*p****ep* p~p..ft*p.es....s..*-f- -; - So-S-$O-s-U-Oe-e-#i->- WZLL1'IJUSHTUE.NtY .0 Pet' oiloti Belleville i.n m les iab* aimonsthe il>'abjug pud burninlgt Davîi 4. Mratt, oc 'teacher. s feu, boum safl lie ad a hota97u1 wouaddChfflIrtl nupmeetaaaautnthe fnt. Clair i-oUfty àrhaola. fur rela'uing to renew bits titi- ete..Tie 5M0maerestitaiet», oftheb ilty reftuse tu heWa the wsrcluh to les' 4ommu. They porat lu txylag In SPite êt the lyomitno Wyatt. lthotit Ui.iy ýik wthal their liv«are m~ acate whfil lepresent acitewtent liati. Whus PUb. lic senimentt la appaprently with. th n'Ob sigua ut ai recatlsion ef teellux "reai s tadty noilacable. Bainetiamnendsud 0uing ctizetaa are beglaitias telu ,tse tiet tifat tat hss'h..aliaixt allen the A tilleothli . ity. It la now alcared thAt the negro wont not lyuchiealby cMisatof! BêfiUevllc. taut by fermerasftrtheb. aigli- borlido f et 'r'boff ndsud arley Hill.1 wobero itaprjtendeut lHertel reolders., gtate-'a Attorey l'armner stateil that hi.ê 1,0111dalr.que ttthe cou.rt ticuitlas) extrai mentionoft h grand Jury tai lnra'atlgAte th lyncli ~haratugbly. lie claims tu tailt, ters uoflareouriranr sd TurlteY Hill. li'Hi-xsadelares i wlli ltipllt'ittr l'et ti altttuaetfiBelleville. (Coroer blit'raakaiîianaidurted laithe iuet on thtiij railailins ot Wyatt, te jury ret*inIat1 reralct oft aleth hy lynceblgut ithehalioaîl; of a i 014. .of persansuknownu lthe1wjury.1 YbPA.NieiBWAIR VYTXRAà15VEET. Theusaa o et opiAtend NIltifi Rvaors et mc Piooingtois. l'.aarîeeaîthaî,ual dpesains asaetobléo etiiliaaaaaluylo 0attend ithe thiral an- nuutia oflanît he' ti,atnltsl-Amii't r.jn Woor Aowaatiîafl and wituf'teil a r'a' ttiai'kible . aî:aua battit, l'ire tbljoattl ttaaatpo . veret agagea. eaela tutu beiugo milloplia'l 'rila îwa.ty routidt o biunk cartioI~agn'. 'ma' pëtet'3liý vwoiooa riliialitt ca.' roit evary atoinalîoint. Meil- la'tn p 1M. A'wasu auo 5 war'l.ýai li>'oriaie (or the lîrgest utaitaru- e'll aady. Rock Ilandsu* ws aeqeted tatr th. awt eucaueat. defesîlut Gales' ltrg. The uewo ofia.ert electe a re: Iw>iartit Coaamuaer-David De- a.Litethbld. l4eaat' c-' <'aamiaerJ. .Cuias, .litulaar Via"v. ma- arMa.rJ. l". l)ti'ttlai'fy. Catari A.jîatl1.il .">owa'i l lotncton. Aa'llaîtitislt-cçar t' enara-A. -J. JuasigeAdçaaa'sua'Fred tetaott, Joliet. (*hagblai-J. .J. Ferri,«. Aitîn,. Assistantt tjuairaast.-r a;eaeral-W. .~stitau ~aryeu Gauri-Blruc' A DOTOLU» LARE. stroa*geDraep BéoatMt a "bd1te Conct wtsthe. it.l)PPl. If ta.eîisstnweon s Norîiaweit traitalisetit Ilobsu. a couple ef iuileseai ti1tCliaton. Iowa, o01ite lii- nlt a ale ot th Mimhaisptai ,River, lie wil i soutare a petctutle la.lke ut witer about 100 yartçla udiueter. It retu' bits tu appearsote sut ordtîry ponadfu ouace at aser. but th 'farmer*s -ho lire' in-or thet mynterloiiii 'deeP hai." as ila% etiia'd. aiert il is à regulit' "dev- Il b.It"'and udas ne bottoti andl indieu; tiaun are thîl the lutter aaisrtloa lai trite. Tih.. anaiere who reoile lu tht' vWtlY of 1 ii>. laiutanliesslate isa5 thnt sitdigw have hocý'maile wth linossievert] bain- ->dred fted in*iength. but Ru bottaîn ilais even bien re's<-ed. Il lai taougit the luteke iu'alac ita the' Miissippi River by .sa attrrnaunpaauge suai there lax * gasl graaaauaataa for tite. une rta.a. The' watt.? ii. helake l-ays issor failla with ie ri" ansd fai t)liath. river. Thea. fiai hâvi'.tees catht laitlaitoe sacb ai are' tottninthlu lbisi#ippi. Tberv' Iaoaa islîl' aîtiet or itiet t,ihl ttise. yetlu In ry' s-ascatta it slwaiyatreitaisillafull of w.i.r. lit.the tsanean'w heu tiere bas Lx-en liat of rais. BIG BLECTUIC LINE PMtPOSE£D. Cmîpaur Incorporatedta leConcert Att principal Illinois Cille, hy Trlley. conipauy has boe icorpaaratea'1 ânuaieatrir liait troui t'liicago to Rock Islanad anal tram Steward t a 'ire. the total diNtaninca' eins about 4.15suiles. ýThtplaîtite inbulod a main Mietfrram 1» Kéolb lu Rock Island and then te brtncb fronvarirou.4cille.util the Uls r na-a ('ir ) OatheiaouthitaiudChitcago ou the' ect. The tasdertakîng la the, isaixt extettsive tliatt liast beeli atenipttd la thei'coauntry. 'lh>. atr'tara taf tht uew couiaso are Tîlai. braI beroo of Steward aid laaav hroth>pl's of l>xoa. olti liai henal offei*n Dixon. The îaa»er bouse la tu be .locuttaallintock l'aIle. CUJflOSITT MAT COST TO74GUE. liontropoolla Mov Touches Il te Froene pipe with paiotui Meti. Barttnue MGiun. 