Them ail when it cornes thihclass ,and up-to-dade meats and groccries.' Iiand us you r order and be convinced. TRIGGS & TAYLOR' LIBEBTYVILLE. 1 LLIOIS. 1IIAILROAII IKATGIIES[ I SACRI FICE GENTS9 FURNISH1ING-SI SALE. A lot of 56 cent tecks jjji four-iîî-ljaîds, <turhig this sale at ..... ............... 25c, A lot of 25 cenît teeks, fionr-iiu-haîîdsf and bowri, diiriîîg this sale at ...........1.15C A lot of negligee shiirts;, were 75v, $1.00 and $1.25, (turig this sale............... Soc Stiff lîusom shirts, $1.25 and $1-50O grades at ................................. .0 BoysI iigliget shirtm, 40 anîd 1Soogrades, t<> C1ui.ý ................... ...........0 I Akio a lot of 50e hickory, workc shirts, notAolwol41- (r (oH stYle ..............30 J A lot of lit werc i5e, 1(à 75v, t'> close. .25C JThesa prices for ashort tirreo SNUTI- &DAVIS, Libertyviile .- - - Illinois. The Independent and weekly Inter Oc.ean both onle year -for Ontly $1«06« . M ST. P. TIMEF TABLE. lula g t S uudy. lRay 17, sp ai 12:01 a. M.# TO CHICAGO. PORM CHiICAGO. W » Ave'.. VIii nOy. Depart F=o New Dospot. ýArrive et New Depqt. l."ve Lib,,rlyvlil Arrive OhioSgo. L04e sobiua Arilve L14irtyville, NO- 134...7:31 &IU. ...... ..... 8:25 a. . e8 .... I&a.amau............ 38ea.M. *m .....8:17e-l........... 0:06-a. 8. 5:3ip. . ........... 8:40P. M. 140. 9:81q3........... 19:816 . . U..... 4MP. ........... 4:2 P. M. «, 4.7:0,2P. m. ........... @:00 p. m. la ...610 D. m......... 6:04p. M. ..... *14. ,09 P. m. ........7:02P. M. Ne0.138 ...8:17ea-m.n........... 10:06e-a. .4Ar4 .1......8... . 10: 15a. M. 81.41...a@:«sa.m ............ 9:10-m. 148 ...7:21) . M 3...........0:30p. M. *1 ..... 2:. ..........:46 - 18. 10 1. I..........7:02P. M. Ij'010o blesgo 1:6 P. m. Arrive Libeliville 2:27 1.. mn. TO CHICAGO. F. ROM CHiC;ACo. wu= EDAT. Wall DCXI. Depart Prom Oid Depot. Arriv, et OId Dupot. boive UbetyvglIe Arrive U8hIccgo. LeaveCableoa Arrive Llbertyville, x81.t82 . e- ýW m............: :e-m. ..... 9.30 a.m ............ 10:45 a.m. 136 ..1:38e-.m ............. 8:441a. M. -Ula :m....... .52 p :36 P. nM, .... 1 .800. 3..........:4to. m.f -la ..54m P. m. ........7:40p. m. ""Ne Trains Arrive or Leave Oid tetion Sods.. mmm 0of Inters eville Readers. Liberyvill Lodgs. WAITDD-ýBoay to learu pitr iIUNSIIINI( COURT No 2s T. B. H. traite. This cilice. I.uuar meetingsilrsi and third Jýa ,BL«1 aculedt ,lhm nibta of oauh ntha xai &IL 1 . B. Lvl acuIut 0b~h ACU E CAMP. No. 176. à.W.b. muetis irgt ib a atalnacb trouble. and tIirI Baurisa ulbto ut emh moliti. AbayoyW5or10isutr. CJOLU'MBIA 4.)O&No. 131 M W W Ahaibo sbrntAr.ndM@ 130445 seucnd ou'i fourth tru.,sdaya <.1 Fred (irbbe, of 1lvan hoe, July 1 . LIIIIOITIVILLE CHAI'TEI. No. m.30.E. Henry Llabuieldtoi recovering from N. ite<uier meetings,. ficeout and 'uîth quitu a sevure sIotuots with lypitoid Tbur.lay eventoo emh mouth. lever. lqtlETDSHhIP ClCir" OFHOSOt ieets lurthBaturljai I<tbtoi.,onh mnthitu Mrt ,J. M. Woôdman sud ehildreu, Woodnei uHall. - or A.0fElgn,.lire guaits<of FP.. utan sd F.XCEi.SI081 CAMIP o. 7. RfaN of A W40th IIrt sud tllrd Tbormday nugte of .,,,u mufih. ltire. Di. Van Nappen, of NUles, tilch, LIBERITY VILLE LODOE. 