CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1903, p. 7

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r*ently Mmie*,- 4arluehair moemdi <1ow slrpe friu ai t oflhhmt a trou the. wS «thse muibery tee Irop in àalem etufLongs.Reo n nd -u pianted by $lit k a9re Iniw alce On oneoccasion, la nortbea MichII. P - r.da. gala 8-vn.Te ei 'J wqs trout flmhlnin ucompanyv - grêe ofthIe cebW- 1uhq uestjoua bly with n ve-teran timiîer cruiser a -mo For Dys0ejsiài and Stomach T ta 'the il. wh kuew verything aboutte rougby orrituy a~~~~uthentie, aime. t$ btor Cali hbouta lire. Inlini ne we rearbed a hend ------- tr ee e n t e~té liva e othe ln the siflant wiiere a lot of ammli logo ats Mnaor waa Deruttv.,tfmens rubii u ~l 0thliîaitJainm«î d during file ppring treshet. câtr 1th ea" l lia mmplament day. Itltorierly ocrutpieilgIl Mr. Mnrh-Ouh . lil D k0 1 hurdpa.luto~tntr-î.MY cefnnrlde ilo*,,joernedly vefltured utMl Msirg.b.ocksttoil.l ta jit -nre pac i atorWhen theupozitige logo,.huid before 1 ce ted toi-fk Met. 'l le ri ei tat ola. utAvOti Arme,. by &101- înn the 'e l tfpoi- '- . Ju01 .imtiek11 my. ,Id ogo, roprlier lud, lu 184, il pji.àgd into iow. b s ,iIcnue i tpe igosemuOn t hl dmgiîeîa îtoe. POI on eoune îand inatauîly dloap ~ t«I l Snyi-l Ilthr~led orgt t estit moforemorne te uex- peartd. liadit 1not bseulooking at hlm-aracuu ir. ai mbii hgr,0 wayedttal bY hom T à orsil tm x t la lkeiy 1 aboutit bave imagie lîie e ho ag" Ils . e Mnwthy-.- t,, on'0wiaflah oldhitblted In SbufiiublFeicsmuseu, hait Cuas m n ooté ra ftmgsiIsu. u8Wi Jg* PalsiYe hack ut ail! e;l)nPr._Atte8l ttsui uel ois adsll ooihiroheteuollla 0 ,1ý, relie waa .014 for oe u uîdred and «&-'themusa w aolie, One ogfaiba Usa,10 e lait o urils' 745 e.. mty OUSd sbows-ilut onîe aide ofTti. To dart durea sh a Co1am eaadont o r amne Caie True. across mnd seize théehband occupied aa 1 i fsu~WI rosi Hfot, Caîllouam. -e n1. Ila atant CmPt:îlii Marshall, î-erY tew, ,seeands, but, to oiy borror, pk.*mierkof e UW"V fit n Iagrwla «,4t atiI pywrigbt "bahd sontie mroItes 1 eould float pulîi dmup tlirough the fi--1*l; ucp Itif eut-Bod ai ailke, mw or tIà aardw apt lîie oitd - ___ ties# 2c, aoi ml i d rit»Imm Sfit lu nhlscireur. mni 0oe of the rû &Uethrougli i ___ 1trs.2 1 f ' po m - ItU re4siegt waonltsdraomming fles- wluuersalippesi.X-.. nmrM.( ale A lliaK 1t olgtedl. Leltoy, N. Y ase on pnth ogete. .mtSmenti M.C.a tere l10» ut the Iffl 2Dort>y ,whén Le wan mli»ta. e ot pntelo ilr~Sauth Carolina wl u tlm * rit T h aheh.tio ed ut hls î'gfi n ta l epot lu aide th e opening ma d aov é w itl a il ce t lt e t t h if er m a M *t la a e' Car i--Are Ion eugagis itssuma Yorkshîire. Lord Duadiord'l; Sir Huz g tiliglbwoa the oniy huile. For ec. etlte u h c N atareil I 4 la , Ld ('pIum Mer omi i ing u th wrst 104 trfrent am sheington, D. C., logi: html~obt Fred thiniks 1 u. ighlilldoni>ethé lgstadsriecmeg mâ plne#o (larie-To sihoi? alliti did îuot omit ta back -is dreami. 