r.. db4ý j, ïàw* - a in- Onu> lau t *4a W&Y bulet. 8haG.lula.v1>8" - mAM., aitho*o i at a wwel baiy 101usd.aiai bx 0154- Wb la G. rosi feror ae. Clat- MWv lu th*.clue u, sMaaàatiag 04 a&ebcha»q ase>. x -0 - Ha% " limste seat do thàIé tsaG. moi.Dae . ami - , , émi ltâei'Wl. ami hie G. - ittaie 1mad isba la ahth* aasa a Um anu W bu.: W.u W. u Ro*aum Eu. Let.m ~NW 43 ~Pbliopha..2'p mlailà tbe. muaifl sor tbesm W.IV- tiommem ale ff5.t D.otauai lt Ze'ýyTork- commo, tbla thesi a la neidlus id-decri b> r'a - te b.wda.li.cii ,Inethal Her beart hai ss< «wrt a.titond. lIer, Ilmh.a ami G. lxiii'et diuth va. lu auDat t. uart of vatet.' mouili hqltl f o usillt valfelmw4 dea *tlmio lats.lais th& Valus eG va.m a,, f bgo-o&.. Pmi hoem Ulb.patim ramal"ai la a essitl.. K.os-au pilamu i IUmt aura..atces bero verY a- dovIy but aunl tG. ssn> b« btplartblpgs. a vaWOiosel té raoovur. Ajitiat luatucm th* Is. oUsailt lereportai t: litas. Wfttu oainaet, cosus dg-« met par. i*&tu,, m oui ba glus tubae Md ar tlgbt.j». ab aftàrnoos t tha.t f r iý"orm o~ ltom etadimat.i s.a= alne#op eta~ ité as IM&A UNLwmt tscturesf ira o su cf 1h. vba.t fike,4 a""naMs4U-Mme ne mek lef 5uap * et tbe Ombokllu tlsa tb mom oudesir. ai ore i ,* . n i . - a 1 . 1 0 l u i t.agia n flua la o lm b i i i opu G ethel i pfl %eorm. ohm.u'l.- .011. viI . LW ~ ~ ~ t OeWaats u. :tat im di t eess. l »ebias i »au«. ewnte de- tise Jb, . end Amaricanp &Ws ,**a #mt .siaam Moud.eXe. fut h15è usldaslu Lon!udon. mg ro.ooraiu oie'. Is and. w sein Buti, bvi tenlIftehi i tu >leaz.-ouiBe> trea. ber ac15fogm il» azpqoe - 9,14té a ve ata b og 0 ot h-.bU l'ls boa.u., Ti . ôôtw is ils e iO ttea .0M Mdi mj-for Assrlc~ fiiami limit vii seiororeii Kuma. tllnt. i at h~anla.4radcl mesauagçf tat, Ô 1 . heR.4 Ae.cos as -tin tlu i.ao ~i ittic n iSpatiOa Nsii Ï0aoo. ll ti.*, 4h sud at miaou, meu bu mu0.0009 at'.4ila1*e bas io 'la &Il.,., Eareps S le- Layht» W14,b grusM b4ho ie~L u .*eImS le O«:iw80 s* ofi esemai l ta aatbaeqsa temre & oobok, R 4ta vns a g s ats "davi. eLoost a<ci t e- "av a uthr a- iop tersd.JI iiitubto a moit Ide- ie hfr talas a cti , qbaosafag».4J.~)dOUDowtvea tr G. set&@ Ta altla u ayl a. uii aii ilu bu mabe sag n %q f h@Dothtug tth. a conu zo "*eh Idis u1 evl>oe«to G. laacacf 5, et ii.um a. osth* Tii 4 . Wbb aelea aqoir@b~a M s4eu, lý ths wds la m nm l uffet. tes ellt tesi.