ta sgolatm, am tu hom Ofti04 oinu *8 Se& e l5OUateu llS F hf father ,etura. te Sud n, P Wu failr. Word via lwrouat tue.dame tbat Ieson hbéle;' ~ v I. lN*as. Th* odier- u = .04dhomu.e e te*.d' W Wblere his tathr vus living. eati .wail utsutui.li., Ti suted fe o 107amudthon -mi, ig 9l60o*4 arn. ç* CA uii-É& 8Vu8 P41UI wïàt AW,.tltaàeter"t Ilb ab g*ah vylug of the sè pus or the.nolgla fand the 81. ogis om 81 cs"uatoïrriued it thtd eo sâ.1 titi loftthe e eauLied Into th e te- Of th. .liditafrlg vlth tie performmrs »ctee.u.d. eud fer ia inhle i dis- is. iunutIi.' direttor of me', éreedt bnd to trlke up. frenied crowd aras calýed buck eau... meer tdioapaibeaCherre. TW. R. Perry or Punon ,cotaty, cY'. arfived t Harrisburg wvin ài afor Rley Ver, -<.4 tcok1 ,k to. Kentoeky on s da4rgè of w. About a nioutla ugoMm. léàu of Sturgis, Ky,, $511,4 r- g Raelb..m.b»rreguhww ,'cir.T4yheti511lu love sud spled. ttbe vomnu ad hotu 4ud 41vorem. Atâlb, ine of lie0fiom trin sr onner tbbmu 19eO&abltilo8W 10 leursold,t edwged hi mm s . i ovi. otstaVieket tth* iseinl t uu te op te Ksstucky s»à g« M. mote. *aà uupected. e*4 w#,Uxmcki Aesm ,hiagi t biset 81. bar -wé 4ê1.eu&t md to civete .bay4por rttura 0M vshu reajuistnq, *04 h. t 1 moeueaw pap.rer . m 0180 .Guesther. Pros. doted voua- sels attire aud vas arrsset B. X .Ï aà.hreu bIlitf oder .e locmmouive lu Chicago aud vue cutAc, pleosa. loumis Wagner of South Chbcaog)We à hall -pait« IMi 1,00in îold, vhidi lho etarted 8tub. 80 ta Chcago, mi ele,P.a tbt f cm i rai us elfeted presldent ituliosLol I. .Conoiaic. uattorney et fairgeld, *botad ferlouisl3i woudIJ. e ÇyCeva., IL fo*nture dealer cr the village. ý,' ' 'it e terted i à cieset by frs, A. Oumd of Austin, Whit esrmcblag vidhaa caudIes tor ber spectuc.s. cuusd mu"l Xm L .Wiushanb, widew et 19. Wjêaslask, a pinilusu biunem u of ChuuD&ervilla. tot ouM> d esd Iu b.d et ber home. Th. orutlsh.tioa cf the Wallace dee train vus vreeked et g8betbyvill. Tveive emPlois. ver. lujured, sud on» lae spect- .ed t4de. Records lu Chlcugo nov thît tbere vuS e uslucresse ut &M 1pupils lu Chii- Pffo oeten st yeux. the. seliool enrolimnt lusiai 2742f7. lrire dePtna-.d the, Pana stesa isuudry and the M. M.ý Heuth business hock lu Pana. TbeIon usin estimated ut $8,M The Oire vas lnrendiary. J. H. George. sged 17, son of E. H. George. instructor t tho Dent und Duuub Asyluci t Jacksonville, vus accidentally drowned ut s Peoinanlab eeort. .1 .William Cook of Chiciago receivedg word thnt by the. deauliof C. P. Cook1 lu Bran4rd, Eugiund. be, la haïr ta 8100000 cf the, 8i.000.8J00. estute. is. Thomn sBarber of Clago. an- gee tbiug choked aettr a relauke be ro tecffée. us. elit. tactured lber 'luind. s jkull wlbla nà stars cover. AssI-tînt Bupeint@ndeut Robert. 