Ys:-i Y' th*etotY n..S 5*th t1s.e Mont. Fe - -Mmmm M57ruq U . '5-5 ab .U tuti sem. thlg -Mor thse ltotwo boxaSm tko seo"ig 10 ditonsi% $holas. iti th tom1 mmebotter, £ud tse o t su 111At latit he, w u redi . s~pâans are *Il goqe, &bd the l *oeY ghtetaui. eh. soys: "Dodtls Ktdua(PISlahelpéd me gmetly. a"d1I 11agi sracuM=eud tisqicea ocure orPals In lb. Back." Tiie valley of tii. Cmuecticu rive produea aà tobacco let no lue Aud sit that t la ofien ex ported to Cut* audý other counttries t0 use s a wrap fer. Plads Cure for Cenaumtios la the. but atielnle 'bihae ceai ud for conghs and cold.-Mrs. Oscar Trlpp. 1Big Rock fil., Mlari 20. 100. si isu rllvy, Bèarsthe cf, ja Sl~DdlT O~YOV ftAPPEN~ Tiso tîi andThotsaW&Y. Gred Sster--Ois. Edgar, 3ou do't kus oy it sould Pieuse me If You saî ol ettie dowu sud go tu woîi vidha a iii. W.îsvard Broter-Neven minI, sis- tsi; jist cait tili tise nid minu unfies o09 t-lis motal coU sud, you'll see use go tu von elith a clii, If diat document dosut suit me, 310es VW W. es u uiai ol0 Sii fi. M U.t. 7. t¶5Vslfiant55 re the ba. Mqa slow fer Hlm. S,"quealed tihe veanî paîseuger, "la tis -an accmodatîonutrain -T' 'N, isu," repliel tise couductor, ilsa theIi ilite expresa." "Wel," rJnelthd . v.p., "it's up te tise comipan>- tu noIse the. Imit. Pay* a Loalng Gemmi. _Broenovlrl-lunuderataisd Green bas ne b- ias"trouble. ýe.s n cmm m y.' ~~~~- ,- mthinky-Ye;sdbsu ba as isuu spsda, club sud diamond trouble. Me-Y-aur efr Ale'@ aeel liMse, -, - -- A povder '10 unie lulo gour a. B I ~l~~I - ~ - -reta lshefeet. Cures Cora, Bu ona, lOa.e Sole.S r ot, Cailous, Achl5g a USSwis0s - ? wUvelu fiat sund lngioviug NOils -- Ail 's ot-Eas uaies nov -Or tiu luesLi.a Hn s sissu.CI ,v al drtgglansd- Hsibad-SuPPo&e ce attend D ie trs 5.~upemsllIUE THIilyeletret-ngId m eu. "Adnm Aln OlusetiL. la %y, N. Y. Wit-lnt 1Iblet ohin tu Wuar. vs ion ive bmit aira of Imper- HsssaudOls lbu v~lIgo o the tance, enhitsl - cissentisîs of impo- open.a-- te . e.-Lat.te r. TuPREE KIýDNEY DOCTOR. eimdÇkeasaaeeit ~---~~thlatalai« te55beuas -- cils juse Y 7e- ~ baek smm sabit lus CROPS ARE BACKWARX Tiied or Wintur Whist Diaappslullug 1 -Cotnela veV L"te. Thse vesther boruaisweekly suuSt of crop conditions la au fôllowz: While «MdI ton cool lu the. dlftrlcts est ai tb. Bocky Mountains, the lemper- tort. codIIons of lthe week -ended lune 22 wer somiewhat more favorable la the. tctral , valleyisud Southeru States, but auer portiosa of the.- laie regionusnd md- de Atlantlc Staes and lu New EUglond Il vus colder tils lu tIhe precedlug veei. ROM -iraine a lutiselutitwo district& lu- terrupted teain work, but lunlthe Ohio sud o(paer Mssissippi valleys and guli Stas thé. conditions ver. very favorable for Bain le uowusedWed lu- the. Dakotas, aorthern Mnnesota, and - lu portionus 0 the. central asudont t uif- districts. A gene i mproressent lu the. coudti0a or corn lu thse central valys la imdi- eated. especilir over ths western por- lieus. lua£Il nthern aud central di. tricta corn continues very lae, but la lu gond itàte oft attlvuilon. execPt lu th*. middle Atantic States. la thse Southeru 8h15. early cors la