CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1903, p. 9

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tédaEN~O S8-U -Cjug ,Ç,,p oi.,Columbus, Ohio: et tcÎ inne of 1"ca" cheerfully saythat Mrs. Schleyhas taken wru-na ubt à b1lèeve with goodeîWfk4"-ý-W. S. SCIILEY--asigtn D ».4 DMXRÂL 18éP.EY, one of tbe foremest, notable berces of The fact la Peruna bas overcome ail opposition and bas w -et tA tiie.Ninuteoo'ntury. -A aome-,that. starts terror. ni tbe, way. te the bearts. of the people.' The naturel tîiidity w beàrt c écus te ff 1 paniard. A nman 'Of steady nerve, clear bead,mayeolbaeftaougvngeormettomye -,t baeanntcd «i I.d rompt detiaion. gvn a.Gaiue n eiet epohr a poàtjutorteb- ou=' ' f p 1enreccn*iy. bis opinion was maaldas totouadcfpoetogepbicetmnalfrPrm opm« bý-mte -acof IP-*na, the national cataxi* reme4y.- Withont brtfr ol e aecnetdt uhpbiiy lahtôtlmisateet b *W»oiiUn he cave tbià-,remedy his endorsément, l Nyrbfr nteanl fmeiiebsi apnéta apae àli e oÉlersatiÔfl tb#À,Peruna ban been mmcd in bie mn e f ainladinentoa4eptto ae etb o wkt 1l bt famnily, where litid *favorite remed"r iln ogv nqaii&sdpbi edreet oapo uit it '531 evel Sc ndrent eret iI th te wonderful hold that reinedy. No amount of advertising could have accomplshe benodobtPeruna bam upa'tbe minds of the, Âmerican people. ýIt id out of a reaizît. Peruna bas Wc on its own menit.. Ptrnat be l relie tthe'the 4queston that ào great and f4nous a man Admiral Schley catarrb of wbatever phase or location in the huiman body. pe could have any q«I reascin for gi*%g bis endorsement to Pern hy itrceives sn many notable and unique endorsenent. than bis positive oëviction that. lute remedy in ail that he baye Address Th* Peruna Drug M'f'g Co., Colum bus, Ohio, forf bt t d.literatureon h CHIICAGO THE WHýDERFUL OPPOSES AN ALI.OWANCE. leatiier scotate lne frauo lu eâhop4b-ytrt 'h'«1 rutteMrmobuilns. It la made - wltb a goned -lt b Mdciel'aintmanimîei 14« stoc ,El..SpOuio* West m a"dUi f Ur ltted .kt su andà tylisit shirt *l.m-O.. cet8theW.P, or th ecAiwalot. Thi .lae G stltchlng cMi te 46% metb t .ir-.. I 0,Cty VTrying opinons are cap eilb7 con- otii eklrt andi valit. andthet latterp $1af rié eIt bev nt.teGrse*"iCt.e it utorm tw the sg'mpeiuaion -gOW ~fiiieivt iitdlrat . ~~ Kimd la the WaE4t vntiewîe zot" utl~caat ce t i.ia fflter. n as 'ýemra ait thii. oeal OetY Chicago noe»sc«au ~the Cenltennll écuekeepèrý One writersy.: In théii. tth ete.Th lee ufes w t 149 1 t de ri'msid it liii iSiCitin, UMr5, Wt* it IcélébraUwsytioan etthébiglo.t *eckouter of thee smn lutus g are wlde at the vrl.t, andt tenre n wg ôuidr ens ts pac, I ama cn rut grlumderaleqi etcmusve a tihtluy .d c tI~ * eIRikiErtne, a4* th 0ilWite Joucrnal. sau ied asti oteber fer hie ireiu ~~.san*vaiat ab" ICI, Br u pmeçtalcu. !EfaktlceDy e b. l ll fi iter lanehomifct andi.itapplneae, It means dus.