CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Jul 1903, p. 2

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Wa -*Ut$ le u kn Proeedluga t the UKËCOUNT'Y SPECIAL MEETING. Waiegnn, i111, &pri 22, 190. BàM ofSul$iprvtaera et LakteGCana. jy~, Iutinoisl met lu apeial sagicliat * e penwiors' roon lit te Cilty et ,:W4ukegan, purnuant ta the toliowlng foAhu .Heuduia. (nntjy Clûtrk ot aieObennty. ilînoile: 4 Wa, thee undersigned Snpenî-ieirg of T Wke Cnuit>', Iliinois. heiug ent-third ý mmOs-e thle entire iBoard. ierehy PE. tuba tthe Ceîlty Chaet f al count>' tie)eaà o specini îîî1etiîîg ofthle lioardS tpbha RiaiSnt the Court ieuse In '%Vau- bagait, on the 22d day' of Apit, A. ID. le 15,At the b)rIrfet2 o'ciocit ). M., - fcr tha purulsise ot organizatolnut!d * Ctlg on aîîy ltitione In the bauds of filae4onty CiVrit. Oa-bteui thIru Uth day of Apri, 19U3, W. E MILLERI, A. N. TîFFÂ-NT, .M. T. nAMEY, DAVID ADAMS, JR.. - THOMAS I. GRAHAM, J. A. MABON, W. F. CWOW, M.' HOREEBERGER, i J. K. BOWER[, W Y. HOGAY. S.E WOOLLEY. Sourd vascelleS te oruer b>'tOie Ciert, ad lpon ril calli ith oilevlag *W-rvlnrshatng produceit miatlte- 1542 pInot of hbeir eectioël and quali- - bUsa amavered te tulr aines ase 111ara w as tnafl* ' ,eSy, tepbaus, Tiffany', Woohiy, - rMillerS- moeSthat Super- IT ilay at ta tempos-ar>' chair, )Mi' oveS that tRie i>' eiauveà 4benov lected t iuàlua -fer tRia énanlut 'Mtlm Scrsrai ualmouly. mtpIu oveS titt tue ObtaPpolt a emits.etfthree o for tte vrua* ot tiaBoard «UtiaYllrs tepheas, Wolley tSolloig .petitien wça rend b>' -Çengo, ILaI. ut0,ln.a Toar peftleuse the Cbl teta7erhorabk ~body>' flat taItl"ia jouir eunI>', eg&e t a, the Antiocl anS Fox Laite, eýJ1at reuse W-IUsiSI DowSinaue- > j peuluarrsainae ayenour iisw dé M.1e betveen aite VllQala Antiecu "bwutmp, And aautb cou»tuut'lns U hthhale Tovashipu of Aveu. Fr,- mont. LNbetyvIDe A nd Veron, in Oie MYff ~a aalitabi arellé ta reacii olosse, *MJ5n branci lin«a along ethe' hlglsvay es =s>' fson tme te aime becane use' «»M in, teuppu>' the generat. publie- Svlutelephonle facliteas. - usectfbn ull' amittad. - IHKAIIo TELEPHONE cCO)MPLT. 07 W. RL Aihatt ueitmet Sais-visué rIio'biveaithe iat f tt1bearseneMg tRe towlaw fflet, aàbkalaandS epertea Uns of por - iras, etc. : Tbe saineudmiet vas acceptaS b>' Bu- PerVlae Lama, sud lapon tite adoptoSi of «tId motiotRe CRair- aîmedSuS- Perrà-r Me>e', Edvarda, Masan anS Mille AS such committee., "uP-19vis tePluae noveS tRut Saa- ps-sr (nbusm h adaie tRiatheni-jý Mittea. Motion carried. Thie tolloslug resolgplon as preseat- et!, rend, anS uapon 1moti0Dofet-Oapar- IVI-7 er oa- adopteS: - RieeDlvad, TRal the Commtte. -on P0037 Farta be instructad te Invesilgata triecot ot lnstani gA Reatlnî plant InuthOiebotîdingsait tha Cont>' TarinAt -,Iber-tille- sud report At tRia June ï-iu oretnge ti osoh.d, SUPerviser Graham' mev ed t. dono ajouru untl te-uorrew.nom- 'Dg su 10 o'lccit.lotion ecaruitd anS Boas-S stood adljijnrn. Wauen.Tliiumkty,, Aprili 2.1. 1003 F oarul înet Plîrmunlut ledjoornunent, ~-th î iharnînu, iTIU<îîu-in lu,,! ehai. Xe2Msuberîu hreuu.-uî: Stpervlrors tnder- son,- Adams. ibis-ar ('but-, Eliptand, Edvalrfl, <olduig. qrn lai, Humnu. 1-tou.ý He>reubrger. egnu, .AfiIi>' Me- Donald, hlason. illlès-. te-hensl. Tif- ftan>', «eoiey. Wflhtte,-Abs-teant: SîP«ipe'lr iteye-1. > -MintIS Ot Preu-dlng me.etinig rend andSP lO Du Of etSuPPr1Ifi la itnt- Ilgtou appruiVmu. * upériÏ4eor Hîîlîte honI)rt-t.d tRie flla'Wtng raselution and m iovet!las whsrean. Tolmisi.-o Asînole-le vêrt- Of- »Ialtiva'sIr te seaofithntiiulniera etf UhaBoard; tberétere Ra"YeLvu.Tint Ail ueniers eoft te -resofas pervloftin, erain ftu-an - smokin la'Oic Supervlsos-sroumnidur- ~'iIg fe 555lDs t Oie Board fotnh@! 