- t à iaw moua rncoftor aum, untiofies hautG lis R te ta p tOith@ T h. o rs« Cb.u45Vamai tabmt Ominae. usat p5551 hi bard avrei lu. Ti. 119ti c. la b rêcle ail t ucsai X&. . ot »Fins . e bea b. .ht mm î bo by u, t h - mfQ'h t tc'lfS bua lime aWi G. p euni.b "ametiaPVeNtbUNCte A? T. 0LAdoUIS bai asto gncv..leflt ib valth fo anve,aie Aetiibus uettaiJs "P sALd*.Vou 5m oo ub . S omt. bu isJieïde ymu- a ait si unýa- 00 Pua. a ta UiisthéMet ro a di. hae S aiCae iombeTtappés à u ée«Nutb lthe x W hotat ie, aa". oq un viios. rde six ut. ai t ayfuetaitom1 latceqa.elam vlt. sul ia fru ofha'0"a. i s.aî at t .>..asas oaljrsWTb* 94 dis ut e. VoIiouVIraga oth n ateil: vt Sp te be .reüehs abTk ver L. d. uii1V r i puim. ame a oac ir 44f # t m auexo. c esiv ot mMeg t- b 't-0*aet *0 4051 itiSud P*51e PU .ýa t.G uba 4..iv ums ..7J IRaast» ID i T.LULOw *111 145*1. tvib om ouo>vn fout uaus. ndusi rmu& paisn.. aseb-mase. *the Uset fio cm ut tse e is uttW b t. b h.o. t * aa ett.h , 5 O oig tpramivst& . tm~ homme t éàés test t *bff wure. .MWM tm hot. hsud nal te ý Nugmiditaof kUbie evamet l 8- cls.mivr mebmt.Sda a la yiawm wigk ilpal ,aai tisim ut Wls amit sai. Oesi bW«#s la-n Vdulmubel mom vr..ail h. lai t ce teaedo o m as u .aOsyuptv bu WNut .hg.0aus et *A«sflot J4v uA. M . astor hu a voncate t.haairu ali.t>.ftsia 410 h OwbUE>MM »st, ba la l5it,0&à* 05dY i 81*à 1.4.'»». 0" J.uatalIl- ihm"-ewr rn ta" . 'rmuant graadet The$ maé tro~t Affl d5 %rate le su ebqmy avs h.on bri~ se. ae-Usais. il;ra l 1 1 - o e hasom -hhbu tvi i.vamimthbu ter- 1 trop>. =- lin lui IL $ma Joav"m ; mai bus boase am the bamediaro.tcf- mou ava C'v 40 mm tbe I ta ho b a s Me SIs ai- tolita rum, buitiva.ové a.. as tel~ csmie, Ietslug bar bands ami (MarI Neiga G.uapnllsadst et fiesm 00496% -l ali e»itdes t 1h etl O1 = Mtd, niIo"g tb. rîsh-baul nu a*l>sUfaWt<. W'WuIgA«é, hlbI- leto ot'b w etm !* lvhtsas #»bblyfîtlbr i ait mý *tle icaltsaI bi.petsien *csst tm« mua fat a&'I" asit ComUi.. m Tid te a ot. vous 'Imis, s. prbu i .ally#.thlaf 011W. sk il 0fTitalo esi sii&ol0lb. .Md Ste«aw& Ou.. ina,> 4h. lirel> butargg 10 uta sva eufor4G. aeellewc bas te theomtantsl iiinsl aois. Hueeofthe T4ylor heure Ioa u s-lu.iav et hJaaes E. Is Ue. iîeaof itiem Fr- uit tblipueu te Loadd. The'f îua ,mi t (lamlorla fruit tor-the L"ooumurkel vent oMt trous )lav 1u,>Wedmos4.y '. mitigasent lacludes A04boxes 0t pUs, 22»4 boxes of pIi, ý19 boxe. e teléens aunid M taxem si prsmeu. Càruoain a Captai-e lu tha tapture et Ciuidai Blivar iy the Vanaurelan toesaove? 100 mem ver. bittidor votntioi on btaiese. The ca#tur. vu. due le treaei>.