o-.. - raIls produesu I ibis .U boti rap. virecodputa iraeo pp2sBart, .j 2u iti paaa dcrate neuta -r. me; it jé l MjôttIfcà. ý, rom ara- t kaftà' and *av# tfft *Ufer Jfiouusyars.ý-mrr,. vlaIa?' l leutsiai eal ot tise vms .ircguia ami preaifrou, -i xamuai a e dvra hbeaix a pabies.1Ibai -m frequeuti>' lîard a sud vitor oqierul t-res Il se 9 iasii tor a botleiandilnl ~*ballrely réstaed i.ec.e."- is Ssil enbeb. 18torjvilera lis. vomen are atlas aIvsiýn ly; iteus'. b>'rcmfflog tOetqsat om ale diatisa. Dr. Mrtrnan han probabi>' cnrcd more Waueu etoffeuie alments tissu su> !,*par living pityicisu.He ak.ot Ée aunas idopi> b>' usint and reocmnenil- msg Parns. Y y>ou do .»« drlyo prompt'aad aatltciry reeu fl m tA t -f of Peruna, write at once do Dr. I9tmn jv Ng afuit SatM t -mi,youa' csa ad hawwil> ha pleaad go jive you his rvaliaadylca Addmu gDr. Ham aaFreWetatof 1Me HartamM SuatSiDI rouaes, Miss 8o; Smithred. Attestions ta a bigli des. t, reinu o>ou aben. ftitidGen.. kas b>these va. yenumiait vi. Ao Il ougit b er C'o. ue Kt. Dîtermiucd to ne louger t- PIFASANT*Beholdl, t1vu*,-nIFr*. fot- PLEAM Ths ia. letme tun' w>'RIfsât!" Tise mlden lt unig ier pret>' cp.- "if liîn. >iiir purpone lh. e I t.And If y, îu*li b t.-eu r lirtilnu oil. t cau 'e. 1541 #555T iouO 10 aNuEL S-IJr AND HE* à M VcOEX80Mi s-r-f-tE..- " t IIyen Must c,ftsul sWiti Pl~ 515.a.-ime tO tS.e mir f,. 51. - sitti, ýrlisped. ber blushes tire- bu..i. d4,1. Es.. ', r on"lie cricil. " M as&aMW.m e nu>- Icoue te ui." IaIeSUMELT YEDICINE u otlt ai . isl Ma -0" vé* A. M.. imes or mre holie ~ Jir ~ -.az The birave dexarve th4'fain, I Br iHai fearoilta s-o,. b'd sure bave MOL -BEgena 1Field. Do Vour Fae Ache &.ad Uan? Shaska lote journt oasAilan Foot- asge, a povier for te (cet. It mates tigitl or Mew ilisecefretllay. Came Corna. Butinons. Sveoltes, et mund l4uenting Feel. At ail Drugeits aud sS eStors. m2e. Simple sent itE', AddrossA .leu . Olesmlad.Ulaite'. N. Y. VomiaItpootlier., tiIoeu fnlid verdi l e li." DO oe1S.-VmYWIaE 'llot I presome yen ceîîid tait me in Ogtures." reJeiite hcaulitui bekalsa.n vonoes tisgngesîlte e cemou,ý c'MM With the old eeawty. 101 . lm o akd Sd ada. Tbqv a m~gc3awes&a$. f ilee. 250. au* SOC- sot Ver> i îoniîo ail le reid n d t letter-s,,aud we Mis[.: Andrews Wamllie Mot cen- wtt eielpt>' tomaclis. 'Be Oued wtb *ejtiocs visiter or te district, but f*ltw, Il lé vïarions rensorn u sit iot popu- A eaju.. W *kmong te poor peupvle wlîom sIte Whdî do you thinli ot the new board- sdto belp. ae~ sked Mmi. Starvem. '"I don't want te see tit peaked- "loh. 1 don't know,'" repliid Starbord. Bbiug womani i n My roni agin. nor -1 taik iie's ver>' polile. Wn'tr oaid the grandrouther of the 'Bithar thent or ver>' surcnstic. DNd s. raegged 'uimers . >u heir bien ask If Fil have tell 11 'rend my Bible wid thIet ,W ~ ~*d..eaomu "-Phuiaodelphlia lres. wk. et oun te old Indy. "but *Bow Ye the Trntmpet. lBlow." ,vns Me%.' imes for son)e tlinlg an, one of the seven hyus written b>' xes for others.a. 