CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Jul 1903, p. 5

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~a1iidty 14ml'7 10latbi. one' bunded'audt*mua1-$mveath anver- gnry (il the.Deelaration iOf libdependence anid every trne Atnèrieian eftizeîp ahould oeeb;r*to. la, ow @ tore you wilI flnd aw mogt comploe-, lune of aky rocket., roa cie«, lower ptg, baloong, e~uun oa4as, ire chrake1is, torpedoes, pila w1eeI, nigger ebasenm toy pistole aid capo, anid, lu tact everythlng noefflary. to upPprrately celebrate* thie glorlousday. You are eordwally invitd to carne In aud inapect our etoe trfl4coup e m e t a e iIres ,est Goods at Right Prices.* If yoiu are thanking of buyin .g a piano yolu will do weIl to ealu -uus; we seli, the Enemt A. Tonsk. It là a ýpiano that for ton@, appearanee and lew price Ican't be beat. It lm strictly high. grade and gui ranteed five ytars: -.We do îtun1ni and repuirlng .... We also sie talklung Machines, violiils IIn(lOIoiumi and ail sorts of small iluatrtîments.- ....Our Violin .Strings are the Best .. DARBV BROS., Libertyville. Illnois. A I jJ 4th ofIJuIy Fireworks We bave a complete assortment of Fireworkt3, Flags, Torpedoes, Fire crackero. Paper cap piatols, Paper caps, Cau noît crackers in sized 1 to 5. Sky Rockets ini sizes f rom 6 oz to 3 Ibs. Roman Candles, from 8 to 20 bail. Yotîng America autes, Nigger chaserta, Pin wbemls, Colored rosette wheels, Colored vertical wbeels, Humming Fire Tops, Sîiakes Nests, Bosides a lot of Noveltiles oi late inîvention. SIIITII & DAVISP Libertyvi lie - , Illinois.- The Independent and* weekly lbà ,er Qcean both one year fer s C. cm *$T P. rom lu edseui1 tp "l"e lla Cepart Prou, New Depot. ArivA M **pot. LL bertyVibe. Arrv Ihaav ole Cobis.. > Llbert yvllWe le. 1 soi .....- IM. ma'..Orosa .. . ..... 8388.48 m * :*.8 ... ...... f. t- 11.. 4t* h e. .... *4M 20. 1i . :02 >. ........ep- U. 13.....filO p......... * 6M 4P. 4M. gUuAtiE. - M 4 u ........ . 702 p. m. lon *8:1 96 l. .10:9 16m.auhe - e 81148 ...:8.U 014& ... 5.Qo ........... ViafP. TO eCICAQO. PROU CIINIAQO. Doi,t Prm Olh Depet. Arrive at 014 <legt. LeLU bdIs±wI. Arieoeioa.. LaaV. bloao. 'AtSo PLiberlyvlla. ...... silo p. %p . .............. 6:36 . m p. M88 . ....... .. ..U.m . 6:U P a...... . 7:51P. *ru* TIBA AM" « tImve Olh Itaimo. buaysAi. Llljerty*lilld oige.. aussHINI OUET no. j. l B xW.%ui.r mtinsdirt h la du~ AE £CAMP lie. 10.m LW. A. masa,*4 1 ad third Aamrdmv mlgt01 e= .Umat. .1411 mut. LIBU YWITLLLE OAPTER. No. oUt 0. F L u1 lr eUC ý»admd faurth ,.3 eetmemb mon la. PMtiENplsHI COURT Or BOMUR mate fourth OMOud¶ uilbt oea o mcitu liooimeai y ZXCELIIIOR CAMP No. M71IL N. d A. offe O.r, nd turd Thorlaînit. or omath. LIBEBTYVILLE LODOE. 42 A . ià A.IL hbtat*dcoammunlcatlam. escaud mand tourtb IlaUrdar evuiga o! 1111nnm fiotIce ta sacroualeaThé M lmDNI8 viii pubi fl. meetin s0f1ml4 lodo aimaôw. if inteUflOB Ul tuutlbh oopy for smre. EnReS. lilu Mohl M80e4. cdChicago, lh ozpealai haro"it. i rta@pmnd lber Osmmet vacatl". A alembeatleg lanbt IRbo tbe lnalaiet aIthe pàoe fM ndvilii ba je mineu early tbla ' l. Predeont Tapies, q# lbe Natioalm macaroni CoMpser, vée tu town lMon- day, the gues <abon50, Whoba la f Everythlns t.ueV ami up-to-date as hwiler prtei ei"* tCtan md hIII prie» are elrieMi iow. Open WeineadapeouI. 