3 mtl. [Wl h lg epatcg thel-2'a bunL-TowsTopies. lis: y nrs Inter, bj'whaît Ieau ogily Wbles-li iiL oa ll o ~aa ~~ ________________ * terni au extraoIlhuy coincldegîce, &a twint UPi0flils stomnch seront a log. a fevr. Itb' Cure tor Couaeu leu alirmys ýLU!,Iehmedi*t relie In a rthroat rou.éYug ornlier ecup> ghie very (Miar- Half-drowlied as hé iras, lho ad hot àào od :- , Biermm Isasuediato relieflaa *.ateos. tors lu which CiPtala Marsallail ol 4ï Î!n-re *>-loîle o B. luaa Leiiea.Obl. ASbisiDerby dream, dremmeil a fs-w doism 'sîneee bock un use!' le guspei, and whe eudrridt i e acure Waelogeunhlltar uthqtlm egaj ~~gaém ~ la f befiire th ée ttieb.lisaid Wlld. a moment biter hie au@ anlhta fel - On la téna emoire t u. ___ WahntnailtryatoItm ear h asr ta'pa o ra- t claimed Uic iluner. Ai a MO uai aowouId have ireakenesi -cari caal "g. PIt cm doenDte Izatlan of théeluitl tèl tes Aruîy, authorizesi by Côègue lait wlntor. as mtt-r ft hiatary. Wildtuwiiwon aIi liei, Ibutle wu$ Iton, says thse narr- toutem thge iomacu. ta erflarau digtu - .the mont Inîplortant ihlng thst Iain happened te thé army@ for hait a century. 10lui. M1 . ~tur, Edwin Siaîîdys. in îhe woroi's la amtraài. ila vatr battge The. ;encrai staif wll takeCnatlAux, 15, ihen CertaI Milles ilil L __________WorIt. le 1hadlswalloweo4 a loiot et' ad enfer thin resuiste té atis retled aîud tIse ofIth-éet "GeneraI (Commsandtas" bu aboilmhed. Front that @ho usaitdure. waer; bât i es-giches-k by jowl miL llPue ana hm e mid oi-.namsof d)*- timé the army 11111 bc conumaitilosby theTPrestident and Secretary o ai-Wr. allii.lotiug o-- ti auawtul deniL. >st lie-hait no iden thlodn... ail, .taitial 0» amolteil lira£smaff utoforty-two officesr, wth General $.,M. B. Yuung au though i1îlldn't care, rbethër 1 lls-ed o ur Po-ngtli'Te oaer k' bpiéer lacatedL-- If emsarin Chiot ut Staff. dlpd-. -1winsno namf ibe aill fil tel)."-i IY slitppIng tîrtlîer part mand 1 wéCati I esi u-aacrei.I __ The gênerai -nf wlli ho ta thé ulny wîîat the general managerand ln the« wiord doeu MfissNiilie iBar- standing like a certain -large- géntle- If rau do notdive promtad satin- hm fetenesi itiel$ in la t bod - '~' s beada of depirtulents are to *a large ibutinentenetabllmhsuent-omc-lisub-thlef t or thlbs place déglel-lUs-lier candi.-amait lint lLps. aîd analile to attaitlfactory résultaftram the useadéPoetiona, brachial tubes, Prn ns l I an exert n hlmhue.ansi il rsponaloleto oîe excuti-. li-ad.Eî-er n-ana mi> la or-liaswilteu mor on" tedigDortoHarîiugnant onc ta r aeraisglvlg a ctarr béeeae t i Inlthla hé e tioli vmumuol.o. 