0 etd1i e à" . 'Il7e - ea.AdaMi~~o ,Pk~d <ilzIlng, nîîtington. ï3I1cDO1dlStE Tiie evotiliig no are inupervliors Horenberger, lHegan, Lamey, Tiffany, Wôoela-5. 1Silpervisor stephens. chairman of sel;e ommIittee Ou rules, subSltted, the toilowlng report. Bloard of Su'pervlsers. t4pealA1 Terni, rt 23, A. D. 111(13 Mfr. Chairmail and Gentlemen of Bloard et Sutpervleors: Y9iir Speelal Comm1ttpe on Ra would begt leave Io submtt thi e i4i Ing report on the mnatters betore th,* W1e recommend the adoption Of i rulee governing- us Board for * -eûr 111L12. tegaethr with Oe tollowg additioni te zoie fouir: SBille; of Justices of the PeRice n*Y ba ellowed ilu eetofconvitiola de~ tCircuit or Cezinty Courts ofet b Cuuty. wben tbey are certlied by I.q staitels Jittorney or the Cierks etfa4od courtse. miet wllelz la reseactruily eitbuil. 0. IB. tTEPHES. ChaîmaS. S. E. WOOLLEY. MILES T. LAMET. sulerv-isor ilogan inoved tijat tbe report hbe uepted and iulopteui. $np- ervîso R lower moveti tint Rlea0 be amended b3- addlng lthe words "at the affluai 4epteilb"tmeettigoetftla Btoard ns provlded by inw.*" Ayé and nay vote ieuîg callet for. supoeinar Bower*w motioii waé tout'by the touow- iig voie: Tnv4tug u e U Bowar and Lamey-2. Those vetlg ne are Bnpervlaord 4d- ansl,o<mw, jtwtGraham, »flt. lngteu, Nebarger, Hogan, MAMan. Miller, Stapiiets, Tiffany, Woolley, lii- Vols tOcDTing o Ou uoor et 8el- visrU Sthem ewuiad4 a Thonv ,vot ae:ae8iir Adams, C01ev, Ndwifda, 'Gt: liun#z*one, Horeniiergat, Hoa. ÊMy. ifOn, Mil00, Stepiiea, ly woolley, Wlilite-14. SThon roting no: Supeviserr 5w- SupervleoÎ Maton, on behaîf f et be epeclai Omnlttee te wbom walq te- ferred the patition ef the Chicago Tale- Pb@" ompaiiny. 4ubIiniled thé olbwa- tng report, te wtt: Thie nnders%%MedSpeclal, 0ommnýQe1 te w)um was raeened thie petiticà e t the.- ChIeRgo Tsephone Copupeny.' ,,Ir oertaln rlghta ln, along and npon , ir- tain streats. rosSa and publie io- wayalin lAke Connty, lli10oi0.4uWOd respectfully snbmlt the foilowing ,Ue- port* We havaeenferred witb the rýge tenitativaetoftthe Chicago Taieplola Company "d -w6uld Oepettfy * or frailffim wbich le tierato ftta«,Wd and made a part oetbtitisreport AUllet wilch la respectfnhly atubdut-1 ted, IL 0. WW&O THO&.B. GIIAHAMi * W. a. MIL1A30 Bee Itordainad by thte Dord of Su- pervisere o et i.County et Lakte and State et Illinoif, Tiiet the rigbt la berebY grante! te the Chicago Te- Phtone Comnpany, Kas succesors andas- signe, t0 ereet, n4nutaln alid opergte s line of poles. wlrooanSd âtguq ln. iens and lupon 1thie tol»*éing bigb- wayi ln Laite Çouty, Jlluols, te wlt: COpUnenctn qi OM WauR'eaavenue. on tiwr t*it-%éiu kt$muton thlrty-flve (35) nortb, range elevea (11) east efthOe tIlt principal meritiiei and runng tiuoee norti on msaldMilwaukee ave- am e te i village e1 Hait Dey, tiiene adtthwesterly on thea Diamond Lake sosi te Diamond Lakte; theenca nortit on the. town lina road between thie towur effl et LibertYvlle and Fremont anS tIe townships et Warren and Aven, ÏbuMlRi Rocktefeller te Gages Cornera; *gýewest on tRie o015 plan roaS. no :O ene mile more- te lm eto-the i ue et Sectloa* itiZ4lZ .M),la t&wowbp fotyiIE 4)fth, range ton (10), eut et -the tdrS iemacpal mueridian; thendiIn a nortbwetterly di- ractiqu on the rosit itawn as tii. FOX LiVêt rcad; rnàiii titrougi itollins te Laite villa. Section 1. Provldied. however, tuai the polee, wlrea aud ixture saoli b se plaeS as net tY lntert are wlth pub- lie *Trael en saJd blkways, snd a rigbt te direct any aiteton la the heiglit o et sue vreas a reemyd te the.0e1à. 1misslonersetf rlgbwaya efthii.eaveral tewnships on, saiS pr000atllina; and! provided t urther,, that