Authie g OHAPTIE xxiIL-(Oontnuied.) tWlebe neaclmmthéiervib&aui W et seyltned 'hat dam V 1U ho mlb.ou i sc etessgmu d lue Oc ~d.It w-aitlettaeai "'Blcck-BYed Se i na knev tact Il: beleihgaaite Mosel fË$Utotlb, fAib.bad avina reac fiel Viciaii umbeln*ag long aa nrow gutcb te béi viietaa.ertditsut aoMSe blosome trotta a àiulte iàprl trmis upltteaibermaud bs *, eamy petais inopplut 9(rouindbertu qbwt'. lBue seemai teall 0PI ehilulOUt ce's pries-ce, landilote le bm b. as ahrhlug ber, md poesa i 01 uapell benoit. U .1nice dii at go te ber, ah» luisais -Md approachedai hlm tlb a pretil 11111. II-Lw-ileume -ber rayon-spértls- a~iiou ber ips, ber bauds dffl 'rabt ,Une bteisms. a ne Hiung humeit upon the recks be- enils ber,s- andchneai ber as sb* ai- 4 Tbey taîkedinluàaliai vai, i biui ort aanins lber piquant face vill aa- iniot inbelu hana-eh hoailcdnever es' téilqocal efoe; an iieial usra or the mofoiaion et love wirh té bai ta* te hlm in the Caro. Ha Wnc.intat- ca as bo nevr bai hein inftîateai blor.. Hetéilt like iviaig himnIsf a*- tlrsly ovei uil. ev <atliha bai relia- guisheai bis dliluas upon Barbara. 'Es-w- blini 1 tiare benu aid bey Iu- piai" 'alie hougit. *"Bbke le tae euete i- etaîl st Crolunds. vllb ber darktface. ataieui air ainaihigb-lanei grecs, bei quick ni, ber taultles attire, ber peu*- -latisg volée- br pailouel. vihlemence 1 wouhi poiad te introiluce ber SRher- aver 1iwno . I contai ire more happlir witbhan ibtan nitb1Miné Badllgb. 1 coulai ai-rd bhi-ns ua iunderutio, am" fi as:3mini eaaosiiaf on enevorng uge Mali: mysel viirtby oetlbar. I1ea.110 carry eut m naiiietona tui reform." lu that wcy i» tlionghts rata on. Hie compculo divinual tbetr chanactafi.aI tiai, sie allinat break acu-oc tbim,bhai toed vit he île w-rs lu ber la, br lonag liken lashea touchtng* ber otive- tinged cheiks, tber rai lipsý flutbrlng mîteaiilat l ble ta t Y r. "Ah"' ejmculetid Iés iou-b wthath htl lvta rwe 'ml b$r, iot't Yom îbnk? Or couldmt ab* W-il gel ont et Il? A ecoamg iiow. ln, "t diii't luquira as te thal," re.Pfla Bricm, vit a sbati face.11 w-ce Indic- ugiot enougb tO kuow- tht @she reprisent- ed tersait as Mies Bradleigh." "Do yen kaow-, Brici, tact I didn'l toiamsystock Lu ber fothe la.vory frit?"te sali, ustug alussgexpresionsa wea haeecoaaaderaa tisianforcible, "He« having pretendiai that ahoi uteuat lolt- tir gava me a glmpe. cft ber isal chea aettar. W* geuîralty 1indquI Ihat (he» pauiiehoer-nice sud seemiagly trank -girls are a resl déni decuasr thais w- faic (hem te l.' -1" w-se very mucb deeelvedinlumi Bradlalg." Brin. sslii. "Butt uet mirieer that itfoduai ber ban Wea 1 rame, sud thal 1 bi a nihlt toîupý pose t11tmaIuoîer bai caretuli t!ookeai uP her history." A short silence ensai. "Brica. do Yeua know thalt 1a2M celui avayl" tha brunette abruply cekia. "Whithenr" -To Europe. Tou knov I have taikes about ht for a lont w-ile. Moîbur ta feeling qute atronu nov, ai le w-flui -thet 1 shouli go." Bat-a lookida asaatlY acroe sthe clvii trusling a fuv riri et messlu bi banil. H was cavotviag sou.msuetd purposeinlubis minai vitb met ncpity I, Wentworth tang cothirami ab- 81~Iy te hersaIt. Juel as if $ieatm tmptetluiîvuaing te beat atIh veulai gay e. *,Carotine. lIlu go wth you, If leu w-t <ow me-," i sai. in a @tronc voici. $lie vas viiiysatea. Hem ci ogltbig fan. in att their tasciualîta tullumai. ".Il voula iebuàcgreal pleasuni. ludeel but- -"As Y-eur obnand," lhe sai. mnbruptl1 jet Dot w-llheul agitaion. "Attr wlas *yéen salite me la lui, cars let aveu -This tle i geaIsurprise le me," 4 huerruplai. ber voie. faltering. "I ha supposai thttmt ur beant helonci enlirs il te Miss Bradîeigh. " 1Yen hail unreAsanutor vbliklng that,' protetai Brie. '-tneyer niglicteaitoi on bier accotat. I vas pîeneaith -Ibte but tbal 'w-as ail Hov coulai 1 hetP1 wheu 1 vas tiruvu aumucb mb ober sa citlAs for mrryinghehoiballequit