'itu aesradtgo usr ofulitement af roui camé. test hoi mli Piran-uni illi, ae mel inlaChia locotogo Thé VuilhpadStatea WTTyultlion-theéiplanispurmuesl by-thé (Jerman Army. ei hkadmfeln lin lrtîî lti' ui."an.u cu-.1 lpL laea agc a i îuabem-m ieyabr and aupîres-iate )uit bow MssIarfoot mlotîte î'-ais-irgeant toe0enferth-.trop rregratin.Perons a lDot u@lmp]y arems.iy t whlch han lis plane ail madeo for Immédî-iate action Is came uf war mih telt, aînd theru e Aiho dDroijl> usa--lentof i any nation. Fuillnets ofi Srderà are uir( dynade ont for the moblisation tIluignds out imlirc-'-i ogrulus-aa .laaf-vsscona AsdeiDrHnmn Psiatetdeid. Pernua lea at The Hartnuen Sanitirinns, Columbue, Peru i" m-esypepeim lanceue Tt ansi transpratlun.of truelle and ifor theiîoî-eiienî of its lai-y. Il bas Il i.4 lruly an aiful tlilîîg wnea lie sclze I nuy band, aîîd cite quiek haiutl <1gb generalîdependent pn ctar-rh. spe ut barbora. details as le defeimise mail offenImve tresgth orfailinationsm Wouiiali 7ta ago 0 that sbii'<î aiy"Y eurrI-d nme t0u trus tooting. 'lle- logo --. ___-________________________ wltb whà lioeabs igisi possiby have tu go toen-ar. -1d0't '-are Vistbet 1 live or de" nt anse- loacd Ilke a glganti- trop. flrod uOrs 'The gens-rI staff suiliIconist ai ofne Chiert et star, tio Gener-m'n, ur is as rtqot tels a differeuut I Wheiî ie îs-iheuî oud grainait My Coloel* si Lietennt Colnel% twlveMajrs ad tývefX atory to-day, and ber mords -shoiîdt ograile aliiost collgpsed, ami< for hait weote n ' suit *f MM <talun, mIeix L iuinunbc olon.ti-e Mnjoraisudil iusn.y a.gulie es-ciy uffetnsvoiaaî te. fieaniîîuîr lie wn a nvs-iy sick man Plhaaa'S aaoe and i inCIl. stand examlnnilnns and faite ces-ula préparatory cour"' lu theu "L uic-il lodd's Kldney lillis. and 1ue htaag woe a a tilelieeir miib aplues u etlu-Isll aietapau o s-hIasilppfiî lsi- lesîl.-"Ihellua b sul Sometimeâge wrte t leude. militai> îolige. Staff pofîllous are Dtnutor flIte, ailatter servlng toi awhilu amscured. i for el ihu a ni-w lirsan. lqn,- as I iuuld, caieiiiatli*yeui ilt $Mebug my synîPtOma m " ked Y*er on tle taff an orner monut go Uni-k ta the line. ansi 1 n-ouid amy teatr ui-ynaasait- Try tu get lut lue, ain.pardîner, 111 noir- adee. Yun repiiesi. and 1 I thbwed lHenry t'. Cortain muil William Il. ('arts-r mIi Lé tLe tiretpair O oue-. rn sids.gnDid ilie - ogttituIetr.Ireo o ordirections careully, and tra- eIgu I.gvDtdsKde tfre btltl ai.1rco 1 Woeia rliiena. omibsu iss. andi tierwlii e hé h -ief assitntig ut Chiet ot Staff S. M. 9B Young. Pilîs n triand ud ra ilo t Us-ilîaap. osas lunîa uighty litiplace.' Tise ient