CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 May 1903, p. 7

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'x,~ Poo% sl. *"A Xie.O end ibla ea :-doubt ru oild git'e of Constipationi .14« rtroubke .Iu1ECS ion - dysipepajal etrc of ti sftet atuievr. Take rp UPI N4~VTIP. Ih - - IiÀ &Ï*eShii4timtt tgms m4 âogp mio la- ~iÏ 105*11 were o uesi a>n«onesoet de- finie., Tbî Pr«'tecor ni etins our zop lted ekutuimd1osme of teetii me w are leld lto ho responsible for ttlwdd«pneloti tint la golng ou. ;a om* tlt a- ï ort-mlglte*l oldier et bouterwa iq*)Most ap lmppnlllity; .d*4y a *vi.lostiola WtUIcIltes i wtl ain.e ofes o» s si&thIrd ey4. oiaj tu f waa omblos * soi ls-il*. isbot ' fIo is oreyu fbo4cry regarded thi e Iel dfrOuS ivo a. et qf tI* heod. Tbey are 111vqr o«I *hiftblng lea more hi'*lé au t ba dmut oi lré MP grent aervfee l in ertuÈlningý ô(OOIIIe aounda, msud operated lahhe pla7 .ettthe features, But neu aftevr have tallen lots for thae four of surprise hy en- lia.l ifigr exista Again Our or %usl? la potligbu nfrte of as "q'. ltut lea tili do. -Wla l ucy ba vtiou 1e ;*tacm fr8m the. park. whero fb»s i ni ers they badripe euQoIu iIlg*Xfflet kming. Il but one et iRlà ,r4 exPerts. That ode v«P Ster. and ber aftoruoo iâd d wJoy. deod.asaya lie Fit. e 0la ofthe.beglunere ~ih bdrt à ahsobuevr&.bquni ne. Wlth a egle exceptOn t thy al n,*sged te seursnete. The excep- 2*Jsni 'asthe i gil v bad JusaI .d tertexpere. skaîes # ho iadatodz for a zméutt -. vbm-a gimt yout touso lr1jilt. OMW ~ber hia seat. 8h. v~doue 7 vti a p$amt by"'book yon," mie ald, 1 ha've been sittlng ail file after- auDetineei 'What." saiMW the yunltii "la the dt- prs'ec.e htveen au optimilatandià Pa- -Au opttmiit." reýplied tbe sag. 'h a man yWho le happy viien 'be lo misera- Jd, vjg> el' peécssia eaunWho le miartble viien ha La happy.", Wemwhmpo Trase ..ttl. EthelM, art Yesu the. uarunt rave ai gt? Xothier <Wbo hba ut Senrofused a 'nvbonnet-Yem. deur, éi# our Pa 1a .à cloarutrelative yon'vm gt.-Tldbl& Brov.alg-DldjoYeu J se. amm t%Io J&lI lIme iti a or remnN Dld yO~ browing-4ure.Ail bât ia pûtronirs a merry.-to md. Lobt ouDairfor Alleu% o5fe1% A rod. eo aake lto potelg. Il- 1i. font. CameC=sq. RuaIoH, .ur, 4RtClla*; AiJt t 'o t-r u.. .sak -e m or l b àya. Sld by al~itt 2e. semuple aFeE. ese M" t o dlaIgpcaia ts erlu iii. past nor drean, MýB*;ftoffl ilbot oine tbô estmant, sud j" OTle*"is>fra thehour., voie ý,pasdo your d7elug la haif mu baùw 'lth FVTnXMFADELP$8 ~1,u lmbet gule swiliiaes Aaud, 4»Oiy te de bard' work-R. S. bMuAr. lamaujTion. w lw -w- PAI clm e es to- moOmcus, Wirev e Thueody tethelty et si. L1oui ela brat*l VUi l"Seaus coreateaa.the. Ta- aug*rtieu of what la luteudid t.ab 9e grattait mioietcu aff, biaturY., ,,ne dedlktuky proffrawarraigmifo tii. tbrue a4 peenus.vltiiadirems hi Peeieu Umseelt sud es-PFs-yieu Çlevound. Ir" the moot etabérat ovo ompamd W any slmilar t'vent. W desi dt1ion ta oPrqaldmst di -P"Oglet etbmr ildltalomand ociaia, lhe caiilot. til. lapsçe .Court and ntambersa et the dpaw itu gorpo Worm prusse, ila smaertbeua*adaattended fro. a&W parts et the. Unlos. Whlm the npoetlob Iull mot ho forulr openeduntil nazI pFur, the dedeeoa. .Orcl*mam *"esile buon- 'ttil aaalvomuAL