another malter. i have laivuai ionaa abtg, as nuoaoubl yeu nkae; if yui di't, yen knov Il now. I vent te MA ry yoen, net Miss Bnmiegb." OhBmce!" exciaimediai Mis Weut wprtb, with a rtirk, ptaased ventaure. hé Ciuhi.landsomae face tuanid ovas hie. "This id au-eeo-uuerpcheail I a -very happy. to bue pare!" Tii.lok ait lova inlier aie. ,a uedib puse lu tumni. She rose aid abue troni hem lnp tue blossome ctI *vin aft tasbionlag lern vnuth.Ie tenirthealti ten trouabier and ptecei Il upon lier puni lial-bleck-, bain. r . * Mi dinm if#" liehamii, kMatin beor, andi ee pisioiltety epouufsdî '0 tise -eres. Tha -pour. vacillating, ieguiduai fa 1ev! He imaginud iutait happ w-be lie w-as mrcli bumpinr up faiture mi ery. Wke do net apologze for bis cas: duct; n'a viti mt attiunpt bo xplatn I Il May nul admit et amy expimatler %'a are cometimes wviriled i htran thithar by complications.adiare i oftîcu hepiîutaiy boumai by tIîni. Fie nsessaiahem lto the boit an on ed downnthe ricier ebena abe livec & veluabli-. tlemutng, ramblin; eli plac4 but haavli mortggedandmaiconaderahl oei et repaira. Mss Wenbaorth n-as lu blt get ilh gave bescîf ounr te the ajoyîment ofthI aIes Un ,*u iBoplsé e baut alans bock luto m e blé4& usithmae bhabfta, Tb@ mun$mLa bde bhl th clcks slgueh lswr'iom tit a.laste tblnk about obede Wbisiw-aseBarberai ÀAirwbat vmtiiiiplemt iWaishaialhWh 1,4 e soW ~seOur-biaiet *a.breab- faut taffl SigeWest trila roi, te re « allmu ber and tiokin fer ber- ~g h.e teai tasspring bouse. thoni sumér, *thi lu ira "t, lutteaibis ýbat te logisHn w- as a enc *tiu bout kie «* mma. enses-bailaine, but lsek.i pomms elpr) s-aipover of ciapt- "gawýe ymaa lmesBradlxh thbls «About. au heur ago,aa'a. She 0iS iv 0bhouhtbe enchard. Te tai "Why de Imhluk i.?' "24eumi e wonva atire fer sajour- "yi sud cetilsa a masifbiack vls. MMre. Ehwsord was Dot only mysîl- à"d but *ais. pproensive. Goinsdil- outlpte Barbaras romoe u ed a ardai iesrvh. -Pr.ientliy bes remisai à acari tnck lu Ihe trame et lh* minci. OSheint islttey iinie titI Il vu. intendeai for ber, Bbc look tbe cart vita tremblug fouser and remit visaI Barbiara biva-itan upo IL. Just non. short, algificent iUneu "Brisha. rpdilatid m. Mas. uthierd at do"e luthe m-or- ait chair. qite avarcome, il lb. piaci- mes. lylns ont et bar fou;ace Si ca-ns- Siedi braveiy te oompaheud end! gel ai tae bard faie of thi case. Ste bisai Bruisé t tthe hall beIow. ciand Ovian- Ilii-demidialb.he laire, c woe-hirent, lok enbat' face. Ste w-amui fonce huim le «ein;,te w-euh lett Ili ses bow tbirousbly the despisad i=u Ha vu a utac stttug rom romnmadlfi ie dté: md wbLoeiBug cheutly. His mtair glided muri te hlm an reinaineni se quatthe telookeai up aIlber in sur- prieWb.u h*i a* thue iespmting Pol- lia in ber face b. kue (han was a tora e-hrewlng and bracea i isaelltet miel- IL Sheiti Dleokeai et hlm lu a rmentful w-i. Barbrai.agm," she annenucmd- H.R £mas op is bea&, vexai te bues Ibalt Berbara ha" teretaW oi. Ne H nowv beisa ti let cfthe tzoabla la bis "What risse di shét gve?" te ashai w-ita à a frd"vegince. 1 "Toit w-ilifi ber rnasses wribtlis on this ea," bisÉniother repliai, her vili bllev. Sb rtei - w-hlwas on h. cari. à"Hanmt!" h. grovisai, bis ha-ev, con- - tractai. "Sb* coulai net bave slarias à e moin e opidil w-ast. es-I rapudîa id ber.» 1 PirbapeIoyn w-lI tetit me whi' ab -se main à acouchent sert cf a way." *,O, te hasur.," be-repliai, w-tha tees of bis besa. "I touai bar anivut taih et me, thact va. IL.As nmal w-t 1me,.1Idiii ot mince vends lu telluas bha aebout It" r ro1m- i yuw-gee tu tIaiwr-oua b ie motter sI& catchiag ber brokati. -"Wreng ai thebaw-aitbuou." a i "Oh, ishsperfection w-bil I1aa effu Il tampdlhiaami urellabla."hb.angrity *sai. "Touneaoure Il cal la that ht- partl way. If yen knew- thatî 'h.w-s a Dot w-tlOUhreprascta baerIsaito.le h it you sbould bave tbu