r~~~TBUNS AT DOCK ONE 1AILOSWtUPC1ATEO IN 141. $êemenr a4usaly. wth Carr sSO *0*OWs et Luboe, Dstri,si 'a lara dm à lng l liath orecstie 0 %â er Sandusky oneeFuller va te deîtb, but bis sleeping cana ve. aved. Te andusky val lube. John Keut t ilaraB=,ML mos n whvbulent bis Ita. The. 143 Nm a . y., vWenthe lire broke OUt À pt*mnen deck'le dtg M*- iMO thue baze, but faiL kd. 1hen he rue Thesatllors er. arousd Just la ~a a lir it qatersvers 811.4 vità £Mt allos failigd t, amable to Shansdoeck, Be ié beluird te have ILauoSmà Inlu&isbertia. T1 Bab- wa awooden russeL, bat *301 Mi.ud3gI. A. Bradley of if.,.. 11ellmL 8h. wu* 178 font long. 338faut bomansd n.ud 837 tons. »Aux IBAL& UcORti. Uulu e t C.e tu ïe gLaam Osmies. Vbe clubs lu thé. National Leagu. are ing tthug. W. n.lu Chiclago.56 39 Bouton ._30 49 New Yor... .51 36 St. Louis. .3f, 57' '» Tllovlng fi the standingo e Ii.cubi l e ÂÀmerlca.ai Lent».: .. W. L .'.1t »«K« M. .5 33 New York....-.41 41 Pliaelipia. .13 311Cblague ..4047 »4o»t . 4 42 Wsîllntoo.. .93 UA**.ELOWXUX ont RiQeff Ot?. Wee igk Uafstg aia Ltple.uutt 0f4 %. moscar.4%5 ma a elmpe. *,rg$n bleu, a. t=80mIFluth. tiist ofexpierts. -ne - alse vwesebsi, analt" e Ca coIL rl-ý 41esi04by the bigla explosâtesnsed. M# tubery vas dletected lu àashort tisse. tais«fe mapirete spooffld k'po. *urmuto! 1h.e Ma. The pois. athesmaetrlunbandits tlm tue bu iuh *Pa*Uul lt.- fttxUllyw m te cNev York eg- ut mii P*Wantsa r«a4.1a'pt A broe. draw.bsr ba it"&uc etzm alaf . m net 4. Ia..e i 15 town ou*» A untom . bmti. UMefe Ruaonti- et i1(w . arinm a a nai te st«# ' m springsColo.,mest et lb.àovakhan moaueldtheneevu es atigad * lt talUs.tcair lth u ore i sb et alla. Wete ér atele t Mae * rbom tbey accus of bl.vltag " tiS .lgl aAer tW lar«4Wg a osetisW Kanchtt otbe lfat'aiatréauibakt * aarbéd to lb. euaty ts a.4W il thlb tourteeu minera beld tbere»; apd5te di e sWT", vr. obdi ta leurs tovu Instanti> aud not tW a d doua lb. cs»M>.n.soineet le plaséadtlat OtI maverswtiaet f sud a. aubeiptlon vis taken uP b>.ti moi aud lumded te tb4. minter..TIa.s vas Do evideuce agnimettueiasmon, but tIcs enu»talt» esdecld t tstbe aePlwml -eniambt tticid ta lb. agfitation tilt h.d bisa. ralnlslnsdu"aIne. tIi. S Itu t COURT JRBtIRAUOU A BALLI-0IL Zeba.ka Frmer, Gala InJeureiie ancsAmrsevemu - ýjr oîig. A epeaylJnjuîâ4a icned lu tii. Court of Judp Dickison i%ouaha reads tat be 4ion uî&ciu sw taitle i»U iia iCmme sti fot desceDn uthe, 'farta property. delroy' croiE- or frlghten the live stodc et Cius Neelse. The balloon bas fallest rmin> tianea on Neelseis propert>.. To reeier *hi lIeair. ahip tbe seronasava been torce4« tapiaa"rsaglaagt race IRto n1 sMd a few day ago ilie tanner tood guaisti or thC cnnaiti a sholgtin sud deansudea $M 'Th. bg bag. vas re- ea net61rePMYWln.To even opN seenred a. temporr.injime. tise kgainst Kng Murphy, lhe parbeilate Professer. reetrslning lilas frentinamkluag is5aioss la siach sànauer that; lb. blle. venu fan upon is land, ?EBMACEHBR Wio AEOAUR LAW. Vam r eX iu*sses Chmassa MinsAtr