tbe Llelona Pu-. chast, wviai« b thexpositiola itandsd At 10 eclock Tburudy thm Mayor et t oiso etsnate lun Piement et tii. United statuothe t iem et the dtpsMdW 1«lt toko the brat nf lia fomlitle atedat upon th' Mdeico Bs et theo«avsllon tla atien Of tbh. Loulaima Purehasa ceptenulal vas .smmmatad. Immadlatell Ihereafter no *m. Mm. S Mda ui Cbuib et ibm Pmlvlc Orwm b aFm lb. vomam oet mat Imrnoi tii. Conclusieon se s. Ox--i- sla the building and eoitil*msdutring the *fier. Doon agd oveunni Ssiturdoy wm 051ne StAto dmp .ad the- featuts e wiu$lg amtha elric parade. Il oMaled aIt 1" o dIock under dla4iW0!Çol. Brum 3. Spencer, ton lal 4 the day, m»i movesi fren, the Jaugttie of Grand av*- nune and pI.çeil beelaard through VmS- est Park te thi.e «podjiee grunds. viier. the parade w»s etlied by 'the GoW- aers reofthebm tatua. At 100 p. m. till sudience'asseaUs la the Liberal Arh-Imbulding sud Am called te order by Willlsm B. Tbo.msm». PritImIR%'fS REVIEWING STAND. JiaJ. <eu. Heury C. Corbie; and bis seaefwiLeeled lto lnoet athé bmead or a gretlmlltary ani civie préceeolou. and sorted to thce «position grolansis the Président and thae o0lal guete invted la boier of Ithe openimg ot vht the. cti- sns of St. ioufl e ii. b eli- mon of oe fa fira Uvurphbugvs lsa milnee ar ntien ovnt and IlSt. leuis f».big vîithmrg<- its.Thé qtiepopltles ptrticipat- ý*q-da cemalem ii mîmtrtid the. .Mm aotatpoilaint ther elrie dif.. Dp tiis tantthbme siraiena veraet t4> aimplst amuot -perfuhtori char- mow. cefflatint euiy of Ith. pat-ae. the. opwoeksa"a itiié pynechaba. 11%« ou** of tbe Par"*.. FPOllovmg tii. omuai wveome of the- Z:mdame br tii Maor the Parade, n- t*gadmoaaiihp o <e. Cor- bis, àrmed aInt th Inactioa 69fL"11si boulevard aàGrand avenuendmu pro- oséded tbrougb Sost Park te the expo- aiut Kuds. Thosa lhe présidetl salt. vas fived and tbe parade vas tv- vieivid by lh.Présaident sud hls party. With clisIn ltroduction the aels..o proper hesan. At 2 O'eloek, la tho Lih- Pra Art. bulding. Dm'Yld IL Francis. prsdent etftth. exposititl. coIlos ibm asseinhiage te order anal iitroduced Car- disami Gibbons. vho offered prayer. Tben. la theorder i vhich tboy km ouOised. came lie introductlou'tThOmsmH. Car- tes of thentonlcouseo.presi. dent; ibhe*lgihg of - "The Heavona Preclimeng" hy a ecooal cho- ra; the.prescutatiot oethie budings hi Président Francia. and Ille dedilca- tdon addra bj th PresMdent of the Uuited $tâte&. Adr .t ]Rooeavelt. With the addresof the Presîdent. ef course. the. clehrtlon reached is cil- max But thereater liera was un ad- ireehi Grover Cloveiand, praers by Blisop E.R.LReudrix aud Bisbop Hen- ry . Potier. choriie-"ýUnfoId. ye Por- ta l ansd *"Aueric"-by the. singers. Mnd a ceolenninlsaite o 100 unes. At 8 Woock begmu lhe disamofupyrotfcià- nies. rdai vas deslgnated International "yo. At 10:830 . v. lh. menihers ef the dIplmatIe 'corp. thm r.premaitativr oi fusIge gverument, tmelth expoaition an4 other o0068aiguette aseambied ai. -thm Ut. Loula Club and ver. thenée.con- ducWmibj mjlitarj ,ecert te the. Libéral Arts boulint At naceuthe. asemblj vaa calied te order bj Corwl E. Spencer. chirman otthé committeeoen cérémoniesaouthtii espomtlon. Tha cereuaoniee werajfol- Inv«Octen 