sensM« PA*1 mb MeîWm* libte, rbthe r sual WatCOu- ood IWa i**emi etArnx@met pat, W" wuiivas ted lu 7,&unie, ..w as ram w»s S pappaý PPr*4,b>' Het. Tbe secod 09#769bele tiu»psn' vasthi edans Commpe, ai.e'B«,orantgud ta e1 'Is net f negraS"ita p~r.ulsny f.tTb*- ipww al1"" am.endei l thât fhe -m and velues o fiedlfem eut uusiomfpanim e !tr- wut of tte îloekift i plathe. a ah& r «oWiy toestociioldersf ett. Qu4ftvof àa renta>'>',m don laow*aaxd te tti A t actue cMt. m4 ftba the fla actor, lt'Tbe.>'.Are sf91 lnativlu&l systmais sud shutt he ereesed valuatjoa! 0 o> 111 ue vWb" . furts!>Waller for Amlu a ot o.tut vbr f h l »w nofe , Xw» etthe , vid b i do0ý- ai £ Ver rate abeve viiicii fie M ln 120.900 &«0 go the lsov-f Tii.methodi forrigation are ever- Andlnd*oreèflttfl.TM& ai. lu et abtil areess la outfl te r :ettemfup o ai oritrom, *&atg% ;elustyfo *lssia. smg vâitr aM viic ie.vater la drovu 4femore flan c»-Axe a res sfor lrygating »urposee. la anole n.calitognt4ýa, Ialm, ia$heL àaidm"i o~ f artesisu vole& us oAtana ?tbrà*a. Nèva- jan& comàmon nseld Dlvertiug lh. iK»i kt.OkIsicus.Orelon, vafts>- *f ela iiere the. valer la ýOiLols. Utab, Wmâitntc. t, sulffl 1w 'wladmmls or ofiier pover il ltg. -'1 11 loflie. la nomesmetons raere- Xw*etibis land, under pne"em. cu voir bave bemSancsrocted for catch- ,'4p&la werthles. Boaine of i iling snd holding tue surpus waters ROW have au agiculturai vaine, but frot héfie s ieusalubhoditribu>ed Ibo wrster part rund c uly'.water ta la tib dry sDse. Muke it valuable Io tue agriculurit Tb*. bar Vallsey dam sud the. Sveef- Mdi iirticulturlet. vatet dam lu Bentioru Caiforniaaau The territor>' nov rvacant la capable Ivo notable esimpiesf etli ret- ,ý* qpportlug a popu4lton as ret j-paamed metuoda Tiese dama are bult Iliet tfit.eVnt.d Bltes et lhe pas-; acrees canyons lu the, moulstins sud tit ime, provlded wa&yO a»e daiieipi catch sud boiS tue waters oft suov- ie!»' ltoa land mal 4 beturislhod: ted mountata treami. Km. tuens,. witii *a1er. il la the aquhfion of tiis reservors large mecttons et ceuntry' are geebieux wmci triage tegethiit snua- ampi>' supplieS vît!> vater dnntug tue lly, fie body cf men inov a s e e"Ir- dry nommer mentis. rigaflou Congres" - Il la itis question The. waters are couroyed tramnlthe viic I lusevera setions of the. West. renervoire tae iieleds lu c.ment-llued, sofabi>' ln Caiftornie, la belng solved1 ditciies or tureugh expeusive vooden ta a Dractlavs>' b>' bathi rivate sud I hume., ome e 'lea'us.4mon goverunfieulal edterprise. . sud orange orciards lu vend are lToe r, reabout 70,0W,000 acrmetof*ateredftrain hiese resr0bq *Wtern lan"e wbii are tenmeti des- The Coaciioglia district, u In norhh- ert, Ilt.elu ibis desrt regon tuât western portion.of thie Colorad"ept peut et tb. Irrigation u-ork sl nov la the. ment notable example efthi. baing doue. The. deserts conlain moune ta«nfesan eili ysteai. Tisi section la et the. riebeet soil lu tue United *&ates& lecatsi sovenly-slx teet b.low sms- Ther. are ililed sections et the. des. levei sud thte lands vere abaoiutely -met, ililie hallon ink. sud "The. Vel- vorthlest two yes e go. Water bas Inluthe Colorado dbset. vilci made tue land ver>' valuable aud han miuty never b. r.claimed. but lb. greal- btlî tlowu wbichb hassn va w- er portion have riç itl-dpted tu sg- ~ - - -- *&culture lit maer eau be brougit tea c, , - tbs lndsaud distribted orer tâter. - »nert lands itenut vater bave aueo- . Il>' neo value, <scept Aci as Mu>' bave deposite utf minerais, tiierefor.- Waler give tienthle oui>' resi valu. fie>'have onrlus>' hope 10 bave. 1As a roie.anc utfte an sd, 1>' tug oulide the deperlu lu valleys, on -tic plains sud upou lie foîhiiills, bar, a saMsU vaine ta gazers. for lie>' tur- ii sare.herbage uponwvue!