largely la i b, snd la nearnn a mtur La luTeins. - Wluter vleat han-est has made tav- -table progress, sud la nov gefterai lu the central portions of the. vintor vieat ,boit, wth dsapplting ylefds, espechai- 'e lu the nsti portions nf Miasouni, II& LasdIM ILu1. Sprng vheatIo ffering for rais lu North Dakotsa 5.portionuaof South Da- kolsansd ln afectail by ruet quit. ges- erally lu Nebraska. la tii... lait two Statas, bowver, thse crop, a a role, la dolsg wvii, snd lu inlnesota, Wlscaosl. aud Iowa continues lu promlalng condi- tien, lu Washington the.Mcrbp@liaslu- proted viers molture lbai becs suM- cint. Tne outinni for osta l laisu promîis 19 thse Dskotai, Nebraika. uorthern Mis- *04 t. uubsm MilUOls.la Wlspou- ils Kansas., ou uplsda lln ova,. andlu am&bem Illilnis a teod trop le PrOMM&ed *nu irnesvessentla rsported front 111* Igasn. thé-Ohidotaillyan sd the middle At- laitie State.. Ôottou contine smail, butia gendial condition In omewbet lmProved. in New Bgitand tobacco ucede virsnth &M u ie, but eleebhere the qsop bas made favorable progresa. except lu North Cimolua sud -pprtions of Virginie. l lu Mlor Armhus. Illinoia, lu- dieu&ansd lPennsylvanie appleu- arenun- promsng, but the outlooi coutinues fav- orable lu lowa. Wisconihii. Mch gis sud Keutucky. lu New York theaprorpects vary (roms poor to gnd, lu theii. Viluse sud Ohio su Improiement la reporte&. Rircent raina baveeacuied a mar"l Improvement -lu grasd lu New England aud the muidle Atlautic lStes,. but the. trop will be ligit. WAR FEARED IN CHINA. une anse 5éaklng Prepanstieus te Protect Hlt uercesteThorn. Signa oft governmetal srtivitty are lu; terpretesi by amiy and nayy oSier. tu mean that thse Unitedi Statea bellevs. a"rou% trouble lu China la -lu sighil, sud la prepsning tu muke sau imposlug show of force euth a Viec o preservini pefce aud preventing, or et leant delaylugS, lii. dlassemberntesIt, oftseChines.empire, Tipusie a a etl la tvo diecton& À Éepenal ipiaing ut tise anti-foreilgu .-lusla feared sund a ssii otan Mans- essa is - ia lght posffly sud lu a clubli betu-sen twe or more Bunopoon povera la threateued. acrordiug 10 the, be- ileof mini. Tisejy do ni believe dhii eouutny wclU barme luvolies inluauy cnt- but diey do believe tbatthe administra- tion, foltciug tise guidauce ofi Sacrtarli Hi;., bau deelded ta go murhsatsndei tian buaigereaUly beau auticipalail lu su effort I. psevent car. Boas Aduiral Evans lu recul reports te the Navy Departusent isa$ plstll alt a bttouvictions tuat grava tioqible in China llà mpadiug. lia urgent su1- gestion ha1t the marines assembI at Massila ta be sent house shallnI b.e- inorel until thIsupinces have beau filIa -ja accptail us endosces 'Ilsat the. lOaat- mnet aaest«sla feuta. Moi. oim - Ibis, Itle i. d thalt the generel boord ni ithe 65î7, of tlslch Ad- iural Dewey la tise beul, la wonilg out ,pIànvisaveby dia nsvy viii ba able le haitesa lqsidible showlng lu Ciinese vat i- If iaecuity arises. AduirI Bvsus aoc ihan àlarge pûit ofliltt M« el ofthse coat oi China sud ho- lu- tte 0 ap It tiare. Besbau Ivo bat-' Uisispedwi hlm,sund tise battleublU, WWecousls -cih sa én t hurrlug. #cm e h. Pacifie sitar belng oves' beoaieds t 'Breterton. viii john the Cblin»ai qstdrop lu a tes dais. Thé cmtulapCncnnati, Aibani sud »8191914 vbh ws aeedetachel fronthtie Eniopean rqnodno), are ou tbeir caY to Msuill sud msy b. sent 10 China. If lb. Ciné» pienug vhich AdmiraI Vvans faire siould coma b. "Iib. cceli peprel 1 proteet American Inernats iUngtise nasat. Auil Avoua i Globe. Bd Tiionnlu.