CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1903, p. 3

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e'"- -"r i. looo0oslbe0i o "un JAi" ÇOZDRoue&. ai isesiigi. wkd * oi*o ýMW rs. lth tise- smpbsiai 0$McLa Caps nei.0, clti es tii.'1lest tiSut0 fs'ea hme ci 1000 Iii. àac îwm b& Sxeuucamd otetbouse am 49e » asa priil tih awze I~~~~~j aiBahlgn Wlav ipI ePpecre& .Thc boelxesa bouses sud isa. tulb have long %ace bu-en rebolît. Tisé i'enurt bouse wib la innov nearlua vomt- PUtionacont .liO,tsOOant in lueno ots isaisdaomnnsstrtrures of tise Slnd la tise SWest. Thte style oaiareitecture la Gaothie. IBedford amio W«e m e einlutise smons ra,'ttîa. Tise corridors are lineil wIls Veactisi au mqule. Tise frcs"ali cet 12?u.t1t). Tfl eicstt.ry exerclaca 5111 Se beid la Jue. monentc lIais WtuanjOa et a sFier* A. cyclone vbici vilteti centrai Ilii- *bolis e eu 4 ud 0 (Io'cloi uis n recelt uiorag desîco>'ed ilousanda ai dollars' yrodt fpropert>'. The taorm caue ftram -tis e aoutisv.t sandi ept serutas McLeui sudi adlalaiug comaics moving nortieat, Fortasnatol>' uo livresvers baetbut tise - - bsa loftI atrail ai dageel buildins la kts tracs,.uprooted thosailda uf .hade imees and greati>' damaged tis. teleplisne - systoein la Bimngton and otisertitie Aà lesrifying electricai iuiisleyaccolât- paulie the tisulras, tise liglilalus' bing jp en-eoastan d the riia faillainla irrcdls. -Tite slreet car aceice lu Biloîssngton w 'as ied up tor a portion ai tise day as- ~- la 'te tie brakis vIres ati mats nf t- Ues anti foliage apoa tise trckcs. Tise teuoilepayntoma ver. aise gresti> daml- hiW.dTihe eviestfeu lua alido trees occurreti et Normai. Tiser. vas a beaey relu andt suder e.10cm Man- gomsatsandi stjolalar counties. Llghtaing di11 caualefrrablo dtimage cnd startedt tv tires ln i.priaseielul. Near ( 'erran Riy- atoud Mordisa. tise l-rear-ald son et Mr.'and M7,. Wilint A. Morrlm. w as gttgek hy lighttatug andti winitl>' killei -pllWstItu't a a ldnw laits-W raent. teoese et Qauet 9," M.'~E Edvis'd Faveetcît asfaitise of Srh i t. Bigtholomev. ltutlevood. b" cbecselértet i soponi tise Protestant Si anpsildtaceie of Qulacy. Tise prWn elpi nomilaeea vers, Dr. C. W. teillas- ,@U, irestar ut St. bMrra Scsool eil Knoxville; Iller. Henry' Chase aifH lus-i idl-Dr. Pivreti and 1ev. W. H. ai'leo Quiacy. Tise ciergye ~lftted Der. !,sagu cl as ter préference on the Mitisbillot, but b>' a vate ut 13.40 11 t4e lat>'. beanceo Dr. Lefflgvell'a ega, reciasi tu conîirt. Th ise n>'tison OM$manmended 1ier. W. H. -Moore ni -'Qulacy. but lise laity rejectet imbia i>'à "lceelv vote-. The ciergy oeit electeti 'X"~p. Mr. Chose., but tise lait>' auspuai- ty &rjoete4fisb. A motion tu isas- *511 tise electmon iciled. MA14Y DOTIS CARL!> POIL. IMmls bManust Taini.g SchoantFeac -ftova O*ed Tesc's Work. Over 5050 boys vers caeb-d focr lat year -on the. Illinoisanuesl Training Scistol - tur a t icnvood, aausown b>' Secre- tor'y Oscftr L. Dutiisy's repart et tise dl- - rcoc' isonnai meeting la the Sisermuti flous laChicago. lTke reculer aver- cgcatmber ai ladsut tise' mm as avec O10 f tils a umber homes vers tout! f#or'iactjrniae. -vii!.Ut95er. returnad "tflier ova familles.. Etiard B. But- lFer, gdvin G. t'oredl amisudJohn . P~ll ver. r-eterted meaubers ai huee 4Iee,6 ai directoca for tluee >'esm, sud s - sIusttee vos appointe tet draft rosobu- tionseou tise deatb oftren. M. L. Clan-f Se>, visa vas a patron ai the scisoal foc sl laumblr ni yearsanmd rected -Ciancx hall et Gleuvooti. - NATIONIAL GUARD CAMP DATEcB.a ffljeut tIeaerai Issues 0.1er Ont- I 1 lians s ta e erS. e -Adjt. (bsn. Smiths ban iteucti anordsr( -dollgnain tise dateson visicl tise se.0 eral commtassdoaf tise Illinois National %-iti enter Camip Lincoln for iher tut viii lpend egislt durs Incempb tý,,follev": FinI 1iants'>', Jol> Il la 'Tli '18; Second boutry, Juil>'18 la IEtly 25; Seventhis iastry, Job>' 25 te 1:BigtisinisutryAg. 1 ta Aag î; c"alry. artîlier>'. eugnieets-and signalP fif Sept. 5 ta Sept. 12 The naval tý'fics ffl enter on thir osaunaironie. ,Intuctcion Jo!