CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Jun 1903, p. 4

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I la Ils ~1w 1 e- mme ont the 'ympthshls 1,eu wim. LI* wa City'ad fev ora lauSaerm arcentei #0 tMe tg ut Whiouoeu"to. Dut goe asdymimj. --- le vimspai the ia cai. » p pp iittuproce 1 2W*isoam asieto agole1 ba n dl bt i lm lIh4 - .'.*p.."1 a»1t1 'Ibce~ T .s Vils aIle N hlo-OwaI o. uIOMM lE i u 7mm. % bond fo t <o pOPSe vSh ian u fi seor, o bu lée t. ton -. se. : I $0 be a «m ssme c tSla à'hu u .m hi 1071me 51 sai.-Pmes Irysa 'a w %0Ssu i oup b": leetiom 09 RNODemouosotb .w blObïft h O Ioo ebMEmti Io 'hcl*0hiligaihs I à*, fo"m1 1 . .s v ItiMW*s ruuN5l 150pops m a sac el - Wd saed PalI«s for, ýbiddln« ain pt rpýose 0 .bi I 8iacl.mab col-w. bave 1' a wmgrw bm um a =lu camd id M m fH ""i e W ou" soc V"SaimeSw 4 " Tm Mmas fl h Mre fu 'b mw cai Sa N u thiu ive. s ýb *sohèau se mm *0pmu b Mt mNI osla ew u. prok aiN elema O dmS pet oud M004 *hm ier iti viltalhS hmIl pomic. Tht. %»t flai t umipm »Ma aMy ha preetpltm - --w * e OeI. Mayor Poirses ii dstmnfl id replAc«-irObex.lCIt MM Tbs 2rn ot Grdy AWajda 1a dloolvui. Tilc ru bu flnghai la vu" trSam *à..* lauh. sjorui à 490d b«»«. .the disouton la bz <ho pitawiwmmmuot ot the arme Maom DiV..A' j0547Oed J. B. »«a" =4t dbmll sacomb Iilmai.t mma heouetfoebc4flsb>' IraI * W" 0 tâel on o. 1rrthe uff ns la le. w1be solaag 45tho.b ueNmbut,»e.sousth »5mmarydOèmo Us1 thftig i»a a Osq,10. Ulians. vl ha added hocs'poftuegl Iowr;tuid.-pféolao liot b OUt b*-tSlod am to t r I - aN lia 80.1 ~t tlpeilcuw' I lin ~ Tht je mit mutonS jUA os ontomi ut 't. do~ilupc~ ~ ~ vu w gue toma luglume-Ohai dm *kt"IW-. lovaiS te »«, bomwm ts u >L*IOM lr i amtr 1 Laie l & eoqa17 15 ims melSe omur l a w ai «oth io 514 for lvom t i a jtwA of r«lc. mo lu 1>7 the Plulp kofAgweou<u "m" ubot oftàs500-u»,!. i li oiq tentsa er fMb cl rop e s a Mount 012000gold. mesi vmylgbosMWat 0 or the sortte Su- i opum ào " ào l e ours 4en«» a la vli VAlie boaholuay lmS I Ver devlaod ta ecu 06=007 nisd liko -Mme tiatare les "000oe Wh onder l is t b iI U«0 long uge. s labor prablo, ihIa, mm m asexth-mna. ud Ohftt r!b*$. Vo ~ realosi Mwod OMoU, *tgiOMMsOM ia b etg i mIs ol. 04 o 0" lhote v mos us5 mPh. do-o.. I ebtete1 W op h ml>'.. leSs a shorn is mmas the aslooao,, slaudey Woeslg o>ui Il Id veuit eopareu preVidu.'W. çeislsly 06b lu msiposi t bilk »M 20011104 me b la Md SoM matt t W de toiM .mmm lte aleo b. da i.' l m 0 0 ' t *0WButtlsOf. w lvn"» te,' Md Psak Wi?..i0 laum .».... à @ ar Oorn lot a ic sac a Deeed.ld tAdi lots i tlan bDb "uIs, 1041t@il- vIégaBInftv...*, 1lu Md et ta StIUle0 aIQs vraiWb .,wd......... lm as Nul amle pii uW 4...... Mm*$ dlitGomN5 it b t "JQs- MbgeoBllonat StFIras- t" 68041lfl........ ........ mu saIp 50.1 etMd .10 Wb[S id Waesavf wd............ Poihosav ............. Rn1bt<AnnaR i'p lts bkn Elohhsits .... ..........l ,ýitiou is la in MdWaad VeineStWv d.d ...... ....... i. m i aer te . îU, eUçIit. Démit ":. -!rosi The 8ve %orteid j a " mt Meuh aUsbne. TV-7*414W' mb M4 whist bo@sTf vnY «ff*ku m neiai~ Ulss polirv*M>k 4wl soeb mt.em es.'.. - j '-cal <1 I - I Amas làU. lisMlUsrý Of Voiola,'pe lue F u. Q. P. Darranbas uOVOd hil* Dsonw bous.; Ère. 'rhonuanWbf tTney for the Ot. Quea. Hook. of Fox lAke, wae here goward 11409y Wlef 1t week tor Ogden. utah. àfM d 91 Orlleld haubeen quit@ mlck OliisTedand Rimes, of JngWiede, Johne Hart, of &Round *Lake, wAs on oui etreefaednssday. Ums.onde Im Ldaum ,turnéd t10 Mr. and Mme. Slavenq and eilîdren' apent FiIday et Chicago. M r. Adai, i Inglide, lias. taken charg ni the St. Paul dppot. Um I)An UMd Mieas Mary Monk, ot Roia .pent $"@seauf' "ors Mis. attis ChIna, of Antloeh ' speulia Ia n af theb pont week bere. thefr Ir"& dTouday erenngst a. irnu Ums. Dth Thonison entertained be.r mother a»i. brother, ot Chcago'. over Mr. &ad Mm. Kapple, of Englewood,à weethsgaue ot.oMr. snd )mn.. mth1 Sonday.1 Mwis.FoeasDrues Attendeti the graduat4ng exorcises at Oak Park the past Mise Mouds -<lts' and %inter epent1 Bturda aad Sanday'. wlth Mm. Meeleeblan et Gags. Lake. A muuasa lu elarge covered tao âmneuotior tII. chldmeiL ENs poýrl Fenton and gentlemate fu4sd, 'ai aifiao, spon u ana> wlth bsr4ust, lir. à. W. HMrvey. C. Tou.g, of Chicago, mas opened a béot ad iOu eirlnguhoplO ithe ehop formerl>' omopisd b>'Jeu Hureil. IL A Coatas bas roalgnod bis piLliton et lhe MSt Paul depot andmi affl no More bis Sai»>'ta Denver. PMr. and Mmr. Contes and- the ittie girls have galnsdmmn>'fri" during their stay' boe who wiU ,regret thir departwwà NornianConiho, 0f'Oak Park, wbo in wltknown in tht. vielnlty gradpated wi lie bihonora lant Wednedly f ront the. Oakt Park Rugi Bahoof. Mn.,Coomnba wMl send i. vaetibn wlth i. parents at thoir heaUIfglI aummer home oi Gages Lake ater whlh ' lie wilh enter the Dartmnouth eollage for a terni oftfour Mme. T. J. Retiehan olebrated the Ot>'- fourtli analvorsary of lier eoming. to Labo sntty on Janme 16, b>' a dinfner givon to, ber fanil, et ber home on Round -Lake. lMr$.e. 1uictwhou. maiîm arne vas iohnàaSttIon wae llvd lu a Dem ultmir Prar u ber mera mOi ida illicHenr>' count>'. Thmusproust'pore*ber zon.eud thelr wlvou: 1Mràà"d.11<.. Jaaon. lr;,, ud Er. ., -.Mr/ a m . I&GeorgesMd mise b % "ae~a bertrando, Robet Floyd Miss ÎMu HneMe for 'two yjet teojur St igbes an sd ueveth graS Me 'lu the Guyslaho echool ieas mted 'maich poro ucraties postion ou th mp t-aeilnq OUR of thi. uthie Okleho me .cbool, Mmn Houds. ]asprovenanver 9 ~ce. iebrda> helovod b>' isg PUPWillan ýWilgrelj naised - thoin. At -thc t4ino Mis.