laid Citicage 1'aiuyiieiie CQmpaDy a£bantue given a OPRortnnitg to e e eard -la regard te. ou(% i ateratlon, anS nuhing haremj centtaineS shalh diminiab4tus rigbts alv priià Ofet ather Party now exist, log. Sec. Z. The rights harein granted siii continue for a periot! et tweuity Sec. 3. .The saiS Chilcago T#iepbona COmpany .al1 fnrnieh:M ' thie aid 1J*icc Ceunty gratultonsiy telephenes luin the ol'lewlng office, ID tRia city et Wankdgan, lu thé saiS eeflnty. te wlt: On.0 te lepbone la tRis office et tRie Coun- tY Clark, one <1) teleplione Iu the effice Or the circnit Clark, eue (1) telaphone'l ft- of c th he ircu -Iln,1 Bs«. à. la givesiý tua titat * s" epcu Ch. nu. tRie report 1v isilias eut &U tbat part re>ltng te thi e oablW nd tmAbIl ttalulfg e0< OUtelepboaiap epifiebtal, sblp for Ib la" Ofthie ebes 0thé:i A-l aS al 1*s belg caflefort gupeviatsec Eimïo» UowwlalW aby Tiseaa oiaf 00,eare" SuperviSera ASsa, zdâaer, H6guZ,.aubq anS Tboe rotnc "e ameSupervis"t Cow, EGraha, Qaaaingnt Reliant Horenbergw.,l M8on. MimStePhuua, WoollpY, lVlblte10. 1 Sdaueser wtv eos>"B m6tlon v ChiT* at!pewi b flotgvte: h e hose sting camme aren frape-r uu ua vlngle r Sprvs Clalm.-Rorenberg-, .Adams, Ho- gau. &Troiieena Amesept-LaIDeI, WlII bite, MéDenald. - Electien Preets e- 01ev, Bo--. stephens. »dotation . Ekstrand, MeDonald, Huàtington. Faca and Salarib-Bôw-r, Hoean. Miller. Èlnanoe-BStephena, PldWàrda, Lama>'. Judges etCElatio--OoldlDZ, St- pieDs, ASda-s Llcense--iluntlflgtOn, 'Grahami, B strant!.' )IselDanui-Whlte, MaSOn, An- Por-Msson, Anderson, Edvards. Peor Far-Grahain, Golding, iMey- e.. poor Farm &U*tug-Adame, Clow, power. Public BUMUlaSB-WOOllY, Iloreu- berge, Wilbite. 1'rintlnit-Mller, Me7er, Graa.' Rteelutiona- Andemuon.Ekstran&I "olSng. Buate clarles--Mcenald, Miller, Weelley. Swamp Lands-Edjwerda, WoOey, Hereuberger. Settiamant witRi Treasurr anS Colin- ty Clerit-Hogan, lltntngon, CIOW- SeMelent wftOi Suif nt miCircuit supervbor 1uoganu moved Oit w. do now adjeurc. motion carneS suddiBeard tood ad- J2urned. ALBERT I. HENDEZ, Clark. TEBM-FIRST DAy. WokgiIII., Monda>Y, Jouna 8, 1110. Preceadingg hefore tRie Honorable Board et Supeaviofe Lakte Couty, * llInlsbeandud li t tRiheSuper- visera' rSoon lathe cty of %Wnukegau thiti cond, Monay oetJoune, A. 1D. 1110. AMet _N. Tiffany' preelt!ing anS thie tel.llig meunhers pr6eto: Snperslors Andersnai, Rover, Ciov, Bdwardâ4, Uolting, Grsaan, Iiutlng- ton, Hioreniarger, Meijonait!, Motion, M ier, Meyer. StoPipn, TlEfauY. Weol- iay wlubte-16. Absent-SupervlorsAdamis, .Bit- gtrand. Rolan and lemey-4. minutes et praeffng meeting read and uon motion et SuPerviser Haut. iugton approved. TRie toiiovlug petitiens fileil Ms>' 5 MkuS 18 vera rond, aise nomes of cea- ittees appotaS dbi'tRihe clirminn te net iu conjunction viti tRie HigRiva> CeOmnimisonersoetthe tevns mention- esa lu saiS pettons, %wRiýpon notion It vas orre-at fat tRielame le Iprecd apen tRis tomntE te VIL:1. . Te ithe Ooalty Board. et ft e antî et O Laite. la Oie BMte etiynola: The adsdnsi dcoumiinuer of ,Mblatvy# oetb1e town ot Newport, la «s outy, woul r«eettUllY rep)re- set. tbat a irlulIge neels ta ha hault over Mllicreait, viieath. eine la crogsed b>' the lulhway leaing troin WNadsvetth to Gumr nea iDlId tevn sud cotnt>'. lnwhicii ld wvrk tha town et Newp»rt in vieil>' responel- ble. That tie total est of building ,ooiS bridge vili ha one thousand IOve hundred o"ars ($I,50.00u. *lhosuai w Ili ha more tian tweotycsntas on the on, budred dollars on tutlatest as- sesmaut rol ef saiS tova, edthoýt the. evy o e i. aaS ud bridge tex for tie Ivo preediug-yeSrSllaMid teva wuîiiiscim hyer tor the full amouat er torty cents on oaci one Rinudrat! Soi 'inrs alWwed by lev for the Commis- stoers te ra Ise., tiejaorpart if frll~fîla iceed er lue esdinar>' re- paître:ro nd udbridges. Whetrefra. the said Commisuuloneva ot Hlglnvuuya bereby ptition >ou for] oUland for es an aPprbzPriatlon flo» the Count>' Traent tamuo si safient ta meet eue-hait the expeusesof et ti ai bridge. J. A. 1iYBCR, JO. WÂ-TORBURY, -J. Iff. BARTLIITT, CommilalonersetfHlgiways. State et IllInois, ite Count>'. Town of Newpoft, a.. Board ofe hmmitMones ofetHtgivaYs. 