12 reors aoi msy ti . 5a A.resut o! týatng i ta test te temlarature ot s froit-coted nuatuotla pipe lu the uew ire plant ut Mrerpoli. Once, ta contact withiathe pipe, the toy coutild ot rernove hi, pogue. anad bis crie» 0f pain broaagbt the c uuprintatinteit tealis nid. The plut va.shat aloi.. sad-twlîig vaer lu stn- clous quantity w»iapourtd it o htV1p antili Il tateamie nrin. whein tht lad waa rliereit. ila longue and tiis vere bady trosen. ed aim nglgrenal a enrea. 3 ACCUSEZ) OF CRICAGO NURIÉER pitilop fsileir Arr.sttt. laNew Jersey philip Bailey, charged itht tht mua- der of Williamu B. Tracey lu Chicago en March 3 lest, la under rrent ln New Jersiey. Gov. Yates fisueit sa reqiition fot the prsoe's reoturta eCook CÔùuty. Belle'yand Joseph Glhuuley are accttaed <if uuralrlu; Trncey wth a "billy." A oeqisillon aIras waa isineit for David Lev,.unuder arrest Ilu Pauîtalvpis. andl wanîa'd lu Chicago on as chirge of abat,- dolsa child lestacobmai esi old. WnttklaOurieres lu the. Townsend wovea'aiprise totest nt Lombti Collage. aleur.finIt pria. rastwardtd Dors Mast.hof Stock- teq sund second t0 Ella Koelbt ofLa Crante, Wî. Dr. J. . Potdait, dean ot tht iuealcsl doportacett t tht University o!. Chcsgo, deilverti tbe snnuelalares: lu tht grad- catiug<'is l nîte neiltsl departuseet otheb' University of Michgan, 1Patrickli hilen utf Cuber>' bas be appehfted a trustesofuthe lb BI asysi i tor the lusnee t Kankake by Guoy. ystei. lne sureteds W. IL Murphy ut Tascea, vho rei'eard roettl>'. Trt. ssskaad men beirded tht aaib- urbin ares unuug est frainlEast St. Louis tht ther day, routai J. Buves. the motorIua. killeai tthecoeuctot, J011ta N. Ktitb. vbe vent 10 tht mototm'ttisJ id. sud escaipea. À bttît uccarrea i tre, miles sontbt Brightounleta-ero fit@ depti slacriffa anda Wailliam Sielltaiatergi!r, Jr.. ai ti- sans main, lunurhlch la-o of the sherifftal wvau severely inuired . The uutortuntel in :28 ytrs oetâsgtassd ueiha 230 potnuas. A Rock Islsad andlreorla paseuger trat in a wt'eketaatAit& by tht break- tg of-au aile. Tht tirs vers dîtcheai sud Ire pissencer:sud tve trainuttu wera ltjcred/ .A relief train loch the Iu- juretl te 1'eomli. Il ia îheught ail yl Josephi Killeran. woin laanien- iadiat- tuent for iaiug lniieated ln the robhtry of thet Sîili.d pototthie Aprîl 1, vheu $7,000) lia stauipa> a nal $1.000 ilu sucer- van>., seddalng ptesents et Uri. Barri Il. Deveréax and al itglter et M3aî-or [tledlck 11TiItdgeir. ver t aora. bas de- iedat u stand triai. (lot. Vatpu, on racommeuaation of the tate hoard o!flpardaons, cuminted ho îw.-uty'thta-e ytars the lite sentence of WilliLtm Broynansd BarnutuBrown o! [teuderio o .uty. Tht>' kilieit theit' brotherin-latlu a quairnal rtsaltiug ftrat hi% butal tr'nentocut fha, ite, c-hoc-a thair sister. 'bieagua >àelaclilabaulletin for 'Mai abutas the bigha'st deaia ate incethe ime of the u-airla'a fair. vbeu conditions madee e tutitis tsrtliug. lusteait ut a decrease tom Maiy fronta April. as latian- sly the case. the .motb ahovs su In- tresse of 1.3 per cn, the rate belur 16.00) per 1.000 aatthe' population. Bad veatha-r la biamed for tha e s'iug.L Maadison Coum'ty as aroaigbt 10 the hlgbexs i tah of axiemeut over tiait la bliereai to lie ilii.mordier ot John Iiardie-k. ouie ot the amonttltîluetiil fermu- tr* of :i. coîîîaly. Iurdick vast tuanut desd. seated in a chair, il hi% home. s lillet lavlng pli.med thae heurt. No te- voIci-r nas fauait lu the bousel or lu tht yrà. lHe wvs.nât kuowuta, have es'cr hud trouîble vil sý u> ae. The lteudlemaa fimliy, prubahl>' tb. lercest family inInois, u.hula itls fiftt annuel venilnail the home of Jacoba Pltein. ir ear Alto l'ast. Five ban- areal menuitri etfthe tamily. lcingut physicien*, lowyers miittrs. profess- ors, business men. etc.. vert îreseut. HenryI teediuse. whoae bome luountop ot [ld Knob tht blghtat point lai 1111- ,nis, la presltiet the association. Frank Hall. Charles Seiber and Ver- noun Sueatien. îre oyutha who sre me-tu- ,bers ot ighly respeeteal familles ucîli Ing near Berry, tleadeil gulty lu the' t'ohî-d State-s District Court in Sprint' fietiat robhiug lb>. pestottice et Detroit. iar Barry. juaigp Iluniprtyinlucossia eratios et the yontit o! tht priouera aud their itreviuaigoual reptàtiou lettihera eff viti a fnefu t $234)suanalcass each. vbieb the>' jiat. Tht suntalceneet'uest exerciacua et theSat sc-bu<l for the' bliudtia oak tlaue in lb>. asel of the institiutioni et Jacksouville lu the preaaea-e ai! a - large 1gatherin f etopltie. The priacipalîad- dreai taas by Lieut. (Otr. Norllicatt upon the thema'. "The ai. lue utf('hoater." Tht dipiuaias trere presauid by iluperin- t*ndi.nt Josepah IL. Freetuan. 