âia 12-rea-nl boy, vas droernad aI Columbia, Mo. Pnesldenl J. A. Ileattis nf irîausCol- lags preseted bilsresîgnatîses to dia boul of t*'utees James J. Va. Alen, vise lad beau r.- . ertasng, bas ariived a etoeW. t., aio teritp roand the voritL Fie le I hie sicplasios of a gasi ugu st a oci Bas' terstu -ma- S eui.OlatO.t- Tf D (ENTUCET FUhI PRISOO FOR A PLANTER. 3. W. Pai2e et Tallapuosa, Als., a vresîts plantt% cas fouud gui lt th federal'cuist et holding ner la luI- s-oluLt3ny servitude aud given lv. Osis la prison. H. plesdeti gulltY te escii nf ,eleven ludîcluauts. but Sowlng to the ad- vanced *te et the-eosvicte& mau haova seutences luesrre punlalimleUl couleur- rentl, uaklug bis mmpr>Souseut iamOù: gle five-year heriowTii. cas cas &P- pealel ta test asudefstadant releaied nu bail of $Sffl0 Pacews ebearged vlth Inqldins lu paniae ten negroce,.. -The neginea ver. jýeated ecelîr on ue'*cfertari, uany bo- g rtaily vuippeit. It in saisi tiat OveusGen. a negro, vas vuîppçd -a . .erfSthaTomuy boues lu bis bady ver. brokeu sud that bis power ni speech vas luterferei witis. Whou Pacs made his statement lt th jusige h. aclzuowledged that ho vas guul- ty. lie. »id: "I pleud guulîrta teise of- fensest addvould 11ke, ijour isanor tu be mercifuL" Thse issde then aokes inau if he' baedanything toe say wisy menteuce shossld not bc jessesiuponhlm and lie replled In the siegative. At Mua. is, lhlb.Uuited Ststes .Court, Judge Speer lmposed a fine of $1,- OOQ esdis on tliree Yosug ien. William ilsy, Arthsur <Slais5on sud IRobert Tus- ner, for buldiasg s negro. lu involssntal7 ser-vitude. ic asisseudesi tise âneunder conditions, sud su do!« tise court saIi:. S"lu riesi of tise fact that it lis thse firat cime of tise kîsd'wvue crhan occurres inliG(Iorgia, and berause ai tha franh coufsiohs of ths Young smen, aen- leur, la impos.cd lu aider ta counsce tise public that th,- psrlsosa af tihe court le ta vain sud dits-r others tram luie crime. Duiug goas od us-lue fine in sssspeusjed upon payusent of $100 eaci." Tii. offense was t theb.Yonginsu, vbp aua fariners. ea#abt a negra vin wbl eta tet, gare hlm a vilp- ping sudumade hlm gotu suri far tisera. Jalge Speer suid tisat lhe prablem. of ths timons rossisinat iio sned by iargh monantes end wisnted Il dlstinctly under- atoond that tise lava 0f. Georgia vere agaluat such treatinent &NERVY OLD S8OLDIER. Wlat a sGruau lBe Watciied the Sur- runs Culies"àsg0f1,Tvlce. Wiscu Henry C. l<icbois, oa,.Jersey City' dies tise otiser day tiser, passed s in ofthtie attîff herqes are made ni. Wlti tisosane courage sud cooluesa ho displayad turing dbatt I etAntietu sud inuths baouie af the. Wldmess. h.watnh- ed thse vork of thes, geons sthile tdaY rut off bi& leg la tva