lt>. Otie waralen A. EL ca.sti- ciasetciLéenser, Min., Icnted down a riloter eofathga#me laws with an u fta- ieili sudmaie a capture. He vas Oui gftter qumbter.. *adville disaont- ehini~ut the RBec- Heaary MRYt.. ifttof alocal churci. llfEW[ty -led. Prn Ubter ruace.l itn lbe Oq- rer. sud thelatter vas lulin rapll> = wbelis 4b.remeanbered bis oeto. ,wsu nli>. r mndoua sud ter-. ldoff ta tha: town as a prisme..tlhe priir vas«arraigued before lattis 011O.hA l e&.and reprluaauded. LOm INi BitS SWAuP. Cheli Nu i>."si ra-uu. TsrewWheu Bie 'or » 157 554 -feue- t semeltoc EusslWmelg tie novr _211Il04l*eaFloebe blilt ram ti a , A ity. amaeffh îwa àOiffrd". r4 « eéomer BoIRWYvsw» Inaed byea ü« Gt.nesoi. e, a,ut. Pm baesctethea. brber. il&asub the valet Ils. banin ag.=p Odmwab. 'ot lie Ugmled utos. bi eu.aetblua rects,. u nei Gloe WslargEeus.éIw e i e pato a brP la te <lIs lldifoe mmta iuetmuteid e Therpla. erte e ilate lana - Teaice, ti, boratected ope Aleu.selsor01 . basu reeiea tiamen" ear tpoton etil or Ticdur Carnaits l@art.be.ule~ i. ige Cadnl iusHartoaie o 'Plat ouitboun nairfu suoWestr A rel for.$10e angl heuI ie rek sud h' tuaîAovi. Twsutv-ret fons s-eodr hart. erut iete btatauli Muar.and TR- ure es U ap Prd ies.a h PTe o u x muhp reve, O ci-le. ah -lr^detsuctrain. N*o. g tai weuee 13lt> ai tinua bog pruduce re, i a. céijge eng ci.et theug tbf. sandu - ~ Tae re Un oiffa... p en 4 lbliit et bcdo sismood ee f A.,t Vmhaotila and omieg pr I11 t tbmreldlytinls- Jets te. Madeal -bcdy, VUt à 'balet thogile brain, vas fog uhuls u= uara. fJais U ule lW'o Ve-Ir .O U sL Pis *1 ivIitin e o tee' lb. objeet. hbue mt hein argajuMi d Eheelalu, Kaa. Thce cuire wvint l et a. West la being econcmd viii clrgu IsrEIM th.le tu =r 1'iliti - MM tiifef tl tbla pla litlaN.$ail& »d. sud Iaetees omene nhce~ Ibee. liuilaclavt oi, ag freinut>.hl lu cae4 mi"tge ra a t te r làà« usea b y poh-' '18191àiultscadIbulaid.r t evnder> u" --ttbf tzI.e tuiiiei'it «M rs. PIeboig in R Ifto pouder mage. usu Ires wagon- kiaset piuder1 têgn o lie tL'allainttu" Csrtrig. Cm e thle bauha et 1&. river e -et, cm u lit iett leist 900502% ercu, sud injrad tuba as ana.>. Ma t'otj A Mýt u>nIaaet àMaiteseWl.., mm bar- a""& Wýà ad8d4 iin New Thaé place uWitt b. n pal aaiIu and caiionisd. Umpleres um5n Veoru«. Lero>. R. biasleraoll, a tireat Ib. Peeblo, Volai, leel vains, w#% muudemda viie alup. Inapicloar,,sou mea. be Ot Agag et laborers ov lias tersou iii chunrge lsa ixt ftbsaene i bave beu snnealed fthle crme. Big Mqsrr 1fesSa fueiuba, Tic salI brotb he lieole u in- nesota eaiaist tise -larlliemu Scuruitles Compan>. usa dlsmiasal b>. lulageioch- Me, ubo helalter. bilaces ne eioaiîau et the Stnîs lava. wutsto as. i nk lesed.* l'h. Dp>.yletovn Natînaîs leui et ; Io Do>lestavn, ps., baabeen closs-ij b>.hbe Co'.gouiéeof ethle Ceu,>..Thae lsli ment isaneul IsyoïIt tiM. tailum va 1 rongit *bent b>. mpcctilns lu stocka Ceepaptsr %hot b7s., 1.1ne.. laisg ifit William I)cerwester. a ca'-2 plows, 45 yeas C Id, vu @hot 1; it CiiiHuEniapnopltr -o. a~ 'w ai tuta, Eut capl actsre". sA ii mWg aton"imadeb-arad. fleel >sii ut aatmaaoua.Thear ! igw.at Wei eut lua iaia amr.ht 4tI. e godseCuia t woor sui e 4* -1tvies tit>. the. p late t =fI-Ia a.