CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Apr 1903, p. 2

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ts 1w dervue te*iulhgté tisekit referre.) IdoWn, Aberta, Pos, . .100-1 Rr-lI bave bhau Jiere uav o zsdtisogit 1vout.) a I oan mpresslin, t ,i.d"-inAlierta. Tisero mai, ranchers la tis idstrit1 oeltlem te tikbu cars qftiseoir aml oà.farmInE ne el. Ther <5111e nubgr froin 1W00 10 I-bai, an.) live ot * il hs ot Roy ocuiter tissu tisepop- 1sud tisey cornela -la ese r§fl-donsier. bit rtise tee.) thle cattle Ipart -et the mit Iis tAm of tise yesr, 'bt n thse uest at cttie1i ver no»ver ifa peck ofgrai sued onuthigras. Yo1 sme 1 uad te taIS tarin ince'I r---amiiug t.tise 5VOtet hems 1 kueir asverl la thîs risle nver vonissi a day ou MI1 ilioi ama bersand have suad are gettingtWell off. t tisa wil b. tise gardon of maet »son. day. snd tisaIday fer dialant. Thone aseau ihango InceS vocame boss >II lu b a gresier change, lu Ives yeri. Tise Vinturs -*s l-ciod vilis ter. Wa bure snev.-snd tise Cliant a d b. ul sdommner vas vol, . an oxtent 1to Damage r~ond, me a larto average ibid. aud mas immniniie-52d faerar moi aile accordnlgl. vé good scisoolu; tise Qoferu- s170 per cent et tis exaunsse Mimé vdb lat.a gpeut bom n l ~~eOiUO. ciurcises 0f Immer ppicues sud id Ite ire aI il outede.,ad se "d àeje'o s I u dit ost tise pare air of- aiel Vti 5is d acres of skem, ls mmiionsofet wl. te 99-0e of viiifrt fex - leat li*strusmi s"d alua ob andami ilspâd"inloa dg oum. tu thse rowulda" m b et ascla lu theilsa t? 1 à te ge bone fr a V"akmmu 'ýB«th . tiseste iré, ares ma tise st farad la i' eavu lbeisos,1 tg aisa er *: thae wissuay tara Visons i 00 etbIgau b tg spoul glat~mmg bthe aumle -lut taanI . lsewd, isei e it mn ceai t VVE pstcgoeO Il eeoro.ep M s U oeER. eatiOle7.@M or lieit WSlbal4t ton AccipiS csgspomiss on WlL l Warner ranch Indens. near Bon tbssdiso, Cal., re Ileeing te-tise h.lla te escaple eybtion. Albert Juan, an lu- us nlterpreter, vWho ha@ JuIM retursed htie ranch. satAts thatt tisere la toy 1111e hopeaof thse Indiesa suhnîttloz jnle*to ho becarlci off frt am AasCti- bu «eand aithat 11>07are nowleavblugtiseé ssértsu ad.tise commsisstcnlis *ilt fm seue te move wisen îiseyr rive. Jas,À' ites tist aIstave tise Indiens isavsliseyvilii desmana !tise pelet of 11,00 or Iniprovemns iiasie -on tise rancis. mon e09iljiiteie hre te ae County Jadue Orr of Color&dû f8onàl, cot., han tgeed a aprove a comOi4 mise tisat bas been r.scised hetweftiseé attmseys for 1. Barry Strattou and tbss t« tise erecutors of biss fatisrs viii. ounu s trition la ta recélee33,000 lu cash. TisIs luldes ie lesecy of $W0.- 000. Tie meniey viii *0 pe>.)etiOne. sud ail litiitileu arertise ""ite af tise jae tmaltimnhliionalre mine owner, Wiu- liel.) SotStratton, Witt cosse. i Strattan heqîiethed tise bat of bis for- lune. estimate.) t I15,00,000, for tise establishmnlt af a haome for tise poor t Colorado Sprins-a »rives ob e uthe Street*. À body of police bicers marcinin tlld front frain crb ta earis drave 1,000 Cliy Oreek millwatSkens tboagis tise gtreets o veil, Jbiens.. tfei iearly n miliTeaay a n sd peteftted irisa Wsgisl have d"e[l âte àat arlat ruvineg ot cf tiseretain ta vans c f a noîsîber gr -ring épinsers ofthtie Lswrence