>' t, b>' divisions, ou lb. C y'at 241leville Decide. ýAgaesa '<Wrsî,cher' Who Asits Rameutes. . jtsy la Justice Oneos' court. afler le teut tva mnutés.. retacised n verdict> Ilelleville agalut Rer. Chitesi M. d .pastor of lise Aficlan Metis- - Cisurcis, visaoued H. Baumgarten, O eusbr. far damages.,under tise st"tt. tg eqosI riglista *Ill lacunr., estt ati hua refuseti a sboe &ine n lfaqnsgarteu' s eop, visicisls patron- bi - elulvel>' b>' viite men_. fiPAIIUSTOR XIId IX -Non rapa Seat n Bouinn AC-W ceaou f i Wtt.]Foetn. t-e ntaIreatiint auan ceant -la. P - paPer nf a mintator wvia taid hie vifr, 191 Wilder, aunId >pd t oureilent nf Wasuies«, - l alastoniahubd excismalion ewn u dsoieedod. Mr. Wld., viste 19,ls1elaisielis yesc, ha«iaitafl ifor Ï-ý t btrou es eqsstly -isettr ,i -llde ta tbI4 Philippinise.tvaIlta Ivede Part Potie evi *bralb etia t cer laforiiPilinuimls er. e - JUll in cag1e1 Aecrdlug - ta a lettrr recei-vediroam disiaopiserMaucei of Chicago wvas PemknitnSaifi)awsau. 111..a eodier iipvssed je Liii.Calumet l'y Use etita-lu tise United fStntea art>' la tbe PhilIip- lojr 01 àsowtait - - Plues. Bosco. Cexo ion aofliUs. aStd Mea Ywo atRmai goer"acofounititb*ft- Robert C(x.ofaItherman, le te bdclit mealotag-afslb>' la lie Calumet river A" ifor tise aieged kilbug of su aglites'vhite and"1àeriscatned. " s~dut>' vill thse Tventy'-nltssti Llted W, C .W rrant s apWontait lviisec- States lafants'>'. 'Peager detnils are ir- - vice aussul inl Chicago, lta ueeectienula tise lettet', vicis vas vrlthënoame 3. W Idi. reaisuosi. tintje ego cnd lbcd been delarcd la trous- Lavmsoe Pa Iil. raeruait& asm*alan. LAecording ta the letter Cal; de- dîtruele b>'a busiigtssatrai, ctBUat'e.rted @ad vscpueln nEgii 0v»nd bis let lugbrçken, iaiing t'eséel. Foliowiusg biateret and * Ms.t railasai Juettiictmgedcapture, tise l1.11msairs tisa il e1.4a <ibfci olie ae- h lct asd asîi'Uieléta tes oileer, anti for tise ted la CbU o Phoop lacbi eoe.d lu Jabe aisot. .Relativc ni ftiseYong Mau rd a ,ndi IDÉin Bicthvas rabed natire lilîned tte ilbelltcvcthestar>'. Cor lb. Coinsubas Tejaer lan Chlc a pvtesenlietoti it tise Sprngield ecratng sta- Ibe us hentr l Chcago wih-lion jol'i 2:lü 1901..sud vas seaîgcd ta las 0=1i a ascore ai pcdestriau*. tise Tvelty-uioîislaisaîtr>. uhici vas Que60. Tals iegisee tise Tarresland tisen r.ltlticu t Fort tSheria, bol vas bfil sMd Ttacdth ie bill repealing eqmen- ailervarti osdered ta teUic PlsllpbnsLet- tial tentures ni tise ladeterminata &en- 1ra ceceiveti tram Coi b>'bististiser. -- ansd parole liv. iRobert Cot, s grain bay-er, c.siding iscas Tb --Tse' ere 172 d-aihs iroin pneumo- t4herman. sud thse Young matn'as brotiesr nie la CIlca uone wvuS, sud -inaeshow tish . e s-sadissatisfied vits bis let"naoaitheCirty' b>'2.65&1> W. M. Wlrt. owqpr oatie Alpha notas- or>'et l Apha, isiew off pscî ni bis heati vils a aisatgun wvile ticsiontient oVe finsoclI imattera at Kevauce. Fors valli at $2,00.,visiit ve eatol- le n sevecal monthe cgefat Clintea. lova. ver.r rerored b>' detes-tives ut a fur- arier's estalisment lu Chicago. Acult aturito'ies itisbloond anti à coi- lar vero trund on the prairie et TirI>- serenthanti ltesvltt sireets. Chicago. sot tise coller vianistl4et -%. C. Kugli.- DIronS by a Inectuptive ton the ti.tU finie vîthin tise peuat Ivo yeuas Michael lthatT~lsIiilet aKeissef. On lyre- vions occasions i uocea ver. sligsbt. The bod-y o ni u stientifietimn-about t47 >'esrs aid vas fouti lanlthe drainage eConi noir Sutamît.the unir'aid ta Iden- Itification beusis. heabsears ai bis left ilare. James ter, visa siot anti iilled -oaci ajoues, intal>' voui>cd Jak Jues anti à @iglil>' ouadei Dis-S Jrdin il Gala- fic, vas arroatetilanti taien ta, Marris burg. Blaser Hall nf sterling committeti sui- cide et bis home. A noteswv$s oont be- aide bis body. l inlchie eraid lie had 51usêd ullaibecse b. vas tireel ai masnleel lile. Mayas' T. IL Irelu aifbRocS Pele mcde the. appoisomeats ta tise City' aie, tise other nîgisl. but the Aldermens reifosi ta crinttieta. tise vole standing 4 ta 2 agînat cnfirmation. Major Genersi iRatee. commander of tb. depsrtment ei thi es,mt. S. emy. essigacti Cspt. E. L. Kissg. Second car- air>'. te onduct the