- *aema au CIteasaOiat ws.tau. v... wuiiuni&Bdtvaiuy-flvaete thliy15*14 l "acstllnbtveu the *V eulaCII>tlmted mse, . hifl gGea We.taua1"aia tue b5idem iuk olu Onab& -W lel -ensui omt eami vs.par 15U8 eROS giSE T OECE. lavuaumee Vu fboh*ete.tg plaé . av tra. u a eat pieu Je hudn.l deesydila ia ha l gouevus> eues.ond frbR *te> goe>. et vlugN ci b t i-i.tiae A&amt * w 1 st OueihaiM taera ube ffdu usigbor ta04»rv lmtiug G. io ba Outm.Tii. situation, la di. te the irel spslan Il egl a elotefa t. aera miai lis am imeessi me alle mue ii tii *aumwfesteti ai bvoas t thoir able te . Ike. ast ni Ian-n TIi. lb»lkWluebora on fHaiubml geat. à«& X gta hloSN.liope meai lmb e vs *eiby IlgMiilng% sod ýýta tbee ~ lm»ftei v*io sef0OM> dait" 40116, it' *0 euesï wgehM u te deslh la » é tbl. 4w laa Aioit' arpiaio «ttimew»Sttg bu se 4h. ofWs fui* uu te dimbai,- jabsIL,4*#ýwe,&à.loirogrant.s I«tët tuta eumtni, mya b is hetruie io. su eh à" ?w- anl, analDm trm tIIi aO s boon 10usd. ÀAuderosa bi OM un L pers» at the lielm Tu.. 9 go+ Plu le b. 4do" ami -s43 whdsi a b0atW4tufeablevlng nu tý a. lmi tuai etau engIn. u- t Isebaito aâammlta p9lu the 00 irpo M Set=bvlg louas>'.à les plant in, Lo00, et osso# 100ttw>asna. 5 TuaiaWasii., ire issliopa tha COuelaerel phraplant ..dlie Dualpg.3arriVle uia lotlg easmluga lois OU MAU,0 7%* T é Drer uqiote atua Se, t PunlI Bonus ni mat- eriOM lns vi asgi pallias iol I;t 6eru .lbIotaMay ho. bea~uia Wùa lu oIg 1onthelI an ti b G.igr a-aku Ivc aie Iaue ls y dsGseaue 314 uaI>' . Pari ý,bosbh p le W" the meesRu Parhfu mde tiau a" ferii t uffilng Wma" , aInt Les, a iais- -»c The G. 9 alt be I s dmay.Le rhoca.. lend t uab qceteuist vili Nui gbreaibivut mt tm ath".t bti ottaieapaL'dt.. lth ng kkteda lu» bUts #!meia mitaaly oneudati pia 4mos. Thé Pr=to pe4. vumlis r-f 3, tai unitaein 4h. tatI ai hcyj vin. ta p.w et Urnd Wilbam elslaot. i» bosandu etweesemj WikSuom. atiRais Kswtp 4.y th. 4j>s vlu" nofrep albof >oee i r ,e teos Ti.ploa tee. It nusibr riflefrot the prkgx rmory atre t.y toft.Ad atlk ca bis rOan rr lu thier.." ticnae il e rge up ies a t Wilutiam poussnesom ét. thbre OU a -Atiébe rota ateup b xehlm ul»àe,11ami lbta tsrmed inte opeofad 0 hsuttvt tta i fot0ét*Jýd teé h Iveftapaloyd lus isidessou l>', Iob. boevettmohlégelgrolea - a çgsles loyd, pow4.r -h Xw Cla p bai f.N.lt wutoad b ot. lcyd e vultimt to h- tclji. i ait Pétiborn. Aiun.Ii h ng iou mme sie #pdunaCt#a t caca ont G aeran delag , iadhîedSae uaapetl*-ng atebr co, am viitri oaitali aolug t iwl.lir -mmO«ro>.W. iot Omatha wa0000 tuoy à po dreabt dl Sioux-i>' tpov a eretal oi a uemeàye. beg Clar WardIi .14vi lrtai. t et U» afflw% r te mu. .iU555So*- avsy né4h. lt> puýs. 4mdonllok. etvi.Mon soirtm sguouot -vo, ami Masy moretaDit>.au» aitrM bg wl tliisletnkmy 'la ;ho wv burC819lt, Ii b. uSa a mb et bis hon viýegt te a MObitu lci b> a tapt Il. ýaalî upe a vhite vemus 'b> $M« anW"ls, &adnie ir lhe Sali. ani tuer, liai b anee aumvil>.et