* ILLIuNOIS ?flCTION Onows, Otreet end itiecttLc lNelway Canai Report Show. Big lucresa.. Th essoffice bulletin au trent s eleetric raiiwaym for 1902 cantains tBgu whIich malée a ver>' creditable thawliagi * far au the itateoftIlîlinoislae cnj rn There pere fa totaloft ifty-pight cm Inauleselu Illinoin, conlaiag af dfty0 oreting aeld elgia leeaer ecompaule Nort-cight campalijea in Illinuois wbi eported mrade groa» cerniago tramn eratiaa lant xcar amoutiting tai $241(m M51 and tie operatlag epeases weï 11114,103,211, eiîîg 58 fier refitof il enralage. TieCgrolsecaralagsaie.l videal a.t ollowe: paecngre ....................$2,210.1K t'hartcrcd rets...................12.1 Ir 1'9gt.......... .ai........................ 95 * orjowa.r.....................'t. Tie operatlng expenaca éware asale Ioa.î Ways eandestuetures........ - 1a. 'iperetion ît or e pat 2,1 Z)laertlt a oftlan;..............58111. Mlecaurns e...............28»,2t 'er. eaittalceetc ..... ........52.7t Illinos treut railway enimîaniesao eraIe 1713 milles of sigle track. Th ngomber t pmesengerx cerrird b>' Illi att-et raiiwitys inlwy 190 ia- 5Wl),>,2é Oif théee43 ln11) aai far"eanA 127 i1>.2U2 rode an tranoterg. Thet tal a iiileaite in tier$rate waax 2114.44 which al ltit Wl7,400 waaxîy Itasacîts care. Tiie timiier tof tare îaiuegrs mile tof single Irarit îuîîîra:ed waa277 7e1. while lthe nu.ler ut tareit.aaarase fier car utvile was :3.83. The.lttal inal htr utftar hoturi waxs 1.l144PW5i andtht luait-r *t uare@ agi-itrI'îurcar bon, * wax %firS1.As.%s'aretolit fainidentaeli Illlltis iaa ueslla1102 tli,-r werc 1M persmns kilel auîi (;'242 rjoral. Oft- killed ifi>' faut osra. aaasgra. twIci 4eMItîn> a-a ied-I . ei-y ut uta. wia it te injurte i rita.itcd ,f 2,59f)Iaiacngt.ra, III empl.y" ucitA3.0j) 7 ollua. TORNAtata ITa CARIlONDALI. Na r yejd.ace W raed--airy Clerl Frauk 31. Cldw.tl le Injurod. One uoftlIte atot init..gig turnadot wlichitalialierd itier ,bat xatieuioi _years vifitt.'l(*arixaa,îile oandI îuîrniuttaditi eotujitry liii I rday,.îitiutg ait i miinent suimtalut datagt» u aiti sîl ijjrinu ('it ltn lFruak M. Caldwlnrl. 'he toa,tin wax une.m.fthe. t.,týert for the 3 Sl.a.ît1:45 ,ilh,ck lit tir atter sie oft vi.- i-l'a. a-îlng tr.aiî t teilrti- esi t li îr.t'l iaîit era watuil fort Aperail e'iîga-s il RO iept Jaat n h-t-îla..The- .eineé. ,ît l'r-,f. T.fi. la.', trif,-lilî-iif ttieceAtîtreal clitolsa. x lîlta ii lite gr.îuîid aa ami najiipele wa-e.-la. 'TebonesofaitTiotîn Clark. ln tour", tf cotrution,-ljaisweewracied tramutmttonifs iandenAmatvcd evra feet. Tii, brick rcejdenac of C'it l> 'erk tilalveli wae unanoafeai, the rupper &tory wrechaad, end part ofelle rua! uWshed thanagh the, eAiag taohtiIreitdoaer. In the. eurrouadiag couantry>' eerai barns end! balidlugn were dernaieetl. fruit ai- a'hardâts uritening injuries auirîtviii bc teit for yeere. .Ça o tlitie are ihua far kaowu. OI A s AN ItNOCB ARDEXl. Rturne After ?weaty.One Teareta Pil U ibaad Mars'Aed Another. A wunîan in the. roi, ut Eîaioch Ardeni va-urod tii Racktord the oh-r day af- lier tiaîî aa-urtueof tvent>-one yere. Mrs. intiser oisonî -as ljureal teenty-one >:eres gaa ln a raiirond wreck riear Buf- falo,. N. Y. Fiai, aas lken tii a huelîtai. beut recovriacr. lier iinl was tnut quita t1ear, ie-,-t-r anl eh, wandered te 1<rneaAtaahlervt-tinî t oftiewrech a$ed inthe ic oaptal and b>' iul»take waxa hiuritilta Ira. Oleen. Wben Mnr.. Olsot rettii4. lte tuc.kt.urd rtc otier day ali foulpd ue tavit, baies abc, hadl eft- HWa anîdlitrink-fu growa and surpriacal fb, youd iliasirtat lier reurn. Alexander Oisont iîItr l-diand, *h, ftuîitd living wiiltIris tiird wîte, the stenndiMr%. 0]- bonf, wh.tii lueiît aeied whl, bel ev'ng t'tliy itisaa irae i afc's ethtl. iaviag died «loueieucrA ,t*..lir. (ilion fill- jdpati- ied tic rttin. liunea.