>thie -tie msY howeer. These lande arce semsàdered. b>' cattiemen, ta b. wortii obout 150 cents per acre withot vater. Te sncb lands watr sdde ltie total -vaiue cf the reclaizned lands. minuM; '&h5 cetsrsrau ! ... aut iat veti - - - LOun? l la bolnt rapîdi>' creteti la te West. . À 111. e r tia fwcyeare a"o paper. a ehurci. scholtoucsae&sev- ý e drI ikvs sunken deep luto lie eral stores. besidea dwelliflgansd qanâ opon the barven Colorado doenrt lter Institutions. *ý et pont nov kuovu as Ceachehla. Tii. arteulan bot la Umted. PiNft>' ".nd tiar, vasacînali>' valuelsm, or ixt>' mle.seutieat etCoadiella bougii-the, goveruiment placeSl upon lil a veil vas drnIeS and dovlng vater *eaua= Prce of, $145 Pt acre. *waa obtalned, but 1h provodte10b. mit ieTM 1il ound a bountiful suppi>' aud unht for lrrigstlug purposes. etf rtesisu vater. Otier vels vwer. Otiier testa bave resultet Inlufaluare ta - rled, MI imore titan 250 dovitg vels und mater t ail. -ari nov poUrina tueir treame opon Tbe notable rive; diversion systeme fhi ý 5 hieh haSve ,3SC omth RiBo Grande neani>' ail lse materathie -~systents lu vogue on the Cils River.' - ~ the Kern River systei. thieBSn Joa- quin anti Sacramento River 5sItem. lhe e Impenlat Canal, ukhitidi ves-tea portion of lie valons ot lb. CoraSé) Ri'llver. Ail tiie lystenis nov opeative are undet control et mutual compa- nies, prrate l5smpanles, on corpora- tions. - Tue United States bas nom under- takn thi. great work of reclaining lier arIS districts and lu lie Irrigation ---fund la sinead>' more hian $75W,000. Alecalleu fer a dam hau been seiected on te Colonado River nont th o ma an sd a large section et ]and la son'le b. reclamed and made vminable. $lm- lier systents yul b. estabusihed in Utah., Nevada. Colorado. sud. oIson Stateesud Terrîtorles. ___________________T>. govemmnuf m unilaprovideS b.pebean Sds. Tha reenîf; la fiat for b>' fie sale of public lands. Once large srea et lauS la tfiat section et a feiter>'la reclainiedth. revenues ie douetia an actuel sud a inAuief fron t hicmater system, go te thie Iri- alue ut front $100 le SM 0per acre, gallon fund sudthie moue>' go.. te iThe seaseu'a crop et cantaloups roclainioher sectiuns. rtermelons sud sireet Dota" esbave - u1%es' fie varions systents nom lu ited thie omneta otft.e lane front opentien ndud er vs>', boti pal- @Q te SM50per acre. pmovlngthiat thie vransd iatllnal. milions ut acres of Wluos placeti upun the.lande are ne uaid yul b.reclned ihiluthie next Lititiona. - eu yars sud billions of dollars et Lete isetiree yesns amo fis hm- vealb mlii b. aSied te lieaeseto *ral Cana vas begun. Tie Colora-thie nâton.-AriUmr J. Bnrdlck, lu ulRiver mas tupputi blov Yu"mansaSril. be big dtch, seront>' feel vide an FR008 oEVOLlii TH-EIR KINI. a.e test tieeP, bas b.en u mt 100 ,___ lies ouf luto thie dcsi-l.asd trOla Ne.sirrAis Barceilans Are Cuubl bb bau mrancheS more than000 mls ltle la Tbiîs-Naturel Tea4tecle*. 9laIerai canais. This oa, pIseoS - A recent exponience et Ci. W. MoSIIl pou 110.000 acrehorelofon. vaise- et Baltore uts>'serve as a marnlngs @ne lande a present market valutetc te oher angles mie irrite te sportlng em p2 o e 0M pear asudanuseJu- good" er.. front sblog nesorusud j -velue nmac gratter, fer fie crops. oet tropgu tl eu utdosons. 