CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Apr 1903, p. 7

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whtbsà ait ruaudovo,, headacheback -ache, nervous, discouraged, f0re ar iout4enr *p âà.dtake a àmldoeo ~yrupPeipain atet each mal. Ifconstîreated, tare. atablespoonfial. efore-1 goaing to bed. udu. u1emptied bi, revlver la the _________é air. t w~-ail oi e tbey waf!etiirli a ttat tp omouthe Il oee tila"lasudi S = 01: 01*5o nse Sar te ut, tit trode la due te * , it wu t.8 cam.oetsprint or los.TIt a. es. tmlîeavaiea u ta> 1415 sé tiuates b hé bute- .â1tsyOsqatngcolumba In thé * Uotomex cesveraina. eg ouiterw t âé m t~etse ê psl d.gitxg whistectrlt o leeeprted la wholetende. U iâlîi-evk iý t the t a l otlw *tha otably Isygé moreent o f ore-n And Wei rie tlit«fted that theéî 414 tw4mJïe , apeseboMtes' nul-et neu sue te itimeoutil 10:4 thg orila . -é.. tinaau"e-,or lua$fj 'y u t ltin urute, foewee u d 4asimm petIo stairs. Theélm nd seeltm » Val n egage&. ample a 0f Motlieïr oif t in àermo a n kd on let Ituai. lissait fsclllttlsgoéàa uidw his amransd it l0neemdetiat = ten but eitea>aS*vee tfnietsthresteu tei wua eeWessllaq smathtsg. Th po- render Met. sul, New- Euglaud tegtfle »ge(rt te victoris as MM mbig aY 4,he feregeiur ln frouat teWeek- th Ja*W visboig l*éê sd uaoui hT"adeRevlew of IL 0. Dun à Co. It xlt thé gW ll*dat.The porte 1% t o auus I I brek t he «Y and su trteda aier lre u ctrhékup et wlnter thé. OIte fe lu. i. ak.gaiusel~eaimevamat sud ilgh et et O i gave irolusse té the aheuting. 5iuatlî lMWr Md proviion& reudered eper4tions tb a pgtrdtaMn cana. ateg. drew l#is i- a«Pulle. SuolY epenlnget laIte nsi- 01 VoIer s4" begn ebeotin athe air. Jeaivi bcitbsnss, A" the rail- pl Theu. sudnututil dieu. dd the eàrGV7ttU sg willl be «d. lx pWyrsstp.Th pote ad olce Euuse t raiyny b,,ftr réporteil. ~syrm to. Te ortr sd olié-for Mareh exceed lent yersa by 12.8 Per l tinmurouudad them u» sud led th" cent and sorpaus thonseof 1901 bir M29 boéck te the bétel.Ilt ot but a min- W r est. ute te axplaiu snd tiiere vawue110ud ot Au output et *bout 300,000 tous etf apoMSoges.metlxne* owever. the il éoko laithe whole Ceuuelliville reilon .lee express va. wbietllng fo for the tait week lnidîctes that fuel hfoît Venea.troubles are aiment ended lun theIou and atm el dustni. Qaitatina re estsaius.ed b? the vîgoreus home consompjtion, andu tiers lu the sdditionsil upport of ,trong- 1 er markets abroad. Work Is resuaed on baldges snd buildings riierever the plaees P et strikers coui bc flled, and acterai con- tests la this departanut have been *vert- Nothing wiliAÀlarge epenlur traite ln pipe isen il -LA io up ftlwed by libèrai suppîuienatary orersu. ýPIsyyou nt-,jobiiers renevlng contracta exteuivtely,h "put-yoa> te lied" sud primes are well maintuîued. liharp i qukkr tbb a ompetition for business ini bar irou lias k idey codL