i litete tbbsMt ts'gi olnt ber1 le thetm lm tresere. TseyGr S£v it o ia wftis>' bai h m Aàel onter da ras I<eM aentiloe ii veownsjhu teuin km if atmouIteti1 mIn e. M 'W amare e dlas a aine, ek, ae ise; fr a hcntie. 4, iiM repied. y.b "dt" ahaodaoeri t diet eu vereuberMOt Wmi .1tmev..lner "IM et'î sgiae jeune %'y a& laYuRdI Lit aie din «I arsoret sanke n r. meulaieIha v. fi. ai it neel Ms o havajastehlm mi tba wegoud bu,4 bi dila rualiet te bU . tdugi sa 040bv00011 ile ic lisit"*o'. * Aterup nés a&- gmîs -Aussper, tue ili ' mauiilcane 04 M ea Anile ato s&Moent 1hpl requ wï *»Jai rtir'sefor, 0ie aat oaa. fâIlà aM-bY--aier; a jIrorateierqslloal I f 'Ibi" ud h *7~ .otu beor.w Il s b Ias ideni a. reaBrialy i -a ye es vue wa eiaais.nei Tra minletis Srue,' maid ~h.her (isun 1 i ae mil . bot 1amesnu, t au D Ie1 "I ¶q>-be gnt cf il u bahre ot e cia ~ 'ss epAîlet.. gIvl qrell a à' ban euete lt et ai loketup1 'Â.Elit, A qnale,"t wbey'f e led av : abl dcoupleet ta;nL wbo. irernc1hut IN# un t m orii t oWa alen a goot de te Agace putama mmIrateke a o eiimpe -1- <Cmatinu bit an5, towards aternocu. 1 isterulnd asi-M]is4»t. vOis hdi stWwtNL NX nt otaile; then t take an heurand toa urwback tuunc4 ieare lai eiwoIsb"is' cer alnniy, tel- lbe cottage ta0set hou'theil. rusgtuu gl -sdeti>.y mslliusser. Iditetlait. da tihe bigii rond on. a Idreur neartthelb.c~ dm 00, gou ag t i b2belestlad asOrla )tpatii whiiielsd I wuastamlasedhotaervscs-4heIfiihe M fram5 "e',s a. Wouierlbg o.Quetdsud ingry, lth otheaofttsand- Tbe moomet m iodeiî isard,0fulot.- that vay, I co- pleadlng. Wbsn 1 entersi Aie kîtchea tsruutlou11>9 resivd-to sccomlpaur baen elbadgesnr auseui lacreaet tenfoi. me. n ioklfb fr tiiemaster. ve vers mine, elle turnedA n &aelderîr lady-nons cthe, indeed, &bu- alto h*o lhisr 5,4 dvq uaiste ia l long vith iIn- thon oIt Mm. Retruti. George Radl- tise Yog Mog simlt vslked mlotiste reystocla Tou'er. roti' vidowmd mothe-vat standing la remet. Hé b", JatÉisesu dintti, ver. s amin,. cost- theiititai.of tise rom,.whiiteMy'cousin eveins remq, a";,biednover lookWi vy-ceveret villa Allaie, vcrying iittely. vas acuaily on handsoenr or morst borougily et hs 1ou n eminelcer iane.before her! mass là MPaislt. the ti era, UM .Redruth boad Ivo cbavcterlstlci, *Wllr las ssii, glandas Set us pisi.. s@ iniabitant» ef ber confirmet Iiitiheilth "abriron atly-hs vpa .vld.utly la an after-n- i-t ho ha iintelà. vw. er pover in tiie villge vwu er ue-"sther. acyting1 cou do T es ber ging to- Vient; but @lie vas taemut aier tissa for lliai ci jour"SI inlgit, asdu IfUbelovet. Sb. vas à toit, Iinivonisa. 'Master Jarge," gsat y uncle, sea-m upon lier àpeet. vti powerful aquilins tetures and s a «Il, "v4e'nn la trouble, air; la sors trou- t% she pauset, sud f ace et ghgieti> palIer. bl. My Ssugbiter, my kitli Anale. tho crePt nP iu lhe "Vur 1ars don't d'melve In@." mthe ho roWa W*l remenli i icard vas aying. *1 amrnetaso Cm nandi a ".Wbt,"ha erclalmet. "Oa tv h ic m«Id aoftiy: faol. 1 arn smother, sud I kUou' vien troun home, do yionliea?But wvu Then a ligure, danger tirestesas mi ciiid. sud I s.y co a 0m«? Wiialcoua 1 do?" 1trontise tirk- that yen are dole: your hat te entaugle "Nangbt. yen caa't deoanght et Il.",tI luy mon. But toikeecame. Gerge B.d- gaaMy mncle,*liat'@ at IV., al thiswuvan seruth saolinet ha scrîdeet." "The. tact Jes' air" 1Igaat, "tiers l vas utterl>' un_ "Oh, my lady!" ohied Anale. "vîla ,marn olîfn th, tisitlnm etil,.and v.fa setd clos togetls- yen lstoni" vent te fiud eut vho liaI villoin l." or but 1 couit net "No," eleie tuneti. 111 viliinet, Llten '"Andi se yen coma te me! Iteally, 1 bey sait. Pros- te yo-vben evey word yen Ütter muet don't a" tise terce of ail thuéansd I hae ve awsî. snd 1 ha a liaI I bave sean yon vti my son, more importàant Mtehr* teo tain metl" fre. Cessae1te oli'bhla. or I vill 5x9055 y0n He openad tia doorn- d t v, smla between them- botore every seul la the. village!" t. Itriercnestonvu h se- Tii mn tei ha turaetateleavethe. cttage, and . dif ii om n is eas.Dr ine miface. Ila me face ta face iti me. lie pausatlslf teroadth ot.Dr t~ ater sipexclaas-lng the wivlk home my Oncle nîver gpoke. d ruthi, t iemtrPa;ten ibm changeai ber mind, anSdeva mlot a chair, and hîi bis face la, e vithont utering 'a word pommea out. hi bands ig here.