'tho delv- trait s briet aditrerA ta. tht cans. Thena v ert tItre. graduates. lIrig. (lu. Williaum (leudeelu et Mo line. commrntiiug the. Thimîl brigade, 1h11- uis National Gutardi re'ised' te resigo and was reinoveal b>' (aur.Yitea. Tia in the seconad ligie ten. Clendetiin lans bren ra-tioveai frant commnd ofutthe 1brigade. The ' irstt aacarred daring the 1 Aiîgeld idmiuiâtr.ttio. taheu Cleudenin efuaei tol renigu. (,en. Jame'a B. Smithl, wheo wilretire sas djutat tgenerai un July 1; yl asuceeai lIeu. ('lendeuin lu 1tumnianaio e utbrigade. Exeltement bias heen tanatal by Angut Wilhllmus findlug gobai oa is hfeaim tua anal une-haIt utiles trtbentof lRed Bud. le dîscoverial paiticles ot geld th e b> naît>) eye and sent ai quaIttl te au as- ,sayer t lt. loni4. TIie eturna came 1île otbcr day sud these say liai ore. rau $10Y2tate n. S.This discaver>' veriflias a predittios n ade by Wihhilntnniuoîher yi.ars aga. $lie dreamei t tere tac golai ou tht tarin anal propheiet that t i oe future tinie the golai t-enil be dinctavereai lu payitîg veina. Prof. Thomasa F. Hunet, dean eftIhe Cllitta ut ,4.gicultare at.tht Obie State CeUnversity,. sud formeni>' of the -'ti- ;.versity oaI llinois, bas ccapled týitpro- ttssorsbip o agmanomtuaihîe Univer- sit>' et Cernel. Ithaica. N. Y. Prof. Hut la inative of Stephtetnson('outi andinlaRabrother et Mrs. Leoad Sien- :k t ofFreepomt. HteIvas gradcsled liat>e Freeport high chool analtomn- pleled i4 ueadcatien at tht University' o! llinis. htiug for muniyears proeusor et agriculture theme. At thetleuth Sunuai Imeetiug ut tht Illnois Grails Dealers' Associatiou in Decatur tht list ot olicers proposot by tht nomiustlug commillet vas oppoeea traugi> b>' une faction, but vis elecleal. .Reports o elicers showedan auIncteara of 1 00 utembara duriug tht year. The alti- cers elected wrvaiasfollows: Prealdeut. iH. C. Mvni. Fensylh: vice-presieut. 1J. M. * alrgrovt. Viralsu: secretsry, 1George Beyer. Deppue; trtasurem, H.1. I Bialdwin, Decatur. Dlrectors.-t3eemge 1A. De Long, Foolaud: J. H. Herron. Sideli: Edwin Beggs, Asiaisa; J. A. Me- .Donald. Frankin Station, J. A. Welch, Arcole. - Two mes veto killoal sad tveproba- ne ira"eWon aulx Forty-utne vat". U..»rsTh-n Jld.th C*rter. The officiai returni on thte ectiOu for Supreme ju(tgt aire ail in and show GUY C. ltcot. 1.>., ta, have won orer J. N. Carter ln the l'oarth Di6triet by a -ma- jorlty of 49). Bolow are gît-ca the VOtes tact sudthe mnittie8 as ahowu by the officiai count: en r. Seott'a tees vote, vote. Jorty ledrtj Adas..........4,8:31 4. 7~ iirowU ..........M>4 Wa 6 V*ans,...... ;......1,70z mon0 03 puton)............... ...73 itsneeck... .... 2 2,. *M17 llen4erson ... =i1.83 4' M&ct)Oaogb ...1.775 2,8M ... 00 Magna..........'9'1,013 3M9 Meal.........l.4 DU68 240. Mors.....,45255 31 M ercer............. ! 683 1,8w0 USok tIsait...2.177 2.5Z' .... 1%ehayler................. is Warren ... 101.011 701 Cilrcuit Judges -c, eleted thrnnghout tiie' State ne follos: Ilirst 1'.ll'- l1îot als, E.; W. W. Duitail. II.; A. IK. licher,, k. slecond iatsttiet -1». A. 1IrDet.: ;.E. P Newltn, .;. .IL. creghtoti. t> Tlilrd I>tatrl"t li. R. Itumiýuh*,. D,;Il D. W. Iloider. IX; tV. T. Mou"e. 1). Fouî'th Ltatriet--Tnaaia N. Amien. tD; Wm, M. pâmser. D.; San .. LDwteht. D. vlfth District--Lyle Deeu .;>:lamie@ croix, D.: R. E. Klautrough. tD. Math District Slon Ilbhllat'lch B.; W. C. loa.K,: W. Il. Coelarse R. seventh l>lStrt-J. A. ('ra'ghtn..tD.; 0. P. Thomtisou. D.; tObt B. hirley. D., Grey a CcOTT. lgjbth tistrlt-lîarcy llgitet. t.; Th& N.. Meçebîta .;-:A1bri Akers. 