'su ht Andrewa Cbarl'e Weaiey for Xew-Tor'. DOY. rbta las wthout the sens.' b kuow litwas first nsed in 175. le one'fron> té thor .Wiat iwas *r1 11a se Motto 51e brniigit ns' yeserda __ Scs DOAN'S G ET BACK ET Anblgliakmaêca5d. ip, back, and J Reiai.eart palpitation, aleeplcmaas hpains overaome. BWeig et te -eadacite, jOfflouauegg, dfzzlnam load dropsy aiguna ViSSL IDoffl'e idue>' Pliéarc now rogaIrwd lb. efrect urine with lercà dut ccdi- Iag* g knowt refiWy for -ktdnay, uda. wqt,blgbcoiored, pain tu p-,gdrb- Isd urluary troubles. Titey biniMO1.ell te. Draeyc, Lad wtting. Don's and cure witcn deapair sdow kaoe. lay lla' rovo calcuilsuent voi. Th froo trialla an opon door b ait proof. rbeýaalm. - I ld e. DBA&Id5. PilE ïegïafire te e SmI.e E àrs mbav b. Doaals cmple andmueS pi %Wbok.«htch M jged b eand ekmvs. Four boxes or '0e>' PiMEs avb on- fi l tem e u e. V ed ose ntico moflte Msd on ci ede 1ete, riiifYTE------ tr Srusti taijo P.i. 0 e.i........ . 551ti ba..dcue u i f" rw .. -e * . Pm . bokXe >ins end th. 4 . KOt ST. LOLÀU. tbIrty te Ftti 'W pacttiAre aatç bratad-ssidstaArmcusa th 5e Xight b elta. snd WbiilaeVIa. tranTiret, Homes tu *'sss. TIl>'lies are beIlevçf tealbave boas bat lu Uic current wiicirnitad lute Est St Loula Weduesdai uoruiu. )<aarl>' sait the 30,000 peuple Oed atisa x"Wet of lta* braakiug of lte e'misak- iit. Viicisliadt stood betweer. the Mia' jt*dppt flood and tisa boa> lova oùc lie tout ' u.bani of the river, sud Wadsas- 44a affeagon t nl> a fourtit et the city vuwa suisnsrgcd. tFaer>' listias sud men sitoutini , "hgi megapitoues awakened people la theuaoittoerasection ot East Kt, Loni$ la thea middls<1f th isaugbt, nd tIse>' Oeilt. thea borts endl, leaving bomemsud gôodls behlad. Betere noon a break won ce- _prted la lhe Bltiueanad Ohio Senths- kwhlrn lèeeet the nons, sund the vWcou eli>' vis lu danger. A long proeassion '.of dirlaeartaned. boucles, eidents Wvite oues arm fibtis o ta Ove foet nadter vater arui- ad lhi ait aseares tisegrrat £ad# brde r*n aft ntihe Msseicri 'theastrette kaovlng not vitsar tea«& The river rosa le 37.9 tect, and the army et lerco buder. ne longer oould boat thebreaka. Ennesa awu nsum- bd aud ltae Oit>'bail, Ouled vitit ftoed vie- lins, vas eut cred b> the valer. Bridgaeh. O unir W.Y Ont, Wem.n wilb ciuldiaui arma, men car- rylmu bouseiseld f uriture, borne, doge and cala were in the streal. At sunrma the Ecd@ bridge vas rirtuàlly tisa oeil,- means of cressblng te river open tealthe throng. Triff letamIastSt. Louis frrts lie west aide was suspeadcd and police- meni turned hart, ail who attempted 1h. trip. The coutheru liait et East St. Louis va. deopest lu the flod. aud 2,M00 mou fell tact ou Missouri avenue lunlte attempt te cave the remainder ofthlie cit>'. meiued b>' swelllog twaters' frem