anuelminsopection ai tise Illinois lste mîlilta. Indue Humphrey et Springfield sus- pe-nded tise sentence ai six meonthe for cteam 9ceort ihlaped -pou -Ca-- eue-fl. Veuner. thte Box:on braSer, visa produet tise bokadesîreti. Eliehtovaoras caret tfram, dutrue- lltienb>' auneaiutProvidenci. Afire stirteti aud vas beîng Isiow as-roislova iv s terrifie gale viseua c riurst brek:, exlo'aing-tise lames. tLMeut. C'harles V. Clilniai fth isei-t lntsutrr. Illinois Nationsal Gurdt, vande- lauleti b>' .ljt. (boa. James. B. DSmith us ring. otirer set(Camp. Lauma-fos 1he s"a- son of 1005et $100 a moiti, te beglu JUOe1. Tise $30,00 lu-ecrisoaipromise malt brangst t>' Misa Margaret A. Hennieier- r>"oi Chicago agelnel L'oui Dprlsugvr. son ad lir oi tiseflie G. A. sipeins'sr. a 1 *esltsy cccl estate deaier. vas dismine- 1 el b>'agmreeent. ,- James bluff>', visa fret aa gn t a mo- buile anti Oio train crow. vas senîssiceti la five manths' imprianamunt. The chiargte--us cootenspt ai an Injusurtious of the, Speingfieldi iderai Court ceatralu- ing strlhera tram luterftrng vils tue aperation ai tise railroati. John Mureiantmi Ja>âêpli Cérene.ItaI- ionas. .insIui-din n terrifie duei vith Suives et. ('illie.the, duri u-uit-h Ce- rene vasilieti sud Maîcia sever*ly injor- cd. Tise iattem'a isestiwaa nenci>'ly o- eresi. Mucije vas arrestei. -Tise llgât is-suppoiei a te btue t0a afeud.: C . .b Melasters. Repablirats Mayor, entabiass-d c pres-etieut intmunicipal Prae- ties lu Tours tuea ise eut offdi nf i ls preýticesr'cs sppiates-. Wheti tise Mayor tenS ir ioaille, tise Ceuncil. vii la equail>' divitièd poiiticuly. efusedti a eoell'niiaappoinîments. sxceplIng lise boortioni isealth. '"e 1Mayor iasmeti- 'ateuir reusvedth ie ntdrera, anti madtistie formai re-port ai Ils art ta tise Councl. As tise Coni il idt ldisepprove ai tise remnoals t, a tvo-tisvorte, tise May'- -or von ouila gettlng Idas men lusîniieti. Alerta for t4sealely nf J. I.- Rilrisy, e lravoiing salesmup for tIse Appletonu Car Moyen Company,. la f elit bhi. Wau- kegan trieada, asai estult niflise discov- cmy ai bIs valise Ila 0fefldtisauts ai tava. Ons site of theaîchel isatibeen eut open, anti uinîde ver. a number ut Ilitchey's efferts, iaciatiing ýcIathlng, haoks, recepta anti a pelbetic btter op- -P.alIug tIom-mon.' inei 'ou er- braiefi oainer, M.* P. Kennedy." Ritciscy Iraos bWauiegau recenti>'. seiliaitgouda, ceid la sait b>' those vbo metlis.> ta have semxeti exlcaordnamly despoast. He useuppasced ta have left layaon Cons- pletlag is business. TisetUitedStaBltes Bupreme Court in the. came of Gertrude H.» Hurdie vs. Cisartes.B. ShedtItinvolius'tille ta lund- enter vatizx aii, asirmedtb@, .de- =l n itbthe upsisse Court onIliniois o'u tcof ni hodjiTise iulandlàcontra- vers>'nlu hf i ao -lira anter Wolf laie, a is-navlgable l>ady nt vater l>ilog paWt Ir' la -Iniana. liHrtite ovnsiadjoaing- lant, ta vhicis lie tille lla imeti natter- patente fra th ie Unitedi States, andi on- de" iesé "entspaenti - daim la matiea ta land titer tti )«ke, vwicisla lu con-a filet VîlI ththec dIai fbSedd. Justice Roimes "id tisaI: aceordias ta tise iav if tb. otite ot Illinois co*nveyane ai thse spati -dos nul doiv>' adjoinint l$ada baie*tt vtheslfin. and tln seciteel lb. caesla tavar ai Shetit. Fred Rtossov, a prominent Donte. miantufacturer eho disapptareti Ma>' 1, wo foutai voringInluacplàalng mili at Ceoncii Bluffs, Lbavaand braught bouse. i l'etitloa vas le aes een led ta b>nve i su dtjutigeti e bankirp. No sallatae- aory' teuson tor hlmstrange action hbact seen advinced. t William FinS ir fSt. Louis, wvisa ve toiaitd buide a rasbroad tracS et Mound, rpUt biesksail - ladeat. ia Itachets vers luSed lucide out ansi lice bil noabchue.Ait the laquent tis ecna- a uqeci>'uryccmmffldod tisiWUllim r g.81, Wiam 657, Max MUles-ond 1 'au" 8,ust6gse hold,40-& me. ' ufth lboarvice-. Tise members of the f ca. 1ily had tcieil lu different vaja ta effet TRACTIO.1 AND LIOHT MitRGECL 'New Company' Take. O*er lice:Util- Iion 09 inte CavItaL Tise oganixitian of tise Springfield Itailvi>' sud LigisI Comaspny of Sprlag- th-I hia& bren campisteti b>'King'. Ho- denpjil &Co. ni New Yack anti E. %V. Cisark Ca. oailadelphtie. Tise nev compauy Ihaî takeit avec tise Springfield Conisalitateti Itailvir Compasny, the Sprisegfield Gsz Company. tise BSrint- field lfecric Ligist and lower Campas>' lise Capital ItEcfrtte ompin>'-sud ts i'eople's Hot Wsler Iieatinancd Elc- trie Comupany.. Plana for a pev,-, powe 0hqitsé are non, bcbg prepareti and man>' .Improvemeuts aud cconanbes ara befpg tintraduceti. Tise capitalisation la se tae- lova: Twenty-tlve year. 5 pet cent gold bonds. $3.000.000; stock. $3.000.000.Tise ofleenaseAntan (G. Uodcnp'l nof1New Yack, presideut; C. M. Clark of Pila- deiplia, vbc-pretideut; 0. . UE.libaoi af Philadelphie. aeccetary-treaaurer. 'Parc. Hasdt ees'Pearl Citv Arene.d Ifer Altaetetag 011 Ma* sud Wlfs. Bouse une eniscesi ishanseumaifErnest Bluc*Sand vite .ear Pearl ityII>' tbc ati nigist, besttbeus bats avec testaudvlt a Mount instrument. tracturing tisei salî aitervaris stola $32.lire. Stock'& rerovery la lu toaSt. Bath vie- litas are oves' 80 yeara aid. Tise>' iveel clan.Heur>' Dager. àcteirmbant living utear b>'. vas arresteti for thc crimse. Hie ciothea ver. blond>' anti moue, alaver' ing la anaut anti descriptin ta that atoien wama foni on buig pran..FVot- prInts laistagta matitrullitise Stock -hanse aret iutec i tltsi. TIhe -ue le almoat Wtelnticalith th ise mr ai Me. ant Mn. John Bush tire e Îra cNp ast ot Jobus Brcda lent mainvuer. Ai l iveil la tieseaine vicinit>' ut noly >iSrc. ibouses, aIl yen iagetipersans. sud vers tsupisouet ta have hfittes wealtis. *EEL TO ABOLISEU CHOOI. tien Casses lServant Famie. A âtrang morepsent la on tant In Belle- ville. e.-secaulf3, <mooj club vansen, la abollaS tise IigIs »cha.ut ior gicla on lb. groun that ton mach eslncatina aua good ftoceUic prer cuasses sud tisatif tisee -rs ual semach oducation il wouiti be casier ta stock the servant girl markel. On ltheaéther lendt.-eb.mcm- bers af tise scisool board snd aIl lise teacs- ers, n ecila a large nomber oi cill- sons nuein lu avor oa i silg equal stucs- lIin toaai. erra tiuogh tiser. ahoult 0ee-ssr be an>' tomesîle rervînts. Il ls nut iseliesed tasIthe faction -ai vhieti tise vomen tarin the principal puar Wie ss-oas'cutouightuta ecure tIse iialltioff ai lte, sigh is-ittt il tanaouunces thisa l w-ili work tua tIendutil il la attalinet. CO>'4 VIClrISE II OOETHER. Priconera et Joliet Tae .Their Firs mel ut diste Xsv R"Il. Tise 0ewtiing baIl ai the $talc pool- teutiar>' at Joliet uns opeaed liseaotiée do>' andtihie novicts a aui te tablésssud. ste trout chia s plates. Tvelve hundreti mmein ufroin, the shapi ila abodiy. Superissteutieut Malbar>', nimbeca ai tise pardon board anti several Chîcago pople vers amntas'the visiellr a ve wtceti the proceeias. Par tventy-twa >'eurs-ts canvicts haveeaten la celle anti tise> as. peurtiti mc ipeaseti vllbthe linnovation. Tte ncv tiining hall cont 4100.The msen ers s'lvs.ail tise>' vauledt 0est vaitera passini coustesit>'up andtidovu te atisae. The isall la capable nf sentli 1,50 EXITBOTR ERNCIUE Ltltagslc nd araIlen i Clti Wisile mittiug lu pava lu tise Metisot- mon titree persoas ere atruck b>' igii- alus'. but sacapeti deatis. Tise> are Ur. anti Mca. E. J. Pollock anti Mci. Etivard Bhotiff. Tiseravw« m vilti scene la tise ctucis vea tise ligikt»n on uheti. Il vas helievedti lat MW Shli lufiait beu illeti. but ase van rerlvet b>' a %lutter. Tise eboliing of ail]lise lajuy d as Inca ta sbred b>' tise bail anti ne vicima wer. hatil>'buset . Tise churcs visnt Iaàe. Tise llgltitug enteneti b>' v>'x if ac handelier. MKSIKES.ATIgI Oi :POLECCAl? Meure la Nov £*a dUp vitis Face Viau et tuat. Newton Muas'.. u furvber. vas abat andi ieslauoly voundeti ieïrhr Mctoon l'y 1hie udi The>' ver. atttcanptlus' ta diabati s polecît antibad séisparatet, going- in uppasite directionsa amouati the ban. Tha boy' nav hl* fatlcr's eyes an tb. appoalle site. mîstani tiset toc tise aeseoaitise animal. and firet, the charge entering Ufr. Maore ate. (bar. Tales bas parti>' canîirtacti re- sort thai his exporta ta riait Europe dur-. in tbeetamer. Ia ttc opinion ofth11e-I Gare-pr, tise tntrp la madie cessar>' b>' tha