- Trelsw- As fer myseif. I hoad ien toc mucis cosshmstupefl1ed t0 say a word, snd 1 stoot Notblng more coulai ho doue that nîgit, t Mycosn omnov, 1'Il agetbea, loolalg e m now atwet bed; but net to seep.w cousin, who. aobblng pitouy ali souk ~Drigtheir uil I freqasetly imard my 'Il sholît have imb a chair. .i1vent up te ber, reais taeevalking viti mesurat tep up 1 oa play thae py!" ber aut toldet ber ln my arm.sud -devu bis rooi, and lu the grey of etter then pay- "Annie6ý'I s»Id, "Aunie, my desr, let te mornsIn ho came eut lea te litchen red. tier. bo an' ed te Ibis. lite me th te kiidle a fire, -t0 gala Anale, plock- right ta proteet yoea frem intltils trouble 1 looketi et ina anti seureely knev tut hamnceame upon yeo aItely. Become iim; bis face vas whiîte and let hîke 0 -f, Annie," said my vite." that of an oIt man. He vas quite celui; te i vas redi te She tared sud tared at Me like s but Ibere vas a a. od looklunbis orsati a yeu, ir, sland trigiteneti cuid. v-l- sie sepke et dep-et pain. 'a *e businss ith I"Voar vite, Rugi?" elbm ailS. "Your SaveraI dais atter that «aS night a t 1requet yen te vital"- letter came treml Annie; Il bore th. Lon- a "Yen, Anale," 1I siereti. "My vifs don potmerlaP*nd rau ai teilovm: -tisat l, if yen care for me enougb, my '*My Dear Parents: . es vhici hae car- teir"' "Do nt grieve about me, fer 1 au tahle aioulders. A ii b eIt cyn feietquita velI andtinla vint et othiug. DO i cheti Il frout bis lan: teaime tenderli.. nt attempt te Bud me, Iwold ha use- 1-pliteS ilev 1 I"AIs, Hugh, dear Hag!" the nsebiet leu;buth I shal aou come aSic, villa uaure big llugth "Yen are Ibmelaludest sud besb mon I* ids biescing. and lieu yen vilI 1ara l vllba »atier aIl tb. #orld, anti Il la yens hindoues vy 1I leftI ithout a word. I amn servi. oE n-ard xD Floua vhicia moas yen ask me tis niov. No goeserry, tfor sny trouble I have givesi Hugii; h ha it îoe have alaj een-ý yen, and hole yen viii tergive me, for tis, ion sconn. sny ovu dear brotherd' the male et the happy daisa ual are gens aut, without 55*an ok. nt ermes. sud I tbonght 1 avay. Tour loving daugiter, l red liebthe d5rk- rond h*W maanhs&Ag nane id.~nt cars rid "ANNIE." fer ms; bar beart -uss viti aanotier -an, M susrnîte oed lcl; then My s a and trembing, sud liaI man tir aboye ber. Oncle teck Il tramn her, lookedet ahIl for b kW hin. but ina as long limet, sud finsli, vithont a Word, f T.CHAPTER X. plaeSd It on tins fre-vatching Il 1111 Il R, à-le.' 1 nata, Aftr thla I vaîched i Aunle a goo teai, e onaumeti. Atter that, for a long b la meine, andS1 %amdicvee h baa lra ime te comms, be nover spolie et Analsal à CIFIS bttelY.andgroinstrobleoabsr bai grSe a gin- but ho droopei lym117, 1'm amn Md,«Wht hve as e&U» na D e eu, ad eee r noter the. vlgbt of Rseamorteaipain. el dpli aw-$Unr- tBi stp*qisse6brvsds4r lquietly, 1______cautonna)__ s?'ý ne - _ lav tearaaudenl-atett0taber ejea. l(obucnina.a ber, sud led buer Ber mother snd fatier noticat tiîs. 0CM IN FRlEND8. a ':otr0 tiec= e t. 0;bel-theî itttlbute thlischange te Ause .la uAuotbar lVhe flhine mite e Word pa lutte uitanotiser cause. Tbey vers gtset' Leive s Vrtus. elalaind Mni. I nl, eing mttna b cant tolka, e ouldali' ceniSer Bnet Kart. 41.4 etliehe a f 62 Walln o!tiiou. proect et a lime; andi seo atiltfanarat iiei y.u '.a' li olae, oatu pont thliîr uiVda aa i yes adre, a ett ale t utu noie.4isujg-loirI>' v b ieiaet**ofa mai. $18w.lRisricb social mccemssmôme-b ",au U'eIft .1 tffjiWage tveen Mailnsd myseit, thie, vhiagnast Iis absurdly agU reon- l nauall>' assumot disaeemet he_ naàt of thse-profits of sulhorslaip. p laibe. " nt Iesi' uns Ivo ta bh Ibscause cf liair iu bis adopteS bhouse laEnglaSuson h alok alter 7w iughts e'atpreselon. etfmrouirtulite anti lattera vara proud l me, ugh' 9" 0n4 aflerneen I wss standing et tie te lne Mn. Hante, and. ittractat by a ilakbars. But Mouth ao! thb.milne vien I wax startled isesnll o e hnb i à fn alier If la>'te audien sppearance of in>'aunt.hs ronlt noestenb bi $oline. ie looke pale; ratier alan-mati but gells, railleS about hlm lu a va>' C Sa esS 0betome.ver>' ngry. wvbl I e eilîlualra&led b>'a shorryI lmage Our o- ",Hnhl" mise sald,-bfore