auned a lgtly lower level ot 'Prl, Thùm & fel hite plates sud sijeets are firmer,, t4~ th,. ilrst effot et e$sJli l galvanized lhues. A prumulen c cold$la th kwfesture o ictisity là foira ii merent q"»'; backache. steel fer agrieuturet Impleanent works rbem&tJcý pan&. d wagon facteries, theie erders rua, asti dise»rders. alag tir lato thé future. .Oversold eSue- Isities ef the 5114ditieusA t rail mile are ediug argiug tuffflamt and oders-abruad, . ( frequgeut uimalidis-No Imprevement bas appesred le thé charge tell o e idetse t' . dry goodâ market, Thé situatifoule pe- Doues Kldnsy ill u luts e'ullar cempilcated as te ctte goda; I Site frm ocemanbuackahbe te dsg e tock. abslilght as s rueuasd labot treu- eus dlatbete. blés tnrente« te curtail eutput, fret jeb- ,A. T. Rtepour. owuer et thé w<id bers are reintaut te undeataI cotrace lard nt 125 NIaI Cerk atreet. Winches- et promet quetatiens. Mesuvlalle lire- teri.; y$. yil'ver ihité 1 bail la dueers sre lu ne positien te mgke con- gripe a e .been a suff et rérIm kld-eesllas, And a dulimarket la thé ramuît. ney troubfj, whlcb made th«eîe DoUllensa i reported i ooeu, gootis, apparent lai racklng pin thieugli thé vlth uew business ou a lilmtedl seule. reglen et the kldnem and iciosi thé Caneeliation ofet srleders basbecoflme %mail et mi back. The pilés Vmsi- a serions preblen, munaimillia that bad ways never.,and semetimesu sharP dlsponed ef their product fer the seau>»a suid bitlng '%18t fhey cemupeliéd me te uew seeking buiness. Jobera are pat- tit* te Myb.d. Thé klduéi seretiona lang lagé codera for fali deiiery et shoee, furailahed forther évidence et diseorder. readiiy -sylug tbe réenet adrince ln n Tbey vert off cler, lavéglAr andpi*tu prime., ud manufacturer@s et iaavy gouda toi etpsstage. Adli te th" there bayre beeked moe busiuess tha asleuo- va aufiyng veakame. Thé uewl- temar et ibis earu dite. Lesther in piper advertiseménts ot Do"'&m Kldnay quiet, bot iew stockasualtai primes. At I Pille attraetted mi attention, aud 1inpr-.lant the mrnng pint bas liera resebedU euré4 a beu.etSfthat re.edY et VFranck -ludémentile bides, sud Prie« have $te"- i faker & fions' rft store.Thé réiP tl, whlubin dete the seiaewhat tet- i epertanced sas maical. The Pinis ter cooditisé ef recelpls. . Ilift mtu rou unblod o et mlcku paniures tbs week numbered pbtma e n c i my tta,, ud e me a the Untéd Stées. nea aaat 2M Lentv Aroniminu. 1 cau verk as veilias e tr. et r. sud 20 iu Cauada. againat =tas Unsu's Kidney Pills. 1 beile. maréd'yeur age. 1$ auy lite. TIti are a ireit rmdY te - ,*ratreýt's am in r ures. 9 stop ktdnei treoubles rééptltlg fron Whost. lucluding fleur, experts ferrlbhe ceida." vweek ending bMatch 26 sggregste 2MQI.