CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Jul 1903, p. 3

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« rbisehome ........ 340 he blankets.............10 Où K41.................. s,90819 1 CR025 FOR 1003. t,18 acu-e. s.80 acres. yden, 2%, atm. lUs aj eas. syamné ................2D ijaaae .. l...»........10 ma»u .................7 pou........ ............ 1 ovsemmlttee wonl4<utiser rée-. -tuat C. A. ApplO e oempley- toualttendess of tise <1011>' t«u thse nez, m.-lnt yen, Lug 0ept. 1, 190s, Kt tihe mime 0om- fflc asàiseratofoe allowed. et wisth ta rempftci ull' ubu- TROB. B. GRÂAHAM,' JORN GOLINGhi, a. C. W. XEYERI, (mlomrteaen 20cr Paru. t«i lu sc. PriecCnut>' Prmesurer, WauItegan, iII, Inuel9, 190. ibthé omicuabla Chailn ansd Board et -SBuper-viser# et Lak Ceunti>' Oetiuau-The uui!osgnod e wi Plcet. Courut>' "sorer of Lake 4cltty, illinos, ruepetfuliyr aproeets lente yeur ,isusorsle bcd>, tisaI.nt. tise Msàreh meeting cf thse Ilcrd, b>' nsc- ttitor, thse underseua ss dieted 4a m-ait & temani! upon. former Treae- uns.rý George N. Grffiley for tise psy- mm t too tise Couant> Treasun>' cf tise muof.0148.<1, sai! sum Seing tise amont etalued by the saisi George Nt. 4)rMly for clerS ine, ittenuey's tees, Ste., net alomet i hlmb>' 4w. iHo tisre fore reporis.tbat>on tise 141h 4@y of Manoir. A. 10. I1908, aea, irittu demaii!upen uM. Uidie>' for the psymet ef thse eid suas, but bas buta unable te collet ssIi! amount or '"y' Portion lisereof. . au-antis legutmitted coples ef tise fflu-epondouce tetu'een Mn. Gridie>' imd tise tndrWelgui murreferenpe te thse aulject natter. ,AUof1 et minrlenspeeifull>' subrîrmi- e tiWlS C. PRICIIp, Ceuni>' Treesuren. Waukogsin. Ili.. Mancis 14, 19M1>. 31r. George.N. GnIdie>', Waukegart, ]AU.- nois: Deur Sl-AllIem le te luferin yen 'tiat.tisetwm«sgluou ue on ibis dale rl &£4. Haudea, Ceui>' Clark, s cen- 19054 ep> 0f the proceedngs before e EtoatileBoard of Supervisons of -Xdtb Ceont>' (Manoir10, 19M3. Tise iow tug.- tin ocber procesitogm u mansd enterti! cf record. SB, ;= Blower -movai!-- tiet <leui>' &t ricmffe e direeted te deusani! -uotisnni!tn-ve sud dollars 4<$i5.05) nem lu hi* aui! due tise ceni>'. Motion car- t*reomlbecomes mu>'dut>' le de- 4; twwot yen puy Itmi s>'inds the m out145 05. ' lum> LEWIS C. PuICE. Ceuni>' Treasunen. Wauxegau, Ill., Mercis la, 1903. oeisC. Prlce. Esq., Ceuni>'Tu-essor- o, *aukegau, lu: -- p I-Oiar-l sus lu recelpt ofyoon Îtis, e tise 14thIrlut., Ilu miîcsYou & e itmd for $145.0 t ront ne. lu 'e te as>' lu repI>' tio nu De«. =19,i pald ou-r te yen bath ail iet> n mn>'bande as Cont>' Trous- jet ni&U ai oue>'due trous me as s oBier, te tise conut>' aud ail cor- peu-mous aud *"fse" gBice. I$sg ttisspaymsent t o yen1Ibave ob neeived an>' moue>'cf a public us- We sd I dcoct owe tise count>' ou> lau-y tint>'yeurs. (Sumued) GHO. N. GRIDLBY, - Ex-Ceuni> Treaser. Lae>uovaitntts ààupmtcatIe orferrtd te 5tatesm sy'MaieM sud iha b. direeffa I itauout due tteceun>tu-frnt ~S3oTyressurer Oidie'. )Motion pqpvon >MilIlernove! tisai tise à= 'ptt.awMpaclî'eommtlae-te o~mie a"u! qalse tise ehecilon ex- pou bills. Mttoe rli!. TZe hé r ,Ipointmi! as ucircon- 4rtW, uper-viser% MilIta. Meyer sud pfasm piéosatse Mfclloig. wit: ro**,Be Ceuni> et Lie- t pitera 111 pdoo,1Mary Caine>'o eis ru sifli4 "repnlubtpsud 4wupu luéee et lot 2 (tmo) lui 24 twetit-fttui)lu Udtile port 01'et Waukfflm), la mi! co«n. 8gte: tint aise equired ftttle fions ber- W~. r, ary Wei- isyi*msucfbirnbous a devies 0 se1ost m**"testament, et satth;istu-;11hu-m i! mob1tu iti»e thtr4b>'* maient>' la 4asIN >o. Lui! ttat ç te t M s S m rut afftant, b>' pa@e 19%, auj tit ssut's fatir- Winima Llm, Is tri>'W Ww- et deode.4 andt a su e- -jtile theeb >' vamutty dm0! mosiaman an! Iules, ibis im Oer 80O. lut '.manoudemi! la hooltK X t eads, page iet Loles Hlisrook (mar- un!o eissuar>' 2f, 1848 , le-a ethissi! Lâoulsa nobrook *,deed £o(et' I mai!probert>', &mi tint tlie rêedode o1 sali! (Ioaimloes Court almw tint sai! COutr c« lAie b*sý been'pid tis a ucitam pu-ice of thse mai! propenty:thtit petitionen and tisoe tismugiWb homoaise aqoirmi!tWe bave Seanlu o' teesion 0the tr.ali! properi>' *wr Ume iausirt>' eam nsd mise ilsertfflu-eaethat tt emttr oui thlps heu-ilt et ftch be larestgatai! 