4M eux etrou> mont oet hielands put Medeli masitathie Ceorgian ba>'counu- mer cutivation bave nettedtihe try, viere tise ed-eyed base wen. bit- Ittiers trou $0 le SM 0Or more an -ing liard't trogls, but net taklug an>'- - ltilas .Ise. Me tleegrapbein fu on ton bomè elgiileen Or tirent>' yeUX e a otsen ftmgs of ali ses lu perfect 1couý - b* tovu sites of Redands anS River- Stion, net s deaS une lu the Lunch. -gt ment barren anti naprodudtive. Hc vas especiali>'pleared by eme ëigaiment upon thoeti.ert tue lande tlèe. or four dozen uft he ltti eloios ke arilSandti 11115better *flan the nuit largen han lihe irt joint of n 4tldesert lands. Watt mas mman's tino>!, tue IdenI aie et trog ton keugil te thilands anS tihe ricOe eemil-mouîbeti basa. He kuem adusvanced te =20 per'acre aud tint lie couli takce ee ifntnl, bang tnse anud lemngrovea ers planted. tlien oasBing book mue!> carrea erthle optimistlc cnes Pmopbesed number-2 poon, and mîih hient >ank the lbtime mould ceme vian the enougli andSmre. ban enougi. He w0umold b. vertu se mci as SM00 vnt te beti filleS mli bhappy dreas> ~cmeboltlii> ver, laugiiet tfor oethle tuigs thiat mers lu bappeu on ;*rosy rema.- Nov ladsemiieli'thie merrom. immroved, lnta tsection, ste vol-tii Thie xt morning b. louk aanpph> WO »Sd$0 per acre, sud sncb as of trogeansd tanteS out. Il strnck * st te orailgea andi lntOus bring jhlm tint lier. mene net se man>' froge $pp1,000 te $2.000 per acre. Wslsr ase oùthelieugit ineor., but bo diS net M. oeateats lelules. Ibollie. laIanybod>' aronud lie botel fJeeaeseveral metiiodu cf Ilalgs- I ould aleal tient anS tiiongit tial ~.emloied asud maerai systeuâin lapossibhr h. mit ii.mistaken. Me Tise frintsysteiiss sSPlOYed la-- osugit 8eSte base and returned laIe lu Wtttp eslu thi, banda et dom- *ti. atternocu. ms crpertioiutifliu194U0- BxaMningblitrg trup hetounuStint ~hpfor poýdfieu"t 14i* eO lis aupplyj lad éindieti perceptibl>'. X* coi nefutxplin Ilntibma tbe no oozi& bel baie or ýftek lu htrolip whilh weq pestlt tllýl te escape. Mle vas mys'-, tifeS "a, g$ieved 1Thas.i., as hlo o.k*& iiprebiens wu oived. Witt a satelet Croui, vital idaid as plaIni>' asEnghiCOul4 ,mi il: ,Thie u fa goti thlng," orset ite, bia *qt, lopped £cgazé tr âaie.. opaM tsmetb, sno"ê4 1111 feegs ad silqwed Il. Hooletood ftâring. Antier bg frog svalloved anetiier littie frog. Lookn cl>' tien. Bodeli saw tue ,jaga of two o« tire. 1111e tacgg sflug oute ut li.monthe cf Ivo or thrce.big S* caffletfor ielp sud i sund thie guide reecued tli e It 1111.rogig that vers iett sud pt tieinlua aseparate compartzuet. t big tcogs - seemeti 1'be ver>' fat sud sieep.-Ne*w Ton Sun, * IEW8-.SAiTIN AUSTRIA. Ps-. jtrl, Wige tsgi et the 13«4*9 et fI. AffSstie Party. oue et tie slrongest men Ilu 11. pub. lie lité of the. Austro-Huagalian em.- pire la Dr. Kari Luege.r. burgemaste of Vienna, aud *u leader etflthe antii parte lu tyedai selfme an.l VU.~ ~ Autrl nebL7OLbea oiiu le& asman agiapr sud simle. an b.sdesteedenredf 0f metingslu suportaetli ati Bemilc poga. peoui nthi e ea as le ..igl eof i e ra1l i.vnci. Tii prnciiç vnçJos epDre.euls are roeponshLe for m an polItcalr e l tii.~~ ancsrti.T a tamendait andmasiularndt lu esl b 2t en- ofenlrscln s upotriof Tith dnti etrosg la vdnta Austris od n a viii- zation bas net progresaed mac sice the mIdSI, ages. miien Jcvî meresea- ce etfpisenlng Christ" u elis anS nturderiug Christian, cilîdren. Fier. mss nu justIiceatien for snch charges tuon, nonirsetuer, su>' jqtilicallou to- di>' for lh. ant-emitie leelIng et winich Lueger la theebcluf mostliplec Gosomn Vas Toc LteffaI. Titre ls a Yonng clergyman near Hagertovu, Md., mie mlght b. ex- cused for saying *lie guileleseneus et sont. rural gentry' passaitiail undar. etsndlug." île veulti probabi> dan>' snying Itat it.ldYen sak it I, but ha molzont alden>' thefollomlug &tory, tuti b>' a reIan"r: - ' - A Yuung couple wiihi matrimonial la- tout. freeli fron thle green fields et them rural butes, ment recenli> te fie parsouage ufthle clergyman lu ques- tion. Fie nuptial kmot vas lied, ha the panse wmilch foliemed tb. nemi>' madie Benedict ooked even mure eni- barraseS lisu hotore. Me flaliet about lu hit Irounsore'pocketa as If loklng for sonething. 