11e, the. Slderslgned, Commissienera et llgbwayo et ftue- levaof Newpomt harai>' tatatlatve -bave modea aucar*- tui estimate eoftth. probable coteflbe ereetieu oet a brdg e aresMiâi crast near Wads-wortb, and va e oeutigto that tih probable colt et Xie séme ilii ha ena thousand liva hundrad Sllars ($à,.c800). oit lakeBtatea<l 04W~ul nav*"o rrs.We ie aima la momnSair 'tRie blgusar Jndiag trqum *k villa te IngldidtIn nMd toW.,WRiIlisaiS vo e lii ev et Q*mla "Wboll>' Olidllel 11s Twoures«,m undred ($Z»20) Dehors fI* Qv, the oeahuUéndollar 4mw. th» Ul~ait* eaSmew troll of silis teuàn atbe IèV7 et the. rouai- euSbridge ti for tan yenrs last, Pest in balS to*1A was i ech year for thie fnll aôm*Utor fort>' cents on escb ouhe nRiud d wlanoved b>' 15w fer thie Oaselnonarsto raIse, the, major pari oft h viila itneeded f et tihe otuimâr> repais of rendsa ndSbridgea, Whbew0ore4 th idsaSOoaunisuones, of alebways hceby petitien -yen for ald, an4 for an aiproprlatlen fili thie Couve Treasury of a sua, uffilent le~ ~~~b metolatuaexpansaenfthtRi DateS at Grant this 2ist Sa> or ma>', A. 1.).9(18. JOHN TQNY.4N. BIIN RILLEei 'NICK ItOmING, Commissipnera et HlgbW*Y. State -eot ]hlLnois, Lake Count>', Towu - 4f Grant, m .Bôard et Commis eAu....of Hlghways. W., tRie anderslgitd, CeMMisioss et Hlgbvay#oretthe Town oettmrat, bieeblate tlist w. bave made a car.. fe u lmate etftthe probablset et t'obthe bridge, anS va do affina. tbat the probable eclol te R Mme vil ha tveen ne mhondred $(2,100)» dollars Wlthtà uusr bande ibis 2lst day ef May', 49M JOHN TONYÂN, BN HI uuR.LW NICK lIOSING, Connilsonars ef Higiiwnys. StaleetfUii6ula, Eake Ceut>'. Town et Grant sas. Johun Toffnse n Huiler and Nicit Reulni, Oomniiseleas ofeHighvayset the Tevu etofGrant. hlns diii>' even, on osth. uMr tRut lie bride aié'ton- ait ln Oie astimîtie te hIlci tbia alti- Savit, la attacheS le necsary, and that tRie mne vil net bh adaemnie expamive flan la-needed for-tRi"-us-- JOHN TONTAN, BEN IIILLER, NICK BOSBING, Comialone'a et Hlglivays. Subscnhbed, and sans-n te hatore me tOua 21* 5at«M I». A. aD. 98 THOS. J. GRAHAMÙ, Town ClerIt. Cemnlttae applointed: Supervises-a Lainer. Golding anal Horesbas-er. C»mauinnctqan fs-onWm. I9. 1>1db-i mn üln regard lo tie put-chase etfcS-- tain svamp lide lylng lu the Tovub- sRlp ot Grant, Lita Cont>', vas rend. ndit upon mtian et Superviser Ste- pbeutRiga s., as oesdaS Oed. Superviser_ aivardâ premented thie tollevIug petition, wvhlcb v as rend aut! rates-s-d te Comnittea ou License: To tiie Honorable Bons-S et Super vImerafethOe Cont>' etLakte, ln the State of IluInols: The onderaigned, iegal voter% restS4- log ln the Tevusbip et Aven, luthtRe Ceunt> ef Laite, ln tRie BStte et Ull- Doia, do heu-eh>' pethon yeux honorable body> to grant auto Joseph Ananu andS Fs-sut Amaun s Ileiuse te conduet a aleen nt Round, Lakee, lu the saiS Township et Aven, ID salei Ceunt> et Lakte. Signet! b>'Bi M.. Cosman anS 216 others.i Superviser Graaum -Moed that ail hbuula harefui'eSte upar nveanitteua VîItliut reédlsg, MoElql carrieS.1 .Upon mtiSof etSuper+bworWellsy, il vas oeu-SeaStu a e onov adjourn for commttea vts-t untîl te-mers-ev merniug at 16 oocit. SECOND DAY. Wautagan, II, TUesSa>, Jane 9, 1903. Board