39-id lpbStremg, *ho bum beeu atted- fnt eo1wlla e ta ohsParAtaifthe- .1010, la tu Lt.rlpviIamd inliworm. ou the. eletrie «toe bwe mmer. lir. lied art"aih. &M Picke itram ov Year 014 Love-Trystisng. Parie jy"m zut, tluSmcbat bois go vuuild-four moans. 8710My aa . wu help te casher &» crop.'boel Wee Us,. Il-r fsmleIwl u uiur ag p. ~ ~ ~ ~ o pretirmuid *q ieut mid Ilargee jlctnred plan. w wu baiVeelius but acioes Ir ioupearual vb* hugit the faurtt as.ple t Ir ptured ls beart with a zom la the publie'Ohcl laut yee.r Fias. anid Mr. Upron Dueb*diM til reontly tSsii vas forsotten. ditnded maneployed MSthe te mrafcbory, gets igitatubai. U518lu nday ia Chicago. Tbey urnl1 ln mi hattby %sachet aauunad. ylmi bt oet îupla atber wUs Nerv airthirty-i - eus.o» U a h&Moti i»PÉ 1 as ber senior hi onl#t lv. junes. tMit. lvez arreorded br anelsmand bot- 0.0.WlIlem r1ol4â1ta IDte IcneU veaienmtle mimga all@SvarmiWr ..ruaa muîee ffda aYounge lad. *iwai My hatr te m fl uoyRm no cen m andesotroi, it làgardon. The dmy, aSter hauër-ImoaD. the miuitmag fuai stands Ove Ma hllfut 9and the wý! oaeaehrifty ami éel il iled. A #eV 1 Banlis. retr aw. téf.0844op 5m4My huianrm morge of liaIsoat ! of e mad love, Sfantt aeeM hber, eh@ ave* fgtl &e,,. omie vould gladdieAOY 9&frmera boarl . we o! perf-t.lm..15caturei 48tae-*8. Ji., Anierhy 6111e vek saldIote0. nattinl"pÀtu weresbtm.41br çad b". <IlmM, of.. (iuga. ie. hal va Witt lier tootilacmfai 010Md 104out osli lipe. nmuM tf 0 tr.ilh mt. triamant fioyers.viii lubie te&ag nna oob carge e09tSe place Weiame. lo"i., su 9"bl. m y luuttmals toa gar? day. lMr. Andotly ba not deolici >unw .mare .temdiattend«e utodlaiir Wh" ho Witt do amnd tet nov em- .a.;r lm plmin: Thiem' vers pnu, epae vmpy lmat n u lova drmm,: cOmmpmU! vilAh h.vile. laie gaverÉlille UP 11#Outlet .1rOuIes vryWeiuedmy the Photo studio lt!«a.1I - la g«lu thé: AniMie! binait. 9-id auollng la ui.ias la buiding a maM.l OMD4 year0"oek amon hardy ta 1maI. o'n a" cavas wvlh Ms linimY J. B. IL aigu Mdi vomI mu, bai. Coma iàe limngue Wright open, Buuday t0.Ut.p oi dho tfledm fond. #or Autioeh tionda. - InAiae thons poules. 19t hemtimutoi boy baby- vus borao lit. amidlir. 000 peIe e.laatteaneliuli1the myne Yon la*gyettt a llutOOfperiftmane. mid4the k. @»wv maie a 11W. e me, bêt. or»e 1ilkley la rebouanllg te *lb.01temyteWok iîs fl a saur t f t@i.oà orgaplsal urprisei l Fed -hiper ire bomeil. Wil-î ig, leamaaor lut weuek a baimgst. lar KtbuLWit an go WrghtOaaaltaief s veuitylim8 blr»d&j hame frot olit oliege for tt amaàjroyai gond lino vum ejeyei ab uer vacation. «Uan mo .Lunch94Mtid- C. Young andI tmIy Murad Ulagiaî Md thon ami idepatfld ith ALinuoUn. Henry Oagerma boumecm @pua"aotoa od vilii lt r. Dyer. 'm<theeAvenue. s. 0. H. Avertit la &Md 40 ho.Mm e eleeriet ondtompaae i t retIni nlehy tith lba opcatiomtrakM d aimmoatilng uap the,-rondibb.d auai ormI teoeita 1Cicago. , slm ie, 1lurtbaior uly MoRvAe. 