toudItIon 0i hie iseuslis. If the trip la ten Uc. Tat i ii acoompen> bes' Lhsand. .rm aRuad Wlud bley davu a large section aoflis.e éla Ire. in iront ai tise nIdbLincoln honte-s let ln Springfieldianti that Interestil relle ai the dmys vieâ«eLtclalivet laIn1 gpelagleid Iola rcticail$ Minci. -Fg19e t-aS #6aiW b>' Linoalu sisAnt>al, Preathe s passlp5bgai wramt, 1usd automgobl race t h* te Madrid. ci elgist vera sud tesan ired. Th mse. vhl4h isul $'Bordeaux, haz bee called by - .La Prencause "thse Par)= #ïacrs." Tis e ad ers luli t** te i of therace rece. Boràepa'ut « n,68 UCtusIls>' ater ths Mosttfudoiw qs kooklss conteet ore engagcd l *fa beincs. Machine 'were crodiedïo etllitersandsiitieir jrly ersic let saag i d Illféessaby tise mati aide. 1 Dnrlug th. sitenoas, gays a Paria dit rPatch, Word of tise eacidents hega^ t arrive and etat *.Mtrkciquuloves' ti eveonl ÀdispatebiJ'rmm Ilordesur an Caousscsd thtt leqvsbl* Barr,bchd me vits aa hbls Muent aear Libaurne serentees rmile" it aurleau-r. t 1-45 Mc. IBarrovw* lnitied to asvid cado visicis vas .c4eshg.tise'trsck and L monater cc. hY#.0 intahie cIce, struci a1 Irs vistenue 9fore, li, chaoffeei wan kilied ien*ptBarrowa timili vas plcked os, 0iMOtCclous. bot stil breathin, snd ç* $Ïen.a 1a haspit*i eviser.' bis ealit vasdeclsred ta bi Criticai. Riostour ha dashe! to pieces Ssaortl>' i .ovai1 awga cme tIsai Marcel Resiuit ir of thse Parle Vienns race loft #o«. bsd ber-n aver turnet inlaàadeeW. 111gbéide t>i. mal inear Coup e, at,$,sm ileuisfront Paié tiers, and tisaI ho '**$dangeroualy lajur cd. The mont terrible occident occucrei Sieur loaneval, aisiseamil"stram Chsar tres, *hos uci» e . 243, drivea b> M. Parter, vu averterned et a raliant croaaing and lacS is- Tise ehaffeur va' caugistuderuecb heiti automobile anti burned lu dectit, vhlls tva Sisidiera anti a cbild vere klldI A chauffeur i vos bodly injured b>' am accident ta bis, matgr car sear Ano- lem@. A vom". roig lte road in lbe neigisbbooofd det AbI& vas rua over bj ne aithe ecampetligcacsanmd k51ud. The fini staieIs tse, 343 miles wqg Iiisbetiet saln, <ien tLouis Renault daabed at a turlos pueloto Bordeaux, lsavlng made a rfeor riaut ofcigisî bourd 8210 îventy-sevess minutes. An bau nlter. M. (briel arrived 'with c *tlilt better 'rucori et eight boucs and sevren minutes. .l t ietimatei tram the limes madie that.tieue automobiles caver ed sixty-tvo smilenisi hmr on tise rand auttlde tise cilles.Lonla ltcnauiî's au- tomnobles atlaiasd ,8t Beourdiniere, bo- tveen Charitres cal Bannevai, n maxi- mont spend i i, eigti-eigist snd tisree- foontha mile, por boïs'r- PLANS A NS4MO REPUBLIC Ksuaaien Plames o Estabties Oae in eihie. ses, A str og mavienet la nov on foot, or- gaaised b>' H. U. Mosgr6ve, a Keatuc- kàant ud eauseil-seu vriter, ta indue tise AIma.Amerieca mes.ta fond an-em- pif* lu tise C&bhbc.Aireadth> e ne- lico hourd et btmwgio4 Ky., bas recetved pl..lpapera, lttes.asd telegràma, fflubisg lattsIW aoffrs oi cantribu- tianet tiste camse, propositions tram pub- lchera ta issue is book dealing vitis 1h. question, and reqeest te deiver lectures and instituts tise loca societies, Sous ai IreedomntlaV*ttons places. The,.plan In ta murchase or seins the sovereIgaty o ni ae, large.lsland or Stale entaidu tise bocadaries of tbe United States, st up iiïfrn.Americau repub. lie, visicis sahba id miisteeel bath as .a ltubteel PO tel~adgigestie ea- anpemstlve con =eevbl aucl ctlseu holding ees'lideaola tise saciety t ho b gtaeklialdere. partilepating la tise -veait ai tise nation, ail francem, land tille., sud ptlvildges ta vent lantise State cnd b. a part ai tise pubiec captL Ail cs'um- lnais, are la houtilised oa ds public hlgs- vsys or buildings. UheIcorrigibleasetf &drift an tise ,nsc luseel otligr shores, tis a voldlag malntaaing Perisons. Edu- cation, lnduatry. menofacturlng ands- peelal>' agriculture, are te bo encour- Mced. Tb& secretar>ya lIste (l imes one vison the gazoa andttIf. Africcu conno langer dvell together lu peace santi ac- mou>'; sud tisI lie Airo-Amorican la ea. titIeti tua cocuntr' c gaverument and c laS ofbi visw. Let nseisope tisat aur talulater ta China mc>'Do ulot iaets bhast-Detrail Ne-ws. Sitce tIse ativeut ai the acto even lIse Frenchs duellit l ecid g aal-o AnkeleaExpress. Bau titte smnalipsix psuhas beex ##Paoet tashoulti b. tikea tevas- elUete hlM et once.