CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1903, p. 3

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.5 r~wiw, :~ w ~ v wj ,.,i..pp~..;n.s...a0fl*BOl*à*S:**OUOêSO* '.i*%'CW-48fl!T PEIGET. -eut lic ipeadteffle vais t. Tho onattile io iéi »0claie o e ýwaartc - ai. jM1ff.42 avatahle, "ma sai5t' et 81n.24.11 on aaentet c-di- expensé 1e",fo OU l et thes. ut e«# et, fiequarter. At ice- tu e fa uarter M et th le 51 tie n Ir I 'lam a utic ta'i cMd in cmthe payleis.Du uncquaer tialrvas 02ncrad )M 1M61 te«ne ill oapei"lI «eaieO«R1topqtc- -ab Mt 141 pa 61le aI tic ici it e on arétcip dwbË d the isqurter ici 11.115 rtalar itsm Oefiefle msntl -8v a wu $vc *êS7a". Dadetin, the #dcpts at ttram spproprf ationd-fie total U'net pev ec1(t& cent tu fiee tte va" 88 .Tibeatrodtie«drladt fie ue b>'tic Solallere anei l ionsr' Hioe. v15etic neftcv pePifa Mcatte th* toe asi 82um. ThIt Wttcvn, ltunue hoapitAi vas a close cccend vlti 834,1.If.vollovsula-tic DMet p al for t tir n ita iir n luail tuic intta- iies , gin lIncne hiafl. 841-60, Kau' keker 1Insînp ssia, u-t;Jackson- Viii(' lacune hoaipuil; 7&Anme Insaeal b ceiital. P3,44. Watrfevn inane- ea- pJa.8119;isyiem for ulcurtable In. nu. 41;atylu. tir'mans erlmi- nain, 81.17;el tfor fiee dent, 5fl. -tebioalfor t he bli. 881.311; teeibcleiti- 'ci atqioMux. .98; eitilerea ad eIloii herne. 83.15; Soldiers - erphena'hot"e oo.4;sluiera' iiev' ne. 84-i>. pyoanti esr inlrm4r>'. 849,antitrain- luiss"bot forgis 4.0 SMTZ T aTVUIES nuit ISacile VrhuanTe*t 1'rovc lute nez car ct lprsoalelt. I(>mn>'Peniiieaof Chicago, n Don-ufIef - a-riulecn nt tic plentote iclpralfl h.ile vwks, m-ccsnet uîsîaîa 'emob ef etiniers asd besten lietounlsiusur f- Mie ntien carricti te a bel er cf e station on fie %Whaâhstva teles trot th Myi ..> anti lociati opIn if. lit la sup- poae.d ibat the men aexPffetiPerlin fi beu àcti nu> lu thc car ictore la. - ceeu bc releasea, bet prirate poicemen et the entauay ton"i-the violinesund teol bâi.bhck te thc vocis. As 0s"ettcei aBaerreo e iccompY am aret cf the aiesment accîrdt Perkloi. vioc.hotu lela *leueiag. tic> otria evart i 81<1 for ilertueion leadungt ti eCOU YL-t"o et miembru et tic moi. Perimi rame te Spaing4eli about tuantS' tdoit 'be<ute titse a place et the pet bc- Z-'1ag tnisiati i>'-fthé- a liexo-aUlmt VWelIt Aonasemhcde. Hel s be h seus- plev<m.&asa ioffeemakees -icîper ami. thi ,Y ninhalanicit otfieWplait sors ha Pr@vq à gpiesi ' abouit BM.O oelec P.- ct eioter evouing PoelofltItic In- *k«cre sftiheplaen aieRst.Capital av aegoitolthe cltr. He ad roeebut &,shot distance wvinleinf ta rfiget h vasnset a"on b>'a moi ef mantidadIl b esaee. Nez!ticheviolIneofethfe«cr"vd'a «fier was ii4naped and taienntisid th Uiylmife. COTa? FORBitlLU TROPSY. t, es. et Pire Stts Viii **et e- Lake Cty,. Mim., h"Pt. 21. Tlh adjufant gecerale et tic StefesOo illiluel. leva. Minnesota. YWisconetp snd MI.ilmn, f0 viom ram lct tht, matter et iioisug i weneanti vian tic contest fthe iscWushburn trepi>' net, heM b: Illinois. cionîti ha cotesteti fon iy the rifl tric ma eft lews atea.have tecitie- iat the cotent shall bc el ict fLake t M.Iinu.. tommeuring sept. 2L A- cordîngi>' Adjf. G en. Sctt bas lsucd au order drectinc fiat a touer csx' roenfe rîtfion tfom place on ticIlîlinciel rifle tet «,Whti c lte tioteuti tiei'aaabun ntrophi "lail bc e lct. comSanoini ug. 24. , ter t -CeInts tSpringfteltior tVaie '-l.eamn. Ciicago. andt tt CaptàinBeni jamin un ot C,,iiage. vboi lnamcd os e. fise captaino e ioise alc ittemi *,feaeaiit seect"tic anti and fha mon Whe chilicotepete ton piae on tlb entse. Me viliiprobabi>' select Camm GlIRL mLli INTO WID>LtCK. Wn* auleed r lMer Brather, chi Cie, cor 9225. A cfraugc stor>'of etiings oldta f. ede Jac'k 4>'hem brother, ant ilItréatuea anti tesert ion b>' herit heiut. vas toid e thc ponIce t Waukegiu b>' Mr-.Jobn lnirowici. e joung Lluanlen roman rua cannat epeiEggieh. Sic van S fana oun atret cerner b>' a pol- M", cring anti poutin te c receileU treet car, in vici-elie eiti hem lisand w*& -Tistogi au Itrpreten. it vu tamui tint aie wvas formait' Josepil