-Névr Tofit SveinIagPo. ina II ft feni t i *0t. l.pot MINING TROUBt.ES liE c9LOROO SHOOT OOWN BANIYS. tta OIe il'* Paît "Thist I sieabuti thiik, hc voi baye Dr.__al_'e*_Pe for Ciago la Dot te aCLopll.l, eog r .4u lieuni ie ecurr..- 5.. ~. Wlt Vagan. a T.. **i.~fo ovr ~aooood~ai ve g .î wasenog fati laber te truAtmumung Domtîca tué it là iilely btliefeter UidieW Iigb ta Car l X- wf tin«laet Auroe bentiuuti edet the Union ltcek Yards last blé mener, for toner abouti: bo thei An ntensthng toiy 0 mai %gpeuepprtue wviie ad mimd One et Museîlaios petlem ca On, Oiir metAuoreaniklt i., .,e mnt titree biMtbtei<ou ti car-leautnidéain i ar81. re Anr du f tiiVappra Stii* trikeoadimlohuta aor th mines tla m oier wvonit.t13 îd fliv. stock %C reerir- t the cnleeio , arig.Ti mirioadonation andt tii=oidl5o r mh i i the li m ergf a a of' Cd9plCriek andiachtrgoki mibnuM on otterwonoude et :30o'eokCiicago market durit 15la period. This mrr 1e aun eiiuailpartIirShlp. The cf a pension fundi vastolti réenftly ru 'ý Iétrefo tu»Mm 'L areDow In oloadobav aieadyredeedtheothr.nght vbotly&ft thy hld nlues te Ctymne g te gtntei lvifua id luns Iithémenr, ai ifreport n tiereortofuhe trinerg bis henstbwiç spaoliitio nd" hémineral production o e titatils " up avrriew Park street car, Juh ut- tok ont _ hetae otecriof It and se. that fit18 en~sion Corporation. Wliuna y701mou Mu rs. Internntleni A" w '§tock itPoolk veiliand carefully spent. Trii, @moteman, ]Benjemi Franklinocamte te' Lx- taae~tbtc. Who e "I wltai v atelaiet liam gP.iiO,00, âud Ift.e r-id thie antlswest City lileof PO ttiihahbeiu anu eilti41ageocy of hueribe a rare opration lie ieteundtffliig b. Nt Uit ttie end cf titi Titres maakati menn.hiialed the notit- t>k oe ee ee elo~tt au o e u aeiifrhapita tei f.content blisouif vitit vague. -jour thteproduction *liiiful nie. tan houai Rlverview Park car, la charte cfvl=tetheebin I yera front tie cf toner. Generally JI: là bécassie ofie in New York, but, meeting viIt Your tdnaggtt* W ' Ik WQItlS but ai a igitfrOnt hlm oSom 0 ielow wvi ol inOhbv Motorma Plie ndnasiConducter Witt- tteranges anti fee groamndaetfithetliey bave neyer before liaditithe hn- itteota i orkid.for IL tie 3lgbf~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e a iifu eto h vebe nier normaleoenditIomnaBoytefo t0Psto a i it a ort distance West. Tht. eres ,locuppinare placetiduÈcI lu céieuec f fthe strike 1.000sol- helsm' the Bard steve monki..Tb**gu-. 