-Atlitt Constitu- lion. _TbcRElird profester vIsé bas dia- =oeee-tIÇ. gentoai malîo bas aur pe .is l u. ta Seep it.- L a s A ngelese Times. Oea. Blutsiam says: "TlWIor l no poil. tics la 'ltIilatelpiia." P*rliapa he's nigis;l; "giitelatise name for lt.-Psil- adelpi lo etger. Dam lCpt çkin neartnmIf Ibe>' woult le = lo t h otas la tisaIpart ai Eu- nope rdieeta ns "The ]Baltais."- tündeî - t4se e rosylvuol4.18v il is ilal tnt' a Pinm>'uinapollielma uta sec = J& L t b. public ps-lut as others se. hl .e'Wsiisîs'îonPosl. Ail Obblo"za do net auceeei la secor- beau inipçlsoaei for failure 10 support bis amI'N brleBannet. )fav tisat s Ciiicago*baaior has offer- ed 81,00«1000 focrs& aerl.ltgirl you su-hi have lo bu store tupectualtisas -even ta l'ans' So&Idaaoi entidel. . A motets pisysicianu ays vien s mans isc risetssistm thece are Sol tva thinga h., I ildo,;t ngrin.-Montgomnery Aon How cas Unebe Sam eitic4se-tIse dta- !bvr> cours. pursueti b>'tise Dultan vises ha hîmicli ha@ just patid un avard ai lamages: 1Q2 yeurs oidt--L'leelant Pla ,Dealer. -t'. tWiIIl âes hiiégo papertliila ta ho mu 1i'vaiihave a mas d tepatMent ASDate" 7-Hausto.(Vea lise Macedonlan-cci' sema ita loti- eats *ithe Buitan's reforma nesi e- farming. lame swset day lise aid telbov vNiii bu put ou t fbaoeas.-Mucn(GIL) A Xikv Tariamusement man tas ~eA1umasky-ta"lop 1ise Inop" lui a tpc.abils. i'crl, il tase mns séat ta iLeep aientioaitle, moula-At- clat constitution. ,=rltsecWnght's dlaim thon ho vauld' lave- 50,00000If lie hati< es ise cutn>'la S Iibate ai ï4lq vameriq las relis sinfltula l ý-EvT gSw orwM.-. t, - .--- I M1 e en es le- et on tishg edoal le ,= tise truc &mainhe ofrpithe iouuilng aiflise re publie, Tis e icti- .iIII~anglt ,cAt midoiglit vils an Millnneion of thé atreetsansd a dîspîs>'ofniIreverks. Président Palmax, accampssiied b>' tii cabinet o5cers sud cil>' sud provincial 0111iala, drove la lb. Punts, *vescrethe uýrecutive revieve e is aembers ai Uic Poile, Ad Ire-depcrtmeats, andtiheis. accom»ssmed b>' Becretary ni DIcte Zal- da. he, vas drivea op the Prado t* Uic Palace, contlnnuiaUy ackaovledglng tIse saluteans ai tie croas vhlcisIuet tissî tlsaroqfffame. .At nom, the goao ai Cabanes fites aunaunucetbat ezacîl>' a year bcd lips- e l ase tise birlis ofthe Cubes rPub- lie, sud Irmedialely thereciter thes rural gesards sartitlllcry peîsded où the plan tas iront ai the palmce sud vire reveved I LES5 O IUR MAT il. zrô$-TWN 3T Mabe4 IL VACE&* The Lits Olylus. OptrIt. t oni. 8:1-14. Memory verse, 1. à Golden T'-xt.-"jr ns many as are led! Lhy the Spirit of (loti. tey are the eais of God.-Rom. 8:14. One can Wade cut loto any deph etanceivasie lin ihis leLaon. There la perit lest (cacher@ wîtb Iheological tbent submerge their yonthfui papils. . T#e Thaoghtles lParents." s reeot picture, represente hather.,. chîild' ti fandis ciap. ed l tea..ding Into thse deeper val. ers. Their chine are shove vater, but thse child là etrugging and apiatterlng benealh ils surface. In thie article vs Indicate tret somne of the tlseoiagtcal as- 1pecta of the lesson and thoen append a simple plais adaptait te tenching the boys suad girls. .The Poinst of View. Panl'â letter ta thse Romans le thse mont 1systematie anti profound of ai bit vrit- inlgo. Like thse lutter ta the Galaitiens, il deai. vits the relation of the Gentile& to calvation. Ira occasion cseema ta bave heurn the eatugae vits the Jud&laig Christians. men vha aald tisI v.bit ta keep the aid leviticai law. -as vell as be- levéein Jea*, a lçrder ta be scvced. After@sene introdnctory vorda b. an- novnes his text in 1:17-tseunl la "rightentd" by faith. Then foliqja a presentation of the common sintuinces of Gentile (1:18M)> sud of Jev (2:1-3:18), a satemeat of God'a methoti of redeusp- tien (3:19-31, vith anaver ta objectinu canceralng Abraham (chapter 4) and enunseration af blessîngsaettained through fti (chepter 51. -c defease agaînat confusion ai liberty witb licease (chapter (1). and definlos 0ftIihefumc- tiou of law <chapter -Î). laelsepter 8, Our leahon, vs have the.