'What's the prîcel' lie finnl>' blut- ed out. «"The Stale aloirs me a dolar," saiS lie clergyman, *but---"'and panseS. ote panse. are more eloqueul thiau mwords. EritienU>'Ibis iras net, 2. -'We.l," BiaI>'remaiked lie groom- ns ho h andai! the auoulaied divine s quarter, "If lb. Blale alluma yon a dol- lar, lttke thua ndSlie Job mil h ave netteS yon a dollar anti a quarter. GoS-da>." WIga Cana. Trouble. Tinte-honored tradition ln London bas it lint oui>' princes anS peersa a bave bemlgged folmen on their car- niages. Fie tact wasa banneS b>' Mrm Coruelina Vanderbilt test sommer just atterse lbai decîded ou iaving ber servat nlggeti out Lnthei fuhion 'l- dicated. Sic mluel>' refrulued. bll;I a tempest ta a teapot bas dereloped over the tact tint -certaiu pensons of the "«nem rlchi' bave- been appearing ta Myde Park i mtib.viggetl tootmnu sud, cuirIocns te thie cushtots the>' aie trampiigunader foot. ride baugrtily> b>' mlhh thlr folsuen grndl>' pou- doreS. Won.l t faillathie vite et a certain Souh Aficasumillieusire, mie basth limgoet ber fentien orna- menteS mtli Ie wmite cons eon elther aide. l Iniheisys cf the Georges oui>' thie royal famil> used lire curie, anS the. conservatIve elemeut stimidered miben tibla exemple of les. majeste vas sicun,. lu Loudon lt-la saiS tint lie coult li son pont a IliaIut regu- ailons liaI mvii laent rpersoîse hem tan>' cuo. ubuld b. vitraon foot- meue -wlgs sud. aise vint peraunuare ontillee t 0li.mark et tank. The. @aslow-e'Psai,. Mow msan>' pepl--1andemen, etnit ovnts-an.. avare tia neefut ho peahms le oflen calfed lie situon's psaim? Fiose mie mre aI Uic open- lng et lie esaI London "Jack's Palace' b>' tise Prince ut Walese mliiknuw Il. for thie naine was used tiere. il Is, ut course. Panuni 107, viterelu uccur the besulitul antd antllar muMdsý "Tic>' tuaI go domIote .seuntanahipe, liaI do bulueme ln <ruaI mterys-tbeuset tic irim of the ULrd ad ils monder, deep. The pealu>la -Usui> reaS ai putt et the sImple services mi btaie pis"é'op SNmda>' on aups at te F'riliaI remascaiIfl la kUomU u o Lot jcur spêgé Ie alirsyS lh gace, mSson"eti * uat-Ceol., IV., I. Ne gitI belongei8.Yeculi>' te Mau la speech., llqg -0f tise Irrahonal cemture irpuo nlu in'te gifla me boMla l conu>.,, bel speech la the. gice>'OfMaua 1"'Au tus gift le se &W7i>'retnstkbielot«thonus. of Il me e"oI b. helti salc Accuitable. "B>' t>' monda tiensC eb. justifieS, sud b>' thi>'wo4 lu sallaihoccou- depued;" andi ' every 151. mord Wu "shIl peaI *tbiball gi-e account ftesseof lu the dae in(, gmenl." But If la dot e s 'jhauge et speee 1 mouIti spesi , utMils uneo luour @eW ahInterconras qimibone anolier. cf lIa prope empig<RIt b>'Christiana, ubose longue la f'ulihlzeid is- ecersem about tha ~g thinga ot thse *Wansd wvqi k~ ard îo the. tue uties, beforo tl iëouetfils Mme toague oh£aUnaeuéie fils praise. 5e,thon.,ca ($gttlars s crry eut fie apoatolie jipaction usuutlon,-d lu lb. tst? Casa th..legrace or ser- diecoveted l Inteeconvtersat'ious of d&u>' lite? Can oun rdniarY s-ch bu lot oui>' tree trom blasas bustrets Il also bave lu il tint milci 1> good lu tIse point oet etlSealtit?' Yes. O'Ther. 14 eue IbM isldéthbils peace, tint la Ün'fitut -mjw-1su -) hliesi tlirty years ilu ordiissry Ilite anS viese longue gave, nou sffense. île made doors sud bat bis moulh and keipt lis longue from..evll.