met puras»ut to adjourumaut, vîit Chairman Titan, pu-esidlng. Maniera psasst: Supervisera Ander- son, Adanms, Rovfer, 01ev. Edvniids GoIdiuk, Grahm, Hantin i ou-en- berger, LAna>', bcDonald. Maona, Millear. Maeys-, ISteplies. Titfan>', Wool- la>', Wllut-i8. ýManiera absent: Slupervisera EkatranS, Hogan-2. Minutes et prehedlng meeting resd. anS upon motion et Supervier oren- bes-gar apuovaS. TRie teliovlng peil o e Vre rasai anS ratees-SteÇommitts. on Eru-ens- ans Amuwetala, leil : Te the Honaole tRie Board et Super- vilesseoftéVatut entaeand State etfIlineis 1 . Gentlemen-Tour petIine', Arturs BieaU, reapeeffufi>' repessants tunte raar honrablV oas-S tiet lie4lsa aiti- uen and resWSt ofthOe cit>' et Lakte Forestln hile Coueint>feLaitse a ttae f lfib6bçsudnStint ue bas beeu a citizen anS reeldit oet nid place for aiese tRiaui> Ove ym asr ets T our palliions- f.n*ss- siates that Ian the lpring ofetha eyeaie 19M ,Tinolt>' Hove. Tou Asemssof t-et b.Towvut Shilelds, lu Laite Coueun,dlvasere Riha à haut saebi" tul peununl ps-up s-t> and requsait hle anieedule lila petonai wpep 18larsuseance et tri kv. o e fu Itee.t IfUluole, Tt yen- petlilne'=MleSut s1aiS sciiee and bianSaS tue sMM I trie saiS Tm- otby Howe Mou m r e ,il 8M 4. aof u Mar, 1lm. ToIr peoumusrau&lti- 'I a tra e>'et ailMM mlule te fils pIon a S nls. 1* p0 i >lers0e«isud marks lIa emaS31 or - eraw'vdI stock mi mpe spoêâe eël.cA the lewu OfU*SW te ofNew JIÈéouý "w pte otul Avalue ot 81,151 a*05 Wi" aigU74vg uwS40U0w) 4wt. lé IA4 ti'tlw WAaul the. otô lt it 4 ze s'e4at 14taie, os«1 sie atisexé ktisao aSSt msea tbe aielu' orportes buol or- gaaluw ane' Oie lavaet fis. State eotuIirietitoner trte gt. tht u1 salit prilf2S1102 tato tbewuon' al, -re u m "(1 en orse ait stm , ",-- sw Lé *lu- ieat ta blat at$lbt a>=y e layauigated. h> banosuble bo, anS dthle heex Pau m a ersaidl bp- t*eîna Ie mas> h.robtied te juin or We S. etvuicRi la toPecUulir ubm$t-, Ilt le r Ceaup«jlinee teitseS(M00)shaaf 0- HOCA MBI stock lt4 thie chiytoai F. ona'Cli.T ti estbe hIlna iIýoi pau nSI t>' (20)CU MMeset M stoC 0Supurle Obet Lg e pt»MMl tu *a ue Aadtorium cospan>', a3 ait noof undes- Oielaira et tRieStatae r uuqt& - Hevu, etfGrant Towsip.,Laite 'lut ftué açftaitatit cash mastSI alue cô"Y finols, rtapectful>' tprssent et sld stock vas Oie eau or seveateaum ite yens- hionouable body thst Rie ban ibonssd <$17,000 Souas-.- t palS his taes for the. year 1909, sud Tlhot viiet yous petfoner maSe Ont he'.vltOipremsutu recelpt feromu., as Iteum' "Ila saIds ecedule i. e e vidance et .uch paisyant, anS âta niilS tb, fair cash market valutet ail Oie preperu>' hseinattas-. !escrlbod, lytuit biiSb>' hink a lu n>'corporation. boing Lot 2, Fs-. N. %PFu. B. W. Y, .bethe' organeS udçe talave et TownipZ. 45usange hainebelgot. ou the atate etrlilwile or net. TRat lu wuilcit ai>Hetel Howa rd va s stuateS, Item "29" lie citeduled ai stock boiS andS viel u brneSdemi nla the f511et yb>'a tl u cos-ps-algo enet RganIseS 1901, vas tii.! D usace e ile Ar unSes Oie lavaeOfthes State etfilliiels, tisough negiant lltvlugtergottea te Jý being th. stock ID Oie Amarîcan Radia. flue vaine on sait! Lot 2, teRise bolng nio tes- Coiman> sud ln théi.nleu'statu bildings fereme t tinte- et assesslait. tei Company' storeamd. sud inseted Tour pettlnes- theretore praya tuft Oihe tais- cash market valuelies-Sotf t te natter mu> al o iuangted b>' naid sun eofaixf>-ive bundred $(6,S0) your honorable hod>', aà t!thle _ex- Sellam. cma on taxes paiS b>'IL E. C. ova-t! That ln fart netiuir anoil a e a ateasit, nia> h reliâteS or relus- hem sciedalet b>' p-ar petîtiones.un-. edte hlm. Sas- Item No. 28, that-ha bat! ne bond@ AUl et viieh la respeettnlly oubaiui- etf , tladat adid tîme anS ne tis ted. axcept Oie stocka aferesiansd vicit E. C. HOWARtD. stocks shbonid have heffn. lieta,and ToV thieHonorable aCiasu anS v.. itated as tas- asihe sane ver. Board ef Bupervisera otLate Cena- raquired b>' law tu e ha 11Ud,unuder 1>, IllOIO'. Item No. 29; thal yens- patitlenes- tiers- - OmUilmen-The ndeaignet!. E. J. b>' mat!. a mistaite ln Insestng nl LobSahI. of Grant Townsip. Laite iamoutatte Item No. 2M and tint Ceuir, Illinoiss, eaPetfnll>'représents liai-e van an eve'valnatlenet yen s ..nato'yens- honorable hody' that ha basi ,tfoner'a propert>' te tRie umount of paid bis taxas ton tRie yaa" 1143. n d tveuty.tbyffe thousaud Ove bupêcit ite'evth hresenla raielpitfor mime, as ($23,500 dollars lu Item ?o. 0.0. eviduaice for such payment, auialng Tuât sid gmuniofetwenty-lhree thon- te $8582, whli hla grenîl>' i axa-n. et sand Ove bundred (82.500>) dollars whât lsonul bi.. sinouis. sud la tairnemo egifte. have Tour petltloerantbRa-aone lira s liaI bImm dedocted troui the fulvalue oet Ille attarr Indy>'bu-luvedigltutela>' yenr pttloner's preperI>' as set fort u r s honorable bot!y, and Othee e- la said scitedole, aud that luee scould cama on taxes pnit! hy . LJ. Lohdell. have bhee nadctet! troni tRie ns au afsoresald al, ia>charebattra or ratura. value on sait! stniedele the sun et tour a e tbenmant ses-en iinrd do-~ $t7~ li- AUiofet vi lzsrespeetuily sîîbmit- lare, belag eli-fth (i-5iaetf qid fuolte*t! E.J. ILOhh>ELL». value; iluat If Mid onle-itti I-51 ve'e Te the iHonoralie Boas-d oetsuper- doducfaal$remaiLme tRie actoel visera et Ente Ceunt>'. litllîî,lx: an-fu-n svI. tiorpeti- . WRiWlies. &ýIatke5itl vIua icciiuidu tienern propety apen vuiciha hesonhai ID tRie amssa-aent et Lot oee(1)>tle psy taxas voulu have lia nte u te nto on. k- Il-. Lot nine (iit Bî leckt tve tiiousshd une liendred and sixi>'- two 2) ln W. H. Sniihts addition Io OIve <82,135 delImathe daductlen luIn BoÉDitLite. Ente CeunI>', III., ali xalinatý4o ng the aima et tonue owiota haing voaat. but aimusl aitlmi- nani twuumdred (44,7M»1)Seihrs; ps-oved propes-t>',1i vould lnoff s-apert- trial notvthataadlg mit! es-sos-yens- fulhy petîllon yoar honoralelied>' te paltiinrpalS bis pas-aunai proert, .owt soCld nistate. tax baseS upen the vainsition mat!e lu il, C. EWII ai erroneous achedule te O. J. GNoui. Superviser Grahani, Chairniaui ot Teva Collectr tes eiaTownship ofet Cenlttaraon Poour Fanm, ebmltted ObRiada -on Mas-ch 25, 1903. but paî!lte toing report: the, same nuie' protest, thi. total Te tRie Honora)lp Clalnmîîuait nd i anueunt ef the tat paiS b>' Sur poil- .bers*etfthe Cont y Boarai ot Laite tieDer bains Oie unu oft Ove hundred COllUty, lUils: aidtOirty-neven and lltty-one-iioa. The ursirgned Cemnittep on Paius StudOis ($M37.51) dollars; tintthue ta, Tarinte vion Wmnu referreai the mnat- abla rate per cent tes- tbe coant>' taxe" tes-oet alcertiini the probable coat et gaid Late Coont>' as exteoided of ut nsttuting a hentlng plant nu lie iii.Coua>'dentla 902vas eet>' Por Fanma uLibes-syvile, Ill., vould Oive cents ou auci uais-eS dolnars of reapacttnhiy aubtithie tolkovlnu re- valuation, port: Yens peltiner us-Rie staes iai Wa have Inventigateai the pnuposllon, fTaaou elttRi er ute tla p at >anSdlind upon Investigation -that the thme malnt!olte co asty a ud probale cot et a isst-eis sisten- himte aldColectr ws Iftyoneandheantng laint sufflant te hent heti et terty-nlne-Riadredtba ($51.40) dollars, tRia buildings ai mid Pao Tas-m voulul anal tintlit vas issed opon 5515 valua- cent lu Oie viciait>'ofet tenfy-tive liu- tion of air tbeumant!aigRt bundset! lreS dollars ($2,5M0. anS aixty-dva ($l,56) dellara; tbutitif Wea ais final apenirvntigatlen