CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Sep 1903, p. 5

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--I a-e trIl ordéet ý US WJI TRJUOS tTYOR Illinois. *rtyville - - bertyvik J wktStoe Von vi i bd a- select une of vaicea, thing that " i~to nitke »P a&rut*claa jeweiry store. .a Aloo pianos, vohs ot r and n everyt.hing i u uie. -We bave a lut oUf1aeet m"sithat me are seliing at à bargaun.. If yoîr piano noede tuning leawe orders at DAkJBBRS. i IltinoIs.1 et FA AND WNR NECE A New Stock Just in. ýBIanketéq and (iomforts. 'tnderwear in large variey. 'Sweaters and Cardigan Jackets for in. Kuit toques caps for obfldreà and bop, -and knit shawIé anti akirts. for lades. Some -late -pattierns la vool dresa -gmod,' broadeloth, , novelties .And fiannels aud lin nuterous other We are cloan n 1t a lot. of 50 undeï, wear ln ladies -an4jget, ohd sises, at, 800 per Libertyvili. l ilinosit. ............ * ~.....isa......... ..i........... .. . ...... sa. a o at m ko w o.ost. U8.Ip.. stgue.fnSLawleScu. Y &Wgeu i W. h .aie ilîe- -. hr a A.l lIa ia u onty son a uge ript OEvw. Wlbtdn dauqe ille aiso vlaUuM raine lunt. BLawsey oe .t raC.o @b[iine IeOMXIO . aàla gintheofM. E. Mbland ft 2:30u JIKt Snnay. ievtr oWed hneay BawL ro andot enteuio ln opaa utitandBsukley b raW forla.Tip hhmbevftn l. UÔi>Inso-mn wiiIprat-bt ome Ins DweOqe glulas M.e churc "Yne 23 Au moud Laie.nd-b ay. eltr ou -li ualigie pmontd amout uab tpurchasesi aILoveSatdrug taudit AM s ora Trlpp, who lias.beau vlsltng lrbids liept. -vatiino.i -0libutalie Troppflà sould haissues Ione. ting- dieconwte adsy ta adith Tii. at hrmein o! t.E.Lde Frli Cnbyansi lia.e Mi. su-d Mr. a by wbo aa"basadc hm kiug a potirac taes istam lit eougr"wgatin ith dali tel uor" hav liàwklpys nan ding tore lunlthe r Protor blocka opsuws for b"siess Tucmd&ay, sud with Ils eontpleteansd 'attractive stock suif iture.,the '#të- ~ piueut an nvitiug apitcaiance. Mr.- Hscirsey asivertis that on Bâturdaylite wili praseat easc lady cller a souvenir. TI.a mtorela a deeidedly dea"lte acquis!- tioli t0 aur ituoitiaetentei. Tt it repatrted, tai about twventy-five Yaung nontan rointWaukffau have lekan poitions lu the. Macaroni lac ýory ~- at Libert.vvdk-a, tae ànier toprLsmg r-- mana nidte girls formaerly' etuployes i a - tae wrappar faclora'. Antong thani la1 P Prroideit Kuté Ssntnon, aI lb. ganaient-. w orkero' union. Katp Morman, ldà, S Sloueberg, Marihi Eramer. Wakgas se Edward Hickea', nto formenla' livasi aI S Russel andi nasa short Uie agi> brouglit front thé Elgin &sYlU!n tothpltecaunula farim, and later escpad sâ iaaMousia -brought, front Mcfeuiy couaty ha1 P Sherif Powell sud klsgusinluthe cunuty imd isiHclpay ovk d ,.on..a làîm, lu U lcfleMra'OQunta' "dshat 4causait pleI in th iýicJty t-10vrgard hitu viS. fear vas Ue1ta sc b elu lttera ta bmasing nwommaIilng to ant libe wibwd 10 S marvithamauandhis ltters boasto S of Ibreal niict alainetheine. S Wa Libtjvilllsu.are proue ta stsnd p- agitast. aI lb.evaut munis axpauded ', Ow b.electrt.c read oipiautin construction S ans i npovanent of t hein rossi ansi prapenta'. Il lajust aurvelaus vb.n one considers Iliir subsantial earningu. Hema la a table sitowiug earniugs fer m nonth of Augumil sud one folowifng w nici shows tae aarnitigs ine Jamuary S 1, s and isetaeincrease anar santa paraisi: l 190 For Anuit: Mnilu. ov vW fr omrs. am..