tyukM, bat tg bai no 'et aymlaJIluei sailli atut Mota by ne5,. Ab 8t500 p. m.a RDegne uniMet- eatbocam wIvolvai l, usargument itk MJeary (lathermas,,a rowsifbutcer. The soDemvu casgbt aid.vi mn. jlcl*ym polies boob bhiste 1thecetx prWÙl oufllesi y as crvibch rip' lii>' - gra&v Imite a moi oiie >011.4 1 l'Th. polime., aleuyi lilerigifil. H. Wbttiooh, gatbsroi lm G.e iyballdtug trylus te "Ri es>.mel out, bst., vers fadli> tweed te adimit a portion cf liii. Tne.Oploususeemr lid prevlenmal> bae loc>. ina&a vait la wbk he bmpolie. reouds aen k*apu*sud tiers hbes tha tb G. moi voslimot fiai hlm. utrsgs* imes aet& l'h. Maierb unie teli flat Meteaf ba" bffl tck«ea et etthe rear doot uni cei ale G.the tmuyinla a isgy, buat tbi. %reftud, te bllerahe. murulin. 8cm. vé. i..r IUritAiIran. a"i otiors lhe #IèdNe himni'and mia fa minutes làtcS Glb*e> baiboas huehai et the -vuid4 Oth* i lv age vudragisi benIk mmlithei.exultant about et bis a- eaos Tbe . vim Mme i. lumn-e g01% bast lae.tbob t v we tain os blan .sebrugit ln f0to the0cr et tb, et ou. et tG. wmnImaet ugo M" put a enlie am w.bism «**tlage j Ise m desitdrimg mua Ires. li u§4w, M-iepada sp tmu 0».wàmàlgep& .wuafaus *p no a tariau poo i Wrwilai t C"ie.et "Dura hl>h"»C iruumir vws<t bim, uMW lb. mob lades eut 'do'"sa cd - va drogglo bila aeut" cm G. wîb" *h uroi ueku. - At SOMb reol tb. moi leai.rs deMli Oi t.eIba 4 h. body te the. Sali, vbot.' J-s..Wlsaon. snotber »vo e cpturai *hi M-Uahel& , d.cburgoi viti trylog 10 inai> Mms.Mar barges., a wile, ,venta.. tha previoas de, ta lmprsmeod. - "utt a lai*I" Aiseem la vte Wtrdva. givra lhe mobi eltail. "Te the juil,"mobtheii Othér aget"etc. uni mode a vIii ehirge for hbt buitlding, vii.,. qulte a mvi 1.4 alraedy congreatela u utid. pile et amotbor lymoblng. ArrivdAt uthG. juil, thebody of ithe magne vua Planai ln the. conter of the somvwtiglai oeus vere douem oretfrec. sied mai a" 'boys hiebsi and »jmpei snomfi 1.body Ira& tetaîll>na>ed, aMd ileed wu "09 ng a doentcofe bollet bol. 'Ioom ua uben llirtnl et box> 5>00 ý. haiij6st ochdi. isehi0 k, tta hlca1a mck, vla 7a&b ui italaceami utcai b. vu pc th le"a tsi"nai s attention t te eoua- -t' jetuid' Idenmmmis ere Imj4a oua Mare Whitlocb te- serronder'Wilson. A ds, or imre dai» 8,dunipelle. me han i 8h uTlely ieon gatierci tegali- ,r ali pluesi lathe ie, bcally aimed. au "0«;W>.ilock tasaamtrtei wltth le olut vihii on thgif ei l eape- Wldiiarün va.Ibrust tirougbJil und duotier demnmi rom lb. sbri Iitg lima freua e vludov lla ascoud ter>', for the. ntehs te diaimorso, vue maie. Mfl Aut AsdloXb, ýNe-atasîlon bainsg iven te . J, a osiot 6Wm le eu tu" beedi