Ihaboa s vbJhbT. EIgar Pembeton hb a lc- e ) oarsef te lheie ~ojieuny lîpe, "viiers h.e Avale?" poratet a lu bisrçcent biograpby et r lot." Rad 1beenauale ki Ibat moment ta Harte. ad compa oiber- pétinesml cousin, *is vonîd rerlaîni>ly aaocao leEgii eo- la touether. Tihe avel"heen rateS veyn ondly; Whraàss, Foeocso teEgIhatr .5,b t nt~ I shoola ai heatian sud l, 1"1 în'î Tuait, vent ta lunch u'lhi Bret lHante colu-psia>'1. mTic>' !kBovl" the. rising anger anti-el>' diiap- foirtha iraIt Uie. Atter a greeting hie l te. sud «Chans- pearei, sud Sbn- face grew paler. Sie boat mat:a et wblci i 00w braillé dovuasudmanel heveen her "aem nrouayou te hie Dualle0f ne h»hiu.îen "Oh., RugIs aie'. genle, gone!" et. Albans." roete ber ruera. 1vas taIn>' synuneil, sud Il I conta ."Oh. ," Touteegaid, vlth a maie,n iLkJ. I1 xpllnei tae Jst tien vas laeomfotnt my tn ol bnavt in elea rce-rtain, lithiese5- vihovau vaeplag biilerly. adWtekiaadn sbee enlea an-im 'acl 1 Im as more compoeS I1asked for an ex- iWbo vaUassumlng aine character as lin a h'& vorl. pînuati. Tise fies vere si mple enougi. tbouhlt. 1 li lx.Atter mi Oncle sud I baS left for the Preatinti>' the acter vas Introducet IX.misip. MY suat rose, expeting te Sund tis e hoBir George Trevalya.a, and hal %nie ttendi t itckhen fOre aligit a isal, andI Anale scan-ceh>' siaken banda vitb hlm wins0 lia lookeilA, 1111e bmli. Oie callei Anle, but tgelnonoa- Hrt ai kl- "insdue- -.ve,ier -aasMeine iecotage, bt lait- 'ne;" onit likata-Iteueju1 Mgi>t 13me. Wh.s d tta Int ,ber. haverai heur pissat *I ol tetuItoueYUt sbliau boneay>- avj. hie vent dèwvna ho ie vîuase Ceont BIsmareIn." enti mate scvrsli nqulries, but vitis ne ajs"ssiTosaaiiunn of thse way vli requt. A unie boai not.seusa by snoi- ho honevdOaaer. "Ho*v nan>'mors of i,' souevliiat té 0n. chah dii. . -_ - j on bWre 'tierg? Wbere le-Van ioltkl le slang vitu me tIaving toIt ber tale, lai soat ooket for intance?'r, b,I 4mai 510g, Iaetus% lopiag tuat'I igist lie aleteu reHarle langiati; snotlt Travai- lli zmiomlng. 1I ay berftaira for ber chilti van-Miutona-à santa," m@ho 8id. e. I couli 11t;0h; itillatnt Icuitteoyan. A couetuan la alloveti centaint igv-mintse lotîewvasta ceongsl alleos, andtahotry 1t aneuy Pn-vlleoe. anti Toute'sremarla, vw rthse liat. 1as ber O tnpuihope. I persoatiet ber te rs- c0osîteret as mers pleasantry. peset lait nlgbt, tues bomea. But ltn. day 'vas finished "But," .ait ha, athrvart. I bat no ynud anhb veu fMr me. 1 couai do setiilag but tbalalaIdesa wUtaatifont1 Iwus asakng of9 a nteceisat" -et Assis;he lis tltomse trugalad ta myslt." I fer mer îisaL .taits posaession of me, bue I tillgenhl>' At table Bir. Tenegasata hoe ms u 1 S. Annla; if ho Iruit them avay. I voi not hliave vho utl nazI ilu, "Wino la the gentlo- let bie. I ba» lut fmi couin.'1 raim brait! ' About five 'ockl my Oncle came OP man Hante tatrotucei te mae-s1t. Anale emplorei a tramntue mine, and I propaget htvs Abans?"- vords-shm ecrled. tmoult lanocla off von-k for tb i a. He "Tisa Duke ot St. Aibana." vas tbe lisaru me; ait I vas la aingularli gee<l spirti. As ve reply.,, 1 dit; stotbe g mydev isar a thle cottage, *ybhart boat ".Adthlie -an oppelter ty cheil, tellmri'-palatulliand orvil an sent la I looket "RIEerisert Bîsuemuin tise prizeeVs ,iaI t MMvwu thé. uaalomsId'about me. Je vomnala tus "IWbar lietus ltts vomn T'askat5015 mecs., A»àe ii iméiî st w a e 'mt Soya ta ourMui. "No! Belij T' Y op il ma Ibrengis I mian>' a sface gucu' van pals, "Oh. je.."' - >utl mie turneS hra n-adaianiveret ai,-."Andtelie mn allang ho blmr a "mI. "hto goosnisal>' as Possible. ,a "ir George Trevey." ('. al, mDat te toila. no "lie haiaaoul!" I'vas nover Moeotlum ir wd tait niur Wlaia the masot vas ovfeu m 1un%,Teute contasseS aflen-vard, vinen tell- 1 aid, "If ioù n a ejhlai ta bie seuilcutol, vent tu- viii depget upon lie Laitheen smoking for an heur or are anjhisUgabout mors.,visena s nocla came te thia laiheeak ofisi &,Mta fI opitai. lest thlaHue, lteur; tiien ltheduer visopenet, sut lu Tire Mm l ive iuàitihouuint main, anti yon are cimms JohnRa t. BHetl parnta for pilla andt tea tons of eCotigislssas vwi knowv vyist mi aonat, vilcbho eliverii; ho ciallet ste dspeilUt evrj yer allihe Lon- 1ur>' meotherSsii fer i fev minutes, .Iie hosprapsimil te don.