- A FRER TRIAL ef ibI iés t 14-.9M7 buallai.sgsit 2.15,508lat w"e, a»y adîcune vhteh curéd Ur.,Rite- 2,».11u0 in bs week -a jar ugo snd0 nou wltl hé ualied te Auy part et theé44965 a l l0. Whéat expertesisacet L'uted UitlsOn applicatIon. Addreisjais' 1 sggregate 172.44U.18builmel*. Éeeiér-Ulibum Ceo. Butaw ulN. Y,.For igiluat 19.396.707lait sesse n sd 15,- male by ail drugglut, Prime W0OMM ;- T 0* tI12MD., corn experts sggregate but.20 bu el.agalust 11,072,0M lait week, 130-205a, îear &go and -8,5829 NeyerVim ormmi < édn. lu 11901. For thé fi"calyer exporte are lt la eutiniated thst hiers are novr lu 44.,468Ï bushels. égalat 24,183,20 the unied ttut«a 2.W00000 more linglé lait seeson sudt 145.171,063 in 1901, men et marriageable âge than th«e are sngle umen. thée oh llai Ugtrea bcbgj as tolettai. Unrnarrled men, 10 448.158: ouiarried.girls sud wee. 7.573.810. Théeamal population et tht UnItled gt1sf.. hreugh thtexcmens ef manie bmlgation and te lalher mat. blrtb rmte, le more tuIli0.000 lu I excS ýfetti feinale. Tii. ;aan et iite Cbege-Csttieé emmôn te. prime. tg, on thie averuge, longer fer a woa- $300 te s5.3bogs. sipplng graýdes.' $,0te *7.5;beep. fair te choace. *2,0<1 anufthon for a mn uan tie miiTséte 46.81; iwhet. No. 2 ted, 70c te Tic: able alle for imemen ln several Jein rnm.Noe. 2, 40e te 42c: oes,.o.. i y'eugér tan thee avrarge fqr. men. As te n3e; rye. N. 2. 49e ta 50e; hiai, tus-m a eusequcure -et thîs thé number etre»&y. $8.50 te $14.00; prairie. 86.00 te0 wiîdovaslanrery largely 1lu exceua tfthé 112.00 ; bumt* , choicescreamery. 25o ta aumber t'Vrldowersthe t Ou!és uelag CCg5.f reshb.licte 13c; Ptates %M M nd ,200000r"pmv 40e te 4dcpet bushel. 2,8(,00 ud120.00 eeectely. Ib- usp .i-U itestailui, $3w0 te Thar ar mor dlerce seé. on l coies tlict, $.00 te *7.55; ,have net remarred tuintu ire arm dl-, mni' e t le.0t> 40 oi~ed mue . u fr 51 iésé i5Ieuiuhen . .2, 70e te - ic; coru, Ne. 2 thé nilmiit otthe sngle mnuf t W- whitfe39c te 40c;eu, Xs. K.2 white 234e *riagteble age le larger, hon thé num. te 35e: ber et single someai. .lu NéswYrk lit. els-Cattie. *4.0 te $5.25; lbogs. it la M4.000, lu Pennsylvanie, 180M0. $5.00 te #72M; sheep, $3.00 te 8&.30; lu Ohio 10.00. -1n'Itlilots 200.000, lu what, Ne. 2.67e te 6Me; cor. N. 2 Cailonni Txas 3.00asd 8ne te M9; esta. No. 2 ale te 32Ce,;e, Caifrne,14,0. aTex. 15, stt No. 2, 47e te 48c. lu. Kanas 5,0. u lagw Cleluiatl-Cattle. 1450 te $5.00; > the numiier etaunmatled mWu excedi& bops. *4.00 te $7,40; sbeep, $350 te f,,te nublet of uumarrled sema. hi 65.75. wbut. N. 2Z 74e te rie: cern, oba fev tieund. lu Utah tbtés No. 2 mixed, 4le te 42e; est», 'Ne. 2 * d33.000 uumarrieti men asnd 28.006 alxéd, aile te 37c; rie, X- Z2 56e te 57C. marredwomen et mrttlspeable, ga. Detmit--Cattle, .9350 te $5.00. he4o4 ~uwAlnigtoq. fhe caital, thé ou.- $3,00 te $745; sbeep. $2M5(>tae 5l); etbr singe men Ie 42.000 snd out gi. whést. N. 2. 74e te 75c; cern. N. S gl., woen about the. aame.-Sauen iltsn. eUew, 41e te 42e9etN. ht, :C»Argenut. 