491 A. Y. & A. M. ta vistiug lier pâreuts, Mr, sud tirs. ltat.l, 'lr1UJl sef$ ,cond lsud fourtig SaurJlay uvnîng i reàch niontui. B. M. Fick. XÔotlo, t', ecretrts-Tbe 1IUliIPEiiZNyT rs. M. P. Andrewrj, of Soutuhlieut, *li V fIpîhilree.ntouoe of. nieeings of ai[l md., la @pouding a 1ew wyods ViIIber IodI,,s aseelatovt. if s'.rtarîe8 iii furulab aismer, lira. 1y (i. Ilolea. 000y or me. EOyom 'Let unelake our photo ncxt wednea. d*ay.IWO vini promise 10 gel a -,-good Dr. E. IH. Smthla soff on. %tva Veai Oefor JOU. C. iIBVCles. vacation ai Clou Haven, Michigan. 4-- Misa Otille Bloob, of Obicago. i. îpeudlug c few wvoet vlber frieut, llibonsKobner. A deighlful progracu ta on at lbe Fort itherJden Park Ihojeber thia vuek. Th1e ad in anoîhor columu tela about A mueeing of Ihos. inieresuti la the Ituprovement 0f Mlwaukue. Avenue ie cclled at homu of Dr. Hezdermon, Bat- Uitay eveaiug, juiy l8, at?7o0-lo0", Misa LydtilBillh sud Ethel Taylor are lu alleudance upon tbe interne- hoi lconvention of tb. Epvorlb Lbague, ai Detroit. Belaie returalng lbey wiii vieil Niagara Falls. New circulei pevs a0laJuttduaign bave beau Cdereti forti . ruhylsisa chuich suti vha nlaloti VII ad t the seatig capaoily au voit as &p- pearance of the. indi"arum. About under the nev arrangeentu. ý 2,i à«iatd a eSne 11ev. YQuayle vinI pieacban -. Fre*g %iuslons - uutioy lorang, Mntili tête eveuiug ho viii give à lacture 0o Ibe fanilons explorer ofaielnDcvi Luvingstone. A collection yl bh taîcu ne for foreign missions. moral.1 ond evening., Tom ooy sud Fron Ul uroa, lb OAeIPOX Pationis, are iapldly recover. log. Tom Sullivan bau cMPIO$el3 recovered, but vii nol ho alloti sc beave 1the camp lu the vootefr lan 0111r wvesi. Th. vo fis$menjui Voie ai uo lIme Vary uerounly ill. 111e local odge oai Mystie Workarîg yl laid a pieute at Laku Ouuneva, Auguat 6. la counjonction Ivish as nnm ber of alber lodges ar that ortie,.liu, duceti rates bave beu arrangoti for Il la deured thalt ther 'abcbuàsgood rep. resnatilon of Libeityvilie lotige, pisn %a go. Tranaporbubion rel Wus &pai. puai next week, Xsch anti very Wednestay hue photo studio lu the Buikley binai le open lor business. 41.1-d a. J. lroctor'a nov bicots la rapidur aiearing compleiiou. The vDlaateu haveaIlulahet eud *bout Afnuslilt the store @houit bu ready for oocpsncy. Wfu. Waroud anticipates bis store viii al100139 couiplebeti by Augual 1. The -emont pavement lu front 0f Iba.proa. toi Block la beiug pnt lu Ibis ,cea. Lîburlyvilie Cheplor No. 438', 0. E. 8. bas ariagudt 1 bh tm sonnuai piaule at Laku Geneva Wednestiay, july 22 Train icaves Lîbrlyville et g:8a. 'sud relurnlug. arrives at i 702p. in, Me. John Autin has-obrgof 1arrange.- monte and hbasengageti a steamer for ail day». Dinner at Olenvooti Hali. ire, oriMfatln$ froinisan unku.ov couse, lu tnei'fl Iaou ne At the si. peut frcigh depat oue day lest veek, but Vaulu bave pravoti ulilt dieutraus. Tva barreascantaiulug kerosene vue burnleg antibois bhoy exploded nem hbey voulti have douc lu a ev moments, vouiti hava aSpresd 1the daines ta ad. Jo)ilug buildings audt he dopoi. Thay vers.021llngnlsbmd vithbdifflcully. The tbriving village of Autioch la al sîireti up ver lhe question af veler Voilsand &flira bitter eanIest the village 1boaI lbas passot on ordnanee provling for %s baud Issue a! 33,500 -u a or a 2 por cenb sai 