'ELO..Carli sansson. Introduction of John M. Thurston of th natlebal commission. préident eftIhe 1Greetinga te représentatives of forelge govsruiostm exthe.unversel ex poil- ldon or 0"4'Y 'a'ld&R.'rancis. prel- Ua yl i dallaiStates Marine Baud. Adii hyibmhe French, ambassador. M. Jean A. a Jmraed. %IqjàblOhChorus" troua 'TiieMes- 'Ammuby [tSh1ilaminster. USuor DdUme" 0, 'J~etin ba«e. Sonscol Ji Nie- - ~-*~.eaépysahhba a lp s eaiea chaimaun of thée omfitteeou grouis end buildings. Me uremonl.a ver. as follova: Invocation b.y E«. "William EL Sar- per. lutroduetisna eWilliam Lindsay of the national coaium.l. president et the day. hile Adire.e ofvale,.. by A. il. Do*k- s?,. Goteruor of Missouri. Rompons. by Benjmin B. (ddeIll Jr., Qoveruor et NoewTeak. Grand chorus. Denedietion by Rabbi Leon Hariu&s. Ceuteunial salute et 10<) guus. A grndd lopl&Ï etiftaWight Irewoiks <IROVER CLEVELANDt. comeneed et thé. concluaion of the. a:- ercisea re lhe buiilding. Cornar Stone. tte Be Laid. lumdlately atter the. lose ut the ,eereuonleu tho Govrera proeeeddlu tho building sites sel.-cted for their re- spective Statea. wlhere corner atones were laid sd tale colora. raisiedfth aPPro- Printa azarcimes. The-et. Louis expouillue.vile stilil far froua complete. is suflicletilya-unc- esi teashow Ia vaa.t proportionsantd the. magulflceut ersie upiai. which itha beeu planned. It ls the cojaideel claim of the St. Iouis people titaI hheir exposition upon its formait opeiiine a year ha-ne. vall h. fourndt. b. Ithe greaètest ever held, and tbere la. no apparent reasa.c why hey,-aheuld aot realise tudr expec- tations. le the decude liat hapassez!-ince.the Chicagoe Werld's Fair scIence, invention and indary have mae vuederfui pro- gresaf and Ibis will rveal lait len many waju ln thIi. 81,011a18exposition. Within the. same hua. the United i States fbaso increasid Ils praauia.eace aaiuug the. na- tioua thot un exposition ijeu an id ity eau tair more eauily he mode teu ttraiet International lteresta ndi ecure exîhits frem ahread tian it eould ha 1893. Ex positiona building. ita.elf n speelul briaa-h et hunian iedutqtry bshepn aian exat raance. andl St. - Us lase the ad- vantel etfIte îeciuliseand the .xtaa-- riene tureislýed by Chicago. Add ta Ihia that the. People of St. Lois have-devateal tlemselves a t tueenterprife vîti a aag- uieual-euergy andl liierality and thut they lharoeItheful, ugdgtsupport ot the national, aen Il mauy ha mdemtoosi readlly thhat léirahexenenl Witt ho wertby cf the. attention of thae nations. Acide front its materll api0daiaratise St. Louis fie bas the ::t Incoeldrubl. udu-mtagea iItisher. ta a gunulue occa- aion 'fer I. Il viitmema mometingu- comamensrate a deafite, *"pociliar phase anad ime et Amerlean hiatory. Au the. Chicoge fir commnemorated tho dia- covery of the continient. ihe St. Louis fair commensorates Ibe purcaae'. aettie- ment aidcivilisation oet he vast amiddle West ecuaodiesi le the làclullana pur- clas.etf1808.For Il* bletoricsIgnifi- cance.atone lie fair ahouId heofetdeep leteremî tate .peoplme éfaIl lihtIterri- tory vhlela bumbeau reelinassi le civil- isation frouate unbrokae prairie ami vilderneta uIrli hàa iulîri. M14 lae*Singer et Mev York la sicas tram bures motiigfhou