CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jun 1903, p. 5

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100000401 v~Il~ Aîî,qwer Vaiis deiiy, quesUon'by cohsulting us by 'phone or p.risonilly; aif(l if we can't Iîtrlip yoîî every ie, we certauuly 'can help yoîî nearly every time. We'.ve a spleudid Uine of appetlzhug tgs that, you iwlli be glfIdto get, these summer days. JIt's Worth yonr while to see what we bahe«for yoii. TRIGOS &TAYLOR, 'sets We have, thé- poptular Kalamazoo Corsetsi for i4llmmer wear. They arel the 1best.] ONESIAN 510UTY style 2»0 isar.. Oaust Co., sb alaSas Summer Underwear For Chiilren, A new lune of" -Summer Shirts and .Gents' Men and Women. /A Fu r-nish ings. 551'UTH & DAVIS, LIBEiTY VILLE ILLINOIS.1 afu or 1 hteýrest toLn C. M. à ST. P. TUIB tk la Bl*SoIy1,30,B 0 TO OHICAGO. D*eatl Prm , Ne 090 UmLeitbetvills. Aulysobtuaao 34 li...... eizup. ..........MS Mo. in.... 0:1 L,...... lesaI .. a4.?W. m ......»..... 1?eaderm. FORU CHICAGO. ArrivaI 0mev Depot. 1..av. <hoigssI Arrive Llbertivill. No ... 183.I 1........Seu 06 * 1115. O: ............. :M P.f *~~ .«s,P.n 155......U......... 6:06p.m la ..... et*P.m........... 7:0 . m. 40.1ce..5............. 0:15.MI -. .....59......... 8:44 P. m. * 143.Sip.........5pfl Ilu bugb:P. n. Arrive LibertYllla iaIp>M. No.l............ IM1 lu ..a...........58:40 8. 11. U:2 1.i'P. O .......1Me5P. M. PRIM OIIAGO. Arsfve at Old Depot. fraye obeof, Arrive Lbertîvills iii. .. enim .......... 10:40 lb. m3 *140...&-I»P.m ..... ..t:86 p. M. la lu... 'M P. m...........V:5 P. UL MWNe Tatus Buts.or Lsov. 03. StationBuandais. Bunday* Tbese %Mb 051,1obcts li. lbertirille. And the leel) tuaJune la ponali $West: ForLthoe enigtibreeze 0-er date.sud bi flior,. 1011 uncoméclous la ,idnigb hasat. Mlt LbertyvWlns ceansleep fo ye. In th.e leepoo aSundoy more: Whe.,.the Ceb el elsea" U Wsi ad pray Theos their sweetest day drears are just noma They laie.fiL o day or reât for al, MotethéLblecommaonod it thon keptý The fetber lk uound,. the loudiest cofl. Obediletly thus boky men wlept. Dtus fILLaCY CInts go thtS, et Wbtcia obuerve* thin goosl day ln à bcd bmer the preseber interprets hlm blet. Who on Seeday norn churchword la led. 0. i0. R. WàNyur--At America.m àacroul ftaehoy-lO irls. Ou Vridey eveulung, Jane 12, Dr. Rtobinon v*IJii lere as tue Utamoal Lak. church on "Oui (Couary Cousins.» The gunday mouleg aubjeet@atheb Mi. B. elureh viii b. --A Moal Land.. gilde." la lbe *vecling -A White BIackKm." apeciol comnacatibu it fLiberty. Vile lodge, No. 492. A. Y. oud A. M., Baurday aiglit. Lurlek- spprenijllea inviffl. Atiy. B. B. Muir s14 koMary SU Golden, of Aptabisie, h.e2. J. Madolu plac enouNorth Avene.laut vuek. Ooasidosta 09000. The Ladies Aid BSoohy viii umm iem creu andsudle elu thoM. B. oherob paioau aloy lune, ion ak O9c p. M. "eoh pltsi 10 oeuat.t Mmn. E.C. tallon bol 0. ber gu% l .Mosday bairiv ni*à~, nu. A. M. Rabbins10o!00o0-d, Meb., sud M-s John Mille, of Ohiogo. 