-ar ha..tiret aif,. Tiie' laerilI i-iegnz iha gla.it-h e tiitad a-utc antd tiilIl]ive a-thiber raear eil cb xijîdreit. qAle n li Tara Criminels Put ta Deth fert Nus'- der of a Schooel Tencher. Calvin Prive and' Jerry Grave. P..r hangeA et Marjata for the retarder lant Febritiry o.f Mma. Neilie Itelnbeiderfer, a paptlar tIcrn. l6îmea, Wbe th'e dtrop feu. mrade nuane8lont. Tea tiou- #and! persona tliroîtgcd trie ignets cf the tava. but ouI>' a limiteal aunier were tiloa'eltua view titi'ereuitian. All nlgit (ceias and trina lirouglît in latnareal of pe-ur»»,nb-ealejt in them riîaa-eyaat-ea an the. gruund annuy 'place miaiable. IgAILWAY WINS A STRIKE. jolet asuI Equterata Clake La,. &adi Chlcaxoane FUI1 Thclr Places.. Clcnks iftheiElinl, Tllet and Bat- ema' Railwy systeat, saha struck severl . aag uJoliet, hba, lent. Tl'hepuo- *.e te o tii, Installation of a aew chiei! cierk. .1). W. -Richaatoaé. lterniaonal prerident a -Èaroi orgaIzr of tii, -Raua>' Girka' uion, .on investigation retoeed ltai sancioanthe atnuke. The. striât- crue place. areftliled by lel'ks train (iii- cagat, Aunana andl other pints. FAILURIC CAUBUSEST F LOlOD. Neachants tof 1Mcd1.r-*lil Ptitioa A p.tition la bankruptcy waa led la tibiofe et tie clerk cf the, United - Blatea t)iatria't Court n SPrnngeli! b> McClure & Winhester, merchanta o! McCelure. -Tic>' achcdtled theinlilabili- t iena at $15,5.ai3 sud titoir assetet M.4~- O10. Tb@iti aubiisment q McCure At& Winchiester Ililanthe center of the, floodl- tel district et AicxSuder Coant>' analthe, Ilaods have ruined thorna. FORGED To OICtPHONOGRA PM la am le aop e4. il op- 64, We the di- .u 615 fo- ai 11 o- i !j, rai of le 'r, he 15 or 'g fILI N,- 01S ST ------------------- s sus ups @tet te ew@ n Brio W. C. Nixoa af Iillanoisa vaa eurain as midshipmaa et Aitampalae. J. M. Schelling et Illinois wuAs d- 1ilîtted LQtheii naval academa> et Annapa- lit. The Stateliupriaicadent of laaarac bas licenacal the liariters and Thrchera' Inauraure Campan>' ef parla. i'reman George Fisher ai Malil.,vs. hilleal la a coliion beweca a freigit train andl a switch enguent Peoria. Hem>' Guyon af Cicago. an express- man, vas îeriousiy Injared Ia the -rea'k ai a Chiicago and Aton train acar (Gard-1 ncr. Loyal ?cmpîtra.cc Legion, Boido ?va. D)ay Convcutionuet Auror. With the, electian Of officeru, tie Louatil annial convaention of et iIllinuis Senior Loyal Temitenance Legion, win hall becala geslto lu Auaria for fs-o de>., came te0'a Close. I>rlegates tramnt ort>' or More cjtiez vere present. Tii.tie- Stion att afirene for tite ruating rear re-ý suiteal au followa: l'reeideiî t lloaBc»- aie Pl'amer, t'lairago; a-ieéprealideat, F. P- Kleth, flan-,>'; rcarding .amrciary. Mies Virgiaia Partiuns, C'icage; tunre- oponding serretar>' anal ftal, lilrarion. Mie" Neilli. Boites. Nauvoo: tresuren. Harry Betnnett, (_'icagu. Superinîtend- eate out tiprtmeata: Law èntorcent. F. P. Rieth,' Ilarve>': juinior iL T. , 1, MiÉa Beail, Parsaans, Elila:piyeiral cul- ture anal literatvra'.M.Il"Frances Wjnt- relde, MPndota; fBowrmission.XMisiMer- liat l>uaasanal. Attruma; iband utfnîcre'. Mimatrelma Nelson. ('hicago; gi'undnsv schlriland tcseniutelicc upuaLoarraine %'u'>laerion. O<it.-> . Mitit promiuient .suk'swert.tii lte itrarant. M ru. ('lara E. ils of ut traort w.aa ctdc lif t eni o ia-tunutte aaauotii HIUY CAR LINES 1,N DECAT;R. Baeleru lmen plan te Baitdi laîrer- bau sy.e te Sa t. LaiA. Tic sale of tiie- lcitur aîree. a-ar a>'a- tei t"as effeted the aatiar day. A syn- dîR t aatNi'l .al PttA1iala, nirewi-nied fi'W 1.M-iilhey ofut Ciipaigi. pur- chlate the- enliri'e lîatî. af .21.t>tin caPiltaistock ftrua rh$, gêtut Tt y.aua ba- bat-nlaonded fuar $212.fWtli. Tltl, isaki,, thet- laui ailuauiîtn uf th, ayutana s4lu.mn>t. The- raiitaluats nt-prcsýet-iîalb>' -%in. >1uKintet-uuait au ie-e;aur tittainlt-r- iiriaatia tnuile.v a u-andaîiga -a.ad nie-- trie Iliuing iantx ita si erai allies la 11iluui aitul ituliaa . ?t otuhtirstock 't tilt (>tir Tract.ýio nd ilElectrir Williani-. Fhiisiimrgi-r atof ecatur, snd 1'. W'. t'aipleil at! (in,înitali. The cap- lieliFta rétareeiit-A la'.%Ir. lieKiale>'are nov Iul lllnxinîrrurban t> btu, hs asil ii aaentttalY lié-jauined anal makle au eléetrir raiiruad traîna Iana-ile throuth t'aatniaaigcn aîîd lir raî il,0Springfid anA thcact. tu St. .ouitiua " A. 8. Wright, Jw.. ion et A. 9. Wright. ,;a nacather e illitnial A Bleboard ut Il public cnarties, "un dr)uwed et Wood- ,. iloek, -WiliAam Il. Shirley, for twëDty-eiglit y earu 'a protaesor. laWeaifeli .tlig. SArrois, bas been eletrA prelulenut liait -Itatitotion. John <'NeiI, IC yeare olA, Rata ut a Ifermer atl1e-ru-. gufferrd vuonda trota teexploaiuîîîofta large huai, ut gua- îpevder. le dia'd. The enditor ièsuic'A a permit ta orgatilzr -tii, Camblridge Star, Ban tik a iniiarje la James ulla . G.A. N'awtcr allad Jui MrI"atden. l iptl 5.00 l'iheirc lieriîiet. a tetPlaoî,ine i- Malii ut lo-k lslatîul. wa.eakilir ln ai- 'tempting a bigla diva.teauîîî a largf'- inluî ftAie ri-ar beture a trowtaiG rand lxIia. r a reiaort. r Ail ilIi- W'eseri I-l'ian iiesýertga hîut .ta a'utt ou trika-a: 4juin.