CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Aug 1903, p. 7

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uitiaita lIs guvleor- Pu-meau.. f sv, te tral rekitlb iy WULLM U UTÂî 4.*W Pearl eut u t b weakelug diuln et lb nt Pu, Miss., lai«1%ksaisi dMot". 11V d.g5rtUniitas.aIa;AuAdde.l Tr, 'opot.Mark a. Duanuil, Na-* mhuoaC., beiernig used by M année- Ucpi- nl e eu"cuefor eetarnb t aise setmu admirable toul£ fer pis>' 'à c l- s Iglail>' rae-eam"sd b aillil~ -e4bltaagmmciterne- If yen do net deive preumt iii sitis- s- " (,.tg">'resuts tram tee ofa etris, l us sm voekentukto 90g mnmwrite a, enre te Dr. Hirtuis grig se t ounotflo10Wet mrnu.fult.temdbt tf7oatr came, sudob",viua as aiufiiaor ue ismaeoama te pleasea te «Ive yen hi vainlab d' ana producéa aun xcesuilrefoomai-' i'le.grade. .i2 9 »"mo. Wbatie tbé flin aua4nnm Adpr Wu ha h te -l- ul.bred or Thea MsraSulaiaulembus, . of stomacb trouble. Dyspepuia. Isdigestioa.Constipat.ion, I ?ler'ou-.nes. Haadaches, Kiduncy and LerCotuplainta, induce an "5ail gone"* fccélii. dcpvetsed spirits, los of alcep Mid appetite. Don't tee! blue. Bc beatby and happy. maties h.mftby stomiachit. Get a 50c or 81,botle ai yoar driiggit!s to-day. h it ii malte you your ald sun amn. ut AIbewa. Imum se. Sml. 31@9 Al P .K. *T. train Imv lev'Anis" Vt>' Uniedepot On..,limed etf105 a. I. aLs .Tiis mulkes au legma flr- Mb for Taxas, îfvlaagpasses. ii he North aud au oppur- f.laitosrrlu Ksnau iCty fW beur.. sud thon mre .thpr 5 geuti reachail hy tiie"Kit>' le. laia Teritor>' and su IaY on.aitepitîl lbed, Wa bils nofe was miokeait i the. i4ea eatereil bis bond e.l* rIaWords lie.d ever sald, lise ou.$ lie hodn'î sisoken. Th i« le mae's Pwovosa. Tbe mm 1rslautloextertailutor ot raptis la a member ofthle faml>' lb self-hObeàiutfuL.Litle yaior. and hlak king suake. the frf.wl t monu anal thesavoveil cena>' e« anytbing tht raaps or crans, ýragardiess et ilie or poison. faug. A native er our omit South, lia king simula ef.btreen Ove» su Ighlt eet long a" .l nekI er around tissu s maui tinaib. But lu eyerF muscle sud boue for spaed snd trsmeuloe couatnlctlug- per, tera la net anotier anale ou aarth. that eau nlthstauil bis smault. lHe ia Immune te the poleos ut thge Cobra anil et te ratlir alte. and the strengtb et a t»irty-feot prtion -hae 'no terrons for lafm. Witiitlvie nin- wLw utes rom Via. opeulng ofthte figat the k l. ing suake coldil liithe iiggest -pythioninliai even lvei. Peneouie as UMt plttle coritrieton ta tonard bis evu k" &torard mon h. ai tnendlly ail - c'.ueY trios tu escape rban met *field. al, rail-knownuyeag lAvyenm. vie -araeIlited, as bacitelors. have maude au agneemùeutlnlucoanectlun mîit plans for -s Entepesu tri p. Eac la luksowntt bavre s lady Mrenil'te wnomlbe dii- .............. vola.g lach ahttn. 