2ev. cllsatby, of amo,%L, vlilol dover Bandel vi»bbis uep&" Pred Ciokot as WOUI as viSaMt. Crokots swu, BoIsaI tedenlk. 0 A pholographat locasel et AutiosI las rentel of! Boies Balkiey bis gaUoîY, and vs unherotal vini hlile bie thm b.tvesu the SloV. iaeff. Mms., glm.etI4 Waldo, vbo, foi saersi vela-basbeon Mokaetbai son homeiula ohmaal Pak la ezpemhelt retenu 10bai bomne lihi,@ilioge a ext veek. Thé jadiclal ltetiou Mondy r.- sulled llb.themalmt Vote la ibis tkvulhlP Of &uY e olton vur bll, t Octr huovielge. lu 'prece No. 1 but Il votes vetorsa m adlnlao. t but 9!- Tbe Catetut Glesuors vin ii gva beakegt otabl lu théb. M.E. ebanob perlera on Jane. 12. 1*110e equeul 10 btlag baskett. EV"rbody lnvlhel, A Wý. O. T. ci "motbers, rnootibe" coeurs Tuomdsy #A hume of lira. 1. W. Butter. Cout felosl toFndlDist rie. Ait membar it red tu attend. LThe LadIMAet the lb.Preibyteilon oburca viii muet viUa Mis iHenry Rota ?hutsdoy slaou, JUOeil. Ai, mombors toquseW $0bc preaent os tbse v ii b. von. lalu ii 0117*bout 200 vole* ver, osaI lu tkSLoBs 0oUty ladiolele. lion heid Mgonday, Of îbla nub, about 100 vir* eat"lu Wasinkoo. Baoatn le .1the tint in 'lhecoay, 58 vot. es ifaeuoe. The pipe tane of the Wsekes Wal.r cOMyon, tlnulng lbrougb "aI. couaty bout W&eksaa, Win., go Chicago lanov»Whélns dag op. '-ls l MUt tho pipe btfag botter num nov thlns fiet Ou pot dovu. luth Ohmul pela.coutosl 0f lb. Anitesa Ooomvalry col Meute, Ohlesgo, MAY W. gMBonnie Wqlloy vron Brsi prIse, Ohm W. W. Rîibail g0o41 Modal. M&se Waller vili enter lb. Pont gisdaolls laext bu. 11[». E. Olemoutb% of Winona, Minus la wihtadbesvUMe Irtends sud expecla o $0 PeaOthe aummon hure. Min. Clornente ovnu svoluable faim au KMlkuAvmu ug lest oui f lova sud le la biSMleslie ho diapos. of le coul 75 for eIsk and Iudge lhtre sud r«ofni haolit plâe ia preomue& No. - 2 "u- -bl u ~e *0 jois voe polUed. Mouday. A«d go ibis 5of the heliota piauaIfneiSm toasip ad the oMount viii b. j», or ga for u«oh vote. Ont eleutie. syshem As expeveor nothing. IMUs&alîuInsevice >incident tu Boy. T. B. Qtmyieos os nupton or the Ptebytutts P-9i01 Tuosday svomng, Jane 16. Bev. jPfesstib, of BigalsulPark, vii pffeoh -0dBey. G. lB. Willon, or 0~log, conleci the «Aie«. Bey. OolAw.1 viiialoo doUive sun addneas. Afen Blaffod, nt presst ernployed la obtoogo, bus reulel 01Ir. f'rotine, the lattai$ brick oouge ou Soboul iteel. ait. Bis ibid le a pointer Md4 lâtuleda loeaing pemsnsuly lu !lbsMtville. Altboegh M le, DO Se- aaaoern.ul h-sbeen m"odecIthe ,oMUtng veat, lr. Bteftor'a prépara. 