1). lituthDistitel . W. ThumPeta. IL.; John a. Gray, U.; ftaaetl.L Ucer, IL. Teuth Disri-LtD. i'ulerbanigi. ILR.B E. IVonbhisgto. tD.; T. N.. Green. D. W. Part« a .: JobsnIl. Xtetat. Tweltth'Distrit-IL.W.Hia'et. a.; Pa Ditba-ýIt. I.: V. B. <brtuti. .. Thlrteeaih DItriet -Sta'l C. aongh, IL: C. Bliachard. R.; a. M. Mhina"r. B. veurteenUth IhItisîtlWm. IL. (est. R.: Ir. tD. Ramsy. Ia.; r. C. Graves. a. Flfteth I>nlclt-Jaases ».'Bausse. IL; i. 8. Pa'rraud. K:; 0. g.litenrd, . SiIaleinth 1lilsîrit-i. B. WliB n fi.; i. W. Breo, IR. aad .;t.). Iiis. fil asti t>. S.'va'tentb Dit)lt-A. H. Frost, .; . fi. touielly. t.; IL W. Wrght. IL PAUPER VOUNP TrO Ba RICE. Illimuosamu for Twentr ?sars a flegat- le the Rush L"avu 025,00C6 George NW'ashinitou Todai ut Widdaua Gnove. lau aitai ýear Rochester. N. T., rtceeîly sa an he vais lbitaiupon as a pattpem ton twenty yeers. begging an ex- latence tram the. farinera et western New York atta lover Canada, bas been touna tn e ha'mi. Ou is bod ai> -s fournal$2i.- 000 lu gurerment bounds. A petitioe taas preatenteal to thet' Moaroe Connty Suriiagatct'outland Jettera et adminis traitionc istoîci teTodd'a htiirgi. vlaelire lin %Iadalaniat Groce. ThereBetu bas heen $28 "ai haposit in a Rochester batik te Totits crudit for nanu>' yars. on viaicla ha cea-en ,lev lb>intérest. Peo- pie ta-bi buaI Todd's confidence sas>'that twenaiy yearxagSte beas jilteal ii>'a girl iu Illinois eaal di.sppleâamad. Hie iteira learneai of un laentit> titrouglithie neya- papera. TATES TO Du X CAS DIDATI. lHe Wllh i ti fpuhlesu Renomina- - lion for Goyreor lu 1904. Govereor Yao.sinla aicandidaste for te- nomination for Goveruor in 3904. H. tuaitaat anuotimceseol nt aimeeting et han political frieuîda andallaiez atthlia exea-atice mansion in Spingfield. The (lovecuor. aceouipstied b>' Mnr.-. ates. C'olonel and 1Mrs. S&ruug. Miss Marguer- ite Stront andIal D. T£Iyor ot Spinglufield, pasacil tbrentb Chic-ago os is va>' 10 Ni-ta-Yomk, vhere-tht pcty embankeit ou the steamer- Uni 5ris for Europe. They aili h begens bet six veelia. Min>' PoL. iticiaina vers lu Sprngnfield the previanua niglît, sud theût t t wt hich te (3v- ernor annunueeibs candîatacy vas su iformtai et. A tormai deciaration et bis ambtion La expecta'duifis rtura fronEurope. Pooris WSmily ]Urovus. - William Urler. vile anal te chilalten t h'torlin veonavutd luntht fluet at Atmourdile. Mo. Word tou this effSt a-n retelveal fromn. Mns. Iltrut, Mam Biner's àîstet-. vbo escsped. Williani Erler wusathe son et Max Erler ad vSC n piotogtaiph.r. Hs recetitl>' accepteid i ratiroad position In KanaanitdiMis nantri. Mca.. Sier vas tormerly Miss Wilson ot Peori. .Weau mVeit Mardeea. Mrs. Manmie Dasllevsky, 94 Igtliapinte, Clhicago, vms toasdsaieut ta déaulli uar Illinois andl Michgan canai. Ber mentiy la guneend mrder lnasuspecletl. A )Uon anal voanatélàwholcaabe retuseit loa are eougt b>' th police, foy 0. Reeca Saeccueil. ert. Ater a cuntereece at tht eeecive mensien vitb seteral ut hie poîtical adt- visera Q<iemot Tales appointait Ru>'0. afteeee utf Sprngfield. araistaut adjutat gêereai, lu tucceeoit Colonel- Theodeai livert. Me la a son ofthtie lite Geunl jasper N. Ras,*, feruarir Sijutilet gem- USI of- the 9tste. -.lrovusdin .Part Lagsea. Jeu» UT.Mllr eC LIneah Nak ui, CENvtAILI, UFFER PROM OtOI8TURE. O.v.'umu4*~gtOives Cetd ltiet Oraliflabr eWt thi Union-Cropo Ai lstertm 553-Wrosta lteBse Secion Ca 24 arnge. Tht tnop wpett tisesaiy tht veather bureau aselb. 8àtu of the lower Mis. souri vaiey tumI portians out thtMinute- sippi valley haro tufferalrauch trou besry raina, aspOtaslilyowa. the estere portien@ et KarjiM sud Nrbraska and Western Mimsusal. rougiat continues ie NewBEgglmmi. . Ilrthern portion of tht mididla At«ise l tes and al F lot- Slo.s and rti'sistys edinluportleus of Sb* central g« &lMsa sud in aunthere Texan. Ds.ugbt qodtiOnshas e wholly rellèveai 1! b.Oh'o vaiaysud over tht grestoieo-~tet htmiddle. sud sentîtb Atlantic, Utstef. Tht latter part et tht eti eksaon easnabli cool bin-the lover Missouri tsller, vest gatît district sud New fiui.Leîgn roats oe- eurrlug Lu file. ltt-Uamtd district. V«7i favorable temptstiul trevaileal Itse Ohio vailley sni..aooub Atlantic golf States. Moes tau*Sht. conditions tita la the previons irn* are reporteai trou the P>acifie rnlUait.ma-ch sttded shotrers havlug oecareal le Oregen amg Wshingaon. Wet W«ether bsconseid turther dtlia