4»d *14 tiséetrusand oi! lanS cf 70ouaheeale iboard ho directansId auIhorltei!toe cova>'te petitioter whatefet- hilra t tie Çouaty of Late 4 iOU& oruuyavé-lu peu! dM5ied lots Riêsqtuil smnlte&. EU-RT CARNUT. ,Otite eofllulo.1 olm Lie ent, s.. Y, J. k. Orvis, a Noter>' public lu and for mati!Comnty tse! lite, do erue- 6yg eeuilfy tintM J ar ane>, miso la psoallyJI7 kows te me, appearai! b.- tot me tis e dy lu pes,ubscnihai! elle aveu-t te tise foragolng potltlU, JK. OhTht. > (Notarial Sesl.) 'Wbis was rosi! sud upon motion Of BuPent-Ier lover neternai te Cont- mftteé ou Mîcellaneout. lupervtmen MeDoursai ubmlitei tise tOilOwlug snd ncvei! that lh bc made s speclal ordér cf business fo)- IMl s 'Clfck to-mot-row afternocla. Motion 1Extriet frein minutes of tise meetug et tise bard et Supervisors bel! Sep- tomber 12, 19002. REPORT OF OOMMITTEE* ON LI- ý 1.1-CENSItS. Mn. Ohalrman sud Gentlemsen of tire Bgand ef Ouptrvl5ere- Yoir cemmittee te w miscus refeu-- ned tise petîtion of FrnkuitJolI>' fer a lirmumeo tetp a dramsirop'lu Wesut Deerfili! monta beg leave te anismît ihe foliovlug report on the mattfr bc- fore tem: We fini! sali!peition cou- inled s iujulty et thse legal rotera cf Mid toms ef Wemt DeenlIel!, suri me tisorefüro nocommendi iAt tise pra>'- an ef sai! petitionen l-be griai! dupon sai! ptitîcuer paylui luto -tise Ceuni>' Treaun>' the llt-'4se tfaoretSM0, pay'- ab1e quointenty lat advasuc. Ail etfmisichIs laespacifull>' oubmIti- ted. THOMAS E. GRAHIAM. DENISON HUNTINOGTON', MILEé T. LAMEY. Superviser CarrOoli movei! ùtisitise report bc accepteti sud sdoptoi!. _Mo- tien carrlod. MTie pelffion ou" misicistise abo va ac- tien vas laken mas file] September 9, 190, sud roquestai tise Cont>' Board "W grant te Franki Joli>' a l- eunse te itOop s dram sirop lu ssii! towe cf Wast DeeanIel!. wminc isdai dram sirop shall net Sa sItuateti mithîn imo miles et an lncorporateti ci>y' or vil- lag."- lune 5. 1903. The acticnof thtie Laite Comt>' lourd of Supervisera et September 12, 1902. auiisorislug the. léseilng et « Il- meuseIt keop a dan sirop lu West DoorfIeli! te Frsnkt loil>'. tiruuii!bere- scindai for tise following reauomîs: i. If 111 ls sîlowote tepand!JI migisi give Mid Joli>' th isengit te take oui tise lic-»use a s>'time upon payîng tis e for fce ibfratquarter. 2. Tht location namedla ntise pil- tien la te lmidite. 3. Tise soi! Juil>' teS oui a United States Ilcenso, es netai iquer deaier. on Jasmin>' 2, 1903,.fer tire tomu of Deerfieli!.asd tloeeuden lquor ba beeu ahi! mithout su>' Ileusa tfrou tise Ceni>' iard eitishe Loillard Club ln Mii! tome misenevrn sai! club bas beau open mInce.lannrar> 1, 103. Tise loca- tion cf tise Lorllard Club biuldng la vîtin Iwo miles of tise cilihmte cf tisa ci>' cf Lakte Forest.sud la mithin a littie ovo sa mlle of tire village limite of the eeently Incorporate! village 0< Deerfleld. Tise tact Usbai Ilquor boa been soiti wlthout a Ileenée lu a place conuoctai unise nam.etsai! Frank Joli>', sud tisat tise location la mitin two miles of an lucorpouatod city*makos hIt s. proper h4 au>' lîcensa -abouli! ho gratai!te Msa ol y 1'b>' tis lIard, api! eutalai>'deohvalmie lu on>' ovni tiaitishe loction wmireasaid dram iroph la te be kopt b>' hlm shouli!ha fixe! Tise folowlâg petitions meno rani! andi reteniai! tu Cesmittee ou Liemne: vox Lae, Illnois. To thse Honorable ]Sord of Bupervie- oou-athtie Cont>'0f Laite sud ltat ait IIilOl: Wa, tise, undenstgllad legal votons of tise townet fGrant. meuh! n eit oo isonorable bod>' te grant John Corbît s -nmssi tQ ep a du-mn a i t the 10sip b> Franu ithnud 89 tti- ere Fox LaIteiI., 1l00. To the Honorable Board of Supevlwom We, tht u nderaîguti! legai vtters cf lise towu 0f Grant, votIdaIsoityer iseserble Soi!