CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Oct 1903, p. 7

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Wben w ga~y 'quàlIty - cowto" we n i t. That 1ji, w. igemast ott vtth us and aqholid': iUnt .ith -701, -am Well m overy uhre*d purchaie. We ha-m a good suippiy of tii. nieut, fresbut oyuteruiJ». town -adthe. prie s li rght too :ttt Yon wiil always find a complets lino1 of f reili and sait fliih at Our adore la seasi>n. Jricema rlrght, coniltent witlî good quality TRIGOS& TArVOR, t.IbêrtvIIt-----------------Illinois. bwibertyville Jewelr Stre Youi wilI -ind a îwe.ct lino of watcbes, cio*Xs, . ewelry.. stationery and every- thing thalý gops to make up a first-clam Jewelry itore. Abt4o Iiiîs, vi4liîîi, mouth organs anîd éveryt1îiîîg jin mîsie. We have a lut of sheet music that we are-h uelling at a bargain. If 3outr Ipianto needstimtîîing leave orders at DARBV ,.BROS.,, tyvhlle, - - - Illinois. 11w R*vul 1 are best lniuithe point, of Durability Elegance. We have the Queen, buit - by the Illinoiti8ewing Machine C3o., and it'a the very best best, machine on the market~ for the money, $14.75, complete with ail the lustial attachments. Smî*h & avis Libertyville. Illinois. *adero. 446*44< C ST. P. TIME TAÎ fin mrlusuedsy. 1153f 7î i90et Sati 7O OHLCAOO. FOOI 1 SEDATIS, DO"" t rom New Depot.^rl* SA.v. littyvia. 4mrrty haute. Louve <hlt*g0 .ti 8:41141. .. .......... IL14:0 it. i.. EU iI L , i ............ I Lt t : 16*11 . iti * U Iul-a........ ...013b0....i. . . P- M ill t. ........... 15P. ...t.P la.:itu . ,...titi.n. lm1 . P0. Mâ V# Dopot. ....... s:iium. Ln, . ....... t .. .......... 11mn .Loin. ...... 9 ta. P,... ....:3:46 F, . i P . ...........7:02 pt. tii. IM P. aM. TO CI4CAO. FO GqIAOO. O.p.rt'prom ONu Depot. Arrive et ClU O.,Pot. L«» . Lbityvlln. ArrIve <Jlltiag. Leave Obleao. Arriv. t.tyll- 00 . ... aM i ....... .86 IL ta. 4 ..... :0 a m. .. ...... 14.... MISp- m. ........... 1:0 .U .....i . 4:6 .U............ 7»P. M. wýA train mayani ealai o Y*ndisfor(Zitiago t 7m A.LM. "tI avîa nq unio detiot 1for gttsit I L m-p R October milplo Leuwea Feutouni Of One. erowo oetimbrie, "tY' Rage ovnitopet olgolden giori. wave! Wimged, wiiter O1101!Purty ay . lu vît, h51, r jisa White .oal iatloti iae apriafBautie andi AJICURnIetay Iota, 'Mi 110057 amiale, huniutig brd. 8im nair. S4 aet breith of montiinig loriet. tintand ots 1iti earthty Itteoi. dain"e tri latey rae: pu!.tawbe ou ui, nitarcumin tamachleati charm .LÀqeg Citly aLeet andtibUtandi foret!.gieu. - rmOaflt etitaitirte narth it imyiriail forman. Mi own.handpatiiid woridaurptatcmekeni. Theti tiie divine yrougtbtaniitamtO rtvaa. Au ateitar conateiiitioiittri vai night- TluOUgh a-uient refilea M& W lsenepautl- Hatl. vcuit-ribit-OtiPrix-a Of thetInute! Andi yet. tie autunin goatl a dinge beauli. Ai letafbeaf thCY !lutter ta the grisimii; Sioce iutte Lo t, in a it iirSOvereiit. voit Titi suer, earthiy ifeItides aesth la Moundt. But Dot naU the, glOimptaPrnPbetic ile Hoyead. eerari tyc.rzo« cry"sta e&, Wbere tden a fdeaiesc tit nati' Whem r vi saec!. lotaers 01 imaMart.t J. a. E. Mr.i. .