~~~ a"aau tret ufi bii laiMk1. 10?TJRBAOUER AT BOSTON. "Ceru Jawolei Trtatroisu. abtdm lfClîr Ranes «AiS Manueu. ()aDeetthelis myterisa oeclteal vibl tbe Yoraldantt f Pet in bas tsa te Illi inluBoston vlth- thes appeaance lu the Bos.. Art Museuma of bat, te uId te b. the fumonst55usd Jevelpd me belougipg te thelanpsrlal isili>. 0t China. Fer.more thon Ivo cetui3é Iis. tmreure. Stade oi ChInéoo prmacibt* sgteuse, standing tosuaa *ftedt bgia 1usd hein guardem dey a»i nigit. feu pomeIonovisig of Iti existence or vlaact t va-9,Iept Ica ditappearance severul yesri âgo, e te, aeBoxer outhresi, csuaced ssnston samont Chiquerego- . culT Ic. tsela sai te bave. amrvea etc lhe mumensa rongb "unuaachancela anud sa efort in ho madeste restert ta lias chuines. gorerument OBA UNTEI 5~7EULANDb Cabn lRelîreu BDuildes. Eucas onu ag Caie& ituevîlex. sr Intor»mslunla the pessession of Miels. os téf Oquliers es: Ifananate ta. affsct t t i tie Caba sud BEbepe Batlroad, ubInl belui; constrncted froui Gusutsnwgr , 'là iaertIcuard, bai broke. gresud ultin lihe à iae cverod b>. tie coallng astions g tiqa>. c tesuluIaauesof a peresup- tmoreder b>. tIcé nerar> cf ,Public t iroria le stop ta. sumacseusl.Tb*. comapsanyttorney aryethat lIas report il rueanti tht the traihajs ofthe mail~ vill b. conhtructed olatride et lbe amià btu lie ued b>. the.United Br.tes. claai .nue5titsi a D. Tbe Circut Court'At bilsars. Ollo, a, lu a decllumdécaciteahCe atqgnl Clause et ao2.Ihe &Astit kw. ate b. n- eonotllionLas Tic deios as repiers .eun pem in theeaseis, r hila W. Gage, -uefuthea.V«, Mleemcal desim b vie cOnsprlsdthe. Deltvare CoaI Deal- are Aecocltim "suWviever. m alite& c piedsalaigulI>Msd 1usd terviolaon ef lb.e uti-Irest Ian qunishe a. iu clans.- Th.ee in 11b. Carrl.d le9we smpreme Courtet a. 81*5. At Crtdeewlll. 01e, GmeorgetI.a, a1h mwbmdle-psifams, sbet is, vifs. Imaflet. bcg lajmaaiu trout vicà aie atterusial isd sud tb.m ceugtsd suicide b>. aheoting iuamela.u tii huai. ljetieusi 1 du thes Put o e eUib*Md cuoed s sep- b MtatiamaMlime sUr.., but a partil rsoeaclllaitleu b.d beau e.feeed. sud th#v ean.. et the lrsedy I te cetya. 1»b A dlv.,Whviedvit dovu t, the ureci of lie MstaerHlaaran, lest, on cspe, sale leigas iotry44e restmar âgé vitbla ail os heard, reports that lie aftt.,part Ne aid lu aides, et thi steamer are stand. lit and tiechuIat le stillu potltioa. An *111r vhob.made taeracover sem o Ife "k eA. m s lic 8. Exe amp uii U led lh(iaIc, aa. , l'a. bi, del - Coti et 110«03fl W-. u 5*'I 4 hotte duel At fRavem. IlMis., bjr An- ths" 3atno.IsaiBatuea., Tii Uefl erS id a »M i ItaS nuthegrui le*4 sud villa ire terrble steb touriw ea tie tfgkt bad eivuagw died aOaP"e ffitendl e. e rWio e.,sa ll* Torik. Btd Aie *a . a. t.sseiedw inla a. chas Caemul pa Ne iréskat' rkcIu., p auierIle. tbouee, oso!Uir c ft, lu$ omue suthlie icmlb lloe ave -bain quarmis =muui eise ame on ath ae mmtte W asegibée e- t en bmenleic, >., s I r vuaê. sar ga.s - ies ta tie thunedira' aboamar, aài 0, ebrM at'Wo Vbot RleS tien uati Je" GOslamow&?vu muefdnailat ens tue mon ain niB.chis, Y, .s lkib.tC Cuan&la couapw*io. vse, d. - T'h.