61 Chiceago presented .salnt-otf nrty- qlglit teucher. vlao have remslgud lu the, ýbut tvo nionti. the maJority of theuli ta iurri. SDr. H. -W. Thomasà, pester eniertue, or tht People, hirrh lu Chicago. Wo W55 IJu$uad lu a treet car accient. WIUlb ho-P*tab leave hi., home for mer. erul veks. Mmm.1W. L. bîr tin, vite of a ho tel praPrietQr ut Enfleld, vus killed t Not- ris City lay a train vile eromilng the Strucks.' A parmsuhe cerrled ohscuired ber, vlev or th appraîchinu train. Au aidvertlsemuent la a Matrimonial J 01 à aifrvmenthe ege led ta the Imur««Ogeof J.-C. Medes. a Wtatlul banker sud meufaeturer of Hhlldbeme. tIi Min ell&cii. mcCoA l or Oleus.. Medes Ile83 îturs cldwville the. bride la 40y- oér f &go. Irvig .Boseuld,, th. clothi ais ns- cbam'fut-efM uCty, eio, vltlabie part- nu, ilas 'Viai, vus chat8 rentl y N dvng - a a b~ ors. trader of 8su ld 41 labua boupitai ut .Jeck- 'Il . camme ta Maman CfY fein O-aeo , utmu tL. mo ion th. a**a-I et totsua ci ua k"pemd 10dob rtt NiI.MduOM d MU MWlu O%ý «stnoIuVtlu thet eulis4e o O1r #UOmsMd leliat âtï a- stPh. dlsstIoo "sper la The, Wlwlafl e ass t bbeW .g r&d EýXitu4 P t .1 Ora..v mgt . wosslage ofith e oflb boi 3aWte aedte 6sdttIs. tde ourleti a t 81.éet the tata ecaL- The tout *111 holu the, ýborhoodofeti $i0g0O. a, upeci- aau wil b. ceut Àa.,sdcn i ll;.ubo s ixidreltr U" .ti~. ge 4gss m I be, A. là"e1 UO 52Mr *~~~~~~~ thea.la tdui 1 lu the , ble unià = hlpoa i&"l Val" sud uldlug C0os 1io68h %gosiiilag th te ate-0flilluoiet 8UlI«ed. Tho admit tbut Mid eontltutlo" ceSntto punsed à rpsniltilureation 80te tb essai and rslluoudsai us u sbil l ! lltg.- .4. but 8h,>' deux bt a ald reslhltk wien Dé passscd by snbuplcar.ntiou 4h.. sud tii... hecame a portion. e dat ti. letion et the Etâte of Ilîuows, or hua beau lu full fore or efo troua téeete the Préent tinte. or thereby becau a li itndhlndlog ou the litateeof Ilaois." The sae, si90soeA anumber of the ai légations of the IBurbe ptition. asscrt- Iug thet the canar la épelani 1'4 keeplug dowia rallraad raie@,nsrd thort prier te 1897 ne oue>' ahove the incomeocf Itht csnal vas sapent un repaira or mainte- niance. . TWO-XRBAR.ODI GIRL MURDEItE. Body et Slubel lardes of flluemlsgton ]round aMile rup o.< IAfetle abel jurde, t Ywïv iij daugiater of .&ndrew Jordan. a Bicominu- ton lauy dealer. aras utolen frum ia lard durang the absnbe (ifItls parent.. Atter siarIig ai nglt sud part of the da>' the body. cf h. child, horrIhly mutiat- 0&, vus tound undroer.mebusb.. lu a ,PIta.&amillet rram tht- Jerdan bhome. Tjatme la no cdcv te th.eanurderer. Blond- bomnds aroa,.been trestd lote service sud th. poic& are muklug everi effort tu trace the assaliant. ilabel vas tht younnget cf Déveuchlldren. None of the eider eues heikrd amn eenter the houa. durtug the. nigat. Ama< *b.t. Mud. esaiecta Pisat Troî, a %ramp. vs. brouglat te foltrêtrouaElgin ma t suspect lu the. ehetamurder cas.. 11cévas not idée- ti1Wd an the maunvanted. Rtichurd Teh- hottsa a svriaoy, 7 reIseobd. vs. mur- derd June 22. H i. body vianet found for a veek. sud vue tlieu aimont cee- ogulashle. Tlie abdomen sud cheat. hDd heen usshted iipn <d th.e tteut. He vu91CI anggd ai I.body vas uude cx- eept for a shirt, A aranger vlîo lad "mnped lu the Park for flan,. yaks dia- app.are# about. that tint.