CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1903, p. 6

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4'a room mai detti- %y roomi id iiy a oul liic. te sa kstis ~te 07. ugiua ii lasisI. Iluitt e lgies. Wiim = Wu l Idii eot hmaa. 1 mSi odildoeohtbg for Wb *hffi; aMd since tus couil V, ies ansI bu lat toirulgqun t glu ibl*totoneetuftreu g hum. % riade My vai lodii I owd.' aluetà. casiug ab- IlSt - ,a»seto u mtia5 maS erovi dlatd m&. 1 tuas- dàias te Du*eai aisoaitiie ace iltea vouasWhwuv yard ut "i nterel a cri. chabtgel vis she taI1se0 Nu. wu asdremecd as sli id uli i* i~but ber kac. vas I lii ai ahm. guihil .y mime.ý m5tu WhAce m uth e0. Mr oe miroe M. ' ---------- h------ SbS lIJ : B& " , vas i sostWh, sd ls i M1d me kt tmre vti sa imite. w. "To's ~bah ba,"hi nid: "wi'Young m ls » Me, Zou*d Jas',do»m MI04 better ta Jt5ve came ualcg qilit. N obn m ibibe. ive . ot ta teitimfo t vrbstersry" Bar5, front tua iaà miSi fa tm w w" lwviiib.e Wla îvteme a do"l ci 'l hmees- sabe, expaisie" T sf elqs avesia 'ktdo.h almss l uar dog ripaisuer'P $ve4 tmg 1s axtliat i'aar sam ."Tretfvalta Mr' Dams, 1% «Of datanset le; mnd Trei sme ofet vu at- tus han vaItt iduty bondiy f'or pthé muraif 114roh. satI mlt." reteru tunbatat.offMiaI"Deceaued et the foot ea te enlecuitti kuachked out. a"dbearlug bisé at09a viii s .W«lii mare. you'ne iii. Party w..w lus, dma lb. jeý,l - - lltteriy miW a"sborru gieqi sud tel btca schair. eumi sebeari-bits facse ow-- Iu c viii go ida au" ImUN pirfectly ineaceunteU ti sc i oh autard bib<o 1 lut S, Gurltts tvoarisy "Bisat'." vwu the drym iioW itIlthe Tory algit oai wId as .fauM aerlyo ba ili 81 ud the. van etnom routA me. At éait tb aitmbe bol euw ed pipaten betmste undeulmel that - *ïs eu:ýeX thume sert «cape suspWcon iii'a mm miiuid, vidatatil aof rat - settes vltb thé . m 'Jc«slýe bâiri idepartaire. su > W-ie..but rpuüA ,Ji~la a c e*budriven si-ai mgatws bam" ill i iaeiie b, i kt iil i to . matie, 0. Whlirbesthm ikh Ri' sespmi d motut row At bmve ~yen' uot dmi1 w ae i k bed 11e aeemsr s.thie l.driver. An i Oh bis bist; ml 60v hb4 ýodi'- t»hmuadlmam ue,' ione a vemr, i-are pacet 1day 5AtSI. GitI Ammia bd tersI a*".A vudmsed diringlat 1iauii' Ivmt th lier «ameirl of lbr mWe ib 58. - bt 1 reiuux aysrtemdm e a vis ir a smu b r a .bereW don ci'?" x., tbes. iuîowus*1 Wmdasml JAA' .md.LM* ,&à Caâri lis lites a0W?"te 141ab opa ilh .0 t" AU QPCel.4uei 10 malvs i bo, Eue vi. &kt sew m lamdis roam tb fl sSII;ave Wu sldlb s. p bIgb ro stairs» o-p1e gr vtani- s etkre ild7* et ay mu uaeoaWm e9a.