11Stoua" laloehisemrly menrioge and IasS X*à PotIon I étbie tu b. à -I Agemasu fr0. Rogers Park carne The sanasiWcOdmM*në piee@4to $0 kv umaday and MRaueod thai Joeviflo yetrlay wva nt as veR tva. Other ron ver. 0 edrive over slteuded by Llbrtyvill. Weodmea as trou 1ha0 place 1 eilcetea o t of Sm0. tbe evoué musly As.- Hovevma e te o e l o.ou shLab olie" taote heof vronst .11..1 nugla Iotreent the orilval sdMd "agelIIbo telp école loca cam. metbu *odelu tva bonte Mmd *say- The atone d8 doov uotaneu . ne lesétaïb Monoy ne '" M lqe10taim a rved B,.ii os!, balh vestibule of Ihe Proclor blaoât:flàqulte lut %v.bouts and es1<15 minutes ou eu elaborte affir, A Obloago vork.-tShe roOd. man u basben oeuaedtais vastk ehisellng ouI the pona sMoe Ji -Bomaethitj'elgbt Méesbers o1lias beoutilul désigue, sud bIlefdonpéra. lcal MIen starechaste: aeded tions attraoto l u 111atteution. tibmen aabnquet givea by Brouis Librtyill bu auOhapiai0f Grayuloke Toflsy Uah$a. Leglbeinthle ls uOpune" rW&onsgm 0eopter wvssIstepioented regelttugSas puel o!oom"ola" slac e cssion asmmssdsgbtul vilflan lac tilMES limta, Psfl 0ah Ohmone. Momburo f.Lbetlyfvlloehapier leat meetng of the bord. To opfasioteuzMpu thswork oMd villagro à macine hhai tbsftslimlMO euron meelt 10 theasoveasMd théir lolgo. vithin Ouih nuas -D a Sue 01-The loobave ghi bu bal o& lhe--Piata snwhie t rou imet lu m as" mm50 for the meuetof Stteihslnt nsemsanjy is a dgmenl 0f tbeas effteby mbouiesècepMc[sudbattue justice beainsnob case. thie Graylake starsoxceio, pl. Henury Ost, forrnrly o! Diam ulrlllry la Ibeimenu. Loke sud wv hé,bePut Yeu! bau .A,.Beevlok, olAnich,tblsconaty oporaied srarnMery sud MW MillIBUai as reited the pboSOgrpb galleiy Dussoli MDI., was la lavra Tnesdoy l t oit oe Balkley blook sud vîli sbakieg bandes» veId-a m .isondO;'Il up vasbal ,thé Henry ibaves Box$i vei foi oteavllo, lmu pholoaiphie ppliepoeafor lias lo., whsre ho ta Décollttg for M xuing of bigla, grade phtotographe. sces of flSrnb l and, viha svIe, tO Mr. SBvlek bas bdal oatudio aI establitlhig a MWvMill. Ne seinAa$tOolafer tbe psuetour vtyansd reimet blislnl sud oreamaiy la otl quaaitaiaes ame, bal be VilI Mîinabsois. pursayatymtend te mil bAnda of photo As vs asinonceliS vesi Horace olon. Wdedays 0 Oh scaVsteet Bulkley vas niiel lut jnly te Mima libostyviie, oornmenoiug on Wodnes- Ema Uliol, Who Ianthai bt tlmelm 447, lune 17. Mr. llesviok lm ashd soeiled shis e ikoee, sud îo heu 7mai.expériencs la tbe phao &eilully bondt#ten @0 Mibea gauilsbusiness lu several largoe-ieo sla lb. sunounoome» ulva - * gespets Wsoc»oanisd las ill guaraule ta surprise. sMnoda a gui hby Ivasa. seool aPhoto for theérnoneY bora toi Mr.mlr. M UMBulbley al nov amon ho oblslncd in Chicago or clos. Sorées bas toau sethbelgPbjla.1 "Oe. 3-1-.. Th. Vive BousessocIal ou boihait o! the -Christian Kudoovor soiety of the Carl of Thaulca. Piesbyteriga eburcba vU hbel ai _ Wtediro ta lbank Sa. friens andu -thé. T-O--li enl Jeu . 