- bllicg 'tevise **'*#à et 4v her assi d W*obs. - Lai T'4 "v*m teri awooligon X9 ait 09 pestal raule<*el aaL uaavlA u. Wn.y ie am *eV A a"o f 200 m tpelsChem>'. asie an@4 0116.sn 1us Ete.be. s., lads qafect 0 t orsou eu~ in ed vess«Ai tWlymeta. Tkeic sme lu Mdso l l* a i. erliviiC eud 10 ;a Q4"anC&tue b.meu Imm i1 liii' u a the. *.s m mol otaw te tiou sats se t$e*:ila ta. ludlutmot ettýIasl raIwa>. ln" siov that lIce tl il:mero satt»mers ung hhronlgb ». VutI for the Norllavest Ibis yeux vas 1*a decebain ulet geir. Gi lies. 85,000 vents tepoùia. i I mlnuea ,[à b Da>kota, Idaho MsIdWsihlgtou Théi test irent 1t the<Cauadian NOrtb- Wqab Thae braile vas dinilsi about au, lqllevs: orabu.imat c.le pelutlali ie*buuebern htaes .iS00, te pointesa Catada 10.000; Greatetliéer. tu paint th tko northhestru Stabea 80,0 b pisluCanada' 10,00;otber uit POIXaIIilu Minnesota àsud NorthDact 10.00.te points in Canada, 25.0M0 asiiemal uanto e, las ttv-birde ,*alii s gtasntsIyesr, oving lte itact ima a. hépric*e ftelnd bas tisma te $18 olAXVu TRitta IJATOIxx «A. ruelus Bre auaàCliànte lu Su. et Cap- ai laVueî .Mideemas, TIi ench etumt Le Lieu, _Capt"l Irli, Atirn Alkaube, shala. v'llatir- rai et Ilurcus Hoei lie allier dey,bh" M leara lhe sbipvreckqd cliv, welvé 1.511 et lb. Italien lin Vermouit, Cap- WALMarlano. Tiet Vermot alied froin (aselles fer et. Jon.N. B. Ciptala sta.seyas tiat lais ressers ballse# bita-Md sla.capissi alurlug a terriic e 9&W. -,B aesddeu vad the accident m*set tbe-mnu is.id nt baeeliane ta e lirai bost or se ooted. 1', a tael vedee .iee thelb.ersu- elung tte ie '* 'en 1 u a n mi« ikatei condition, 'a l Iat Z > tle Le Lion. #URESBUUABSHI14 B&îe.- oîfi N Al Aoereth eseOI RI ams04. Wnt ta t te epclsd eld be-cratc 0 î lcé oI. s >laslp apa osi a",hIe e ls -eOmpamn.as rect"a r illera trou lis steamer Mark B. oeLlh. Th antessud l"'aneare eut Muiegms loedd vlla alalta, bat a.» ureefid b>.a gale. Tii exhas. Ir* cmve i slol len Cuyler. ue p xlasienProves Ratai. dl As the emIut et a lump explosion ifs,- - iDis.la arloasly, perbapa fatally, el arnedal. ekW is viand l0-year-old aon, l*ood, ara de*s th le ruaito otci ihIi oeurr«d at tttelr home lu Wal. St autan beougi, e slitîle tuvu ou lie Sus- cg ieia ive.,tire, sulles belov Co- tc nuala, Pa. Expui 5i,40O la0 iGBud. ti The muanagera eftlie Canadiean Bani r ,fComamet.. sd lie Bank ot Bitishi îrth AferIes repart Ibat u ai heb rent dat a nkbsh. bave reeeiyed e ruiaa it.Kloiffie asuce lthe opculug et *atu s 83pIUt>00.Tie>.expeel nt i ua$1,00,11 il@b. tairen ont oft le amdii.k*-»Ogm atnacloses. c Ail tie ltet is lIrsliathDetreit v0eéetu ài op Jaer tholn twclciaWe toi #y mrl tu ttlde na retv*l lâ-a osl anlet be lihO t trty-f nei oltiane i-M t lie pvrrbeoum oi lie