llosiery Compansy vise loftiorS lansysupatis> viltiste stiie order. eitishe Textilea *.r .lh.second attempt vi" na week ta bar* tise tolm etf Mntgomery, Iud-,'Wes *I *,déserit' Manii, lest hefare. day-I Uit Iv. es otires taried with ail »gSe ae n a s any buildings la tho bShSeb sectIon et tise tam. Al tise Sté, vstarstnguisise.) itisont heavy tes,Tise cItisen. hsto orgeaIse.)avlg- loneeomiittilensddeclara tiseyiii - tise Iodr X.,- Ne" e aKES. asi Tis effeuar»salons-of tise Fourteentis cli acnttttIil lIitatli. Tise gob" a pprepriatiS bbllva paued is> thse oos i r thssdleramaet ofthlie Mtouas. Se m usfbi el"n tisatfor tiiss rosas is ie ilkW sud su extra ses- ROSonsUie~# la Dad* eouu <IS tin tie aom n(3rownPrince, VWradeoois ilim, la te *0 ietrotetie.te tics Desta Ceee ie r ' e tise Oraud mlii h.17 rasas .OU) ezt bldy, visils tise onm (em. Prluoe9sfeur zeai solr.ass bis .vli%(Charles Lorbisat, et plbmmw âa~ erth*lie esilO.bau et hie geng au sebWe, MUsie, out oft1Mia vil. 04amLa kM !tla estimatel thi ftào bous33~tmI ne la about letosrste. Eigb lIa» tesr Cgsiottte. 90,rmr Peisypaecker, of penusyl. aig bais l4pud tise &et of tise e lturaprobiitlat tiseesle or igaro or =iaet paper te anY person 2i easeagel:Tise penalty for dOla tien etitii. set jla sfSue of treim$100 t.. »et1 John Stepisenas asist sud fataili _nare.) sud Bon P. Eden* mss danger- ouliwaunde.) dunluga abatl h. iii biI- marluen ia tis e oateris limite aetliat- ingbwg W. Vs. 1tephens hlie i sik iSe fsietured b>- a blas.. Edeus leape.) ta tteansd eecaPed. AMs sttachimeut amuttu 4e 1,009, "0lsA usa serra.) ou tise United lSuis xacehim coomru laa sit lslno b. by iarry E. Cille>- of Boston i thse Unite.) Staise District Court lu Bosta.ý (IW laindaages for infrnngemot 9111" b, Cit EssahaL City Marsisal 8. P. E[owlad aofa"d- rer, Kan. darim a igisI lasting lisif su >Ibour. â&t aund ille.) Bu. Bimegoil Gardner visite Brtggs utis tvacompen- Iions use trylugtaesecur e elenne et Jlteillrtruu. a rthor, visein tise $sdi cer beasresstue dSoW9ndeffl duet. *"Thse raa pry rituhnela trachbu agaust Jsames H. Tiliman, cisarglîighlm viti tise mander oaiXN. Gfonialea lait *JLnaM>. la tise InditentStise occ.,rs tise charge ai canryissg cauceale.) vcap- Rosulla eorlliooe 1glei"96e Republican gains ve asiovu lnucl> oelions aithck Island, Moline an.) attrester, it.ý visont#ai party's ticekets mre electe.). Tise Demecrt versvic- tarious at quincy uniSprlugdeld. 1 Hessison Btet iLauCcana.O Carter il. Harrison, I>omtecra ,vs re-electe.) Mayor ai Ciicago b 7/M planity over Graeme t8tewrt, Ropsis' ican. Alderman immuasi, Repffllca Vas e-leetOd Uty Attorney', sudY».. C *Boude,,_tepîîblicau. Cty Clerk. ?hreatemed mitis Famn.. Rolland ij,.tircatesued sttifamine la.-1 rd cause cf tise ralîrna.) astrite. Fod alslp-1 w-- 1=- FUATUJRES O« lIIEJOUXNIEY WMICI MAS NEVER BfEE9ULED SV A CIIEF EXECUIIE RESIDE]NT ROSEiM-LT. ou bis ptesent eztrsar- dlUaly tour, WI travel two moaths. caver linost 14a«)Ù miles. stopat 11 places, and makLe sOaibIiui e 1I> 51i.OChe. lu sa lg-«agline ho la cromilflgtise -1-1. hbredth or tise country sud wlt Jum5p froiD lbe cold s&d hlly rogions of Montana 10tiste scorCISg plains .f Arizons, snd Ne. Mexico. Ho lu sesioualY guartlcd wlsile tbis tour la luprgress. If