titis, aides. A tow lionea before lthe break linlise leeaed RohoM, a ne r o cmpleyed as a lejee buider, was kil ail b> mendier, etflite hevee patrol for attesuptIas te tear down s part etflita dite. Rit set vae te reidit et nager hecanso he asanuio awad! te draw hl% psy ai once. An appeal trom bMsyor CeektateLiant. Go,. Norbictct for 9Éate treops tea*id la goardiug pa'operty s»sansuwered vIls tbe promise ltaI delsils et milibla veuld hae sent taE Ks« St. Louis et once. Relief boat& staroil trom St. Loula foxrEast St. boula» cari>' Wednaeday nseruung. B>' order of Park Commilssion- ar tol itthe chiffs used for reereation ou the parkisblutts-are coliectad..to e ment le the essI saie on as trryhoat. bariux thc torenoon tte valer vs. îhrcstauing lte u.,rtix sud enal sidma.pre- asrd temporaril>' b> the Baltimora.and Ohi onîbs-rhwstcru Ralrod ainiank- ment. snd lhaitreaeised lia viaduat enly sercu iblok s e t oftisa Oity h&Isila lie cul>' hall s foot and a hait of.water bat! collecleil. ItleI. elievoil man>'fini- lesla Orsabeotr>'collages s-oe vi Il was 100 Isae taescape. Laves vo2 ens vice la>- dos- a ereslon lte ambanke aaient, voru oout vill bard tlao. vais cauttit b, lie iipod sud drowned litse rae.,il Mn>' neyer hicaruci bow man>' died lanttis vs>'. MesammaraArsusa Peseis. Wisen te break occurrcd varnings a-oic sent fnl litrougi lte Dexter aidii ion b>'messentgers, visa discbargedtirse 1urms, blew borasud sisouted la amte- ias toaes Ligkis gicamnsila bousm s-tire lthe occupants had rebirsi, ecgi- dent ltaI lte cabanumeut veuld bold. Persous scai>' mîlatirci amenai tfranc titair bomnes, sud la a few momeants th#a s-bois populace etfte iow district van a ceing ta itigiter groid. As lthe noise ofthe spproqcitlng food vas heurd, te titiâ. at irsI a rapid re- breal vils s sembnitaie tofi'der. bacante a pantir. Ail efforts le assura thsa people ltaIlisere a s5ime ta escape mâles& s gap ws-BS ashei througi thl.e ebank- meut tsiled, sAnd Moslt ftant bcOeil t- ont makiai an effort ta sure proert>'. MaUemengers were sent tealthe main sec- lion of lthe cil>' lelil etflte dangser'trou te new point ot ottack. As tise bottuiss Ouled and bhc river sained s larger en- 'tmasce lte terrer lunlte business section pew intense. Il w51a <e greuler bociuofetlte darkneaa and ltse test that s-hile guard was malutaineil 11oe directioni te torrent s-ould break ltreugit aI anobtoer point and engoît lthe tactiles» luhaititanbre. By tte thousasuispeople desertod their homes sud rsu up and dleiw ltheatstluseokiog s place oet@ne- zcor. e Huodreis e of failes trou the real- bdouce district, corrying trunks. grips, bundles ea. eloltingsuandlvaloablea, began laers cra.iada bridge leward St. bonis. XMs of th ie refulgees s-cie seauttî l>'is. Slrosg mnvan eeddi vomen lanlteif arum. tellowed it>' Vmeit viit babies. Bsrafooted citildien s-ero u Inté procea- sion over thte bridge. In te