* .... i. sss ua" OintsUit«Mi........ ..3.1, M46 ......u a .........îî ï . Useft.......s.. t.a WIANTMD-4hri hanonrai honsework. <eo. jf.Ôrim. tis w&êek saisi his faimn h orthte of Lerlyvîlle tu A. L S Vergeron, a OChicago mi wnio bau otherq farnea gaar Chicago, for $25,000.. The . propaita' lucludes 2FX0 acres.- Mi, y eageron nl.tire a a a i -akt as faie-1 piap of lta farim snd vrn allive on lte S pissa hlntif, Tnt>yasrn agr. Morrila S betéhI lb.e fari for #10,250) but han inte Ituproired l azenslvala'. He- nas1 t ha b avaaaet ntlIk hipiper on thte Wla-ou. odsn Cetral or St. Paul roaism in Lake P4 C'nuta', iling monta 60 cows eachi wicter thoughisoute iee uite ummner.1 ~ l Nov e r M.' MarrW i., l bave anl auction salea aihie personsi piropsrty sud gives_ isosassaon Jaunara' 1. Hie hua. pat'iaed Ino lots lunte new Knehker . aub.dviao-and nl builsi a "edntes thae tits ia . Tiie sala lu question' 4 neffo4usd ba' Atollis- Mwir w sii f abaenice, tlttellr aipeting to reînrn about Oeloher 1st. lb. annual gagalîtî111nWr-at Merces Fox Lake resont is tu occui Sapt. 2ilra sud Invitations fairte affair are tîow ont,. These itiiil galherings are alnai'u nticiît)ata.d i ith loy. li -te "1boa's.' Special train fan Fox Lake iaava.e LibeityviJlleat 10:401 a. im. ltaiday. Ilaceala' lt a auuc* ai 1e 44MOO due tsODymluil estate for lausi puveaaued ha' proteof- ite rate hura&ipioject n'es pald la hli. kolie,' 1 lu die Messi. AustindaiKueitier teau amta oi tuair contrait antl ,'aattitei XMssi las the cash tu a s' taeua isa. Theu active gepa lookin;t lii pi(.Viîg the piopeita -Wnl lie akteu. Waeinesday noonutiinte ofSthlbide, Mary Aguss Stalzîîtanu ansiP.F.Etil Naumanun. eraaUnited lun Ifrniage. lia' Rai. Volkert. iif Wankogen . Nius. Naukau isli.atthe ola dÙgrter of A. Stolais, a m,-ell kiiwaudapnomportiis fagigar living i natut-sloftlb. ilta'. The groom issau itnlustieilayoung Mata, ansi Mnr. Slolsinu ll mreegn tIci bi iuansgtuentofi lis faim. fTe yontg peopla bagin ',"iuîîa.îlefratlpla.lnumla anal the lNnxrENDncv aitili agun Tb. two piveta. anas plnta rfecetiall inslallesi lia E. C. Yaouglunlte Proctair andi Heath bIni gv.eîrealnatia >l'l.aa'are tlb. Wultlia.r syslnté, and it la saisipiaiduca a liglit af equvalent canalle 'Power aI lesta ltait nitu-him. o te ect of kerosana oi. The itoF, rooma. iu *iliaclmatch attenîtin at 41git. M. B. pipesi sud nll iglit w ith gaa fions W. M. "eth'@ machina, wliiî.b hàaa capucita' of 1%0 aita' canna. lstwet MIgitk Illit. Wafrond aà li iîtiis iinen store andl living roont sboiiaia. i'gm ras Sit . KaaftitR «,plana t udSmait & Davis anticipais piping thii; s tore andisecuriatg gas Immn the, Proclor plant. Mi. Yittagr le negollallur vatit atWl of ai ivvti reideucam aati of Inn nmore buetesai hloçkn niit a vin b to stalling private gtLs plante. A eainuiiedablaiaaiure ii realdences la tItiadapl)abilia' of te foi cooking pitfpatses. Pauson s asng t) l-vmlgae or learu more oS lb. ,Weàthen nystantmitould ous or asitreus .d. . ..... la. ... 