'rIthin ,eamy nah. h iî"seni . ibp n ot-ailnt, tn tsbudpo.a -1unyal PIU~WIS~ ld thiie opration lt@elf viiilié er' dér. afthe Coorado National 'Gur terman, thinkimi smniepasmengexs vii- .truk Unes of n.ll*474is ite Chicgo antibut I do, mut bellevein lailowances..1 la tater yeam., veit a public man, i bÇ e@W h t"»q'ea aye beim dolit police duty in Crippli id te boardti hîcar fer Aurore..mlid n 1iti bllO itiaO oli o n8r9ZoanIcul ct rm.t pgtalansutidentiliti eet, bsiigbthe liit bedu snttAs quisth i er7,0 ausc Ir t ~ t i.If I cipectiti te dII nty cvii ti baud pres. FlnaUy. It came lt ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Céi - iugitc adie tuitCekfor everai weekp, andi as yl it tthtieir visites. Ayeon e tea ralautiantid t .it or itnmoches. W p U.-Plmuaielpla tecord. aitrtimn vescrtt tie.aer bycvreti teicm' iiithaiThé people l1 umïlt itActagicut epcketbcck, 1 vould star singie. Otpoisonclbe arlive aeh. iy evidesciefrweakeaingt. Titi go»s.ordering tienttm odn i vgotlui~teaicgo. are evine. jour part andi trust te your itubantein . l4. offereti If te AMriOS. on Cou, "11t66,tiui s-.of nmatabbinig thei lii- han"i. Thatilie'. ereffl thée cedeng 1e acit lier mor lin ithticbotter-tonuer te taire gondi carie oryen, . ad 1tiltien that adonation wu. sent te the woererFrancis Jiepiet U tr. tsromcinlathei lield lia estiateti et ten andi motormsait. Whtitney ted «W i utmOfi of <hi uock. =Toiit eahiititiooho st vs.slngl.LenionSoiey.The3pos5Thr1m15S aioet btitietimuear.hI. tii orno. awutit.87 la bils pucir, aie Pum i saitith. union StockTarmdé dri theiIn- d e elv e iih uipii-Pitr'PmlsSc$.Tt re Id Wtbu h. menaTb@on % sueiticonditions ia tite mlsbg have any vlauetrutoelipuliafiefîlmi b i T Ii usinHwshht'll ovvi ti blocbl* ociMlia e " tt Od.Witout bi iméril cownThey the,reed thc tm'bide . 4one cf tii mou notableli ier ies, snd vife's pocketbook lie sui.tir for me cf Pilasdelphie, but the donation bm»05 fi e n-0 »ds e titi Identicai tiars of Char- lndéatrj' amedu t a idue te iiLes- Itechief valse mii i aIent etui estionel tie la eny one auve-r:B ber 1w,- ot yet arniveti. On lit way te Amui- mass-sat ci 'W. lagebliela nius tisses s kng. hitar. te esait » eight-hîor Isar îpply- car aud tuait charge themualves, rennlam Ilia... ookleg te tte Itaprovios of bned h»pu PS ganddoe. ne a rad luit tesalées,, uili snd samélireattir tle car ai fer an the aove monta, Whoumn m atatelina cf îtandails. .iid ea 1 1 e ii nia abestbtei tLionlismtsp les. twigerarnue. fnosu ran e ~thé vtera fet h Biislit aedoped a tltey liftI k amidiappeared Reres em titi -iai gueit ore mner la tbe pocket Another veetan sa: There e pool for tmrnetinte and the noey ebl que. sdic pii m furltinte fs a eutltniiuemendusest amthtfin country iu tie darknees. cf th. producer. ttbtrgetc .ne trouble about a wonnen'm puciet- raliti forme thetiinucienei it vtlh aai t. mue m amnaneît An ~tthue, y Tite poie.ver. liotifid am" Olflcre s lpifcii as te theproghy o titi Imand thestloo"mfbis act, aavitiwe e If tieri ls a n randi suaneun- the. Fnnk:lh pouia on m fun"d- dsia Ï1'it -ut ceot8 PRa" isumrmiion. t e cs g erali graitei itte mimis.Giboon asti Gres viredetelidn'th ernste icv Of vmiralm'my rates