1ovy 1 reilse balance o! funîls need. et. A vaY vas founutibcado ibis vilb. oui aubznlltiug su s vote 0f11he people, anti vas ac0Mpîitbei aver tbe Preai« deul's veto. The truslmas favorlng hu lmprovemmpat bave the aipoat hunt- mous beackhsg af th Public sud l le probable thee propoieudimpraveiu.ul vilb bucomploflthe critsaI ibm com-. log7«. jAnd5841l ufertvIlal epe F"or railr<)ad use we have llaîmiltoîî, Elginî anfI-V'altliaîn, tie thîree best makes in the land. We have' othtir watelî,tes thîtt foîr praetival lis, art- gii&ranteet-gI,,kj <1igr1.îîî.; Iiiie of watt-h cai.e4 are a pieked liii,' ýorîimitiiig înaiîîly of Boss anîd Crestenît. W/e se'lI a dust proof niâkel case t tat ho ahsohîîtely Uth e est poetoîfor lily niovemeuit. TrRY USBEFORE B.UYING. fOur achool dirootors bave anguedt toaechera for lbe aaming-achool yean. Prof. Kuapp* who la regained, yl leh bmalbemalies in aeveuth Lad egbtb gredesansd Latin in the B igl Scool- MiassEdua(0. BHrrla, of white Pigeon, Mlch, VIII leacb Eng. 11.11 snd biatory la aaeveulb cnd.eighlh grades sud 1the 11ghBehool. Min Butllei. of Dei; Plaines la tb teacli science lu »as e e divisions. mise Myrile Green, et AIblan, Micb., viii inthe lb111h acuti axth gradua, Mina Myra Jobusob. vho us îelalued lhe tâird cuti fourtb grades, sud Umi Ulia itevart the iret snd second amsd55 as belore. wc051* orna8viUIou auMKosj. pees Local IL ---- > - Atulrfa low boys vent dova ta p1y bell. Ailea Snn r te* Ivoc hos i welIt VeTe oousddmbly aider. rhen thor, Wveu maelsemma. as om au t1385 bau a a clamaofpersons voe attracoed af tbe tough orier milé " vory plin Ibal Llbafty vi vas gaiM. Ing a repubtion for 80ughus. abromi, whioh, viii curtatll auteraiy injuie 1Un sading amngtdiseS peue Md deairble reaih laM. I uiayvem sa umbeî ot8Snisy aglpbywuri1 6 tu lroms a distance. Tbuy voile la a large beok MaMntiber vent dova lai aIrait Ibul Ma"* the plamehues vllb yeflin. Vitbout os àiath"dey. vas the Worat vo ha ve ypetbau.The day of rual violait about bu SMe quitl- est o a uthe vaqk la the mentoiy. The 1eai ofIte Béite et Iluais la very explicil an tbe aubjeol: - Whomweer diatube thé paessmi gondi orde tie, aimloi ylabos <(w* af neoealty. andi obèrlix suepbet) or by any amusement oai ivum du s Ou. d&Y. aball bu ftue201nom bedinq Iii. 1 am sure 1 do fnos tcb Mr osAe bu fieti but I do duaire Chat qalult ibonld be ruored go* thaareet an sundey. Yanrs Oincaseiy, T. P. QUÂvr. Bunder Twl. 1 bave à lau"estock ar Plymouth %lSa.,thu but lea-thu -marges, se foi- 'ovins Pr'-e: PXzMoutb bemp .............. 100 I$tsiliai............. i Manilla ........... .. iUj Ml. B. Eoua, Liburtyville, Mm hava Beautiful a la lino ai Up 840-lS Dov matelai. toi sprint Leilen' Tatilr Madutie l aa il moor cheapei Mman ya ouaboy The latMtlkpslig O5phil tuOhom. CAL AND ouo« iThat Co.ék Ustete WlUI R*e« tîIl F Villae ilaBoyani au l NiMbe Dnring AMy Wayne Ooltiyatarte as Preffedeuothe vllag boa ahevis. the aid ef lie. A. B. 000k, perfej~ au arrangement vbfeby the pivj»u. u0u8 01 the laCsM . Ooo'a vili, eau by no poaaible misbcp Minceury, ati a vas hi.