0f (. W. A. De«» la colmneil go bu a. iv gkgoui ibive 60 be asvièh a upmaimtabl.e. 1.h@ te aae*Veal»Ual, buit Prcaegd Irol le ge a bout di vAUWtlihémad et ""avissgumledit a aloue abea ahe.. u~~t"WWe ào egoo Vi MrriS .poomîblo ar Muebm5m havea u l m iiy mai h ha ou1the Vourtfi. ,»ive itae!of Sr* verbe ami TiC.. vich . totao ba. re section bi or huh Appartenances. muai . me»hoot Su atMiami. O Uld8, for ho dallght of lie yonuigmlèeu. 11.1v frontlile@, ai $1 25 p-r Mie, vrlîe n. Malmait bas juat finmîmibi Mfl, j4bertyvl lea. 39.1 ing a *ait a& t.eliacarani facliaI AiherILyon iourenteO ielmbarbez tuet déep, seorlmgu abondant @» o p 0 limi ligl, 1te barber saone .ly ai ft aeto. tirue mars 1egoee<plajai by P. J. lier wth tie oblabrmtlog. sDfotiluma. lUt. Oamselt viountil The oeinsand tia tondes;: Tuo.dai bai charge cf Mr. Lyona~ Remember. vbam ta. versa boy amigi busamugaged a room la Me nev Yen dld Tour mhare or sboeuit. l'too0*blook and viiit I; Sop viii nuber 01Lihertlvlbe people mdanB*tr*a. neexpecte Se open 3odéd lite, borné showvnaI 1*11 SU 1h aew quartera about AUgout 1. mt aelpeveM d meaued hé I g. Otoker bai juat .Oompleled lte.ym ichI Tahuplarunltortumfor bmn Bradley.libaealared 11hdrivlng Or. TajItorW LIy MaunOand iDr. e, Ailleue ', tarmera a g"»14 repeoljvely. Tha qgieare Ï-W âU&.a h-mro amudtgt. elaberate, tuotlng mAlvowmouaitei lveig botete bam a god chace avaria. t.Slietamies ferèko, ilt Oraléplage. * 1mgiOf' ,* uifrmUekDée jmieelor i,. Btoblms@uoiiomted about tern ivdey 11 iJIOW18. -mpeaa voeka $petutte nomlSESAttorney ampeetir -vorâuusnbip ami Ibey eot6, lavobiohihe aid la prghbbt- Mr.utully SOL tii! alm le nil. a 4Ooulaum etcfBuadiY bal The noMecsdance under utiagemnt 1111et eait grenade. ai lie W. ù. 1. A. Club alt berqtvlie -motea h Young Amoeos dar. TovanHEWI lrday nlgbt -0ofDaM vgei, ibobae v arv. W. demIvmn vau l la à- invitatioms. vote l.ued, bye te obvenAn te Ivas, ahy brouibî outI aled uardV. The 11he, bol preaume Aw.l&hAo va-youmg ladies praved thoit "tby ta B* agaioteanmd Iyon t, beome lteabla I& ad.l<illfUI nanger. iul me o, oaa.UlMULe.Aura Clevelan.mi.Nqe oalby, Monde Muwdrfeld, li106W. Wright, àbboli marnlng ai the M. E. Beum Yonig, Ma17 IAeieli muiad ariDr." imokea- 4111Bode t.BoInd composaeitme emSptiom gmiy sdraes.Lm lb. heaermoonbhaommis%»e. la tbe guani mot le I akOm a mimilt midree et byBeaseYoung mnj MiliteWriabi moi Laie, B RVIieaMmpreaob1IDvu demonatrmt ie hWb uose vbob Ivonulus as Libeflyville. bas bea aprafiun iinc, it Do mec mkbeli lBrc. are pulltin Up 1t1e «eaught ou\." Twp aith yong tldes aomm e onkMmd tou eovsrtng have bleuoe ouDiià bÏ40 t5m iler %bat invtas ct tie baye,0".os th11e 4"W. Go0l AloueIlb.:, i" omie lam iWsobilia Md' Md$ "lm bau emei - muhgueealng. et. Ibmmeotssm l @ ei i Ehumlkai4641 e tit>uSi e Me aV ieepul 17Augu M ~ noE hispluâ1b u 4:i7om. etoemive psopm lymbu*.,e u> v*ukeeAvamuebeee al3! LlletIUa r glela h a ýparkihieutl. uh01vie ahelmaflymtoP $tiolg* I 1*1mTnb@USoOcmp m 111e Mea tg qU0.10 staisel h ahe>lley mouwita acu'eay»Oùhtngarne 10 gy OSm irq ou 0Wo <» uoeI et.11ne I fo.te euhue la et- oUEM Moek e lSa t .aP U db 1 pathua1t9tplatt woeii em K ml, m as. Gum p m MA Dr.Ii4 Buem ,m a i.e T 11ml bm e 0 ," -,. Uom ««IF e W" s u il eoevted laie a pubi dieWM b i am t the411e hWmalare à" ed "Y bi niamaiuludma