ecure plaanîiîîg luthe. Misiauri asdudtppur Miâ.lînippl vallatys. wiiere mueh of ti* w ork là uelluiahed sud tht early pLautbdinla aa'aosing wecdy. la tht caltera portion ef Kaniss tu Nebraska ted Ilelesal corai fields have becs badly vaisbed out sud mca-h re oint- lut will b. e essary lunloa thé atre- *Set wiiibc materialli redaactd. In Illi- nois pisstlng in pftdtlcally fluilbtdan d an excellent stand sittained. IV central sud upper Oblo voilais plaiotieg inhase delsycai.and early fSeldà lu soeapor- tiont are suff.vlug for cultivation. Ie tht Soutittre Utiles corn bas experi- eneed a very favrocabis veek andalàl large' ly laid b>'. .Wirter vitest.on 1ev lacds lu the est- @en partions of Kanss andl Nebrasa and nortbvcsterumlstou-i has sustalu- ai! lajut', front 0", but on thevwhuie te crup bas mnade satisfneatory alvance- meut, se tmprovauneut leing gcuerally Indicatlule O hio Valley, lakte reglen aud middlet Atlantit lilales. llsrveating la gesersi lu 'Teoataud bas htguu tn Arkansas and Noctit Carolins. Wlnttr vbeît bas, mode slow grcavîh l, Wash. lant, and Oreffonsud tIi. Jields in the tasteru portion of Oregon are cncsuatly vtady. Jin Californie the outbook ta deý prumIsing snd um" tlite vbeat la being eut for hsr. la Nebraska, the Dakota* and nortiteru MInota sprleg vhtat bas fndaitapleedld progrera, but lu aodaAb- ire Minnesota. Wisconsin sud Iows tht trop un- 1ev lainds bas auffeted much truin lie*virains., ýitWasingtou and Idaho tit trop la grestl>' improyeai. Oui 1evlansuda luthe luaver Missonri sud flpper TiM%9"sppl vallej s ts have »Ifertai trou hiseryraies, but on tht wvoeethe trop has dose vell. sud luntte Ohio valci a grest imprmvament la r.- portei. la New Yenk aud Pennsylvà& I lb. outlook la sot promising. Furtiter itpruvement lu île condition of cotton la generally ludicateit. but lte crop as a rie la trom two to tht'.. vetis lote. The vteeka ha etai favorable for tt'aesplantting tobscce and this work bas mati. rapli. progrmla tthe Ohio viliey and the mileAtlaetic lSttes. The prospecte for spples are. promising le min>' of th. Impeetma pple Ites«. The. bar trop cuetlnuif promising lu the Mia- seuri sud ulpper Mississiîppi valitys. Statie]Reports llnl-Detetclal roie* cucept portion ot lhe central and aenth; vhiat Iuproved us- tetislly, but condiionainansd partionsut central vet7 pour, moue led. ploweal up; sat. postures sum xeesdivlupreved: corn pp"ekliy &Il piaated and esrly up te ex- cellent stand; appies dropVIg..other fraits fuir; gsrden a ni potatoca geai.' lniga-tatag deactefft le a fev .osth- crs, cocaties, but generaîllvla eice af me- qulreuenls aid delyed plewins ud plant- tas; eoaaiersblt cornetee b. planteal. early cm ote uai; vhest Sud est* impruveti. hat promise leu thoavesrage coupe; clovranda other armsgrovleg sply; ucînor cropa delng veli. OhIe.-hoderate ta heavy raiss: saut le- ail amage by v>ad. bail sud llghtnlag lin West; cure startlea velu, esltivatlau be- ~ubat muetplo.Inigani plntug muine- leIt lu eorth. bat daaib>' ntat tai 1sontilveat; est,,binlcy. tlmethy. ciorer. meadova. pantures, patatels@Lud gardtas lusproved; tohacco helug trausplanteil: plants plentîtul; blackbertlefs sud grapes prumislag; applen blovm off; peur prospects (or peaches aud cherrlta. lelgan-Auaple sh.wpm have uovh lm- *proved vheat. t7i. tesieansd paaîîres sud fervsried graaath aud germinaion; cotansumugir bei-la gerulinteal ulcel>-:soif mach Improreal for ploving anal seeding: ne troal damtage rrporta'd: somte curi "f inl peachea. bat apples very preniouta. - Wlaeonl-leavy rita. vashaa edrm g ruaind hsdly anal prevseniteicopiletîta or pisnting; asti, plsatinta uite good tads;si patlitetplantina delayealb; rain; vicIer wbsan sd ryte very rant. htaing tua.oiilh- e coanties; aprltag vaet. 17e, and bartey grund; rshesaY: pentures excellent; slrsverriasood;: Spphie@plua, cherries Mtnnae.aa-Vl'efa vorable veet lInmiii- ia, vest anal uortbwesi iportiens, vhere vbeat eauttan arley ara groviug lancy aud "Xia d !petatues couina up Vreli: It southerla pertion heavytalus enîltted tI 211h. Ieoding 10w lands. uosklug level lieds. utopytg pinting of' coma Ud ilpetatoe sud Ianrtously iffertice @nal grainsanLd celai, grau asud claver growlag rapidly. lovi-This ban bee tine mot unavoe-a hie veek te