'Te two have ..f. engascil pairsagean aa nlarge @foie- 9 a.5roueounmacertain steamer fon the eenlaanplaled tp arcad. Apprehteu4- lug that CupSd mas>' <-aip ne euof "r m them befdse tligtnte fer sailii. te> C*uwau a v ue avreed inet If oae tecomes i Sbeuedict tie ctier grill ive upbilg pasag and pince fli the stateroom "s a meddlug preseut ho t the bride. * Johnnie's Tbaorp. Bai "Buox. pu," q<ane litlbe Johnny oto peans?" _________ -- Certaill> net, my so," repliaI -hie SNI nd voeu. "li'y dld ros ail?" 'Rcn e." amered Jolinu>'. "I isi thougit lie> ver. ued grof jacisets for saler." t teptlc=________ a limfastrial - aoSBuard o61e.. th 11" aap- MW ef t int.~ uaa essluailite on .ou> sitscure atowa te the modical * 5' esetlaMCtirà-llu aensttutiluual dii =à memllleauhala l~1yactlug dîrecîl> ama tiau in tt$tis fnon noflIa. dis lbw.b. l a '.opl=oce Ona e Bci aill #se>al,se ola.rd gay halaIt tala utaine. aens B~.&Zesu . AiMe-s, F. J. cENRE>'&aCO.. Toledo. 0. _______ Sle bI u-.75tc. -Italua =MIY are tiseibut. Githeaiag ort lieNations. OnhMa vieil te the' Euglimu King,thie Mre French I'neaidet ris escogrtel b>' a sauit of Iisht psiiemen.itesaded a!>m . 84-u008 Sortimiabaud Plnying Germin muie.- Washington Post. . Evea Note7A t? Witna sms'aeugiged te s ma alien 4u& bus but a sieden haard me - alwuy* desires the ver>' tislng '~pelae sa ali<a't 49«r& U ius *,"te Por«. aa'. thé préolâte o etmuei tmuffarisg -#6 agoate. etassmere,, Individuel mur- 4yM ~torm-e. nieriez» sud wbolesaip àrgo P1wlbout eiuse-'al lu the nn. et e0oraa-"a a caote liued by tae Bal- *mpesean d sent 1te te pr-. , lu tealkans.revmtleu Wudio e1re ava csýbiundPed et prtesta and edeitoru aind detfethev linnoent pirsous Ilmt z0qk mumcd fiaarlan t ovus, attac- sàLIrlganlsavoui ithot at unier sud deelstton SMd 4presiou tbranglt. ot 'ci~ llayIg~ timeu anas cacls ~thx.stum e rs telà = Ce. Sia feessu l litail. $SPeie caa n dsi te tshow lhé eronffl udtr*uitb tihepeople at the tandwef tite Turîtis troupe. AIl os o£dlliy guarant*04 te h. trullilsi. tic falets avit gbe-u gâthèreal 1v BUWriUD mcul or other aetansd gron t.etis pouet tie ln le mhewlag fiat Ei- gaule la %et te blesse fer the Ilaemieu" rrevoit sggnt Turkf.hrugi.. r e Cofdant la tii. Buigurian govenu- ment oe tstiacnailens tuat ut cballeui Tum"ey su istprove aainsi. erge. Ti.e* miraubas modIe a stroltg impres in tu,dtplomauttccircles. The. Austrian dIplomatie sgautlai.s ilrrdy eallad on the, premier te expçnîe s damzleiy re- gariatglte ra.iultnt us my #noue tram Ils puleAttioa. The. Trench snd Issifon agentes ue oexpreàsed »Caesino»i. l tbouh hey tol -ls godoy ver.ý Torker Cllse<ont Troue. A.u perfaiirai. hassbeauts boned! hY lts'tiaet ofTunkey cait uot ttty-two 1ailitionsi bstteflions of troops (about3- Oùêi.utfromt he flurpean provinces%-l Turiteylu cousequente ut the soirend ut tnurrection fn Maee#onim. l'h. a troopa cemprîse týreut3> isttaiiont of reperves of th e a 'lima tran the Adriaple ta Bliint urniy Corps. The. balance are syserres of thse secoua i 'sa. -Tic liritisi am)basadorhibaslolleti. st.ngtion of the Porte te te