tint ItliiS beau baseS open tRie correct If sncb a plant la pot lau tae centof valuatien et yens- PeUtiine"s Pr<IPfrt>'beatIng thie buldings vîli be toataslal- sld ceuntt i venît have beau tRie l1>' ened, sut tRei nsurance on ida sn et slrtsan aitd- 24-100, dellars; fb06l 5 vl ismuni,legs titan if la fla lte Sfference bolt nid fax at thie praent rafé., and the nouan tlax antual>' paiS la Tour comlttec vouiS I Iqreforernec- tbisdi-ve sud 25-100 dollran~sd tb5t ommend Oit tRie mgte îlant bc lu- yans- patitloner la mastI>' ntitleS te a stituted at the Poer Fan witbout ade- religle ot muid suai 91 thity-Ilveandt!la' 28-10 Slla-s.AUl et vilci ls rewecttully oumi. Rie frhetates that his sciedule teS. vicui b.made vas absoluctel>' true TH0M. E. GItAHAÜ (Ciainman), anS correct ln ever>' pntilar, vilu JOHN GOLDING, ft.e exception abeqve reetuedt! t, -anS H. C. W. MEYER. tbat It vis a truc sehealale et ail is Sapesviser Rover mes-ailtithtRe Parseasi Proerty ot ever>' tinS ovuad report e of inltts. ha acceptedsudn or coatrolled b>' hlm. bdaopteS: tint the ceniittee ha os-erai Ha respeettuil>' asits yens- faverable te liftail a heatng plant lu the cenn- coiaides-atlon oet li pettlon, anS tuaI t>'bWIldinge, alther liel vater ors honni ha ha alloved tRie amonant et sait!oves-- If la thels- judgmnit tieW tfinit advn,- payaient on laid tares. able se te do. and tRat the>' bc authos-- ARTHUR BISSECLE.lZid te enter le a R centw.ct tes- sncb Sgtataet Illinois, CouaI>' et Laite, ast bsting pant, anS te approve of a Arthur Bl"sei, on onihu, dogpeea ndS bond teor the faithtul paertormancaet laya tint ha bas s-aud Oie toregeliatRiasaine, and te de ain thinge nanas-w paiion cuiscribad b>' tuaiand lai as-ey te conpletè e Is ioveinlent. ibabî natter, and tRiage therein aloed Motion carvied. l, 1- ara truie. Suparvisos-Grabaa aise iuîmtted ana ARTHUR BIBOBEL. Inveiltor>'and report et thie preat>, fuhserbdsd Sari w te bera me et., at teCout> Frai, viiie, upon ti l ih daycet aubte, 1914 - motion et Superviser Mihier, vas erdlar.- KIINNEITHRR.. nSiOO-r, aS tsedet record vithout reading, (Notas-lat siI> otas-y ]Pbllný. 'te Wt Th te lenomle oardof uperim lita eo Illinois, CeunI>' of Lakte, m. Tof ke onorable linais:e uprl. " Ird et Suptlnlors,June tarai, et Lait Couni', Iluielu: Ju,,I,9, 1908 rGentlen-Your petitloealrespect-, Toe -h Hon Chgrais-nsusudBoas-S et tnhy rrls-asastatntbhela rt.e ovies- Uupes-visoe - of lot feus- 44) (ex. B. 50 tact) lu Cote@ Touir Conumittas on pour Ta-m lieg additon le tRe iatyi et -Waukniea; leave te suhmlt thie tellowving Invanto-> thtRia dloiStthr«UDigltOe errer ô lt etf oodu aI Poornrm aandsaSothias-mat- Amouals ahovn b>'itIO4 Ointo At- tara: tace&dAmhlehen maenaiSnS taid e i brralsoetflieur at $4.... $64 (0 a i àImrovedIt ot,, -min If ile etirel>' 2 duaon R>rons u t $3.110... 700 IUWlnPreVed, that tRie fax On Otbe iota§6W poondaetfrice nt7cta .. 4 20 Oftb tue saune valuation ibiselot bai 80 pounda ot tea at 100 n»...24 0 bereassaiA tere' >'ffl t. (. limoeasat snap nt 8$........ 21 00 #m, le 1540, itile Oie tex et lot 4 0 10-ets 0 ( X, go 50 oot), catels adit1O, ion ox boes, odsaanS anSe. .*.*. 000' $ *U utîc aellebas. Put!, and ex- a palsa eabom ,$1 ............o600 bitlasberreipt tIluarefs, ea- 1l mén'a vesla, $2............. 700 tacheSIo. fila pefltion. 217-12 o&a.shIrts,$5,80 ........ 14 21 obt tberem ep"s>'a ut yjos- boome- 17 uutde g#Mieutsapt 00 cents. . 4 20 abodye>'wil l Lev ber. a robe»tet o bitilsat 4»0 enta........... 7 2Ô bo ,ieqtbe imut O e s. tats21 paire etsuspeders nI 15 1*e doses pebainet sace gAt 95 42 POieor ols n 14t etc, tour Dunbtu Sewà 4 twe-nr.ol beigne,...... 4 hoassa, O=0........ 2 bruod suwo, $5...... 