b.ucsta, vIiib esvy las tram, Cosud sncier>.loal vîndatarins; eseqpt ila afew localits et iv ert; bis heen -impaaasbie; early Plentefi coru greitly nocs cullivatioa: acleagre aur &l cereals mi- terlit reisdceal: gras.usul ants anal op- plea dols g Wel. --I-Nort Dak&ia-CroPu là excellent candi- tien sad ovl uts. " wb veat core thegreun ; alao, rye And al i ey deing weil; siax atils nsartaîg couPistice; cote plant. is atili ,proress. soeabu attto ad viiihave teaterepattd. souh tDekots ('elierali beaeficial raies. bul tartiter ielaying cotrnpstleg onatue, sadein seutheat; come plng nearlng coupilton. bat t 10 la iitei aid peur aeeiueccssitate som>. relalnting; seau 1 tuasd g usgraanvlng rouiy: vn- t>'. baidîns:spria.gsvtft Ia.barley aud speit sttioiag atîl. espelally whesl. Nebrùska-Weet catal, vIlS excessive talne; #ttrctlatly ai. stik lu the aield tht pç* wvekl eloa.lnàlirgely ander viter sud conalierbie dnagetetacrapa vîli re- mait tu sastet countes: tros, vileat. est& oui rie79gnerulîr made rant irgcoth: cont- lucble cote yet lu plant andl unusualî eegsmual t ofepîsutia vili be' lieces- À geusral atrike ateelugs al amploy'0 or every Important hotl sd reaurant le the loup district t Chicago win catI- aid Frldsy. At 10 olock sharp the dion committees, representleg the cooka, waiters. watresaes, birtanderi and mis- cellaneous hotel aud restaurant belp ewoopeit dowu opon the batela sud ras-3 tenrants luside the loop. A pereptorY demsand for lmtuedlals union recogntion aud ilhe concession ut thte nlocu' de' monde for increaueitwages aud htter0 heurs sud workiug conditions vas stade. i -sud wherever retutei a strîlaeva cati-a ed lmaued~Itely.t Six Important baties aud resta . rants were closeal Thureday ight. Tht m-cm ployez iuivered tht union trike cali te l a mn a lthotigh the proprietors delarea that lu saime cas" neut over hoit ut their1 help are atembers ot the usions. Thurs- day &triâtes wvetcalird et Vugelsas's restaurant. Klug's resasurant sud lunch' rani, tb. Union Moteb, and restaurant,. Potten"i remanat, the Grand Pacifie Rtel sud the Chicago Beach Motel In each case thetitt-Bp vaS conaplete. t 'The first trIke vas cail at Vegel-1 sauta Wresturant. The union umecinghâtà hlmi wîtia alot qt diner "4êokid op" aud beiug uible te serve it an usuel tlé. resuitant loui is etimaled et nearlY1 #f00. At Kiug'ai retaurant the bIsn frouta fod on bond vhichtitey vers unushista serve va s aid ta o h.1Ml.c orne statinticet ofths Chicamo waters't trike: Ilolels iffected................. 1 Rtestaurantsa sfecteal.............95 Employez ot.................7800 Persona lneonvenleneed, dall ... 500000 Persons depeudeut for food on testaurantsansdhoatisa...200000 Losa pet day te employer@..$100000 Losa ut employes lu wsgea,...15.00 Louos te etuployes lu ip. .... 5,000 Detuaud uf .lrikers-Recognitloe et union. Plans ut sîrlkers--Tle op overy testati-t ront sud hotel in Chicaigo. Marshall Fieldi. the great Chîcîgo uic.- chrut. lu as aathorlred interview de- larea that tht business et bis honne. l hencefortlitetac mansged qpon cosservativa lins because of lobert agitation, sud pro- dicte that pisspr- zgc tty viii ceas. If Y11 this agitation con- tinues. Mr. Fieldi asîj: "14'efetliIf tMesagitatiou con- tinue. that liber MÂSS.AL itEu. ili e ot oftsoi- ployaient. for 1h ressue that the em- ployer la euv psyiag s mach for libor as l l poasible for ii to psy and lve. We ire oblged te lok long mb the te. ture because ut that agitation, muice ve import our gouda train *Il over tht werldc sud makse large contractai lu idvan ce eres lai Ibis couintry. Therefore 1 aay it la the part of prudente only toloouk tarthcr ino tht future thon w. have beretotore bee,é deing. Thio proaperlty we are now enjoyiug wili sot contine unlems this agtation cas bt atopped, and unies: liber la vllliug ta continuesetrs- estly St w6rk St the predtut very hlgh pricez. These pricti nmuet certasly go dowu as aoou as ltera làanay matertal lot-up le hominemi. FLAMES SWEEP SEVEN STATES. Fierce Forent Vivat D.vsstste Veut 1 Forest lOreis, auti by 1he torty-nlnt o mys' drouqit. have enveloped ths entire eater senion ot the United lStes and Canada le their grasp. Thouuanda of acres of timber laud llaye b laid wilpte. villages bave be obiiteraleipd