Detrot-umlted- tl Wlivai>.. The msai tree aci eneforc. a -i enand fer aiD tigiour i.dy. The, DmIsi oXkaIs ciecer, "Calamiyte.f oe," wvi, a Iited.on Ibmetsentier .t Bee 1870. dsi u Trry, tigit salles eu De eILS. lit bellireqase- a 1 taelle i ab Id la Mounl Moniala la neler>. at,,Peaiood lebtis "Wld Dr ir, HlckOIb *hno un. utideI, pu Dees Aiieilvitle Retires lite m.04 plebujama aMcer Iit t nià a>. à 4oeetlieboîdeeinluspeech orge W. oiie lae f the. bureau ~ 1aImant engineuerin. Ho, 14 >.ei0rl o tins bai ern lAm New Yark Cit>.lu liî. Il.-Pois*, a baker niai ans ut about koouoclatlaili.Of Cne.Ms. su auelàCeMalith i er trotis kW lideues iim'- gis U Pa g Yl> et Irueai MaIsa. Rit-asdiliat ffl àqter a. ornIe sud aine J'et isen resd Ves ;FAS.liSeereBIa, du Ur@,¶ flrsfi lWim li ,birth a j4 Itt M 147, Otsetrfréatai . rCzeeesse-ta Art"ia . eat. i A. B. yanaO wi eo ed e ai ehl l tiuWa the. RrettarbeedofaIl bemsP.lré &ln ed al ic, alenti e bo 16t 1 be bu# la e lomi deane UShethé .m - " " eiea - -- -ne vwOu Ceu-n-i,w r-T»w....... i....av.u.n, .... Verdig lmai 4tlob %è Surl mun b t ; WfM83brte gualsano......l 183 anid l a i1408511guetla vRiseui 'te a etwuleral ....I*vI pepc7r. He wUs emerteti car4inua im ~loS*sd blshiet ............Hauqte i'laftgek or Vernlhte. 1 a tp oufitay t itsd trînrIc oi Veukce4aae IZ 'W Iupe 12,1*&lBS Th. e é* p.,v.br»tdldena6*l......JUR12. lm la Risse, la the Province oV*P anuU4c Pope........... .. Ans. 4. M0 *1 li qutn laas ltut t t Çteleie.HnaesePa. ........ Plum- wbert e haî tb u heli oa ne et tiipv.MOOC AItGBAL -4va elame ttetd1 atimtaering te tber.l t.w-yVac t~Ctli ira»,» snd In*W t mt im es eele. - ileea pape lauéloelaa Bl J1et,ci l'h. ardilusi.. vies e um u ;mr- anqonîrd b>. caacg'Port ta » of>rcardi. filelu ltbttusiag bis.ce$er n a tis ot igle reste lie lite- POV4 amren foi la. atlla s id er~able pfftugt"lo i Oogia, lb. nly tcsrdialfIvlvIng ir Wh*v éa reftber andl au iautice. sud Ih le said croed tib>.anuerlier ope. Upom et bil, tint l ri acvr et l4ldltlaiPpebeing alecîed'al lbits nopies au caemaPiai viat be-se t u edo. lotrered, thint outhéb leu Pope nIot, las Whsn lie qeu« sbou.d tin t ie nemw .lug lefttstanding. AÀ tritiug tablelalie- Bar>.tb Wehd, tictotal nuaher -et foAre*eh eta ntul, biclds. six more la vote$ eat lad beero obainai the diacra gf the.SBstine Cieupei ta-re opemeul b> tic secretar>.offthe. ccnetive. liat, ler>. Dol Vi, anal lb. mapgera of ceremonleà wer. *ipsttel frouat01yaou Colluge. The. secrelin>. bi éen thlbie succesul icar- "I»- yen accept lbe elechlour' andlne-. celvea arepl>. la 1he aMlrntalre. AUl lie lione coudales wer, tlaen lau-- tri. vii lthe exception ort tet oaitheb amc-Ul candidate. The masters of cerentonles next conducteal lhe neir l'oee tu the rebing cloact. vitre lac laid atide b. robe% of cardinal anal douneal white stoeklugs.ruai clippers, tbe long white, taule, "Itale»ginalu., tal:.cap anal tb- reu cape outheiipapai office. Un e turi- el ta tise claapel cii anwo ti ea en ua bain placeal on lie birbes t euofthbie Ilur. ulrrelthe cardaels fairoached ne b>. ous, kisecalbecfoot asuithlen thé sund et tbe ueu prelahe sud thea rg- cIrle hebenedflcon of lIhe Pope. 