ý Tb 1 1 mm*ldfor,&eleus Riol d$ et h Prnrs lms Vain.o tiv.h.d lu ii olautI.*ei» rin tla. -re ai n.vepaiu 9#t due iias*.le -a.'risigs Weuphou a["%t The. oeaeta' aess'totr. WII bu 11eld on send Weiu dellege $Utaius Il bhohs W4 *117at 2AIS »hd 7 elixi I& Jeralaut us e. leehe «* twacafvomuWe, la Wh"u "aeu lb. «b màsUbs v la libehcollaet dha51spe Thé MerfltosIc teil4 dwtscsn usai. Win ieliege et u L f. reugu ise wII b. asulsted 1vM. .C. M. l'or r>.y. mAl48a Dsnthkelout, Jlmsclua Uemetzean usoS the. tte Bound et fitaid".1.4 unI-omit a eieuul te8r te 9,700 4 d m u gl l the 8 tIte, etiliag gi teuiloi a fhW esetes t fbWrdS ai daitls, vbl* srae to b. e rued»tei tries, ofth8 Ut 'balPl 0the' pift aoîai ra 'ni. ai tla advlnesd aganstheI<ls DEew44pýbut tht detamIniIon *9 *0e P=4.tu, lokover tht 4s=d a bil ou i.long aud n r w-ehpqld ont b. 8g1401.UL On li. reta f" roai81 deliv.of o»i 10cr and aath. 1wsliw. aig04" thne«an Proie " .tint hM. flmi fflll béen ebbtog leit h.ej#am- ili$oS'a ' h MI ~ 4à1mmrg la is oleeihlia dtetoi)tihlis physicen@ deecrbtd' àànel »çpeuluoîîîs. i as the. iet time, lu thae hstory of la long sud evqut- fol lit. 8158 ,the rukdowu of bis won- derful eratoie,'ueedIimminent. Hi., etomsch rertped tu ne.. Hie langs coný goeed. 'Iroathing i aeemed ilauesille. The mont :krele retortlves vere a. plled aud' brouglat soawrprlief. The. 111- ne". fir8 deaucnuhtel an seil. pneumonieu son de;,elowtal lapleuro-poemnouia. the Pleura, or mnàiarAne agurri 8 gthae lig,* hee'amjosinfianird. From e, & this omptoin.developedhla i houl y hoverflug on the lriuk of erulty. Tvlce during hid at ilintas lit becs,. neconsari' te .perforai operations on 8h. ced o"lrolticosthe, Polar raduaily galucd streumb -lnat8h, folivluund-s. ,ND asturaw Afternoon hl a s. s.nalea t- ter *iat Bainetut8he Vutictui loped for lis recoyem .On Thuridar, Prida>' aud Batrdla. .oield confrmeuce lie lis chunher villa ('urdinatiRagupeils and other peiste4 regnrdiuuten srto thie churcliandted n Satnrday. vira the, perulosion of lis paysilâelu. las recelveod a visit frfîuuutvo f hiA niécet.