t>rmnol;o, Wie usi bmougt heré by ho trire iotier. Chinesg, Michaeland WillIam. Toise>' ceetr civaugat vil I inarovici te viti her bche halau a $M00foie ansedoing. l go t the nou anti rau ava> ta Chicago. Liter bhe n >'tur» an sd tor M25more neamictilie. VIED 4X~CAUS8 ME TALEED. *uraed of Danger. et rLochai, hau wouNt atBs,Cuilai. Secoaseho:'coni ti eon voulti no kot-ep uoIlet Heai,>'MOhISof Waterloo i det.Dcbtinot hehotalkcti be tau& "t vund% luhils Jaw tanti cee ibjie tic rerviCeaet a ýi-birciiert ~remti te close littc.eop an. A wvms oOMole vac Injumed inlu cruna a u 4ot- Wbm e wavs taioen home andt t tamil dootunhiaiti maeis einjun, IlWtmy ho ftoit an unedrlhble iý +pulse te tait ni aictt. Waru lors iy the dotor anti b>' motairs eft fi -tplrslin iainet i hm citic edanger n lcckLn»W il tac continuai bis actions, niý Pau f lef'taeactually dtevopet. - PAsTOR PLAT.& A CLALRIOXE4]T. linsis Preechel ic la Dci nd'n Cliurci lDelattc e " lo asui Spence'a baud t 'corla vet te t]q fgame 'picui e t Blandl»Ummie. ace eaieti b>'thie e. N. J. Brown, Pàaat fet lcMethoduef ChurcILi etthat plati ivise in a'mtauilian Wbe playetimf Rrîfflin he ondan ir.At liai à detafr IX. 0um , l oreth n~ . i t'1ffl éowea et imalipex -*Mncreperteti toe heekh tapgruent la Chcagoe "I 4*sS# d447. -1. 11 The cornet>' faim gountiset §$ Vers Ircel te>' iinti catithpee Wure*'bd -fylg tiarira A ýMobile andtisuepaaa-egctrain1 t *£ 'Olttob ganea nlise pofetAlto1 Vas a"ntfaee "roum e mrclierwai. ebhimesachci, ae1825Y*Sro, 0et L eseuvIie, f*ai lihulb>' a imset a tnec -ilei fu o bnamdet a bleta init.- D.I3. I ejc.a reitiet àet RLd Ceuit>'sinea 151.&apractIiouer ant>' fort> ycar. taticatitroue cancer oet hoi Tic noeuan Chtiille Chircit 111- 4 o4 1*4 frai b>' lightaing anti aro- id e htic pooantiTic paocial neri- *r i. hm Scott bas appinteti H. P. l. m e.jrof ('icagôassistant Piur- . miaster oft fhe Illinos Naval Iteserves, e tranikces nouthliaut. l Dr. HL Atwood Periantiud Rev. John 8 l*vie, termeri>' Premb>terisn clergymen, acre ordaineti picafa lathaetProtestent Upiseoai (mcburenluChicago. J. L. Bluort et Hanitorti City. Iud.. Waarobbd ota ateh'ccd $40 b>' m man vie toppetihi. fe inquiré tiheva>' te t fhe Union astaion lu Chicaga. Preston Kcç. son of, cs-Circuit(en Kosof etVlmslii, vus iccidentàll>' Iief a wiiieclecuin a revolver in camp et -Wiicox laie' and ftalirpeulta are teareti. A treet eprnuliug trust id tic latet buies. combluatien lu C'hicago. thint>' evucra et- wagonls rgeniliig ndem fie naîne of tise Chicago gpniÉling Associa- Tie eommtai efthfe Rer. Benjamin Wiseman of Zéniobie te thc inaesnau>- -on et 5 Jacksonvile hie reenteti la charges fiat hia ag - ypiàtiieti b>' a fellow minister. 1The *tcsmaluip San Savador artved et ('hicetgo frein ticeipyani ct Wiathrep aHarbor. nudr Waukegau. ant i viiitrevel iear!>' 0U(10miles b>' laie anti canai te aI Mrenhao Brai. dGembltug jis aiul te hmve causedth fe tiovfu ofe A. M. Richardison. !M yeans -oid. ciarged wvida tichehe aement et $Z.000 tronm tic Yoitiwestern Saie anti iTrust Comupany' In Cicago. Albert Stucb, vite sud daugitèr met Instan ir enti cfgrade crorint At Six- trenfla cfef anti Aianti avenue. Chi- cage, ville ulivia aermons fie tricha. a test Belingen train rondinsgrhem tivu vitheut vemin. Tic total ecceasetveloins ofetreail cunl parsonel propent>' ln bot Cont>' fot op 8,0.7.3,bint au incracaei cvrnhfiamcasssc,' figre. for 19W0 t127 pet cent, anti ver tue reriaverc figures of 12 par cent. -eogemuse r cf et belcaUviü* a ecutseeti sarciat, viehdiynar cel*- brath te anuflvensas>of'et lauAriat netl h iage, Ivas Jouai t decltei Miiof et@bisnou nder trcnmsfnc viie la Idicate gulcide. The Saue mditon et pabie accotants ias laissa afinl permit ta the iBoatcr» Wili Counif>' tite Ban -ei Monea. te bege boulinss viiia capital etf8«.000. John Koknpti la fhe preeident anti George'S. Mle. cnaian Prof. Dviait 8. Dalbe>' viii reiga sth pecilon cetlnotructor et tarn crops lu ftac Unlveweit>' cof Illinois andi- vii me te .utiasa t assume tic manaeent ef a plantation u et 3,000 acres et laid ln fie t. Frances vsila>, idiOn D. 