et lie 'toi. Tii. WWt sotaid i 49 ae mser iii.me>, sud- a idas. avua juado vi.he bultertis *'an " ue il- or.Tue sua v*w ugalu bxed, tplâtimeaisIeta théd. ieui.oeov lsIln#the rdUiroa, irais ai err bisawe vet su te drep to furtun thvetaI ore aheta wef re bd fron ut. aitios iri-vniea b b. hé ,,e Initile, au .and n à bep wi. ett,- I&gefoir Or tvé ounltahe inumbleéi- lt oas k i ww votis.Oliia'em el avay, 4abuls Iat smua>. et tth.bue>. %boet arni hall#»a h0d tatimu citent Th.e euat tfor fia Qîtlubernu buli- tac ai thoait. Lomw eidmfa, ian in 'lIa(Yreuortale Ioirnlate as> cou- gmaa for- #700»O(ttrG e n CSIa,>.axpote els.. m . X tU«, 1016ktaStes amue.otp Itl MluaTar "t tti ounl' asn a 'i= *«# Pah. pota - i fl t *- atb au a esovuptit.1, et have4w fteremMtamldra Tfflý IM**Y* ba. 1__ soexuatmi ea erhu. wsa tô hé tawi ta hé,tOq00000.U te ýbi s alr ait ili- h imeag tint. a" vum bealydurtu bis liDo alimouam sudi Iberdors bavs a y ul Wb gliee the pnepffly; bowsier, to thé girl, but $i.Isuet* ie coia. r* Vp e atgsadualai tron Take Cli setwsei te the SBooth Bd uni omted hb. g obi"&ln.sHatiinentstauti spa i ds.img career by toiclng tarvesatoufta apoq 1>Delaroy et amvflevibai" 191" KO111lo.et t.Nei4amda et hlm hoetol vIwf.intesterencapre- *MWai my mabts bins iai ami Deealu atearercoumutei- muidli The. blooi teiavot.ram gbts afîaa va.lis! v wlbSam Eneu, sm- parade hirsi 10 klh in m.Thei. at> ob plue, ta> a petitical mmengami via G.e Mo"..of battis bad imeusi av Biva vuelylng ut de*tuWa door alut a nue, an oye ami mn .ar sad bloodlag frm ou ceue ue. on ieu pens tueG body. Tus vs. G.he r>et Clabowlo balle, vbli b. suld la profajacolt.a platol. Aient ifty oh., aeecautr mariai Po osernaet G.eemaraP Me.. scnaeb naultla« s»troua ey* ruk Se. ltu UStatamrnt stng bis mua>' i min*ssed U& fri vitt te $et a divm fr lhu4spft khie igl o te country. la M4iDéGeL Clay. then lit yaar of aile, mbocked bis rselaiv%.by marrylaz Domra tliardson, a lfryearmold girl, viionila bad adopt.d. The. cbutd vas niedamted ,and vlld. and accu ran avay froni ber age busband. laIWOiE Mei secUred a divore.wtiClay'»cou- béat and married Rltey Brock, a iuuag fam band., Clay gave bei a Planitation te, Itv. op- os ad srlased bhiernoe viii elaborat. tapetisandfl&paintîsia frought Pmir 14u.sa am ainl. Jro* 'vu >111.4la f.aImer i-wet.e rs- w hbi. ii.n éïd i-s i vu PootMO* àl ÔtUsMoun 1i1n4 mhoely betéeLWn i. lan bisl acm given .orntrsl of bis utraims EXTRA8c"19#4N To mSuBy. o.mts Winl wraaio Ovur Raetpaoct ) ad V m saOve Currency.. Tii. admblalatrtolorPgram for the extra seson tf.i.he ety-lgiitbCon- gros., uieh, viii nisetNov. 