> On Moitduy nîgla. JUIF '6. h. saul go low that ls ephysiassthougat lho vas dylog. ne theîî rece-ived extrema un- tion. tht Ibat rite of the. clprdl fer tiie d>Iug. Tii. follovln*aosuiordas sud asuin Bunas>'bu lagrd murerensd. _Thinsbroel>' ighlu ati prolong bis lite of0f uu ne a crtis aud serenol> avatlng ithe eaumuiens tilt asioei cli Min t.ettrt. -pope lm:a XIl lou aa Paentul i* 101g oremt, . sotvllatlus pla Pyslcal ,- lesth opsnd remalntd activtesud en mgr. VYlponi8tht vuaat-'Me Autus.s polntuaeutlth e spet 00 hilcI lu e WltËe. ir e 18 ta à t ed th81.8oune1."pms 4.41 t&9 d11tt1s0110 e . tille uq eta 1 am ai.i- Tbu lt b im : wJCC etbfae et lenpilhoboa>u au i04hmwt f la uaailg @gain* uMW .Ofsea nseuu io i asu Tme]PPpebad sa~ r e à" Iudis- *OLp* Ho spehe of li&,sad ,deail leul teaiI rtnî. "0'¶*u mroela 4.- fte MW te a reativehOut Pecci, w«W 0l My*M* 51 Ilo I bure ofteu. àtanl Ioupptes or8h. 44 MI y1«la Pd>L" _Èla .4 e elnl Suei l.mlaefills aid tiosa '*ai athm et fieham of14eenoiuture.Il* duetge uuriftet -te thse telerms et smusbtby sud 1uic~avov f o a.... ma&ietas elî asu;of nsliluu du. Psy men laed i ssa p cf 8. plitisi edeces :1 éi skilfilly 8te tevorid'a sdriancem the contant evoinof oS îol coverycommerce sud gavemafi wua the mort lihorl sud demom SU tilt ponti% t. Wb hat i thl chair sud bies ympaties vers i parti of aProgrese cfsrywbere. e lass bora lu CurpIns la 1810,. t ldy aune heing »oPug.diplomaic msou te Deiglen. Ris nais b dosatin w us stirely sussafl sud la 180 the tint fllehop Pterci mru.d 51asanclbb et ed more Peruise. »Drt"g the thlrty-two ieul. maut sud of bhgaudmîntatration di.,, h. hulit 811<. let. dis- tytiax churehes sMd restored sud ,ulsgged eut. He mini camera. eratie 0ot a BU ho la, aumade às curdînl la, th papaiPop. Plus IX. sud lu 1781ho îuctt.ded7- wIth the tbat pedtiff au the ruimiat heed oetlthe -.Cathoile Chururclatklug thoeua.e t atter Pop. Le.. XI., fur aboum h. bai i.- a gmet veuffl"n Thtecondition' of the affaire of the clurclabtsithe, tirne vus tr tram nsat faetor>. lu 15*1>' tiste.existed a ruptre. betveen the Vatican end th* government kt uuted li, iali. tht.. vlibrth OW so1e vu» u acythiag IM,.fnieudly termes. lisu Peopi.lu â ti8altheugbt S tb«th 1 evWPOItu voeaU modlfî the psdi-Pt 5le-xý; s effat souti'w Ists. bl 1. iI. MdnitISe ble elgivos tuv isiy b au M auees.51 pte tton lahs ta *Uite tho ver b ltweuu clum «&W PM Ztab KM!. domalui tbffl e tu# e ttbjOu« iee ne sud, lIssaIiri. als ir u eM 4 roxtet #.ee 1 efsiww o8 t fthe aoubie dard a, romeatue81*tu" iCitr. s gheel tr l'O" 5sL-ewuesdeopil ltswssp i*tedisield le velfsde.1is vriges h. vit the-yl 1 laber quele.e PALIoe OV DE PIPIS Ni unir. - USbaa s' ~if - *aIIS Pays... a. tom&a It*yM Our. us tiie boat steue i sud 1 tsDdct éi8rps hied. Hâtolsasilnandlstcly Tha e. er 6%t agitthaï lias jqct or roe. buht Wexs uauaed %t emsucouapietad ot 1011.8 vis dedleat*d, et ut&.ll.ieors rrirnve&. b Nletoedel. 2M5,amelstma'eem1 KM* ie (bln. agudi -i* airal -1undred vistinu 1811w trou ail =rt of Justie, W . f. Gibbt*ouso f ilail After-tbe tididcationaabsu- mes drowmd * wll fathiset quel va. srve&deat 4lielunflaisi Mer abs. ~ ~ ~ q WI fr00gagr(pli a need vt 810gold Ghhois sd tr raler vr.boln *0edelth aolli ive- i. etb> et #laat 3 o'eloclk. 