Lent the Eater dlnner s'hoUld beartexcel. lent 'one. If yolu have one of onr ... for the central poôrtion, of th~e meal, yon'il bave the beet thore. là. Thore- le a pleasure .to nuiB eiig, aU to firot daiii stock y0,1 lu eating thim iGS &.. TAYLORe 'vitlle - - - - Illinols. VUL#~#. P. TIM 1 * lu........... ii' 91.0 16 . ...... .... .. li 14..1:44 t'. 5mi........:4P. M. * ?QOHiOAOO. ess.is. - Yre Cli DopeS, Lspv.Ut>ulit~. MIte ClksoO. ie.iu..eVIlu.- taLa. «i bU......5100a.5.,.........4155.5. Ml.11159.5.............11419.5. Pc Avvlv Lia,. Chine '10.181. v.4q *15.010 *141.oe - 141. 0.0 50.14?. arn - 15.5:8 141.. 0 i....... ........ Arrive M 0W Dot. - 4.05.......... . 6a. uit... m.b5........... 45a.5. 1 .M -36 liri à Aiciveor ava 0l 'O " glaM ai. - - -.------- a G ICT C If S bh icey.ù seamon baou commeîîced andl we catifîîrîîidîyoîî with a wlitel at prices tlîat wili imîmre a liret clame wheel. Wtt have oo band Blmiîer with miliiîgie tuhe tir# ........ $18 00) M.&W. tire ........... 2000 Crew-ent" *X W. tire ..........25 00 k."Coaster brake........... 30 0<) DARBY BROSp ertyvi île- - -Illinois.1 lu 0Es We have a good line of al purpo se men's and boys shoe.. Fine 4dress" shoes for men, women and children. - We have a complete line of rubber boots. ch*,ld's. misses, ladies' and men's rubbers. pri ng Waist and. Dress Gjoods. *Sunbeamn Sil k in beautiful waist patterns, zephyr and mercerized *ginghams, percales, etc., in large variety. White vestings, white- flannels, white percales for waists. - LUio Ax and Soldier1 Boy tobacco at 25cý 51IIITH& DAVIS, KTYVILLE ILLINOIS. :INDEPENDENT and the 'American »d Farmer both one- year for the orV bait price o1 one.-$1.50.- Libe 'Valt a.. vlp.-., Wicoînsli Centrfl Raimlroad. wvrit acolaredi %Yark, Ollere b.t.daotransporlatiob iel. -heni,,hpe ,rd, lititw a b Manltowanc. )llvanboo. wm' a it.V.iett.ar ie-l-, <ja.engo aad ali l asef 5Qm «bahI . wiît otan vo-itng cardse, ane iîII aie Hg. Paul, minneapolia, w~o u"dalu -#nlftnns, Aelasiai. DulmIntami Ibte <rsi orui. ,wubtany Sh r ol Jahwork. %Wfaten itluan ialepers. dlim ma ta twdair. astbeIii DuRT 1mâlearsa nd man e acfbeabea Eat@ ' xa'elit.4 Iithe the qulpwot.apei sag e 9 Aoulé ert aU io5h10op 12 ir&ebol d*m l e sgS léc& - S. y. sMub6ird hm o e o fat em trou à hIieflg tiU laleMs10 bhabahi Io be outi1 »Y oy Coti sb 1Giove. atma., uisilelaasouple orf"@laps 0Vieil vitS bie Pdolu ebare. SnalOp a auhegan ocurrel 1ke ldMoalb 0<.Roaa iai aoueid?87uIMM. Deocoaed vas m~oNir f ro. loés uaamor fatVu. alroidmo Mlom buildng lSseospkss m i s" «ipèsl e obsO - Mlthe valle stook mlumot e y icsfsime %uroUImber M00bt, Sq Ellre smim . 'Page am.5uloSe *fmLe esdtian ole üai eLbeOuute AIoe AgIe...il 5.Vitttlsom'toNi ter the eat5 implemeCo. lim e .lesat i kaoco eta Maboissohobm ussalavenaam. 1 am Ssbisg.#mmimou, for bard ool Ur immedweemotfuture delivr,. 0. H. 03*303. 