'Ar- tison S. Prince andi Hemr> M. Merriâm et Sprnugfil anti VIn. Dcii.>' hav pumveiati-Prof. Daube>'10il nef go te Aricasa outil sept. 1. doehohm ies omi leetng betoe evarions (haut auq«o inl tie memerhtie. Te aire tteir ciu itiche, nfien- flan>' fiteen Eastet. Louas yeuugf meni eca igiiedtinote for 810). Tahemi fie>' bepce s ave ie Neti Adasms. cacsier fer Swltft & Ce. et Nasismillo. nov unier careforto miezaiuar1.5(K.-lRobert eikking basagone te Chicage te p&y tie moue>' anti try te obfain Adamses ese. If id nid abat tic fther et an tEast St. Louis girl tarteti tise mavoeet. AL' codnîta t ils item>'Adanag was entas- et te fila girl and ie vs loye a ehim in flic face ot ie trouble. The engage- ment. borever, la detet. 1M)IraNefte MeAte* hec begun' a suit for sepaots maintenance isai er e hmbsanti, Benjamin MoAfie. aun g9 anti vpeaiti>' landti ovur et BeUtovadahp. 017- acfer mente cge - M-ire.MAte. %-he vas tien MinsaCiyfon. flieti esuit agaimt Meàtee ton becaci et promuise, tiemantilut tamagee I tie uem et ffl.- 000. Ta o cqeeame i imissil ofthfe casa fia aget suitur mannaed thse complainat. Seic matsit he hae aines adoptmti a -course of cruel treatmàeut touard hem foer tic pprpose of drii hem fre i home. anti eba cake fie interventionuoethfe court in he baisai., George amrugon ovii armest ad île imoilar.- loin T. Ccmtaum in laeing cgt b>' lhe setfer tntie murdai- of Mr& çQeorge CaraWgiO et Grapa crack. At tia c coen's uet George Cla- ringooteifici tat lia vuiste annfm John T. Caningion viithltau"ln te steal eau. cf h~éiolkeac amg thrcaten- ai hi. vida a revolver. Ticescoa tien uliotwfir viti a a hoigun 1leieti it itisot.kililins lier ilpîuet hlactnt> John T. Carrlngfen lea a pardoueti cou- vit torame effafsenville pentenfhs>y. ma serrai tie Yeants or iliintanmin near -Terre Haute, Icd. -Thc discever>' trs mode ticeiiher ràenning that tthecpsrfmea t ao et- &. lcClah &k-(ce. in Rock Isaundi ici beau enterai b>' burgian an the fia ler> dapatmueitner".veofet 8.000 voth et stock, conistng meint' etf clîveare., A grest quantti eofier plender vrac aise tmki., Neding vas broken. Tic vateisea, tilgaind imore valeabte jceet>' vane eptlalutic mieecnd ne stfempt vas maie te open if. Rutnane val effeteat tirugi ca kyligit, fhe roof bilas reacet hi a laitier. iaici ton- niais.practicai>'tic OuI>' cicr fiat tic offiemi have a t voupen. Jutige Thomas .Kennedy cf Rureua bonrdithe pailtiOn fer tic ctabtidimeni et a lcve cttiend410ge.difict lu. tic vesteru part w Woctitorti Cout.It>,l le etienatedt tcthetiiceplae viii e- cliimei 184 iaped at 8.000..Tic "Minat Cola $15,000. -ý lime hbeau trapIr on the efri et grauvellia Weoodla Lucs towuslap. It leg gact, teaad ir, 'ith trons pua- as,, d mêmeta e-ac-cin&,Tia *bie e aqai- l xet over diathe , ____ dm" - . 1 a a Ml OLDUS? daLLER liq 04T8 les.Ineuumats Clamaeae-def àfaemw DanLagest inDemase.4 ><eqai laimlug the titis et "014.51 iierta .Illueoib." William Mfrars of lltboeiiteu ta daiiy found tig hepeut oet dtnt>'et a WlenB our Mli. ne Io 80 years et cgc anti vabora lu Lacacair Ceun- t>, Penniylvania, lun132.-lu 1840Mn. Mayer escme te lilooannton pind-héc lve t here acimeet cenflnunei>sintie. lHa ha# beau cenoccieivitli tic fleur millea ot central Ilinois for ity-fivc yecrs ant ia'vatew dtic davelepuiacat otth* ta dustry fr, mtic rude preces ofaet pionï.ear tute cmodem. 'Mr; Mayera'inimata trienti at AbrahmLin- celna cudi evppati sterica viti th mr- tywcaPragsitet'onmanux calda tic front Ptch et tic olti Amarica Hloule. ee* efthfepue Plwhebtais et Blooozinctea u.ven ralueli hbeardeti. Aitfie'eItU tillevioue, hi fteple uat bc bas calmaa nes! cuti expectu te retire aburti>'. 