serions moh- nation lu Msieadonia. Ra poiitad outl ttgrava conuequames ,uuy -ttend fraila marders et consuls or toreigu mtil- JEFFRIRS l8 THE VICTOR. Buds Ont Csbtt lau T.stM Ed etofBttis la IOaaraucme.. James J. Jeffries kuockeil ot James J. Corbet lu thm tentIa round ef'tihe -flgbt for the bavy-weigbt chaapiouaiaip et thge world Fridaur igit l la finsi paviloneain fM au Francieo, titua rtalu- t* tihe titi. ot clampiniap vlalcbbho Wreoted frein itoitFitummmoui. . t rnas atrrids rlgbt-bnd drive 10 tihé pit oethle s:omach that settiail Cor- bett sud '%et binate tha fioor. A f ett- baud book ,bieh laudeal lu the regiion of the noser peà peeded lb. rgt-bauder asud Corittt hbail luit rogaluel i eet and the pair hal Comatebg.ferlu a a laI- disait. when lbhe hmpionen ttatu th hier 'abat won th figt for hlm. Il was s hetter Jadries thon aven that o ettremeudeustsgth a"i et iurpaasing qaicnesud" c*Iverness. Th e teet Mwor»tagagl merved ouiy nu eidd, uew terce aud velecty te6 the thampi.'. Mu a. ud hbtIs taIe PaucIse. <otlid i. boiat, rtaih orne for trom ieusg sod: Jalfne. dt&btm hest, w rll'won ettethas b bail*ve doue bere.. lThë bue wonmawituasied lhi a recrd newd feriMountFrancicothéb biggin l numbert sud <olie..dtbmaver luekeil t a llgt lu that City. Accorilng te the Tesuite luha fligures tse ttaudanca vas 10,»W sud tiiemouey tikea lu won $8, .840. 0f tlii te fhari dlviii. 70 par cet. .Yeff rie. taking tbrea-foarthsansd Cobtt ana-teurth. ~the, gansaes Central, Oktilaoa sud G'itt Rallrnd Company'. ritha ncapital st toco#.ii0.00Q. vw. grauted a chan- ter nt Gudi., 0klm. Tii. preeet etathil.bed b>' lhe cît>' of eit. Loufe lu reqiring the. useof por- ar bribes on &Il ehxlctt.carswithlintheb 1%heulaimetu eof tbeCalifornia fruit- emop tbf. year b>' tbe Sauta F e iirosl has& been-.aceorauplhalaal mont entirely, rlti leafruit cura ufth*,,atComapanyv. l'h.egorti et freigit tli-ufin luthe United ttaten ia qaite ltrebtisg ho nota. Iun18113 the retur. liowcd t3.tit*,00.- O0ofutotan mles. or l>3% par cent more lisau 1801. A trmporary ertasin o etintlie lu riela s umber of rlroeda are requin- md te complet. tfeLr m'sety eqiaipmeut hsn been granleil hy tha inleetate comn- merce commission. The lliIu-eukee rond bas mertliti- cit rate by isie Soo trous O. Pais]au sd Min- neaipolis o New York andl velurn. ther flnet. hd asthkeu slmilsr actiona sevrnl ilsys lisfora te Mllrakee. Aun expeuditure et ,0(lO,OOa) ili ha mude b>' teis lchmond, Frlsick!.burg au P'otomac fer- Iuprovemes- oni iita nmgd. Tise eCtire lIi nl ils- double tricked sud tie roadbaid rehullassled. E. Il. tnrnimaun mliti utIse ('a]!- terais Xortiwestern Ruilway, w*Iicla la conlrolied b>' a syusSèale of w il-l lie ii the head, a part of the. court .ynteiai, niic i h to have Ilisorthei-u terminus aI Autorisa. The action o the :lchigap Co'tail diretors (à, rettemSng lhe les"seof lise Canada iloulteru fer à petlod tof 9" yearsi ed tb. propositioan ho 'eftii $3- 00<.000 ot bonds ofthle Lake Erie asti Detroit IRiver lsoilrôid. cotrolieitb>' te Pere Marquette, thus caccurnanSsw- tir rate Of intet-em. va. ratifadLatt4L formi a ikhoiii1s ueeting. A deeree bas iceai isueI 1.