272-d 'mm. C. M. lo&W speulthe pèa veok vwtbllng hotUelmi re.. Walo ait Mila ailà O., liras. ha 0eex pecu goo havé for us aleudei I.".Wuilbber paremée l ova, la mic, mm ume. Min CrS. *G»i, vho bu bees uiiUag ar m ot De.r. Beu-ir fsii, reuiao ~ ebiioWiela~. LMraDmpc .pdet be. mreaas M4 Vi viou »oY,» f.dbtjue la Nis manuel rest al m - muovor leloa0 aul *mm"$i propori. ii Fou give aiU T&stsvms bel It vou poflellAÏ preeim e . 1 04Ten 61608163io vUS. la pemel NTo. S Nier.vers 140 à* Aaesm e mpioel at lb. Mem mo alot, u"M rscaiy bas rOUs. eo~ a e.0umeOruso en ome aai mse-thag aof L-""M"let «searmeotou eeti iun" - 6fl AasuhWe. Viw» mma.OW& 11 iamusIndua aftaccma, £11.' M,.. Dcu a Vils bave thé cox.- 26.5. f onne.lueiio.of D. N. auwomo I!bà Idbe OoUal Club vM sAive a boaàffal ev rmdows, a o l e. &MM 39set McMa aighl8,âAgiA1%, bis loiaomaul parcias f 0f. 1. tLtburlyvil@ TOFIMaILUMMsib# Lu&. Tba alruelmIe i cot aue deborlu orebosiretfObtenue. T»Rls 01<51and Sm Iko l oais.' liavilol. 8.1>1Proor b la isolvais mc. liS., ~ ~ ~ «lg Ctpspe iva vusSI"a Ni &ecahrse i r m pco«M oies tata"lon buiWbaise.oe" aiBa *» to bolag uPSlitval" eAv*. go vork et baui avwii aumit Ste 'MW 1 joore a6io U"*r li silo prairs.. - Skitue ob sud o malm eboglae,50, i. aMRU Muo omm ilsl àadlu meSo. y -or vbsebp Ms. .0. PoiSon '1* VSN hegtealmnti of volts Orincomem _dl cNivu Ai.of goip h P$' aslsi " g ie To-Ia Hait J4I.1ded îbhflaidsieetpfeij, v1Ni1u SM rnsudmifor &a itei.Question -as %o0<0». Trla. COnnaie. as3 ta vbkmLibeîiyvlle abolira 8,0. ainoiete ..veuîlom pileof Lake At NiOt meetng UMAdaj inss Ime 0OUj. UnleosPr-vte oucai osnb. liage b-atiby rmoleuesprosti AalMaiod a il o,1 f naetoent rplclug on the hleis et aeeog musiBotel mleoconeomvsmtJoas linge 0l.oiom lb la VOucoisl. Jla Viti 9f1le UOC«tIJhave lte ha cid i ugainala 13bon asée -for muai. elovber. pai àlrovemeaIa.l, ie0i@M nil attend thbe.Eamdolin 0. N. Damaioù 1u.iiay pucemetal, concert, for theboufbeel thlb j5 et ou à*O ou imiOM -prtj 10 M Ueftodiaê Bonday4wbliýiibtatY tuai, b ku viii movte boomernov 5"> ha411901ai ut.the dodist Chîirek, m1.1 un bs t e . ie cf"009TIMode vemiig, April 141h. The sirauke. Ave. 16 le bies g t *lo1b vWi b. ami" eby Kise Ploreîace agdel the aislrelalea tn &dvuhllg ,NuIlei, 09 Deerflold, vocahot;;ililu A upleO 09IacsletuMM deieropplet elime Umma, plamnolani Mis bub&Uamlal votet 0< myMepcmIe AVeaiLrouer Tickets213 cent.ý icago mayorltr "8010ical, au s e VSe le pontet, dlssatiloa b. Ov-8. W. Preler l bol ou. e l. L cMas0f aaai of orderlng placel cm mak Mid flut i mtte inviM aule Ui boileai be bomndlhante popooilon. l0f sU"a. iMSl Veau bo gfsaly ois aauaolcry lé ~ ~ .8 nbibmrlgDr. âBoblaom vote lai. volesgiven lt* p gtvilof I grueasMas 8le um Os b boqiUO bga W efr 10ce s e ser arela vinibo'voi us lut"a55aivl ae bn as e m m"'nu Ue' abboesheoc vii ner ptb Squ le 8thie bouid. If t tomer progras. Boss l aloseeleltuathb. ovsmen D.. Amin,Poler MejueS, vReIPM Uire le a0 e f"iUis lo ti thtevini i ad aa aBbercfcheft ~ a MUrge , II h o u n &la goni MWe. M s » Mri i l lai Md PlaidsW«.5 ilput Nie boud iuue popooluon ot loti TuaUsj stalg e. Mebàaste M»e ople lu the sanerbey ai telaVirgiua, Soir latomce lt te ebave il. 