->. Tiiay Pli pu ,îia-krsabouaut t h.ý t-i,'grajii ulila suid uaaauîruIldli-t. ii> ailareualacd. Otte arres aiea aamain. r Spe-lr-îtraci al of uthtep -eu à lire offie a-t it., aiqtcd , tIi'y u atljîtant grîteral rt-ta rt aRt iit-iglaluara have laken t-are uotftCattfereru an alnuu turtier public ntd le t Ailiteti. ROtY' Matitx, saI 1-i yt-arm. ai-aalune'.: lasîantly kilicd - n a ineir-rngi-rouanulit l't-qrn. tVj th uanipacî lui e P ai et,-î in onaîtutfitaera vIteý-a i jenked. îhi'uîa iiîtg iatout, tains lad slnîklng Éthe ide- waik. Flreik Schultz kual-d himselti near Bioemingtain etter mtt'i'pting te mardi-r hil. eftire fîrnil>'i'aus-thS>' lid juin- Pd lb, Atalit ('lutrcli and utiac-cltle ar- Adernoat îu spa-ai tuor baeuyting tua do wih hin. ATI!E N w *p p~ ** * p ** * e s.c s U s s YOUCNG LOVu.lS TU WEDMiX 1907. 5IIIP IoD 1M TUTOPIC SLyiu a .i tate ia th. mlddle of a 300- poonid cake of ire, a fne sizteen-pound uad la ttie b. hlpped frima Philadelphie m- Port Anionio, Jamaiea. The. experi- Rlit of aending telieBh toa he trapica in being made arîder the, direction of Geo, IL. McKay, etiperintendent of the Read- bug Terminai market, and Prof. G. Uar The. fUnois INational C.aerd, seuily 8,00trong, seolitt camp nt Camp Lio- coin. tua aUmmer. I, ilifor the Or"t tAme ia the hIdtuvy oftheii.Stete, with tervice and'dree unifornan îaiîth the. proud distinction cni couîsiîîîîing a part o! theii. relad militia aîtnîliary ta thie regular army. liu eerwy sentloa paftic- ular the Illinole guardâitît hereafler wil iab part of the. regular artoy under thé termes of the Dieh law, ttpproved Jan. 21. Thiis aw. pauaed by Congres, at t lat seesaion, providea taliR, eorgaiza- lion, armement end diaîîîlîine oftheii or- zaîiized miltia of the cRi val Stats and territorie andla thie Iitîi-ît fColum- bia chall b, itheame a diat wjîch le now or may bereatter lac îreaî-ribcd for ter-gular ad ,luaiteer arniuea oftheii Uniîtedl States wlthia ite yeurs. The 1I'orty-third Genérali Aatrî.ibly appropri- ated $15.teJO for tb ii, i*w oliformas, thé. fireit Intalimeata of wbuîli have heen r.- eiti at Slpringfield. Tl'le îew uni- formaý, iowever, ore for th, eilidted mca offly. OlOer» are requin I 1taIturcha.. tlitir owananiorme, ta onfolif, wit.h the. regulaîjnofie thte regular armly. Each tni-iaher ot the Nationtal Guard wil lieb. îîroviîlrd with a llcw Ptrvi(re and dres rnitorni aithte experîsi-,f the ftale. lli-retofora. service altiforiimalne flot been pnovided for the i, tî milîja. The, National Guardâeeuha%, e i-oompeil- cd tii ose thefirdreau oîîf,rni% for ser- rire diii>. aitlîoagh serinrai ra-goatente t ther own expeare ha:ve fiera auppiel wvitii 1wo scte of unifori. Ont <rders ftoui N'ashingrteiu. It la the, evident illltent the Dickj law t,, lring the, ftale liitnanad regu-( jar ariîîy jîlto the. clos-at leluibi rela-r tionRiist. Silice tithe lria ef the bicka * aw copies af ail gemt-rai î,vders ieauedg lîy it-rtary cf War 1-îoý, Uni. Miles or .¾djt. l.xen. Corbma hiave brin recel,-L ed b>- regiatent.al coaîiîiander-nofetheic11Wi noia National Goard mand b he insapec-1 ton geacral.N It jnecxpected officers troim theregula*J aniay wiii insipeet the, National Guardsa mon nt Camp Lincoln ndouAtint opporta,v ni:>' wiii bc offered nexit all for niembeat na £Clasemîent AdtÇunu o f a Bey amud-plcyerué' organisation eqoall>' povcrfah c Tie Weseirn ftale Biuk and flit- Gug,» Who Met du sehasi Peapoas. lie WesternTa lutanu l av.tugs Comanyn>. Evansétoaintat !lt oge bat hof ('hu-ago, w a P-c- .biized l>'th' a8 ttt of,.ta the ert in ae Goie- r-uîdilor lu rainaaliilaii te v.'1r iiahem, ainslof t17 vesargeoli, haatteuin leperbsDI IhhWIE ln tîte latter institutin, ait, Ja capves-ilan fusrig Me eannette. TPe Prsona Iille aend!Velay Burt tu t ,OU>00.Kauiiier. 