- Rodob resluaton pasbrufht heore tt howrd 0 , o ioltsteet tho> t prevair ou b pr ta' remelubdrt lina î~aueiutl.;aoupsd er reignatlc, boM atii. miolaraand h-onbotsi - ~ opi*1orcoeil. paNumpf h1 mlâam »g. t hi ho nacatlabob lod fiwilb ir wig.Il tà e *ré' bogiïnn W, Aysri' Hall L CTho u 435 Tht lgo a" tlOSIialhOUUJta 18 mée, ne shm.a sr.d more htgh pîlosi roois Mnd cantatgs boes oad 09 copman mares dan ay oslie bomt Ïter ovnod ltuSst. l9s té t" .0oS ESthr W., 2:14 13611,at. 2.12 pramees, EtOl , t4,fli PIIetmimimatn, 11.26J1na n cmulus 2:20 w OmlOsla the aims01Sle. A. Wrlgbt , -8Osplago Smm for wvicaleh bue reid t 100. Caihoas la on.eaet he t ai br*d slala.luthe a" aN. hmbasàreopiS ci s1:241, vilc te no Mmesir St ls aped. BHb. asgro~Sqaurtef s i» tt',ioon& 84e- a SMl gst. Celions 0" ici O~bande, vvelm. 80pot" T.uW 5.0 0 lace à s d oolt. Money go bha 31514àas-On s. Mme tos. Fpor SaliPedigree andut 01r pgMtuare, caIlen or sddrss. C. A. APPLEVI Ubortyvill , , A oplet* and U!p to-date liné,ai- ways on hand. MW. HUGHES' Marbie anS A Orenit. voni or axa,, Report Or 2Nbltion' wogu iUI.. 55ruy 0f he db.ContyUaI~siBsn.1Nothonce oajuaavn bal* of nemi oloue of boni nese. lune 9a. Sait fIlUolijus Sbonds ta e M r@oiiil&datl.... Mo 0 e fun o; 14 e cnson d"l. I.ods. .. .. e ' es ln1,i h B lg bouses.tu nituroxture >5 . eg e*Méo dlalb ouny S41 .0 Usfron litate Sa enmd Bonbon, .lm a MiesOU84ol,-g Mla ', tsiebl 1)ue Prrom appoeevd mer va agnats 2"64otto i..... ~it cobeieuend C cr asa gm . 5 ect..on'. yILli-asadtfi>.n a e ' Notes et other JNational Banks eu .......a sio m<l Irac niPaper carrenoy. nickels =s~ nednitln futloN. - onpoe x iisinoI' IL5AZXLVUEI net#% ma 00 tbdaot li Toa. . . . . . ......u' '129 ,ll. in lyldat pro tmesozonaeaaa Total. lay org'iaaM ......... SIlM n ir nse rBiCS #ldeyM7et . bani.. do domrwea taofhe.b= eos an&] bt ll, .......... a is.n.M M.. IAUs.. Total ............................. oi 9 litote f Ilnois»ar s.o Woseea 9 ?. kOI. Ivi asaioi 051 'eme berofthe booimamtor m ai tb ofa hOCUlUO MMs, Sa#. n. 0 hy a ous;itlrOltufl. fBat= ... 1114 a hipee sre reur.sgce ... lisse s tait4 epr.eternos'. icl" IL Tote ...................... t. se .......... VUtal . Olsun V ec tAta aie.o Tbe rtltindomýitue e t reo bOueudbe lly or fsprvsr n on;Sncltg and eaa tekbutae m ~ilu rot eépday otmille.-lu e WIbel buÀlo et eomm LEo , ottry on or te IDclv ia ILdi> e 0 esutnMd t tum peAbsr mest, 'wmlU5'404ilotutifl a Mos F< L L-le-le an thloton Frsi FQat 1iW. * AIl. voir ta BE9room uIbsI6~a F~~~nInI..n' e9 lo. u1 civot. lbutrvlt. Ap Mr 19'.S MONS4&gkR W- UER CO.i .bertvvllie------------Ilnl le,

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