the danger ta ite aud ipropety la increasiug honniy. Immense districts le Maine, Vermout. New Hampshire. New Yok, Connecticut, New Jersey sud Pennsaylvanie srs broad sbtetsuof dasse, ad loeg tbe seutheru >shore ut Long.lasisua, excroàchlnggasa close te New -York as Train Meadow%, just outoide ot Long Island City, the ires have galutd aluch headwaî as te cause the suspension of al l ther vonk te prevent their turther apread. . John D. Rocktefeller bas a big force ut men sptinkllug bis gardees and watch- lIng for tires which might start li is $200.000 prit-ste park of 2,000 acres. lires, stsrttd by s locomotive sPark, have burneal over hudreals ot actes,,star Lakesvood. N. J. Tht tassns marbie palaCe et George Goula liîes dirtctly lu tht path et tht fliases, snd in surreunedd on ail sides hi dry pinta. Million, lu property have bees de- mtr03 ed. Hanalsome estçtes us Long Il- 1 nud asd in tht Adiroudacks are aurroanal ed by thtedasses, andl hundredsan aresan- douiug Itir homes sud fleeiug for their livea. Two Maint towss, Sherman snd Cryatai. have bees burued eut sud the people forceiluafle. Montrentinisstill tlae tenter et a cordon of!tierte forent Oireas whlch ,xttsd as far saut as ths -provinice et New Brunswick. Quebec ltstlf bas been lu serions danger. That sellant mas '-War. the Arkansas, bas captnred another Mississippi mud- -batk. 1 Mr. Rooevelt ls a lover ut hasites. but ho distinctly disapprovea et dark homs. "Teddy" bas nW oirt, vnhisk-broomed by the attentivt perter lu neariy trery ltat luthe Uuion. Give (rer Ceveland a good basa bols and youcocashave the presideeci fer ail he cires as long as tht fiah bite. Tht fint rowboat fatslity et the senton ls reported, and,.]lies mont o!lits kinal, vas due te tht pt'ankset a pisytul Idiot. Fortunateli tse marger betves Mri ' Hi&riman sud bis vermlforin appeudix vas dissoived vithout. damage or excités- ment. ý.ý LUSFL M RJM l14. Acts 28:1f,24, 30. 31. Xemomy verses, 30, 31. Golden Text-h i nU mot aâhameai et the gospel otf('brait-o. 1:16. Paul said tht other ahipwrecked urav- tiers set out for Romat on a ship ef Alex- itudria. Il ciried ait tht prev Imagea ot Castor and liux. Ivin sons of Jupi- ter. Tbey stoppeai at tht fuaittsciby et 8>-rituse in Sicil>'. 'ren tbey tetchei aà comipas , "made a circuit" le ithegînna, tiassed l cylla andal 'arybitis, ent casse et leugtb te Pateoli. "lb>. Liverpool et Rote,", un the heauliful liay' etNaples. ltre tbcy disenibambel andal tar a vteb'a viait vllb tle Christians tha>' set outl oer lb. Appian %a>ay for Rosse. 150 miles distant. le the mentime th. uevm hait reaceai Ithe capital tbat Paul sas ou the wey andal araingli delega- tios f, !C.hristltia*vent out te mort ania velcoîne hlm. "Wbom wb.n Paul lau be thauket (cd analtueit courage." d Jlien, Aoa.ivered oe Ote misieeri. It ..... M a £wo-m'u t"tUiuq. Umo3 'w -MOUi qfl» M- y- on tha si probabl> te te captaIs ufthtbsguard, the troups avio gtanrde<t thceniperota .per- son. Burrus, then preteei of tht Prit- toriaîm and as cprlght monmodae gentr- ans arraugemeett fer Paul. lHe won et- ticliethb>' a aight chalu sreuad hia nlght uriait ta tht left wrist ut s solaller but thervise be wvas at liberty' le the paince or lu the 1rescribeil reaideuiat district outsiale. The lève aitlthecapitasl "Ta tbe Jevs frat" vas alwasuPaul'$ plan ut campalgu. Accordingly lie invii- et them te hie quartera. Whcu they had gathertai be tactuli cîplainet bis pet- saetIsituiation_ lia bs4 doe n ugba &gainât lis people or thelr cualonir, but their hestillty hudit oupelleai hitu le self- defeuse te appeallte Caiesi. ne auf- tereal because oe t "tt'hope ot laratl." WVhat tilt hope vais be mode plain at a Ister iterview; 1h vus Jetusa the Mes- siah, trucafitil, tises anal regaut. It tra net strainge tht Rossas Je-vs hai teceiteit no intelligence wvttbrespect te Pa ui'@ diiiculties. Tht ippeai te Catsan bea been an uneîpecled meve oný bis part anai Its 'prompt euactsscnt lettI ne lire for messages le Rosse. Tbeî bad beaird. bowever. et tht Christian "atéet" sud ihat*it vas tvtryvbert spok- en againat. $orne verdi et Sactonuu abeut tumuits smehg lbhe Jeva in lhe tisse of Claidiaius ntlgated bi a certain "Chrenîns" iiad uns teasuppose tbe Jeva St Rossa bad already shuvu Iber oppo- sition, What