ho. mlii, ridesoi drives, Ir h. ass a peech la public, or la nee oftthe secret servie mon Je ever on tise siert t detecitishe aflsteat ogn of hum tuat by asly poistsie cisance migit couse te hlm. 1 Tise train lu whlch PrMebot Booseyelt. travelo li jtb.oasot isandsauiali oqtspped of aay la wblch tse' ýaitim'sod lbaséever travelo& "wise raicoachs ls an ob iservation car, of more tbiia oruhlasiwmrlunesCto IW l~adeconâtionisud" dItinge, Tiser.e - 7 « sy çW- and divanstu abuhulSO$. At vil the PMMadSt =aretire Sbsdesk. In Perfet seelsow or wandt tramt one te tise other et tise vuakoscomnud)ont coni'stiieits. A tlbiuy,,ailwys kept stoohai wt boM ansd thse caret Issmeofethie popuWa magsiines, la _a u-saof se- laving tise, tedin vissa ttavelbecomes monotonous. cosy smoinscoin- ps4nssd5aue *t'bond *lhte be cau ruat Il tatlgued b>'IL long daY's Jour- apy. à bffet enypmmte the dA-[,car, furulises refresstnsut et odd limes la tihe shpe ot buch atter tise Pros1dent bas returnied trominsome Utde Mjaut wisils ijla t ain q besu, sid.treked. A barber %hop and a tlled babru100U eissi$te tise %nlpubent of the obeervation car. .Tise Presldeùt w iiil, ubroagisoiltitse trip. ln toach isuti the outer wori, by meana o; costnttelegn»ise communilcation i antalned isstween tisa Proesnt peqiai alasd tise neareat Vire. For tht. parpes on. ét tise axesbers of tihe teieSrajeic orps of tise White Houseoxecutivo staff môcmpoanles the. part!. ille a lnenian la on baud at ail tinses fer tise purpcos of brluglng about insitnt coqiýnUcatl f necesuary,,b>' tapplng, thse vrmenig tise route. A corps of.itenorphers snd ieçrtarlie aiea la évidence. under tihe direct sumpervision of Private Becretery Loeb. tTPOU tilla gestlein5'5 sisaniders als is. th e responalbtllty ot sosistlng tise loeil- dent te arrose for, bis mSpeaisiltg here, tiser. sud everywhere; of re- edvtng délégations trom us co and tovlsvhoe e ePresideni Is scheduled te apenk and vhane tise people vanlutihlm o speak; of roviug thse ltInerary wisa changes am agcesa7. sud of srranging witis varions rallroad coni- p5illes for mnkln c uoDo4 ln Yellowstounesin, vwsere haoviii opend two weebs, tise Presîdent wll gAve isisssef up tq nest u4I recrea, Acompalsled by John Bonrmoghs, tise stunalat sd Ilteil. suundir .thése cet of Major -PItcier:wltb a ploim idotAti or 1uni" $4t"s infatn>try e Presient viii dont mlk iii1e sud trocir a*gtnd -enjor nature la .an. outini: costume. la (Colorado Preeldent Roosevelt wvi ovtise'majesty.ot.Pike'. Peair la Anisona tisé prosdentlal traIla io ate aakn. short hait ile the. party. dniven atousg proclttoliS roadways. vIll)'gamson lise tibmstreain of tise Colorado River a mails beldvtise=, ooking itraigist down the siseer preclple» 0f tise roêkr canyon. Artlvlng lter ai tYosemite V~alley It la expectèd tisaI tisa Président wiiitoke gréat; dellgist, 1 beboldlng Ita naturel1 beauettes, tn- cludlntise fumnss lron Lake sud BridI Voil Fallu. At.Tacania the Prienkt t la o akALsoat tnip.on Pugot Sud. Seattle le tise mont distant point of tse Pru)~#f tour. Leaving bers Mai 24, tise 400.mtte journey back tu Wshlngta viii prscficall commence. Tise lat ud in seomtionai svis* 0fttise entiro tour wv its aboplace on Mémorial Day, MaýII& 80. Bsn>'outise moenlng of tuât