'The ns-v Pope* vasbien givrathe iniSat- mas=W Ing«.ithlu e lnnieteiy re- alned for the.-purpOae, cf Niarug 1Ida -os enmescapen IL . - -SA Iiow r ste, ltaé ballots s-hat IcW mmuleul sudtise resat naae tueic tý he m.miers ofli th bitollgeofcar- ltaia.s- Cardinal Macl. eçreuray et epastelle Bridas. saenuul edt e .reat nouaI assecbeala freul f et i Vqieai, a.e name et lice î ccsaul candid'ate1 fom tictlroe .of bst. Ps-baron earhsud uS papal ai %née boéu b>. ina. , I. lThe. anjaciement vas neeieid vila a u>. tyshut anal lihe Iroops on suani aedLalcly lusalei l ie iheipusse.sudi mieselteu arma lu a snîuvte la tie nov Toen malants Inter Plaus X. alicared iW ddeltabetlcoply>ofutheii.belca, andIt 11 ug bis anm* above' bis bond glin, bi* SpathlOal llcslng taibte populace eeealc ini a ueff o ePolie Leo ia-ua th b aellot MMa>.marituig, thin oi et a tbnaey oner tlb.la ne èbra,4 vhlaindicaleul bat nese- oico bai ýbeanumde. At. 045 P. nM.,' ier ie fi" rb allet, emoke AigAIn ros moliday.vus Ibe -tlaMtidia>'of lthe car- lnis'. imprl"eplt ulite hope Ciel mr, labt auagsiomnt imilgt ivp hum f aeio, a.he "lia i minItcrs mo.bm 1 *r pepsoniaes Wiqtwo or 1 lie-t-ak and ufat-a.seirai pubie, ts 0 Pser'4 dnrlag 'lb moraiug to ausit de- oloelapoTa.l'ae>. résdoolucal ot.a-1 ti'dlapainaeln. *..-.- l'h. esute n4y uran~ h3allal W&s awatted b>.ZGOe 8111 era 1 owbu tan to Isuepu et iC 4aeteet ad be*'*eu iantle bout for thei suike to apltir piW"-ilithont -a aigu. r vmws a Ia gt. fae>. POf-al ll:2Qý trlecil. and s liglat stoki tollauci for e averal miaules. Wihen lIce lime-du1r las0fe oballot ;pocudlce. tro ut:t fb ia it li.g M auare"t I.Qt~ bw&iUÇé lrlt ebst onal 2W rascu eta S i t Ott I'QPR LB s ICCum80t lbe midldle. the senior etrllual-aliabaP ecceupies à menathle goSpel ieetthe rmitaalter. Ticeaseir eerdl-dea al sieon the opposite or elutie aida. GIbet corulluals, bboeapaelusud deucena are arraugal arow eui athe omderaut ta. dote of uthei creatin. Carnais lutbilr lplaces or ut an>. et lthe *ia sadllenuil tblfra611. their **ocb-d-.' or rollng papets, foldiog dovta sied seulîngthe top enidetfbtc. piper. twber- the rlrmnaine i n iteu, nda bte bottom n ad, there a baciteseouae seripianni mollo. iubrfabeeomes Wi l.ds-- tinelive atari andl vlatadalie iusen linogh the els-stion. lu the umlddle et the paper. iutîveen the tvo acaleal talid.esci dlec- tain ite the namnercf thte candidaate tor whoma lie voles, ètn anme Dione hW lug piatasuldan d oen. ou tihe mnînralter ut thi. comamunien labie aletuad e lange chiattes, evered b>. a Dsix. Wýiîteuailaut- r.aaty caca cardinal laina an, tepu uap latbe aler. - veara aloudal bis v ote lte t utpan cou-. sclenîl sconvL1oneu. ben la»ais paper os the pix. sud' aimaegiuCilllitstepix, k«ettig ls pupe. alide lie o-tiieileb" Wben a*# bave t.:ed tlb. etuae*% ex. iumiue. 1i pupero. nead a&M telIl th*ean- didhas' Disa, brenking Do scila lIltopuja Doseo et the' candidates oblalu the icgal unabr oetesIca(Ivo.liirdu of libt- voâtes. 