visaniehersmtludig mtween busuteolanti LeamD&OZ.bmn - .LèkuWtfr a èi f i bia ti flU . sre4inlya"uthe Western Fedenstfidc ines'ey -lemnidtitat the robberp Mesweu*m n% idU viappai ltin, vife. If thei basitkeepe .tie vif. O I mmuly «Cedisa ldiersietitoenfoés tbq aim, e n bo iisrd0titi Chicago o re-8 e M1-.peeteti as te hâle flueucis icint- bIenI ast îlnof a Hgx, lie buse -1mims sd.aintItera. Ct t 10:i3i elok, and Wiut mtfS AOIJSNES8 0F ýLAUGHTE. stencés. t je vI iagl'e oow Tiae West Bitimee trect mavasW» i- titis of **mont gmbIk," vItilStriâtes ver. Inaugurmird lait JouneAt thugst e. e car feilowlag. At titi mb"- ;1iiinn.U a arytmlswt me or tiiearbonoera beitedetirb. theiierin aDnver, andthttimilin la tie O.tUal.. ave»ne the ti ies i"W Magnoia, sud Lamai Smrtily, Aittv. viten te &i eskfr mne»y.andi heM' uch mare.emesf11uilgvt pope. Were tii civeeilguaeof CeWerdoClty, emdai sme veut. sge4,OW00 heInamnlaïus tariii te mn. ÂAftoi> - Vmite K the85»YcwofLtvinir. abc cen um. so tint @mite coinpioec- tir*te anter ua" léhl mimi. la titi Crippie crerdistrict w'e. iai etnats reraited. ubfmg aIen Oi- FJauinéditoriliarticlein e Ci.i-cordingly. Wbenever 1I vUtmenery1 l"WbaF ripe te meiIn couil titi. la Donem~,ied by thie ueii offiie tthe eitr bezsg ctloand auM irevutided- MMIm'eper,'ticjuilowing ls au agitnty "abandi for It Reamits. giveaIs ut tr até eog u lie th" theiipremier place wvente ,&wt1w te goes rbelusupoc f The »b -,,ereweA4 .eti, anti PMtbm.. e. Mte! MtninuU Tn colacedeti te Eotperer h'iaflCia60 dementi fer agielgt-itnday fin up a spIiti bdftIs. O&= en rss Afin B.nhfre . Biscmem1eau mpan ii cann 01b, aliehy retenof hbienidi- mai anti anuter oempispem, m'uieb ledti ling anl théi cartritiges liet. , é. te- trente et "The Grave Serlouanees et opéré the mm" eie lr Iv-t "- hate r.nd alb«» to e I vmaehint. y prestge MW o f ligereprsenation, hes rofetuahi any Ibm nelen Smekimg ta. statesionroa freih aupply. Wilieh ~ "1<5~ 5e bu -ant- teu me ite uate »ei meeit mMuaely man empis- en liulinung Compow yan thetiUni" dw% menninq tientfi 0uGracqi raiti -nc e no csglevuiger antleuIcesal 1 eines'mhshrt*", slt- Mb i l", isd. m*l- - Otites Réductins andfludinit COMMnpaY. oUlii dtfouti the 0at mt a tt t« .»Bur.Ignont ntes A% xuulnng in of upne mm 1 b ave MW Il te Dtnet u ou. «ff ueimt bei~eeehiIW ______________ Afs vii. afaler ttie beglaiumg cflied abat ame i iie.Tts -tef ofn the uli lagbate t i.ti, 1 ive I le tint. We -- paAmotiave, Cage. ttc ai piéOneek tve m-aforés rotunned ith iés Md at eai tis h% zmotber'm funeal If the ilatter siver Uni Liat vitieu*ottier nt 'sberauiehi"BIlneeto %%Mieville.Wl..,Oct., 12.