cil>'baill sioe Ns»1100itnesspers-ona, vilS lte seul bolongis tise>' iad boon abie le seize os short cotice, vere ssseubied. à Valsercai. SThrougb. y Seven miles of s-Ia', pressing tramn te sentit and .onlbcail, evercame tise clty's las etofdateuse shorîl>' betore 1 e'elock lunlte murning. sud 5,000 peren vers driven froc.nlteir bernes. Oethon- sani men ver. vorting on the part of Uic loiveeîish broke. Fer several heurs bef ore the final break lte>' sd tise assist-1 suce of bunVds et vornen and liii- Tbaecrevasie appeared antise. St. Louiî] d Vila>'crosaiug .et -heis. iluis -Central .s.bsutmenl, Iwo mlles senti te it1e- le>'sation. Wite as man>' mon, voojen suad.cildreu as canld .snd ounlte cm- bankment ver. heapingsandbge lhe- * Ieeu the rails te preveul bita menscios vL aters froc. gelng over te top,.lte re- alaets current tbobé ltrough.thlte -r dpprt -et ise alli e rtitansu purledin l rivuleta inta hefaeet l toce's-bo vre >festrylagsanditagi np ltebauik. Buis4 1 trovulmblite opeuluga bh- dosons et , n vers tansd nids b>' lte valet lit ea~hser Tie vrters lied front iteir rêeè*s.t.sud lte alarus vas giron b>' lu 11 ..rd atofts ol.it>. e of lb..v INJURY FLOOD1 RBis watpl" j - WVqel' lias rastir' Retards>oâ p'-LvrAcre axge W111 lieult-i tftn States SU, I tsi/for L5ak et*lit Tisa vsakhj cep Cé#>t. isued l b'tieti irbaliar bureau, 5"70 #iccssve reins iu ,thet lover Missouri, centraliNilsifeippi sund Ohio Valiels, I1.5.55 e ltaCane' 1 Ueissud Gentila, bai. jalrupted fetau vert sud canaci greal diage tu crepa. - p'ortion&us e ta ppsr Isiragion. centralC aud veet.golf t teas» flaisDsolei.u Malas a rc lu ma i utrein. hit»'y favorable l emperalura conditions pre-t Valed ite Bck>' XMuainittces, but0 ou te Iacific ceioaSt b. vea oie r>'t bo and dry, especli> in Calteriiia sud Oregtnu, while thc ear part of te s-et la the central sud vek il eittat- wsas 102 cool. linciscern remaina te bc pisutoil iu lie Missouri, Mississippi *sd Oho vlleys, visera tisa carl>' pli" dla greatl>' in nanad etculirsîi, emi iSýucit lits een dros-ned. Pi'înting vas reumùtd 'in Ne- bruisansd leva Linlg.tise latter part et 4 file yack, s-hans odarfia mnt favora- ble- futurs condition1tdis Ciaccezeiii lie reéduee. Rust In vinter vise".is Ci>'geuî'r3Ibi rearleil tramntise ObiýsoufAnrai liite-t slpp( andl lorer MitlssOl ial end s, ul l tbe Ivo ttuamed dbnIea cte crop isq astn.led mite!. da.ps,f roi fleodu. la thc lake reglea, uld4 Atilltibc Stalca sud ovrrlie urtisPeiptliof te Sautiseru States aun lmpWvment is sou- aralIy nolecI. lâbmetieI5m iiIugreSiisg raàpidi>' in Texa*, sud bua.bgu ini Cali- ternIs, s-lur e arly w stIprot.iiscs goed yields. Spring wsheal eoitienSb lsver>'prom- iaing condition l in t »)koa afd gen- crellyinluMifnuesote. Ou the- N .rbbt'a elfc>e 001su rints viaI. llair-. ding tala, la doina s-cIl. 1. Tise onlot fer catiIi New Yort and Pennalvsai inver>' par:uInte Ohio