1éh mie s4ilIiouIt). the eflet- nooé. an 'as.emalt" ballet beomnes fieco atr. tuBar- voter Latenicailloved tla chaungelIismInd, or torseisite nois candid*M e, ubonab.May coasder bape.. lias, andl aceale" or'joie bis vote ýte 1hat1o et u>. oler enadute c viebas ai- ruai tmcrcal voIes la lb. menug uni May. barea abutter Chauce, lu tua casse lb. vrnis-r nIesln lais paier eccedo" bs-tare the nain. et is nuv candidate. If, l. viabea te suide bbi Diiaamrneg vote, lho unîte "tccdo usull." Itbm. ceufnamnzn is inmnng rvobe., Thae scratlaaeena agatin red nd itell tbe rotes. untouiW theb.batht ulen i lfte votng epara.te eatab _thIe ideulil>. ,,,t,,aveua aad etulIni"lobeut es«~ ilisiluz bina. vi6L tbol- ver. brealuc tiaé sai et bbc Ioa sud, We'Ic thegae.lfe flé uisait la tvnittmua, iichi tmainua ameret. ballot an>. -cf-tti. esdi*Wib s sobbaie4J tIse Iel iutiber ecfTies, tii Pepera onemm b6a'ila damlia ttav, emlttlag a dange. emoke.u, 4tis unkokê. anloing fot hem In elia*-iiua>, forme bthe ,ouat'ter idtutlPe l%ibe nabeea ,ma. adhmnlnauieubal on e oauté neokay- lioaul au> cudidate obtulia precici>. WilrtNtds t li- rees.bis 'w modla ape niiatb. lagled ont -a tia aealý rcatceulaIe qite iiien.te maite sure thet be isRotalvote&i for lina self lie bs nul dWonseis elettn IlCoualderable errer i beben maode lu lte narloata nial-esltâ-bare beau re- eeacti> Pailieauq eafteernins lb.saèreai coltexe. 1%3 is usbepn iirtell due lt- tic eiatut eclnnofetheb.personnel of lb. clolae W ~tbe deilla et cardinsal$ aad hos eresticu ea utes, luli te coagei as Il leitDoitcosmtitaied tiers, ire. thirty.pue Italen candinala aad mot IorÈy-elgbbI-gi bae . tateal i., miaa 158 appouteai 1W -Polie'Leo slxty-llaee reola. .'h. 0i ' inet ai th *P a. It ltrda e mala.laIe. m MWd booim$ treruie et> m P - Mrte luponumaelas Sm lUe t t t round effetul o la triking absence of urgent ~ e àpetelaellj'lu fln.,oulsiivý -va>. equiaueur. Tbo e lm. 16 Putrdiag the.danser 01 sutiuIcdor,et of"uttlboim te are lIcoures. tconshtle £ tire eapecky df tuentt>aililkm nualyIo lenov assurent. 1 I. Cahues repor .pled bagW a0 U'0p5U purail llleis or eegalm s ki Amerca tt bulaaelCtiilT aý a aider, aovlne te tnid, orer-sold cood m £oke la an., iuax rOeiy. but tbeMals b. ea ai -sale..11distaaab* faaraciceawn P_ otiier dpne bin i tolkm copper tu 0 13 lacents. . lia Cotton sgauiord 'aproaore placea nPon'conaditionofa ut m'ep-deivear, et ln &lguillc.eut latit Ock dua no emnulate et 1ctw is. Wb"elars fa lacrulu ier permutage utf141. ci Coy.<anaquentir prices Are culie.reuslerilâg s gocAl prXiit ft uiaaafataau Whuo baud raum i parchasgd nt snral 3ria'ae. lPal'am, ibis veek titre 190 il 17m Uuti tatfe; &agai"t 113 t e aIr 19 lu Canada coaapared vill1a amdataee's ?u.uide Bevlew., Wentber, aru1c sud 1trotte'udlîlna sesoatabi>.tarae ai. Ihoutria frruraÈl sad veakaicas in nomae e i liert rea*iJu.