671CALS mis OW I AUGRIER. Navepuper cartoemita# et aeburg The abdunction oethils eau5-year'oiti dangiter by IR. Sydmey' Smith, àa mun- pepT itet-all'tirtooniat et Pfttabnrg, Pa.. ceteti c sensation et Bioomnngton. Ha came vitihIeW second vite te etelthis parentseanti bic daugifer b> e firzt mar- riige. One dey tie couple let cecreti>' tor Pltteinmg. tiking viti tiem the' chldt, ailtbugi peiteeltet odrs, bcd been lagueti b>'tic Circuit Jutige torbiti- ,tlug rmorailotheicgirl tronm tieé.'ty. Wieu ISmit vas divorceti trom ha firt vIte tic conrt avarte ici hfe custody> ofet tc cijd. but directedt tit hic' parents be fie gum4rtianii fief it ciotil l e le«t lu BlôÔaml'mgtueine thut tie. motien oboulti bc alloee te vlit it nt. hem piesaure. hie bas inca marrieti &gain anti le tic vite et Dr. 1. W. Hanvooti. She tieatene te have Smnith arrestmti tor ateuctionendi carly prontiiugs are ex- pectet. Jedus Cr.lshten, et the sangaemea Cemai>' Court, Isse*sVi. Jutire Criglit of et the Scotamea County Court hie duiolvedth ie tempe- mar" Injonction lus! nomne im ecgo b>' Jotige Tiompcon restrailntug the cuditea sud Otite freacurer troun paying en>' of the appropriat ion fte illinole msid .tichigan csai. The cf tome>' for Rap- resentativa Burt., fie cèplalumuf, lue- mediatel>' Bledi bond mudI pertectcd aunsis- peâl f0eftac Sepreme Court. Aa te Ibo lnredietio oft disourt an th e cotine tuai relatiosg etvaca ,tic Ste and tie Unitcd Stats aiug muni as te maie if tie Ami>'oet tic Legisief ure te - ppropi- cf e mena>' emncly out f eac tte tressanT ton the purpeea etfieaping the canal acigaile. luise Crelgbfeo, in hWe opinion. asys flei qutiom ean frac tron t dMcnlty. Ha eoiti it tiecouert bas, junlailatinmaId fiaitiare iranno suc contrant relations as allcgt& 19ELO Voit ILLKNOIS MUEDERt arronis leh, Leec e cf etpriagahls Dealca Me BD44Ai4la&g, bomeneasr Bh*la Frank Tuerpi, allas R0cb. le locied tI np lthe cousst>' Jal cf Springfield, 'tasmiedti v theticcommis' ciaeof ethfecrime. Ys<iréngeshi and Ri"i speuathfieavanint lu tic village et River- ton. Roth vn rlarins cedndstartedtu t walt tuethar te Biccel., tva miles ava>'. 111m armivet InlaMusi ielns cutirepont- ed thai a sang ef tremp ladut!tfcci h ia acd Grengeski .indI bai kitiedtihti 1#tter. Hie taea doing fhe aiootiug himsseit. Rtch's accusera daclame tic>' beard tic ts'e men quarreling betore Icaving, Riverton. There is a itm>' afleait la tic village te thse effect fiat Rkci bai beu paiag attentions te f he. deati mm'e vile. THINs! MRa. GIILLU.R nINIqCIT. Scentimsent Venratert dAccusal Bunker aMlaii taCesse.' Sentimenit at Bucker illlin alovsi> <'hauins tra..conietion tiat ire. Id* h.uiler in gulit> et munterilt tile Evart Checkslieldte f a conviction flaaf a grave imjmry has heep dontthe omîn. lia thenn>' et the tietense I in tehechili ate a iii tailet cenepoacle 4o oson, anti tinathies destivas due te hic ove ignorance andti tic crelemnece cf l tatiar. It sla i>' icieleveti b>' lra. QUlters Mentis tiat vicu the cieical astalysis of t he lads'»feenwci la complet- ci Ir-,viilha mauceaceti that, ma ofe etrycrdie hing toent! themein ealy cutis poisono viii ha tiacovenedaui amaire np fie cmpodt$ou et the plik miii haies u&eti lu dtiiies. -IxïL3MEDfr AXICRi ME]ROI Raclas sud Springeldi Varia Unit* -1la OS.100000 Coucare. Tiecocneulidaf ion vas cffetainl Sprligfilid o e sa afle>' Manutactumiug Cemspan>' of fiat cît>'andtihticRacine iWagon adCarrdage vomis et Racine. Win. Oflfl ars aelectesi for fie ce.- -hineti compan>', vlalchillii fe mcm as tie Racine ami Battie>' Implement bMme- uficturini Çemany, andtihfe capital stock vil 0lis'iÙet'rascd tr5iu 1,1100,000 te 88.100,0M9.Tic nov officcre caca Prenident- Ill. E. Mlles, Recane, Win.; firaI vle-emlltidéet, Marshall Battie>', LSpringfield, Ill.; second vkcc-iircaticmit John T.'Palan,ý Springfield. Ill.; thirti v[ie-presidst, Tiaodore Stenir, Racine, 1148AN IT u& GULLEE'a PLCA. Alterem to ter sinulaPeiscant Casmbecicre Xotivs Lackîma. 1 If lu catuldncv huhfe attornecys for fise detanaetfMie. Ida titller, ciangeti tvitu -tic merder et 0'year-olti Braft Chacistlet mBunker 1Hill will f r>'te prosve fiat Mn. QnlIer'a pecullarutien art insuenit>- and tint hem hatreo e ildren viagticentcome et a veak naiuad. Tic>' declare fiere ascane mot ivé'tor tise poi- mui. lMra. Gulier, vie ewai-. el.I f0 f the grand jury ton niander. 