- doi118 *l-Sn, .guate or-Prg. , atteght 1 suaI tami reselà6 oeft hithe*"rs 511X but PApeidilu hi Oadeu offl ", stom iswtoil'8tii. oi-t. eciii.tsclut lhe plt<M=e tu IM téas"»5« Bisse. And aml se mt vffa. y l t t - i-aiwd tram ani' ar liemDi. bt.e s )fr. 1*513 Lne mntviie penstraiang dalpise. thiir Omo-imt tnMg pm, vedlsllgUiwy aabth "-.1I At leut fouim c Ineeb ahti ota. e4 tbe Ilever- Da aebeacàMced sàesty tidf i vis irud taufig. a it iubi*$ is llacked but a ici- miantg aitiihe i au tbt, dfls tih. perionnisum .Tiie tag , a 1; d..once va avIisd«%s« e bilaet Fut for boy- 0" hil = t. leàBe-thét 11 . . .1 mer sud dimmer.. Tbj"PePtyot t ai l4w. <sor stocidauioolu<e MuaI p t.ffin te 5cmt Ab fer Anu- »bers came ont oai'ti. liciter sud Te il -book. èa- aoa u atge 50e h<i testant mciieaithe.mem opened aMiM: 14, "iîtt amboled bis umbreihs. T e peule cama- la, mimeat. 1inlg 0ont aithi e tOf epereived tuS. rrle &1ai. iag auai Bon te Pary vih raiseaI @W'a" umbrlls. Uw4t "79U "Oi, Jacchl" d-adalettly irmssui the. -mrd-er. tU&vaman. ",W'îtitis bau. ipct iDIi80 My gavu ifibe ruine&deHov ithipid ai un bot ta brrg an aut.mill!" A"d ),eel lis eispered buat af the. bar for a aMo-> lac v«7 socu- ment. bilvedrtes and retreatedte tahei »M oua 15v Ilobbr. Jack-thumai op bis coat ecllai =y anddiamuicd iu ocab. . Toe T ,. tien iasa nome troifil 1 couleMw ut grmmbltalg m.,lte part .etlite sttu 1aUl 1 teIs.'tunt.. Wbo lad carages, btieconid t re. my un« goIt tu es because lt0er. v*Mas uo ir=e4mss. svmlng taom thetiaster ta tihicuit. Md mi,à*W i«itt Mesme taletaltiielumbwb*andau , .b4 Ielad i-amui pdii Btb'PrOtactan- ta -Ma-rtge doonu. lefilkmai-n. ie.. Wb*vwnmwe lotu of imieus u t s em e- ime. ltaider the btter tg protect' - o, 71*g.b&tutho rom ltiere. 1Lo aimniailu P«'MO4u s ndes suite. but 1Iinx ouellus.ý Theoughi ail Bis th. ciapaon the ayrePthé b. b ouritew iiaed entsame. dtgni- ,Mo W ee led dsmusta. Ï1i-lbth" FOUWIAT Slu 1805 TitiWATCU i1 MId sol MIOIiuis1to giv Aretl9*1 Ose- éba ibttThe JuIafl or s"Mset tBe ar id with ue mws co-int aaa tbcior", y Il a el- do-' beespaê iiy tiieilsiiett4tltM aaftuswwor takis mmaii 190.000of àa ditai huai bt1 ta veigi, a poi. Vider the.Oltro wdfflo~ Oia o U >pe5t Stlabeir tu-tbai- pb. riivo1t of thebabssa.Wbeet le oufl rip. led theuod m lia 51150 v tii v lpioté Are iut idn br ka aé dswtlei emon u tahle tee-liane aaah tpars et s- mal. schJtI avi D M.el "le uon il -u. -ci à pivot ma e b tfia i arilmgp4 us 8-i.taaa et au 5 Inich larier ose seltiia» liie pvolt ta permit X7litCat Tm U Pi.1W ',im Aeut se* rivt a ui. Th, asie. Md lttien .A r adue avasso a tbsaflta1941125 .3 the. hxd4- B S wal. c i ve aou.onu-s dm .-sauitlilfhy-hbo Oftdua aiff st ioue. Tii pouïmisordies ttue lo-otNeyear o riai the poWte-l'lims. Jevil, aas f sppkire. vtéa t. vidha 00p- rabi or gameet are ftrot Mei ve<1 ot-eh~ îotier in tue sea seI ut ah au M 9i 14 .ANi. IquestIbon are 1sltelle >hed ta planse at sia.y *W%'. ë»d&oSai m"b in u cL Thec, Be tudIIdl saseiur. -jala are Mviio rorrmu i, &M-l.