9. Includes tiie pasmalt. ot a f.a.lutis irnablus tii. Caban reopmlty ti'5sty affective and the. takmg up etf cwreaci -législation., 14 ts flot beUleved that tii. latter question vwiii]>.dlpoaed of by the snd of!the es tIra ssson, but là: la hoped timitht, viil b., don@ hefoathe llm.atolms Work ou G. mbw ivmSens.cnhrouey bht la aid te b. voeu comder, vay snd, li t.leb.- Inyed tbat tiie BepubUia sm.m aie that bo# ylviii Mt, lua SUiporto*etthat T'h.e<pbmn reelpoeit r reacitlon vii b.finUImtrducmiaman mqbai thm"w~ qJfue undev a apoestai silu ýt4 %dwt~h voe, tu le .xpoet.d tu4t avi b. m$aatW ldeba*.,-As 4h Duno-, hii. hy a général >ait*as> Uoisthe. Dtue". tasif. r>utlag ti"i.debae, kI ap Itbi nh oasmtuull ta>. «P lthécar- "i , quatlou adsm a buh sk euot a N.. etmîis&*ormt% Daidiband, nmurderer of1dmfDocke, wah execited at L9beno.Pa. min Lana - Xl<gk Hugrima, Taonu., vuikei en allV*UaFtrestia. eh@ le nov AustosImitai, Ciilleoh, OQue, iiot ma ld > brahaja Qouz. A ..aU déit lh Q.u Nitari Itwairbas -of- Ç1ei , HdIOO for 0tei rminaleanaid beig t Omahba. 1 ht.utui. Ni ., tls.n. van«tai te ~>jsha&Dago vWho - n oveS a uttgirl aboelf cmail hintby tauklMg l t is.- ýhbih>bas b..n lnftec.4-la ',the 0401M i ell tur elgelmô 01' -lgç mbv1 a~ r- -1*a" 1osatluafiis.tii.report"Basa: SOW c e", ne -teat*a spai. tovari uetttauwmt Oetba wusuematlsed br-tlbdeinela "dt lu a ovenu i. itrqsan t>e îýb l!afuture, Audnibters woui à. disposition ta fuily iim utatu prios, -tha heary liquidaion aid m.v OM prifs. for mIel Imm..bâti t boom e n conition» la the. actael Neanly boita&million uto aet saw.t have been ordered for neufi per.* -Îry, ad oh.,iheary ctetoa b attraeting close attention. Thé.-E viii benit b> the. grftater tbMtli Prim e..cured throngb tbe ravivai G.é billet pool. Beemr hoasoe brtrnglng ont eew orders, but thoae atiti eiudeces of vesaneus ln o clanes of ;îig iron. Cietienl resaimtis et striie;urt.gl work la New York la Ïbe nient Imuportant elitwent lau lig, teailu dustry ati ret. bat for vucnu. IL vusoi entll iie th-yvdti fat Dow lines ot stapiepeu dyad gonds wueild b. opoasd ut lal1b àmalublned quo4aulornq. blibthéAmerlca Woieu Comiaureducri priea bciii..> the aâme icrel us czl.teil a Fieir a*", do ptet.ficinatenlal terreuse lu raw ivéO ami ïeverut other Items u inith sen Pe Imsatluorn. Tbe eut wua. ovidenri sies' tu .tere sbustuoi rallier lia bet »t amweabness IntheG.mark«. r Stockiathýet lqudation eut h. peu»ofet dui.rlnla affecta nutlumr it Inores but doss mot courat Imer abent laoi evoeu and Cotton ripe, change for the. betier. nlutriela ditioreuti gv wYork sud etier dieuA rcilers. ad a montlrnrnsd ceerfalutMN, in westorn nsu auliester tm liai. clo.The mrkete for the cereula Z rire ct elllng, but bhmsthi e vlmg fO turc le tie gndu erip alîecuutkg tend airoui sud the prr-%*:îrc cf Io . cellent qnal4y c f btinovwii.at Wh.ut, lmluilrng muotr, exporta for vs.