1 uc înime- preved in ucondition. liaestetara end tnok nolsment, but hem nervoiu.uness, ace.n- peuuieti b>' Istr'attache, afill ila te.. 3UKERS M &YCAUSE SUVICIDE tGIt-l in Mlan. Dincevercd lin Theft, aacifltcalagte BIle bisorace. JUnable tn bean fie humiliation vnics foliovethe fisc acvér>' et teaing $51 froisi fa guetat bar motier'a home, Âtinie-l>ur- treuberger, ageti 14 yeara, datighter et lira.IllosinsiDurreubergor ot Eiglas. cilibei tiaxliisof the Kimicil street "dato es t*0 IVox river anti ra Abf totealag lieth alet viatic sq# issran>'Mv ber t Us bat LE KIILI end mon wrilS aie* sa aUlK i ilurani. MIdI., la Poriah-WSi. ta Terrible A- cid.tisf-Air Dae a Tvcnty-tvo pWOOeeswer.e killeti mal about liff ylatàM Olai a wrec(k on the grand Truni rond bal a tmile fren Duranti. Miei., Y144«-'.One -etion et Wallace Btrbm,»'tâmCestrain cracheti into thcetfier. Tb;rdd"ere men con.- neeteti viti the O*5W and <,iloyec Iet the (Grend Trunni tUffl.eon mbici th* terrible vreci eemqjît1 ' ailure of thc air braies on thc* ~ train te vank causei tic collstdiu. Thoe cene la lic Grand Trunk yards etterthticcolleOS *si ppalllng. Tbc wrftkagc et tc te and four cars a strewu mint.&M pied iigh, wvile tie fbrieks o 0 Uve victime and tic beUowLng& et- i the itenêti mimala çould buh iÏa-»M * h ilola e CccP Jp,teaaaanti~i dieti abouta et the rsur.It *,#* muse hairs betora al ti@ iijued y rûm lic hecw »d CAMa. Boue owere la terri- ble agooy. BoSM $g tic iodies ye* ertiresiedani agldlie tht identlca- lion wu$s imcuit. - It leetitemar>' t# sautd anuanier et apecisi viti ,"uMes antithat ce- ceunts tor tic prquatefet theroat oM-* ces vio irre ilte&, Air ren C es» Crash. On0e cieplian4tu e eàsele anti a $1,000 bioudhound vers btW inlutieir cage$ cut many of tfis &tbaaimalt e veiW mmced. Tic cauu.onithtecolllion vue tic air irake on the second train getting out Ot order ant fiilng te urori wlen tic an- ineer ccv tic rad Iloft ofthte it train aticur.te a mandatill. The wallace e# ieatraveloeh On trains. In eae t«ain tiere are abolt tllrty-flve, car. > 1:cîrcus Thursdcy te. have gîven mn exhibition t Laveur. Tie route the cire., vas traveling val tie Grand Truni main line.. Tic tw'o traina loft Charlotte aiout mldnlgbt. or perbfa P itle Inter. Ac- erdine te thec;*li eof the i'ifrotdthte secondi train kept hoit an heur behInti tic tiret train. . Mn the iret erain reacheti the Dura&7Asrta hait a mile fron tichedepet. hIieppetl. An tihemule« requirea areti- ateS M promptiy huaS un thi ermien d à*lestcr., Wieu the secoend train came ciouig, lu bait an boux, tie test train was stili ou the main trock le tic Yard. 1The neti danger signal on f1 e Mcar vai hurn- log cleami>. Tic, egimeer on the sec- nti section admniitu ht lie ecw thc réi lig;intnetu a havu sinopped île train hitore fit raciet f-arot train if tic air braies laid wvred ailigt. Bot dis air brute refseti te Teaponti. Tic englneev eilti de notiing toecck hié train santil;tcrasheti vitiont u check lut.otedia ir train. and sce e car -remar cars et thcfe M train anti tonvard cam, of tic second tran. In whiici n> people wve . elemin-were totilir wrecited. Tieccune atter ttbest crash vms tee rible. Neaniy aen>' om n uthe train Wei asl.cp andthticcris et tic vountietiand dying ma tic>' atreba1,tman t hetr Osl wmre horiting. l iÏ m a cra u ccab l vere tic aniuais ani theïr keapr. 110024 ot tic carm rea prtlail>'deminee sb- tins looc the aIMale. peupla kiflle ntie ptscfgen-omé enuaisteti maini>'f et ti lov driveresuant a fev pertommera. Tic' e wrs 1tIiLcm DEFEN8E 0F LYNCHINOL @am ion". Compares Nse Crlmiaie vith Wild Deacie. Bey. Sa Joncs, tice argia oa-at.em evas»oua ofthticspeakers At tic Blocnston (111.) Ccutauq, ua. s.ii- ei viat inb ils opinion. v sreapouaible. %e. ic ace ersin tiche rth. pardnu- ~~~~~u 4i.1i1D.vll at tyniinota. e nid lu responca:* **I have livet arneng tic negrousail my litéanmuaiknow (lem pred>" veli, anti lu my mmnd there laet otuék in titis ex- cianient about tiem. Nov titis iynciing business le rm anarciy. If IL mati dot or a vilt béent runs tirough betic trset anti bites &ononte OCthi thado inte kli k. anti MU it hetore it teesRan> more harua. 