vslley a geni'rtl imfsO'Seogtnt i. indicni-1 ed; iilit e upler lMisisaiPPi and %Mie..uri valicys. visera 001 'dUKaiged bhvSoCKda. thse cr00 la la a proglea condition.1 Cotton l inte sera onportion of lise bal boas made ogeo growt. bit is ver>' gnuss>, sud le muc in luneed of siootiue, vile portion»aoet lb.central districts saed talnansd suffs" sautes-bat trou co1 l4ngisîs.inriag tise carl>'part etfte eet.Th. yack au a s-iole ias beon var>'favorable for lramusplantiliittOb3ita,O viiai* e eie complateil mer abofit threcktourtitaofethlie toù& ars.u tliinots-fleltou la rsjn4Milcisci1p tramn Merce Countr .'- nil!n ou &uns or acnés eçlor orn pefif. f soîudulci. Veatiser ai nid>. *vit dmin455f r11.1-t s-afk1 gf-551i7 ets.rded. Cars P ,tins sosepanded. csa laidedl>'yurimvea. rimmcmde elger- ou c:vta. asiivd uen idia-i hae% t Se> oallt trosi;. ta ca am< di«trict vhetmgenarmiL>'peer Iudi~a-ilofefÉf l 5stTi', ground tua t srforkr; cota pialicg, nuuisbeit. à«« serrducd, cairi>' con veedy; wvita ho*aluefrl fheted y meit, promises arar .8 ge jietýit atagros-tg as id- but. blunayeu i cd'hre'aidwud cii'cer 1a -'aft ,cla~si~i t. geai erae.; spple e.rap. sirrady light. lforti -r ce- tacvd hy falns; large acresgeofa tomatues bain; plantid., : -0Ohi-.,Abuua«t rsfutsiexepiiIn sert!.- ofssI: damsag,b>' bcslh' vu0flug ansd err- nir'th nosma sotiereaseis i-ren Dt a1f p lasted, germinatif., fairlyivelloit.cultiva- Ilno deairyc me n a w hes a iersciiflu eatlisct and vent. nosul'sfnt1tu nortit lin oriseit centra! cuties; DalesShort. but inipreing; tf ecce slting contin«; tlaom Ummas. cie' e., sedeusland pas- tes loi.provlug; grepa. isebsarran d r&gph.rOies promis e sif; sUcer fruit nu- UlcSgn-41mon tau ouitirea bftne et tai opt la wtdely neolteeai iec*ittes of' souleraceeniesfias.feeriratedmunti,- a ean" d = runth et1vistt. nIs ced posntures sud coin'.! slow garufnation of Ile pianteit cern; hi> prospecta rtiler pour; vitilsamesbit It aroved: Dats un- aven aud groving osuslt: fCa.. Ouerv lds 1ieslhig basae and fI i for tiicwheat Pdrores trai,ry yieid fuir; rmn Viscouct--ee Warui ad dry, cern aid po01510 pilut eg oînpjctid. esc!>' pianoinis good stlýandsudoer i-odtbtrtieu le seltis- cr" coubticu; sehteo ii-ai aucd r'e hcsdeI. basv>'erap;ont* sali. lianad sprnuwa t bhim'evif, tg. itub mini,- ."tvettoir:feu-fieldts ef tabac" pet. plaut. -iî,ha>' haavy;ia- tursmexcelet; snti rîtes lipofilif, g=i ep; otiter trutitae ota' tory. lanaua -vei>' ti.-raie: gras, nhent.. *et.airle>, aarly ey... cia.ocrnand PO- talees gr.wnug ws-rlufi f -theru portfon aid en coutbern.upIaDda: 91-18tu la sautS nid 1>' snt.sidliig. aiho Ilgtrit.ratilaof etlarge greas for cors, msilet. foddar, crm sud bueketpt; stand of ic. ciîd politoee Dot genscahl>' gnonwsinter wc-t lnI iaîng. Iow&a-Cultisaîfi.g. îîautlii saud repleut- me cern bas heen reacsitdIn aillant ields lu largsr part ofStet. 