<IIIrt-lî1 i Ient 141111411Y with lier win, D)r. Clîttrt-lmill, lt St. Chiarlea. t tlt'M.E.purm)Ia.ta a large t-lest. la t4) taIt- tudit- i i ti-tcPomt)Iic' irlî Het-iyBirown, tof Chirugo.lq vimititng lit Parents cati bruther, of thia Villagle. Mri-. A. W. Waldo willleav(efoi-Chiulgo Saturday. wbem t e uili uend the viinti-r. A4t 11w r,.gUtirur aîi-tigig tif the loca 1f itit. Wirkerit (Xt. 27 a itoial in t-o ho luid. .A1l it-ibert urgi-il. Liiattenid. fit.t la w.ries otf t. i.atituth.a -The. Pour in spirit', antI in thie. tvenir.g on î-. .Ciala'r, K-i itoii'ohfttlw-Baiger m1ale Baauer. tif Blai-k River t'alla. Wi., wam tw -gîi't titisa Wi-k (if L. W. Cakinit anti fiiiil. Lîlîiiugltt-r ohf1Mr. antiMmri. Jtohn 1MWrruy, ahti art. lioerdumtg ut honte of Pete-r iow-ra, hitn limt qutîite abickwitb afla.wndutitia, Itut lm tnt-t.inîpnoviag. A d< to bl'egiven l'y tht' Libert-y. villt- l)tiitg (lai> Fritiay aiglit, Nov. 6, et 1.ltrtyýville Towni Hall. Muait- b> Reihert and ti It-it icketu 50 tcent@. Sippemr âlf I.- aeived F. Het-t las let the ecuntract for meiton work oit lia tpW l4r1tk bonnete -oa ('hi.ago toatracor.. T. Corlitt liasithea Pontrat-t for carlIliter worî. ît liq t-o h A venue. 'To-tiglit Dir. Rohinion nmalien an atidreas etI raud iPratirie St-minai-y, iluargt. Ill. tif a-huIt lie watt îtreiet front 1877 t»î '>4. It la fouantra day anti îetîjiit tf foi-ner profesora and t-adenta. *Ameeting of t he â;tta3ra0 h1tthue LIIartyvîille Trotting AanSoiatàon la tu ho hld afthte Union Lmague -Club, Chicago, n-it- waek -t-o urraige for !ni. proveiats on tflric nmî t îiîont ru- ion tof the Irai-k. Mia. Thotttia Mamta'rao ditlnt lier iliote aoîîtl of North Chi-ugo, Tn-ada>' aîortiing, ageti 84 yeura. Sie lad reidei iii Lakeecotint->' ixty-tlîree ypara, longer itila aulithan ony 1a'i-on uI'ung ut time of her "eth. By an exp]oiion of an a-tyht'ne gaa plant et- MclIenry Thuraday of hatteek ChilaSrhmidt waes killeti outright and John LicIta watt probalily fat-ahI> injureil. Tht foi-moi- ivt-I lait a few mnatitfler lieided 'na t-tait. Emma, tht' I 5.yetr-olti datigimtei- of ChaStolzniiiinla it-k witlî tipîttteria at the-honie oh T. Fengtititi'r in tbis village, wlicre stlaibal l'atyiug for a fow laye. Dr. Taylor la ia etta.tdiaeeé and the' -alannot î'i-itlt'îl, tlougiî merious.. Darhy Brou. have riutitidit- mlty mt-re buiulding i Pi-ut-tara tewiîtt ioe and wlll removo (lii jiwery tont in a couple tif weeks. W. C. Trigga a-ill occupy the Hanli>'st-ore tii lie vtuatet hy Detti> Bris. and will fit I it ait a fimrt.laaa oxeluive aime t-ire. W. A. Donn- ha rnteil Litthe eruer sttore ohft-le lulkley bIta-k. The bicluk partition betwe-n it and limistaoton, lut-o le remnovoil, i'onvirting it luto onei.