trial <wqlr ,hMe.and wê witd« ,ur uitmot t*tps yu 4 ' TA YLOR, vIlIe IllInols. iearêy.y yStôre You will id a selot line of watchs., cWcc~,Je'ulr, t.tonory apà e~ry- thig that gogo to make-op a liM-clans Je*elry Mtore. Aýlso piano@, violn, mouth organe and evrything ln muie. bave a lot of sqhoot munie that vo are'soillng at a bargan. If your piano noods tug leave orders at DARBV BýROS.,P tyvile. - - Illinois. EAuL AND WJNERt - - A New Stock Just inm Blankets and Çomforts. Underwear in.large varlety. 8weaters and Cardigan Jackets for men, ~(it tqus et~u cUd~timd Mboys; an d koît sbawln and-shrt. for, ladies. Some bite pattrna ln wool dreu. ~d, broadcloth, novlles and flannels and In numerous othor dremsgoa ff 1 are closlng ont a lot of 60o under-, wear ln ladies -and goutïr. o44 sizes, t 30e per garmont., Libertyville. Illinois. »j"wfiLuak ile ofnetie bi home elh ne .ataek of tjpboli féeur. Aé~~Wau. Co b k fhum a tIi i nile f Iesde cVmetery 'éoélp*s WUtit M. Frnch <tb) ~hLW0Il'lde, $7 , with tii. eaitr laut we* a aenencomber 2% 'am l ong, ieoà front bis gsrden. %J Oeablieewate r dliveryý wagon mg 9, . M IWolik , wagon, appeapiti -w*or.pmt *laeu»w n weelu. È.*n1. J. Sith, of, ei4nigo, who bas hein visltng viitt W- *i Bulldey c"d *"îly, rtuamid to ~the Wsda»Y. J. W. Mairnan d=4llàaWol 50 #t deep for Opw laiintii.week ant utmtk a sow whieb conmîx ionetavey Wn. Suidantbai20,blc!lo Globe Dener oaioua for ic. t 75 seita per b»W. Iel hy am a partieularly rare lot, andi ehéap at thé priti. 52-1-P Illis sldeaee.of Wma.Whigananti S. L. Tripp, on the Kuet.ker subdilvision are aéaring comnpletion: --Wm. pellnàâb tlnlbeti placterin# tuenittis>..wock. One day lait wsek Baeeell Clark wbile pieiagfot bllo lte ctîolgrouadu, Ipli, euttlng hie kaee, on a brokreu bottý-. The doctoi' wae ubliged ltaktit@four ustt!he,.. Mdm. Celle Datdies, of Chicago, 'stld ber plaé oit ON-ari street stijoiriag E. DuBois home titis wfflk la Mrs. Sloîne narbares, of UlaîjnîtiLut,. Conitiere- tion $1100. John Nuaisea wil!> Dovefrom in isfara, nuoth-eait of town hta thé new houée luit but by ileury Kera on Tlird.otmept ant ieuh Me.unuoenpurthaaed.eyîg $1700 fur ssndé. Allat làtehâeld hua purrha". h interet of hie-brther Henry la the Libertyvilieluaîbing an&i MetingCW..i and tte basn... tel!] herealtr Le to- dncted by thé former. Md. n. d hMn. Aaroa Shupe, of Rat-ýine, Wi., who have been to IMontabe, viitéti thie wek wit ber brothérs 1. 8. andi John (flenson and with Mis, W. W. Bolkley. Tlay were caroute tii thir La»t Frida5ý Ie. Nîna ttidley waa takea tu Waukegaa. adjudged insavé anti removed la Elgin. This D'ove bati1 héen delayedi as long as poe.ihle by relative@, but ai of late su becamieq violent k won imperative. Thé iet bardl frot le ewaîted ilm. patleatly by the boyes, wlu tble eer autl-Ipte n iîninsecroit o1nwàt. Hitckoryanti 1mda !néwill len pleîtifnl aIl over thé connty, whll e gond erop of wallnute wlIi la gathéneti. ilemeatherl Annuel baar of Lake- ie Ceîntemy Assoiation 0.