10 Pin. $0..... M2 cilens, $8........ 20 toua et bai, $100...... 9D cordaetf ood!, $10..... ",< dàe «aia tpotatoo, $35 . 2 capheaisteq12 .... . Fanm lmlanusgrain bled er, $100 ,1.. .. .. .. .. .. ÉlitnStrfl,$2 ...........2 1 hand teed-cuttar, 4$...... 5 1 Pover teeS-cottes-. I$10 .... e 1 Rioy' ort anS relite, $14....14 2 wagen Jache, I. .... ._ 1 cern aheller, $5 ...... 1 flaere plew, 89....... 9 2pair ofob aloigts, " 'ë * 20 3 pair truck, "....0 ... 1q 2 sprlng wagons, $100. . .. _..10M 4 viieubari»wos. $4 ...... .... 4. 1: gr:ndotvne, $l' ............. 1 1 Seubie aboira Plev, $2 ....... 2 1 eue-hersa cultrvator, $2. .2 2 #cta et harrova. 8 2 ata oet-hrn.. 1 aut Iren teeS...ll...........5 2 lawun overa........5 l gras«,mede...............2 1 iras ps-nes - . . . . . . . I () corn--ctters... ..............1, i pair ot pipea longe ...........2 2 puIle>' Wecks ............. i sulky plow .......... ....... 25 i corn i iîder ..............10 h uiewer ...... .............. 20 h mulky culivaoer ............ 121 t ha>' tet!der ........ .........20 1 hersa raite .......... ...... .12 6l pair o e ice lga............2, 2 Ice mawws...... %.............5, 1 courn planter ............... 201 2 hant! plantera .............2 i puiverlaar ......... ........10o' t potalo Isauar ............. 20 2 Riny reclks...........«ý....... 4j 2 Ice cihlsl............... 8 1 vire utetacier ............ 2 sets etfviiippiets-etu... ...... i scadîn>'tub ................ -4 band rakees............... 1 tuient MW .......... 12 ,garean home .........---- 5l ha>' luis. ............. .... 1 4 nuanure toits............ : 2 (-bug fou-ha....... ........... 2 manure làrxpks ............ 2 alaites....... ........... 31 scythies ...... .. ............4 3 scoop Aioveis .... ........... 1 1 Inn fuauîl................ 1 2 Jackit ,crewa.............. ...21 2 latin reies -uu.............. 1 set vagin prings. ..........5 1 grulo hoe ................ 21 lîlekaxe* ........ ...........Ji r h-on lbnr-....... ............. 2 hast augure.......... .....2 2 log chaian..................S i 40-toot ladder.......... ....4 31 etepldars ...... .. .........2.1 t pair of skiais................j t pîair ot-iudge <iipîuîrs ........iý 1 reuîîuîury eau, 10 galions .... S2ý M cIezlliery eacolisaiti..........2 j 12 nilk 'palls ................. fi e cbrn................... f. 5 2 unat f sui soaes ... 1 stock seule.......... 1 piattorn scule ........ 1 1 fanng lulli ....... i pair llght bos........ 2à 1 eue-hon. vaèeder ............s' 2 turrel caria.... ............ 6, 40 grain Racka................-ý 2 neck yote* ..................32 1 tire-hoea hllletree... ... I i ger arcknd.....................10 1 iîerse boe ................. 3. 1 creami separator ........... 'MWsehlneos- - 1 lîeatàng fuue...... ....4 i gosoline tAnIk.......54 40> chictan cop........« .. i'broodaf ............... 1 di tank ............... 2 cloties wriger........ 6 waslibmenda................ ,4 cojuper boilers............. 1 Wood! range......... 7 was fuis . i oilIsteve.. .......... 1 Stewart range ......... i hnai-mw trame........ 1 ciotheahorne ... 2 s.wlug machins.,..... 1 deat ................ 4 docks ................ 8 trou gste ...... 1 chillt's cribh........ 2 Invald chairsa. 2 sprlng cote.. 8l lavu seats ....... 1 drop la t tabla ..... 16Q granite saltens.:::::: 72 granite chanth .....r.. 24 lampa .........- ..e1' 8i9 iron heatenda ........ 12 'ranchai rs..........l 3 Wood bhedteada. 44. standis lu roomi:.. 100 iitnben chbairs..... 1 louange......... 10, cane iasatedtca a vooden rockers... e heatlnw stove... 1 extension table....... 18 tostiier liedne....... AK cemupoa 6Iatsp. 1 v l'

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