-ltrgte muni. 1Mr. Dlin ni.titnphatemotiue itaprovgeoità in the luterior furimahilatta and will fit huai place op eatboi-att-h.. leeman Bilhhaki -baunîplans- for an ie iuousp. te-o oecated on iainutLak- tii mo-aret a upph>' for liii LiLetyville m'stômera. The large Kiibhruiborki-r lte bonite et Dianciud Lake ia beîig tom own, anti ait Mr. Bilinaki at-ure hii supph>' hi-nit-bhat alobonit e owil ai lee"lt-ynow have ta ci-ct on of bie Own b1» h vl'do t-ie al a-flou, coug fl grotIl'ci- . Vî'daeanday at Meaîpliîi. Tomi:.. Burin. (irattami, iy Marthl'i fy1tîtîîîarittiati, weat a ule- ia2:05%e. l. -K Alanmon, bpvtéitI-n ait-k wlife -rliting fiieds ant St. (liarlat. la again nt honte and 'ramitly - iaiiing I forîiwr grod elaIth. - Geoa. I'rey. a carpoator nIi taîiltt-1-o of luis. Woulridge, ooeiiî.i- t-lt rîima over tl"ti-roati dept. [a t 1 l hriig an .'nginu'cr will bye tt-wre- mil lave A-largi- of tm- îynatnOtttt Dr. Tayloîr wéa t nver Ii, îti"an tIi. town m'td. Lînut t-at i. allait liei#4j hue. Huwt-ver, it, wtl si lok -4 t-l hen the' "îrtitse are tbrouglî. Oravelins of the él s im ita la t.ontited for th e waa S oute tutti-i. tieitbd l'y the vrillage boartd or 1-1, wulka ordereti bîilt eit tht-r noittty-ttiilg.- The Lajttaide Cem»etery .'îaat-iiion wil l.t t-twith.NMrm. li Trigga .tii Friilîy, Utt. 2,1. This will be he lit at rignlai- nioeting hehorp thé- anfuial lîiziiir aliili wil it-la-Id la thti- town hall <i-t-.. Wni. Kehaey front the Flatltî.tîîl Vtalley, Montana, la viliting ls ,um li'r "olmon. Mfr. Kelay wiw pLr.pi-tor of the old hotel now burned, vtîY laCk la the. sixtiotianti alaoowner tof î gi-tat duel ori property ln what laniw t Ili- . lgineaa conter oh LihertYville. t The Fair lina luanîtîtîîît(-antaîO 'iOlmI literffltti-t ao-k. IiaIthe a4. Mfr. Kohaci- tiok tavantair- tfilîmalein l akl*uo bronglit about -lîy a. largie eontaml i tiiaaîitiiiiiiig Iiumtiit.maind'iii las teuîîtîng lItrgainti l tin-y 'g udéa nda furnuaing guaIs iniîiltrtu.O- .4Il1 or îphoito wtîrk w.- gîuraateie tii suit t-lieut-itltr-andîttig-ta'smiuattu<- factory aim Clieatigî tvrk. Cil iudido isuipititati'ati ut ka. t;ilil .-Ii aî attta day, Blkl-.ylla. --l 1fr. Will Hîw-klîiya mfîîil.r liami titvtd Iito fr, .Prit-'a et-tlgtit i lon p iotîî atreet, and utilI tui i$,' t 1011Wîiî'li Lihertyvillt-. Tht- ilut-r llaeklpýv Onf front Renia-lia wJ)-n i... tt ieeral rt-attm ho bau çoniuctt'tl ail dttc store, andi ilîl Ikadat hi$"ion --l at tî'r7âtoiie hem't Tneady aftpenîiim thte 2-îth, at hote tof Mfr». Wirt wrlghit, t'uni-r of, Milwillîî'kev- Aveune and Orharîl sU---t. A ten tiIt t-os will ho tarit-il. Mia. EW8, Mrm. Herrick and M i-. (làunirîll attenîl e 'etI gt-at-e IW. C. T. V. X nuvti l ion ini Chi-agît blet week. Cî'its, Srgem. Vp8iting, Bt-iliiaatint-u, ftuît.y V,.Ivetm, Pi-boathé Iowet Mr.F. Protine, Whle th= * re fhua d" o? clothinir. ' u c*n count the CLOTHIN G-tue crotiiag ot0 KIIND"-on the finger of your hi WC si KOHN BRTH* CLOTHN -, ~ !'si eFine Tk/ have avan_ c over B" shouldr;' ,LtnoNtr«UtIw iffl E tWflhimotwtaî na, ramns & > l'fNrit. Wm '>i.4pilltuirn t!i i mt tÈW *faniivlttnit ..tle CutIlleeb <lIaml and, thp t the li. tt.n-tin% plaie in W'aikt-grin. 