDeptment. oiffice or <omv- asnted te a sundt bu beep iggde Bauk o!Lbrlyille ln Uthe VIse09a UbortvIIe i&: the Gouat, oflUr. ad Dit iIl 0 liban oomaallodwitb a&l lIe tous 9 the 5~slta"f the IUnited laitonshailbuorlzedo0n mnea I~eaileae o! 01 logi. NowTSiSEPolg ivmB Oom1rler Urr W eon "aa Var1 the U= Caihoun .14315. ILI fa oue of the groatest aresaof bila h prlod roailandcarriaga horees lu Skie 'a.te.,Uc bas iied mare hlgh pricedi rosd -and carniage hormoi ont o1 olob*m arsi tuan aiy ollier . borme~ *ear evaid ub-liis aaunSi. -180 la Ski Rire of EsIkiair vW.,2:14t; 0515011. 1:1 Piloio iddleton, 1:20J audsa nudis o! allera w5h m&Uoeearc«ords. Blsov 9:30 calbottt lqf le ire of G". A Wigh's cirnhag e ainfor vbfch lai bas refumsfdwil~. .Calhoun la on. o! île' but bred atililous lu the tato. He baia record of 2241, vlatel la no menura of bisi aeed.Ho hiu trottitdquarlter# a 30à, seconads aI a 2:01 gîte a. clons stands loi hindi. velglai 1300 ponuue. Torm-SIA 00 tu Imeure I& lime colS: Mouay te lhs pîad us donas i mare famIn. Foi fulpedgree aldoller particulasa, cali ou or addroia. .1 C. A i-Dr. s. P sand4ym. buBa saa Foi Lake1 V ., 10 ext Irangeal kitas wltlahis ion iaere til week, ha movlig ho tosti lu the -upper ro)o. fBwany('Bliau's building and him in halit-hie place u ne farm. There.sac a Dowietit own ielilng Ine andltereopticon views tliis seek. W, do fot Imaginé lie iound 1h verpv rtimanerative, as Grayslake peopit. lhave n us.foar Dowte or hie Mri. Rpnlm !Ciao a u boe. Mouday edaaid ldha doma Dot espect to Ire able z tOr tl.bis businessible util juIy lot, hie son-li-las, Who 5111 rua thaen'. Furnishing Store for hlm, ing ill. itoila-Clurehill, (>f Libertyville, sho hc luit blasaiadmitted to the par ba signitted lbis'latietion oS basnting fn Uri 'e,uim adoara Edwgrde sho lia @en hare a pew or more we undarotand si inv more40Wntkefin verp coon.- ceIis ai 'týtm* "I ao" Shmiai 1 Ihe Ibo mO eh[ni "11 "do n daiigtha 11121100Of! aur illihter. To Isiriems Analps S he s11oibd 6VO u, touium and fl;sWin ehow le bas aIt Ske la- lion exepiNfSrOgon. Pp lictf Acf 4 and Potail. Apply tu suai WUl thèse SIres faguoifeaii f0tpropos proportion sud If iii0produceo i cropoendmal Mfflsqi-ey p b.UA" valuaalo proporty. This sallo applies lm land wbtch fiuat ls Produlve 8% !oomerly. Weecau kislp yos dolermim Wkia your ir edaOlabufllt up, buS vs mai Otral huas Skie ebsu of -"our sol1 anid the crop tu bu foiflhme ta enable lutt 1 a lalgaly recaummai the amojualof NiSeogu. Pipilueri fi viii ho neo@WIS.atà tojote,.obmfa one of ur Baloit e.louu bli, vrktokieau le balofOS U9, «agiseor diropt front ce. $hsate-if youl navrer the qumotlis muSt p0ur soU end Skis crops Solbe' !Usriui, vv in jgove you pratiSomi mideo..Bi Shua ca.oporatlis Voi1htlsi, se e.»hwOD~ tu band up roui as la uikWhlghusé préflsuivo ae. BuD. C. La»Mu Ditae f Illinual 0Joul !lb! L APPLEY, OWNER. i r d s..... . ....... E.Tobla ~ I I~ BsS .... el...... moO .Ja.......Pmot. 1e5lM of (iOLD On ~ .. m aîkircn vu5 vata S. ftsarI udSkieO MlY ~ uç,~hn IBSdeveloped. Welter De al»"W ~ i-naijet ua tke Jai 5oemolaSSer1ia gleug or. lab bdoo . si e0rate i isassi50 ali Ske ac.IonSki abiSpay mearly et pst cenit yeuary on th m in f -te a w heis e or < Ske s o u alxiir . lo m i fa mfl b I tense $ ris CaS m in n o bt asi v a C a p a i r pettl i et i i luas m dusa 1540e taiscauue Mr.oosiinat Skisoffise .5tkie ?Ou gm:"Aw umjr m sresalaeg a mtaw4~ lavs eitUSsmesili _ h io m w m o m a !ro utyk @ S 1 5 b lI s Eor Ta",O"lsi Q FeD CROKER. DAN IEL LIEBi For Collstor, JAY B. MORSE. Fo (mQ er(d tie ys Q JOHN AUSTIN. Ver &Sol Truitoe, Q C. F. ýWIR ICIT. Chas. Rock, oS Fox Lake, fludUed witla i ptlria.. M, .P. W.Batteuchall ln quit. it wltla long trouble. 