- ssiidIeverî Word vas plessiug tO l'isisFlhier. While lie evangeliâs b ave given u 12Qo accunt o!ounr Lard's words durngn tlioae thînt>' yenTr , et lier.- are lire. lintances related tuaI'utifoId lu us a tact that our Lord mingled trely Iu social Interco arme vilh olierq--iraI, .h.enhéetannid eS inina ft-r tl es- tiraI lt Jorusaletu; nexl. 555thlis'isar- Mage teast lu Cana; ssIi tison the mords "Tic Sun ut Man s airs.- .îing and dlnking." Tiese hnsaus-es show tint oun Lord diS not tison social meetings sithhhlm nelgilsors. For ail that be wus lu no va>' odd. buI chose to e b.Die nutu lb. mamssoftbils brth- ren sud lu pass Ibreug lit e asnsot of us bar. l pas hirougli. lHe look part lu ahI lhlugs net sinful lut mmci our Sali>' lires are apeni, andthbereby gave ni lie comtorting assurance tint car lowllueus sud eLrtbliuosss need nul Mi. ns aluful. lîhen. He proveS toana"TLvl th51 mc useSnet snpainho curselvea from our ordinar>' calliug lu lie acceptable to GoS. ge Jeaus Christ vaiked wmli men for nia"> years ilîout separating hit- »If fron thlemnt uspeech. forbils speech vas "aimusyp witb grace, su- vered vili sait." S urel>'me tan learu a lossen afler lie mauaner et Christ! Man>' Into miuded pensons bave au orroneous Idea liaI conversatienseaun- nel b. rlgbtoous unlesreligions lepres am, epeken of, audlise>' regard ail mie are not prompt lu suci speech as un- spirItual. HMevnullite Christ la lita clsail For thurt>' years Christ dreir othees teirard viat iras geod, yal Il mes se donu snul lu attract extraur- -dinar>' attention toe itisel; -no: doua that ho aeemed lu Ihose te whent b. spoke as noue ouhier tlin a al iiiont- varS condition belokened" înt, "ie -canpeuter'e sonY1Tits Is an, iovever, ecustanti>' ahîrnet attenhion 'te themt- ulves b>' placlng tuo mucli raine ou religions talki lu erer>' Sa>' lite. 11 The schleu ut Cbrist, ounfetcotier baud, auggests thnt our erdinr> con- versatins are vasti>'mtuetImportant tisu aur Iirect religions commenta--or, ta chier vords, il la of grealcn conse- qubuco tint me match orer aur cent- mon tati on ordinar>' ma ttersthan tint me b. oflen haking rollgleusl>'. for tuere la ne ueod of re-ligions conversa- tions tu teveal -he e, n.lumardneauset a imn. What le resiiy ta Iàuman vîli b. faIf In bis ondinar>' discourse..«,out cf tue abondance ufthle beant thbe menti sp'6keth A gond uminout ut a good treanre. bingoth forth gouti tilugs, sud an evIl man, eut et an evil tressure. brngeti forth cvii thIngs." For a trul>' religious man mIi bave bis mords aImays "acasonod iihi sait" As lu our ordinar>' iseals a littie lait. appear, yet savors, tfoo t o, tc, 0, thouf pmhxudlng1 1h01! hihe Influente ut a good aman vio lia tii. love and for-et pRod lu ils soul mlii b, toit. On the eutrar>', lhe1 insu vie Ilks reigiun, couatanîl>'1 dvwollng especiali>' uponlilugiel, bils1 toeelngi,bils expéencs, Idii. Itse te hmas n d guide oliers. baebils speechi overseesoed vitb mîlt sud eavea ani unpleasnsalver; fer If an> ma- thlnk ilmsl religions. 'nutlir'ndlig bils1 tongue. but declvIng, bils *wu eart. tbis mans religion la valu." Lot us strive. tien. te use.silgit Ibis it of speech, se hala lthe resurrec- lion. ami thie perfection@s ethfe f u- tari state.ounr longues ma>' i. deemed worenti>' e b.everlantingl>' employed la givlug glor>'. bonor, Pralne sud th-»ukagietng te hlm Wv ie waSuotue titoanSdlotcaur prayer bhi e monde o e isahmlst "Set a match, O Lord, befor. my mothi&su a door amoutni>' lips," tforevet boarlug in mind tfls'la peateabie lougula a tr-e cf lIte, but tuaI mhicii la lsnm.deratc DOCTINE 0)?PLIIASURE y er. issU efe