îments et eonsuaapt *eularied lProduction. A favorable tetuare tlais veek la reporlea llnrveuaent iu foreit.410e for our bre.ailstufs. consîdpr@Aleqa fli fnew wn Lut sud l enuibefid *portnd rukeaa. Att<ouapauying tuas -beau an iuaprureaueafllb. heOotsl tetflinathu i a.r.el markets. Wq di-ik aischaw ir 11:1or nouchage tii Wbeat. Inuadiug Ifour. export* Be 'teek aatrpgate.1.l1.422 ktuasholio 2.781 .0M lent vusk. 4.388.54 tna: l'lot Year. For tour veeks oftthb. g Yser tii.>. ait-gale 1.06.lB4b assIsa tjdIn<>lu19M1.-tJeu= Wfor fia. ve grogate 02S.Il hua agtct1,501»M teslt eei. 10M year ago. lFor four, velus et 0 fat crteai year lb.>. seuregee-4 m boganheisa againat 428m .80l 9 (85. E ] Wb.sa; barvmbWlag ganl tbro*gh«omat Xtt o.rtil %0lwesft. As te t oftewet rop It la theugit ltbii ail th. receait iauprovement sud wM 3-eld lu Sontb Di'ea pproraju 10.(1.000 boshicus ure au part s te lomes rieviere, tiie total leai 1 faitl sud., lent yeer. but tb.., et tond Yfrld on lb.euliole. sud a-Yi uhicieb e obwest ana>.b. rpry folinl tvie fthle tact Ibat a n5 the éotire crobP tood In Imminent et destruction tram aroagiat. Tt» e gra n ropa Ibaceeue te isrrcst-9e4 of ait are buratng out Weil sud lIaebJ -bit ba>. crop.Flnuxins atadng rôtI1 lb. tempersaaures oft Iis us-eh, 51114 lb. cause of pnomeaerrouaaas, usMI tu eaougb te i burt . Thei. maler are yood. Tlie flux farinera u*111 hayl taie leu.for. lîr rcropsa bw "INce years psut uben pries ire .r*aIJy.abj anally biga.bail <osetgraIna are idl lot taai>rleauunerahr. pries sud W0 grlli aeil l boes-ort jear ou the avol As fitelacan con approadîb - atreson of merchiaaalse iovinute %Nest la beucomnx helaurter. 0f aila prisiug thinga lutthe general outlutè mntal urjarlalug ln the c eeaiaed, id tonnaeet the ralîruod&.Te~ abetenct o et I iit> cars lea afox,' portant laasuaaes. >ferd Masfî ,West. especll>.thececntral W« liey are eujoylug-îe ime at cash for yearas ad a"eunuble tole c a s»un. of ge t ge Inlun>. lins sbortsges lu the I§Oaiwateat are a ymta* tuf. due lu part.,laraeyer. te the eo$ppu ef saul roada i.>.receut fionda. railroqda are lu botter shape Ibis M tbme cer, sud Ibis le s ver>. goud ltbt for Itle laikly >.aIia.headdtloqgl A moet wnl be uceded ttus fai te reuetltlou of the car famines aitif congestions hbat ucre au serions n la cap toehbusiness, dnrlug the lats fa lant Mer. ffle lt *6-30, bons,aippini 44.WOte *3.40voblieti te ho io te $3% iii'No. .2. ed. -419c ~tm, -No. Z250e te le c:ostn, X ho 4SO:; re. No. 2. 49e te llt; b ot, SJ0 &ta ld0;praiie. q =W21; aUntte. ehelo e reàm#at> »Wi exis.. fOrit, 'lc te Ht; ucu. 40o IteflQc per bnmiei. *10te *5.56; sbceP. 0&.00 tp 'a*p.No, y4 7we le .80e: cm. 48d tsUc; estz, Se. Z 31cte;X No., 2. Sile e52e. - - uaslunbi-a;tc,$4.215 te bae 401te M*5; sbuep. $4.Q0:. elistaiNe. 2. -otOua le- 'N.2nlied, 11e 't 52e: »Wt 01nsf.3e te 34e; r>..,No. .1 56e Detrolt--Cattle, $1.110 tai *5.0 84.00 -te *041: .haep, ZSVIO t1 vieil. No. 2. 78e tà 79ce; em. 7ellIv, -3Me 'ta 54c;: ww. No. a M5e te 30c; rm eu. 2,.152c te à3 ruNn.il teS sie. là ubhIbe. 3&icte 37c: r>.e, N le &oSe bilY.,No. 2. 37e tô à»V masse.. - -s. -28d"