15 years '>'. Tis y>'unag go- etMadison. IIL Policrutan lBit-hatul fowers oftar o- inau. ibe gsiviien tii, boy w-t il yetr* A frigiltful raliroad accident occurred I. PhY&lioro %Vas ailîdged goilî>' ut cou-n-iosiaed ahe: girl l, vwiebathi -et- LMdinIauuioft.ale amt.,D'ofurt itet h'pngiel'd. in viutitiîîg îending tideHaengeraitlanA beo,fcg e.rida>'. Tvo persoae er, kiled ont' teJuAg, linuillrey'a injiurrioit lii the Mo- l.ng thbe chilAen ha.] decidedt hatr te>' right anal man>' mare ere lajorc éal er- [,ile anal Ohaolitairuatietnrike. Jualge vouthe ,marij euaienlte>' "grev n." eoral probabi>' tallU>' A Iumpimey fiae i-aniîma tatal ut $4413 ad liMa. Kamnîcrer objec'tod vigtxaitily uTenancring u ple taionpTrkinaTii. rnmdtled hlm ta jait fur Ive moathe b,-%ihen ber aleuguiuer tal of lber enage- acdn a aadb'1.drulga kau Oas f bis feiure ta vauy. ment ta Webb, a>ing rnbaè léthe # ii cgce.otuet thelrak aallng- ry Amoie cÔmposed cft30wpite peapleverteeouYounag ca-en la thlqof 0! y- e mI uign al l Ia Athevtuck vnd laa .d aoght tic AtsofutMinile Pe-arl, colareal. lng. 1inaiiy a comprend.. e meffeetiei!. adbe train peamvn ta a igi raee ai [o wPlie b eal .t">"miie. a wvilte boy-, b>whici It va. agreecd the engeeuhetaiuexatigntabhraeo i gl Il yecrs vile a euub in Peonin. eheinflllu, aunouractud bt bat ethlAe mur *peci! adtheiengin. tank ît ifuta nom- atil is bod>'wus. c-vcred vitit dep nage uhauld ltfaite place until Weibbrc as i> raueltt u n ce us and velta. Tic aeromen vasa aret- bertainget f age. other, teamlag up tihe truck for îlxi-gfcon ée d andAtoltenti the licestatilon lhe-The train of elt tcoaches. Bile ici ti fore tie malle agibid re.-nb the honse.MKETaiToNE PrALL@# EILLS wOU", - people oton gta park. Scarcel>' a poisaon- Whou tIhe mod iscoiareraAthat Plie bai! ger éunmped lina'>'. flet]a etio1r dean lber tAunanaitl hhnuv01ielItaliesa. Nîwopaper Veuder. BlgieOne, carWvia complet.!>' Bii! w-tJi the hbou-e'hoial tituIon ltoalihe rit-rt. in Strsaute Accident.wurmen, anA hbeIn hysterical scrcaae, The altaci ouite byhua % masnade brnauai IAn cIA Ilaîjian voran. wviaefor yom -miagled viti thoié of the injured anad lie led ea mule arroa lii voîmna'lot. Iua slA ii§-nida*)Pern la front etfte Mou'- dyiag, vcre hcartrendlng. One poina' a Teue .'ailbe îrîusecuttrd b>'thte local nIlotIlutel, -Maulhsén anti Clark gstreeta, hîae-ne ascruelical btvceu Ipa cars. An- hu stuet, et..wba u -akilîrd gthale keyatonie etotier girl wu% rut la teva. The acenePu aU indos- ari faîîinugftram lie tuaiS iarowig. Mmny vamea vankéalbravé- I'idar rite leadershiip to'Coi. Thomas a wr na ]y t ero ii eai ie > a relieve lb. iuffcriag af tie lajureal. Jae W. . Fr- i th oaiflehC lay iysucren a-ton mai biri eighed neari>' 100 panends, Titlai hentaeîvez bedl>' brailseal tic - ams l.Fniti t('e> (il' iu>'i crathed Ilunuugi tie îeavy gbles caaapy vent tramn on.eluanutfler o! tb.belpe- adjîuleîît geuteral, ouitheii, linois National ;aI thue main cutranre cf te lolci, be. -Ilaegivlng them whelcotreort anal hclp eGoutrd, natari>' 4..ff) guartiemen wiA go neutii aihctht-naped neye veailer wax.-te cu tutuelcamp nt <Caup Lincoln thii, nmme~r e k qiteA antu-lnu îiunii i l -tiiit. I ealh Oaa instatanceu,,AI- c eu'ped'forthefist 'W* * he "sor> huiiigh sic n-ai a tainiiar figure ta theu- if te Stîlu'. witi eprvice anti rc. uni- mnaletedwtwidxre fCk * frmé an wih te.pil disineionofeag<. aihi-re ,iue isnd tolti paperts fo *contitutiiig a part ofithle organîgeal m- *huta aaxiizryt- lu.héui'reiuar amu-. lan ii' er.lic peluce wet-ne ulale et, - ei-r ."oieialparicuégi th IlitiAifêernnh.rus tint.. It in salai ,aàe.hxA tva er urvtaadialaani-uhrtigliîu i tîuutar'a aio also sakial iere an th MILITIA COLONEL'@ nEIPOaR. guatnAsiunuîhertafu.r ai li-t ai t fliit'_________ 9reguier arni>' uîîdýr file terme of thte ieea »f___a thé Nationahl(liard ta attend a as- 1- Dinh las-, aptlunved Joli. 21. BIG PIRE AT WINCHESTER. - lerai ecéaiulaolauî, aihich the> mn>' Ao 9 Ticeavillage ut Stcanerfui ui tia de- -élu oder te ck i laituvaI theé request a09 etnîtctjva ire uie ,lhur niglit. Tie fouse Piauteitans, lDestructlin Oa t Mmm' a-v. yawea utlua 0t expena. ta thein- viliiagr'gt $21). f. lIent-y loucra liualce itsildlua athe, or u hie uaIt- are: Jaon l 4iiot. dry guio d l yocree, Tii.aecitbillho -nonlarmrm a > u -!