1'ere la not inné diference ha- twean a wilti beanttand à efflewio viii ttack white vomen. Whr. lu tic SOUti harespectable blîcks he4p tic white@ Irneli icbrutes. 0f tic 11,000,000 ne- grand!tic eSouth tic griat ma"AMar peeceabie. law-bilding ctlces. Biae ve hava gt id of the.Xankn scala- vane viewrre etirring iieia cii e doalt bave muéh trouble viii thet. Tii.> kii@v tlacr place anti thr aP IL. S"Tiaere May' bc' e tionanlad negr'uc tu, ti Southi. andt tc>'auethcéone itO ae tia trouble. If vwo Uc cmin écucu et ftic flegme Ibotmode the trouble et fluet. blu corga *0 hava Dot tiufrgnobid tiient. Ticor eauvte at the genai election. but tic>' Monet vote at thé pimcmy. We haveàa'white pal- mary, ceti »enomination lea nuiraient tae ciecticne ic tvote "ccamotInter- tare. Education h doiug pattdcl tor tic bledso. The ouly eduoption tiat I think la usetulte t leuxleanna»i train- '.'loi. Booher T. Weshinsé atfi.doles th@ moat for thain. Re i le alying labôr aniteacéingthtic. t e." * Toltlu a 5ev LiMa. ieaavy raina have fioodsd'streaum lu southara Elflnnt. Ian>' basementa lu Leeden saubnaerged. lamai J . Hiii anti E. EL. H.mnlýan, If le àAwLare 4rryina te "ceiucr" tic lm- benr15mb etfWeehlngtue hS«DOregon. Tic secretar>' bi Wtk- ic i iiectei teti il efficers Who have beau on de- taciet duty for e perloti 0< Jour yearu -lae r eturn te their regluanfa or cue- George K. McCalin, Pllphia Pays. piper mon, Ices bonglt the olorado Springs Gazette end vili tebage Ifs pull- tita frem Demnocratie te Ittpublican. At the annuel mxeeting ýlu Detroit. Min,eh fthticSociety oe t thÀry etftBen- tiago de(Cue al tic o4- lteere vers re-clectcd. Mcj. Gen. William R. Suai- ter la preltient. Calvin Price and leMrlGrAve1t vere hengeti nf Marion, Il, for.tic iieartieqe martien lest >'ebruary. et, Mis. Nellie licilderfer, e populer tecer. Boti men iceore.tii, drop teallidicontes- alons. -Mm. Mttle D. Rié, tiéc (image 1 viii arise anti go te v efther- Thce secteat et nteriez tolti lu an>' iniqu amens men la tuis beautîtut parait. of the.,prodigal sou. Ever>'- vhcmc la it -tteutivel>' heanal. Simple canuta plainoeas, teldtofeuticusauti hunes. it neyer luacs lis MarveloUa chenus. What la priapa muet wondartul abont It la thuf, wbiîle tua qluiet eftich vandarer la ney7er ton a moment hW- dmsa ville bis tranegrecelon t'a set hoe- tors us licharactersnce-ditnct me never tae>home mtaken. va de Dot fer a moment Ione our cy'flpti>'for the vanderrimsec.ot.he0ie ater viai- cd It Fer ce Me opens the tuexictuat- t'rie foulîtann of ihie divine love hoaOOun vision., #0ne hamows usmbeR H e - celves innere anti ati wltb tic.; ber He welcomea the guit te tic toast er Hia tove anti rejoloes over tic. nea' a atier oc-r a chut thit vas lest. Anti yet tMa symPeti>' turni aite- get ber upon the Incident te whIeh i u acylpture directs Us.- Let tic narra- tIi-.e have anutier terminetlon anti our pit>' turne lu dinguaf. -Let if rend: ,,But ho von besotteti anti rejoiceti lu fhe bueke vitb the mwiiae; hte ongedi net for bis fatber:e )ome; be iguoreti lis plent>' anti diet ln ie wrtchalt- neu.1. We sieuldt ten se>:': MIser- ailje brute. be lircdandtidiet a le de- served1" In tue strunge landi te rhici *a havre come. wiether our feet go tâtao flower gardous or ieents. ire areaupt la lune knowletige oethte fteaooti Étit la ever us. Tic matemial advan- teigea orthte wori'l. ail Ita profita, hon- ort anti emoluments. cman neyer catitt> tic biliet ayplntilong ot tueeitiman coul. We vent aoueliing more endun- ing ant pretound. Nor vill art, litera- tire er sentiment gatlafthfeccravlng. Net hut.;iig that exiauots tseif lu tie raiofet In tetllecat or tice tienîs lone reaponds te the soulaù bigi. est aspirations. Tic leverage b), whic i t le te be litteti muet ha ont- ide itacit. It wents Goal. .Tic burden ot corrow. cure andi au- zlety' tiet oppreitces us requines.a blgher mlnitry tian tuls "atrange land"' afforda. 