>'tl.e gis «ruaet of 3a-ilco granttng s an ins-mssa lu reilrossd rates no0-aite potthle rnsi un, thtesaahuais t" ift hein rêeept meen lIexiein dollars vortit W0 eis. ]resdemat W'illiams liaas nnîauceif tisit the consoldation of tie Florida C'entrsal andl 15-ianssls eYstat. comnprsiug 18a6 mlles of roid lu Georgia ami Flioridî. mti tis acbosut Air Lino. has hecomue effective-.. 1- Wue ler nes bava agreed lin ccept the Invtation ot theis la the Central Passeuger Auelatloir a le un lieu lu mmUlug boinis ltla' excursions te POWO it4 jtnierY e« the îssecl*tes "MedjWýk -et ew * gtoità. nfe das ofmei.o JM autoUNs nmuuhred.l.iesi. M cramp, lb. isoud nhlcb he. ureau of mngnaving aBd " bhereatla, luru m wIR iebuma*lt « *ly, if iS- portant expertmens * * n Dow bali couductain lu ::::ourd!MtAUI7a n- cilsafor lie pupp i >I4ipemalg lb aivautages e ft oZriMali reat- Imeut fer pyeThe, o~ b ptdedtla lamaoe li b * perlientu tr r oVe uAttàugpev-ithay bave beaun almt cmwm -"»resuit ot UassileopLwofothe 4é# g$Ostpruessi noe onacleW n*1 ofethéb Daor menae c Pb. tes. Un- ty isys' olm tin ta bhaut s.l,»ta* ndeilr he fithod. Us. Mener lhe paper me. thoroughiy op in lt. inen tii Mi edaedL The st ti*.DA la ir z=oom snd k agi * Itel&l 1 pfal9mtr ethirty 4«Mia.noce- auvL'ti. fo he0k e te ab oot la isce aOsked 8ailstbs tuetance sud1 fl-day irylaspre à« isto bmu- oais *bm AisIrdl lpus- requirail vies lthé emeilu ie col ors. the. wet*wng -IS'1 J= procoas ham te lie napsaflia *W-lias, ad anthr entJv la tu4e at Producton. RestO. yh ofaetif théceselb. nt 8 a~ylgrot the liie ettha*pet ~~itegi l f. strhe"tegve it. 'adola pber sue., th. st*rch affl onet sud the. blli bicornellmp *Mai= Inaprintioc btlm ou pager wlet base treatedb, The inkiomis"M-t*i***ir leu a>- ,pu"i te tite payer, me Ul*r ite odl pro' cesa, sud la ieoai thntt- "l'he sumuer et spulsi, eppeclly of remen, fer claesi excessIve. in sbaellgr"piy sud tint llpgoui>'J the» ms am e tep sa.0iia vorsai paloontige abevae dB boowaa Prospecti of Appeltnent. Tie iuggbr et "mal il- giblau teuegrpitalix gr lef bsraly equé] IdUsathe ansd malsop-. pltina p'ect Ot s »piers ai typenri tes boave uit ewwprospects ef appelinsu.t tiii54i aLpplicautm." Ites. irtlb voret i41curagement offered te romen bylb. VlvIl Srvies Commsion la ta epW ~Pioofor tisa fiscal ysr nbleh obje.bu ase as30. lTh. nnmbek reia miswe 'Iomi *examine- don for Clark dsn'ng ie W»ra 1un3 Of tiui. egain SIS pgsWthe examina- lice, but oalt al"et"es rse' ppuined. Me.s vritetoo thti e s ezasulumtion anmber 2M Of.ettbo i.M U iil mald i nue ppotatad. Mae smpllcalfor pealtiome m tenur"'ipie,)&"bered 416, eftho tMi. 8 pusséilsud fry-four vers sppoetdThe. unna t., 4 mroaua rit toks e mamnee aamumousnra 92. S.,- tIss sivid sppiemommu. ',Maie appéi- canto ferrtlb. oumbusdmiie ofut aie- ograpier end typewvltaw S-bar »4&. Of tesi M0pasai lb 'molaualon Md ri tapodnte& lb.