>'te grant Converse Mr-f bleà enes ls10 eap a du-sm mop Bs tire ébeve sd*as. SiUsi! tias. Wllay and 104 otiserm. Fp: , us agi%, Ceomit>'Spt-itea- dent et liiebola, aiM iltaitht foîkm- lut: WnutegnIII. une 9, 1900. State et Illinois, aImte Ceun>, s.:. To Fxa* 1N.tigs, Cont>' Buperlu tendent et Scisole ke Cont>. DL. For stolem soi! e.ese fr.. Rau-oh 1, 190U,1telue 1 ' 1903, as fol- Iowa: For 35 daya *peut luaseol vis- .1iationut$ per day. ..$1400 Fer 35 dasV oxponas. lunscool st.uatouset$l1prnday .... noi' dyas*petlunexamina- tb00Mest 94 ffl y.....20 0 For as0 dsyssveut la ncce rt ut 4 par day .........,.. 140 00 ,Vr 3 i!aysaspeft la othar oM- *tialles ut$4 Verday-..12 00 state c Ills, Lý ait e ont>, 0&., I. vinS'X. Régala. de dBlsuoW.1 ,FliAivW . GOGU . iqubsenlb4àandsi aoebefone nie tItis tisday of lune, 1008 L. A. HIDE, Deputy County Clenhi, Lakte Cuuuty. Whki uWs refered te Commttee on Ilupetrisor toiwer moyed tisaitht Clark be irected te lsue an order for oua hwadred dollars payable tu Frnkui M Jýoby, treastirer of Honte Findtox Amocatioafor maivîce lu fiudlng boms for two, Pelisi sieransd tire Unleitaou brotherg, deVendenteciidu cf Lake Couuty. Motion cerrled. ,S$penvlaon Stephenu oyei! iat Bup- ervisor Witlte prepsre a petition pro-' vldlrsg for rei!ltrtcUng tise town of lienton hi votlzit districts, sud tisai the saine te referaed te Commlttee eu Electinu District@ wltisout readlng. Mo- tion carriai!. SupervIsor Oni-hamu novei! tiat me do noir adjourn for conmîittee morS untIl to-morrow niornlng et 10 ocock. Motion caried. TMultD DAY. Wssukegmsn, 111., Wedixesdriy. lune l«. 190M. Btoard met punsuant to adjouirument, wltis Ciairman Tiffany lu tise chair. Menstere proet: Supervisons An- dersoîs. Adams. Bowen. Clow, bis- streird, Edarda, Golding, (Graham,. Huntlngtou. Horegberger, Lenwe>, Me- Donald. Matson, Mller, Meyen. Ste. phpus. Tiffauy, Woolley, Wllilte-19. Merubers absent: Supervison Hogan Milnutes et Pneeedlng meeting resi! aui! upen motion cf SupervIser Sltan appne-ei!.. Communication frointOliver Slclitti rein! b>'Clerk, soi! upomr motion ot Superviser Graboam placai! on file. (onmltoe ou Poon Farm necont- mcmiiitise ne-mployment et Chas. A. Apple>' os Superlutendent efthtie Coua- t>y Firt fer' tise nont. ensuing year, comnclng Spt. 1, 190M, ai tieseante comPoistien etsieretotore sliowei!. , upervlsor Stepisens moe! tisaitishe reicommemdaton bo adopied. Motlofi en red. PetIticua for count>' ii i e re nds uni! commttees apipointe! b>'tire char, te mi: To tise Barn r tSipervîor cf Vile Coîut>' etLake, mite cf Illnos: Tise undersigned, Cemmlsionergofet IiJgima>'ofethUe Town cf AutoISh. lu sai!] cenui>'worîtd nespactfulS>' repire- sent tisat a ucm bridge ueods tei ho trlît tirer tise rît-en mlree snitome t crosse! b>' th is abwey >'leadug froint Antiocir to Richsmondinlusai! Iowa. ton mincis sai! munit tire tome et Anti- Oe-b la reapenaîble; tisaitise t otal cest cf sai! merk mi lieha egisi tieoud (05,00.00> dollars, wmiesîcssotm wlI ho More tiss teut>reta sou tisaeue irundred dollars on tise latentai ama meut roll cf sali! tcwn, and! tIèlt1v>' of tise rimdai!sd bridge tan for tmo jeans lest peut lu sai! towu mas lp eaci >'etr for tise full ameunn cf fort>' Vents on esciroee undrai!d dolars ai- lo1ve! ti>' 15vfor tise comunlelonors te ralie, tise major part cf wlis hla nsei!ed for tise ordinar>' repaîr et rosi! aud bridges.. Wiseretore tieseanSI Commîtalonera et Hîgisma>' hreis> petition yen fer aid, sud for en appropirIatIon ftu-usthre (bunt>' Tressur>' of a sans filetoent ta meet eue-ire f the expenses cf tise sai! work. Date! ai Auticcisibi stBibde>' of .lue. A. 1). 