- - ney-v mils.oftlint, 476 h, tear Hugi, gs 90 Ris 4b14tu Oas e le cO f th. mile. et bgndages, alosiex tons Of -cet. - 1cou, vian b. psumitatnsd leoket hacla. ie bimts 0,cr m "aiml alasie h, "vuha Menton voolé anti min. alle. of iiltr lte my face Wtse a Avale.gantr are use" annualj. Every day but - Iume-okead up curulsy; mu a ton of lee anti 400 siphon* t o a 1 alS; "iot ortv- ,t,,,s iseela <meau, ,i-bits awnv.alaler, andtInha a ear tise eueause, Ir man. I vou'î do 0s mo'. placet endi téeand, veultiextendt isx: ire , îou Wlasr h h ai ne v oi" tierepeated, sund a hait mlles..- Y& or o se imater hslPlemly. kas vent on et tise 'lis!"continueS Itetti, I aeen hem Ibis As s es bsîtute. or' mer. 0. a. acée !Pis rever bave brougit tis. ino reit valsers; thsat vint bath brois- on t" is t u thée ustofth ea.-se kW. xxvii., 26. la tie, ciaptar frolu whlis lihe taxI M talken lis> pleçaure Ievbng City ef Tyre lsaompered te a shlp. At Surait ~lOtIQ44 proai, <allant, and tison is niiItd. 811'ngig, lent "Brokeniab>' tle sui lthliedeptia of the valais." Lise. ollQys the bitter vsllg et thoge vo bave aufferet Ioue or bu- reavâmentanti 50 tiestan-y entis. Tise tntrait betycen the Ive couft- tions et tise alap la no greaher than tiaI 70 oten meat la human ltar. Multitudaet ofyaung umen Imalté s 'air stan-t upou tluelr voyage, vils ev- auj pr'ospect et sue'eess. Tiay bave tal- ent, euen-gy. beatm, an indnt; ap- pareutly tine vIndsaran- favorable, lise am amoots; ano clouaIs Ileck their bon- zon. Buh as hume paumes ouaneas hem ln-ltIng frein tie sinon-e, ouI lote the deep. dan-k, troubied wtIers, trer ne the teuspeat, the 'vimipoal, anti te- itruclien. Thena tlents -hava beau suaedereil, thea dvantaeuicm vsteS, the cament' bînteti, tue soif ail but vn-ecked. Itle a5 terrIble conîrat, bul one liait la net seldeus mei. What u-lh the eer increeslng houri at bion-, and the nmore libeal mages -what t mtheticlaxît>' of parental avenîlgit. anSdlise Ilandiabusenta,' pre- tenues andtinsdet ofvîcl-miaî miti the prevalllng lenieucy tovsn-d wreng- Iolug, snd tha v)deapread Indîfferance no tia restreints of religions, ve ued sot ha murpriseti 'vin va are telS Ibat ian-e bis reeently beau au enermus grewth lu crimse. espeeial> ameag Ibm Young- W. sala vhence Il crises? la th enxIt ha wneck appenra t0 baya been attrlbutable 10 "lie rov- Who, tien, an-e thaeemoyen! We msj. luthe fln-aI place, regard, %hiu aa anas compenlons. Our cempanlens exereise a vas; Ia- finance over us. uncouicleus Ibougi It Se. Our- nature la secill vo tarin tMlendsulpa;,andti ten ave are ewayed bu thein. rt ia difficuIh te stand ount aiait the cuarrent andth te tISe. A groula af colilge boys togathar vili engage ltaflle.anS mine vblcb no oe of lineir number vouidti IbnInof cous- ssiîtiug asIe. Tiec ny la "De a minI"' anuthIb peor veakîing, vlth bIndeS oses, aut hlm taIse conception et min., iliesa. ploya "the fool." 11 Oins cnuing kmae.among bard wouket clauka or povurl>' stricen la- bo-en-m vli entaugle them &ailnlubis math of tIsboneat mchease., claver hy- pocrisies, andt minousle. An ItIe set of test yeung mea can eonceive crimes, lay planapan-ton-m Sece, mmci net eueeoft leus couiti yen-k ont bij imef-vbIcb yet viii cest humiliaution upon a 'aniole cous- mmnît>, ant wreck the livas et ail con- cerneil. If yen maie ceuspanlons efthte de- praved jeu 'viii anti lubeing Sepraved. "Ive 'vitithe 'voliv," mys lie Spen- lob proverb, "and you wmli leeru te bevî." MeutlI power- la not prot against suri Influences. Il 'vas lie vils smuggle- beys et Klrla-Oswald vho lad Burins astray. Celall ntith msan a friand vie, 'vile ha takzea is stand by yeur aida. mloulder te sioni- tan-, la tasuptlul yenutle struction. Fn-rn sncb 'taise triantd s a>' GetiAI- ulgil>' save usaail! Again, tisase "rovers" mn>' ha me- garde nema ann's ovu appeltem. lied haî pis het centain Instincts mad propenalhiea ,In- oar nature, anti Ibey bave ticîr plnce la tie ecesnomy of our betng. We muet mal anti drinka, ant ha bouad together la. demande rea- lin. Hern-lu t a nlaturel joy ot lire. ýBut Gad punishes ze1etd8ri metd passions bava teflnîle limitations and ara te be kept under atrirt ooutrol; Ibey eae be