- aov ef rmbqa vite tte .osteuid eSidpation vrai SUI celty-,vsm et tti ridui It«jy-treof eumw re a8=1td~ aumber oet -uW" 1--- k âm ieh fer t Pou" u t.Uiluvmrxwdojs g b. tie. na-sa smd lb. xmmlnslibbuti eat uotisaver. elate. lisses ber et mukWiot tlb s ae IrasM O0f thes 217 piÈ-si im US rare é ya te egvrnmenî mito uTiti. a 11gb of th Wite nom t gt kitlom tavs ah lias. It ls sai, B»Saitf laccuroas t Manthe lb"me dpt- u etM nit etlb merl palaces out Bproia ÂAie laitbd «p . teod sod»Ie te it. Witii» »olaef. tlb = b estm gealky ltalit. é stlcan Marieua prouboenad It I&t5Peareil for tbe ms- M.nt't taby the b ighetaI m fe ,ths cuisanot' i.Tb@Pruuldeat lve viol PMWYlsey.H.prser. Plain,.ritof. sema *"dte the mont eIaborato sope, Oua et Ib t avoritedimbla ilua obel .iesk4 mesium amia, tit a di 9<koci roi 1 svy. sud a large, meely .pilule. Lik te trou insegetmna, h. la teua* ofaal liuasuw gm. keof et b.breasi, -r ad cutsi' ala te Whiebuis 1110km b«by s.itlism Tierse,'. dixt ballugu s'ik «%. amu avernu, moti»Vs saeks etfleur a risk areumil cugt. l!ts h«s*et a a polfreuee tor k»P a naedie wmikumpied ltu ae t lmensppicitsd troin, a. Ws t butgber. là bneonUcoUMuon =i ' 0er a ton oet setb-te hinoi a iii k et, lb azmecutive mauion rbeu ma'tch bisv anîarhsanlug la Paing dons hy tléyrs6 dent. Se largeansud el equpi>edti Whiite Hou"i iteban abat s futi-dasi Taxise atour coud ho roastad whoe in lai uittiout icueln Ge. lsam enta, the hachelor uIdtater tnom Parosmu tselard la bouse lx1he lai acoe etb=sin ~-"dià - boe pro , -te1 mk. reiglra lot- lb. -1aY slh bedttgalty rhlcb lias baiesi«- lended in hint asd bi sarrmvai la tb.i ceuntry'. Mg iEIi openuthe fOret fi Ir tltey continue te ha,. gaV p 'la vqol,# l tfi ar ewu fajdt *'One of the beut known iiedttilts th ie bconnktry," seMid the ptofesser vb, ireilithe trick for, hi,, "usiaite bave a. thm treille voles, that v*euli bave made, suceessu-eut of tla* quai- tIinfor blm. ,He won gitteil Wltb eousidaabe talent lu other wals end wanted to ovarcome his vocal deô- cienclieswben be came tb me. If toek côtirace to attempt the change 0f a vle. 1h. that, but 1 tolil hile Ibal thi efort vas worth vile. 1I mer, ef courue, that bis vocle.1k. ail mucia volce., won badly lilaceil. "*Placlng the. roice là. of coure", the moot important tblug about a singer. an# the. voice that la flot weli placail wlii fot lait. boiverer âine It may bu. hl nature. Soute volces are taluraIifY placei, but ordluarlly It ln the plactus of the volte that te -themnt Impor- taut part of a stuglng -tencher'a lau.' - Wbat s dIffereue t makes lu A votè. may b. ahtboeutram the. tact *t IL ~biglà soprano .now ber. the public van a contralto vian ahe rapt te ber teacet. lHe rualfxd the. MM- taka thaïi bail beau made ln plarlog ber rotce, 'mnd changeai ail tibaIià biean doue a" mud ber a soprano. Weit. tbcs. mem ritb the. piplu)g, aqueaky voice.. bae bail their volces badly plaed by nature. Whau luat finit luacrrecleil tbey wnU talk au they bould. 