-Many te- mu r dernuly s.iauàea!!y nakLesa deuil rebber lhuiog luntie weed& ia»ppuuette mleptoeunce a si. Tbe hem'the Mfner las1 1l "eiljY ami- Wit-a lIA5ic V1«isg OMM* . ures are bolus epertumm'. Gave . uebedy titen sent troogl e H lai biéen mot timouit te or-mwLwboc laugieta iizay.bis tund 'bar- siives as me puias. tu 5h15 vi wu P M Wb$belipg te "fit. egt ui ctnahemty.bttir e ecamp la respe4as arequin f-r ad0*ta"ebs m m y. Titiambunianatotqes lutetlnber'hml aem dueomd' ýbt- mtbaepuwe ouh-»o9ai ~àt bes.a reaille vittin*iMini. uA.' .etio. whichnep- cil ut sud te b-w » taekqitr utflegte itnl ae ittiriiigviiiemi efeht-tdug.04 ~L= voiti -ynbllug, andti utîn eentedt tafmaoy of fie itrikîns wMmos a ertnier'mat»om». Tbtipoiles r qbles e- a mamt o n i .eain alt ee0eI ohubn prmt_______ Mi eyet iteemgiven le the publie. rtote tverk if gueranteeti protectioint. mae d litg ceact Totie it av eAcran-aaW5e u aemiPuo uefrOaup dm. Louis Mankieunorcf tIti paces No violines boas oneti edlac t as another of tieti lo la voucid ieilH. lk about dtectives.rua:ecao tell menti. 1 -muidîtfel seMthoogliI 'lie n vitt od as.ItaXla ail Ileit- Il b eau a"- venn efor qute aseltier. toiktbe ii r1, bt titer e t ua blak tst, wmiicivas touai M more about aa a'sn"ai charaicter by a serva«., and, besitisa, Il mlgit botter Ieita W.,Rem. Ebox04 restas, fkle. # tit e denitineDfoti nd thin 1 bien otany ueuatioeal lncidentsarreait- tihe imm. Titi deui routIerm'es s&bodteb'cbihte enéewhat naei. hlm la i nnlog tii lmne..,as hi Oit. 4- h' gift bei auj belpi. ihe suferet il, i lg frnt the actions of the miliiar in 40 yeua -n-dmai. ml dresiti andti mIL. tlogt tida 70 muid iby putttung Olti miglihti i t wctue ftienI tid ti ithe "A rmyfuertrioe te ««itubei ce: panl eot pmoînh of Wvite agin- makîng oavne and ilhregardingortheiciel browu fidera bat, whielihuati bisnan, er- epion ighlmpatit for a iar cf long tint.. It duos mot batbin me te sirfer es a Syl' 'machiae. l ie tmieam iy ka miai fensale itneie. N athonithea. Altitougit martial laie has ebametinteDes onelova. mets.*tner. aua amnan dmit o e v.oan'ta, batut ' oacise 'a tndrtani Au voann vie rds ber tory Hvii n:t bien & decastmore tiu tirai dses-j o ntWWdto as lesan lte ditrasntcoditon mnea.lncuiît :1aitiencmiers of 9E0 DEÀR11 OF BUCKWI4EAT. Beware cf the non whe i suglter a votan tventeamneryuthl Élue. Mr~e i adtttacstrui kt combine te makte u.Ilvs efttieexecutivt commitici la charme cf tihi lea grimace. ThtefIce wiebtiuia flt statetir viaheo. I do uot cuit ut beg -Mn. ise' Ono."--Y'.s .- py -wm one eelong burden of triki, bave bien arregteti andi lacer- A lm-litîom flishet CmipLe ifa~ u iei .