'X lmn '.tIîvM dans ft .nell foi-tii m Viel a Itliii tlovitig friv-îiil andiiî1iîîtait lx-inb itbt-lf A ril tÀ-rttiiiii I iidt he. Wotlh nf)f u t-titflbf v.onilagi lit ae n.tltl Lrouinht torrttî Ltg) thie entire t-otiautmity. Mfi4. itilltti a Usliti-in lu I t-l inii lICi atiti itihl îe1ai' 1tntm rpimovêtl ti a menr,,girl trait- le hlonte wnith ait mtint. 11la jitTi ais.watt atrr t4)t .Mr. 8îi-llniiii ii tiîîthe Luitiii- tiiLh.r, vijlle in the. failtiof 1 M7il. I t %v in tatilittmeîrti- Pltl Mn,.tpliiî i pîîlqi-fy lt-tl h t .t 'lf ti»lier frii.îtlm. TIti - allit- Nwatt4 anmist grat-lîiti.litialt-ms atIiit was lar tat-î l-iltLigîtheLisrîtr.uitd lier. aulititîtinta tiof t1t. fîîaîily. Ittirti. (-ftflary.'tuntg ;ît.ql,-. fieîr ga o hnaîlt4lity '.-iît tviîvii-î-t î,iîtm.liE ona. and tlw w-axnt- appiemt whe,î kiier wiLli lier fritila tor thon' tof lier nriiltirt-fl. It jitult-Fm as aItlat niaIt'the- iltm" Atne.riean lhtome, andthe tii,.ttîaoryîof tiw bi" 4.teliaioqI ityail %%liî, iltht . ltiet tif h..r a-jaitate Çund otf Thanma. Wet- lt.ire hle this niait , t-otiei, graîtit ude- ..,efia-Ifor the nmatît kindl ttiiieialm of eatet-ti for otîr l'tloved. wifep andtniîtlti'runtithte triîpathy- exîîr.-aed in oui r tttitt Wîi. $'itii-8 M lAu Ili a mi. I lUit aittiîig fotr 1îlotoit Of *oursa'lt. wi-ieli iiliait-uLt off No lo)ng, otî tîtxt *Wi'dui'..ltv. i-w'k Iiilklpy llîte. 1-1-1). Bariains alealgsteven, We havi-e -î'mlîîîilîu.atiîîg mtiit-.t, tu-If fi-t-iirs in(] mitaild i àkëmu, gto)(]am ttew. wiî-h w.- will aM-I nt a bargain. Seu ietrf-furyoîi liuy. 3-tf-il Thie liatiiiHtn Vlei andI Tri îànings. <Getting ~Anmoss Fait M ost men are about now. We. are proudof. our handsomre'new 'sul1ts and Ovoecogts $8.o00, $oo, 13 and $15et We Invfte 'y o ul. o oo, rug tion and trying on one of the *superb garmentist ::Oir line of: Mats, Caps, m4d FmshfgG", in complote mil. compues &Il that le new and up-to-date. Boys' SuRs Ikm. $175 up. Special , 1- i X rT -À-- F. K. Bumati-nit t-rît t îanuvattsuutg T Lihertyville fau-t-trigtinfor'maftion îîi w a c aatvertising fur- lis Lttitiut lnatr e-Dl ho able tu girf.' it Véry coihtt Ior H. F. Ei ..attat dîe ut' li ula tboti tof our village 1>' Ionay as ho lataâking a propiffeÔr of 'th cosus oh t-h'town. Hei ametog aith Libertyville Te, go1 1 os-I coffee Co., Whofi Paul train aedaîr wilIltke piste Seul- day. Athougli et tutu- tif goung La pi-cita tht- repoti t-Iiîiigea have not lien offlt-ally contiriiit-tl. ILla