--raai'-i-aailelt I plg $5.000l Ioent Ctaiea, restaurent, $1400:Wincheter iuu about livao eeia eurreal 6eld rifle ai-h i le neiuaceti viti tic Krag- Arthur Kelle>-. hardwar, anA foraittre, cari>' Sunda>' aîurning, the total property Jorgeasen. t flî . uuuvver, l ageros' ti tlIo isestimatea tient 110.000,000 rail- $3I.111; Mrs. Mary Kelle>'. building. $2,- louaermachaing a at' $5ftl>, partial>' 1b>' theIi,'ira .l'uath and Sixth regi- ramAd lie père uatalinlathiacountry the (X»; Masonier anl a'urdgii H all. 1500; coyereel b>' nsna'anc Tit-pni.p'al m omnte, et er De. T. S. Colcarn anA BilasnSuge, affinélasera ver, Thomas E. Gloaaop,. Young Tii, Nationual Guard uadthe léan p.ey.: fixtur., $100; F'rank Johinson, berber & Pheper, J. H. Msrkillie. John Englialu, Illinois militar>' rude aili conclut of four ,Tii. SI Paul anA thé Barlinatan are ehtop, $75. Ver>' hule lu-tatrarce a-aicar- leper & Cio., Markillle lBrthers, Cbaad. brigades. Geléi. Gerog, àLMMuton of telavei,.a joint double truck froaBt. il. About six veeksa an frcuebugincra H. Doyle, W. H. Waters anal GoodlieaA Chicago wpli have- charge a!f the, Brt, Paul tu St. CroAx Jonction. part ofthle ciy aiest uuftheii'régilrad a. Telephane Comapany. Te-utlarge llei.>'Gen. Horace Clark et Galeburg yull Thé4 vork of constructionlie Chicago tntal>' deatru>ed. .Nowv ten>'litie et liée tablo e.wr, burned. One of lhc bumd tnommnuAthe, second ad Oea. James B. and al sernIlilinois' ova double track iminns part of!hltuain rexinaina stand-buildinga va. prouinentl>' idenîlfiealinitié Smith oftCaCie' Cue>' ltite. Gent ine ta St. Louis le belng puahedas alera- lag. lie eeniy hiitor>' et Illinouis. Stephen A. Smith, wio vas apîuuined b>'Gev. Yatea Idi> au possible, bot courent b. completeal t Wen lme %uti@. he14-parldDeugla. anal Peter Cartwrighut botthibay- ta aucceeti J. lîaci Tanner ase ardénunatil fait. son of W ter P.îtonnu.s 14-a-car olaloig epaken tftere. af tic Chester lîtntentiera'. probail>' wu] George P. Wolfe, travèllng frigit Renlatf»,ien P. tua ig f terabarng-iî____ie tranaferred fruitt1he, thiril ta lthe agent a! tieChilcago anal Altan, bat bea Hèlit, a-al e iefniére a thle fourti aad Cul. le. Jark Fonter ut Chl' appointeal traffio mtramger andassaeistant otir mruioglielirI egillia mc BAES EE RAI WMCKEE. caga viililb, matie brigadier gencernt ofta lie prealalent a! the Nebraska, Kansas bis e>'e was lb, bod>' at filaifalbr bang- AccidentailfDelay Saves Northhpeleri thtiihiird. sal Golf, viti iieadquartergeat "Sasn, ing tramn a nope in a alait. Mannes' moufle Bapree.fraisuRendu. Theetiret brigade comprise& th i ire ut.K vas bath>' hurned. anA a sourcil ite. Au attempt la vrerk a ncrti-beand Seicandl anal Set-molli regimns,th e Xsc- > rIal revealcal a a hollpartl I MIcA iti exprese traia on tic Nonlipestera rond anad campriaea the Fouti anal Pîtti rer iOficial annenancemeat la made of theo cunbolin ariA. The police seuaitic ma iab fraétrst.d becaus, the, nnti-boettA laents anal tic tiird comprises theTbfrd apponaient ot Mn. . E. Sa. Bifarmer-j band sel aeltiaAbtrbnhgtrain vhinh louves Chicagoeat 11:39 wava nd Sixtit regintents. Tie tauleth probe- 'e i.Suhr lîia' ;dao hnai.-4aunn as 4ycare oid, andl aie. Twa railroad tie ver. lied ne- ail>' ili ho made of lie Bighth (coei'c) 1 ireig n asner agent ef lhe De-. haenugo Hieigfor m eeal st in e~ure>'actuelsuthie truck ah the top a!fiimaeintient, the Finrt-air>', theartille>'trait Santhbra, wlth hélalqiartera et Wathnag Heght forman.e r a drie ut ioutla a!Waakegan. Engineer battaliln, canigéîtlng ot tirée baterèies ret bullonne lAis»idtu tahave beeau praou -biabniocf lhe soth-ianaltrain, ui lie signal corps anîd lie botailai corps. Mr.BW. amolfme>'p' ou ad no nereaaca len kauva bbhie foin- leavrea Waukaea aIet12â0. noliccal - fieGen. fSmit for tli ient w iii beavealéger agent ah Cincinnati fer tic Cil- i' s-hy lie coiamlitteai. uicide. obstrucgtioenou the nortih.boad track and conguland et thcthirti lbrigadeacceedlng cago Grneat Wstern, hlierica appianted i AdolphIt tgen,vihaaboxbeen servi"g tappedbil, trsin. The rie. ver. piaceal Wilixaa Cîcadealia cf Malins. ach ceg- cil>' paseager agent of tie Blg Pouar -1 ahalentee dinlite hélatter part of IM jouit -aranni! the carr.where if would ment vlt Serve elgltdaye la camp Ifile at liaI Peint, eUcc.iing- 3Mr. W, &B. lu vartaue peuitenliétrAe on t'-dcral have bigen ton laIe foir ho aorti'ioondal lmer. Par-ken, aeceseed.P chargesl, ws. iroughî troinaNevafli. N. train t top. I nder 1he Dici 1ev tIihePreaident of Legilatcreandsudpble