opeiatiosa, lu Christ Hospttul, snd tisen foae the lues-itisle snd sud bled wltb à imlte ou hie fare. Nichatis 67 y.eta nid. He lied a weakbesît. falla-wlng.su operatIori fss Lappeudicltls about i yuai s-go. Wossnds >recel-sud lu tise vilbroght au nerroii nIo the boues af the leg sud tise forme- ion of ai dot lu au qrtery, Tissvas toltovesi by gangrena. sd tjke only hope for 1ff vas tise smpdttlioii of-tise imb, He onuld nul staud anu suseadetie, sud l b. doctofa tol hlmbite tbhi# oniy chnisce va. te buaebis leu cul offwili e was consoons. lHe toîl hi=. 10 f0 head, >sul-aite en l. itat sm tatn, had beau kmad, lb. conditiol bWou k icls muade n accoid operatian ueeasary, aud tisey cut =supaissud boue gagainchile-tise aid t 'la f petctlycunioua, bcokesi on nt thea grlnding ofatse urical eaw aud the 1kaeu-bladed miras. For as ceeaItilseed ta5 it me vould It!e, but wiii tie belU"tig ni tise nintls day Ma vitaliti begais tuwaue sud it va. suaultast h.oaeald sol; survive. on the morssLug ol Ketuorlal Day he huistel upon bol5g tesoved fron thei inspitatoushie hg%% alid ta h aria tisiongiilb theeta«. cher. ha kuew bis comaode.uoftbeà-p.Lr5u Army nf thsé BepubHlo vara biug. liHie roquent vas conpUaI vrils.-Tiievetemsu n wvo ie baud fabli 1t4 tiahistlsued-ont rna Wse b. pased thihiybut b. aster bé: ir sa brasa&MY bid 5*to cial i gt diah*sugler inecuasaeseul 4 lsntb le o ond= "tZp"asd tioJll4 l cuiet de~ Mr. John W. Meng. 54 leffarison Aye., Indianapolis, lI., Sate Représenta- tive et Indianapoisa Buinsea Collage. wrie.: I uferdcR ~etiAm t 0" o! l de oic. Iomr5 *mw' ib do wma-00* give. 4aP'm rnet0 iwWM#I-V f7 d . gsed ad.isyh izwes iuI u. iI et Pommamu l i h - 60s." oh W. MNos& a.eRE m saI comun phase* of &amernued a gond"eed.Aun a oule It laexe- -I--ata~atCsirrbt n1 tise -t u cellent lu the. short ir~lase it.ud endbowls. Prestbaa a pecîlie for lt lt bas dos e,*ta rillal ot gon.d.- jurm nlfctarrh. 1Wlllls Breve. as.,WlllsBroyer, Reprosentatlte If gon donudt dents prompt Sud satin- in Cousisen troinAlabama, irritesa te action raait@ trou thenos of Pea, olieps latter to Dr. Hantrnan: irwrite et sure ta Dr. HarIMas glir'ln a liJons. ni Representatlves, fill itatemeneut o 0case5, 55d lie*1 Washingtn, D. C. bc plealiedto Élire jou is Vaai e ad'- (hotlcue à#@ »aMe ne o ë lts Z=La Dr. R113 ais i>wudest cf, of Perons, foilassitude, sud I taieplea- 'lhe HarIssas aitrnu oluisbus, oelu s.ecomnmendiuz It ta tins. who Oh i. Lasge Cois. ItIoladmil hat1 thelarguât golI cols nov lu crculationula tise 90g4ld l11ot, or 101V,"of A-a--. aYr«eh eODpul gold plsee, ad ou Itla1 vrittt 1 Indien b*Ii liavale% wbhislaabottl torty-lu'e ponudg. The. UOU 81204 cotgs te til valuable but e«tramioli ack yard une làe i. "b.