@tiesirehlisvainai l sa iii upon tira. Cookm beaCh reveil8 bc S vllge. The Éfeuesn fl en Sicaei of resi-«esttula tie Cook aub.iivlaic by Chas». LVeNaoy aiI. Oalei oui attention bc lhe malter, aMi inveelita- l.ion provei litIMr. Veitiooy hodo su trust for Sb" Village the Cook subi. vision aMi SUim lprovemet&auslr. Cook wvasminatutl la Ibis arrang. mntu, 1ha8 *Poo ber deeth Mr. Cook-& dtieirs vould surely moalogmizu lira, Cook boasoniy Chu igtercal aocruing frontsalua a1 lots.,tme pain. cîpel beug hetd for the village. A cousurvalive malmale à jbc prap.rty ia $Z',000. W bile h. village la obligeédto croic$ and inainlain a 310,00 Ubusr building et corner aofMulvauku sud Caok avennues, unordtie0fuiglisl- part ai the conraeot, Ibis Wini prove no ard- sblp,as nioney aoonmlatui iroamamie of lois uifl bucsaffloisut 80 do ash58 au ta &pare. MO noslen$&ionsiy bave thèse de. Salle beauncrrsagei Chatbut1ev ra- lice lutl vhct a grueS benefeot the lote A. B. Cook viii prove tà Llberty. 'Ville, the Mater beving orne #0 ha gellersily ruggrdut Iimprobable -co tsing subtantici shape. Tb*eattend. cult "peuse bubauaoommdeabWu Includiug re.nbdividing the propesty luto lots, anti nov t le là afhape dispose 0a mtrs.. Cook, ou hIer, tme village may 41estre, Chat 108581m et corner ot!ii>;ullanke Mi Cook aveoas« oniy 01 necemmty bulng reWainut Mr.(Cook corne time beorebia iu.d plaunedti hé llbis i uig.o turc of wbioh la à lares audilin jSo public. gabertagm, seob as lctures0 musical sud Utekrary etisuuum EDITON IND5PM1DB"UT9 Itla iloci 8h. desreaof thé people1 of Libuilyville 8h18 puisons iwella lu &il parla 0f1Ith evaa eli have9 equal righte. Ifel ertaiun ife that 1 vil anst-bu rugartimi as fiag- sIpeCiciprivileulot fotir m*an"t vhm 1 ask Chat the dlubsace cs0"e4by peoplu traelng 80ontid 0 80 11U" Suntiay hall gaem andiis aibous roteg. gamabling andti myra eMliat. litg on bSnnay sflnoo.s, may hu broullt 80 a cloue. Wibtb 5v exu.p. lions turing the luti bell donnen vee every Suaday atteooom ba uno BOyr ac rahoepanle ........ ............... SouPacae Bau Wlgm................. *'Wm m aimetE oUUg f 0058 Sid lue Pcm80dhb" to 15. voiN% S.50, 0017................ Boy'leui O (vusalisd" ghlefiom, u s'Md 9ouw1, vogt m 500 £&ideiSu" »Oats.................. [1811e BOys b"là i iale kilpai WorkIBhiro .......... BoysW Sva"diug Pantsa........... ............... JU dtJnieabi......................... culW '&n'»-pou$ RltUnier Wasa, mo baud ............... Boys, al *au Winds« OU ............................ Mec Double Émet 8nta c aalugs 3 p&U..................... Boys'lmeum Immths, Soes, aises 12 tla2.......... - 64 4 «3805 THEFAIR, Li-rt- -l Donlti but hel e once .thei "ol like - uw, ag your totos and 4 ~bobik. ... SPRING SAMIPLIE FRDCROIKEJ LIBERTYVILLE - - nake the mi ip it e 'id em pock.t- ,Es ARE. I R, Tailor, m TbeEpvorih League Viii give e bcoic imal Sthe cburch porlor Friday cvauing, JalY 24. Ica crejâ nsd cakte 3vili bu atrved. Everybody coma. we ver, lu error ]ast veut in slalIng Ihal Win.Mauanboretia a ll at the Macaroni taoSoiy. Il vas Joli.Gunerla vhbondorthe .voit, vbicb la a gansier, flovibg eWgil fel& aboya graunti. âuuniY MOrniug a$ the Mothodl charob Dr. Robinson ViI procb ou a 1Vision of Moue@," andi ila veaîng. partluniariy 1tu1the yong raboutl..rnoir iteerts.'l Nazi Suiazy Libertyville ball play. are arousa bts vith1the Lake Zurich AtueiceS-at Lake Zuricb. LutaioSn. 