aiicers la New J., b>' federai aurioritie. talie tincA on __th_ le Unîtei Stales ia>' ix lic minimum Yonk Stale are awaltlng vi itsAleet Illnois chargea. lîgen dnlag 1898, 1890 URGE NZOO TO SEZLF »t-EFENSÉ - hlier ut cttiiatmd mii in eacrilcounan', 'the aecilan of ii uthoT"4ppeaa Io and the.carl>' part of-130M repiMrièted troop, imIter>', signai - corps, englacer the question phelber a elèéepiog car peaus himmelt nla rante commaniieze.aee a spe- colorold Beptiatu Plo. Re.aiaaUU i Des corpse anA hasiitai crpsît. anA herefor,.camesou wîbin the prohiition cf thé I ciaI position examiner,- Wldove asud olal plerlua RoiLasg.. eome changes li>'a i LmAe in lie luii- claue lnith. State constitution, phini. t oubliera vere bisi pre>'. Aller examhalug The, Wood River Baptilel Sundola isutl National Guairl. An officer uftheu prahubîle tthc acceplanne o iturae ,b>' 1dm rpensiont papera ie a-culA ivethe irScheal Associatiaon (coloredal>ajaîrned a regalar ari>', atting tînden entiers tramn 81.1. officrs. InforMation liaItichePatiers ver, net aa-ek'e convention t Bioningtuna pilontle War Depanhuteni. ina>' !aect an>' Mr. Pan! Marlon , vlre-preggideaetftthe gocal and lihe eulal imnedil b iav. e e alpting mutilations Aéplcing mslobl1me brunet ot tic State uitjhla at 1an>' tiniSauta Fe eyuitem Mn, Walter S. BEddya pension itapped. On rcprosenitnîiiaue otanA eonalemauluug niavfuî excuthotsa sd Iudepcadenîly o! lhi jpector non- of Saginav, Mich.. anal Col. Juin S. f thie sat Itgen. Aif a sasia, cit.n extorleti b>' maiet. It lareceuaendaed tuhat if olS' crai ofthetfi, et, -%Vier, of New York, havé organlaed a a Moa.>' ta permtit thc pspera lu emmîn ihi ersviii Dot 'Prueent tic *hateoctic * The Pregitient sIre is airiai! ander ésyndicate farthle purpose o! devélaplng f ttonor celiecleda ltee for hie promise tia negra, hienmont protect i1haste lie $,eanu. hc Dink 1mw. tua -ielatearmserait-gaor a tract out imirer ladunortieveet of ChIi gel sanincrease in pensions. lan11(98le Moi lotsla terméal anarch>'. Congratula- part ofahe tic.tlr iilijia forautaperluA Of butina, enAdemprleing la the n.lgiibom- vorkeal aIl hiroagh the soutiera par., of tions Pèresenut la (. 0.Duatiin utf In ilae lntee vthotit re-nilatinéntu, but Ibondlof 2,5W0000acres. Illinois.. diana. vira callcalhlit esraie ilithe Ilreal- TicIlilineis Central Rsilroad Company' Dr. E. H. Thoasi etArgenta, chtair dent lieeiuilel'tn o a-utledal la re theli. ili eberti>' have cenapleteai aevéi.uiof man of the Itepubiiau cuant>'centrai BLIND TOUTE In AN EXPERT, sanm, psy-ana lnIiaatieetsproviticd b>' thieurvsteel cama hilch ilvîlieb.put commilhtee af Macon Count>', liais iglogée fothle rmgîiuuir ntut>'. m lie seaubans ervice cf thédt raA. ed u tuste O th aslu fo th in Re Clrk f arint ark Vat o a Aitt ffcer ('~if thetaarganlacd militia ont hea curabe légitie nttii, anm Tohic avin exCar Typ-ratVenh Fu na tet-uOueiuu &ht-<t ta (overnor mn>' beor cars bave brunn atter conetruction r attndptéy nihtayre.fr ome flime. On. etf tic foulures la tie wîli aut l iéueA ountil atter thue returno Rex Clark, 20 j"are aId, e o vt ftle u1ut att- Icatu aofi, liei éide Ador, which pili permît t cf asa'lu- o! G-cv. Yate. frein hic Bunopeantelnîuu. aahuuiansbouleblin In ce l, , iea lereuvu itar îîu au u>:jcieagres. anal etresiot.pasicageru. -Arcbijilal Web.r of GaiaÏ4bnjrove tu eto hl s aS.Laegvia>' ti-' onti cIiluuts;uouuut'ulijîmr a b ee Prealdeat"stlnyveat Fluii of!hlui- Haarhsburg an a receat cveaing. Iteiunut ltiona a! rapial IYpewrltlag et vorntia i 1 ofaavaslilti tucea-lntteatce noie Centrai. wio bes juet retumned frein - lui, Daniel -imeonette ant i tntrode buulesluuecoclloges. Theo yptb h.. pi ofi- $1 n ie antwi ut intcniiu. o c beIiiaieCntaiaactm lath errb e th 14m. Weoabc, mu Bt OOfeI sat and - ie oret wIt I- Il ll contt hi. falere mors ""o leanked bilan ta cesse. Webben .1i00 a mnter o ai emeg'aili, Ciara* A gsren-lglit nt iO,000.eadle power ma 1 blis edr la riecrope, awiug te s t«UM s fila vaientraltsnd làt leleifmanlat i ~rN0 e~bla anl cl bna n iivile gradn2atedf. greu.rana l igla viirenltier prntvisible at a disIA vo jt euW0valia; but bferi>'artsvfIb k id<* - »baannette, Au ael!-de ainbacis and!tata t eathe<b.Ui e ! oftventy toiles. Tiie eXpoM BîbIlaInnta do the. extra waik. tier. le et Wabbge, afuiil mt>' ! hleg" ate.