ydja . - ____ - ~ -POiittd. They aSe-O Vu fih, the ii. ;i-b VqtiseCopuîdellrrly ixestomi paie." IStippurs Made or Papur. veetbleCoi Pond ntielyex- CONI>EMNS MOS LAW. MUEEt ACI G« TRUDIN6 on fteErpenhtl r n ieldthe tamor and t oed s-siIme Mt ioesnem aT =He@ N bu8a Wtu.. i rodue-hîg il iîuvelly hy tîrn lahiug ece »Or. Dubaiemof ludimie éou Lynchiuà. t 700 yoever metutheI)rsmouer u us o aIrIvlWta aro ELya ;,Pîrkbîam's lg. A etriitu yPeietIus-liia?' tI-t01LsarvIwt aru talaiA leitîr oîintlnla uPrrtldins-eodgl- "Of sourse. 1 have, roui ioor.' repualier lipilers. aîîd the lplaitlla expect- à orhrvdo-voititae(if. Drî iidiîacu-plis-ilthéeinulu tetnemOsa 4îx. c luecutribute iargs-iy tamard tise lorsa al. ýîp. 1at .'aiNomn b mre afflet,d -jUs itumors or feulait m*adbgthie i-tion outh;,Indluiana execu- th"Vhy do youu muyêfloure' eleaeuluîiîeoa of the hostelries. The troaubl of auvkind togveltataitlîuitire l'it regard las iructiin sud csvereuy P.iM. lierà l- ireapni. TI>'>are guade L. F-H-Yte.conemnis nob lne a%. eenmodepla-scana. l'm a baitender." wasthue n-ioly ut pîîper. The ol" are out &Urial- Sus-JI Mu . 1. Boison ie. e»end-nniiggibIn- as hnguide puih r tiller but sigiifi-at repliy. îanielsoirilnud tIse nes mIl'ade of - 35 -si"00 f.-.11I =bury> loto> rte ofu-arcyad -iil a ofl iiie or- lirowgg aier stltchedi wih Xie.-gaatneiî,sr,~sieasmîsmo. e e rn udanari-rtsd nnrofry. îLe ýe (bia a ibi, setio n fthe OMM ail tIea"u absentus tonhaortilledenandliivyc iu lio res-eut taurins. x0citin ofl ogldcoutdit a irruoiu yau.ç Tliii mil ther d -'0 lii le na hr r afu ulte.Teme badisee mî t1 géjf<py. D i, e may& wu.eelîno-lui -ues Lire- Usen - cuî >sh issus wee unifieiilatu.Te r cu*10 ro asy eaî-a ocior. elire-qaite. h ma theplce lfcheLydia E. eaoiteuastieaway aîd- cs tondsuient g la local dlsmieai" palsued«lcalexlieiiive lia maile-of an extra goosi 5B4 Japplaua lisu a-y nyrcae-u romed u-and by M luil uaîss- ~ quîily or te Liii- l !rit"Tie cLibeapenl Plssklam'is Vegetable <'oflpouud inoL violence. hm. pocalai-rh&lu le attonsaligld [Wla nmadue of cnimn ibroivis tran- pa- brugt u rs Hyes.mman d th îisore rqiecoastnulional irot-e brogia ti 3!l'a Hi>cî, - Preelidet toseit noa tshie groirti af n ut. ltmlCta- Ci.mentift tigbyP liser. Tlieae palier aiplpers are su cheap Snch teatimous- aboutiho Icceptesi iyacllng lun1heountry lis alaiiinig.le J. (lis-Osy a CO.. ldO.