day ha vii srrive aet *amýle. tiss Wyomilng towu ef cosrboy faime, wbes donulng au apprl*rniescostulu. o W yl î adrea g large gallserlug of -typical rougis riranid. laler. escotilb>' thei nlaàatorty-mlls ride. yuljojo ihs trqin aI theyen. A more, plctunesqi iuatiion tisa ibis coul csioely lu Iwagined, visen sàrisdet of tiha '1nttqd 8statuelu eo at ~ broskneck Màâ sad lout0de of dut seros a strèteb «f wld coantry' te tise riagglg 0it; f a cowboy cavalcae. At Sait Lake City tise président Win1 heii guait of tihe Mormons. bogus ieos lute lf"braka snd .asly lut une vii l ho * atthe, White ~oueai MACUbONANOISTUSANCE& tisacutry leude, ta *bd etvantai., sudt V" -i leZcotou liFor 55.5*.OM lhe, pas. bs' is.ver>- reg4 I lignul et Wer. While liehewrld a'elinge dosa net dimir itsi n»Meoret Vintisé.psn .la tItung *111nU a Il disento t dac ay peia difes. T*bt-otm i M tis 5ob5 idé snal itacdonisa asti But- gss upmPailzelm st1*0ethisore &oaatdaIS>' cequg 'iste bisou ýcg>, mit,sud many;sltîrmisisis.tu mmi ooinbatà»amsa rakilîidOr vOundai!, ai *0lug tougisi. Recotrla visai t14Somn ms th&isaUkab diatrit t a 4rins emaies t«&É pise betwees aàDagsnlii iegoo "ai TurSlsh viiqs ati>-mr kis.)on bolS aides. Thée miole oet Mga ea vom ua amus f copleut ll l'estue bau ds, sud mssrtiseepcsg= ,s rien ouset tism e etiw 4s:L gokia,«Is es tl ti u qe t t "tbig mtta for autonmoblists:'L e et South i detlla lu = t 1) t lt allude.) tp homanls IrO *I bumilherd. chlegM t Iheves sudi etibamer" en.)Who violentl>- hisse.. iow aisued bille.) Mrm.Bar- *#Wr» Higr au4 manain..)l'atten tisOts tllisi bliBseIf iet GlI Bdge. t, j& Tise maboaiquarrele) ves the * ->z-cCnso.Uniqp PaelSd I-gt '- macisiiste vise Vas .on icS..) ýdut>' r th oaoq.pyrds. 51 9msiss, mesnébat ~utosrvounda.b>' Fred ,Rgotl W. ititee aureot. My relu *e - lIse Md th*oe a tw th*ib ýextràçts trm b b"Mwa Om" la Cucu& sLneslpisaceamo.&rester tissatise.or lu>- Eranpearu povo pouilstecau h.. ead thst etu tat> t ueraiv anau.)te the vaeber repabis Wmise r arasti. bon reasiros. uste sa ibui none et tise prit mllltgz penvera trosacrostiso oes aal neoach apon the. tormtery ot the Anientcâà repalios or acquire con- tîsI tiserevor.. Tis.polley, tberofort. iDat oui- orbids us ta seaquiesce 4in iach territoriîil de- qutsition. but alro cases as ta abjeet te the Acqufresient or, s centrôt mnicis a-atWd i i afofet h.equal toelterritoial aggrandixemeul. Tht. la nb>- tiseUalta.) Stateaibsaasteadil>- ielieve.) tiat tise Con- $tractian oai tise trat tilutine cnl * ý 4 hoal)d ho doue I-1 au foreigu natian. bat by as. Tise eicr groving luflnence of ths Uitued)Stites lu insc ewetern isemisphere O * 4 bas oxempliletiseth irni purPos of lise UnuieIStatue tisatietsgroviis aad Influence su d paver @iall * redaun.) ual te -the hosai but ta tise honeblt, ot ar @inter ropublli mbosa- strengtslu les. Oar grovts. tiseref are. le heaefiic te bausankta. lu général. W. do not lmien, tae'iumeau>- peut- lias iiscaneauivle >at offense ta Our selgsiors. Our adhérence te tise suis et isaman rlâiitelametiereli profession. Tise hmstry cf onr dealiagi mils Cuaa showsa tI e neduce il te jiertoncae. Tise Monroe doctrine le net intesits- tionailawl uiad tisougis 1I iclk Coii dey il Me>- iecome inqis. ibis i eances- mary as long deitIlremainsaa crdinat fusture ot Our inapelici sa tea topun u e Ponose both th. yul an.)tise streagftste moie h effective. ait o>- iscairl an.)