mubordinate, not an- penne. Nature bas ber lairs, aut via hy are Intrînged, aie puniees u-Ihooî hesitation anti vithout re- ihors. Exceiss lasin. Excesla veaknassn. Raexs. las SIi. Oasr songit bap- pluassflu dominion; Bn-tuns lu <Ion-j; Mauhcnj Ir.love. Thea Sut-toont In- gratitude, tiesecondtireproed, tllst iagrace, anti each destruction, becasa aclh vent 1teecee. As aresuit et yielding ho tue lc!vem ature me ma>' rasid lnever>' taon. et lihe daâ jâIsapa alon i Iet fcrImes; a >'outi robbsag hi. emploern; a gIr] M-n lg ber home'.ciidren catinif =Ir parents; z vie leslg hum L. yne; oung mils gulty of betrayal tissemlen. anSaeu murdier. 1.. PosslIjnet cane of tlie. lagnltai bock over the peut theu are bewIlter id as Ibey h>' toemclliehefln-st t&Is ttp. Ithmuet searalke a fnigisti silghtmore se Ibey ruviev tis eaveaa vlci lad. I1111. by 11111.10 listhe evs talIon oetho-day. Doubtlesathi. vhola bistory mlgbl- be-.à op'- -ia o sentence, "lie revers svapttiens on.' Désirs, appetite, litnsImesunscoutreil stianS tbbs came rein. Whousali voikeneti .hlp passe@ onttalithe ei %thée vive.seaotliltishe 'vilis lt« il, h. Soces.pi e s revcep, tii vibere rush la ante ie bp go..Semi Yb"dutllows bitter lamentation. Letlci showy on a pleturs. Au r m and breken hearltewman site lo-ds, in ber « cimster alcnie. M.eismlcaîî; ieé lunath. louves of aunidh uori , D9let 1h bai beaula bai failirte When Voltaire vn-ote bis "Candide." in vislci occurs lie bit et sairs *boutl the eilIs trempa meeting eh ais-han, rmoagt efthons vihut moena' uagh to pay ton- tueir tiluaer, tiare vere. aI tbiatthlie, ne lessas lelgil detiseonet moisarea antarIng sisoUt ue'opi nome0ef liens la grel pavera>'. If ve batl ne tallags eo.sclves ire uboulti o take se, muis pleasume la godnt ut imietr lers-Roeiefen. wrèugbt bian Cannet oiprahuuti ti Meaualn;tiste bok failli trou huaW nervetisa graap. ville tii. hot tsars pour davu the samn face. Cmi yoag wonder at ber agony? It le her bey viso Ja, accatiet 0f a tereible crime-ber boy. au young. andiIaui some, and wlnalug-ber -boy, vsba hold positions of trust andi honot H la locked Up like a econon talon., &M the Inova no! what tie end may b.. That-lsa a lltue. ept ouly ef one,, bu of many motlftiln, ls u cruel, cty ta- day. Plty titan and pîay ,for hheml The lassons gvein plain. Thsy Ar,* thème.To avolil 'aivl asseciatos; te, enrb our appoiltes: tu keep under Our hodies andi brlng tiinilnto auibJeetIoB We marllsteu te Naî,olon-bettet ai.. 'rimr tisais ezenîlar as ha admonlsis.e bis brother, King Joseph of op"s.-L " have only ou.ecounsel for you-De master." If wa vish to keep a straigbt courme ln osir voyage of lita vs muat carry witiiuns a Compasa, a chart. au Aaehor. and a pilot. Tha.coanpaas la the Bibe; the cbart l he achurch'st tacbing; the [anchor là falth ln Qed; snd the. pili la Christ bluself. CANNo::no:IT8OUTGoa face as a min apeaketh unto bis triand." We Conut do wltiout lied. Tiie mental and aprltual mnoutioetAmerlea lo onaetfcravlng. The neet ot thse heur la a new, freai assurance 'that GoÈd Iues commune vltb.flis, servants. That lis the ratson tiare are -no many Ilalaners lis tic propie ef tatil doctflas tru this country. Men are eger to Ilsten tu the volca ot thé man 'vine apeunka vitilautherity. aven tinough that nutborlty b. spurious. Wheu we ara moat aiens vs ore leant alone. When va finl nrnola we are lnin ommainion vîtls God. 15 bas beau the custom-,to criticîse thes ruggad religion of the'Purîtan fthers wIthout glving tieu credit for ils strengti. That streugtii came tram the tact that they kuew. ach by ncii. tie Coed whom tbey mrvad. They en- durati hardship and trouble unàtlneh- ingly because Ibm, bad founti thair Qed. In thaîr da". davotian va. best expreaseti lua olitary prayer. Nov ve are déendeut on the teatlmony of oh- ars. This la tbe day of Conventions, of great meetings. te Iltan te nome ou* cise luterprat klois aperleuca. in r.- liln. Bey salil va gel this face to face commsunion viiels our moulearued? W. must came ta Hlm who han vItnasad lie Itather. We have coma 10 helleve that Christ iad tha secret of religion. of trnlh. If any ons. can lend us lna the Presenca, It lu Chrst. Christ bad tha vision ot the HIget. Go Iot; Christ han Hlm. W. bave Chit. * Thera ara othei ways o!fafiding truth than the baating ont of Inductive arguments touchlng the realitles of life. You.maast brIug somet2slng te tthe Vision or It wyul pensa yu by. W. t.