'moe. et the Aros. badg.. ai 4. at he 508* iti " s'su 'A.."me-uer n, au des" -- -- w--...t «Q«W8b. boItmod udge-buh.l.eI eseC, i sud Ws vw luOur.. atereetb&s Secaoe t 1. lSg i tem Gesutal - - -~ ~ 4,0t Wusking.enil er.th, verl4,Te.mecses pour-s Lu ý ot i it.e the, lados.ià'At the rate oft 50à onoe theft , lu the, dehtheot the, rmerable pentîtf la t1 he néil the arid ibas lost aui ad nioçtc 4euw budm .Attractive charsar. N e vas greut netc le UItClio àl- 001teOs ti ph«l«O bond of 250,00.0 1 olig udolphý gewijets. but gfflat lu tht realme of.dlp-1 lalgn oeuin- lemaaddstutevaft tîbd abat*.&I it 'l tbe counties etb,1 liatod love foic Maaahld. The. parity l au lmlcty oôt lfUNbis- efforts ou bIlaiS et soclisal i rtllgom- leaprove- aaje. -»Meutsd his graiet, ubilwU LI tri: u - 'ai to geest 0ut.2 d.bm-êtt tf tla 30*rdVstuI us. Tht condItion l laa 1. teuni tis te <ioe1y Wui.cburcb. shora of a loeri uer u punrit, vWbldsIUlaia beir- Ue-rbrrete 4. seieuai eirvbch. tsar4 â i 81.obstaelea areat. 80 lt> cv v àue uàrtd 1.eaie ts, am Wa, saregelumu. ohmasobu epUUid to*tcguti, mm 1 g18 revehkià t. bav.e o . eti - 81. puet mat of peitkes à" 4><10 vif 8 tle la Gernrj'Pbelm eL.Senthi e i- aigli honoresh4 amsclses. 1i 1 1 hT.beas*0ordained jbuoet 1"i eus aaludte tii. overnorsh8wof 10h- eeut. Tt #10plthem Vere biaviig opprs.e4by tii. .caia sud uoblu, sd brigsadiqgê. eab"iiragod by seau 01 8h. higber classes. 8fl e.d vrUiMb OaMty. »ordrem tIses grlevancéé tAie lu p iesluuîdt.lgaddrs.sd lisi. Prm thtpeussts tb.ma» el se . urs- ed Lth*, eorg et tiauirwronge *sd >lh promp* ij bgt 8h* nobles a4d qlals STh@ s;uocée te Y 1.~ong*. clitu le 4184 Eeuvotof0brigais emu.d lin *83 met a silagle aerinal lu h.ast popotatice. la mU8Pthe P vs modetiwàis ecsea a II nuit asu iumei ou -8a eio.. lu tbat. oouma8*. . 34rm.frs, bevern, e. ila liq even f. Ciii, dmi <les oi 1er. wftb à C]eurnees, s go" b.d a, Juaties 1hâ8 vos for bina iondation sud prtls. .. th peumoive a lbis religa dohatin etbis sacredotail jui- !. a fforded a stnlklng preet Iti. plac e p.aierhomeu ln 4 -gem iii port of t * bglobe., Chou. ljapin. Poulse Mo- - ttltwiopçseod te. eVet? lu t» itute tb ise 4Iutlý h.eftrdiei otatoo paomsisi 1v -M. ls. - ai reisgeof <tl3r su prIes biai a ILui. 74M .tua mmonaL SD u#li48eP ty ,for &=eneable »igih en'- i y Utti 1 .1du.aul FOR-~z- ~LL-OTS~P- sou. A? - cie-e us ra,4&i uet Wb&* ejaubnna ,o-. 'sa" .' ciomo- M4 nge 4.ly vtvituiy 5*w- Citude; sud le tmhgu th. sotie.et 8. t veaa ieessd a otullugfuularfltta 0418toe ré a ivappl r adhtluRusla-adltl. do-bl ge tb1 ou.lw4 sd A" lishd t* .Oie tlasmemérui. 'e SI" ba n a oteh Am&a tettleoeit o -4dtipte be WitOef.AJeirrau%" h wssp <iaiu*pi46ICdan s.àfuldukt Weivumale toeWlsseap urbtesisivo, W. E1 ~.a4u ~uat~ 1008 t~?*1uit, MIs