~la the.fflilaps. 1 d tbrcugb te ose«, mUa4>e>la 8;- 5Da umgleg sbo<; aÉon madiai.te icnizi for à os t cil ;z iOU p. A u7e lii.viiOS 1 ,M es. n.ig Ia wifsêo 14mi * dlameter a"iauSusubuieiaa la Zwdîm' h s iSmlatiestu.. hW 1 sud i mltli vt I& heeor eplt" ppihaieno- i~ »tic" "e i-ehliai-ste-heis a b. laimbortal, Ha Elis "is - b. uit ai I«et' beuevs'»aiud M'bld; th"%U sMs es dus lie eor. id ilth*4« haLv li 1Iue iI a-hu tta me i oer IL.Poar Jo fi T las' 1 ad&60ue aeupilng, but vblii sal1aI I ni'uougvi mus mu*11tO t ' * isisalU. ihetL&SMa sa i s %*eril'ont ai Pis.. hes coaie l be bho ecWqmiirýue@d-t,Ood4Bit» e oemt Oea vis =, W" it gesci atrbloadstleat q".W àiUuai emna *»k-- vç. % Wd1 mg iaeied mboulâme I preparst i a bai anasbeen bléi l liiST n tt M W e.B» Ore are y" seing. ,uucas@eo-Muol am nu&i 1%m inkm 54! *14! 'Home? Suati Lasicyaa a&Mir ms «aQ farvairdaMd letifl " oa twogmli*gâtOta. The IlmobOand m4 tt 1 doc't knov. inges yom * ' ' 4 tel~Wiq an aiw f ix m s Blu awplit eï1c.5la uta m viii cacci for a apai, wvis a. ibebhdvaei i 0.ClrcumsesbM m. elatiP@ me oftlroubisg Fou?, Sam dey atr -er3e4nh me mfa- 1. vb.m ouy on uebauas ta aMt. i.<eilFcmy * ib a U ie- OmoA ia.iuâa.e ye rur.vai' tick ta tbose vbo uesOiSec*itiiuen Sd **1tg <aenr4-eSteéM? i cm lus befora e i itou esd bora a vIcent gpulge agaluMt lb. useW T pm Wttéio Duchlre ]Mt- ~lir' Who bel inppiauhid ma. iair t',wuvi mi lie dmarsteppi acthle taoved liaIt 1b a lofet St. Qadttltia la ti. mltcd v tang mn. imi aondtieiirZlgit or lie murder.- propt.Ior-Yb, bleS'X.baetetime "dv as lid l pon mi' sholder. Aà-ug lie vltnemeamd" inrua u tis ààU"ýMuIr iflid lIe Ath1 tim. sam: mmyait. mac loqiied i terel* evir ý15#iie S A KrsliiMsAL . 9. zoesuxm! Wî eut yonfor vidi grief. aiid, uaneus&log me, W" b brs 1' ~~~~~~sprutai»lan mbraci -mee iiuBteOiIi 55dilY liaideual ot e vitheUL .M«t lue- Oel.ei-1Pu.deu hau «U>1 ae EuzVM. - band.l voa mkiove. wuas ida IM * à> la »m .Pnqte'a $oe10017 'm= 1Týiever' word pare- lind; but a se ivelidenee i-fi i b4» er i'*a&u - 'edaIt ii na, -15aply oseobordstal bisa, hie thUtiai K ot a u itia'4. -4 vt ciishgauhnt.Ai40eh 5tcoerier re i'mep. iideg.tuhs -7l?, th ýftli Mot. pd di. cornu ** ~ lpitai àtia b ce"- i lis'.iabecs 78.1 ww4Ïý#P« ofthe el f etcith et ire" ii tea iIuItW aosk.l0U ut -Wdmragthe8sa haire j . beeROf v. vibiMcd iM 0, ar-te1ut00 om«0Caugite te eMim'mom 800 sss ..wlkm-od of a Issue an f iieSUl bom 108 » ...lS s. is e t ttiils.i i «07*ssPee r. 8 m2 S 8 ri hIclx a ma f bltanbsmUn la 1 97 in « tes.ivia rs bla au abrtjr ié iod _64 se-e wsmotu tijoficli-Ti. OÏLta à. 77 91 8 gtoala a lqml<purt luhthéeu00mai5hema *l bà m4~ ta chos. eas s40etworm, i hoIrai-s 8, 4 84 U ais. 79 82 ;85 bthe 6iiisetti aiet the.ei der di 87 leST 82 51 ialgi. _ _ _ _ _ 71.f' 8, i0 250 84 et se AWFUI. DISASTEN ViSliTSPARI& 79. 