87e .te 3ge;rie, Ne. 2.52e te 4e. " ________________Mlaukee-Wheat, No. 2 northere. Just a Wsî Tbey Bave. 4 te 70v; corS, Nô. 3. 89e te 40c; enta, "quiner ting about pyiiu, r. Ne. 2 whte, Ode te 35c; rie, Né. 1. M0 the Nortiatai philosopher, to, 52e>; harloî, No. 2 Uli te S2e; pork, -"Wits queer about them '$1800. oft.41f. Auburn. - Toled-Wbest, Ne.2mi,7et 1They moite therr mouey by prsette- 7%, cern, N. 2 mizeit. 42e te 43c;nes,, ij;rêlî]!Wthe'N. p., *"nS âbôotIW i-14.2 mined, Me- teOne0;rye, No. 4*,,Ut loue. they beceiose kilitul tet they te 58c;.- doyer seeil, prime, 07.12. d.ontbive te practice uni more. thcy te- lluffsle-Csatt1e. choice. hipplo: steera, __________________ $.50 tae 14; bops, fait te prime.,*4.00 ~ euel %hJtgem ~ ~ te $7.75; oheep. fait te choice.. $3.25 ta l ai 1-- . -Hm, e or.Bss u é k- ttl. .00 te *3.110 fs-r-nais 'an- Exellent $prin Ca Remed---I ,arnas,WelI as Ever.". nilf. Bou.ié., by ma birU,&M,~iétanimais vhiah ava, offeII, hg t*« tenciutcîreun- luanestatela« frttlonsgperlitd». Cuite lil est, outil be casuel fily, sud tien they Lsnd plicharda on board s boat rut ,colion their east aintil tbey eia on7MeIlsiu uand gasp.. AI supérffailtiof -lo4od ces at gueta long. utervale tbst vbe It doe.corne thé avlan'Intellect res at lhe pro8pect néâ what e"et" bohes of plenty brIRg dire dliastC 1 Seelng I lai gui asil gnns",kW« .ne ott"er. re art no't sulrpriied to béat et a .John. Dory, etuff t tethe v0ty mottta.iatiug belplemsli ou thé surface ot thae sater, luablé te, ecegpêe m afIoek eoras birde which haveé ierived Il etfls eye. ulgu sud wviiquIéle tttilIt waylits ifre. A anake vw"&eh tbsts le bend tbreugh thé- pflste seite auin. va.ryfreg su !Iss lif ainabie te 1maw back &gal* wlth thetreg tu tae hiroat bai vit eaiouitaodiagerge the amph1blsu u0A4 le, detly drar lif tbreagb by thé*lé< 50 as to swnilew if on Use maté aidé et the, puliugs. but probabty a selmbe belai aapeuod bt le on the vro«g Ode lu ceuipany vltb & trog weuid Coeue Ihon ethe' prei- luand gdos render Itbeif Incapîabléeto arrlggllng tbiatoh le bars.-Long- Iuan's Magazine. Quentinud l tileoptciel. Queantin Booavlit la a piesophlcal younistet, aud 'thé worklngé et bis mid Withtb le eultant comnte; trequentty furaml lb Preîldent op- portuanities ton s béirty laugla. A1 few days age vhi-te ihei'resldent eas wlthbihs chlUien tii the uermy. tepotti the New York I$un. lhe ne- tedthbat Qoutlu ras uîiiiamaaliy quiet. The little fetlow matwite bis head resting upea biig aud aind a thoughtolexprewo-iOntpon bhlmfte. "W are you tbluklng about,. Quen- 5baU~Bske bistahher, giviiag dtha bidacbeuk sapWjrtul plaida. ."(h. de," slgiseilQnenton,, j i vh - 1coutil have eulxeue wiàhY" -If yen ceumi have onty one îsi. my dear boy."ý questloned the Pieui- dent. hoplng t« Sud eut the chIld'a de- sire, wwat. se it bu?" Thé boy éemed te lie tbunklng deep-. ly. sif maklog op bis mimd shat h. vanled Metf. 