ber dieus eatcineg ré ViMa b* uppaei oM mateb "Ut et sb ai gor fe tii.iet"Sa =80v: the. mother or bualt mue 4moieaa voamnha.a lmo p- ~odUa 49motbabomiThm neo.. movwoe4. Pret MMIay .zcoou. t. lemwrihum a- 6kv ~ bo ma bn athf net= »d b0f O» mmiii tii.. w. ms et, «n t bai wmthe-4 0- L.MGdithArea ibe Tremrmaild14ime -àawo.dafu nomte 8" usi t m e t r bna- s.Iau 3 va, lid no r ba e hildrea; btan.beglaalg ou A1YOUNG IIOTH'S LErrE bfra.W. mcRoherts.writeo te Dr. Hartama tm Dolao, Mm.ti Omar a ,.-- _- Doklmo* bsm ~& E. sa~. Ç.Oêbr ,~f.Fiwhi. Uv# - dSt im-a la chen. itQ% ÇUy baby visa o*tiieswfatfteaUneyr jlvm eua10 meileines tlla-i. b.emarani lai 'atb Oia 1esItink k laeIbm betm ,.r.a: -If pou idesot dodu. prompt m»& eti4 1 bave nw@4pour PervunanudMasoi- fmctry freutste romIbm Us.e1ofPflia.' leatma asae. le bu mes laut secim t ctu>lid** Ueaaaaaiti68a 's tve vase, or twu> e.. t iunced. The outalée la profu..-. ors jar. asai la . of le temaple la ly is.effl»gwllh oymbqllc carVlmgsnd the dapa et Mmntemuma andi the otiser paWW meu.w ltWU bIOeOglybi et Laie-c ruiera, wvdh ibas just basa uni- a mmé wamnWU 0*114 àayet aIDI- sartisti by au excavalor for tieXi.x- cpelporI.ti. lailoU taInDM 8 largo ean goverumnt. Tlamvase vas fé i g et uaùemdty oomé imildto ce >Ibm muala xtop,,la thbM"IWa e asomme b aé Mm -f pii*d OeXWIm. uulAees. ftuihm abdo ù eib Ber%.utatbelgbtfor ne thremBs@-gUimaWmormeta.»to ib IgdiOIm- qosq test, va.bulltheoe nt t «" tuituuMi fusft d taS bm -nMut' pr, tbm peebeteale rmaUbtlirai la vo.lasoené tUIl hbla terutory. viol wom eafl bui ta &ve AML PMIoadrt " N mPaaUo lav u an alla b een excavated, rmv.lln B t e. ratheti laaisai ï1nolaioset iighly oameteé Imb D@@m-Sut iI'm peumhblm ome buildings, tombe asid.ohiil lk Iét- wm aiestiit usrnNsîon~, le-n« e. Wng It s. a ite ef gret relloulu ter, ldga Lmeisr-Thm a 1mb.leur "0m uat poaumbtngé11e uriliplaces off the -d9z uagbe. prilams andiratiea. ,1 The vhoat 8m" nta aoqhacaacouatriet Tbe vase la about ivo tait higb. uéandtimja laffmr pruportlua oet albusi- w»s tounsi lu thévestibule of eo f OU@ tua. or.tbwi vaat a"udla more filbm crunhlng structure., a a n ié mntaileb S, ao'ml tic.vhlch 1 bave =Usodf«-be.fth0~ dies auiday, appreat ishs1.p DODtsPil have iron me. I fbel Di, dw man.ý-Gne A. Dnao l« Esianet Street.w Us ous o.- Reccived sampn,. mad lm om Myot bottle f ron thob drûgla&-tbsy helpsd me wouder' f011 Ib.da fesllng.f wa t t 'à lthéi bmtir^. and=toula l puiag,bqumd«*Ms1ich1g. Thatise aui gnme mev, a". 1 feel tiiankfuL- IL IL aBvgvuao, SUII agea Ave. AspE. 0", .Aplil 1Io,1903- u Duen Kidney Pilla accempllahedm *am dealred resultlen.Mycme- relief ~ u~s cmme thi ecoSnd day .alter I con-fo mmsed t&Mklg tii...1 waetroubledtr aill retention and dribbllug of the . urine. Nov l la naturaîl anad frec a e eVer tri My lf--D. LSTAP'VnUIl. <',nnsUlIt n l,.rs wueiAl. a . Na-tp THE WSIT MOMtIPM 4 PUL BRIffl ANO Nt3 aie MvCOMPLaIION aaara£TE'.. M-- i. orsi olvIC Ste.famte E«Irsc "I Do M Il worki Care of jnd 1 ,u,, --, le il ua bsi Umm ,ai i 4,80sI MI" F~roeue4 antui a. trlesie pavin W Dnzez,. p hode ock, 'he bt fed 11k. puttig coeI liah lte satiction ofj low"sssa8O 1119L~ p ImmllsOAualmuie

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