Th.evorîd to-day elà .a ne doc- ineetfpeasre-a gospel cf pienson., propeni>' spenkint. Tic tensioofetilte la n.acilug lie limitaetfhunisu endu- and the. cirons vers set torti au mou- trarieç to leusons and ciioreeland Sua- day sehool; w» candy wvos wctasd medicine bitter. and nov thnt ve ne Men v. are stili amaaed at the. lame moral contradiction%. Tii. puritaude and faiiatical phllosopiiy ot life 5575: 'DoWt do tbat ou uaugity boy,' and the yqutii replies, I'lm net uaugiity. l'nz happy.' What le the. reea eto 1this perversion of nature? À taie .doctrid'aof lite. W. bave overempiia- xalze<à the.dangers ot oxseansd for- [gotteu the. meeuing of ns. Tii. mor- sU&It bas tsugiit us the ides of depri. r ation. restriction and gicooan d omit- >ted the. desa et possession. entame bmentlad jo>' iic le IfuInthe. purpob. rof Jeasz 1 give lite and tit abund- Lantiy. -The supreme tact ln nature aud )luman societ>' as relsted to pIreu- 1ure la Ibis: Ttat no phystcal funetion. tno exercise of mental power, ne skW or artistlc expression but yields ifs se- tcompauyiug piesre In the. legitimate ,acI. Nature gives the. bé. Its sip of 1nectar for the vork of fertliising the. Cower. Nature sud man land God bave efteb their sip of nectar for ser- evice rendered. THORNS IN BOUL 0F MAX. Dr-or- e âle ". SWItL A heart preoccupied witii the lut.- rior makes Impossible the. realisation ofthle higiiesf Idéals. The useleis la lhe deadiy enerny of the usetui. De- votion to lhe lower souuds the desth knell of the higiier. One may bo ne occupled viltii tb. temporal ae to be bliîded, t0 thé spiritual. If one doe. flot moite, the ilghest supreme aud live for Il viti might sud main the. luferior will choke out the superlor and render a golden harvest Imposai-_ Ijie. If lier. le nu positive god lu a ting tiiere la sure 10 o b hrin lu Il. Account for It au rou may. tiiere are là ever>' soolu uboly, Impulsesthbat prove t0 Le dangerous thoru rools la the soli of tb. beart. 3han bas a sort of a dual nature. Tiiero ln lu ever>' man a smialler and larger self. The. oupreme questloo la wbilh shall gain lbe lnastery. Tiei. )eginnings of bnd habits exigt ns mont penrions Iboru roots lu the. ieid of th ii ori. Tbey muât b. moot- ed out or lIfe wilil-e ruiued. If yqu desîre tu reap a golden barvest lu the. OutumO of ife you mont conquer tie iower b>' devotion to lhe bigiier, win the iktory over tii. taints of iier.dity b>' the power of self-determtnatlou and the grâce of God and root outthle tiiorus of bad habit witb the pick-as of self-denial. If you do not ilve for the. best the worst viii overrua the. fair fields of lite aud ruln ail M the *Supreme Law.-The cynical observer ut buman nature fiuds snme hunier lu' a, situation wbicb unîtes aIl clsse ln a raid on the rallroiedo. But il proves that bebind ail couventions of law or pollUes, vo yef recognice that the safet>' ofthe pubila t.he supremne iaw. la tie goernment; owneraiii of the ceai mines sociaim> Tii .n airer lna "Yen."-Re,. D. Boston. Con- gregationaliat Chicago, III. Wealth.-We ail muet bave soet klnd ot guide or ibepherd. 'Wbat or Who @hall il be? Moue>' la selected b>' man'. laIs h-satisfactoryl Trace the. déoteoIe f' moue>' to the. en4 of the lest. I vas calied onc, te a ver>' rich man. as paralysed. Hie riait1 bao nd an im ad iost their cunuing. Wbh as b& is wealtii vien i. came Iu die? Xotiing. Gold la valn. unsat. lstactor>' at the. end.-Itev. G. F. Bey,- mour, Episcopalian, Springfield, IILi Feliowvshlp vîti God.-If w. vwl* ln teiiowailp Wniti me favorilte su- thor ve are oelped vith bis thought. tXcousfously hs verdi coute tu Our lips. This Io the.common resuit et etbpsainsiip. 