'imuyaibe snid. islewly; WA Co euld hava aMy eue wlsh. pape J'a vi li aI eser7 Othier Wiflîinit viait lu my lite wdsttd coee&s." Charity nit hé Pair Ses. He--Uri. Pow4pleiga prtainly huaai 'ovely coinmaleimie. ie-Yeoi. indred, and *mlw .)ight thoiei venj grutetut te ber huslbend. ghe--Beceu» héb, bys ber everythmlng Wi anta. One Auaver fier AIL lancaster. N. Y., March 30. --Feal Matei Bernera le stIlilul reeeipt et =-nyletters asklu* if its cure ha.&laeid lit wI Iseéremesahlered thét »orme tîme aie tho parfats t e f. Ruin-. era' case vers lbdbtbed ln f bew.e tl* usons. Hibail héen very 1ewv wlth' pliahétée. Physiclunls coulil do notldng. b.- soie iosuad hégrew verse sud ga'onsé titi somseeie récomeneid Duiti's R£Ldey Pilai. A lritaeimt. ef this temedy vas begun aud shen elght baiOXet ad been -huken Mr.. Reniers lie- =s te éan ImproveintIt vhieh con- tludas the lneitméiit preeedUnii hé vs eaaptekely. restored& Heébus sine enjoyed perfect lieulti aud tea arebust andi able a msn as uny Su Laneastér. Iutervlevred ths otter day. lie salmi: 'itMany peoplé trmite te me vien the stary et nay case wae tirat prIaiteil and semée write teanie yet, If the cuire vas eniy hempetmîry suad If the dialbetea bas rehîîraed. i hase enly one snswarto ever>-body. Three yenre aie 1 vas sery low wiath Dinhetea. The. bénI physîclunti falled tatehelp me aaad 1)edd's Ktdney PI111, cured nie. 1:arns Wil sué stieng sud have net heu tthe mhlîbtest retmîn ot thi.e li trouble."~ Parker-Ah, t see yon aavue a parrot. IEnvo long liate you had It? Kierwin-tIhrce Lweeks. ---Paeke-.--n-it tnilk? Kervin-Dout kai'em. i>y vife îiasn't gise- It i chuance yoi. I. j. o.n lu . h .Steg é h Sur latsa bo" feru mg lbwia tb csu iaeeu, Ai pelaaI Ubby, mode S & IIy. write ysse r = ist"rs. talwis . a'im "teEsm. wsneu £u4 4,otoes do pi terrible pi~~sIcmguy ~e0f fer ive yws au' anftered i1l~. I vai qt*4su dlferent w,,vore__pl*st~4 ~e et ~ i TheSteIull<itobtIn&and bulrnng ci the =*nima; the fnig 1 - scaing, as i soniasi hair, and crustlng of the sc"p, as va sc&Uex facW - disfigurements, as in ples ad sfl ufferingd )rifns n a2eyc o as i milk crust, tettei- and waflt-re, -$A rémed 'ci almot sqpàram, on rtes' to su« witli e.That Cu*iura.Spap, Ojunennt ,an * ~~evidence. The purity and i setettheM viaj immdtc1CwIWcf.he cettapinty-cf- d cure the absoute saftyisui t cnm 5 ti them 1the standard akin cures; r ulersý rei1nmedieès o hei izdwol. »à"the at fected parts vittibot vdtér tue V8C«Imm86 tue audaaceetcr uiets aMd scies sWdsofteu the tbffl ' êd without hard rubbiM n apply Cu tcura Ointmeutfrogly, to irritation, snd unh.iu4 da, u oothe sud heal, *sa l19*1 =ma Resolvent to cool 5t5ommae. blood. TidUS çuu sifords instant roi, purits etfsuad sdeep la tht smvo eciem anad otherItchlig, burulug, and scely bumoa *Cia and blod noIta te . ý,peâdy, permanent and ceoftomu %Il other . sad tht boutphysiciens tait As.vid wondertul curative peoperties -ci Cuticm-rs ladits and ci wide os, w.»quota fro. f!1 demire ta give isy vcluty testirmy tw tbé be*Cà jour Cuticura Rmoedies 1 have sufered fo tmetm.