m. I1nmade a a" If roW escape tram isgrâce. UHinfealr1 >. hope ya'tl lte moe cariful aboutl tablas Vtnfnsrs lats icur confidence. I amn ga louai wcy misait sJ'va snoobjectionse yon aucaseed ln coaxlug ber back. SI g mer brins I*bihta, for *If Icne. Ase doet expict lie Wers il w-h Di ntea nose fa'u I ami conernai." d The chlir gaspai Mrs. Ruthierford la Tes. Yen kev about a child i atm roye? Uverybodi esseamai le knom il. Thals whaltecok bar te Nort% as ,a T«re trouble was about a chila-to t rouble helveen yon as-idabana?" a"Tes," te spitetuli sai. «I chat i lintaber teeth. I tonnai ber ltob a toa Sfession.StaBe sai ibat lb. chdIl plge ka ci le ber. I bnnk back mi engagemnt Bt. -scw- hat ahe iebd n cIalana mi à eim." 'Oh. BrIne. vhat bava yen doune cs riai bis moîber. "Oh. it w-i kIlt ni SMay heavea fergive you. ton I an't." Ste Mmned, guepii. rung berbana ami vent off lI. o mething ike a bis tubi l. WboMellse camne eut ofthIl atlack lhan face mw- a ilyw-ite, wIt r, lookbupon iwbcbhaenavet' forgol, -t'Oh, Brui t" @hé moanai, ha-ohm f il sirint.Don.tandi prmagalsiel hr arta "e.Ob. boy ypu Muet have Maie tte peol -sw-it talng mferl Hovte mut.ha-, id writiaiî umir yor 'bamae accusationt *» How- reepieuenai ber patience muatI ha- -abonti Bnci, whose chili do ion tlîi Il w-s, on ler )a"Rat' w-s, te bW sure. SBbc iiine ~'r demiy t.Worae itili, ab* affrontingly as * - . ..$ho sai tact It belongd le ber? Sb e di net nien by 11aI that mile la it dimothar. Il w-as ieft te ber by e dylja lu trieni, anidsellevowei le lov and chi Ir lIs ,It. BInce tte cbfltila Margery Bez aonus chid!" '-Eh' gaspes ieh. vlth c vii tari, ' 14o romiye are lis a thta!" rd E cal dev eon top ot bis deak, knoot Xe log ove al hait cIing n-ich lttiradii e dumtoaa*ii tlook on ic face. l& "Moîber, Il ca'Iteotruc!" hisa- Sw-llh w-d-starlais îyas. er "Ah, btit in!" ~inasted bts melbai t isrface saovins ngi. "The chitdIlt- V- id. Baen hîpîIbte tact trou tas..Wh hae d1i se, I eau neyer guais. Thisa os thechili (hal ah visitai, thît cailuai te tu -ï nir tbàitthé c ooghi 1 ltoiàs love-Margery's chili ami yoars Au el viii iboul4aliebribnImg iebin? Wlua lm baslit a bitter rigbt t ie? If la in w- gaulicbilt, ami I aboulaibabe. arersi lt; Shi spoie vita faes vebaemenca, Bric lu watciag lier, ta. dascil look still en hi id fac, sa "NoietIsat;Ioyn have leamand the Irai] oh, 1mev hlghly yon ui axat lban, a W' how- thoneughty you mustdepisa yua id . îl Compare lier conduit vlth yoai le and yon'il promounce bier an angal. Kmo f lus et that affair o yoars, ste &aîlll n w-lliss te niary yen, toping Iheehi ho gude yon -and dotahstientelleconfti se your child cli beesas. she se sitcs-i- fIl. lovai yen ami lier. Tou lurnuuilupon hb- ,Fi ile.OIS S / t~ ~ sj "Toc balft gense too jar. Yen bave huap .to wh oonber. SheiIaevefor- DYNAX&fE F"R A CHRil tci.itate owa la Brio&OPERA SINGER F0 NID INSAN Brie. groued. H. pr.aeed oe bond Etoeeer NCîblo InstittionEv erhcag.wk ie c 10 a >bewia gon. SenbtaFacsoil l dilabbl ag-'alet hi. temple, Ie fae asbmn White. guet 1). Boyce t (Chigobai;, iii ed ht h ýwYrkadSt. hie tipi aiment a nier. puuplieh s a, A, W»Md aý..r, h h .ýar e ilealanal i i taer aerIosi iotlt. ia thon Ory of lie despair, ila the lttef lî'--rfriai,.eiol , 1i.tO f $ 0 i eity of lisremerse. .Chltira-la ita Evatston. D»Y h ricas Sa rasa-z.igld.31 gm 13 3"arbia a luenew lihI h . lepî..ieil blail lihtsa i ."i epo hatSiiiarale]3),chliteît I ef, teiI-,l ar x lunibyjtatzi ifron t ofaiatai1gr.M talean toroyth « stoodlapnsholighte whlch ho coulineyer siinaîîraated widespruad tni>.AsucdbyJii ls1I va;to haoe to ttain. il waan't neceuealy tfo calli far iraiee gusqaick yA -ý Pe dsat in-lie i aurv aib 1 si Me mother te a-smlud hlm of what the bola- liai lienaitoril In thé iie -la fortnai. r Iar dec,5 @watttilboi ufforeai. or liowps-Thte iîiî-riaar aotthé tram rb ii-tr ws hmass