$oui; i am connes.) lisat tise Immensemajeeli aiofeusttel- loir eanitryaias se betieve la .4t; but 1 moisi.)lunitl>-préfet tea" as aandmon Il tissu té as a. put It farvard sud btmister aisru IIL and yet fai te hui. up tise étioat Ogistint sîseuiis vwie la tise lmatetisecoIas. 0»maS. me9-ý supecteil b>' sur airons fareigu Pomer irises. atereit Il: maî evor happen te be te Ioate 1IL Bo.sting snd blusteriai are 'as oh- joctlanabla mous Détien- as amopg in-_ But. ,tiseuglo ta beau t IoDii.and iusoleusly te lattait anotber voie, >rt verse tissuail la te h. guli>'ofbou- ,un. crve ihouti muait. sud vin aclle.) le ltse proo teto h. nabte te maire snch, iseaitiug goiL Tisere la a hometi cI.) adage mieis rasez 'peak mufti>' snd carry a big stick; Mon wmligo ftr." If tise Americsu nation milI spekh sottiy. an)yet bud., sud Seep a 'a pîtes61ethlieistrotesitrain- tut, i thornuisi> illicitetDavy, tisa Mon- ,ces doctinue mii go ft. Ik ta oc tee itetprepere for ver wien mai bat couse; and) If mwe ouI>- prepaeo aufficinl>-noc van miii oves coine. W. v Is e4powertul and effient Davy, nettanerporpases o ai r?.bat so tise auait guaraaty or poe. PIESDENT ROOSEV[LT ON TRUSTS. Not oal la. tise legislatian ret'eltl> emu- acte.) effqclye, but ila mî judgment it w mestritlabid«te attempi more. NaIs- las et value'lla e .expecte.) freincen,é- Jeuo agitation -for radical and) extreme W. do uat desiro thse abolition or de- sinueilan of big. corporations, bat untise eqat'sry recoalao iheinas Seing lu mon>' cases efficleal oconomie imatra- menit, tîélesuait, aian inevitabi., pro- cene. of économie evelutiosi. an.) only de- aIre ta os einregislate.) sud eoutrotlcd no tam as mai . aneceemanry tatesberve tise public good. Many eititho silos.. remedies adrocat- cal are et tihe uaplea.axsty drratlc type, vicisesu te destroy the diseue b>' kifllai tise patient. Others are abviousl>' futile. 23is sornens tile lttlion1iplace tise effort ta0 eciscthse trast questian b>- apini of the tirilî. Yu atetofcourse, pal amen.) t.tise prespcnrity ai tise na- tion, but tise prie for,s mac cidsseres ,Tielta lâjot te ho idminliere.) lu tise intereit of the Poor mia ai sud.. gori# &o t le eLoterent qi ithe rîctimais as pneb, battlintise intenoit airtise lamv- abidilsg min; nicIs or peor. -W. sus ».iusmare Dolut. orgaiaion« 6et esP"Rith"i aaicot orzgoÏeloa of iabér. W. irelcosue boiS., denan.)lug viii tiaI escluaboli de nigis an.)obaéit 'isistemisor is dusr te tise repuhîle. i ; ise Suprepse Court of Obia dcclnrod 1 ensîttteo i tis lte local Qptian eat- aI borâeuntter Ib Vobisery isr veau* tb» aboe tg vlS la t151 frauda ire i Mn. oullivg ;"Èùt. ce81Yeun knov. I1 di lsd sannine remedy aftta i udal "$m* beelà talkls14 odIS KWdu Plla utY' long isefors 1 knem that brwM9 PIlla arewaenmitsie meud era ed more Ibau mas .