-t. 80. Ke..p It lu mnd. 5041-d' Sanveyont wer.e t work layinx ont thé aile race course for the new tr ack titis week and a inte near future teemi willl 4. euaggýd throwing Up thée trat-k. Plaune for veri.]subtantii beroneare aow[aing prtefted, tla hi lviithîs fl. Tîetday Pvnagnext a meeting wil be hlti et Liliertyville Town Hall for ýhe purpoit. of iateretiag local mmn"ene lnî the urgaistion of a union. Organiser havage. f Chicago, W. O. Sempéon, of Waukegen andi othérn wili edtirese the meeting., A gooti turnout la desireti. BlIdaDr. Robinuon. wili preach his ina! sermone for thé yeur, mornng anti1 evening. Hi wili réiew thé two yeers work la thé moruing. General ciéa>et 9:30. lHe wili lso130preach et Diamoad Lake et 2:30. ThebS otoz Icvem for tht. annuel conferenci on Tue-,uay nl9ruung. SAil thé latet style. of photograpists la heil at Be.wiek'ié avery %ednt.sday. j Wednouday eVening about thirty of ber young friéuditgathéreti e t tnthome- o Miss Ethel Downsanti teaticreti ber a Thé ev"ulagwax gepent hit pleying gaine andDmasie. At 10 o'clock re<teebotenta were serveti ad ail returnedt latheir home having @peut e mot pleesent evenlng. Thé Bite aew bouse erecteti by Boyes Wel%u thé Hanse araimsout!, of tol .îa te nearnag compition. Ik lua idithé building will cot over 010,000. Mrt Hensen in also m ng uthér cite aivi ituprovemnenta, O*erbauUig thé large hema and putting a -coacriete Itoor la camte, for wbieh teont R. H. Peglow ban thé contreet. Mr. A. Witaley, of Janeevilli, rente tai town lait Thuraday luailompliance witb a tip given hlm hy a traveling man, that e horne anti ig stoien froint lîla, uid Le ond lnatthiseity. Anti su it proveti. Trlggs& Taylornme nionthe ugo4 purceti of an Innocent lookîug otti mn a borst. anti wagon and it w»u the seinestolon front Xi, Whaley wlît pruveti his property ced departét i wtb it. Eli declarastitt dlvltina thé price -p-ixti for thé borce anti wagen by number of tinys théy have ued thent, théecosi per day le luit 38 cente, and ttiequeniiy eau' t sep that theirim b uesnc a get deai. Wednededý4pt. 23 Misé Ethel, 11., oS Qîtelîtale of r4 ib . LMd lors.John r'Oidtm ila Sioux City, 14wa, lIaA.B cnk i ehoîuld hoîîs frotît »e"d ,N. Ji, g1wt f th. Muet, where s;i.sPont ti.l~e eowcv, mukereaMid , lîî,li l ofireng for male. 2-i LodKeN. 49J, AP.-AIL M tîîuîîaY Mde". icent of %mo1l1e, lnt vlctlag ber Wclr*MtMsten m"'rt,3lor, Musx. Il. N. vMxamisai-d lins L. H. Biryant of tîii pha". -IN la la speat ork a t the. relar meeting of slsetrcourt mon- day aight, act S osud iiianti-îîts am red gto la ttend.' 1 The Germian cou grogms"iOtifi ssîînî to boldt a pîs.uc Sùud ta A. Stiatîn g ed litievelt ci lleffielt to-ater it will uOMur M îthe Uni caa-iî. Thureduty evening, Nov. 5 o.îsthé annuel banquet under anaplt..'. sof tilt local Eeut.era Star <2apter. For the-, ueeasilotlW.* M. Heatit, ha d<îîsft.-l tihe une' ofufie tlarge semoruraOOl.siides,!1 plaee, anti tusnc the table. wulIle Wsî,r.ud. Qite eeborate pripamatione î',- uliîh'î way auitht.evet in tia < il.. uofiî,- portaIse inlocal irclie. EvPry WednedaÏ aeawit.%' iphoto studio i§ Open la thé Balkl.-v hiex-k, reine or cine. 1, - Lýittrtyvile laeIrittiàgi ts -h.qrm- of ýttentL~n by Cco *-papes.. <bu' oeveniag tii week the Dat>U Netie e..eiag $4try Wendleesti A lwOuai ontâlneti a wnte-Iîî whit- orîginateila in*tefertile breiîî,f e,jun spece wnltur andti aoid moun isêsuàgita.