Jones and 'lr% arî Ilo-(i foLoi"%ih hq . titl e h*.liait horne il, or rcîaîyditryri gva ot t'reHiaewr nl g have overwbeluiedi hm tu the mgt of the chiirch, 1ev. 1. PÏ. »aî adhi cr111- ed et <Caîtraliai. chargea i nth bea g elp- r aoty unérdfrntNe Yrk, ber menrn,arborées elle.boi nt uttereai clie i ti-attitude o atal ait lia- Xagroei ar. Tte woman würe mansclotheta. îraîka-iîtîîaitralins of anusicrtiiiî niea- on. accuaug or complalning word. H lelia i-,oi anry. arging thetu-ta ailtasîek Tire Chicago noîrmal achool courne wli er la-tari rang tiarouglalhe crivrrio versetie. li.sbeadlqns rage. To ail this 11vl f olk- tl -1-db eoludia, h ,-alikli oiltIpiibll h on waes aleaithe oppressive preseaaiae cf the. laXlberx of bis cOngr.1galti-i tiiithlraiterwite there avuld a aa crcity a of ninn -aiiujuditid Insane l u the Cmii-11111611V compicatons lthwhic lieliai su .îressionaX aftopinion, gave- affi-ige to teeehî-rs anal the public achuols e aid tliY V(it. Over'atady la assigneii as the 4 tW comilctios lt whehha ad ure ua îîn frcause aot ber derangement. MisaSher- rounudeai himoeif. How ceald ho break segrrix, aila > aiet illfi dyna-nai>talalluucanr abt asater. H ?E failli wltb Mien Wenhwurth? What ex--ie. oltd hepsoEinai iijali dhîa <reênwood. 8-year-old adoptai Shierman, ho'we, tornaerly rabbi of e >planatiotl wouditweit-lbar? Wouil fDot h îuiihave beau kîll. :. ichéPrflo- daughter ait Dr. E. N. (ireeuwood of Jîvhiilie lin 0Springfield, bail ber ecO enu W lunt as bard te hier? He ion niai directly beaiatb thae jli- where Austin. wnakilunaîad by a wumeti white Jatannac al ggmn h cin prt venu bave ta face IL. The gaanur w lo a-inc me esan.Eailu onplayigin lufraont oftlber borle; lier naullar sista e ia profeasioin. Shte %nialh goD. hefala igat ea rmua t da-Merlia-l ent ai doait of eilit Imintuthie hla supectei. aidlocha-i lier in tire bonnie.liedt pullea $i. Hia love for IBarbara reassertadIlk- clurvia nheXa the stoax asii vril. Ther Calvin Prion, anadJerry Graveas, ebarf- lber heur anal laid gm- i tir as taonsg- self; i ewept 01er bilm like a torrent. inivestigatlioins aowed It lia- dyainte cil in Williîamron Ca.unty wth marderii>g gent bat aielead i diahani,rable lite Unise a cula obainberforîceeeshed heniplainai aspouently btrtecen the MnNelle teichaiderter and iboaviliratlier than gaivizon éstage. Jaaage Mur fiuaaar ait hie rûstfliniber tua flair o lite. Nai liswudpséslecoasfor lint loro h lier haîdy.into a hog ity, werCe arniîgteil ny. wio sait itathie inqauisitioni, leaiut the l"Ob.eid oaees li cehanta e i, r aaahildunac. This coulai havi -il ffected i the Circuit Court in Carbondt5le. « a' pinionln tatste aili accouer lier mina i "Oh mehe!" a cia. bs vin brkthy e ahadfeili aaii t Thae triai of Joint CCorgain. chargei with initia-ritieaimenit nt thooeianstitutaXion 1ednt 1i eerv baa ing butornai> tb ts, e .-.aa îa. The police iaVa- kîlliaizi <harles Smith ina PiiickieyvilileliJaacksonville, to ,aieelle hi-nai acoi- gdiretul corses. Oh. Barbera!" lha moan-4 poua.- -arried ai lima fui. liaipolice lit.aîarla inoeeliiteCrnitd ai. "b i aln- My sweeî. saint- Ç tvolîal eeseniaaa talra iit Caourt -f Ilerry Caainty. The mur- - Il Oueil Or. bow, 1 bave wronged you'aec atter thae expluoi. aimai mail wa, e ion ut the Mayoar uof UIDO YAI4I*200 Hie repentance was eincere. Il coulai , Iiackneyviiin. net bave aon more demvntrative. Ila WO CONDEMNKD I>TO IiLATII. - Ry Fuasan ol kohd tFeta bifen. Etbihei sMdemw bisan de-a >-etdttudeook is hl. Si, s hi d-. lu-derrsWho Yhrew Virlima Bo Hdy kegiat. wbose initiair. Mir. M. F. Fitta. tiadîctei ai Rock Island. t egtrd fattte. Birs otini ur b isebag- tHogx, Aie Seniioceai. ha, beei-lviniaa 't i:aiwatikee for ai goua W. K. (ranlail,. tarnierly beri aitlai out; ber gouil sonne retunetea uber-, rom-. cd yGraivas and "Calul" rr-,riargt- while. , in therepaata-a dica-avirer and aawn- aaortuay dî-îirtmrîît ofthéi Modern nalieration came linbernfcalla hthe lmurader of/.e. N vlie i-tcb- er ait a mira mine n aiair ilrey Culai.. %Vaodaien. wai-a tikt taviro Ilandi ber face a-laiarterrani the IlillioftMian-lalaait, n-ri luie dlih îî 1,Oi0 rîaîîChiago traier irre4t for the ePm- "Brice. I *hope sbe ma a forrye," iaitaîl tailiy by the, jury laNIMar it itf Ti 1 lntaira salary biimil tia.eeaizzla-nttaof$211front thP soeiety. 