&Z *l tuala' £em àsbeen tibdtramu liethé etopofMount euhanc ta harvat botter 'Crops than n a o- t .Wards of EncouragemeuL. TiceiLorda emîtea liaI ie ma>' eal. Tic propîtet qutietsa hein fena. Tii,> are pre- pareai toa cr ii nonde.Ilaviag been bumbe b>' a reallaatjoa ut AheIn ein, lie>'ae.reaul>' tiirereive tbe. divine heip. Lihe tticsalun Ballaatyne, of athum, w, read lan "Wi.th Chiut at Ses.- thea' couel pra>', *'0Lord, ber, ai arm, tek' me and mak' scmuetlîing ont a0-nme, fer r 'e mati, an avtu mens ol aai. Samîîcl'u o-ondeare un apiacal ta ser- vire. Let era-ice ie gia-co4 it~~e o! paut mielakes. a.Y, bave donc, >'et tara naît aaide." Whal ai-cdo jant aller we bat-e 'ieldeA lu a teaipaioiî kcrorlal>' Impertataî. Siutll ai.,retuntthe10 1htl or jala ourselves tua urnrju'lTherela. s tvrsan>' la the ActA iband e! lie paut. Notliing eo attauda lntheb,va>'ofethe gaoal at man woulA do ai lie et-il of hie pamis Thia service aitenildb, givea "iviîîail your heant." Twire in lthe phlrase, ena- ployed. Tic vItale lite je thi, happy Ait, andl 11la tic useful Ite. John Weale>"e Jo>' and paver la Chistelbegan lie day 'he asia, "I vaseonrunealmoelta even efthle inapoEribilit>' ot being hait a Chistaian, anA detcrned te b, ail de- ývetealta Goal, and lu give iîAu, nil my eontl. ai>' oA>'anAdnu>' ubstaite". Ticre la bclp fer ur aak. (boA s'il! gîi t-c il e vii 001tefrake ha, peuple, -He wvîl ot tara amide trui islapnrlioae cf gaae. Hie reptitatiun la et alake. Tii. perueverane et OuA lie. ai lie iasiao! aur hope l inthe preveruiire of tii. sainIs. AnAdfSamuc ele ecsrvant a! G-ad viit gia-, lelp. Ife vii!do it b>' pnayar. 'Samuel iapresctafed. tiongi ve . yn o i. t h e, d u t> ' ai qA tic p o w eé r u t An' tercesuin>'prayer. Dlie -s"in sgiraant 1h. Lord" b>' negel hoapra>' for otheru? lit le .poasibie ho b, selfioeb c-cala our prayeni. Furher, Samuel promises lta tearli liaPeople lin tiei, ocd atîdirigit va>'. Il aaiauinestimaeble hit-iicgc thaI tue n-uise indA sel>'man aioald gide b>'bus Instriuction tic carIy torts- tive a'cars of tic moarciicel peniod. Neat Lceon-Saui Itejerted as King. -1 Samuel 16:13-23. lt'i %an aitteCee. "aOf cana-rs,," salthale uplimil, lit a manact gte ain lbbabil t oitunting troeile'a sure le fina lIt." l'm"repliedth ie peisimlat. "anîd If bn' eo lI>' lInha ealn'astries la tvý-Id il Il pil!final uni. ,SeoniaI's thec differenq!e?"-'iladclphla Press. Fred-blia Golding la cerlain>' a girl of lie perîcai. Jo&e 1 dI llecavea tIna>' sotrapw. FPred--Wha', ho pa, liaI? Joe-OUIY-lit -eveulng abe pet é Our Motte: Létter 11u4! Crcdar Som BUý,, AND AIL eiWSop Job -Workii ..5.urLis 0 $NAD » aZ" "airs CAKE. aid Powell, assistant pemoloieglt outhte Departmeat of Agriculture at Wazblag- ton. Thèse mca have been cenduotiag a acrles of experimeatit la preparlng fruits, vegetablea, lBaitand pealt>' b> cald etorage for expert trade, unden' th. patronage of the, guvernuueal. lietare it le placea an the. steamer the. lco vîlI b, Prapped mIntotpe-loch cover- lng o!fefit and ruer. ORGANIZE TO OPPOSE LAISOE 'taufacmuir.re Plan teta aie., 01,500e- 000 té Realat Uneiena. An Indianapolis dipatch saye that if tie purpaae of the. camaAttes on consti- tuition of the, National Manufacturera' Association ie ipproved hy the executive cammiltee and retifiealb>' a vote ci the. incatere thé organisation will enlarge it icone andl become the, propagande of ag- gresaive idec and metiiode larestraint cf the, lendenciea of organiacai labar, backeal b>' a tund of 12000 Tic execalive comnaitîce, compo.èA af Preeidcnt D). M. l'ar'>, Indianapois; J. W. Vancleave, Wt. Lcu1â;*ýlohn Kiri>', Jr., Daytan, .Ohio; E. W. Du Brai!. Cia- élogati; Major A. C. Roaecrana, Evans. ville, and Secetr> MarsIrait-Cuthlng, New York, finiaeea a two 4dap' e"talon aftr horuughiy going at-en a 'a4w coni- etitation for te 3anufacturer,Associa- lion. Âmoag etiere pua vere preeat pere A. C. Marshall, Daytýo W. H. Speer, Newsrk, N. J., and P. W. Job, eecrelmry of lthe Chicago ffimpAoyere' As- aclation. The aev conotituation pnovîdea for an èmergwc>' fandl of S1,500,000 tu b. ned ta, ligit IRiar unions. 1Thia fond la ta b, uacd for propa- ganda park, for active resîssaceeaiflthe eueroachmente cf organAacd Isior anal ta suataln lthe orgaunisation. Thc great la- bar organizaîlosi. are providealvih enur- jauna émergency fands, vhich have prov- Id ellicient aide., ad lie new constitu- TUE SNDAY SCHOOL LESSOIt FOR IJULY 19. lîamacte Faewecll Addreee 25.1 S.