4v. tUulrsim « i~ ef12.4 busiil e re .fleatiOUupMm...orÉed la .rdifth 13.3 b6alels Imt icr.-ris thei eisiiclmgos the. Maopohl- ahwi#*g -Able aovi' tiie etbul-tAntOmetre rOallye' vbicb r- ues aly i lela p re la inthe tle ,.pu<n-sUnder gromud. Tiretu,»nsver.CMu- Itaier ista teu 1900 sud sutael ay grs sud peengif ers tbarn- ad or saffooalid. The ttal aumber ai w4S. 1309.victime ta etm ted isasly oPebu- 2 Om ftettm d.qvuat Menti ta..................o luia.l-Is rk montant ilatilm. vhenlc i a Su oopean sd FaeraSo.-TitO drne titer l aa l 919 Fwliaout tOUebtuS Me hig 1................... .1. la ............. 13015-4) S14A 11.6 l.............. 1.4 D0 aise............ 7.1 6.0 ""12. 17-4 1 o averse codition of spring whest ,ug. i Wus37-.1, a compared vIda lait nntlî.01.T aÙ A09. 1, 1002; Is Ans. 1, 80.Mda"sateu'year &ver of 80.2. Mm i.jlboig a tblé 6shows aidac oft»Atie.isprincipal. mprtng at *tthé b. onitimon ouAue. ta ai Ofthe mi tiare years ind th-to S1. 1903. vIllalbthéen-Sear Auiguut rages: Ang.. Joi. tai.AstZi. 1-y?. lstt a os Q&80 ukota..97 M F4 a »8T ugo.74 1» M. go 91 ....7.1 $2.8 89.7 20-3 0.2 a erage cogioJh etithéi tiia mcrp ai. 1 IMlsu.. ase ompured vida mauonth 4 $0on un. 1 soie n. lbe #liwlag table uboa m«Ci oi the tuprincipal asti fBute$ ,ondlitialàa o Amis. 1i lu aiht ue i ttcee earsand ubat ounJ'uly 1, 1M00 tii.o ten-ip*r aT$rtrm* 10-7f. de.e so,... TaE 4si5 8 ' a . . .. s i1 5 4 e t aa M77 S s . 5 981 lue rt. propoilaofethe, ests crep of .4mted r, aP,,kas o- red F -* mieA. m of bali on 01 mmi s telu t of lit per oint. Aï£.' 1 il à « Am a cu nte nt a-. k bey mi l papubosection eaithb. li. Tis train was praumptly emphied ni tb. lrais wviaifollavid i-as ardeM>i lapns i kte Me, repairbs ieisd., Ôst Un s iesb tra trains a.gbt -ire, but the employées sucee&ie& lu a Plue MesuviaIle s erovded traie riseà.- Lecarofflea. tic preasdius station, sud the ollielsIa. Saseg smaise paurtus ont ai ihe tunel,gais 1he alerte. Axid lb.e increasiug suoki maey alteumptitiý te re- tore maislthelime toaali Belleville, and: tbiy vers iafocatei. . 1 The offictiala rentetabave lest tUir benoda miindi aimuabli e ari'boy mmmi' passeagirs veutot Thé,i imen for sevecal bonis werî nnsblte laenter the station or the tunanel, ovisla the dîes *muokeieii poareat ont lu black eaonda. m.anviiulei tnsoai hbooude a éi xoni = pl zthired &bout thletuallas.AUl 12 poicand tire antuanlllia vre on the apot aui tbe sîcteot vin Intens. lluilHy thei Irones n veaeeidlau- Oud- icw théapaluý iissimesmd mr*t f vii bl inpvrt *<l 4W i.Tm*ul City le te, laus Prof. William B. Were, foraub a. t tvnt-tvo i'ars acaiai fIls ictoaol ai scittectons, and lhe trustes bam voWt i a nke hlm enserihué pro- Dr. j obm-Hput« P1iary vii i gurelelprWsdeui ai the -collage of ltke. ,City, oi N1ew Yarkan Oct 1; ut i-tla erofesiPresidsit hooevlt *s er-m leé Pxienmt Cieel vtimii. d PWi.. W.LUOmlyle ai-the Wlecauiu 4ggr d lavlCaIegii Was adaptel lb.h "rmi of mgrluilmal.