<asla uihen son .saI ni-ons- ur t-is betrshdt AIT wamenai convicinir araieulaiedeelarés îint lîyilainilahiasstramnterait é éalleanadebbéuîrom as-ht guutai Au guetiemnuattm la lia iilngmmad sda E. Plaksanma uge- ms-n are crimes againet their au. i-ac- ILarsdimee tlihe mu unmiu- sraisu ta Iltraduce iieu i li oqhiiaisandus taIO 5DPO=d MAallat a ithogul a mm of etiliand aisuti! iecondennmdb> -dImroftheanca." a ri. Oneail tcpbi n - ,umeà reimadr for mt the i dltresil ataranec. Hé caatiaaee:1t dd In#,.a et om, ai ovrien trabie; "Ms-an-lia bave iboca auIdty af 4 Cram F. Jlasmd elmoi. CHddrasa us-h t tiicianiiieam anîd trual nulher - twAWM- uitammtions;ulotrH01 t UT rap(' ivie ut contagion. atts-e i-ad *lll.g ansi duplacement u ts of i mi eltani rrîin unmîgenlmud --amiy isa mthe.liast Iniauu>i ins u ; wittnhUu ape oan rien ahoiis .lat s-udpair (,outll Us- hrown an-aror dsstroy. S l bnaéu-inuegnian, uppreml or ,___Sal ;D;~timostnuation.isugn th e imjait effort guide hy the rourts te pro-Me o«.daumnastene bsoe ~ mil haiact-r e l the -teet them n, lu luer riglits saboulai unuier no laiu anir urxvarir. Whoui agirl in in douilnte lu m 'cii illien. ~uut i«es s- a duus g-ms.gla lrcuastiinsee Le iirered m is- prmi- Ms su uub e soîm,ÎL Man iQUis-edelierilanîd lu ihédark il la____ VW ettrsvol ae dai; p jatug ting aoui nîcre îei-uicality tu avert or Mn Mreéuphrfrotneaii.bettlie lahpes il iras thé une n-hoBrte daibé leatIhe mi a" i.f fairnPupl.. delay Ilîsir puitilxxieuî. Tise substaniea nlu iras ses-erely buras-sila Denver, didn't do it-.Xei YorktPrie. l. -'looefit -- -O. do sire ume a nei irit ofthelIseliionualtain trial muet, Colo., di-J la lIai cîty orterl anffernag The 1 Ini> unr! of theii met mii un - ~aunmnms IIone4ana ef coureine hs-gmnsîiî u-eayoenlias-sesou uit Ierribiy. Mite MurvLy, silo wu& ruieiu îeUnitedl Stutee , last Iués-tit-If yanu'rs- after noonety, ~~uumuuuvu O Jutîrl naisl thât Il-y aboulai lie. bL iiigiitiug nt îLe hume of N. Q. Tanqîiru a avprcnt Il l rabu nydît71 iiIueÔi -egai vn amemer . Vamàaumuiw subject te tlui guaraii::é,. the lau muatw. e*Y er26 e et hl h WIabo ydnt tfi l n 2éoar mar asiîtyalsis-iîA midai tui ra ntarning tram du-eL, n-heu teepopulation a-au but 218. Tiist si-ils-l ulrtiîîinatîLtwe Plan WIftly end In agenlts or, the lhier ,liuuild reaiizetIse teppesi on la match wiiiwlnmia ying an Tretmsa-t.p a"d& ie.-qdý 967 irrngileydo -b-nîîeypermit juuîise hie ideuîlk. Thle matchî igaits-d.ailadelimesasmCh tre-igîtpsel nnc.Jîg Giond Seaan------------------ila -1i or îiinar;--u for tecîuica a tes- îeconds ber enieelothîimgn îe"o"lî er shamu loui moi re e-(i - on lumuicient rienan. We amuiat ehn- Mainte. Aensane irais @an u a înd, il:cnl hsu.aa.e'!'Laau CaffainE ai é . cimbe b>- rcs-iîg ifrouu every -vestige il sc-rs-ly bunnei l ier body. Thé vie-"na jta ielui uejiî-i eilwI sfr iebaemseolnu : COMPuLLEZ> TO L'S£ A Caun-CRu REIsUr UOMONE. Aoâg's ihNx'I et techniri-uhy aud iielay. liaiwo-asnaionce lts-n u ta huopitîl, mCP.LUb MGr M US .CNICaOIAR A OFER VIJAÇiOXPnOFilis-ce abe iéil betune its- arrivai ut bei- wuilunomU Oma ou-s O îocoi "TIlt uailler ut luusung ir oalltiehéa 0. fedAccoue. (isiboudile, -headof- - tutus-r. îlîwnsa on a buniiug exposition la.