1 Élu tatioEsseban rmtrnedMoumgy troi a viait lI theee#y. ý- ' Imle ZKv14e aevoand. of Est For Lake epet ihsby h ., Geo. memnia, of Chicao, spesiit ull dey wu hrelatkve ore., mis»es BerIhanad Mary Book, of Rolligmpotntuiqday hors. .J. ilsoluuotM .$liud is friand, Mr. Lyonu, 0o! I&éVilla monday. Misa Mand Chamberlaln returmisdtu lier home et Lakes Forent Thurudlar. Uni. .M.,»« k«sepnt a 55 duit oS lait wk~ek with aet parentse t LibertY- ville. The nov Mie thodiet lnrela le buder reoaa<irftti"', work ban ing eomunecod Monday, 1 - f Oeorge Wleks vwent to A rora Battit- day tg spena mvern] dey» 'villa is simter, M"..Dheiiùg. lie jetuinil Tues- day. R. A. Coateawivth hic tantlly rtrè from Walworth, Wie., Sunday evenlng. H. j. Iliey tbok <liarge oS the station dlring Agent Coatee M r, Coat. urnveil-hie lamily intothie w,.t fiat of Ur, Stralige ^building this wce.k, and Ur. Parlker and vile movd 4#to the bouge vaetedl hyhMr. Coafr. 1The politi#Âdliles~ lias' beeu huumiing queit ll7and leorp ie week ia over lakp<linl. anad Ming a iuerytn. PHowéver we do not nnntite Q H. C. W. MEYER. For t.îwn Clenki, FRANK DOLPH. For Asm..r, A. H. MEYER. F<îr Colle-ton, FRANK< DIETZ. For C4,inlalof e Sighwnya.l jDJOHN HERTLE, JýR. For fiphool Trust.*,I é'or Svlaotl Truste e, QCHAS 8ECKWITH. OF[ICIAL BALLOT. The followlng la the OfficiaiBallot for the Town of Weet Deerfl&ed to but voted' April 7th, 1908. ffRED H. MEYER, Town Clerk. Q : For Town Clrrk, F. H. MEVER. For Ac.leffor. X.A FRANTZ. FOT Colleetor, JOHN VORE. F~or Commrncsoner o! ig4lwt ie WM. HUHN. QFor kpvyiug spîclal gravel fax. Por Town lsrk, Fr Ammuor, Por clallator, Fo - mwm fNfuwae E. F. MOSAN. For Sehool Trit.. . C OPWICIAL BALLOT. The foilowlig la the Offieola &Iç the Town of Veraon te b. v otedApril 70 18.C. C. GEIRBERT, Town C1.1*. -~For Tovu Ck.rb _E,.. ÇHARLIIEC. RBRr For Aeies.r, QJAKE P. RITZENTHALER. For CoIletor, D orCMmnleRluRofigbAU S, Q o CARiE AL (dBRECHTs FoArLIEoAtahH., QJAMES MC LAUOI4UN4. Q GORGE UMBDENsTocK. Foir Fkboor Trutes, Q CASH j.. MApoN. Q Agalut Ahohiking Poil Ta:. Thse foHOwhng la thêoffll Balot fr thse Town of ffmat t be voted April 7tis 190à. THOMAS J. GRKAHAMI Town CIerk. For Town Clerli, QTHOMAS J. GRAHAM. For Amissior, 14 ENRY B. D.0W E. Q PETER J. BOWHR. *For Commieclônr o! lkdsayo. 111 CH~IAs ROS~N. ,For Conobatai., QJAMES LARKIN. JR. Ql Qn Freaq ug b. l ace (dldetc o. cIkirIt ebr"tijo pInte ofai hldiug Town umiq o .US54'.*b -~~as Iow t'ss -<ver as the.fooWnà~ He.vy Duà Coats.e........*.... foo * 3.4 H avy Bie D ni ., er .ar.... ............. ~ NztBut ' ." ,. ........ .034... ~ srn.V~rr aliualting, pervy, pr r.. ........ vGete rcsfiçed. hi.té, fe.qhlo and ~Iu G z us . Pear Hýý mai Ia± s, ach....................... 6 fimââ PUttei, each ............................ B usci. i liu d4 a o. M ue t D ihe., 4c a nd ...:...... .. . . . . . . Tho d*u.ei pubALFIe IIU b@leP1oe W.91 .o my st"k of nubbers at. Some 60i Sam wwAme 8ioqevol e5t0 ett*pie - vm fse 84 u % 1 - ý OFFICIÀL BALLOt,ý Thse followbng, la th itOiffic lot for the Town of Fremot tùobevoted Apil 1th, 108. FRA4NK DOLPH, Town 01er.1. (Jy TOW

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