1903. J. B. POLLOCK, RICHARD ]BAYE, A. J. FELTECR, Comnisialners of Hligiways. Strte etIlîlinois, Laite Cont>', Tovn et Anuiccs, s.: Borr! cf Commissiooue. f Higimmyse. We, thseunuderaîgussi, Cemmilaera of Hlgiswas'of tire Town et Antiocis, isreby ste that vo bave made a cateful efilmate efthtie probable cuti et tise bridge ovor Fox rIver, sud me do estimate tlsitishe probablie et cf tise mine wilie o ight ihosuni!dol- lars. Wltu or bonda tha liii dey of lue, 190. J. E. POLLOCK. XICHARD BAYE, A. J. UI ER, Commissionné ofetRigimnyè. Stateo0f llwls. Lait. Ceuni>', Temu et Antiel, sM.:' J. E. Polcki. RIchard Baye sud A. J. Fetter, Comm"asoners of. Hlgirms ai, tise Tovn et Aittiocir, helug dul>' smernou onti My>'tiraittebridge nOS- tioned lu tise aitlmte to wlir ibisà aflidavît ia attace! dla nocensay, snd tirst tire smne ylnoct ho mode mono expenalve tano la aeedédi for the pur- pose reqoirti!. I. EL POLLOCK, RICHARD BAYE, A, . . IaTER. Cosniiploufflof <Higisosys. Brîb»clti *! M g nu te -beoeme tisis Bib day cf lune. A. D. 1003 DAPIEL WILLIAM«, (Notaril am ei.) , Noter>' POMic Committat: Supalers omBtephemsi, Meyer sii! Miller. To tise Ceunti' al-! et the Couut>'ofet Laite,, lu the isateet fllisl; A. X .iPli>. oeglrma: olbay f tire tiWa 'et Beten, iu mai! total>'y, MotS! 5stcfssii>' 209V MMn tisataitrides uete iebut ever thtéele' ert, ni lise eulS 1iae et ZIm ar>, làm Wb" sal" mOS tire tçm o -ent usleavb0cl>'rpeu- ohme; tisaitisthettleai 0of mddug sai! bridge wmlii houpmardae f*1,500, visicis a= wml ha more tisan20 'cent» oir Use one iruqdrei! dollars on tht latent assomment rnietsmii! tomsi, sad tisai tire Iletcrosdi&m4!-brdge tait tor the twio pl!aeadisss utula sai!towià as ise«& ylmnfSr tie tubi ainout 09 40 cents. (ta lewn Tomn$isp 0 enta) onach ont bus- *0 dollrs alloved b>' tamfer tht Commbalcisus o-ras,lise major pat et miîcila needa! tor tise onins:> repair e madesma ! rigeu. Wisr'aom thtesali! OeI>nssMmua M& *misay israa L»' $lltlom yp tbe. IitAl'ÔD E RMONS. ColutmLmutnetS of ltlsthways State ofllls, La.IÀte COUnt>'.Towu of Benos. M. 3brd of 41,rumLni- Mottera of RghWays. WO, tiselundomugwstiCOlumisýimnenà e1 lIlgswaym cr théaTown 0< Bruiton, lsereby ointe tst w*bat-fonde a ceneful estimat eoftb probable cei of tise eraction et ià 4>eacres. lise Crople>' cuivrt an!' edo ietlmate ibat tise probable coecoif thse sanie mii hc $1,j. , W. A. scoef, BRADFORD 10. SIMNIONS, FRANK W. V8I"EISON', Cormmbnmltet 10f waya tait- ofr Illnog< Oursüty0of Lake, Town of Benton, e. W. A. Scott,E.. Simmerra alsi! Franks W. Poea,.Ooumniuers of Hlgiswaya of tise, toet 0fBenton, ho- ing encis duly swamasà 4osts, su>'tisai tise consstrucion afts*iidge meustionri! ln the estintate te aitblus bis affidavit le, ettacsei!, nac-thse Onopli-y éulvert lu aali! tomu le neeey, snd tuaitishe Mame WîinfDot ho Maee more expenslve thon las ueeded for . pin-pose desirei!. W. A. SCOTT, BRADFORD XE. S IMMONS, FRANK W. PMRSBION., Commissie"uéor fitglrs-tys Subscnlbe!d ndvMBto bt-fore use ths 1Otis day of lu»iatA. D. 19011.' WILLIAM*E.SCHIlLZ, (Notarial seuil.) ii otary Publie. Commuttea: Sgupoort, tover Huunlgton anmd Afiâmo. To tise Count>' Boaud of tise Couoty of Lakte, hintIse Stiséef lllno-ý; i N Tiffany. OCisslfa: 6 Tise unulorslguti!, ommlsmoners cf Hlgbways of tishea of ôtBemrtén. lu moii ceuni>', meut! aepectively cep- res i ta sbide oeds to be bulit ovre, tiseKelleU Cu-isit. miene tise Mime la crosSai by.t#e Sholda Rond!. léalllug front Zlon flOt> to Wintîismp Raimer.J'a sali! lewis, luwhis sali* m-k tise towu et »Emon la whoiîy- re- *osble; Iitsat t$slýcost of build- ing salid bridge mliibhaupwards of l1,800fl mîih mm iWOI bo more tissu 20 cents ou tisé isu*eâ dollars on«tise latest assomment nof et ald tomu, sud tisai tise, lév>of, ronai!ndbridge tax for tise imo 9-eped.lug yeans lu said towu mie lua «Ah yean for tise fun amudunt eà 40 cent.