6suAonselei ares evIIi e plantaitthitaceuot. IbOtîgit a Lestf» o monge witi t..-belon avease: gtentest demai.- ote rite it>' fdani d basss, a le lta e,-Di iae ut onslie. Sabsl15, eportamiagfcut= henIgry- fts et irrprhi aiig eho tr> Pag iac"l m eus hIý eg Pu e filon b.' erV v>'; ppi'furi g"od Serti Dsola-Cre o dnfnîeli; 'Oeci ranarali>' coronIthe gciwd anuiteI.gras-in bas ale, r>', and iicri,-î ilogrevi ug font; lût. o*a fgxnords cin te grulusta; sari>' sevu op icndiîli-g inel; coc uqile itiekward and ver>' uneres; gSM@@ excel- 545. -Booth Dakota-Bctti-rod cbovera; cpring Dsat es. harle>'.rye. pit., peleteand gnsrsgefieralI>'progmes. insce ',cli'Opb en aliam Iautlerii onIsais, lhere gaI soitdelaait s-rt aid causci se damage. Cern planti,îg shoot Sfie an fd cari>' cors bas altliucitfair le geo" sImd. -taagaitvatedandact akins Sadasleepros Nraska n id]il 4-jot ,,, soutb=sa; scointies, anid naee ene aailu wser:do misalargel>' counne 'laUoIW ag lheiaffis. fjiicficomiparait.cf sMaUu paresse etant.ut vlue vil1 pro!.- ahi>' recut lia thîiy îI"OèÏ'Waaacroage: plalfg &aut cenalittd lu nartbaoenid *-Il andstPo oiroufia-tu latepsd et rly.5l5s-ýe,'iv.cuittregloa tom. suncil gnhiesland ots ank«u, ieXt rist- 1er silgitl>':appive 1t0-the' ÈS. avrage: ha>' sud 0patata" priwnlae s-tt. Ka=».-'F&çod veets i verage ratnas! 0,c It~isa Rverriîîorhad5.3rjuche; gaa ilvrnos- .suhadei cane uleast mSae dtimage 1to os isenbst S!DMpriig, rlpciflag lu iouth. biooîuiig lu centrai1; cei. -ena Silesa! u Ig.Ig e THE UROUTH IN THtEABT.: Nou fnai Vs E-e Kuvulu.is bbes% ai céir*t, at Pei: u !a Fort Sauts-Zeitung sav5 titat thte p&luWfrs rt titought Vas lu regard to bli-castume. oCpWt" i Europé ws ue tuas; ln Moroçco Il wam lîkely in, proveomoome- thtnt, dIffercnt. Tîsere ws nothinif te do, hOwevpr., but tg weur is ordinar>' evening clotite.Ife as Ignorant of lise 4 t îLt tue Moors look upon black garnîî-îtâanusver, vuigar, and lit won oui>' uter bisuarrivai ihat b. iearff iq is lake. Thse courtier# Mnhed *Penly'; vont of aài, liey esneercd. Theta pintar vas a Mau ,.1' hast>' temper.. sud snddeniy. ucttiglb>' their Insolence. be closed. lis aopm bat and aprung Il open lu thse fqýCes of the jeering erovd. Tht>' scatt*t'etl.yeiling %vith sur-prise and Tls ISultan benrd, tbe noise aud de- mandd thecaue. Afler be bail seffl anud examined the vonderful, bat he gave ïms oracular opinion: **If 1 bad lved a iluindred ycusrmIl >'ottr uutIT. sud adopted ail jour otb- Oc' euwt6ins. 1 could nover bave brougist Mysalff 40 net on ut>'iend so hideonna acuul auceusthat!" arMnyland'W.Mde,. uppa' <,ross Ronda, Md., Joua 15- Nover ln tbe bistor>' ef Medicine la thia state bas anytitina tréétecl sncb a sedutiaab>'lils marvelous cuiseof tihe menatatrente cames as I)odd's Kidua>' lPil. This vonderfni uMedicine seeu. to know lie limtlllufin wouder Voikinat power. Lenx.ctandiug ces atiat bave defled. tie mont expert medicai