1 beglu vith al»zing, stngflug volees or flot. I vork tbem juit as t vould 1 *f they rare prepartug lu sing. The cam of the. elo- emileufigt iwasalmoitt fflrueit 1 evet bal. IBut w1tbiu a iSear h. came around l al riet. it le not merely that the. role iRWomes lower. tuiler aud more mellow, but the lover toues gather treugtb ud powe. 1have foundi bis al to e he ti.ertain m'- suit of tlaeee exerlime... 1 have neyer kueru a cse to, tai. Beeanse a 0a" le unfortunqte a'uougii 10 bava bis votce. te. igh tu bis hrsd end le talk jalways np tiiere Insteail of dem lu bis tiroat la no, reason w4y be shoulil go throuigb lite talking se. - e eu maire If. voiçe as deep as the. naît mans6y taking a lit, troube.- New York @un. Rica Feuntain, Mo.. Ans. 1ù.-Rev. Jos. Pope of Ibis plice. lu wdeiy end tavorably kuowuesu a clergyman wno bas doue andilasdolug mach for bIs people. Hla .van mueh belovail by everyone for the faitituineis et bi# pastoral wrk. 1ev. Mr. Pope bas given fer publics- tIon a iainent made te bite hy a Germon farmner who Je a memnier of hl$ euggtgtiou. ,lThe man' George Hollerer, sud ha bas given Rer. 3Mr. Pope f0la s bttaI,: "Iest Iter 1 suffereil very mucla wnu Rbeumatlam. 1 coul nether vsik uer ride e oirsebmek uer do any tarai rork. 'I took medicine fromu dfferent do,- ding, but tlsay dld not do me auy good. Thoen 1i reilDodd's Kldney Pilla pro- eursil for me b a goofrleud. tte1 bail talufa thei.mat lbox 1fit areaily a houp botter: I1vas rellevaed:t lth pan sud coul ral and chop vocal andl tua courstton o0fMr fttuste.ho Mea te resoie.. "Xow Ine. I bave taken Mx more boxe, of Daddais Kdney Plas 1 feel lweil again and amu able te il. ail the wrk ou the. tarin." Womla ne Loemem. A zskU algirl whaIliv.. la au alegmt home; on Central Park wew, bu troubled lier motiier very muc hi, hy ber very ceraleos regard for the trutii. 0. day ber mothar bait a tery serfoui1 taik witi., h li ttle daughter, and endeil up by telltng bar thatliman could nul go te beareu. The. mmiii daugitar redecteil for a tîme anal thon iafd: "Mammus, do you teertali "Certalnly net," replifelbar mothar. Builden recollecttons mvaapug acroe ber mInd. mie beaitateil andl adilei: "Sometimas, of course. ien il le Impossible for me temee. people, I simd downuword fiat 1 am net atbomne But tint le merely te keep troin burt. lug thelr feeliugs. Itlafi ol lyfuig.1" Tiot nigit rien hir tîther came1 home she snid blnntly: "t]apa, de you ever tell lieu?" "'Certsinly net," repitl e>uaiier,1 witb eitoitiohinentindinosemanduigna- tton. Tien'b. beau te Miie a liti.. eud afieraswhite aidail: "Of cours», viien 'u ielling Sguede I eau't aYs tllu ail 1 k-w about them. it'@ lte utiier tellow's bumteis tsi kuow vit ktnd of goodi they are. That hai lt y- tu*. thougi; tiat's luit buiness." Thesmmiii girl retiectedi agalu, sud if er mature co4aleraion spoke. 