0day the home bjo adefeabheetib.Iout. aulasanéIBondout by a score o ai id b0. Conticry ta rumor the, O. & M. can. Ste Car tidti aleeSundcy andi bundretis Who lied planued i vsitlng taise aboie tovua andi more particuiarîy, Foil Sharidan Part vers dîmappolateti. Fraik Pînkeiton, formeily or Llb. ortyvile, bas Iendered bis rualgaclion 80 lbe AmerleanSt ieel & WireC (o., of Wankegau, 1 Ceti a butter posilon as bookkeeper for the WaUkogau Ica CJo. M. McOualg, febier-in-lsw a01tirs. J. N. licCuali, ee Churchill, died t 1hi@ borne un canada July 3d. ir. Mc0uaig vasé à man 09 couaiderabia vellth anti the proporly la0shaieti eqnnîiy by Ibrue abildron. Montay evenlug the strOot commitý. S es avaided la Orrîn Luce theuconîrsot for -b&uling gravai ta bue pub on the @tractls.tir. Lucel lagobault rom cars on thealit. Paul sidlng $0 varIons Pointe ln the village ai 4 unhforin rate ai i8 ceuts par yard. B. il. Miller 1h11 Veek soIt go Mr. Ernesl Freeman, Prasideni of 1the local eiactrie lilbt compsnXy, th1e laI rocant. y7 RcquIred by tir. Miiller ou Part Avenue butweeu Miý- a.Bts Ezila ual4 John Barber'srealdonne. The proper- $y tu 981220 fe. oanelderabion, la siveu as $1,(M<. Tumda's Waukegau Su% caut&laed bue followiîlg. s'OGorge A. Muaon, Who làaengineering theaubaoee obnuld at ive-mlle broui complote vlib 500 btabies aI Lilberlyvle, wV a ulown tOd&Y solucltnt steakol srJpttoou., Thu Su» lbos eniargeath 1e proposed %rck by four milesantid the live mbablus, wbicb aie lauonbia300 slaits, lu litre PraPartion. But t tba n noiabi rben ue coualdersi isthe VS.# The INDEPEND1OT]bas Information of at111 aacier electric rad pi<iject. It la tlibuàathird rail -»amOvelr pru- vao ight.of.usy runing rom i poing on- tbe C. & M. elecîrle roa lu Liberbyvllu uorlthvasrly 10 Lake Geneva, pîagnlg the follaving lakea: gea, . Druce, Faurtb, Sand, Fox~, Pest a obsîJn -ai îscouln Iakee. We bave fi f rom s relible source tuaI ugîueers vii l ar$ suivqylig tberoute louday oai Tunday neXI. Ana ho b lpromoîuug 1he proleet v. are unable Travel is Expensive; TaIk is ýCheap.! Stay at homne; lot your volo. traveli,ifor you. You vil)Se In- Constant touch 'q entire and the oountry with one of our te)ephones.- Buenes Rates0 oie. pr day Muid U>D Realdesa. Rates, 50 par day inug. DARBY BROS., Lt bertyvil le, lilinois. b' ai- Libertyville, Illinois. ln prder to make roo th'e carpenters who, soon commenîce to remoq our room, preparatoiy occupying another roocf4 we find It necessary t duc. stock. This can.ouif* be done qulckly. by a ble' reduction ln prices wNkcbý we lntend to make.- Ttob . will include goode fromIk almost ail our Unes whfn wil be Iabeled wlth Iaig*7 red tags wlth the reduç,t, price. The followlng la a lst of smorn f the goode already labeled with otherm- to.follow: Figured Lawns, Batiste, Dim. Mtes, regular prices 10 to 15c, now 7 to lic. Mercerlzed Ginghams, regu- 1lar 18 to 23c goodu, at 18 anmd 13c. Figured Satines, l2to j8c grades, at 9 and 8c. Plain Satines. were 12c. n»W 8c. Ladies' gumme~r Iiide-rwear;- regular 26-, 30 and Soc gar-, ments. at 10,and 25c. .Plug tobaccos, standard goods. Goid, Coin. Hub, P~ito. Battie Ax and others. while they' iast,_per lb 20c. Good soap, 10 bars for 26c. Corne ln and look for the red tage, they meân a saving to you. Libortyville, Illinois. a' a