'Iti comtortc are but '"uss 'lMany a business man vin recdsa. ieae vrda to-de> shuitders as ha racoUlets i that tic lundi>' mat la -almadc lf atgene and tust to-mrrev ha muat reclue fie grinti et yosfcr- de>' andi taie up the agonies tiet bcd ent>'hobeulaid slde during hia mccl- WUg speli. Tiche ofhem vbo ieft tie body oet ber chilîiln tic cemahen' c tcv timys ago la fnt nelleveti b> fie ihonslit tiet sie ainrea onnIy te cous- mom lot ef mertici A teudener band than httof philoaophy laucaede te f Éte> tue rush of lier teens. Ne, It la net eaticfing, tMa "tar couatry.'" Many ofet îlegila are bigle ant noble; indeedt tey are ail of tic. et tic Fether's betowal-u-e.muet net torget tuis vien we are temptedtat hlttle tic worid'c favor-but tic>' are oui>'tfie medi anti mt tic ùb stanýce of a divine affection. W -amati to get ieyontiand above tbcm ail te, the perenunilfeunftain from vic ail benelicence dors Iffie coul ta te ha settied eti vtperfect refrestbment. *1I viii arise anti go tom>' Fafier." Let ever> reter sas>'tue toe sowu mont to-day. Bcyofld anti above ail, songe anti pealas, beonti enti-bove ail ries eandi cereanontii te the lovlng icart et tue Petiier!- Thore a eno n for deubt as ta my veicoane. for Hie arma aGqalva>'s opeu te recelve Hic sorroVeLng. suifer- luspctiiteut chiltinen. Tie>' are Hia tver>' ovu. lie SglYn thi.4apence vulie tua vworîti. an nelien betoy .%Iy> l'eher! Wbèn aver>' coui cian euse te tic sence of proprlctorahtp viléthi s pronoun susgeciýts, tia %hall men ceijue te tremabe heora an çuf atytrant, anut fat euna" of tcs. pain vhlà isaccompeulu tue Ideu et au Inipersonel or misent power tbht ls aboya us perlehies. iflqe vague yeana- lug. - fat liailits brtiuour pmrW> ildhoot rien et a mothiada lace ve eanue t teas>. 'Ourn atfier, hilCIS art in lacaven," Sufids a higiar eclisa- tien 'tien vas tien possible to onr dreai, for the beavenl>' gates have epenect andthti Father bas cons ou e te meat lIs mtuug chiliti l n n- attable milsr>' otcointont peaue anti love. MRiENEWALOP TOUTH. -or Rer. ji. 8, gli la the aget. tilitibee, Yonti andti uianbooti aneflot ueat. The>' stiullira. Childhied has col>' icen put ho bat; >'ouf hibat eut>' gene off a hoi aAnti inaubood bhas oui>' egage lnu uai na sor cnltat lu tic crmy on gene 1« on an expioint axpedi-l miJ tie rsiona et aid age. lu due tume1 tuilithoot vIII avuke tncm a leng, e- tnebilngateep and. coarn bouudlug ot1 of lied more jortu'L.tien *er" pentu7 viii corne home tnoux collage vîthieal oyez spankliaig viti je>'ant ieiiface1 ahiing riti vieadouianti kuovietge, anti manhooti mil raturai trom thea battlielede et lite anti the veakus of oit cge enrtehed i vti firmnues.,en- durance andi expenlence. anti togetiar1 tic>'%viii hiautilaie eone glemiena anti1 composite icing, emimceini aSU tue singes of hitan lita minus (bain tic- fartsand imi apentectiena. Chillth»dt viii tien hbave lest lis yilmi, 'îontu lic taolles anti cge lis vrnnlec, cailo aliai,dl. cye anti gray'haire. Tins yenfl. h seema htg me. lata the tipar- mwanant tats or condition o e eameti huaman Dlith îeatmcifutuni. la I cerfaini>' tic uiet eytcui dada- bie* parloti fof lluGu>thq béac tmul Mmii -à» mon vou ttir 1* but De man voulti grow oli.- Tii. tlef la of divine oengin. and 'Must theraoreb ha gratilleti sometime andi eom ere . calnot belles-e that gray balrs, dia eyer1, vrlnkied tacn, maUoew mhu trembling limbe repreent the oM condU» of human life, becau» e c -are avdnes of dsease, deca>' &"i deati, antid dsuse lean abnormal con- dition brougit on by sin. Goti made healti fie normal condition of lite and dicesse the abnormal condition.m Ingarmoil once saai: *Ilf 1t basaec making tievontI& nstead oft 004 I woulti have mati e lcati Contagions Insteat of diseaMe" teo vici a meîli- cal profeacor replieti: "Thenbe.would ibave been compeiedte t bave madie diacae lueteati -of bealit'haic orIF4 condition of lite," How 4rcBdtUl woult tu bave beau! But 004 kâe* better boy tu maie a voridti tu- u fideis do. Nov. If the decrepttuda et1can le the, result of t dae.and i ise la a& ai: normal condition of lite brought about b>' sin. It feUlows tiieretore tuat ai thase abnormal conditions Wini forera dIsappear wian our redemptIon lut tIlly completeti lu thc mornlng of tic remurrectIo. Ail the veakuesoi. cor- ruptlbillty and dialuongr to whlch tie body bhis been aubiceteti on account of Ma in iiihezchangeti Our Incornp. tion. gior>'. bonor andi immortalit>'. (Il téir. xv., 42-ti).