él Ihat Christ moites a certain damand upon aur renson anI aur hearts ho. cause of EHi ltlmacy with tba human seul. Hla varda neyer grow oit. Hia teachIug keapa pace always with bu- moan exparleuce. The cravlng attar God enly God enu satify. If yen vauld inSd Hlm, com- mune viti Hlm. be as a 1111e cilt- siple, direct, aincere. itememiser lie la net star off, but vary near. Speala 10 Ilm faee te face. E'very man eau mie a eili cf bis seul andi rise an alta, there.1 I supposa Ibat tien-e must be brolten hearni. 117 0'vncountrymen are semae- wiet giaomy lu thelr oullok on Ilit. but ber. yen are buoyant anti cheerful as If dllant otf(ate. But sometîmea oven you nwust tec-1 s If tie mun ougit net t10 mine. Tien lesthe ie mata yeun ieed. -lid. and tien m-e pirItual leader cau blp -yen. Tben you neati ludividual communIon vlth Go&, "tac. te face, ai a man apqaketh te his frleuti."1 Bow doyas, thotagb under tise *cross-lise cross vlI aneynanti Christ vill hear yon-tisa Christ' of Gaillet., of ta-day., a eternlty, .1h, Christ wbo sali:. "Coma unto Me al ye liat labor andi are heavy laden andi I viii ive yeu resI." NATION'S DANGERIS. Dy Aaer.MNeoursP. RepaIes True patriot Is snet a lova for cer- tain tenrttry boundeti by rivera. meus- tains asd mess. fion doem. Il always maa steadtast loyalty te oue's natIve 14a&- Somenofethle bout patriote our nation bas lnowu came tu us front rsitar, leavlng tleu .nahlve for an a4opt- et Country. Patriotisu la semetblAC *more thaun gography. 1. Ames ta a God's chosan lant for the. * ervin Iqfet hq 'veut. Our couury'a 0"ta anxlously 'vatng tllat'-va do ami, Rire the anelent nations, kIn Iis prophets andi shona the at aeHa*end* unIon.i. Tisone ta neeti for tisa patilt- pittalta by- wblcis our n-public la Our. rounteti. , It la no OutpIie force, ne foreigu fe, I vio tisromtens Our talr laind, but an Inner mmeae, au lAternai threat.- a W Canoet mucis longer allev la'- e- tesaes la -high placesteo go -unr- .bukati. Tii. awfui uanibiing mapfa l- tint blas laid lis defling baud upon ena' ,youth must ha madie te lomen Ie Pdam1lng bolS. The raigu cf terner la 0 lb eanins of 3mapta1 and labon- muâi monah. meaih. 1Z. 1901.irasa. saias....... 46 8$3 S56 91- Te Miamnri .... M 70 VU 93 78 'aillornia ... .72738Te si 6 7m Inaiasa:.. (0 @4, 82 90 70 Nebraskaa.... 90 94 9N et 74 Oio .. .. 62 si 78 es 74 Iliisl . 75 89 'es os Peaneyîrala 0 0.- 99 la go e Oklahoma ...li0 93 8 se as Texan ....90 a7 52 52 la Tenesses.... 68 76 CG w0 M Michigses .... T 5se 93 W .12 UnitedS Sats. 718 82.2 77.0 88.3 78.2 Tisa average condition ocf epring wieat en JuIy. 1 vms 85as compan-otiwith 915.9 lait month, 92.4 on u l>'1, 1112, 16.61 on lily 1, 19011. iandàtan yean-aver- âge, ef 85.9. 'Tie toIlcwlng table aboya tor n-cr o! h lirevaprincipsl apring viiest Staues tse conditioun o nI>' lu ein elih01the tst Ibrea >'aiuandti Ibt on lune 1. MW0, vits thie îeu-îeer Jaul>' avcrages: This Lent Juuyl. iln, Tea. Mentit. Mentet. 19112 IVOI. Tenr av. Minnesots _84 9M '90 go 87 N. Daskota ...73 09 96 100 85 S. Damkota. ... 8 100 Dé 100 4 Iowa ...87 91 Gi 92 03 Washinagton -.80 ) 9 93 93 94 United States.82.15 M.0 92.4 95. 85.9 Conabinmt Wimsl Avera. l'h* averaste conditiion on July 1 et apring asti vinter wvisal cmbinet uas 80, as compareSt vitn 82.9 on JuIy 1. 1=0,and IA >11on luly 1. 1110. Tic amunt ot vieût remnalingia thle bnds of fin-mon-aon Juli 1 im esîlmate i about 42,500,000butalesequivileul te about 0.3 par cent ofthle crep et Ian- imar.ý 'rie average condiion et tihesontcrois on ul 1ty n-as81.3,ass enaupairet itIs ME7.5 aiue m.tuh iag', !J-.1 on u l> 1, 1W-'2 8:1.7 ou lily 1. 11901. sud a tan-yesr av- erage <,f 87.8. The' foliowaing tabile shows ton- eaiiJ et i-leut priuncip.al ,sut lMîsca lie condîitIionuaou Jis-la i eccofeth@i let nbn-ci'years, îandI ual un lune 1. 19 a.nd tue e Ic-yer Jutl> aven-ea: This Laal lulyl. Julil. Toms- noutai montai. J19-01 aO. ici- av. Ilinoeis ... 6 79 el-I 78 8 lova ........ 88 9 07 12 93 Wincon.ln ...W ls n00 us 92 innoesota .-..7Ki 0 96 De 90 Nbraska ... 