6. rasie nél igboi hoendsnila suoh kial ber attruoncs for aiia,marn, s.slatsamo ot i.oa!. aur rosent partfurnes fo tbe noues mald eiigbtfalberuovemoué, sud for Ohit pympaiby. tbings for Sas SosIe. A plmnist viii h bsom teexpi our gratitude la Sae on boul 10 méae 10ev.Sb*o nevolabolr anl Oh. Mthodiat eomgieastion ies o!.09 nol. a. , bolag &Wen of other itcut. G. Bamum We have a Ss Une of up.lo.dste 1Màiliy. Beanilful -oueflunaisfor *prine -Watatii- lAdles Tor Males ileilaumii olors oeo«per taon Yeuonco u by the ume lu Chisago. The, auent SpIlag SSyleela Bbess. CAL), AD 899 OUR STOCK. IMS."P.- PROTINF, tabhou' ~tioes... - q . mm u - - fo ows.r Iu.s tels.o Isa 0amotb. Tba action iesniled 0110< dw delialldou, l bolu sd4that Mi. prubmaa vus but ponte poil for the long homenig emsossan.d dles of Shtret nnmmisionhlSuad latihs a.ceslilIlld sMd Ihot h old b. Impossible $0 seuir. sothetusa os oompetenl, go fllloomle. SI the. nany pain hlm.. T" sIXDBPENI>OT bello.. Mti. Pýreumtg i.ulihsi gothe lacreuse gattel hlm, sMd the gpoostul aokaw. llgasat by the boul lu émskn Snob motionvithont hi.«uo il ; dietior lnelllotly. aBis hiIy, kuôvwesMadpUie I. lamitVort Cornbio Ithe atMI quoflilmo vhlel .aonldprtdomlnate lauas st em. :Ilsionai. Whma the genmtsl sldevolk impiove. qmtg now £ga n ames-OP]~se. the tsf use îmiovsd, otree solsoasilep Mmd prnod esd thé .ouwags etpêvol Wble te hob.put oc i. tri dmosucaftS bmontai.hkd. We -0 bing go bave botter shts 'ai "dovo î s 1h11 1.11 thon oe lai LbityvUlems blatiy sMd 0oOui eou. PeOnDS UMhM alVO hob.due à large portion of téibo iA. Libertywille bhm autane & a ae lois-u lte deauxborfil". Gub"sd Bchnock, tiers vs ajusli sgamtay dévotion, sud hor noble, loîrable 1molleihood proved hier sterliog vor$h. The gamayyfias lualis bercavrement liash SYMPBlhy Of th. commaaity. --The m.moiY Of t lod0laJoblessed." .Anne Belmer vwu bora Oct. 9st 1851, la Wimsalad, lunosbe Ooenty, wis., Sud dlsd Msy 27* 1103 SI th. borne »e«r Ubertyvi. Ai the ose of 14 a"m ýutnsd the,(lorgnon Lahayglu e11112011. MIob ch30, 1875 the vas mairiud tkMr. Sciareok. Ber obildren s;vMn o Bomiber,thnsesou. Sud foui daugWhters, vitiat ho hasbad, msa ,survive hber. Pot th. Pust 28 Ysmaedecesaed had beau a Bméber o! the Germas leafoi.d ciaeuh et Wautelaa. Decorotion Dey. Memorial uercle s as tmeUnion Cbarcb SatuldsY verslaffliy attendel Sud Dot lu recont yorsban os mach aintimbonmaailes lua hemle ser- Vicsla honni, or the owliersWho led for thu6n oonly. A splendid puooe propoa pre ouled 1sav. MsKsyo .41:5.., Wien vwu un eloquateffort Sud ilaln.d l siteatively Dy Ibo large eOoapsgtioa Deccron of igres @o!oiliM lollovol Oh.e eerolées, portilpmed la by sohool obildrsu, Who plmeed viosahir sMd bouquets ou seoh grave. Mme mtJohn G. agou pe leslie lbough