1Tilg i]&W bolde gond lu dur telle.siibp wtii d. W, are .111.4 vIti lhe -tbougii t c ise love, is majent> and bis glery, and excialm, '10 Lord. our Lord, boy ex- cellont lae h>'nain. In ail the. eart -Bev. W. P. Wykolf, Mothedit, Akron, Ohio. Toutes and Taeks,-jetilug lu tuis world la oc pecullarl>' a ian*s evu as bis incidental tanles. On.etftthe great moral questiens of lits, thon, 'a afect- lng our owu growt land5asiievring' opon our duly te cther. lien la the. right ne etour tastea. And %mn.e o the. subtlest temptâtione of lits la tu let eurtfaste.sgtitlu the. ay ef sur tasks, sud the. reiatiouship oetalstes andi tans smuet b.eue o et Iiimport- ant tests dtl lt..-Rev. A. I. Mrris., Congregatiouslist, Hartford, Conn., That Is Iueces.-Â'iie main spring et lite Io success; ts he bIboleti efthibs. strenuons wvend la "(3.t tiier.." Suc ces a pd fiilure are redative termesad dépend iou unes partIcular vlevpoiul. To ho a successfol mercbaut seoins te ho lhe summum bonunt. But as a bual. nue man seidti t me alter a tolseme day, lier, la somethlng lu lite beden maktug moue>'. Tiiere l e mituIng mure for men> than couvertlug tiiel. selves Itoemachines for.coluln# obekeWs-Rev. J. e.Hail,. Method1st Oak Park, 111. Grnztug Gronds. - T'h. grszlng gruuadeoftheb. desiily-minded are the. lotus meadoirs of plaeursland sas. SUNDAT 610 David anS Absaoen. 2 Itis:iei 15:1-12. Iftninry verses 4O GoWieîs Text.l-"iion.,r Il-y fatier aud tiiy ssoi~ ut ly days a li e ouq upon the laind whlsiithe ford tii> God girelh litiee"-Exssiie 20:12. The, stucs- of Ahaiorm s o ne of tue 015 Testamnt ltrageils. lie vasnlth@ Ibird son otfIDavid and wam bonti lu the nid town ot Hr-brtsi. Ilelis ter wSs Muasai, ilaugiter otf Talisîsi, King of Gestiur.lie posesotei nîarkîbie beau- t>'. a perilous gifti. hi-sbain. as lu the case of lte tradillional nsi8iiu, iras net bis leat notoseie tenture (2 Samt. 14:25-26). Hereiil>'dusiitles lied miici ho do wtAMsatent as mi us ail. Totus/' said Spungeon lu hies on, "I cuit ia- quesîls yeuntusgoul but>'grace.' The. staltemnpsla oui>' partiali>' truc,,for henedit>- la a cianuel for god as mcll as evil. If theitetuquities utthie fatiera are visited opunth le chiidreu nte thetird aud tourîh geoeraliss. tien. in lorlng kinsinesa u1nie alis,usan(dgenerations." 8o lte margin ut if the Rised- Vensiqa. Er. 20:6. Il e-as for Ahonlum lu taie tie utareiuual>-comîsiox iniage vich came lu lut sud 10 make tlhe lest of it. lu tisaI henlage mere plet>-of matenl- ais for a lite of lie liâgiest iiobility. A tanlti>Iragesi>'resuted in an es- Irluigemen U hmiebis tler. Ansuon, eji- deuIl>' beir apparent t1thie limone, rom- milleS a Salardi>' crime. David mas displessod, bof. lie couid netlmcli punisi s son for s i siian teas» lbaS committed lIlmacîf. 4bsalom mwalteS tvo yeuns, Ilion, atter lhe cuatointut lie rei-eoge outhlieEast, kille ie bisiohen. AI once lie lied te tise court otfthie'King ut Geahur sud vas aunexile for tirse years. Tiî4siigli Jua's Influence lie vas rectilled, but for tmo yenrs DaviS reius- cd tu ses hlm. Tiuns Ahoin baSl been irougil fuiesntagoilsm mii îe tathen. Onutfsurit oull hilscouspirse>' sprang. .lu -tIse making of Absalo lihe Auai- sud ail Important factor wmasils owu wiii. We choose ont etounr beredîl>' aud our environnent tihentaterile ansd lis forces wmichli akeour lîve.. Hie Cespiracy. Aisalotu çoncelved lie pan ot drlvlng- hie tatier trop> lie tirone lu order that ho himul! migittessurnthle royal poy- er.' Possibi>' b. ished lu torestali lie coonation.0f Solomon. The. vont tact tisaI ho enlisted se tan>' lu his Implous enlerprise prores tiat tien. vas