- tion titlan fact. Nevet»MWe Lils-rtyviile bai 09 htetébbilla hronghÏtgpthe t.t-i -tiî,n of thei public At large more tilisîî evur biture. Meniare <of ttie tern Star gatlieri et Dr. lfendersn's orne mwoutit ,of the ity Wedn"sdy alght, a sort oft eisîîrise anti famwtell for thé, gailet Dtýr, %aiàt, wfth hi wiie lhaveso titide.-ik fur Winaette, whene ihey " lilunk.- tleir hoste ti winter, inténtiing la .-tulra la) LlbertyI6 inlathe spritg. A.1-î-Iigltfiil eveuilag wae enjoyeti et gaiotse-s anti soial latent-ourvk, anti aiiiriititit. slfinviteti guffte fotîndt t ic.iwtor in beai bc soon aliiereti on tit-s-n-.t match surpnristei andtipiAeeeit,te,. We felgriâtejftifr rom-. piltentéour soxivi-îir ,.ditione.liiiteoi. c-elt for paliers m utlad .ek. They to4-at lite bot t-akeoo, iad tht. catir.'5004) hasve ait beau en t tit, #-xceîtiiîk only abota 100 coPies we otîli have for sale. 1 1 It vrai; our iît t,.u,îake ti 'ticîn la every way wortimy, ilîui f thaweCail,- cetietd lx hectevideit-el is tuexpnesiouteK of appreiatitiàw,' heu'r isîîjoli éltits. W. C. . U. Nlot.. MesditiniceEllm, Hemnjît nîand Quayle attendeti t4e oulty lu siventiioî i Waukega. Net nmeetng lm witliî aChurichmil e ifternooîî. Ot, . t eport 'uf county couvetloivitt tlisi tlime. Lads". bring thimibles as there' uili ibc seWiîîg. State conlvention wili i1- beii in tht. Y. M. C. A. buildinîg, Chisiîg,, Oct. 13-16. Our ladieu topent a ;.lesossîssiitertîî witb Id ru;Liu iale awoît 4;i. 22. Te wras merveti and all-ijo al ttîaoce(!mfl. At oun -annueli ,-tii)îsSept. M tht- folowigoilcm wr.ele-t.J:Président, Nroo. Etta llIM; Vice l>.-.iieté oM. Robioi anti Mm. Qutayle; &lertary, is-e.-Mason; TnpeMe-hfeii Catisolle Chlrcb Benails. Monday évenlng, Oct. 5 wilt>-hé given a grand ball for henefl t of thei Liberty- "i eCathir cburyh. it Llbertyville Town Ra. Gooti musis siashein pro- videit andiuch attention given toi arrenglng for tht. evelit. ht wifli héai, unusually eftjoyibl.-oîse anti youu am- urgedto a a bes«ehît. K-in- amid tue date-poext Monday.vigliti. Myes Teetéd Free. Prof.,IH. L. Stein %viIl in aLbe.rty- vg>lèlhnrstiay anti Fridaiy o01auut week andt tra'day. of cnt-lt week followiîtg * hbedquart@ 4 i Will Rnalley prepered ti atsteyee for far agbt, hear sblgit ced cross eves. Cal! anti have etu iiwu pce :(ltsigiagefe 8".00, oIdiOUd*800 lîtîiîrî*2.0, Wlenees exetagei *.0. ,îisfattiun gunm- teed. 5-- «Tes, gm"ie~en," sali tihe newly * nomialsi efatte"I amn OPPOme toe Joithg public meetinsand ramilieu. My Mua.& wonld i to have a bonis to -TUt mlgbt lue il! rlgbt or loe, obWetteil another candidate, "but to~w about usl W. are net unemitu te IL ee "od are an owning mnaier."-Jodge. Ant Sopbia-Beforte cngaging Vour' salftauHenfy 1 wouid etivile loutut tae .hlm ta a polaîlet and léeain mt.. thIng e B itandi cheracter. Gracý-1 sw the ilnes In on of bls. bande lait eveini -e-len ire wre eout drlvtng, andi 1 ias perfectly etlsf"d- Washington Star. "Ai» yammarninti yet. oni ch"?" alrdtt Of course 1 am. Dd Yon tlkM- ttl ion t a e 1 0e mi lit .n ('rot.. . e, estin, M r.F. Protie,- proprietor of the nev Libertyvile Te& and Coffee Go., Who la vilit- ing ail the surround- ing town as well un calling on J4bertyville residents, mlling, the very best TCUIs Colfféets, pe and .BEakimg Powderi and Just a 11111e eheaper:..... 