90 90 9 84 $6 Iniana ......73 7 905 sna w Ne Yor.... T7 a9 os 92 1w0 Pennsyluvanie 91 77 Ill) 1ka 88 obi. ......84 74 '88 Os ce Mielga ....-87 5 lts9 lie 9o UniteS litten84.3 8an5 92.1 3.7 81.11 'The aven-arc condition o~f harles' in 86.8, against 91.5 <une suosîh ago, 03.7 o l' .1,1902, 91.3 at lie cornespoud- lux date in 1901 andti Ianyeam aven-sieý Condition et ttier Capes Tise average condition etfvlanter mjc la 0.2, ai eompau'ad vltb 91.2 on l>'1. 1002, 03.6 aI aie comn-aapondiug dte lu 19Q1 anSp a teeyear aven-ageeot 89. The averae codill ofetspring n-j a8hz,- as compameil vilh 80.3 on Jul1,1 1902. 991.3 an lie conreapouding Sale lu 1901 autd a 1ew1yemr aven-aie ot 87-5. T'h, scresge oet tax is' about 50W,000 acres, on- 13.5 pan- ceut le.» han thut et la euxjean-,sdtie condition ia 86.2. Tie acuesie ot tobacco l aienot 7,000 acres, or 0.7 per cent grenier than tisat ot last yeaur, andtihIe condition la 85.1. T'h. acreage et potilcmesatclndiiig svelit polatoes, la aboot 49,000 acres, or 1.6 prtcoullets tntisat of etlast jcmr. Tbs average condtiin et palatie» on Jtuy ivas 88.1, a. compareS vils 92.9 ou Jnly 1. 1»b02, 87.4 aI' Ibe cern-capond- log tatejus 101 anS a tan-jen- average of 92.0. 1 The ripait».tsinclloisfruila and varloas saluer creps, wvicivilI bie pub- lashet ln detail iu the Crop Reporter. im Axe*"l theGlobe, The iorn. proemteil le tIse Presitent by' tue citismua ef Douglas, Wye.,bha baee litalled la tue Wite Houée sta- Union carpanlers ven-king fer Cou- trsetor James Il. liste. 'lin St. Josepha, Moc, ref useit horetsihçon Ije caîl etflth bulliistradla4euncil. S.crmtary cf Vile, Navy Mot>' bas o- deradthaeos oiirts f Assistadt Psy- us.Ioi--Piul - .Dois», eIssngel i- i embeenent of $1.800. Týweasty-fttur mine-e voue killet sud .about lStj senloneli vountiedti lan ex- plosI ofeSas IuLits Kaperauzais ceai came,. aur Barstocnea, Mexico. . TcmiasePatte vas tudictoil at New Yon-k on a chargietfmon-tien utisa tint degrone la cauting tha dentS etBenedietto Mateala, viose bod>' vas tounti tufféd la a barraI Apil 14 lemt. Bxocuters oethle sataie of C. L. Ma- gqe o! Pitteburg -have saIlleS tIse Sub vîitn Dr. Walter Ç. Brovning cf Phila- dalpia over feas ton- services rendier-& tha gIclapoîhilcian bu paiiugAttomnaey William B. Retigen-., couamel ftonbie dcc- tir a varrit for $U,000, tise amoualt et th@ recnt ivard cf tue Alleghany Couat>' Orpiss Court Jutiges. Tii &MnounIttletlis original claime of LW Brovwnigt telIp aate of Mr. Mage. eviat lm. 3*,000 e silal aslss i. ~ ~ ~ ~ u &1br.es i.iu adImmqa cbbit mlaspni sd I "ISis M41 toris. 0f tii.coort. Tii.crowde ot <nmnap. il e ii.iscoalliios vues surpams.d by tises.ou thie ie I ,toian Jubiles. Iorl a brlllant apeeticle. Thbotat ata son pore'd Ibrougis tise S"las.rof o station upon tii. vaiting gfestýa, i wkem lnsîde ttie roped Inclosurs Ont plsttorm yern-luuniforu on-lu court di'ess.King Edwsrd, sceompanlea lb> lie Prince ut Wales, ipisean-etion lis plenform juas liahepremideuts Itrai. leetop. Tie King von-e a liaiS mar- oiala nuilor-us. iti lie grsud cordon Of the Leglen ef Honur. sud Lia lriasee et W~alesa aspunsaeulin lia uniforin ot bis ania as s'uni-si. Tise King aa-pped ton-varS se the Prmsl'leot alighted aniSaboulabanda vitu hlmu repeatedly. île ahen i laroduc els Prince ot Wales. Ibm Dulie of Connaugtl the Duîlie of Cambridge, tihe Dulie et Fife, IPreierBalte,,,, Farelgu Sacra- tan-y Lanadowne. Field MabiaIlIRob- eras and ethers. sud M. Loubet tien pre- senteS lie maisiiemi e! biasaute te tiie King. vewo a bauds vilieascii. A Isiet and formai inspection efthtie gusrd or beonrfolloyati. &tier vblch King Bd- van-S anS Preaideut Loubeat, logotimi viitiste Prince oe t leiaaandth le L>ule o! <'onitogit.culeredaSs iaxte ci-nage and yen-e tiivea te St. lamas' pilase. CHRIBTIAN ENDEAVOIlERS. 20,000 Assessiiet lains isteitile convention. Semethini like 20.5510 viletrs satu- oreS lu Daenertforlie International Christian Eudeasvr convention. Tiiey caie f romt aIl parla ofet tcton-Id. isiclist iug ludis, China. luai, Non-va>' ad 6Chern-cudae, COC-a tries, and represet EI2.l 0 C e c t i em This indicates liaI li0 te gmuvlb efthle Chistimaan EnSauver inmnetlcealla- ue'm Nearly 2.000 Denver- people lued beau sworskiug for .Vt. DU. ClAMaI. yacks te ieaore tise suecelis oethle cônveution. and plainsvere mota te rare fer 273.090 aiiten-s, tieugi unS1>' su 1111111Y van-aexperteS te ceme. Fittecu aresmaoetgrosseS nean- lie City Prk sbaSl beau net saute as a Conventiona camp, andthle genainil meetings vaee hlain a large tant, chrialeneil "Tout En- <ber.