*M t u["elbus- ioderi iet le Colorado Ilote .Aplcul .dui e i D i il Mim bt. omnt tusjurt. 7.M0grmdusem andhe Iuai q0bacle 13 O. f tdu-ilia ck oel" grammse »ibmly80 urceou or0S vMaii ~ -1e qe lage l10621 pueuet at the hbuhm "Ol raut$s eetefétukc ui;la 197-26 peu: cent. la lamS Ia p , mt luà80 4 lm, st udl c Mt0. 24 er çit. l et. gM gr'ooi ar ea t mari tou 80 peu ueOS Sari BaDot eramet ci tae pu aelit e bli eebao c.omet a a -hlie" f# terri Bpbll alOn §m rade la gmsissdo 1 ibb6ol lu I-uv, yeus.Nc Li peuW tmIai tbom Wvia c mu'r eais umasi* l lu.ielaa etgbt gadeouiMdual mer. ceml or tue àcnd ml ais is Mt. ami oui'9 pur CMI c sgtUc umefljcmm a 'hWb -r 6 u Mber et e aii* Sui t d lle marrisi suicidaies ««@Mdpt tof thase Who are - oihI' hb--etable abaestiie voistive sproportIons; 'M. Vms Another table prepared by Prof. Oak- ley shows tuat mare Msie, ie.Wdowed, sud am nosewuqlt suaida 41.fsm 46>uk. conjugal ao&dtiani4 bat tbut mir- ried mme are amar* proce than married vomi. to lte theirir Ues. Aacoil tïiot Hro.lley tbia la probabiy *.s ta ,th. tact that theti. iruge for exÎÏie bieau mout besviti' au'-ithe omime i. ae. livig ta support theiduves. Sbaatisgls taud ta b. the favorite matiiadofisuicide. followed elos.l7 'byý palsan. Aimaits~t ley IX> par ouet the. cmi sse suticide ane lzcled. ader the»i tva is. Monare ieu9par cent et the. cases of drowat gocur.ten b., sm mermndiale aie. bang las stMlileade »se i ut p$purmetii- id.- Tii. cases a ofta".by Jumpimg pokl. ,andI gSare round te bu - udasa prtWactp1I ta tii cilles. lua.he O"th uboing etaily Moeadipotso. TIN* table iuu lileag thè... cm..ollova: luethe& Toal.i Kawi.venui alootins ... .267 2.90M Drowauag.....M M 83 Cuttlag........ TU 1»1 VI IL . 4 n o M Poospodour lae l.lesdajmot. ettle bot20 pet a , vA e ' ilus. Bus oge. us iihaatb, asi lw imuty fallev te aider mih about 18 pi g neb. diesppolulm$M talu t@i e, lot oe= guicietce cceot of leii tue MAie. fémlnes, vilefa. um Wui-th* uber Lu 1 a L 8.' twismtah. i0ii or 20 sud 80 te reucisi tli mimuea aucidiestrou grief.,chu tri% Mmd ba- ecasedlauleum IW alc~ui.u be*Iy.domiItlStroublé Md fur t dsrac. rom aute40 toune th*, trambut» k .T'ypuviteus villaArable lattera ie uow beiutn n E Mat. T1uBe rodasniiood ai Railmrod reigbl and ]Boageme of Ameies basbea Detroit ligit e commkIn Isiorers ba& thiipagl lereasd trou 1.00 te #LÎpar day. 1$. easai Otuolo ocietieorailu eItw a Élui-To bai doclaed lunfae v«s ça4h nbel»oRlabel. At- 60 begtena aofthe yeura m b vers 16.M00 vmen wnebrs