-laluod for tibe. Tise>'cure.) me. made a Weili insuOet»Q an.) f amnnov a ne u. sai ever mua. -1 can teatlfy thai Do.). a "uy matlsm adKde rul. WearesProduatWorth$100.0 Tise Mlaharjah of Bara us la pIes-e of wasiea mrk viî-is uOat alen, $1.00.00.It isont>' 10t6 foot la atm.., but lq *oven frein stritiga ai peari. -ilS a cv-nIer an.) commer Irelsi of disnionula. it vas tbreai yuurs lt tise naklug. ié.w"~U Cr eimwmulepa cesutd isy lna laIdox aumbair ddeluelte ,35T, £e omeili *îtb is IWOO.Tkiadicroseillé iooiy su-j seiste on.) 1la&bout1thelame seoccar re&.) lte cosmeapenldint pe leti t or rlva.Interrutinst rons fuel earct> and lisSe Congestion have produceed a menot esIrabte condiltion et acisitr 98 ail deponlueuts of tise trou sud steal lu. duxtmi,.but tis re risi s vrSera' stnika tisreâtaua. to restrict coasamptoim an.) protides tise ont>- menaclng factor. Soatisoru praducors of plu iroa supplie.) tise moat Important felissie of tise seek. vissa q otatlans ver. reelueed an .1.11v- cries lo te secnd isatllaiftise year. Ors je mavling freelyait 'leveland. lahor troa- bies belng averted. Steel"la taken free>' iîy implemient tankers. n.ilvasuasd .,ti- orlarge bayera, sud conîrsets are report- e.) thaI raul fulty nat ar. Textile nmittttfsî-lîîrii;r candil joui are ansettled isy ,.rike, andssl tihe rotors course ai privais u% uil ce is e .r.Ieral situation muaI depend largely upibis'M isetar. Tluroughosit tieeuttailula intr- lier. iaa disposition ta avwait clevelopI- mentâ. Joisiera plrcie ouly for lî.viiîeý- diate reqainei-nle. (mi> a very hasht aîppeueuar dnioid tli aîiuid for- tsar)for mnila ~r wdiollîîani ivor., to:ds. and luot new aidermarae for filîlinit out sausple isiîeas. Tiser. a is nc,i ca.upiaiut of dclayed delivsies in li, liand et.I*seehletisu are itain uàafeatire,. tacressed firmne8s la recarde) in the market for footireur. î,articnlarlY as la men's klp as. I t er il# lirasbat coasparatively quilet. aloinsoisler frac- tioal al dvanAls rep,,rled Is Ulîle Badatreet's Grain FIgures. WNient. .sseîîdiig four. exparîs.for Ilhe meel. cudIrîrApril 2 nmggrpgnte :3.130.«)à4 buillcla. ogaiîîst 2,4411M7 tait acS.- 4,441.1T in Ibisnee"k a yeur mgo End 4,tIlll11in 19 101.eai exî.artgsires julî 1iaéggregite, 1-.5791,4801 hiiohels, tinslit 198.845,0124 laut oasion an.)d5 0011.181Ifa 1900. aCosexportu aggregale 2,832,008 builiels, egainst 3,618.210 'lait week, 83»0.531 àa ir auo au.) 2.090541 In 19101. For tise tirerai year exporta are 47,337.530 bisele. uguinut 624.464.437 lait seum n d 148.iill.1U4 in 19111. Fallurosth[s meeS la Ile 1.Ulule.) lilales are 17j3. againsi 214 laitn eek, 220 in tise preceding wce sud M57 tise correspoudlog meek lent yen!. and in Casnada 18. agnilce -t 241luet week, !!%) la lise preedîng mekSand '21)lant Jear. U~iI]Tlt fimandisivorld bas receutly bha.)tiehe béoit of a entuber of opinion» s- ajiectin thtie utiensi loatiook for rarutia- lied 9ru>Peg'fila Our couair- Relras.) managera, iromin , t mercisaliti, hailkera sud cilber pructicat mcva. Oiesfront his parlictitar point ai vicir. have slre-l îop lise situation. Moine opliioviwre fi- %oruiste. somse iliiled 10In, oiservati#ui a 5ev raller dirueoîliii;. Otîtîlde thse fiuaismislnite eremti al lînillant siling. SittrauiL is Ac- tive andmi. n>-couiîlry iyera are r.