éý" aaiarbgaae sittini eSs " 10000. Tie ibig lama; vas surn-oanded hb> mnaliar one. anth le enth-o grounds wve biiiistl 'igtiteS Wviti eicctrcitj. ha"" chu-chas lu tisa City' vane tiroanuopen tu Enteivoer fr, onSitate heatquarenv. The opening sessien vas biaTalhuis- dayi, tollein-ine a-saaeting Ofthte truste.., vuen ethlcers for lie eaung tIv e crs -tome elecleti. 1ev. Dr. Fraucis H. Clark., vie orgau'iod thie fin-t Chis-ltian Bn- deaven Society att Portland. île.. Feb. 22. 1481, va re-elected pneideut, anS, W. Shaw tréssa-ar. Thîe preseait seOnetat>' bi Vap Otten 'oglst, vise vasehosien b>' the trtitefs orI>' ah tu'vmenti. sego t inn-cee5 JohnWiij Ih en. I'eitian Clan-k fermal>' opeueiatIhie cenventiou anS attresres cf velcome worm SaliveraS 5>' Gev. PeabodY ton- tie demIe, 11ev. IRobert F. Coyle fer tie ciuftcbei and William I. Sveel. ciîirmîn, for tie comesitte et 19M. Tic Says folleving voeecrowedwetvils religions senvices, nissionan->'ralieasaSd attresses on loiirs et luteresl leO"tue ociahle' b>' proimimwut clergyman -.JtiS cther Chistian von-ian- froulbatl paltEOI q tue country-. Ilamttng Newqs Items. Etitepia*n rajiaibeing cemplehte. Americana are oxplitini tintkingdomt,,. lyeWmiï'er Dawson eOf ttui~c J., assisant agent efthle b6ârMýýcbiI- dran" guartuaiasqf -LeSm C!o", lombla, v» is drovat aICape >, NJM Colombie,'s courul ganen-al te Londok "mysu nep lutertimu' tiat If the )'saàm ,anal lreety la defetat in the Co1lutiia Conure«a a evolutieo iiesan t~ tain. The coroner', laqucat oDver tise bOdYie William NaminîoAnaconda, Mont, l'e- suIteS Iu an scquittai fou Mns. ]»Ut 'Kirk. vho vaa unter arnest for Nemq'g murder. lih la nov bellevelthtit he late là, Certes Josepb Owen Brown et Piltabui, Pi., wm ie 55 uttenli Min-ch 15, polacu'- et binaîlf te ellcape polîticlans, sudthe.~ coroner- aleuvesmateing 1the Csam KiBn-cati et gleveand, Ohio,cane et tIehstiet ighten-n et his virit lu 'tbo Country, W'v i baS eavenbeauin accbi- compishali ont, was lealy inoeket eot' et Butte. Mont.. by Aurella, Barra.' Bakenafàeld, Oi loba BroyaSit, s molettîe baisaiaA, der sentance oet sti for th meur De,- 3. 0. hcuim7, a white COotableO04U, Geergatowia, #_C., lulm,89. leti I1'.. 861l1,1111 eev JilwI*p*Îît, iBuchanàn. »,jur" M*w aeflseesain:uc.aiel -Who&$ à ommklga u. lultheBUM& prolb.iu.vy st«ra.to tii Oblat or th*. bunau of statsties ofthe. DePartcmPt 0f.grektr iou' the aeosse oi'co pilaMeito bc &bout SAO.00&creu. a docrae s.et about 4.200900acrea. oce 4.0 pu nI t rm*earsa plantsd laitlear, as ve'výidl% Decmbeu Thae rage aodwton e thse grovins crop. on lnly 1 vas 70.4, i uompare villa 87.5 on Jbly 1 1OM 01.3 aet thé corrupe.dins date la 8901 and a tun- year #avitflagi an.&- The. following table shows for ach et the tvmti prlacpAi corn tites the. Bcrtabe qompaisti Wutiiial of lait yFar m0. a percentage bail, Md the.condition on iuiy 1in eacb of the lait tarée.reses vla Li&a ton-year Jly average: - Cndition JUIy 1. Acreaseompared 1 vfhs laI er 90.10. 81 .iIsi. 97lies8 9i-1 "87 0 lowa... M, 94 9080 7 et Ners au - 75 90 'es et goasa 90 738 go 74 es uiaaenvl.es8 74 102 Io el Tx" .... 10 am 41 04 SI. Indiens ... 95 Te 90 et- se 1ergs.... 101 5m m8 m m Tia.. .946 es a Me 8 Knck ..98 82 et Se 90 Ohio . 93 75 87 la de Aabaa ..i1 92 77 81 87 N. Caroln«.. 97 a2 os 78 92 Arkansas ... 97 77 87 71 le isiapi.101 9t 09 es es Vgia ..97 84 98I 92 91 o.Cln.. L w 70 g98 el7 off 0. Dakota :"D 8 7 8o a Oklahmna .. 95 85 99 82 92 l.nsianla 908 114 82 871 8« Uaatiao 95.5 -.9.4 875 81.8 89.8 Condition of wlnter Wheut. The iversg acondition ef vinter wheat on July 1 Wa. 78.8, as eoxnpareti viol r-.2 lait moath. 77 on Juiy 1, 1902, 88.3 on July 1, 1901, and a ten-year aversge of 78.2. The followint table shows for «Ach of tise tweJève principal violer wiimat, Stittes the condition u Juli1 lu each. ofthle irgt theme yesrs and Ihat on Jone 1. 1003, with the ton year Juiy &y- orage$-