&n-mu"ludtered w1th~ &~uc isceDaa.-a Ybîterrible iliiug eus-gif il a -pped i h f lec n "-wlerti Colorado.ShIe nus la Las-e bac= eio adeplethe 01fl5 " 9. *4 Lea-aseçaRicin Tîkakil. Faés lynciiîug of msen guîdîy ofthtiiinhumau" bsen u ie oD.AhtAnrsnf1 Bi utK.tayliiîr-i str uso aeilus1cotlett. Munac.a âeTili"io ~if aSe la5d.-. and hid-ouisucrii oft:,p. but i,saîat.tou iurielun-. t ,riadcla. oI.M ildt GFW!Ji smdIiebe 5illm ~dt.RcyMe... pacifi ellset îdots itol, nadl îî-u-.r c-uu$top ihailluiteutse usailis te waluItat &Ï.i. ees,.t.acla aihtl tureVancoue iliud fasion, Every u-îuli-!uî uuan iii tbe coin- &l.I tiil1 Oiiid I Ir 1 Mtv<.,aiAeihîig kiki arem soit fge. Tillaot a itkr qim ig't Jas. Sie SU uîiy as-teilgîib> -sit Hiul ubas-k, sud lolilas emuphe, uhalrgeaacge e. F«, P»- uniy i enotioge1 ns-erY ame0ns.. slig B thie tag acaic liei Npiat " maaih Pasrkis yucliiug isubis-h luhelvIynchers go tin- -. 1-.'-- I o"i stm-ot i- imL îleilpéd rops igsyt ua-Vju.WPa tteointhe Chauds i. s l eu punitaidun hiim.lftaktheil i aninuu lis th4'l "ii Id AI--- - -- s~i rrtacu~ the tis.-Eegumd staie., enn bnda uicb-ii-r iaîiî iii on îu coun- - -. ttîerci nonretalgiltaucretuiewt up l l fl1egil c i .O-. - ..... .... o", urhn- ior me t ailI mej-i verriencei>Iii the Fois- ua>-tht- uie of t u'raaow ninmili l-colored. pila nlaudaeisgt neura ~ Tor Arund ue lorIdtOrtre v ni clii hi Secuiludise lacudili 1 h N 10-'i....------------- ------droillag, frequecy bd a hdueeuti-araibo i.nlCa _________mut______ in oértin cisla.leiunt tu,. drugse -, wettiagç. n» -s u b la. gore TorAon heW rdtrure b-l i iîl -ix ppiiulmure F-P*- -e il n m lcoiules aaNns.lauuft. (an.i .,1,rénsin ta.cut mnd "IL Mla,____s sure a ýfreijd nuti il ot iri firl__i Tic acrnery anti-rlort along or ]ena& iuiiserniinuhtly inuotuier cases. Ot nzor a Os.Iicl sshecierisfrau.u.Iaice lait tas' -tIhe Cunadian Paciuie are un- 'liaispirit of t lnme«iise sa gnm iit aie itsw m-i md ,leI5.saae.s i- c equalcu. i>e-a-iptive piampli- it itl -ils ou1uand su-isn mou t -- _ _ let loogay b.- ts;uiin;-lip ication. Iimpunliy l>ueL ciîiunl% for une C.cs- ________ tIc>- are cernluulilubs-gin lueiyns-h reu I -nu' ~or miegedci in als foir sier causes. - ~.C. SIEAW, Cicieral Agent Pass. Dept. "ltîrs-ly n pil-lut sCali fuI un ses-flue Ui S~Clar St.Cluicgo, II. eurtuil -bruriiiicîîiiin uul liiuusnut Tise Soillieru Pacifie is ru oiip il» z2l, S Clrk t. hiclta, Ii. -heu litc iiîdtrîli-o f ut rh a spirit anîd ie-sgraiiul fues" betmerîî Ns-iOs-hians andi muish pracoiiie ii till> lotenda. Stucs- - i0 's îiîui-clous n chuPa-nsitochtlul