et mbi. unions te New Yolitstats. Tb@. Daxeaers'and Smvyers Nation- ai ITlaimbas deided ta buave laualn ii.alquarteresuad o&fces le Clicogo. Tii. Amnsltsmmted Obes.N MtaiWonk- sus internationat l laeceu dedte h 9""a *ha anationaldeft cet u Se~Aut 10%M00 Ilql nosmmaLegîsature bon modu tà aleeasnor for s raitinata eer~ »0 in *.0 "@-tins dep«Oorle wvIL, martdise si4t-1. houe mOSctb At * meeltui B.f hePittsborg Meai. 8$gmS' Assoecttleemcumaitie -vm0 tpoobwtd lesure subiisphl.em Un nid«trof a eoamy ougmelisatta bull av ndasmpitaý coat siiont 8103M&00 Ws.MselMclaei4 ewmtrmen«U5 th4bauddate of ora»lue bor la Dst id bv * a &uajdatt Mo! -0 le. Mage.O Bogip aonttd ber villa lb. rsedoe id the duan md aPMWplan. #" fleoredd ent ettq e e bttemi.o tbion~bremuAt Bas City'. ". ioue- o0.ownwo .nela t iikâ dMorg*» tr*a l tuMc. t s> Z., opiomof ablgain, eleohllclty, sre aie $080.M f0rthe tii. latP en ete 1 , Mo«le appiledta ti i*. t dAtaur vas at B.lIm. ai et 454" the ont'labor leadev or a sect 101lie Mpromeuint tveuly4Ye ye« ago Wb* Mhad t ha. poitticu for là'qu.- wMC lbis« Artur lied beu tiks ud e dodé MaS is u hcrutî maliha"U ~5s gon4k e la L.m e té g.e sbotire at dectseed meb. e $sl .ofoistijg, 0.1m ba bep sela au li. basM oa, *4 ttpi 1la uaOr ltit, . À ý et the tai-nSiratgM b icittimer~y Pas" aume ont vitbh ambode" ate . PM in thuelii Modéra dans". Rt vas vomie aînée. lehi ttu*. ico a ai meuslu ianmouy vidtté mula. ul vwue lu Camspanles sud "em aug vis ubail. Ou.ccoupeur as, -"»Bon]bais alaie istbousiud!" - 'AdDaidibis tee laouesde.' Il vasal a vI S, eu acanrtsosune.- "Coimparisous are edaoita" mu..Mai- niraisrigitthi'frmatd. Titi sou vis la'ldioai. Tue' mis"t baepaisepstdDa- vid vithomî catillas rplertloni apon Saul. Ani' vsrylia. sang "ri.od" Susi te tue ,iréel Wttu ano i i st are. David la loi postalr; ihimuait bh, patont oethe w5 sisen bhoi igt the crown. 1 Stnet Ini **Anidani eyed i>uuid." Li vas hst a wratgi, open look; hiwuvasilooo initieaent Muai s. tjealaus et Duid He vasia idwit cari'. Titis lte ui tbe msmua...t af aies. ,40 voer Siist- > spetre calslti tuhe'gree-iyesd nou-r ster.' ltbasiUn raetInSeprid aisuml-PAwd- lug vida Geai. biUlhiment oallie greei-. nia"iOaicbis giflal a un, huie a Our broth- er . Sa fatal lu itta t, haracter that tihe pros*erhial l ofe îaiy aruinel calliidIl "theirotcuniasi ut the huas" (Proverbie- 14:»,. The ani'co tcu freaiy Inlave. If v. love the aise if vm.iatteeuss. the ileg-- dom af Gai. ougil vs sot ta te glidIt God bas n1ghItly indowei nom eul*%e ta do groatt secvice? Tias-aaid suell ho a pour vara iIf tier etr o t main aMd vomenlu il Via area tter ani allonger - dieun ve are. fi Sal a vsepretani'le- ticresteidlu tediia lfar itelbu voni . bave beau thanhfîmi funrasur man via. eoald »Sol 10.000 