îii. 12:13-26,. Ientor>' venges, 23. Golîirîî Text-Ouiy, fear thr Lord, end serve hiin ittrîîth aiitiiail yur leart.- 1 Somi. 12:24. The pei,îîlr aere gathird at Gilgal te celebrate Saul'a great ic-or>' over the Amnionitira. lIr, hliiiide n0mw allegianre te the, king SaîîîîîylsRw the clorle of bis owa lite work. lie ohli rearrvea hia place as propiîrt, but lie fortial>' givra over his work jas jîîdge. Il bs a goo.i time elike tii review the past and tii exact plealges for the future.. *-Witaess againeit aie" la Samuels chal- leunge tua the people. The chou-e of a kiag muet ilot ,eem t toil>' an împeanh- ment ut Samauei'a lategri>'. But tlînaugh ail the 10119 Yrmrs out is .judgesiiip Sam-. net' life inaabove reproach. And eo the people affirin. Il is onacofthe mri-vards of a dlean carcer, artlhuiont pride nt ils close. "I take Goal ta witaeae," said Joha Miltoin, "tiat in &Il thoise places wiiere 80olan>' thiags are coaeldered lawful 1 have livrA îouad and untoUnh- cd froat an>' peoiiigacy arj vice, haviag til thotught perpeîualiy With mue, that thougt I ntigiit escapo the cycesot mca. 1 certaal>' could nlt cacpe the, cyra of Samuel reviewa aleo the ftdmlity of Gad. la thc llght of a atarvelous biatory lh. deema there la no occasion for the, aew monarchîcal order. God as their king brougit theat front EgYPt. establliecd thent la Canaaa, and rcpeatedly deliveftd them froiii oppresora. Deapite tiiese facto. whea thc Peril cf the Ammonite inasion thrratened the>' clamored for a king. Anal wlît the>' aaked for tii.> ubtained. Tic new era opens. Behold the, kilai! The, nation ja et thie torks o! the road. Te the right anui to thec left etretch moral alternatj-ae. No kingdom aad ne mndi- riî)ual atandseat lthe beglnning ot-ilca- 1 1. Tiilaone alternative: "If >- wll fear Jeoaa. servan. l. aie>' his voire. flot rePtel agginet his commanament, and, li, tollowera of Jei>ovall, yoar Goal." There la eniPhasia ln the hilîli OP 0 f phirases., "1'e4r" lîcre signifieg rever- ecr,nul terror. e -'serve" God. not b>' ainiatnation tu is iepersuaa] acede, bot b>' doiag his will. "Every taek, lîowcver humble, Bsestice»OalUI .tdoeo it free; Evet> deed of love and mercy Donc l uan ladoue ta me." Tu "ubcy" tiie voice ot Goal la ta do rigiit a e. wnon, Ir. Not ta "rebel" la teulie layai. "Followcrs" due, flot sig- aitY gulng with God tram place te place. How did the, coldIerefolluw Sherman tram Atlant. a tetie sen? Shermana dlid flot ridé, et the. iead oflthe army. Tii.>' followed Mbi abecase tic>' carrical Out his plans, dla the, thinga h.e wanted doine. "If" ta- do theie tltinge, wbat? '-WeiLl- Ia hie vehlemeace Samuel daeà net etop ta close hie sentence. We fill Il out be i cause we know, au ail the, people kne,. that lthe one word te be anderuteai!la" "WVeil-" M'4181 enrs: betur, Ibère bai! been praclaimed ftram Gerli ite bleee- lege whicla wouid attend ahedîcace ta the ' law. (Dent. 28.) "If an, iman serre me," said Jea, "hlm winl my fatiier Il honor." (John 12:X.) "If y. hcep MY f cammaadimenîe Ye@haîll&bide a in MYt love." (John 15:10.) Wrapped'ap ilaid thoee worde ar, #Il biceahauge concelaa- hie. 01 2. Tii, atier alternative. 'But if ye là will net ObeY the, valce af the, Lord, but tebel agfai-nt the, commanalment of the. Lard." What'! "Then lthe hanal of thé. Lard wrllie b,&gainet yaa.' Tii, laire of (bcd are good and beaefireat. bat tii.> operate ta deatr>' thonesworbdiaregerl them. Gravitation as a mnechanîcal force- 2iii serv-e lie manwha heeds At, but Il Wi daeh ta0 mIa the. maa whele heci!- leu. Tiie-suanlght gladdena thc whale ey. and tortures the. diacae anc. Tiie tata-crs, gia-ca retarà la kinal. Tiien occurred a thlag mont nnanl. L'hea'e vwaua evere rataeahanaeaIbarrent tIna. -As a rule lier, ilnaraja la pal- «tn, tram tic last oi-April uatil Octa- êr. TÉlie Benon et har-et boginesla Ra>' ar Jonc. SUnh a etoma as ber, de- cribead wuld cane. great damage, the crope. To tb, peoaple. as Samuel ealA, it wa. a judgment of Jehavah. Thie ult>' &oui linA, la ai1l la..andl calamit>' th Pnnieimeat of Goal. Tints la it led Bad 4> P. . IâL w&Ube 4lmghty D.ollar Itpays to use If RIgt., Uma weU.m 111