mmlmkIiM-a bouleffl4 a% e«PU" 09u«M»me09 ptopom la Mi11e 4t.wrie. la Aem me catiraitriet wviii 11e depemit of auy tovnahip aspjulsaaMdn beh wmpuu.nltby iuli qapoq mm e- Wb" ii M o5 tht. a"îlulu t. bor ta Mybel 1the mm sbaulo ItW@ ample Mcm. m i largo ineame ith s À moeuetig < FOuSi vniVini h. boeu W ai«UlO(»4«4lgt>)aM berne o1 . W. Iou.Sl 8q moue.MoM Pt LibeSyvlhi SocoamietMnagMd maetcfamcmplitilg 9w epiepou eutrned. As Il szalom luth. gge. * ai-refhme. ke-a-araky boy ta plat! la erouna i 1e thime .Fou Oe Up ftddonarl 4 ami4 iovm>,- ThivhwP doctors.havea bete. tbIsa ibIs hookima Derby dap. 0f couyée fl .clownat $bulie oe Miondai aight loch18h hM aM ýIak Appisj d sud UGousseager »o, mc.1 reaon MM aviorncm um&»e. b..111 t Mmari, aai .1 c.h. Thistie CorMNie'e N 40S douce t. héiew et g tfIfl p1em1 hevi.g cami Uhies ou I»M p ropetImu Orlas4107M c Mud numot UmmlIe"10pmMee aceg ta ma4,mdw pugati of a am et »Am hme th"a tek ]MrtM" o IasoMW hundrai doUaga.Tht.moafue sp14h allke te publ. ie 4aga ami@MI aait tlght-.ot.vaISla lovid Ue.gvll liabe fer MyeommkIaee.a et Mheir anboeiiaaleeu la )M. -the Peamlliteras uQoSdUenif m1e la, lima m"01 .0.prvikJa ratieo.i hMoe mevve, &DU.7bM« 1181>10 t00al@e of n mol U 110MiY car mare tis $a obaddldot.* PaUM ma mmy, Thisge Oommhautmi IovUaB LbetyvAIt.. 81. We have a Sme flueoftUp-lodsi litulfle.q zeautifl n mo mueh t.tua pglng 'ONR % OL.y MS .UnwROTINE.,s LiltwvB lueis in order to Make roorn for the carpenters who *111 soon cammn.wlto rOMOCI0l - our roorn, proaratory tu; occupylng aoiirroom, - we flnd It neceMsary tb r*-, duce stock. ThÎis can @ily be, done qulckly by a big reduction ln prie$ Which, we Intend to màke. This will I nclude goode frOrn alrnost ail our ulnos WhiCh willl b. labeled wlth large red tais, wlt% the reduced- priCe. Th. followlng la a. lst of smre of the golds Z alredy Iabeled with others to follow. Figured Lawns, Batiste, Dimn- Mtes, rogular Prices 10 to 15c, now.7to llc. Morcerlzed Glnghams, regfu- 1 lar 18 to 23c goods, at 18 and 13c. Figur.d Satines, 12to 18c gra desat.9 and 8C'. Plain Satines, were 92c, now 8ci Ladies' Summer Underwear. regular 25. 30 and -50c- gar- mfents at 10 and-25c.( PIug tobacc>s.. standard goods, GoId Coin, Hub, -Pale Battie Ax.and éthers. while thés la0t, per.lb20,c. Good soap.- 10 bars for 26c. Corne In and look for the red ta go, Zthey mean a avlng to you. LlbertyvItIe, lignots. CENTS c 9NTS Boys, 2 Pi"ecees pants Waah * Suit., drab aMd graigrounda with overlaid pa7 issTto -oy 5 doson o!o them-clomed out t=ix a ia go flwhoo clothier viios price wu 956 to $1.10 on thess sult whlch would maketer worth at rotai) .25 to-81.6. We offer th.mat the remanrkably low price of---------------------. . tyville bt4 helte * r4' W. make thi.e 14 <sua on» 11. t0W i it5I .y« o m niis -pacçt.i- SPRIIES ARE tN. LIBETYVII41 - - - - ILLINOIS, Stay at home; let your voice do traveling for you. You vil .b. lu conîtant tonch' with, entire ounty and the ý ooutryý at ýwith One of Our telephones. Buelne» Rate., OM. per d&W and' «P. RhuldanceRates. 5ocper dvýand umi. 1 hi. &Émwbâ"v V"ILIWM 0 nantity or 1 11 «I 1 blé et 1

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