>. Wbere Itia 110u îdecaf or corruption tiere en ho ne olti age. Thi s @remotal>' antict. pateti b>' ilinu. where ho ref esete an olti afIiîcteti sieleton et'x oce î powerful man returnlng te the dais of his yonth. "Hiie ei hall ha fremb- er tien a chîlIId; t echbli returu te the days of hi. youti." (JOb&aiI. 19-23.) TichéelmJIet.'1100ales of the nman whose lielbes beau redeemct from, destruction tia~hecuit*halave bica 1'yoqtli renewvet lii.-thc alesf1 (Pi. til.. 3-.) Andi Jeans qça": "Dc. boIt .1 make an things nce.4(Rey., iii.. 1-5.) Prom tMgs It appeare s the eartll. togetber vîti c&l Its te. deemeti Inhiabitautesealleveutualr ha rehaubiltatati upon tic orignal la ot Iumortal yonti. Âge yWinvpi" &way Sa wtntar. and thc ipeins -ni chiidbooed viiibloom ont Jtth tria- grainandi luxurlesasumnier e motel youiit. Tiose vie ves* olti andi "mruWl» r«=»ue *b» anc* of their, youti and i xewlSW again. its heaiti anti aujo7u.nt1a. O richedti .tousaud.fnid b>'hi te VIu edo eandi Sipereufic of manio a4" oldtiec. Tiey uhall loont eut e reneiretiandi gicrifieti mrti tiregit renewed- anti gliti c'es, hffr 11 joyful a*uPd$ Viti the:cr eff «Yt yo fite liasueiaiewidlug ois iltk t4 mouti eor>'outh. v-aý t@Ifsililva viti. liftt7tmhy XDiý tt beartily' lm*e911i ha joge antiaeMIei tien wýltb thé votsit 09etyeuth 0' lceacti atatal Gi. iapgW coottdebi AMtI It VIIoI tmee$àL t w#Qb naver $row oni gais"Andti *c, shibe ho Domore deuI, nsltisr meS- ar> monepaint for t»c fermert bin (min. tiseasa. od nid .pOd dwt a liassmi avar." leo N tUp. ig>y# agati. "ton your rédemption 4rât* mg."Your chJLhoe4. Mtlimes. Si partial>' aakiisd n& mur jOuti mai ha part>' ranevil lu tile tt but yen WiIInetotcabraes ticlutailAU tiacir glery ntin yen paue tue Utt peut beynnd. L caisiytDookkmpfng. Moet permons knov se man>'CoU' peteut l>eualcc omm cn t t iiame do tu taie too .aOU5lY thc e PuPlar alantiar.tiat thc botter blt tieo cannet mauter thc p Wltll. et beni! 1 ing. Sf1tien ta ocla lonall>' a jcke ef tus kinti gooti enougi to atantiwu-i apologie»-, andi a recent. me trustic Chiago Post WIi Dot ha taon lMM& **My accunt book.','sica alti. pred- 1>', "showed tuat 1 bat i egit 4dollar, anti f tain temore tian IlftaUr i014 have. se 1 fait at liberty' te apant i e -ea me1f rése, a0time vcWaal"ebereilieS. ,"rbeieck ahovet ivI. '*If iontlttbave tiefloue>'." ha urged, , "1hWva a hoitare." "Ccnt.iuI>net," shc reteraetl, i*ft vas rigut thame ounfth* bo*eegt doilaresuanti lffeen cents more (han 1 hiti, anti vian fia balance wvas a niothibigganthan It; chenît-be. I tit frac te apnld the moea>." "If yen lied more aeone>'a »Mu pane tian thc bIrow*&"cc,' ic su- gestcd, "viet tuai?' " 11 houlti have spent It." abe an- syaret. ".Ether va>' lic c&U thc Nous' ha la trying ta get hem to give np epiug accounts. A que" Relia. IU Ulniversity' Collae, London, fa a iauguar objeett hit la preacrted ow.- falli la a remets gailer>' Inlde a <lie case.,whIic seniula coatalnmît lua& linge vooden caiphoard. thec tiora ort vhlch are leclati anti theie ymimAteu custoti>. Tic rell ide -ci la tias s zcalouly guardet -le uriela l»ou - note. on thc uiston>' et t4,ic ci eas the "eimictowut"f etcremn>' enha., "clati lu athe gamnieelhatu vilci ho litec.1" vile Mhl cet cl> lua tatet te have heen 'tiumicd." It hicsal- vayg bhum untietei tiat Eiiicm' bcd>' -as cipaiene. anti lu uhat case It canuot ho Mm mae geleton viii ta raepoalng tiers under loti and kbu>.- Anothcr hundrati ycara ViII mactuai the Immensea sOm of oune>' now ulie, ta prevant fie lover struftfr0. pull.- ffng towu thcsmoial febrit ia distburset lu projecei teit fhapoor Inlutinlg tienevea aip. pliffleuopieu 1e tiow vie eriglupiedth le MU» liuse la Cil- cagoe, lcTeu>'ac Hal luaLondon unM tic Univeraity' Settlement la ileste thc submaergati dan befet. ticeja7m 2090 la eptaetf-watt pollio1qqe If ee tie cverage vecac te Pam t- btic lUn 5851 IteSeSe ~es. PyL.. '~ AIL job. e-a-- TUW

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