4 009............. p.. Nu.ial.....IuB4a...........915U LosV*CbIsai8. AI - va Llbortyvlflm J*êý 101. ;tB5t1 .. 1........ 1:45e M pi fo Clilsaeao jj8 IM, M sd lseaUnlS 1%P twodvom", of [LtîilsWhittney ar<e auffrlng wfth i&'lllis. Mn. L. B. HÀabytq't this wet-k for àa vigil with relathm et godns. N. Y. Ranimuinhi A=ÎW h amaur f ldnkeslde Centtena'A&qoe.k~l, Oct. lm. Keep it lu nîlu)di E. Il. Appiey Ias a naw îtian, purctehal' ai Ais & Iiainer. ai Waukegau, for, he 4Mwht*fra'tin-, Ead Butter"ia*W à s-bln t LIÀ@oesct academy te 'aaigyu aud Eldon C1rk gCiosta ArruîaDur .islti- Iota, Lltlaaga. ':fisi Meule a! -dg-Mi, e~lats fo1eManaof dbe EC4mt- ar, saith llia isa ilnl go to Englan isi"'tt .aai'future for à titreamolhb' ila# 1ite saloon ai Ug*doul e-ns deziesia licenscby lteard ofiS ilSuîrvîsaîn. huit weai, aning t au I litufIiti t unther oS signature« to titeptilion ft asante. A.Ô.Shwera tf. Giluter. lust weekl pcissi a dosen: it~agfrotta a tua un01 his place, avea-ghlu inw'aightitno ounes.. They niw of etva.llt g lavor andi color. O( ullt lasttwslthe Cht ago st Non . ad an exteixded writ-up of lte couoty [air aI "Piiadontuur.' Despite git piay on lte nîe t t ilwr.i.t.vdie fr- wam ensila' recoaptlutls am te i- Nail meting of laflala Ct.uetpry àngoclatlon l ha hai aet battue on ieBn Woolridge Friday, Sept. 18i. Tht, ladies desira tat peusons owiîîg for laving lotlu t e<eteay tiaresi for %will Vienne setle tiair accaunla. T. A. Wk4l ha saisihim îropentya sd bouse in coUré-a of catutruction on -Braînerd Court to a Cliagn pana'. Mr. Wella intandesi actipying tahebouas iiuiitaafbut wax imnporied to Bel sli >1 W. ,udrtanid ls'couideration %was F.~rMhptals rraJ~gto givea grossi hall ailte Town Ha lfor heafi of te local Cattihe sih*, Monday evenlug, Ot. 5. attià e ynatieularly dWes othait mnlsnýiý ansi otharm ebail &Id lu ovetÏlwwaixpsilie toa tke it a Rair. Fatien 4-aialmasbeau coin- pel si to talie avitatiosa nud is et pisast t urniuag t in itigan.. Ha engfoa a nlh itay laver. FaterMurp)hy, ol Citicgo, ila attenali ig to dutiew G4 ltae -Liiterlyville ppunch aiairing liai. Sctnlau's For H. F. Henning, proprietor of the new Liberty'ville Te4 and Cofee Co., who is viut- ing ail the surrund. ing to'wnu as weli as alling on Libertyvile- resldents, sellingý the very boit. TUS#- Coffres, Spîces ànd. Baktg Powder, atiý jnst a littie cheaLper.::: ::::-::: 'TWiIISavç You i., H. SCHANCK' COAL. Lumber t h, $Winge, bo%: Winw Mo dipgs Grain. Seeds, Feed,, Portland Cernent, Lime, Stucco, SAL Liber-ty.vlIo - llIiole. lBy IteRecord ut rouisîkabilencurm cd,,d'a Sausipirlila bas become tae one tino blond-pur 0 e ntutly lu te pubic aye, B aiaoo. Hood's Pille stW litebt l$ w wdi.vle loens~bin, atr a nter 9f 4*çdnng roon tablai.