ai ber esemuis. hho4gl b. bimuseif coulai alay bat a îhonmbd. ga' loees a -le IPilistine* are aaiAs, tl*il the Pret-bonte.atsol.lBr'saisoan s yul Ô Lind. libéîmlts blalàMari te- run moclecérsid 1i e asin la motiveasi, effort as marderter. Vi'bouamui$asAiraist. Saultetard Davuid "bécansJeheei i-ma mdli hl. Tvaola l a ilS D>avid badfaled. Did hoiiavcscaauar- ai tif? W» hob.0ie ctda. vhl-the ouperaemtuml lai Do eapon ceu hamT. bien? Proisbiy thcelo!dieasbauft abat soa tten et tiie masterimi VitilU Colonel via viast ls Rradd«oks g tel froms utter dstrction lu the Pesse- ij'lisnla vooda bâtiroustîitset sai anétor et Gerge Wadaluglee OI24 i1to. tihe ont nman la remaludca i' mga4d min aoflthe vil' présence oai GdA" le,~ atrali. "I caneut bc La the prisses « ýthal mmsfer a single~ tour," usnidtau i ,bellever ai thec l of et hafteboy. "itout feing tltatI1mi a lait na~" AuailUe rplanalioi of Sourle riu*, the dipactura i efJéertitfrets M. Tibee ar*terrible warat. slu la Gd tue litreailaiore anad have onu baings,~ Ail te Itm heissunlight lsa ta hi-sieal1h ' (lo o t ua ur seulP. Thesomat mines 01 Siberta bave bein "s i-laits boll" egik ne liniz @vser cent-beal the coniim thece. 1%eeeal eahîlmu la dempair, Did net t oatause tel us thtl vbu canae.ta thme concliolaniseré vasaO (Oi "'*iai son) i ofitheanivires e led '- il vai boîeîortli nothblut mlacaiI.- HoivSllehta . ,pisaIedlunbis proclfl 1taclonsi as Cd puni -eont ut bIslia tandal uay fhem lila.,That Io tbherme and I néitable îahcoe o a 6 mmmlli,4 true Test et preepeul,. And go @;ai] proùtililîd s tihe vaY. ive do 01 natkov vibtlt t.btInai'orai shatail md mat, vw.. coanm of sacltiiaionofthé. uimY. be dubîta f *,a City' iha I l rughly.a tibaaual men. litleev1tW s promotion af sous hinal. But D etîli -"boeimedimuscîf vissAi." ?Wt dmn i-bsnIncrusts] issr émuces do 15 la &nli ai Jesan e tuie meus laiai. liaI wlaen te vmxpd it bha cd (li. 3:15). -eait. the hie 'bectm crestroug tvos lited av La to hie ou destraclion (a Clo. 28 i'robmbiy pros" ,ltft arder te- Ibm advity. The roi1a:ilb; Daviae aaracîesu l tesed le le tuaI in poern aed popularlly h so W ~tslucd simple. discreit il troothi- Noîl Liem-Dùutan sd Jomtâ« 01 Sam. 20:12ý-8 sederaui s cmceaic F aDtsôyauln'bink yoe bail 13tt4fý 1ta ktop hem. people fiteMSl utruti â4ou.yen 1rr "Nos-- utavereti Senalor S 'If 1 unCaoate tli Iijresalia tvWI iho botter ai~-siliti Sategmmo t «commeellilif iit- hie i-ith large,,plait t owatnt ysiu 11k. eneilkt tiasti seellna stl-af tais tiais YMsr a Betveem Prulei. -- Mise Elderiigla-Mr. GaybOY lute a unayqutiton limt nîgit Mulan yoaangn-WaiI iaslIl? e MielgidetilWa-H- aoûted ie q b.d tt rnSurid. Miss Toaun-Ob. tian ho av i evuti-X" 00Yeu uIheo sylire.

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