1 b iwysll."lnlth tearu ir la-. sthon ail hur'. dé-lioan. Tiie iaalaers'ait lîis- bren a atairai h, laaa lilna iatiiiltbyhegrn uy demani upu her-rîce. ai rallai wirtcuan-aie pashi i- al.aali-ent. 1Yites. The saîliry bil. mh iil iielîiCaanu anIiiliahe Waaodaen fine t iatkw, moter.' bilueginieriyavobs ir ra. lîeiai-lialarfercaidlai- r ia-ta-r. Mia-a frona $1.10») ta,$2.(015) tire calarlai pill aaars. tcobteinwdealtm~oney hy forg- Notlips twli snd. '1in regah.fIgcou- iAzia' Stafforad. liveaienou ir arin iat,> nienbers of the Geai-rail AFm,l-iiy uideîîb daim ut wbi-h lie lbaithe da suotrbugwltar nelu iynn. S I abou litritecuaty lne ut Williai>oianadîaF1ranik- in dinappraind ahiely becauia- te, GO--hanailitit. Four foir $81510 ear wer. hav sure ber buthroe hlia enge Sha amuailii oraiaiii. anal on the dli) oatirtu ir-erniar due. nut l bee tout thae inanciaul fainuly rertified ta anal the toaney drawn - haved a;athatliei ih-lnea om d er Hi-a Steafford wee cllîl awa-afraintî conditions of tie $rte juality the lai- "ras, airiiîriinil hîy hlm. lis ii hueaty "Idute aiterac gaae nai leaiia-dil aXly by accide-nt. anad upon loateai o! ber." i ~home. retnrning loitn litiieatriir)t reaaed expenaitari-.-biuta-iaaiilecarei one- "t oob i ye gae er Sthe chance, She miaca-alber sdater,anal itai iietariaat leereih le ulan i pna-ra i a-c ina irefcaîmre ie confbis * re l e nprenai. remealer. ."I- Shej le h%,ndsatpetF-. di't cane tearugue. Bbe wnelaitoaplern the houai.'fî,uni thasthie ftatniira-haaal Iranamong etranxe-rn. 'Mir. William, C.athd. M. C. C hniafronti u ecnotis, ei, los ynthonigb ven diiinet spca hr lheouroughly bsadleai anal trataki laralicia, Teniplin, a bride of twIo month», hais aIl-hitailler*nal ho-iRprerldand Toyen, ie orlurfee, rad i ctngarbar.Ms Sifaltiaplien taluthe Rocktord police for easa- nîu W Yaeli: aseaiter fere our ue te iegun a aearcb ever the ireilile. wbich suce. She was Mie, Amenda Burinaout odeevîry cent goil. Cranial Ibm g ave onte yrdmen.therethat." 1 reaultea in lialus-the denfi boady outlber Ientoile, efore her marriagi ani beoi lu-wîot ta Chicago anal ubtalaîied mpley à "No, thera vast't," Bice sald, is face'- iier li a bug lot wlhh tha ealà tuai heriteai $4.000. Wltb ber huebani iiap- net h Wo-nrfue aX d chtagns, is yenfluaiupeailvaeaci. frtrouue avrl and oeesial-ofitlier face puareai a crtificete etfaepouit for $2000 cherge,"ansd, the action ut the grand jury (Tagi , bisectne &)anud oui car catefi of[ by te îogc. arberaand îwo aniae for $0MOaid $M0 lun-wan initistai by ainkuuwn persans. (To a cutinea.) vas ailOan cgianebe lindiiil' itihe left cash hlonging lu thea wife. LAW 0F7 TÎigE tOUBB.MCLD. breasl.- Circunmstacs os itnel lai the The aiea-cnaifiration ut freight rate@ YEN VICTIMB Or PRORIA FIl[M6 Elndznesend C;. « Cetraoteswbi.giltof Jerry CGrave anu C(al' Pric@, made by theIlilinaoi Reilrad udaiaWare- ndkVesadPo rt Lack et ossslair ~ youn.resteai ats fHerrin, anal îley ven aor- liaineaCommissiona wili bei-ame effective Wortha 080,000> la Dstroyed. Site W"a eaotarmîng wveman et as- Ieftowu a.SuOnu ftlr- about Jaune 1. A general reduction otf in gitidmga i erdk aur- paito m Afiacui rcc. tey madea confeain, taitoagh 25 pin cent on erond lots la gvnfor bulldaaig tlyAdama muiLthertyScradzte 'il Uredpostionandmaoysocal gace the ateniped a dey tis a tie tral dstaces angnmiles.oneka 10omies.PtheaMeseasalhe Mnn emple.le t.who boit been trylng te socteand