vide- spread dissnlistactlou mwiti David'@ gev- ernment. ,'ho ever>' nation licie la ai-, maya a large numier ut "sgin the gev- erumeul" men. Il la beileved liat lie «"numrnof utaeL." vicit gave sncb offense, took place dnniug lies. yesri. A easus lu easeeru landea mas lie basie for nev sud oppressire taxstion, Mmd- mien lie pockothook nerVle la toucied lter ilsa a owl. Darid'@ sdvanclug yeass prebably maSe il ditcul te adminlater- justice persousliy, as orientalcustont ne- quired a king te do. The wmie uf s demagugue sre seien lu- lteir perfection lu Aisalont. ge scugit recognition frointbis ftlionand obtalued I. Tien h.e putln ou ysl style. He drovo Ibmnugi thle sîreets lu s charit, a r.oyal equipage. anS bl i S1>'m as toolinners.Tins bie impremied fie peo- .111 pie with ibis niufiemnt sud kiagl>'sp- 6 peu rauce. Furlier, h. teck hie stand M uer theie ns.lgste mise epubieoju-0 tic, vas udmlnlatered. TVe Turki*aiger- I ermeul la kutoma as the "aummze Porte." on hilgigatu, beeause hie,*0usi- nest lite easteru state mus tUnftted liy lie gale leaSing lualte palace. Thé»re AissionmMet ail compialcute, aasured tien t tilcaseacves gond andflaiilh- cd tisat Iio ersentoi>'kinag thie>' mc recelve Justice, u latis va>'h. o Wd the séedof tisconteul mîthhielsfatiier' rois.. le ,vus everymiient profuose jilli bis expressions of regard. Whou san>'dr.w near te greel hlm b.o seised tii..anS kissedlitm. Me flalhtd lth eepute" on sIl aides. -1% AfIer tour yeans out I.àSosrt cftlilas lie tinte seemed ePo. frtue àudidli et iis plot. if su>' erolara hellaeeliaI certain vrelaime ant rigit Il aZstla *our' yenri, luteud ot "fet..! Ac- eerdinlî Absiiontgsoute lie king anS trampsup uci e*esu e lgo teaifebron. He desies t flu iea religions Vow, Bo ka says. Darl-d:Is plessed ahlhit. espres- Sion o! religions Interntansd gveç per- mission.. Titrongitunt lie realm Aisohom sîsîluned men lu pioclain t 'aI a givea ignal, "Absalnt ls king lu Mebron." Me aougil lu compromis. anSbinvalve la roieison with hlm 2010 promineul dti- zoe whiont ho invited lu lieir innocence lu Mebron. ' Even Ahillophol, a cioe couaseloer o! David, juine5 hlm. Perhape hils deCtion ibalia expîsahaion lu th* faCt tiat ha vas lie grandlail« ier Bsigat iois:. Xven monethbsu lic hoWe bils supportera grem. Buccesa aeemi4i viiu hil sgrasp. JasTt* aluai.m i. Il n-ns treasn. David itias kla , Siinel>' anointed. No message frntlGod i-i-r pronoîi.sced ils deposition. To lit lte jiyyt ail mas Sue. Aisalint mas a iiseîutftise rouît sudbils effort te orertlsrow lie govrrien madme hlm a traitor. Ho belungs lu tie clase mith BenoSîietArnuiS sud Judas lacariot. 2. Il n-as bypocnis>'. He preteuded te love ilsfatlio, but did nul. "Lot Me ses te kîigu face," safisi e. Il vas nt love. bowever, vilc moreS hlm, but Sesir, lu secimne a fotiold for tre5500. Mfe pretensied lu love lie peuple, but dia nul. le isbed lu make lien tostp- ping atones lu penaunal aggrandizemeitt. No nauos aroused lie moral Indignation et Jeasans diS hypucnis (all. 23)., 3. Ilwona diaionuir lu a parent. Tii. dsykeul aspect of Aisalum's sin vas lte tact tliatlie drure a wrd ai bis fath- er's hennI- To honor tllen eud motion la the iraI commanudaieulnt-itpromise -(Ex. 20:12; Epi. 6:2). We 'hooe" net simpi>' b>' pleasauil ili hli ps but t»' a lite wmiic reflect credît outhie old home. If a chiS ihonora acftich tler l ias seen how cen Il houer ti* Irather mmi lu lninteaven? Iteee Leur M;wqU pInih dois ys Fm *dlem ui a ýPays cee a«N 1> . a id It F.04" té Usé It Rléht. On a b-d- du Our 1 OR-s- Letter lèdL Biss C" cfrculam - Programnes, sale,",Isa MoE Aml. mouTwS ohU. st .....THIS Com fl M 1e.