*g," of 13hpaEâ- wviciila vortb &bout lau p"uisds,9"5 sait comas the. "bande." ofA*eswe Pounas. Tm eCiluw Mr de101151 goid place la wooti about tbht ib A& thse "hul. ia beesyhut 9Oliv"I ta lis. corI aie *beleUoU *6 àu i -clo he s muer, hastla curtis obou orbe Pound@; tises enes utisa Chiasme - "Imael sud ttise 1h. A u I double thsaler. Buril, N. y, - Jous.e ê-hs S- proeu.Court lias essiead 1a ---uta ljugllu, ciii cool,, sd= tta sout jet 0f1a«Imm. to lie ail'1 PQW a . Hudson, the manufacturer Of thé. tiut w der del "Ur. Càark's Foot Pew- anmd as5al luo a ràetalidealer ni .010lyn entr oit t.,» front mai- in r seiling the Dr. Clark'e Font pow* d9 er h ul delared. lathiedeciailnftof Naw~w~i~. tise urtan isstatlonsud lle elt DIUIW Itt UUlE et 'O1? -AS,"the iocler ltasthaïe ~IJIU LaEdI UV mbyour abs.., soc don lirjiffY odvr- risan sud 1ait otar btuacoutry. Allas S.olsned; ni1la.117,N. .Ite * OVuen ufthtei.tr.id-ak. FOT ,~9 tBASE.,, and tha l ta Ii IraI attldal 0 cio evor sîverttel a font Povîs. cx' teuslrely over the country. Tb*e declalou lu this case upisolds itîl rade-mari aui renders ail parties 115W. le whinaudulaul- -ly attenzpit. profit by thse extensive *iL'OQT BSW'adventii11g, lu picini upon the mArkst a ipurilo nud ilullar o- appoîrini prparatlon labeleld put inl envelop»es sud i0osUes1kFOT * BA ~sE imilai suit. c1l-bbesugit e gainst otbmere artBN Dow lufinl nthi o OT-BASE trade'usrk sud conususa r;b Bis oe a ooula Tish olvn ie Pvstuattihe ~ other dey ou the. builllin bani 0f a fumous Liuaclub: 'WI Itii.noble- man wbo purlolntd (iopt.-'s uns- bralla kildly dailver Il tethdia llItpot'- W SE RN CANADA À wil-known peer taklng umbrage nu MM "beautet tis osigison bisi.orde, aecSded M Capt. - sud damanded. au explana- "«Wall, yon see." cas tisa swlY. "thse rules tate ttut tils la a club for noble- àî2 maln sud gentleman. 1 am carIttn *0 l u igentleman tck My =umbri; benc. there asno otiier cinla" o 1coule FraUM IuW etiA M m t.-NwYr Mi n xprm W "s be.m5Iês Wabwlloei equ si eb tri; ro ly 1t ,Inlsvat-PI fo t. trip. Tickets vili aie*. beld a Nev York et 14for tisSï round trip. Borna 0ftihe-advantofliâ offerol by the Wabashs use a fum. ride -on-the i0adson, rivae rou I. New YNor ak; asit cater trip from New muet 11M tt*r 111-tigthild dor-York t0 Boston via tia FaU Siler Liii.. ste wih ÀleOnZ' rte for a copyofI illatataloler. durablewvali 2ca , ta heal tu - aîng ait *bout lb. trip. sud permnsct actio. Write or P~. A. PALMS A. G.z P. A. ful1 lufoftsatio.sand fra-euisilona by ail1Mrqute Building, Chimieo. oui artits. Buy ouly iinjsckagca prop- cly labeled ",;.es1~"Trst Law. -l,,vituevîat. ALABASINE COMPANY, lu Sltenlamd If a -chiid do., sot &AND Rff 1AP e in. attend achooLon a partîcular day thea and afo Wstetsttreet. New Yark ose parant aels nutiefrou tise Public au- ________________________ hb -t ti e le , Oued *0 mini '\ \\ \Ž .\ \Nfranc.; tlb. cod-day lh.dosue leil- s. crassiansd by tha tird daY the Caia s amount becomes a serions OU0. lu Case 00 Sa a of lcineusatise PUP11 la sîcused, but If fb0W«ýSàaL tiser.y bc an? Musielon of uiaiftsg a R ire s loctor la saut. If the. suspicion bu Idm- - ~ ~l R ~ e r ~required te pay lhe coul 0fttthe do'- Deumark e«puita ps,000,O Worth of lIer 'a lms. Tisa total population of- country inlure .sud sliait MMIOQl&s mbut sa tbe grttomsetcu th lo sd M -*l placa»UsaIF. 9 ýPecUllar s» cmraremedW ebsvs a bos u rg.iu a hva at i a xy4 g es sans, s atepissu o"84alUs 9*0 sssfora md ulelIe-,sn ba*lu lui If she s83ý% 1 the best f1111 she evertieut or Sl.OOand lx>' if, you cauitt