> agortgate « 7t1l8 agait Ï1,63.1.,784 lunt votif ai babe lenlut peur.7 Pur litre the. crileritii.'ugrefate baskei, cuintt OS»0la I II exporta for tiec veeb ia guto 1 baskets. Agaluat 1,4024041P . ti 79.011 bakets a ysrar se. For veebaetuthfice acienfatg 421 lu 19m2 bfeu ne cliiuatiôu et valt Wall t reet hieu« fotput a ýdu.m stralii buiness.,,Tberosl clocha legir vues the.couwt. b dovu thb uliuon lu the. Nortbaw tics es w bich abowed tihii ers, climie, uii.l ae t iilis «É for déeil, bure beu e.uuy.li! firet great blor,but confidence vu vb-i iblic.b*ugan tu smecthat men h vie un titherteestalpe f®r, amucaluivestora 'vere m.iuaglîîýg the tair etflte eouurrys inst! tiofi for thir oi u pU~off..T manuil lnvetor began to nuitbîislit sert of a show lie mlood. Thbe laitse of spreultonbon boom cotitiis yvar b> lithe eilepu oet orut purely slKwuilatlveo rge aud thie taiilliniiies, of the specli btie to gir. ilbe 'United &Stla lldlna a bocal à. le theoftl. Keene's tloitberî Purie deul, utta alribiup. the stock 1 8tu u~ r point. 1 Do Opienttcondtiorns mesibal fore ver>'long, a siîdow lu te fmit ne (dtuialan d oicommercIlt noines no roiiiui? Itdosmot -urui lkcfit. Tbereum 0'g oif Sccretary Shaw lbir miti mp 000,0(J) 10.the circiultlo*ac? the. peri,,J lu n mimeteliig fo acas oterliiig.buis u gin-4t the. Otuima o! grain. cutton sud ther. preducti, Europe viii reuidily ' tis aamy ucedc ed n tel poui.1lte mono> genry. Tiie WestatundlSouzb arc- li prepared Ibm New Yorki for tii-O nierins penid. au tbey bave balances' tAlie aptm ier. anduitoa e ciiIn uer, umode liit the sprlugr. $m» tbe,5.11; oss. uhutpns 0 tu au4~; wbsit.>Na. 2 rsd. Tc tI cotdi, No, 2, 111e tui 52;cals, lise. te 88n4 ry. No..2. 49e tl fp!: t oth>, f$8Mte 415li.0; pram're. # MOU; 4mbuter. ciielfce neuayr 17c; eage., efmol,12e ho me" $tmp uev. 3&cte 4k eper mmi ci. - @t L<iial-"ltt le.st 60 te 05 m 84.Wl te $5.7%c; sbeep, 8&00 le wlieal. Xo6 2. 77e te 18e; cors bOc to 1e; ects. No. 2-08me te 3 Xe. 2, WC0e l Oi Claciiutl-(aîîs.04.25te lig.40M lu $5.70,, aie>, *%e0 vst, No. 2, 70e te ifl No. 2 Mmxa. 50a te 51c; otite, lauxei, IMe te 134e; rye. N.!,ZllBè t $COQ9 te 410.4; sbetu42.50 to,-, vieul, No. 2i 76eCluta7c; cOr%.-- rellov, ,21IC te tç; 0mb, No. s1' .1ete 39c; rie. Ne. 2. 520o te OSé. Mltwuubc-W Xmeu , 0.2 85n te wSOco crs. No.. 9. e l No. 8 whitlte. e e;e.rye, 7<.. !âm: ;baste>', Xe. 21 47C te $