probale.elî theati'e trai, anti ate'i-îuîîî train wtil lit' cddel anti a aioriîig and et'riug, train remoteti. Mfr. Mfurray'. wa-iioîîtil rocentl>' waa Teas, largestock farta. huale tp-~aoito n bithoiato apait. orJ. R. Thompitoti. Plans for a fing new a-rnumto, hobult on Mfr. Trhompaitia titre are ont and- stituateo-hiag prt-harri. A roadenit-la almo ta obuilît otheLI-Thiîiipaeon faru. la the Apring. The musýaicl nauiit-i-al tai le glvt'n ty libertyviIle pillat isHotnnie Walhî-y. CuIt-ag, ta ek ancata-ini Union i'h.thi Tuoaay night ().-t. 2 sItt 9:15fi-pl, tlt. followlng pullla m -uii:Pano- Blanche Prx-toi-, i' Siiîlor, Matndet Mineor, Mona Quaitiei, Ednîa Bai-bouir; Orgn-, tiBoIC, Ma'I Leter, f renet'ua ulkl. Tie-tkrL2(kO. 8-1t1 Thooore Katîthtîl ttan -iho colehtrutm'i thoîr vooden wMI'îliig etturlay ut thet atwMaaroni lolt', tof-wbuiitht-y have t-barge. bI>rî-*tiutiuaert- Ii japanew o&iofantlIi iaiîîtgott&Irîî lÀlirtythIlpwa- t-r-a tiiti-uthiniitu from Clilcago. Tht- hottita n-ci-iotiiits oh man>' premtmmitithetltlttireoctauaiuik vas r,.phute vitlitltijyiiutt. The' firt oi thlui trii. tfi'att'rtainmlileîita tfa liegiven et tIwion ab thurt-lt tîis wintei- oceurmu Nîirriitar 13, b> tht- (lare Vaughanî Wtua Ctîiiipaafty, -ont1- prisiaz Clan., Vauighian Wales, rentier; MaLri-Mont', wanio; Tliorna»itlIt-on Mottdit, t--io-; Getrtuide' Monroe, vloliniat-. nfteiivt'i aett ickets for t-lit conne oh our tntrtainuientë yli eon 'MMl& aiLovecWî drug- store oi md"at-or auiKua.price 01-00 - ining, ea and evwst- lng ail the snrround. ing towns as well as calling on Libertyville resioixts, selling the very best Coflees, -Sp'ices Baking Powder, and iîut a littie cheaper ::.... :. 'Twill Save You DOL LA RS. W. H. APPLEVI AUCTIONCER. Libertyville-, Illinois.- LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Llbertyvllle, Illinois. Rasonable Rat«. s:.I Prevention li better thon u , Reep yuur blooti pure, your appetîta giuoi andi yôur digosion pertect by, takinig liood'c S$amqspazlia. Hoodla PiImlirvn-uionouly*ttb IlOod8araatl,£nl à;-- ha"" -spocUlI&ul-not -in Wall hiavlg bougb the . aMt Withll it-ti W O er earled, a tempting opportalill watt osd netao pulnheso t-be Crema o a $15,000 Dry Gonde stock .1 65e *94 t-he dollar. pe.eJmlo, et 1296 Weat 634 stnet, ÇO@Ie W ho cariloione o! the fout- t mSka inarIstocratie Englé-. Wood, on teco unt- oh a suddon oi-u ilIis vas for-ed t-o diacont-inue businea just at thle Ieglnnlng ohft-be Fali S"mon. Blag an Int-inato frit-ad oh oui-a,lie utèed uni fret choic-Wheu vo aaw the ologant- assorimont oh gonds, luit -e colved fromttho nant-em miawo coulti Dot-reniât, and hought ainmt $1500 Worthb. The goods ama arrl'rlng and vo are t-oo l'utu-ogo Lai-, partlcolarst--day. k4ee oui-'adtlu neuct veeka INDE- PENDENT. Llbertyville ýAbo'ut COATS ib ar ih*Aido?

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