mt closent. For distances troin 100 lu 200 mile. the strangtheu c yeung girl. Thé girl wue reaimtion in fromt 12 ta 15 per cent on Eu-an Sobrae"k, a momber et the tires sachy by nature; jnst ont, banribyfiie CAR CRUBRES BOY 0O% BRIDGE. îarloed lots. No reaiactiou la given on ut A. Schraizki & Co.. clohiers. va. La agn ewe ino ruledistances longer thon 200 mites. The afotiiysukeaaliuemaiie vas BUtnLadhCesourseBofweeu iis un Treetiechanges affect onîy the tirt ie cases. otiters wîrî injuriai- Tha fire statedin luThiS aeceCambioitayBananec tuiase. liaifront ot the building lu a show vîta- r'the girl unthinklligly rapiateai seinletf iiable ta- aavî himsetf. Water HIaidt. Backeai hy the Illinois Liiauur Dealers' ilow anai apreail raplu. The lois la 1114- 0111M th liiremarke f et llé boit he ean the l19 yensou, n-as toreal ai awnit on e Associationi alil ettha salootkeiPers Of (100 taiiy insireai. The lues on the huilai- NUS au bjeet. the matron ainiet ut odn trestie li Mayn-eeal nhile a Maison Gibsuai City. vitro were laiate defendansaieiligi$2.0amontecbd- bf .»why ber companlon aboutit Whome-street lîctrie cer approsiai-ai hlmbietai ain suite for damages by Maslue% a Mr- 7zki rhothing stock f ulli 5&Z,000. Oh1 gfqm h. ic-fo atea àhoe.rapial rate utizpeed. 'Tiheoliay -as raugut lin. n-on a bard fougbt suit ah thiit place, lasses will reacb $10000. The Mutual tboaM a. lc-tr liiaa ere.bitweei> the tics and wsvia abie taucex The trial lbai b4h luprogreactan dais. Lite Iumrane Comapalan- of NeYork g4A "BtIa ceatir my eyes la watthd-u tricste hîmaatt Hia preaicameîîî as The jruaietiota riaimeai that the huet- suraithie greahest Iloue outuia etfthe la la" 0, bine' andl Charité 11wais sid my bâtinnoîieai by the motorman oaithIe rer, n-ho. band ut the plaintif diii tront tbe ef- Scbradaki Company. Otiier lIners ane 17 - mud-coloned' Ilbhegirl lid, au bon-aven, n-s neaable tau tp i , ra eticteof deliriutmtremensa and Ibat tb.Kne r.WiD. oel r n- If aucb contients eye qute a mate- traitler tciug atlaebhvd, totnalh beavily i-uer sou hi- tthe dîteniants wasn r-Rail nNrtbvesteru LitaIuranci as of course. " I aven't any acempilla- ioînddnitb iiaiaegerx. The bol waesponibli. A jury deci inlufavon et Company, Dunu Cradit Companay, Chas. g r-î monts. ether-mî foike bava bold mD rceubt eialefottrcsu h b alunupr.D. Brinirai. scrnetry oet C iai llownV " il o unded oftie&*ji n I'e i-cartanal made anconrious. TIie paosen--Mms. Annle Ny-tent of Chicago in ,eek- andinldependeait Orien Mutuel Aid. gens loft the i-un andiaiaaed ini removing 1îrag thoungla Puget Sound,. Alasa analie I st vays dreaded ai te et atmaugem or0(tIhe lad train beaealh the vbu-hs. The Dain-o, paipera lu gain Information -t '0 ocean tu put myseit erw-ar<." polira vire then simanou nd hobe as lier brother, Si-eu Svenaon, wlao luit Chi- TWO DIEI iN MOTEL PIRUE. If "Touar peple playani yo ie raau£ taken 10 the Phoenix hospitel I la i- caguoli 1893 and liainulailice bien Troent Il uas aS IeVeee, lilas I ugiy duckllng,the matren minnli r.- wood. Tbe boys lady iwas bailli mon- h-raMontraisbyhreiivs ia ursNa.eEe'pOuests rjeineal. "I trustthbey eflen rumitade al t d i t la helivved ha vall id .Noaýiter hies beardi thet b alia idti-o )-ean"In lua tine -hirb estro-yed the 'Trament leuofthe gku oie tta h54befeul tbe arr-au were made, ain itn-ns tacicycaiago in Alaska, lîaving ruiiig property Bnuaiet Kewaneae Etggat Tin tinofAim, ,. yn l[g4 teeor.1that the acrident n aieunavoidîbie. anda a rnsiierahle anm utmonci-. Han oypeiid moi uvard lKrumpleman- i. ugy dukling4n Ie *107." _____ ai-ire is to-gît tnîck ot ittuir Svenaoai ef Mareine, MIsa., suffeai Inu. 1'I The girl amiieni andab souti:ber b"eiLor bu estali. UH waatbQrnin S10 - f ' awhirbha a ie thebm oient ft.eruocn. 