the IxNurWMoea k UM Uimak a»vba su lta moking Ioe ooomloathes sucues hwvaSsud lu b.iptu ng s ten oumoorheitor e ude Who esel10 Ihoiz lut tewad loilovlng lia HM09 soidiera buffld lu Sb@ .emoeletlss ladicotlma vos, graves ver. deociofldunIe diroellon of John G. Hasaou Pocl: 8 . Eliioti 0. W. Bond G1.0. TllgosEdiilu Crane Wm. Crone David Jocues L,. Cadweil J. Oerrard Thoa. Pavie David Gibson roba Croby W. Wilson Thos. 1. Jouen Win. Prion Geo. Yoger Libe Wilson leni. Bovla Oeo. Evansa )oh*l Benson Fred Elier. maton auc. J. roo - Usdole Frank 2410 Gia. floffinuaaHfeury WIltlst jent A. B. Partidge Sajuel B. Pain. Henr 0. Payne Joseph . .Norton Chas. A. Llipieaott . Thotua Hawkins BLJ. Nieola Iminel Clenu John Madiol. J. John C. Clark . Charles Bllrod ®range M. Ayers Petsr JecoOr John Dykes Arthur A. Payne 1. 3. Bries . Win Berge' Jon Chapun John Vaaeuia f ilon Deir Warren Dotî L A.é.orbie John Roba J.. Tbh.r IlDaniel wesht ]idsa Mlaill oIe oidut B.LYork , Pour scîdiera ans bied lanDiamond UkO eemmlsy, but viaose nséeav areolt tibia toue afble te seeni. A large representative - stock 'of white ,nlght gowns, muèlin drawers, cornat coere. sklrts and summer 'under-.' wear. Libertyville, lllnols. , ýS-à l 1ýSlý Sk S NkwBa Just receved. the following Ware 'l goods away below usiud prcem: Misses Ome aul aui Glos.... ........."*****"* uwaid rO au aum êmeBonsS............... XIodlas SuBr*eSe, de ftnomTu ................... Boys malhI veighl Drovoe.................... Mena bu ie olr Ngligée an ........................ Boys Zno Blouse, Wals....s........................ Exltra vidi e SU git Bk Ebbou ........ MiaouTan oM4 oRUMoBse.............. Womeu 9e Kafe. louhDraveîa...................... Womme "0O Union Bais ............................... Mus good giole Kmea Niobé Gavas ................. New lot 0 OOBuh titWoatt eéàt AUl Ove 1elmaMdEmbrOldu TUE FAR, .Lbertyville -. i F I I i .1 -i4 a Tra vel is IExpenlsive;. TaIk is Clieap. Cloth s... Dntmake the mun but heIp e*,. ý, the old orne look 11M eMW, MW "éak nOw one* that Uit b*th your. form and pocket- book. eqen*. SPRING SAMKES A~ N FRED CR5OKER. Talo LIBERTYVILLE ----ILW Stay at home; let your voce do traveling for you. You. wlll be lu constant touch with entfre couilty - -ud ffhêoouufry .M wlth one of our leephegms Buoiness Rate%, Gb. lpet 4andaq4tp. Reeso. eRate$, 5o pr d» of AFLOODý FI7eY TATER BICYCLS, BOAtUR BRAKE mma"ICYCLE BUNDRIES. DARBY I3ROS, Llbertyville. ITHE INEDEPENDENT, and the American Farmer hoth, on y-r' for the We have the lar and mostcompIet«lï of Ladies'. Men', Bop and iChlldren'ashsoïï in town. Men 's Furnlshfngs.' Our Une of fancy and plain shir'ts,, fanc: veste, plain and fancl haif hose, ties, collari and hats is complete. Ladies' Muslin Undeirweàr. ti a

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