* of iric scid iu the blood; sad ince the imiddl 'W sYeur,fi gtsck Of Ecgesua, chicfly onthe scalp, face, emr Md uec)4 lmb. 1 vas for mevo" montha wider rofesso-' reto remedies prescrlbed were of no avail, and was grsdtaailbec my face was dreadf"y disfigurei, sud J ot uearlin i sy M Mnywife prevAiled upon me to try the Cod= r ihides, M a thorough trial with the most satisfacty'rmults. Me dieip todamappéar,ad myhair coRnmeuced teo w aganÀ Akt hak 1la coverlng My had, and mb ( b YghM ytu~ U-- ssngtht.luorer te make Prosst.zi suferig tam iudur~Wutansd; as Pmàudmttc<tht Sociey, b thetoirepof My s»yaht h« noutice ehea spoorpe ula goaaed. 06â *a be resorted tU» RQ U*AMA 1W phmmbtm& *81i, Om s ,w W114 P&. lu k.5i. Be Gurd et Humat out AIle T »'As a seie ' 1 ~l>ntél Ferons at thé k97id. 011 saitfer colds and cturri of, and it la a aplendid readyc vtality, lucreaies baIlli at makes a sick 9«rsn Woula Sua I1g1se erons sulrbeatty Su -,tet D. Scott. FCn.ira C. Abbott M ) edy la an excellent telwil trten&,hlise useit itb #w, 1"1la-rsuta fr i gnse luenhultrouble."-Ira (Y Ai Mrs. Eluasi Fleming oral,é solIt CouncliNe.10& 1at troubled al an lite wltii entailla took Penaufer menthe, and eri. 1belles. that for caturril luail&U ts tornus p erun a in the ïbeieline oethîes MON. DAN. A. 0IMVHNM O F TuB FAMOUS oelG AMLY. sil It cures ms.MI Hfon. Dan. A, Groareumir, Dept Audîter tér the Wsr Départmontuf ak sî.ut WLeaillliehr Ntea wrltteu frein Washlugtou. D. C.. gaja: eubsfhil.eemt1 l -uAIIow me f0 exprm Oe yii'ItUdt o y«htlhÎ"k.d»& *fiti tannh reédî."-t mEl hDeu on@ boum 1 fPéma&O e& hon#huueWw1isful W aum la Cén ff aid - ow a wd au v'*o< - ___ Thé aprinInfa isheéthoe I aaf a Dw e fl s OW &OCeld, *et wvnter -veathe5-« #PW09 9' a ,tIf ii xo Nfl*S ti5* à cuor et tath. if e3u * 04k. A. ORO.VENO. la. tuken ilui the srié la*Ietletter lié sye' thé e viii b eprom ptan e' oagidw pegm aa qyOmu hiq-Mm Id wu.tskena ltenweti diStug ti >w.'<- ~j.~ ~gg g Jefng6 ~ ~wvadthet of îSim oeUN- *IIAI .efWGif fe~aJabIlavoftun$Wvu Htou. Jeliaiwluluims. comne Osmuis I d sioner. et- 517 West Second treet, Du- &M e.tba 4w teW7estmieÏ4r0 4 lttýi. MInayeuisthé tlleaing lu rognonut* tBt et at ttuutsyef 'As a reniedy fore arrh 1 mas ch.'- lHueW. Cne.sahemt ic s fuyrecemmeud Ferons. I knev vbst et fr ThaHart anas.Uaut*rlu ilt ime aussifr-fnm that terrible 115.5*etta Ies, . Q, 5570 and t teet thst l le my loty teuspeak Uté.1*555t - - - ~ i - -" - ~4 .iaa~.Y Are Vl . owaset im"m rour dru git mli this rem- an if- eliea obf rugist CANADA "lasýg 1.- . >0page catalogue te WC vîlte nd h o; là cents. Yar nighbt us w hy .ot ylu1 us.

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