(ln Bouton' Towumhlp 00 èdout) 4M escis undrei! dofl aalomed b>' Iaw-for tise-Cous. mîsolone a orais., the major part cf wiielaI. ueded for thse ordinar>' reisair of mode sud bridges. Whoeof. the sald' Oommntsonena cf Rigirma>' hsenoti>' paiou'You for nid, sud for au appropration froustise Cot> Tressury cf a mm unislicient to meet one-boî1f tis e XpMe5ss of tise sali! bridge mont. Datai! at Mon (City. 111., til la iSti day of May', A. D. 190. - W. A. SCOT'T, BRADFORD E. BIMMONS, FRANKC W., -PMflEIiSON Commsloners of Higis>. State cf. Illinois. Lahit Coûnt>', Town of Bouton, ta. Board of Colsln r o Rgis- maym- W., tsendemnalgciCommlsaoers cf Righways of tise tomE of Bouton, hee>' state thât me bave made a etrefui oatlmate of tise Probable coat cf tira au-cton cf a bridge acense the Kellogg Creek. sudi we do estintate tisat the Probable cost cf tise mme wilI ha $11»0. W. A. SCOTT, BRADÉORD E. SIMMONS, FRANKC W. PETERSON, Commimmlonera_ ef Rlghweya. taie 0f llunots, Ccuty of Lakte, Town cf Beniton. as. W. k. Scott, B. E. Bitumons sud Frankt W. Petmn, ComiSlonersocf lghways cf tise toun of Beaston, be- lng sacis dul>' Imonou osit ta>', that ,te constructIon ofq bridge meutioned lu thet mnate te, w ch tht. affidavit le attachei! ercestise Kaibogg (reeS lut sai! bovB lanecen>'Y, ssi!tistthe same will uot b. made moto exeassive tisan la iseedo! for thse purpose denir- ai! W. A. UCOTT. .RRADFQRD E. SIMMONE. 11414K W. PBTERSGN. Ceoamiumor t HgIswaY* Suiserlbe! au! awmrriteief ou ne, teitis11 de>' et' lune, A. 1a, 10( 1 ,lýLIAM E. 8OOL (Netarill$ML) Noter>' Public. OOMttmm O upervisoru Macon, Adaus à"dMwards. Superusteodent Apple>' submiuimi! tht foliovtmsg report, mici s .rSd sudn r9enrai!te Cemnmltee o ou PaIam Audfttîg.' Report 01 C. A. Apple>', Stiporuan- dent of Late Cont>' Por Pormi: LIbatvilIe, Ill., Jlue % »W0. AXOXINT EECIVUD. I AmouRt due LI&e Ceui>'... 21 Rancbis&1U LMoun, fer you eSil f .................... 5 0 Ma>' 2. A. Aloox for iselfer cuit. Io0 0 Ma>' 18, J. Austin. fer yeons caîf................... 4...ý2 00 Ma>' 29, I. Austin. fou- 'y9 naît ........................ S00 lUne 4, Jlo~lank, tor oua-irat tughel seei! corn............ 1(10 Amoont rocelve!-----------.. 9 21 Ameuni pal! oui ............. 4732 TotIal smtue o.Lake C..,$Si9 AMOUNT FAIù) OUT. Mrcbi&10.po'tage siamps., à. -,-'$1 0O starcis10. l, ie rond-c, fon mev- en loadoofsand ............ 175 Manoir10. expu-ess on shirts trou Grasys LaSé ................ 30 Marcis 10, liaiu-siom, fer oue ban- roi flre e4y ................ 175 36ieS 1% Obtuman B-me., zou ont 4#bdffl lire. eo«e1.9 31 M 90slO4nsgltou0 t 25 tvosusellse'enms .,400 AprIl 16 box rsi. . ..........25 Abri, 0. express on nottu-tus Wauitegsu'.................3» 5 Aprii % JohnsTIS, for fmiss mind imlIl el............. 40O Aprîl 13, frelgisi ou se!e orn..,.29 AprilI4f, express on sirestug. .. 40 Apnlh 18, Cfiss. Kehl, fou- 15 bu. 0004 potatous......T opu- 'x, teelfision ugMr mi! la i5tix JAMES MoDoNALO, ciairman. W. E. MILLER, 8. E. WOOLLBY. Superviser Stephena novai! irai tie report ho accepteand adopte&. Mo- tioni carrted. Soptu-visorfltiani!. ,Chalants ef Courmittet on .Edocaticu. suimttai! the tollovîng repent: ltat0f Illnois, Laite Cont'.asE.: Bord ef Bupervîmons, lune Terni, lune 10- A. D. 1903. Mn. <Jiruman aud Gentlemen cf the Boar! ot Superv4sera: Tour comunitute vis wonmasune- ferrai! the mUa of Y. N. Gaggln. Con- t>' SuponItaedem4t fisehola, meuh! Seg les,. te sumit théiemlng re-S port on tire matters Sefore irsan: We fin! due 101Mr. Gagin- for eiruol Visitation, $347, an! recommnui!tira tise ClanS ho lmtainted té otif>' te tise state Anditero ft !%MelcScouui fln irIs mmount. Woe aise lied due Mr-. Gagilu for Mioue>'advaneom r uppis $09.25 Moue>' ai!vneai! on postage--. am J 4, 0!0 n ti~su tisaitirS<Eti Iwào Istot aels ostiré- CotaI Yfhy d, express onineteç t'O Wau- Mai 7, frelght on god ... 2à * à-]iy 7, J. Titas, for flxing Wlnd * ml) We#il...................83 r< MaY 12, expresi on goodx. 1......70 May M8. etpress on trunk froin waukeffl ................. 