'g 60 evealuahlj lo Pbeop samd ai Igutttrou a cîlma»Von Wrs. aleshobre. £0",* eboue cmnMUI«om .Ave. alleump ards ualhe bofome Juaieom êupusibéai lruk DniembMsY, lgalod iris, 0' Vauboga, UNemlq, OPOS kirdi..ce main part of litehbuilng apiint of a. 1IP Pe'bd--~celVoluW@dU som, aan a àNUmeil iet a pesas boet 0 110.ne. Pppa ookul fis «~ hea.afie svoi promsseIbtat e lmBmmi.bieva# nSibyaamâbta a ipe') ftell et,1)a.I. HUejdine oqgqnS> hemeelveu jute a baehot q» teaming,, MMkiegvu mli br4iig s d Iep 11 lb. Isus nder &y Plailo 'Pu fflsbisze Viliba fi" Irs.mi. J. Yonug duel et bb orem6ýsjillus iaL SRPParaldoarrivait lb-vomI of Nie vaiee doJ r and en . 55wuas&essi palot 1. No th% '*,Flou a Poo-vasha 014 baba, Omo" ago icg he b skluJss bicb , Oum ttehihrMa a is bfhbstl 50 5tbUrt on a e cosldorakieipi. ara bar ualimi elie. i». iag Vu bat 8, pezs ofmge, Jilt la A Musical Tuset. 'a priais ami bçt l« la . ulda & tr*lh le pieesated Nid grogram dmlitrmue. Buoe uà *ou"of iltamp4fer a roulai by Miss Bonnie Mbe qMMUsl , beleVoiby ftiu« dW&ilia. WfCcago,iaukIle4 bp h freqallaeea e voie isuad levjQuartette of UMN itycI fint a4i4Ï4..Ite 0obsqu Va~ i imtlu 10081. 'Id et Ga9* laotelil o k urio, (a) WteIle C Min ............ tleân0.Inol( vblohb lbs vu caotent mlmer, M~ Gavotte op 14.................. abt LrialbOngtu tàdde enau«y a&(0) Larel@ur OP92 ................... seeunia lai~~~~ lumiaUbs*eemeega oie. Wase. o«r«iie an Toqslap. Selectionsa..... 0*31>Op tUanUK5. 7 Ume&lM.Quartette. we IIIII tedà» Ilisfrffl su Crnaal(Seleetams) ...........Seim,, 461.o v for the55mblb. frleui MI Primbaale--VàiaeNeble--PsjiUous- niat bitIVmane mi N ieatw et "lOui bn-as U-d-a"t -reinfomi Vee 0Boyal Nslghhcu.Tmma wu Dmie. ". 01u......us............. oeeisl m'Umm b-albeesloa adore. ,Zýj Am Dow blvasà àapomm osvu. la emambU .olulEa- vuugo Uhmm ...iea.... ......... Hl. amik IL-W. pswabumu .( Go..Ymaer Cu.....I......... W. .OSnma Police W46mua ....... Ob". Kais iTba umola1 placl ais b. ufies ta SMhelsl& bgr péticonlMU« Skiala - el *Uilll oseidmoble mn. hk " die dlsaS4d Oum o hm blla caus ami petup sM oppommlli"e mnis, huai of Péoplu Ticket. Tho sith l Oh lboni lb."Cillom1 PatljPeople eeulded 50 pet Up a olvo" a maleitzlyavodtag Ibe ticket op by poUlim a mmobpv »» ela onhrol aami tb. cauidals siermesveesdormed, ee.»als W« dGr~ amre boiitut*AIU~ for pileber Cmurks, Md . O. Lerbmo for Chas. Kaiser tekg laler pevim vitbdvown. The anmageuealwu la tact a compromis. b@elvo eos mtIflecsouMdth tiein eme tavolim the Cootratve XuprovemmaBtic ket, aMd renlia th tbe revissi ticket uaiei eaptou.Poopi« ~Ticket. A hall bour afier the Peopies pa$ couvemsde it<isee aporty abmama gel togfether sud iasusd 1he oid Pretatdint .........Warren ilh jJ. a. Trlggs flrut4m.......... eh .hesg Clark ............... W. C. Sambot Police magIstrate ....W. a.nDoi. Ide.i.lieab, sabotu, BScegda Davis astier baie or .111 vilabdra tbsir nmas. vick prtclli loubves bat0là oseklla the nom, mWr. Kaise ami Ur. TrIflaeouerenmng on the We wiah 55mtLk" ourfimdhae aM neiJgbbora for mmbe bIae. sow cs la oar boer et béreaveutmal.. W. a. Smneamm Md ]?Lm. W. bave a flue lime 0f up4to.dae £Rater Mhmerj. BeanMl mev maiscils for tipriug 1..