the Romans tboughl abuattit. religion et Christ vs e v tw ram variont sources. Tâchtes, a chiid ublil Pal came le Romt, caliti it a 1"deadîy super- stition." Andl PlIs> Whuo vas mal 5a a peoriy informei, vrote thsl JI; va>"ia vicions mut extravagant superstition." It vas ouuy a feu ycara belote Ressan bat- red biazeit out lu tht peraectilon unuic Nera. 11ev h.selens s a at batrti se nia>'know troacelias tact that .Chrlse tians vert mectimed a "âthelats" andl «"haters ut mînkinai." At a liter appoiutmeut Paul set 'torftb te tht Jews, tht Chitinuailb. Tht saiplares vert commos groand nd miha argotafiup thsss. Hie ni.thod ins vus- lhy ut empbasis. I.Lia a xpouae. H. unfoîdeal the truth about Jesns. This ta feuutStion vork aed ltbout fil0s true-.. tur«e are k. the. best Gilllvtr de-1 scribes--bnilt tout dovuana. 2. Set teatifleal. This meana appasl lu pe"l gospel ban doue uit. a. fHe pt dd Titere la a divine ceualnainl vs ment employ. Ottes men ère lîhe wnIches dua- !shed and veuna up, but lbey requint a litIle shaklng te gel starleal. Anal@orne believed and doseadlabellev-à cd. Tht latter cas vas tht gctat ma- Jorty fer Paul chiaile i embers vIit hardussa ut hturt ad leraite the lien- tilts. Thtesasse tt'utb, but boy diverse Ita effecîs. -Tht mund grovs bard andl the.ca-argroea oft ail b>' tht self smeni boit." The sntua vied, mai propti 'ça- sels lu opposite ilirecîlous. il ail depeiai on thtetset fthtsailis. The Widor Miatri. For Ivo years Paul vas s prisouer. Possibi>' no accusera appeiteal andl Paul% case veut by aetault. Thetsin ageuit ri- ton te believe that ho receivi. fu trot- dom aI thteteit ut thal tisse. But lu prison Paul va net supetaneuated. Tbei-e vere tht aoldiers. eue ater an- other tbbât d im a n ustot'. **Paul coulal net ailtfor hears beaide anuthet mnu aitout -speakiai oft-tht subject vhicb in>' neainest bis heurt." Thun tbrogbeut "tht vbois praetotlisegaiai.," so he vmte with tht claie ou bis vtlst. the gospel vas made huevu. (Pbil. 1:13.) Mauy visitera csame alto. Thene wene main>' nid acquiintances ai Rosse,Ite- t>' eighl art meutionea inluhie letter wl-lt- te» nome tisse prerloual>' (Rom. 16). l- ers came teo mev and love the saitiî aimai eroit oid uman. Anal as Bernard et CliSrvesux fom bis eltar nulie papaliEuroea ePaul train bis prison lu- fluenctal tbe westernu churcb. Aud bis letters vrîttaauetIl bis lirea. n-e mtust net forgel Ihetu. We ciii vani afforit te bave Paul laid slde fer a lie that ouat et bis aiaditallousa ill cosse tbe sulmisLetter tate >Epheiies. A fan- avay chuta-b lu Macedoula sent a gift by Epapbroditts te ils spirituail fîther and Paul soas"Tbaiuk ion." lu sou. utftht moret beautiful ines ever peeneai. tht Lelter te thtelîhilipplans. Te Paula loalgings there came Oneai»s. SatOfl- avay lave. Whoui be returueit home h. carried le bis moter saan ulilvêest tht exasuisilo Letter le Phîlessen. ile took cith hlm àas a letter te tht charcb in bis home cil>'. Ceossuae. Luke Bain- yane in Bedftord Jail. Paul viib bis peu exertea i trai.anal deathîtasinfluence. Finis. Lobe do"rnetuot itaIhe trouble te sp- pendt tht votai. Why daa<'uAvis end su ataupti'? linas a-ppragraph -bet teat? Was Labo sualdeul>' tticken devu? Busse sas tht "Acta" are uniluisheit. Patrick adaital a chaptaar. Se dit Bonifuce, Jual- ion, Piaton, Il cermet b. a closeal book until tht career et tht cbuc a sdoue. Possibi> tht beat expîsustlun et the ab- rupt close efthIe book lete tact that Leke vraIe the book netîr lb. ed et the impriseuimeut sud thara usa othlug moto te se>'. Neit tesson-Pal"Charge te Tisse- tby.-12 Titu. 3:14 te 4:8. Hoeult Cae .About. - 11wlsh." sait the îeUeg man lunlte sketch. 'thal iu onc-uit be ltleg an- mal aud caiti me tay my fret unome." "I'd ratber nul." relled hietair Inom- ponton; "'your lumt noeasn uits me ail riglt." And a fitIle ieter tbey wtt. diseuss- lsg thet merils ut firmens tusppty tut- niturta on the Instaîlmelit plan.. Boulsthifliata SNoume. Mise Quinet-Andi vii>-.pra>'. do yoù cati that horst "Nmaitr» Mn. Klider-Beanse ln vumm emtS drive hlm vittsocI t et<langer et pe. mai lejur>' lu benteit. - Balttmn#e Amonîtan [t Pa"s te Use It Right. Our Motto: BM fe, Ltwter postcrsb AND AU.. UO«T SP Job Wc omAA 1 LJ61bs p4tys 000 nod by'F P. LoveS. tnai