tisaI- meut seautit, yield easil>' to Ibis new tonqnefr of disease. HnUdreds have testlfied 1tte virtue of De.3's Kîdue>' Pilla. Tise>'teîllof sevsreý=ase of Riteumatisu,. Lumbago, Bockaese. Female Trouble, 4Narvons Digame and even Dropsy. Diabètes and Dagbt's Diseuse cured b>' allia AmOlU those wvio bave beau boue- fiteà ffy ho mentloned Mrm. John Couey of tbis place. .i., Oooney saya: "I ballera Dodd's Kîdue>' P11Is the bout renmody ever kuovu for Kldney 'trouWe aud weak back. "Tise> are wiithoul - exception thse bat mtdieino I bave ever used. "I WII aivaye praise tbam isigisi>' for 1 111mow tbat te> sre good.-" M"r. Cocue>'1i. oui>' oue' of man>' ,aosy.of Dodd's Kldue>' Pilla: 'lb.o et waeefnlramf>' ir ever iseard cf." The nxeîdnpe. «W!.>tittlook ef snrpriae?" asked Biowel, whu lied Just filished relating'*a rernarkahle st.,ry. 'tion't 3-ou believe *'e": titat's the peculior part et Il," repiied his triend Naggsby. "I happen te kuow that it.ia truc." The Deacou'. Opinion. "Yen, mub. raid lthe old colored broth- er, "dot boy ina u fond er tradin' dat 1 vo'ly bolievffl dat et he vea lu henvea en dey' let i, coma bock fer àa holday bc'd ccll ishireburn ticket an tr-uat ler hein' blAwed back by a hburricane!"- Atlanta Constitution. TO 4ACOM31DATE tems viso are Partial to the use of atomiter. lu ap- plylng liquide hâte, the nasal passage for catorrital troublas, wa prepare Cras Bahut lu Ilqulti formi, kuowu as Ely'% Lljquld Cream Daim. Price. lu- cluding the sapraying tuber la 75 efflta., Druggists or l'y mail. Tise liquid ams- heies lte. mediclual propertiea ofthtie solid preparalion. Ely' Bron., 56 War- ren SIt. NOV York. Albert Lea, Mn., Mfarci 21. 1901.> Mesrs. ELY BItOS. :-t suffered trout s severe cold lu tbe baud. I couid net breatit lroug)h My nostrils and Vas about dead froinvaut ot sleep. I Oeed jour Creans Daim snd woke up iiit sa clear bead. I would flot take lOve dollars for ns> bottin of Creaw Balin if I couid nI get anoltaer. S. K. LANSDALE. Undoubtedl>'. "W-o,"rmurked tue man vils the chr',nir quolation habit, -in botter titanrw '. '0f coi-irse.' rejo)ined the philosophical person. "you reter to jour windom and other people'% riches." Low Rate»sté Boston and Rotua inl dune snd July. Via lthe Lake Shtore aud Micigan Southierii It>'. Tickets4 wlil b. solt Joune '15. 211 sud 2i. exîrcute ratoru.liuait Augumt 1; sud on July 1. 2, 3, 4 sud 5. extreubo reluru limit September 1. Stop-overs iillowed ai Niagara Falls sud Clotutaujun; alan at New York ou tickets via titut route. FoullInforma- tion. vils rat" ias variable routes,> VIII b. prousptiy turoiahed ou applira- ltion at cil>' ticket ornie. 180 Clark St.. or to C. F. Daly, Chiot A. G3. P. A.. Chicago. Papas UDeiiuitkbn. "Pp.what jW à dipltinatint>'" "An>' mou, ut> sou, ohose vite re- spectasiu"Ile ll'is&a Cure for Consomuption prompt>' releves ut>' ltle5->-ear-ld ater et croup.- Mie, .4 . A. I'earcc. 