- part.) iercslgtiseir tiret orders. Irais. steel and.) masser lare tic lusdumiise» e- liorling tise gnlest activitY, iseing of- tete.) b> tis enand.)fur strucîltiratIma teriat nov hbeening ue jre geuiral. las- migreian la pournu in.. Navigatuonî 1, israelicalli open. Tise alîroada contîiue isardene.) vîtstrille. spriaig trade lus ilhe Nortisvent inaave tise guod showr- iiig of lait year in Volîume. Tlie une greilt eleuinîeîîof daubt I tise luhor situationu. ge fir therre ain nosore tisathese iîal, elîriiîs trouble. but dia- qlfeelioni .otnvas àviie rina ndl lb-segon- eral agitationi for usige ndsîilcei is ta.rt- ïng a litIle î1lrlit-r titan usai., Fr.îm nîiytisiîîg nlion laiglit lier. is ,not sîîîîîi to ter, aus.)tisore 1isbaope tiat îîotig m>ore serios viii develop. Tise vieat me»riet isas been a little imer. For tise fOrsi lime lit montha ithe neya Trib hnoad Ic-iufvçt la Our ov4u country >thee ululer smieal -rail proiepe* lu brllitjat. oluile Argentineienl ehilillno isenvllY. silîiimt 4.0w,.000 liiilh- eh, guultîgout liai iseek. Tiscue factars remalu as grent luuliielîces for price de- pr'esion, boit liglut stocks lu the Nantis- 1unît bave hWuisacousiner inllîîetice foi sireaiti, and noie liaI tise Eîsopcan trop noua luinso langer aoa vurable lisene lu a disposition ta go siqwer oaishlise unI las ido. _________ r74 '1ç( FEE XEDICAIL ADVICU Evoe7 worklsg girl Who b mo Weill a eofdlsfly Invitad te wt* tg Umes.Plnkbaas, 1 usne ? for adylea; It la fr.dyt=3 hm reste.d tloumnât t*Bbitbe. ni&& Paine&s Expefteoe el wan*to *bank 3y«for wba* jam compsmud ta SU 1gIrs boao wue =epa tio etnigo thilî foMac tise wStv. ; ba doct»M mnid IAMu th" a çlsm aot aMen 10 fop wesb. pooe, 1i eond »t eaM5 t*p'5rUSe tic ws VSmmuy iVary palatal. doa II0~wiLm,. I >tnul l.ns, m ouni -tIsatmy inenatrual perlodo werses t r<om pailn sd utUni; everyone la surpriMsel t th*sechange la me, »d 1 ansmi@l »d cennat baSsée gratefg1 for what yo" bave dons fer mm-"-mm saJAune'PAlxuU, 10 WOO luth e., lNew York etty. - # ff Take no subttute, for X * b Lydia I. Plnkhas' Vogetable ço5U31ouad that eurin. 5, 74, 11, ,. I if1 cwaiîu-catle, cammea ta prime. M'.00 ta S5.28;ihogp, siippli ggrades. 'M.50 te 3.50:aheop, fuir te choiee, $8.00 te $&.75; viseat. Net 2 e., 72ce llte; c , N a. 2 , 40e te 42c; ea t»,'N a. :- te à'ie; rye, M5.. 2, M eto-e.; ay. tim- etisy, 38,5 te $15.50; prairie.,8$6.00 ta> SIM&U.; butter, cbiolocremuoér>-.2ketu 289;. epuu. tresis.Ilie te 18e; potetaus,- ion0e '042é per bubel. iudleapelis-.Cattle. eblPPllub. *3.00.1 $529,;,Sage, choies ilgii. 84.00 te *7.301; asi>. emompusta Prime. $2,30tae U00; misegkl 1o,2. 7k- to 7Zc; corn. No i viite. 11e t 40e; coat.N'a. 2 visite, 34Cý te 33e. St. Lôuiga-Cattie. 34.30 tu $5.25,;lits 35.00 ta $7.-30, sheep 83.00 tae$*d-25; mviet, No. 2, 07 lse;:>corns. Nu. 2, 3ete 110e; Qate.No. 2. :Ce te 114; ryp. 8.2. 40e ta 4' .e, Cincnciat-Catde, $4.50 i. 85.00; boas..,$4.00 to.,7.Zi0; aîtee. $3.510 tü 0..;wiseti. No. 2.l 74ô ta 75c; cama, Nao. 2 ie.), 41C te 42e: amits. Na. 2 iaaide te 3c; rire. No. 2. '"? i.te 117e. I)etéitcatte.13.50 la $5.00.. lings. $4M 0tou.S7.25; iiseep. *8150 ta *5.0O irbpet. No. 2, 74e t0eMe. corn. No.. 3* yellav. 41c ta 42e; u nata. No. 3 wisite, SIce te 38eW; rye. NO. 2. Me te 54c., bttlvekee-lVeat, No. 2 north;iv; 14c te 76C. e- o. NO. 3. 39t te 40e: uniet, No. 2 v(te, 384çte li5e; syo, No. 1. 150c to'mc, bgel>, Ne. Z MDet0e goM.pemk. Toleoe.-Wheat, Ne. 2 mixa.! 720 lle . xe ,.ix. 4 Ae t~a 4 o nt&, j

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