5 aMay- 10. for four rubbt'r rings il for ceant separator ............Wi aMay 29, Frnuk Dire, f9r tmillet e esed............. .........1o 1 3(8 29,14. Moore, for sud clitter 1 001 $432 supervimer )illerl oalruan Comin t- tee .ot Pelnitiug. ssbmuîted thse fol luw- lig Impoli: 4iBoard et supervisor».,Joue Tenu. A., Pý Joue 1 » 2031 1Sai *e of Illinois, Oounty ef Lake, as.: fMr. Cisairman end Gentlemen ef thse 8-M tl 0 supervleors: toYu£ Conmittet on. PIIRtIDKClalims 1wossid bel; leave te report that tise> 1:haya *xmulned, all cIlm .presentedte ttbemn, and ocommend the paymeut of the foilIowis. end tint the (liens bd direct B' tà iwm eou-d«mon the O*unty Treaseurer te the elalmit" forthe sév- endi amoantg aflowed, as tollows, te WWt Antoci !-îaprItihg 1111k.. $10 0<) C. E. Howe, t»X receipta 8Ot Perfection Legal Blau.k Co.. blank . ..................... 985 Callagisan & Co., reporta.S 050 (' aette Publiag Co., station- ery and bouksa, prlntlng sud Publiailng bellots .......... 216 80 Gleorge S. Wiseelreutatlonery.. 21 009 I4aiîy(Sun. legal blauis .... 89 OD Pautagraps Priatlng Co., record book ... ................... 28 0 i Ilinois Pnuting (Co., retord book...................... 20 00 P. Y. POttibone k Co., tilsuir.. 1 50 P. F. Peltibone & Co.. blaukti.. 1 30 P. . Pet1tiboue & Co., baud UéU-............... ) P. . Pettime & Ce., record and stationery ..............I1d190 1.P. F. ettibone & (Co.,blanks-. 1 50 Il. F. Pettibone & Co., election supplies ................... 115 00 P. P. Pettîbone & C'o.. blank. 8 75 P. P. Pettibone & Co.. blank. 4 0 F.. Il. bat, lettoe bonds ........3,(»> F. H. Just, publtsbing proceed- lugs.................. 125 75 Geo. D). Ba ruard & Co., two rec- ord books .................4900ù Géo. D. Barnard & Co., blanks 1I15 Geo. D. Blarnard & Co., blanka 16 Ueo. D. Barnard & Co., probete record ..................... 19 0 Geo. D.' Barniard & Co., legal Ijianks ........... ;........ 116 15 (Io. D. Barnard & Co., mer- niage liceîîaes ....... 31 Z0 $972 94 Ai of which lu reapectfully subnlt ted. W. E. MILLER, H. C. W. MEYER, THOS. E. GRAHAMI. Suporvisor Huntington moved that thse report be acceptai! and adopte. Motion carnrd. .Supervisor Wlite, Cbsirusan ef Commlttee oft'-Mlaellaueous Mattars, i ubmltted tise follow-lng report: Board etf Supervisera,_ Joue Term, lune 9, 1903. State of Illinois. Lake (louaty. a: Mfr. Chairman end Gentlemen of tise, Board of Supervisons: Tour Comînittet to wisoi was teer red thse petitiop of Mary Carney would beg leava et smit thse follo*lng roi- port on the suateif tufore thon: We recommeni! tisa the piayor of thse petftion bo grauted, sud tisat A. Xi. Tiffany, cisainunan, and A. L. Rende, clenhi. ho dînoctai and autltorlzed; ta eonvey te petittoner the Inteet 0« Lake County Iu tise sald descrlbod lot 2 (two), ln block 24 (twenty.fcnr), la Little Fort (uow (1lty of Waukegaa)ý, lu salid County snd State. AIliof whlch la rempeetfully subni t. ted. FIELDING H. WiLmfTg,- Clseirman. J. A. MÂSON, JAMES AN»ERRON. Superviser Woolley moved tisai the report of eommltteè lie aceptei! 4n4 adoptai!. IMctos au-led. Oupervilor MaDonmid; huirn.aet Coinnittee on ioe<suits uuo tèd thetfohlowingg epoat: litte of0f Illucl, LI*ke Oogty, Ws:' Board of Suptu-vîsors, lune' Term, Jue 9. A. D., 19&0 Mfr. OCiarman aud Gentlemen of tihe Board cf Supervisors:' Tour couatt at- wisomwu re- ferreti!bille 0f lto. atietonwouild isog leave te suismit the foilowing re- pont on the matteta se«ore them. We haye examine! thse <ellewing bilbs "d Oi thoin correct: Ilinois Mauea Training School. 