Ôwtw tI mi igt'stfrun' smm haie ani atenng.ceîiii t gattoi etnleSenarveste& -bulpiigste a ais.dîcitMtslad cet- tic. Ttc poctetbcciret out bouse la 3 Ocinas gWe ifarkison cittanceeton, day té known as the. "bull peu." nmeteof litent Lim ihck itctàil àikii" eue bsurmabu or.' ~ iIlEt~ n <anm ~neycalleti1_)O«»$ beint iteldtiene mocre titan tiwoveeka. te learn ttt angest tuivitat crop "ait up. y vonn uan. andt Haneekeeper. - Ire ofla tne a am.t renied abeacoporceinga tihedistriet eren itareatel la nov tifng*gatherin-- ro iniuti nediine fer veoîmeus eak- iodgi, W. T. Serda. - siettttte iitigmtbiieta aan~taiea sl ofjoreloieeudl *. -e -r-- W, $ite dternilueti teiU7 conte and mlitarl ofleensliaitiexcedr hein eas- Of the.Uion, )New Yort anti Piayiva- 40t take yen îwt ttieatumr. Tell tint cutues !Lah. n 4àund lieraI-lt ite.tlng bitter.Sb@ thitly saed ordenedth te reliae of the, ebîteJieaihmt ec 'or .mtinest ae 1on.niacou t o wlh ttipIla aîd ecciriel pnsoina ni lieracr, iovver. Lait jean th bnckm'ient crop of tte nomte lght lternuire -»iy,"ud bcm i uure -ctpici n wlog other calse a lar*; tiepiacutae Thletter uartihoe ni hu nited Statei amointet ta DMW,6.060 ten vathlm. tOme cf leslie, a es àfully tafonit Wyn ofbrcs r.Mrlountil ordür-rel nuiitdby (Iov. Peabotiy. Ithela. eaàli.ctet F$5M41,413. 0f thiis î,tiratlier live lu a Ibone vith a asthe montt modi elcatit gown, anti i cu ant dogiale Dcd'sKidny Tt lieat ct e tt melieravuatt ttt Neiw Tnk proiuiceti 3,280,1M8 tuai- goot-natureti borgir or a flgt-bearted no coutrinei asuteehofairly ligbt lu .15 re nd fo fenme o.tney eet t t uiifoc tialupaa. Wortht ilt'GO.690. vitit Pennsylvaan i n iu inwt utnt e-vhh nipnetyvaiaei i uar. theibest metline i1itave irer cf tle Victor Recond tecauai of thc puÎ- ace cortwi rduto f tian . angit the rmeg thhng.î 'on of aétatnbm'ehe.lamih lie ma.o andi havedoune me s griot dted Uan ef a eta nt thitt IO acidui ebitil. i Leogit.and ingh Inscrit]y i4s,,t.uri ETU ESNGR0 EIEAC reexepit.Tepri " thesethetate 01 Ma"s., ilLET ýTHISCOUON E. OURMOsNGE OFDELVEfi.W g~o _________la_ p -mecampe1dMtAiithte "bull pusl" Maies aPo«U ttld. yiildlng 719,70» le'wlboom' titi Joy cilvla* but, ohý. OB ::~~? ri:::;tî:«.":ie::t t ri s ~ i : a u FR01 KIDNET, - LADDEL AND IJRINARY TROULS ~~~~s ~ ~ o ldtibie ,k4frftcfcriminel ihel ver. matie agalntt tifl-- Twztti40 taliàe- figuri em te* t »l s tt cruelty or c msed- 1'. 6ehmi2 Tat.l h eetif o itr tosà uite e u ii isa ci.lp tout la011e Asti.~m nofml 'ar" ese Vitr. Iteia affl meeting ami far- entit an Georgia anti au fan vtet vmeutm seranihrdrt tieniaittd tii rical et tihi odiers. Tniai u Or40R. qCiumerAblymore lias tw* f tien a cruc em'lo. -eu hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -et tuOmbergeititn 'irtn.tiittlavl ~ ativissber usmarnieti vessas Po Et'.n tc-evit-.m-m"lie ex. a nreluit of t the it-tair'letmet- front XNev York and Piennsyl 1.iî,teth Rtà o, 0= bi4d tiple.sly: -the nain mta is o d; f titi soltier. a are àcf iigQatlii -b-h" ni' v itealnthe- flot__%O t tt tihmtgtAtp the pont but."