done@. -- -- - - - s-r.ail uble men. ail v i.eura. r heilylu) The Atlantic Coast Lice liasbougI lr.a în-uui - em igen, luail irs I ote }ael Siiore Terminal Uompan>'a in oy ay ave:1rigit u adresw ll inisperî>- aittCharletonî, S, ('. public. alutîis ld i i-s-ney ens-ig>- nute telasupprti I. ligu-îaigei i n uthizsng i '1hélîMi-soari, Kuana and TexasRaill-. doi-e. Au a pule i e ihulini flic rigltoil u bl as appprinteil fl.0ils),(50iî tZnen- ta speak si-lu lu- tareiplimasis ifr ms-e- Iar-riuîg ! hileiant Pacsons, Raî. doam anti ior ir Ir-ânîît cf ail i-n Tlhîe AtinaurleCoast Lice lac ctniahu- mitIgaîl tregard lu diffs-nci- ofnirace, for- cd tliruiîgb i enger trainî asrv-lte le- vrphsca oflgerctehshateexein fbigçle' hume, ereosi or <olor. Wetre iithîe rigî t tii-sen Ch'laneston, . C ., anti Augusta, - taeplenkîsul& h i-s- sCommîîitor conduue (Ga. t tedwmnwoiaie htte eeiiÉ atsae fsm ie, ml!crosaas l-e out viî-lul1is peak. Tt in lelevei lotis h le Friseu lu pie- fml aay hnuoieahnto h atwsrvae htosrce a- "Tie nationi. ile e iiilîîal, rais- pariuis,' it aîiiulia taui t asuisger lie- rsooî fteso aho oes tew co aCtobe unientyof * connuuit a tcnie- ifil iîiiuaiîy. if vices bstises-gSt. Louis &adti louston, î-'ysily o h tmcho oes-was tewoecause o h tobe Da e oegi' flw"tet n rtlTxs The physician, however, who has flot had experience may fail into the NOIRS DAME. INDIANA. violence, uiletiîîr otun giit e-nlts in A bill of parlicuimrs lie béen filetid- i rb y' d co 14 CMlisilca.L"-aura. FMctve parlieiliauiun iluercitior lu nîere the IMichigans Centralinlaitsiit againat errof di n.n raeusaesO u ezaesSeWnu-îc Md utsJournstea. At, S-o.oihmnoa t ntrarenient, me shâJI tilebluteutflMichisgan tocr tJJ.0Je-,aéla'îc.u Iu -ua i-- m&sdyeufe ltnanb-asee uî tm. onnavencetanla lis- -îîsataet -- bu.-c-a~uldsoruers .of the bowelsxnay be neglectec until they give many. > Preaitaci-ail C5tftii mu Laye dune. The -Corner aluni ai tlism Iy ceannaiflIe reps-aI of ils mîeciai l - fte appearances of female disease. The bowcls haVe be nw obcm SaR iraescgstsie oeuMiîpublie, as of ail tret, govriutséulIo. la duoec. bgen-kns a, a s.. o .<ui.Sc a, ~s~ Mupe toi- r.ddlisiiicuce toe h loi Theproies-ct bvnsn a niimter utf(Chi- - ocoguwîtn îîaruened contents as to prouuce a conastion cîosely resembling -or.e--. î~s a Z~WLere we penimtfle lîé htîu lie defiei caie railronds get control outhîe Stsis->- - utçrine displacement, uterine prolapse (falling of the womb), and the sick et -.Il .9it.le iienb l r byan r whteuna e boo traciliti eites yreedsantid it - - -héadache which is often attributedto female driseases ise mnot ofeA acta- Pte -or t;tde , me mi, in Xertork

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