88 Iliol- InstItution for 1eebIs min ded................. 2.45 Illinois Nortisern Hosital, Et- in......... .......... Ai of wislch la remeelull suismlt- ted.1 1 W. F. CLOW, Chaîrmeu. J. yK. OWECR. G. il. ETEPHENS. Superviser Meyer mou-d tisai tise re- Port ha acceptai! and! adopte!. Motion esaie!. SuperviserClou. Chainnan cf Cen- nittot on flecton procloots, muibusut. toi! tise foIlomlag report: 13taleofut]llnois, Laite Ceuni>',an.: Board et Supervisons, lune Terni, lune I, 9. To the Honorable Blest-!fcftSpeive morcf Lake Ceuni>': Tosir comumtte,to Wboni vose-é tonne! tire peti1à etfheic-dlsg Il. Wl- blae pud Jaspet-Il. Doge*, auinlg tirsi Bouton Tombhilpbe tdivide! luhi tht-ee. ) voti disrict., vould te;- emumOisi tisat tisýeraje t tire. #et)- tlopenahagant,* m> TrowpM)p o eatn eodIvidoto tihme (3) Fqulng 4mulnItaueoqqnIb" lu tise petitlop >etsicW»d tisai tise foUll#mlnDM place ltfiai!a eluctions: FoPr District Ne. 1, tht Village Uall, et WIiiiissip Hansor;,fer District Ne. 6. aeu-on:Dsct bous.. Ditri c e. bontse a District No. -5,mapettolly muismattai!, W.. .CLOW. J.KBOWEE. To thé Hifonébl Bu*a!of Suprvis- ors etf-Lake COutrvfllfuos:ý Tise tolI@viug altibsit t tt Tme eftnu$'làili . Wllirléand Inapeor' - .-ePe*i, revrefti tisaitis vote cf Satatoma exéteél t hn- irai aId0f t>'(4ffl leaI votnW sud tiseer, nuSpecIu'.'Squeét thaï sali tomn e Ïa d4ide it# e is <) otWsg d[dIsncbte, , lows: Disiniet No. l! Tisa terrnttry eus-_ bracti! listise tollcvi ecrp* n Cemmeuclug aitirhe aortiswent cotier et 1ihe siotisuéei tmaWLdVt c ltien elgitaaa3, a "1tomwas,, uhuie nonte totht utor'tisvroi O~sr 4< am tevis, tieset01ibou tise mline bé th~es peh s~tin he m District Ne,4 2: Tht terrilor> eus- bracai latirthé olu ' pclpla te tishertrvawot cerse « s*oeur- vest quarter c« section elgIoqe.", terne. est salg tes, l48if scoms, ises te ire misores et t e ligasnse soutisalotis e lIteOI bu*inU»te 44 seuls lia of dem vety4ise4m), teb~Sceuartel ogtiese ectionHmt tht place of begbuusg, ,DIstrict No, 8: Tir. territe,> eM- bu-oea! lu thO ýfoflemlug Isonip"ii: Comenouglet t l intrt Qiosser oe-imal! <amui et9BeuI-pslieac S mti te tire nortirveet penpe et Bèction thiry 0%4>.tira seu aleisg thtose- tion Uns iu tise aism ot aite 14cbr- tauw tims ot eni austise mireaoc Laite MichIguls te tis mutireat comrs cf Mid! teme, tireec esvat *atusthé ievn lins te tire piao et istghunn. Ail et mioi t ropciul>'lat. te! - FIBLDINO Hl. WI7HimI IAOPURIH. Du pEW.! Suporvifoor Hiéntguove! tisai tisa raport b. ucceptu! an! adoptai! Motion eaurie!. superaleow 1 anmo )fa a tes Committl ou' Uleetios Pieces b- mtted te tollcmu, oi nea adoption: To tise Henorahie Cirait-m sAn!Meus- hborsetWtht100 0 up1)lehenCit of' Wakg ube u-cSly vMed mieo tue vardsa"sud mirrt u otli ho uMere couvelanisu ar!muscootosin tote ivoterasit s nuo'mber., district oud mari!Bue«lla se ciy coepoi! itore ?teolved. - Tint Distict« One sud Tu'. ef Waunsqan precact-et oreadJufe! or Coummeslnt aithe t ont e cere oiRIIJ~~ti7 1 oss To C. e. Home, for Mdue, servicense as uige et eltetion. qý Ire Joe ILR.çomqulll, -tuas tie.n......... ........-« Tg %, ILDepem for o»dr servies os8 Clou-k0t1e900"p.. Pc G. . 1) ieli for euerio** i!a' serviteas é, ci td nê w ' T. Fltli!a. WilisJ10*lý femue.s dalja mrvleus pottlug ocd eelectiom----- -- * 1 To b'ýçag lnI. Wglilta for,- ose tioeards...**.......... .....1W To Filing R. IWuhta, for eue da eevies niunlng $ouI bock ûau ballets" .......... '1,1107, To Ëlemi l EW"ilise, 14' mâe innu-ti rttuisg Pm1 TeFshd ta K Wle. le- t...... - 4ae15 t*lO$ees- sowwlas bal - bootla................ ...... 10 To Fiel!lu11. WlIlùte, for use oôt erry csooliboume.. Total ................... NEWPORT. G. B. Stapisens, for one darqi servlcam as iode.cfeso P&OS8 Michael Regau, for pue, dal s. M."l*as 4 or lalsmî.. -,,o Q (lac. W. lcmfuon i'- lames G. Welcir. for ont 4s Peter Glessins. fer .pue eh»' servtcn elgk ot elocilsq. ., 8*» Jismae A evn, fer os eia itatioe s «lark «etltoq. 506 -. I. Uapbens.efr.put y' meykcs.4w t QUnoIesc elecilon................... G. BIL atopisens,for ocuey'$>" services peeting ineuetctie esrde-------------------..... m. B. Itepsem, ferS eu* doj servmIes nuu-ng pilbok aud ballots ............. !G. B. Su-phone, for 13 mimes turave vonturalng pollI iook s services reclvu blot.. .t19 Michsal Hogsu.for enudîeste fr" Go . . oiseus, .for ail ras! To 4 C al e,," p, " sertices asjuPd#*oe Te C.. 31. Chute. for teo» Supenvlson Honebberior moved tLOt tis.e. reo f c"wrattttee ho içcepted sud adopta!. 