'TwillI'Save You DOLLARS. TUE~ t- ào» UupVeple land ireVil 4ffl lam lUneyer contdA# uu-im tfy are forever andi rternally calapty bôwl~ . Îng&ianltýir'ng h.>.estroy tht. truite of thé eaeray antd lahor nolithrn. They are wlliwg to abaorb ail of th4 good thingc that cone along themwievee, but it lixti.. 1,1W-nu..,,,01ii ai]l t eeS iiiglixjr ,,uc.oeel.2 Sîlvh iea are lelwiueilp .wheua a fowi uivpr leps li, 'with tihe tin"e, wheu it We %Itiout iiaaî,uaeturing -ntrprliu, when itHciltisplu iqwiut thir tinte whittiing tdrùy gootiboxpx gitethé-, treit C-onlele, îand lîiulglîgi lainantlar la&Y Whou a nianoS Pnerg.v-coince alova andtii txi tome t a lutki1f.t--tb) the IbUxinem the iu.towîî tlîceî saw deery lh aît>.anmi point to'hlm a>as vtiaiary andi unsele manl. la tinehliue 'Xrnen. lbwueted and leave. ttI tOWit'tAJ lu, i he oxgtn llpi nLîhertyville them n a dispçoition tla «ePe thimorder of thiage andi belng ui eonit~y tu thé frent Iain with tu- emnt of the. energetie eeitko~ andi townx? Ia ether word>., we bave. reddi oune.Iveeff into a couanhimpity of bo<itere. Thisuaens a hFaithier andi happier etutttenv., for eich nd-bcuivery orne o7ume; k bat, lrouglît epital t» our bt.nke anti money to t1w . prekete nof<tai. wage workers, eîaplo.yraieit at nmonafle wage.l to Inany yourig f-ne îvlo wete %vont t', sen<ltheir tiie ui ilëneet; it willii îen th,.er,...tiîo f rîew ,iîlenîe. for th,*le of «olstja, tii,îlers, andi k will uan thp farthdanpl,îiliîg of the. New Bank at HRIghiand Parlk. A lx-rinit to girgaîlizkthpt tHiighland Paîrk tstntt. lank. at Iliglîlanti Park. -tîitl *Uh09<OI. wtt..i8siat laNt Wffek a gjîrivafiî.Iîi to har-s ILB.Hill, Cropley Il. l'hiilipm qnd i .i'lpHitrik W. Çutbing. A maI0r. ibut wlail îWe'arp. uhahit-to v,-rjf v. je t>, tiéi. ,ft,et .-onet<lrabi.. locai -ffapitais 3fitrtlîi te qt-rrime., C. F. Wrighît tat..titîtlIas which have for e>îîîe tif1w s-ti ,,und.r wav, eam js-rfe<tp-d iookiîîg to the fft.lM>ilehalt of à maviîîgm (dpartnîcat nla ,«Uîîeton ivit>,the. Lake. (.nîîîity Xàtiotitil Benk et LiIwertyv;ille andtheii putting out of the [itit.airkle et vlng, i ankiq. The i tost ini Hâte, Velvets Mee.'and ý Wl' ever (r-r ri-ed. Pts,1> V*Isa e. se e. s. e. se 14ew Fta l uitht, [sbingtChe"$otstom~ Serga, Ladys Choths, e ohir and flanes .. 3oys &chool SUaI .W.l have the mo.t, comolete uIne of bÔys two and thre . plece sufts in tw ::: s * e e s e. Five doeen 131ow Tope, a uimptledix, bMW'e atiup-te.. daté pattemn; an'ou on. edwit lna upetiandtitntaI de.ig e i.on lIne, aleadt ogtinsti witie euh, Usually théy am oItifer 25 *adti 8t, our- p"ieoaty- 1and î,p. Pîlloir to)peanti back, wirket it u t, dk , fo 5r: a, 50c ebauteat Llbartvflle If pn u t a Pal Suindu4 ertuialy do. or Win-core ne i supeior Uine of uazples and Set 1 guuratee perfect iIIagd- uAtw Libertyville Talk le C - - lii. Stay at' home; lot your vole. do travelng for you. - You ix fflbea u onsbtntobsh*vtb entire oounty and the oouatiy at~ wutl on@ of ourtoepboae&. Roffldnou RAtls. -S pera» 4*MW uapé -4 CONTRACT OlPA We. are.