111 dun't tbtuk that I waut te go tu hea-en." sfd gc; *titre rou't ha auyone tiiere but Qel ail George Wiuhflq~"-neWYork limes. ~-. ~ ami, 7sýëw bwtm -t Uuwy mo* tobu -il m Ils imii ouut etow «&«W oxail ahe btla a CM uREMU buwii* le~uâsa lg that qoatifWo a paun se ive iwiloe on MW B1b>o* NeotbmrluornnbaiS wvidean expomnSue. ii maibis k Pm o a rocili iosesme Mra.Ptukhbm ha. b -over oabunansa thonsamn Csa oma'belon. ber asciiy"ar. 80 day atter-day, anddây aften, day. Tw»osiy ym o stant aneoai-lk of tii n9Id» gahdi Suuliy nusemie vise in ie.klntidico fom ar $*. la & geoa$heoisI. H . * tte 1op aboi%,s or Y Aw êO tbmiise uo kateslà Mwm ik pi lanihite ss.tise ba rhobutsMy va»Iw .mn Wu Mruiass anSaI o .i~ , m 's'Fits h.d at4retub", 15 valseI cuué reraa qltspf i-ctes ae I 1,l*a M*oLaè j; ": Uihs motiot- Wbat af.altse eihd grb-aets torr dritf~ "Mey! The e siot eue Ibint fiat MnW buman baurcoulaWi ." rhemraa.Prime viiipdt l'bec*IÏh the bag.-NvTr eky Blugleo-Toung PopleagjoluMoton- li>' ralattn m aiy' tortes.' Waisrly-About cgbse, eh? Snit-o;about tual precolous infant etofla , Thse Saiqmo,»Bt. Notht liq le aerqtrfsnig or luvfier- Salng luasummen Ibm à edlly bath. »0 selt, tepid vater sud geaimap. Ivor>' soakp la lS. er. foc l. bthIt lahpuM, latiers qatll a the élu soit. & drlt..Tit.bath ehoulg ha talu mrylu thes muls orn mat b*ltiiTen Bsat lclmuetbi vte Althoujia ha mors lb. ait -D-os e nadu'-love suotitar, tor That other ls-baeroelf.' Plse Cure for Couaumip:lonucare d me et'a toienamsud persistent cang.- Wm. H. Harrison. 27W. lit strett, Nw York.mrch 2Z& 1901. The Navy Djaitîment han etailisbed wirelesa tempgapb se#yies haw.0unn oi 7 ,77. The 5er t ,CuraIt I Thé sciot a A. C. SIIAW, o Agoam t Pasm ot "5.1 cf*ve na oU. LII>'. eder taat: home, met' unique as pessile, tIgs Persia « ls importiaag a large uamber oetun ,fll>'oriental ruse and tmpeatrlai Kahn, Who embu the di.tneý ing ganrai atêde',cap tle bisa mmajail>', lbéBitait. vero upes ai een -la Wssblgteu. TIse Capftol et Washigtoes« 430 noonts nev davotad teotices, eu tee &rd ilmpetrg 50, OlP rndM doorwm>'s 140 &"'lalces, 90 teff wish bail«i. 14 b*lstub.. 15 v"s faits la "18toms,2,048 beige of boliers for liatlnt andlilghtlts steutu PUMPS fur bolier a"ildfi.ego The liglins servce Ila equivalial 000 Inesndhlcentlampe et lé0 power each. sud tiers au U14.Sa Nta ot klilghte formel et res am" Thers la pensiet bétthelb Cinima a suit, l9te defen et viii <'et tie govmsmets<Useuu de It Invlve, taéqueilliset b ahiluct butheam lt ade asmcnt rectvei tron t tees Tvi buitva edIMau Imaié b9hent htle« ~ s ms, OASOAZNrS O.dg' cartue« maliwayput up l ilnsotl» *Wber, ont U*IB-uM Iog-atsa Oo.1h cver- tabletcotigoesumpéoa ~ e.oM ha ilbWki bu1 au4s~btLttesareoaaMsato bunoeuuiUmmdeIrR i t * ppiWqpb»,Ç

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