-conclusion end- lng like Handel-'i "Mesaiah," ln a mag- -iificenl outhurst oi praîse. whst LsDose. It mn>' Justlf> the angeis but Il con- dempa us. It-reveala ta us aur sinful. nesa (7:7) end destroys the moral nature (71»> by tving nthe light ausinavsicW" ve sin. It ia net able ta coudes=n sin lu lbe flesh (823>, tisat ln, ta cerna,.ibis -Thse liv la simp>' s mettodai earprei- -aien of lite, neyer the source af its1. lt la rails. not a locomotive. Law le thse goal. W. aeed It. Suor sirevise Our effonts cold nflotlbe intelligent. But a goa1lel Dot longs snd K-83...Li. !,,.. Ion ot the goal,no far iranbelpag ui on, mar curie us wîts dupair by ' show- in$ un boer fi-'evoare -frous i.t zbeci culture la a gond treillis for àar*linsiae but It connut originate Ille. It la tyWbg fruit on a Ùbiatmas tic.. The praces la mecianicel endnt vitaL. 1Vicie,7 Tlromsh MLits. The. nul>' salestIon. la lit. lai the deulp- est s0e noftbe word 4ila inchars the cbaracter ni God cepeated la us. only la savcd Wvisa£as itiiblsimsr pulaatlag. spiritual lits. Th ise la l us>' lie humble, but jaut as éte ,41 Our lits hia@ envrrapped la lit tise lait!' eaixmeat It la potential perfeetion. And Gad loks upea us, and la bis graus acce»pa%-,net 5.1.1 ou-a. vsare, but as througisChist we shlllep. , tbe "tuis" certaiuiy. Streasairae tise qualit>' ai their sautoes(8:5). Tiseeamorti sport iros m 4. GO& vovAi.oa, ourselves la as futile setllftman aus.hpq1 oves' a felie@ by aur .baetstrtpl. thse soumce ai l tiers hne M#u Thua euresla vcael>' buà n.tsl "uin, lesso. "Tib.Spirit aof is> 1* -w Jeun, V. 1."ise ..Spirit" . O. e11 "tse Spirit aif(lad,,." . 'IbtoSpirit, et Christ,v. 9, *"Christ," V. M ~Tkée à,& missioof athe.Divise LiAW i.l sh. Faitit la aat ol>sdiece e la1e; 'il la spirtual ceceplivt>'. la Pilipe Brooks' dWWk tien dti la "pmaus ifse."11 Thun do vs attanthse liberty of tise Bons a1 G&d. Conformi>' ta aulvrd pattera la bandage (Y. ,,15), irandsi s comes iront apantaneana seli-expreaal., - Wha Chisian ZlaA A Christian la on.evisa receiel Issusn loto blaheut. And jat as a tio» "sd noble persan viii make lb. bouse lan u'hlcis lielires rîcis sal iicsutlie ça Jeans viii make aur lives. ln ths won. derful varda Paul telle un nmethuiga wbich a Christian eninys. 1. itfe. (V. Z. 10.) -It la "tise Spirit Oi'lifc" Who cames& ta usi. ".If Christ la la Yeu. the Spirit ln lits." Tise yeliov spot lI the kernel ai grain le a Serra. W. plaint thse grain. The spirit ai lpring touches tise germ vltb cala and semblsi ,aud it truly hegina ta live. Gbd et thse rer' tiret put a germ la oÏir beach,ý but Il la when vs receire Jeasatisat tise srra begins ta resu>' live. , 11>'and b>' ,ameoinsehe aulful loverasudbd irita et aove sud iadues. and .iselptui deeda. IL Our S'atJer's. ÂpprWal.,Aiter vse vmelcome Jsous there la "4n coudhnsa tin"e (v. 2).. God7alvsyi laves as, but w. cangrieve bitre b>' ans'dirobedlene. Il. vauld be a terrible tis ta fledtut Go oti vas baftaed vlth us. it maies ua happy ta think tînt bis &mile la upan us. 3. Freedota from Sin. V. 2. Pui wason ce la bandage becauselie vanted oa do wrang thiage. Jeasechanges Our heurt» ?t iat vs ivant ta du rigbt. Free& doim la doing visat vs piease--aad plees.ý Ing ta do rlght. 4. P ac. V. 6. In ver people Iglit eaci allier. Tise vocalkIad ai ver la elvii ver. Bometlmeases'. léSes efl war inside ai us. Oaqese and deaire rela euditI Jatbjua lnrh. It, 5.5 tthe la jsVacIL This body i iidie. thougs aouri uln eyer ciii. Yet If thsenome Spirit tebu U chich vas la Jeaus lie viii do for us rbat lie did for Jeans and uprasen. Bo ce Dot1 ni>'have everytiig vo coul riais for bers, but ve are certain ai j sauvier lits heynnd tise grave., Neit Lesson-Panis 'a Vayg An sBe Vsuei thinir. Tôtu-Tbal pretly Miss Wlins Reeme ta bave qulte a bomber oaicl. lb!le Yaung mnen ln ber train. la. W-am vwmot*, PuIWSUP»00 o" i"*m [PeYs.. h 10 b>' tisepreaideat. -Tise teature ni tiseri-' r- viev vas tise suart appearanci ai tise dmounteel moral gas, visa vece