23 llilial; street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oc-t.,2, 1901. Persitent people begin their sucerasI vliere others end lu taiiure.-Eîlward Eugleo4tou.__________ Als-sys look for titis trede mclii "'1he Klea.Kol Kîtches Kiud." The sfOeas n ithoot.*siuoke, aches orbhat. Maka comtforteble c6klng. Millet in soved ly tihe Chinoes. Duper,ý or ln a soleuin coremniaiever>' joar. CASTOR lA lb knd Yom Have AlWqs Iqh ]mgus t»r e Z lis . _ nuos sudse.. Ps. Mr F Wright, of_ Oelwein, Iowa~ Às - a oth er ne of th e m ll o ' o ei who 'have been - restored to health. bye Lydia RF. nkbams Vegetabie CompounL &xpeiut& Vi teisa ltisa pu"à rasoi for aiSelute ceus oft aéns1oce all la tM.' 'oId? WVisbu l M. h1nd u ivd iid donae ut 51ri55irt ama vouai for a quanlar et a esaury 1 SimipI>'becau»e et ia astrl vert. Tisa rmm ntisa» i .bsr nodieue ba-ce>'r ched 14s msussa ta emusi thiarDo nertiadi ieu.se uuccmu ili urnu c oc'%ahi, moman ics.imeéautSWab=vn. aduggiat t. esai à Pu .abld *T ý Téek lad Talua cf a Wouderlul Caws- 1Dxm Ma&,- Pnmff,&x: -My trouble vO- vu thelovarbsa; 1am tall, and.tbe ot "ïIi 01" tCo fait for xny trqith m111,Élréd dnad1u lunfla>nlo te brrible Senafe - 'tât awful vane in the FW1. * uish làut. bc%»sd the mut~~ iohee SoNoeaknows whstif1U Uuusetour d.ay; 1 orkralPU~- 1 sI uppo..se tanndingOR yha ,dymadeii.merso.m %ibegàM mpumfotadlla -- 1 falt lotteratr *e - ZM to, o thVu a m; itit mid* weight vus takoli cg my daouora Iooatinued t. use u cmn truthfuily a 1 eà= rsy oured. Young girls h i payins' ddocte a ZLwW»M stng amg hoes-1 ldid, og. ouir taedicise. 14 oula 5wm& isd, and elan mrte u=. - Yoatroiy, MMM aPXAm 4 St. M'm Ave., Ov Yogk Womn saoutI 1"i lmte, prait lp'mes Mdah#. *rpsrlenoea; just ae mwdy asabs vas cared of th* ft meetabis lam atWu sMi Se uriaUa vW guffe fau-Wu bha, ht5anaîam 0f9,t__ Maio tes lA.r efulw , sew5 taillty., ad m"»_. oe.balau; iuSsifbertbt iIb PkhM ecbs(d~6amWtaaalm~5<~ iI iriu may feel out af sorts, = Iomitable, headabck ache, nervo, diacoraged, ,Me-but you need not Eat i whatyouwant, kcep regisiar hours, get plèty of aieep and take a. mallii dose of after each meal. if constipated. take a -'tabicspoonful. bcfore goîng te bed; Sotoi, audt bumdamame moe e o" Ssa- %hoa ruialit1oe ItsU usd 5 uef Piesia loItum onion '.lis700 'Vour drunjist sella this rem- edy if bc 'us a gond druggist. 60c and $1.00 bottles. e ANAPA ~~~1iUaiir q0f VUS Ws56111 eue oeilALigOi,00msC . Sorrow v Kisa>' obik d haic lae s o su inhield or cmii> daveospol*O> dame>' te Wdlsuelg. dLdWàM bc- heeus uabject et tishe e**@ offlolde, stoi> oamsfs log, but liccns.eoft1h10 *dfd "tisble dàlgunitton la t te &a5Kg sud tur ltça ftur e pplÈBUftpuIff prit>. Rne lbcts i.~ motelisrafetucissScted ciflMiWus qualal tbemuslvea vlsh bb** pere u oteti avtShIsl,,TseMler _Worm bliaVUi-Caiaan floi5 i lo amusam 10000000 Bôzes ýa Year. TMEVUV5FVUIUIhW W.. AU