-Wala.--1 LadîguTaibot Mode ofinlaail colon. Tue laS sUprlng Ilpie la abc«.. GALL ANDs ogg OUR STOCK. 811W. f M.PRTN, Votes for Collmtluaoner. To-dura loftahip oelec fl va su ye10mm.Tao satire republi- m tuo vua loecl but b y abort nsJiilsseze~>5 u n ae cf obaà AUMtl*ho, vwu defeale by E. Y. hilares kgiamuoatgl 0ive voes. 'Vli r001 0W&i'mrivivers mout â ftm mla hut $0 a mam là fayot of *4ss, Wile repnkiaa 0of ta* viflgi aisla l Ibir ilio Wr.Met. l a a aevurp va epekl, oUale MdamI eeipe- têo i. weVIA e a afl oncer. The tesei of the e»ecIon follova: »Nola.. lied Crour.e..................1les 51157 Raie................... 103 Daa'i La............... ..... 173 ]IL J. imouc]8 .................1la .* ozaim1.303 noE m ............ ......... 18 sIonvAt oonumESOiuK . I. Mor......-............ 141 job* AeN................130 seOno.. aunais. O.P. wigo ...................184i AusquaiTown Meetng. of 1kg manul10»h Meeting beW Tm&. dlai anou. eporflh of s" i 01g Vug eèmmlum tmd o v »a .mb am ashool iremeroe rea, amespee MAi bristo l . .Imm àvas vrquiet, orllmarj lo*a.moelmg up ta dIbi e5. Tmeu aMe kpropociét o ucarge Ni. levabail. Dhsoamsio loffl as go #tobablecoo8% 50.,"amd I fuaIFa me"as preilNai lt. lova hall ha seleris. A divises«cf O boues vSe reahatel e docle the vole vbie vas bovever, emphsttlàSy ln tbe mogalli. The meelln adioudmel. Bond IouePamaunlQuestiom. Corne In and let'us qiuote, prices on these .Code.,' You muet se0 the go before appreciatlng h price. Libertyevllle, Illinois. >1/ I of sboes hem Welve looked- carefUly and am etethus miO that we madie no* mistake insteuiq f or the feet of our enstomincrENI t-Selz shoe is a soliti shoe snd la" by- the maufaturess wbo in 85 YOW bave grown frora amall begI.aduwIl Sbe the larust marnfacturers bo in.the wld. ,Tbey did it by-makiq the best aom for the moncq- WsIM the-beneit madmû do yovu, fetheit 0 piuemos snd capitIL- UbertyvIlle - - - - - h 4 but hdi i -.nak.the ~ yeur form and IFRED -CROKEI Lb BERTY VILLE.- - - niee tht mai, Doid on"e nit both .ES ARE IN. For a telephone ln your place of business or your residence. You Set the Inoreaaed and grwIng mente qf the, 1 Oounty Telophone-Owmpmny-aiid Cneim £ wtb OhicagoTme.e omp.ny. 1 'mr Inforvmi, TRACT EIR Vbe enadhume 1 à 1 a El Mmmum We -have a' arge welt seiected- sock of- WaI Paper. NeW'deslgns an~ colorings. Carpmt. ~. Brusseli, Ail Wool -,4 Haif WooI IngraIis4'. Hemp and Cottage car-. peting. China and Japanese:ý Matting in colors. OikLotbs mWdunoline.. Ail widths and grades.