eepthu-, 1- aaticsily-cieoereel. bispatches irata sey- ecal Cuben cilles IndIcaltd thlie u- tdur vas *aisiverial>' csbebratcd Ibrougs- Pu ntthUe Ilandat. Prssident-Pauma hia rececd unessage. ai congratulation irans Secretar>'But, tse Sons ni tise Ameclcan Revalutian, eati etieri in tse United Slute.. At niglit wsr as an ,eisbocate disly aof ire- ank sd tlb. caliceecil>' es illuia>t OHIO HU NORED YEARS 01.. Cliilico the Opina Programice la Roner cd Ceatesmtai et Sat. dlise centonnial i ofObls statehaci vas nbaervsd b>' a tva duré' coebretiod un CbItllicothe. Tis e Qecral AsaembIy matie an appropriation and placel the Ohio Hialaricel and Arcisseologleal Sa- ciel>' la charge ase an executive comit-i lee ta aet for tise Stete eenle*jgic come- mission, campoieil niGoy. Nacli. Gin, 4. Warren Kelfer. Oea. Chaes 19. Au- t eras.n, (en. James Bumnett. fl". B. E. Cayeu.-David .. Gay', fit,,W. M)Ialy sud RuahIsLB loaas, baltltheprincipal vare af preperation, tcil apan CbIsu!lthbe. Tise tenu dire'progralu e , etfe o0 attirasses an blatailcal topici lellvere 0bi a great tant l is te Clitypark, s clvlc parade and, s dispa>'ofniIrevoria ai nigist. The mnt striklug tentures ni lb. 0tiecoations vas a court of colonnesic la Indouble ravi alaug.Paint atrut tram -Manttheb.pek. Tiser von mate te tresombie witeinertie, sud vere sur- mountet b>' spires lvcnty-,oncsud m. bibiftest higs. Tises. olumua vers de&- oratet i vts iblds.Bllge anti apreating eagles, iemuns a most ciarmng pic- turc. Tisree grecetul arches vers placet uta promiasot points. 3The Bral publi. et th Ie eebrafian touS place la tise Camman PisChare cot,viser. a planter tuedeillan ni Bd- vert TiSSa. Ohio% fce Brut omaor vaa itreeatiti tutise ouoty. MI»s Anme Cooi. a great-graaddcoghtor aitishe Goy- ernor, unveilei the tabiet anti Arciibati May madtielie preseolellon atidreis. Tisei 'came tise pcupgam facrlise de>', Gay. Nashs presbilingï-Mayor Yapie matie tise atitreassaf veicome asti Oea. J. War- ren, Keiier cesponded tar the blalorlcal eocisty. Hietorbias dtresses vere made b>' Jutison Harmon ai Cincinnati, Pr6l. Mertin B. Andrews ai Mariette, Judfi Rsah R. Blaasai Sandosi>', Jutgc M. Mf. Grînger. former>' ai the Ohio Su- presue Court; (bsn. Thsomas M. Andter- esn, Mural: Halsîesti, former Gdv. James B. CamipbseillnofNew York, Senatr For. ulter and (bsn. Chsarles P. Groivenor. At ulgisI these posaera vers Sondeor Hania, on. lb, 'IndustriIProgreas -of Oiloa" L. D. Banebrake ai ofnlumbux, 0hio; Presldent-.W-...Thonspetaio- lumbus, OIsia: bon. B, Briniectiffof a Mansfield,. Ohio, anti (en. B. iR. Cayeu ni Ciannnati. sometati>' ougit tacvilise Ruia vits a bigstick. Would ti lnt bu, a gond îdeu ta eau off s iev stylites? A aev 1ail va> merger la reportet. Mr.1 Knox wvîl i ndi>' ail up andti Ise notice. Possib>' lb. Arkanas coulsit i tOed vils wseli anti couvecteti lato sua- môreti auto car. .Nebraskaur> as voîl taie Mc. Boc.- feller's muas', ec éause il viii b. e cent mare foc nil inyva>'. W~hsithas tecome ofai ail tise arbitra- tion boaerds tisat ver. moini ta guaràn- -tee industriel peece? Perbapa visit ails Ihoe.Indiana tougiss la that tise>' neyer look e cailege course.Inlakiing love. 1Tisough there ver. 5,000 persoa prea- eut aithties'ailia>' coatioctors' meeting lu Plttzburgo anc gaI puncheti.- Reersi ciee now auffsrlng iron ttie à slnike fever ors la grelnet ieniofa mli courne ai theacrîltratin Icuameul. If thia tiesuior>'fighting Seeps up lu b thse Philippisatisenatives a-l ual b. ibis la diatiaguitis PFosrtis ai Jul>' tram sur> other dey. Consitiecing boy deepi>' in eanusatla. a pan la In ussing 'titrents agaist Rusas.1 et vaulti be nore politenesauou Ruena's t partIt loouS lurmeti. ga fac as bas been dîscioseti up tn date tisers vas an elebocale plot vher-a t he conapirgtars.apelil mach time anti effort In pertoeliag arrangementsnt te bleu, c up lise Umbrie. t It la loutil> ciaimet that New Tonk vIl go bu* tulamumany ati the-acri elsetian. la Us. sietu'aeity Il> etlng laminA ai tspnout ai St. Luis AaU~ ALL 8011TSU - Job We~*~ OML A? essaeTltI5 0 ~OResu~ ti d ýIt oau

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