'Motion cannieti.>' Suprvigor flcwen. Ctsnirmuan 0f Cet- militeebu Focs aud Salare, submittéd tise followlng report.: Bine.f btiablii, 1*5 County,s.t Board of, Supervisors June Ternt. June 10. A. D. 1903. MIr. chalnusansd Geutienien c tise 1 loard et tsrvlsor#: TourCPMUIttee on l'ees sud Sal- aries wolIt'bepleeve to subntit the follo*tnp report on tise matters before thetu: eWe recIureud th ,at tht- feea of mentbera M'ibthe ard of Itevlew ho le ro! i - $ 4r dâ for escir memuber of sai! board.t Ail of vscsl épcflysbst ,ted. J. K. E4>WIR. .Obalrman. W. le. MILLJIL BuPervwl10r lereuerges ,ucved- Ibat ths e ei Ïe" 94comuintee b« açeepted suM~eptqd. MotW4 ,cotiti!. 1BUDor mr Clçpw. Olsairmni of Cous. mlttee oni lectiomt Precîpects. suvuit- ted the fol>tiorlug report- Stateocf init, Lake 3pnty, au.: Égoard! of Bupervlsers, lune Terni Jue 10, A. D1. lu&8 Mr. 'Cbàltis ssiâd i flemnet o the Yôur'eémmitteet6 ea te, ee ivide the towncut-Ailécb;islu *o Voiles district. voul! beg-lecie h mubni thse foliowiàg Ietfflt'tuthse usatters tefore tison: We have examIne! the. poU i i4 ansd reglatrAtion of sald towu sud fini! tiat tisero were negisteredIn lu 4>2more tissu M 0votes. Wé tuvtarWei! dthat et the elecetton heu! lu Novemb 902 but 905 votewero cast. We heretoro recoumeud tisat action on tlil petition te deferrad until the Beptems e et- lnt of thia board tu heut un.tise -- SOUS for suppo'tntguitpeikion. Al 0of whlcis la resectfully subuit- ted. South), su the e oit anm tiseuço irns te the. ç*m r c IyistÜ Soutshet loi feý é~<4 l~ .496~sn>apliat of tise jtS ot sai! Sec-tien tmsy.ety .. t)rene erai 10 b.- t eutF.,t lyhrg oai cf1 ala ilot ,fonntâQà iheco 10-the1tèvI-al'cng théS notr1n ibefe«t.ttecé *mNtte cone, < S utb i.cit ett 1 nortis te tise cession of Bevldee tiseuc blee lyateugtht ter cf Souths Utica Street, tlà ce t~, tisence -wèsierïy etomsgtiehn4 < satl ravIù ine tuis" t, aFW~ê tVater Street. iberce meutt.t ute lin@of cfSection ieemu~lqw,) osilp, tisence tsbpee et W* gluulng, sud Suown u a5OltDt'Ifu- ber One of Waukegen Proeat., MAs cominc-lng Ai tise latmetomi et tise Souths hue of Sectionte~~, (?J); lu Townobip Forty-tlre (4t4*~o~. Range Twelve (12), 0051 cfris.îirIl< prnciîpal meidîsu In Lake Counti ]iN>. , nols, wiibtistsent. of LakeMI"I- gin, runlng tiience west te tise Ureo4 ou- thse ravint, thence weeted* a loup' thé fluesi! of sai! ravine tte'tns-- of SonuhUtlca stt, lu tht cil>' et Waukegan, tiseuce goulu te tise duter cf Beividfre Street, tisence »orth- ein'lry &long tise conter of Be4- V»idar ieet te tise,, qeeet Ooqtb .Utica Street, tisauce sopItiste lise- Southt lneocf sali!sreUsrpee te tise conter of tislerilo> yb st er lot fourteen (14) lu tise Aâouxm0pist cf tise outiseasatquartes- et -oetlmn-'- twenty-elgist (28) lunsai! tuwvmml>4,, tisane.- scutismesteny l>'eug tie ýbu of nid Sil o>'hesacenter'ot M tieslImp iYing south i sa i! lot fèuttean(Mr>,. tisae. wee te tise center et M Street thee Sousetis to thse South ume- .of section tmnty.oiglt(38) fa ssi tewtsip, .tIsanc. os*. te tho e bgaet' .Lakte Mîcislgan. tisane. IorUmake tise siore cftI.4ake Milga.p lb placé o etsgnung, sud -Snowm tblet Nuasier iva of Waikege'Pre. cinct. Motion eau-niai. Supervor Miller, otiairmnnet Spa. - ciel (»tmsiltieaeon Eleetion biIle suis. mutte! thet fellemng: »Qond et tpervison, lu», Téurgà , l une 10,. 4. Oj IW&S tte of IIInosI*.tî(liuy, 814; Mn. Cha-Sit rusdGgutqmfppo4*IL Bord ef Supqyvleors Your commltee te os or-uses. roit tisé eection epes.bIy a bég lesT, te subin ioe fi 1 .peOI. Port ou tÉisémalfera hotir4 '3à1-1Ue bil su md e atb i1 atIem m'- fan tea .lN. :. W. i! tise judgem sud cl etn0f44 'Leou*iru-tlsssue41ei* 'oesl sl!enit.oo 1 r t f b ti

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