'w Net te encourage ber te thiuk teraef WORESTERS ELECT OFFWxER a in1M-185 amui lia-cilnome tîme ina Chîcago. vboo b hupo e anlawe '11i-aseil, the natron changeal thea mib- State Convention Main Bycra milmer If Mary Schmidlt marries a German serlousty humaid, but viii récuver. It ho Ject But abe ne<,lled. wlth a £thrnlli Grand Cuief maeger., s ianlviibu nealthî. If selleaboulise- la hulieved (ha fine tarteai train thce @- oftb1anktulnes, . bey auipily dfferent Delegate.luaItie Stata conventiuon aitlect an Englishmian or saimeaotier thîo losion et a lsmp lu the office ced the il ber ewn expériencehboi bien. Foristers et Aiiirici concluaienttheir a German chlle-ilhi rut-off outlbar shara fdames fillai the corieors ani roomalh.- a- In bar chiidbeed the a i etbe business at Sîneataîr by élection ttre toi- ut a large euatilefut hy lber father. An- fore the tieenty-two occupante couai es- 1- housebiai hal baieen kiaidues. that nir, Io iug.eere: Graindlchiet ranger. il y-meSchamidt. To gît hem ahane &che cape. Many joimpeai trona windows on rit -ceabic kiusa n-liîrhdoeot n-ait ers MUni-r. Braaialoo; grand eubchlet aut tmarri-, ton if abc remain single thé accouai fluor andiothers vire haitl ni- ai on a-ot ocaaota. bt ragr, R. M. Striý-kian, Murphiyiburo; ibe nalînt bhi ruaidered lu the distri- tocate iniragetîiug tae adouo. T'i e l'yforgrét ccaion, btnanifetaha4t- grand trnaarnn. J-ian Nichiolaon. CuaI bation. Theai nl utAnirev Schmidt tost Is lite, by atîempting te irsg ie Ir' self rentinuallyInluceurteouta n-ens Ciy; grand iiianiai l ecretary, W., B.a-ae i tu-in 0Peiana andain il the above traank doien the staine. Krumpleman le. anidouaids. Everybodi masii "Pîcasa" Jefferson,. Stratalir: graindi ecording ser- rondition lan liarly met forth. Schidt jnmpii front e wiudow. ia emOre hody , ani« 'Thaaik yen." The boyas wer. neain, T.- R. Joua-. ýPontiac;grand se- n-uta an irceutrir former iehon-asie a-n-was humaid. Timn bail heéon thire about l, taaaght te ictur te the girls: the girls@ talon woodward. Tiýjai lilt Mellicti. Bracs- t-au-hi- loyal ta bis maither country. six neeka andi Krnmplemana sverai F§ undeaheen that tbay i1s not imposa ville; grand juiar m oodward, Joseph Ara inerceasi- ut $U40,00 lui savinga moenths. both heing emploed hy the héupon thair brothei-s. SÇ aatre ampeggi, t.îdai: graand senior headin. dei-autu suhject lu notice i the Stete Wetçrn Tube Company. The fermer lb NI a cc . Donna, rail-a.; granitjiuniorainiîk4 outIlhlin>ois bèten Dec. 14 imt was 4.0-insoh maid boi a vite ani ber tather rse frenis chair n-ho ai hunie. Chantes-tarik, Thaer, traisîna, îlia i lrcli 2 oait halayee la a eliking six cliliren. Krumpteme n-as 1unuiar- o lu young iaiughter-ln-iaw catereil tbe Frauris HR Id. Chicaguo; AntonVeronda i.ttire ut the litent. satehment honing. vi eand20 yeers od. st ruent. andi standi nailil ahi w-m saieil. Carbouhili. andi1'. P. Rancke, Liadai; à viuiiîautial lonease lilitien-ultb of a._ Sbeliaiti repetaihi knewn han breth- auprema epri-nrlativea, Shokir. C.oa tino litate. Thei bainking deparmenttin ELGIN MANl VANIBRIEB IN EAU?, ie ero te sacrifice chanihed lm!tan-qnuet City; Jefferson. Stirmtor, coai Maiento, the $late Auditor's -office gamis' the lai-- 11i1 ly. teei. andi vitheait a mua-mur-irheu Srn aly creuseéaeuuètai thtIe.peuple are avait- Disaciapear. Whte fl. ferleg from the l"the mother' SpredugoVaedcorlo llui meî-e, itofthe banking facilittea Effecle ot Oid euetike. meumuai nomnicBai. AN IorIScven . fur iîaled hi the Statu hatiks mure rndail- M r. and-Ill-Mas- - ah~~~~~ ~' arui lrIe.OM 15DSUIF l ie-William pne iiyblîru a nuiamber outle rrn. Durlag umarnaof Elgin ver. au roulae forsNew et eboi was ptan-soke'~-n'bcbFred ]Roeew'a Dagler Lecrns lias-the period connring the compaatisen the York ovin allaiOntario and Western te Rit giaeralimeana nudu-aboait the te&.