-abatll effeet lu yeIiaw daitlium MeSame Huarltti. Willlnmts andi Clark ýserved l. liro. Churchili was gowusd lu whîtealns h~ er appfflaSuce*kevideucsi onwell site bears lth. c&a eolf fty anutuk*ne. TitaS w-.ra many tokens of eateent lef by the guasta aWewil as hOPFe Xp-eees 6for happy returus of lthe day. Valsa Mnet litFsV*O. -A Chicagio gaPMaer nwiaM wdtaked wiht nma oS the local ca la-e lu &.hta nk's a al ursday ulbt faut Wst lu an endeavuer to autablishit a lsilop. Titey wae *bout twauty-fiva presa scieraIoSiof bô ,aual carpanters. Allai explauli lt» -bmettfithe gentW mnu kad tbonswho "deaeeitA>baveas localunion tu no ,Wnuiy sud non- reapoudad., The. meeting W" i without appairo ~uit- '4t.isevl,uIfrontinterviewt.witb local' 4 eïrfris hhtjat lteuniont idWais -DI in . ayor Tley Inclina te ltahele lt is &réa no conditions warrantlng au organisation, andi SWsitha.t, te h@VM fart titey are bonne] l'y nonion ruSa laW ducý prlianily, tihe- abillly of Our COn- tiattorw tt oTèuélîmie rations jininter. nuptàa, niten ln Waukffau snd the laie sitar.. towns bunildinjc Ià -ai a (tandatili esad, tlîouuieudt.of dollars of inàprove. tus.ntaidlnlitel llayel., an' nînrebildings in couro' 0l conmttnetion n t titis tinlu in1iaertYvila than lu Wîîutkewau. TI&P î.erpenler-taare roeviving 25, 3;1anad 35 cents pPr tour, taceordig te) iblr ailit.y. uand are salfc.Prospects a"a t tiiqrk , will be î.ieîty fari Jta the wil!ter aund Itînms laiton troublas intervette eatly sprina.ý'*ll operationR. Tlhw Jaewl hendediva it..a*alu takan ay Our local nxmeeltlesad lteir Oiapasution 't4) let well euough alua" accounfe inlut)un ailldegtseefor lte tli,'rwslafrnt proisperity Of our"tity. MAY r we continue ta lie lut aifthe turýtuJnt; kspiritu prevaadiiig lte liabar %world. ,à TÎýnrkioy téi b. Vmrved. 0,Dr. RAlinswon wnul deliveyr a iitorlea rlecturp at the Ni. E. churth. Lihaort-vlll, Fnidsy eveîiilg. Sept. 18.«ilubjwt, -"T.rkt.v ansud utîduin. Tiie cruel Turks hbave jut aeamaas 65,000 Buigarians, nien, wnxen andi cilsiran eolid bloosi.This lecture thauts ltbe isola sud causes. Ail cardially invitei. 'Ad- ntittsucefree. Goosi muait. Cider ML. My etder MiiielaSOIFrsdy sMd 1 r a»g ff Fu flWu. & «» e t IHasd >aR uMd oemu et ofPréSelu Vlw. .8 a u 904vi lhuéo. ima séeséb v ea8 «0" et Ie la au ",» M"005 _- 4 50. iii.8Uma 8w lie b.. I WU tu r»«aB.18 UWo e sie .oioisLplv ig W.atcho5Tvihsi55 callcoes s. e.' -*0 55 s. 55 WebaeChe, obsto Ç*Mhpl#th e Îmoot' two and thMepl Uece s s a velue OU om- OW 0le# limiu*omwelu in-chu lupmSémy u S 1me me4hs48» 1*. eiuSe48U8a If you vaut a ffl suit ceitaily ê. r Wvl--eouw SUjWIIOOof ïi0uijlmau I gu?8téSpe*lSii* I* [Libertyville a -- a - = !#pl at home; lot ,your o. traveling for you. Yen vWin be lu ooustaàt louol, entire oounty Mad tise <iofva wtth one of7 our telephbouuus Buoiness ates, ose. p« dy a tp Roece Rate# e . ov 9 ertyville, t .We ',are mlce ass ei,.t

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