-Now Yort Smluavepnsii lla-gion of thi paei hitterintii diiectabi. gnlddi, uo Meesi n to taiebler ta tic tinter, vù l Ittati ..ddimZen ebqinilmatie thai Cake. loti vateli h." te see 11 e betghe«Aeu dnat.bgth 00 N4AM1FADELES.DYKI dcot Delvrnrc aeilseso fTiet tl et fie «"p for titi présent anti viatli laugliaabout. - - ceda, PMU__la_"0_b__ lthe handsos ,5poit tbattlis. - tb.Legill&me te eosi4j«uen n ghi-ioar beastioe e turlaiuciof0,00.000 at tniinnt argin lulier P. ln. ss'w____ _____ gno aieneu purple, day in accertialce vti tiec ocstitutîceal bais i ureute fAmtrong olvbpcinlutIis as veli auasclotien r Te, it 00kan. amtendaieint. Manuriiliiivar. evil giUl*idWutfrleiat Rie, l ,cgoe ativecaeo.-Ste la particu itatiîca imUglh bis-nrcciilei ir atieuythe State andtfafiesartofi iertepop- Pensylvan. will riait! mre tian 'ù-nlyamipncenl meeneabotntc Lda a lmtvu tiin tise bucim'biatboit cf> the Unitedi statesienlu.ese cm ofbad v sus issI 5sli~te ..s5.5th" 1w, wa__the_____________i sondyielding neanly fenm-iftie tm the ébiaeti pplie vôttîti andtidt toas lb.-Bhlmore Amen- ou iae asaF rop protincet inlatheiKeytoni lsate, probAbly Isugl i ethte abockiilg antiac ImmdDe.lmm m NW LýL FETeproduction of Nem'YTnt generaily pttufl apeeReleiof thei haif-vhtteti Mn,. Lu.L.Bmes. Ugi vsita, 1 T., vted fr tbi bine ofexceetis tiat of Pennsylvania, -'but.le plgei ,ai *lie appeÈreti bcuila lucorda $415.0in luestern orebiisiaenti $2>,'- cltivetîc lat tare more egiarllyi die. nt-Inel the ltricaletair. pre- W.8.jtitbos omatte sicdelutributei. coilg lier execution Il ewvYort, but Nioste, Mo., liy ianglng.- gorenamn SULTAN'a cýosiSI-BLEP. 1su9 iais fflülr" a peecuulr andti lotlvt cosé lieailgidfor tite aet. uel cheatsten ef '«ierlsm," It ls vîlI - "loni-avumatt.vie ho«ot -ant iklil is psy 0. 9000 c Niffl ti themnWjsa ltbaungcila confined te e Unitet -~ tiet théiihomai of ber son, Hennian B Wteit tonte M a, tom'. -$gPeiburg, ner Maoketo. 'Xian., tent- pretty ixpeurive, but ft slà viý'et i. ftaainate heuunter. t% - mi miiuliis'picietfa blauiet it Sultan of Tnntiy la uw at pjor e tii. " ielalnedthtitigranud cl maiU' hiscel.pivilée-of maor c lst renqulrepose. W.@-wif. 'vitat are loti lslmpig tT' ACCB"onag te a talemet listiei 17 tii, Tteinei la ricolveti by titi mentes '1Ccfeuid.that inoaquit," ihoaimwer. Stoti Comissiona« t agriculture tne cf ttie cll ltar>'staff m'tîch guartiueti, "11) coeniitIt jet, aci if Iiloe't.* notoncnp ee tti mS'on éo irgia Ajud ' ai' ed nmmi.andti vtlcI "Ury W. Noh, w-bt tio Yeneu, i .1m 1,076.000 bales, Aallnt lt47 0,000 bile.comasft cf Ie ginie, a colonel. à Havi jeu fongotin tbat w v e .oDIY lemYse.,major, -a Captaia anti evael modiers. Ivo moqutoes lu tteart ?'-Ncm' Tck Wit A item'th matlng Oklahomea i$'ert ir alit'a voit iact of thse tvo -ÈXerald prohbtionlcBitais, plans havi licne tart -igueirais gets- 50 Torklab Pond-o etihy he iastianiSacetpcftit abut 21i-ite oboti 40 tii mJqr~'Dbwiaet Olmet».t o an mbuabefi

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