- Wecai i ,Father WrkîasnLaborar, nur of $rt Sate bauika increase ntllate pasage for Germnaly, the huehana tures <r dt'ess or manaieri ot anter Frai Roseon-. tiai aeathy miii uwnnir 155 la)216. ,udaiey diseppecridaioni the train at ha member oetthe ftamliy. Neoa0aie lu- and manufacturer ait Dundee, w nha> dia- Bonds entailli; S12.500., sigueil bi- Siuaaitvilie, N. y. He invasuffernug ils ciugiai lu sarcasan 511 notber's ex- eppesnd ec nciithilîaibaiben huard ftrra. Ge-orge Beisch, a n-eaitby Sprnugfiltd troni the effatsuof a anutroka sousinei it pieue. Thase entaipeople triedai tetrealt Hi, daaigter na-a' iveaa leltten îiying bren-sr. anal J. E. Bren-en for Juoulne emia-nleyurs agit. He was.Iraeai nalty nn®ivra naaa.Nî. diagniac kah Connoni anal Alexandier Macarrta1 Libery, wbere lba purebase a atick~et lu-eec etîrÀ cnlly aa heyweildlaborer. Aecrniiut ta the letter 'tn. claarga-d nithia nlng Robert Sheffnîr for C'hicago andi boarimi Iha apit train. have useda a trangea- thîî unit ah social Itoseen-ilu norkiaîg iai in rge Oanaîa ftac- ut Geenirnang.ld.; Tao MoIrait ut Ifeleiait nut ieI bien appraliendeai. Mie. galiseringa. Il nanan occurrnintatetheun tory ami meutally- :iaiged. Tue nreijalIndiiananal ltatîlaiw If. $boa OfutDu-Sauhmanin la traîtir vitiagrief. $h. that rlattonsbip gav-a lau the rtght of lii, nens baus caaî-d na snatin i. rainai,Micb. by "liai-at" fuel races. wn-c sr inaiit lier huahenai ton auocean cil- te Inflict weitads. Whoui Rossow ina-.. ienahe toit a eti- aelared fîîteiaed lîy Jute Creightilosiyageanlaa the bahofutbis neevîrlng bis i, Then, tertainatuty. thei noman ,w-be ter deciarinurIlîa- aiatiit lend il at." itaaail iaathe.SaniaamooiCircuit Court. Vhera îîeîîîh sad abc fenisthat i ta brolle- bail ha boitIbis lhappy cildtood marauId aittîtavarai( ChaariAza -aitons anal aliaira the' ciiaie reial alonoainad MaicCan- i leloctan. Samtaan bass i bis ps- a gentleman. Bie bail nover knewn ntao neyer buail -aihnaîRovov'c iraauia nena. n-lauoar in the Milwaaukee joiI s-ny- s ia.iii 11ailtirse baggage checka. tii-kits, ý r w4t t as u e-pokn a a astal loiai tan'inig, Jilia uaîa juadgaaiitu îagait ini a terniifur vaigrnliarieaibl iaiting etc. e - hi -el eaou en t ble h uaintil itwa liit-a -uiry lu pla-e lis auaatler charge utfea.iaadhinag ai Milaaaau- lv- boylsaks t e a re. She liait wayo vonlholdings liatr iîanide of a riceirer. km' muatii- txai foaut rani-,, dut taet FORMaER BELLE SHOOTS HERSELU 'lby e ea tnlwlb considérationand amuia-- The motionut ali thbedéi-end-- la patby, nanan anubbecl or n eeend it onauatifon a continuaiuce -an grnmtanal Ma-s.Ironie Grahamn of Averycilie li er sa oniî FINE AND JAIL FOR CONTEMPT ac aelt down " Nor ao uni vr fo IlJohn Wiltraxn-aibiauiedh a coranier's Olves Way lai Meianihola i laei a it e aag" ber hueaid or lier Inuie Hansphrey aot roderai Court jurry. in Chiago ft eliai' eair ut6. Mns. Jonoe Grahamn, a promineal rest- an. chlae.-Scores W-mai tBoton otalrker. i-car-aid Paul Itaekoavuki, aîa ant.datatAeylf.aabtbc ira 'My buaI htoughtlesmne that Af tir having ia-ca coreal ta-nit ta- Elizabe-thaWiitmar. nis eodîtîrea t se m- (uOaalaaitled lncmueby hiahutinz hersait for le-isp opl eacî me My tlde tnhenai'e heuch hiJuadime lauoafu ttiae tuilarat cioni-. Atten il moît eenaiutioiacl li-at r- h'utiithetrlnda. The voman vas suf- habcmita erhon uebanai, court at Sprinagfaild.Clarence Il. Ven- lig mtirte ahîaing gei- o teitli ilat taring ftouai a-ute telanchailia.eaiment y piopie do." u~~ler, a n-inhtiu3iiai of'utBoston, î. aveaipon itlielitîtle ell n-jaune body wnaI- iliaae-iaad dauntsitroiubeanad hai ai ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .,e- n Bu iaiog th Iiui ea-11)0aia-aalaaie u-aari lfuna hin l idbritbo- m ifaaof iiialatain-mpuaotIa e..... lu a wif-ka*U ma uy aeWait m5e 70w y P10 vuaw n ];wàt Feu*a&ha a s paffl y- bwU tbaa 14 bia 'ays... bY F . Lvi tPyte LJn ktRIh. Bil ies Letter nt Circulars Stl BUi& AND Au. Sm ORl jobw SALA. AI O- w.* O buU Lir